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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[color=deeppink]Welcome to the Boards and thanks for posting an intelligent topic! [I'm (originally) from Michigan, too! ::waves::][/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adahn [/i] [B]Those who have no religion, correct me if i'm wrong, would probably consider themselves at the center of the universe. If you believe there is no life after death, then life must be spent with the knowledge that your own life is the most important part of you. If you recognize yourself as all-important...[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I have to disagree with you on this. However, I can see where you're coming from because when you scrutinize it down to the bare facts, it can definitely be seen as a literal 'center of the universe' belief. Then again, I doubt that anyone who doesn't have a chosen religion really [i]consciously[/i] feels that way about their place in the world. People who have a strong faith--differing from religion, mind you--most likely believe that there is [i]something[/i] beyond death, but don't feel that worshiping invisible 'presences' of people long-gone is really the thing for them... ...maybe? That's just my theory on the issue, but your opinion really made me think because you totally stripped it down to a basis statement and made an arguement out of it. Yeah ^_^.[/color] [quote][b]...then the most sacred knowledges must be gained through life, and true insight must also be gleaned from the unknown, because the most sacred things are those not easily obtained.[/quote][/b] [color=deeppink]Isn't that part of what religions believe, too?[/color]
[color=deeppink]Yeeeeah, I loved doing musicals. I was a part of them for the dancing/performing on stage part because I just love doing that! I was in a lot of musicals througout high school! Crazy For You, Singin' In The Rain, Grease, and my favorite was PIPPIN!!! Gotta love anything and everything Fosse-related ;) I was also in countless Dance Art performances at our school, seeing how I took the class three times just for the hell of it... I really enjoy being on stage, but I'd rather dance around as lead dancer than act. I'm not too good at acting ^_^[/color]
[color=deeppink]Some of you can't wear [b]flip flops[/b]?! I would simply die! ::sticks tongue out at Tony:: I guess my high school didn't have rules that were as close to ridiculous as some of yours'. Tucked in shirts? No open-toed/backless shoes? And the most random one ever; no wigs...? I'm assuming they had a wig incident once, and they are therefore making a rule so that it's a RULE the next time something like that happens. Strangeness ^_^ Oh, and Semjaza, you are definitely clever in that ID ordeal. It's something like $25 to get a replacement ID here, so I'll keep your little trick in mind, hehehe ^_~[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Artemis [/i] [B]You'd randomly hear ppl in the hallways scream, "TROGDOR!!", [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]My boyfriend absolutely LOVES Trogdor, and he often randomly yells "TROGDOR!" when we're out in public. He thinks it's funny when I try to make him be quiet :p However, Trogdor is definitely my favorite sketch on the site. I agree with Zanarkand, "Consumate V's, I said consumate! ...That guy wouldn't know majesty if it came up and bit him in the face." And [i]nothing[/i] can beat that song ;)[/color]
[color=deeppink]Nah, my high school had lots of silly rules, too. But it's not like I actually [i]followed[/i] all of them... There's only one rule about our college that I have complaints about, and it has something to do with this place called "Check Out", which is something that I'm sure none of you have idea clue about. Basically, Check Out is where all of the film students check out their fancy film or digital video cameras, and where the photojournalism students can check out lenses, strobes, lighting, etc. It's basically a giant toy store for the film/photography dorks [like myself] that attend my schoo. Well recently Check Out added another policy to their many layers of rules: [b]Equipment must be reserved one day in advance.[/b] I really hate this rule because as a photojournalist, you don't always KNOW what day you're shooting, or when you might need a different lens in an emergency. Furthermore, it totally discourages me from checking out the 16-35mm lens that I ADORE because I honestly don't know exactly when I'll be shooting something. It's not a big deal for the film students because they have scheduled shooting dates and everything. But for us, it really sucks. And that's the one rule I hate about our school.[/color]
[color=purple]Raiha, she already is home, so I'm just going to continue as if your post happened before she got home anyway ^_^ __________________ [i]The sky let loose. Sheets of rain fell upon the city, blurring the edges of vision and turning everything into a chilly, grey wonderland. All three of the Sisters' moods were dampened, perhaps because the weather was such a perfect epilogue to their worry the night before. Dria confided in both Luyii and Juu, explaining her dream as they sat safe and warm in their living room[/i], "Should it worry me so much?" [i]Luyii absently scratched Butch's ears,[/i] "I think you're just a little uneasy still because the dream happened last night. The shock of it will probably fade before tomorrow." [i]Dria sighed, she knew that Luyii was most likely right,[/i] "I just hope it isn't some stupid 'sign'." [i]Juu laughed at the comment, finding the ridiculousness of it amusing, [/i]"Since when did you start receiving signs, Dria?" [i]Dria glanced over at her in surprise,[/i] "Well you're absolutely right, but I still don't think it's funny." "Ri," [i]Juu's voice quieted the way it did before she wanted to be taken seriously,[/i] "go with your gut instinct. It's never failed you before, and you've [i]never[/i] looked to outside signs to guide your decisions. Believe me, if you could make decisions for the whole planet, you would." [i]Juu directed her gaze to Luyii,[/i] "Dria doesn't need [i]signs[/i]." [i]Luyii then focused her eyes on Dria's,[/i] "No, she doesn't. Do what the little darling says, she's right, you know." [i]Dria stayed quiet, thinking it over[/i], "Always getting put in my place by the 14 year old, huh?" [i]She grinned[/i], "Maybe I never grew a day past 13." "I think most men would beg to differ." [i]Luyii looked amused with her own comment, which earned a quick roll of the eyes from Dria.[/i] "Well, I have some matters which I must attend to." [i]As Luyii rose from the couch, Dria stuck her tongue out at the weather,[/i] "Bleh. Can I have the car?" [i]Luyii didn't think that she'd venture out into the rain,[/i] "More work today?" [i]She asked in surprise[/i]. "Hell no, not in this rain. I'm going shopping." [i]All three of them laughed genuine laughs and agreed that Dria could indeed use the car.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Apocalypse watched as the lights in their apartment went out. It was the type of day where any amount of shine was bright enough to be seen as easily as though it were night. He figured that they'd have to take the car, or at least catch a taxi, because he doubted that any of them were too keen on getting soaked when they didn't have to. He just hoped that he could find Dria alone, even if just to speak with her briefly. Apocaplypse weighted two places to stand watch, and decided that he'd stay hidden by the entrance to the underground parking garage. Their sporty red car was certainly not an easy thing to miss. [i]For the first time since she'd lived here, Dria hurried through the parking garage with a new-found urgency to get safely inside the car. She'd once had a guy attempt to rob her here, but even he had been easily disposed of and didn't worry her in the least. Were her Sisters right? She she NOT let the dream worry her? She mulled over the question as she tore through the garage, constantly shifting between second and third gear. As she rounded the corner by the exit, Dria sped up. So what if the rain was a little thick today? The next moment happened as only an 'Oh S**t' moment can. The man's edges were indeed blurred by the rain, making him a massive, imposing beast that stepped into the path of her car. Dria's reactions were frantic. Like her dream....so like her dream....But instinct had her slamming on the brakes and the car skidded to a halt directly in front of the man,[/i] "S**t!" [i]Her heart raced the way it does after unexpected driving flukes,[/i] "Apocalypse?" [i]He approached her window, which she rolled down enough to speak with him. Her outburst didn't surprise him,[/i] "You're ****ing crazy! Do you have no idea about how fast and reckless I drive?" [i]She took a breath as Apocalypse merely looked down at her with a ghost of a grin on his face,[/i] "Dammit. Here, um, get in." [i]Dria unlocked the door to allow him into the car, and had to bite back a grin when she saw how his lumbering frame barely fit in the passenger side. Instead, she laughed nervously,[/i] "Tight fit, huh?" [i]He turned to look at her, his eyes softening,[/i] "Where were you going so fast?" "Shopping." [i]And you're interfering with me and my shoes...[/i] "...Shopping?" "Yes, shopping. I got good information yesterday, and yes, I'll take you up on that deal. But if you rat me out to Genocide..." "Dria." [i]He sighed. She was so beautiful, his daughter,[/i] "I won't, I promise. But I have to change the deal a bit." "Oh?" [i]She drove the car around to the street and parked it close to an alleyway, she didn't exactly want to take him shopping with her...[/i] "Yes. You find out all the information, but no dirty work. I don't even want you to come face to face with H again." [i]Wait, how did he know about their recent transaction, [/i] "Again?" "Yes, he wouldn't have done what he did to your [i]friend[/i] if you hadn't dealt with him before." [i]But, so unlike his nature, Apocalypse squirmed at his own lie. Something about him was changing, he could feel it, but he couldn't pinpoint it. He glanced at Dria at length, and he felt sudden pity for her trials. [/i][/color]
[color=purple][size=1]Charles- Thanks for posting :toothy:[/size] __________________ [quote]"It should be like this forever, Dria." Keith turned his lips to her hair and kissed it, tightening his arms around her in a possesive embrace. She found comfort in his strength, his warmth, and merely sighed as if his comment wasn't true, "It will be." Keith closed his eyes and ran a hand along the curve of her hip, savoring it as he would a high. "No, Dria, the end of things has come." His body shuddered away from hers. Pulled out of her lucid state, Dria looked up at Keith to find his body quickly slipping away from her, violent spasms shaking the bed. She tried to reach out to him, to take his hand and pull him back, but she recoiled in fear as his eyes rolled too far back into his head. Keith fell limp onto the floor. His skin had a pale sheen from a thin layer of sweat, and red liquid pooled on the wood beneath him. As Dria called his name, her voice became warped and unrecognizable. Her words seemed but a whisper, as if she were submerged into a hazy red ocean. A figure materealized behind Keith's body, stepping out of the endless black shadows, weilding a knife dripping with bood. The blade, nearling as long as her forearm, threw specular glints of light around the room; they were absoltuely blinding. Dria's vision cleared. H stood before her, a smirk contorting his sickly face. She tried to move, to run, to get away, but as she stayed rooted, H approached with frightening quickness. She gasped, then tried to squirm as he pressed the blade against her throat. Dria felt it bite across her neck, a small gash, a tease. Mr. H laughed, and the sound of it was deafening. He pressed harder into her skin, and there was no mistaking the warmth of her own blood trailing over her collarbone. Dria choked, a struggle made into a sob, and knew that the end of things really had arrived. H dragged the blade across the entre length of her throat.[/quote] [i]Dria's tea cup shook in her hands the next morning. The dream of Keith and Mr. H had unnerved her...what exactly had she gotten herself into? Juu noticed her trembling hands and covered them with her own.[/i] "I'm glad you got home all right last night, sis." [i]Dria gave Juu a small smile, a small laugh, and then brought the cup to her lips as a distraction, hoping that she could calm down,[/i] "Thanks, Juu. I found out what I needed to know, it was a successful evening." "Does the whole puzzle fit together yet?" "No." [i]Dria shook her head and felt like chills were pacing her spine,[/i] "But it will soon." "Just be careful. I've never seen something get to you like this before." [i]God, Dria loved Juu to bits,[/i] "Don't worry, darling. Even a tough girl like me gets her bruises."[/color]
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
BabyGirl replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]My vote goes for selfishness. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ooh, good, I agree. I can be a very selfish person, maybe that's because I was so spoiled growing up. I tend to pout until I get my way, even though it's childish and drives people crazy. If I could eliminate the selfishness that I seemingly carry endless amounts of then...things would be better :) And for those who would want to human brain incapable of feeling love, I don't think it's a bad idea, but I certainly don't agree. I cry for the loss of my brother because he taught me countless lessons in life, and in turn made me much more whole. Is it love alone that creates my sadness? I like loving people, and I love being loved. I like feeling needed, something that is perhaps a parallel emotion/feeling/habit/whatever. But before I found love I was supremely unhappy, angsty, and depressed. I didn't tend to wallow in my unahppiness, but the things that being surrounded by love brings is an otherwordly experience. If I sound corny, excuse me, but love paves the way for mushy, flower-filled statements. I like love and I would rid myself of selfishness. Perhaps I could replace it with selflessness?[/color] -
[color=deeppink]I believe in two angels, Eric and Erik. I think that the latter one was sent to me before Eric left to watch over me. Funny how life works out like that :)[/color]
[color=deeppink]::is totally craving those Twizzlers licorice bites...yum!:: I'm a huge procrastinator. During this past session, sometimes I'd leave a photo assignment until the day it was due, where I would then shoot it and work on it a few hours before I had to turn it in. The digital camera is a beautiful, beautiful invention. There's very few papers that I start working on early, most of the time I write them the day before/day they're due. It's not a bad thing, I just work better under pressure ^_^[/color]
If you could be anyone? who would you be
BabyGirl replied to XC SpydeR's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]I was discussing this yesterday, and I came to the abrupt conclusion that I would love to live a life of crime. I would definitely be a crime girl, running 'errands' for mafia bosses. I would be totally skilled in fighting, assasination, and all crime in general. I would be a totally kick ***, beautifuly dangerous killer. Oh, wouldn't that rock? But seeing as how there's no way for me to technically or morally enter a mob now, I'm very content with who I am. I'd just want to be a crime girl in a second life, that's all :)[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1]What do we judge them by? What they wear? What they listen to? Oh, wait, the [i]real[/i] goths think I'm a poser since System of a Down isn't the 'real stuff'. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]And the former comment is the core issue of the stereotypical stereotype discussion. [Oh, the irony.] As for your latter comment, I listen to System of a Down as well. And when I'm in a bad mood I enjoy listening to them almost as much as I love a new pair of stilettos! Wee! Stereotype groups are silly! :excited:[/color]
[color=deeppink]Heh, Piro, I always [i]did[/i] wonder about the skull/Asuka thing in your signature... As for myself...the most typical reply that I get on what I 'look like' is A STUPID *****. I guess you can't be good looking and be nice or smart, but you can be bitchy and stupid. Go figure :p I'm not stupid, nor am I a ***** all of the time, so stereotyping me is a fruitless effort for most people :D So, the true 'stereotype' category that I fit into would probably be classy-trendsetter. I really just have my own style, but I also follow current high fashion pretty strictly. I just can't afford expensive designer things, so I tend to buy my fashions at much more affordable places. I make it sound like fashion is my life, but it's not...I've just always been known to have this unique style that I get complimented on a lot. I follow fashion because cutting-edge style is appealing to me. I don't think I could ever really dress in the goth or grunge-ish styles...definitely not me :drunk:[/color]
[color=purple]I know I just posted...but I wanted to write more, hee ^_^! (Especially with two of the people gone on vacation.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]She had delighted in taking a bath, a rare treat nowadays. As Dria struggled into her black stiletto boots, Luyii watched with interest, a faint smile tugging ever so slightly at the corner of her mouth,[/i] "How's the job for Genocide going?" "Only as well as the swim through a sea of junkies can go." [i]Luyii crinkled her nose[/i], "Sounds exciting." [i]Dria gave a satisfied grunt as she pulled the last of the boot over her heel, zipping them up mid-calf,[/i] "The price we pay for beauty, Lu." "It's worth it. You're so beautiful, Dria." [i]Something about Luyii's tone was different,[/i] "And you're the gorgeous temptress." [i]Luyii was thrilled by the label, and she threw back her head and laughed.[/i] "Well you are." [i]Dria crossed to her and placed both hands on her arms,[/i] "Why else would you be ******* the boss? You're simply irresistable to men, darling." [i]And not just them, Luyii thought, but just smiled and kept her thoughts to herself.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]The gun was her only company as Dria started to retrace yesterday's path, unless, of course, she counted the pouch that now resided uncomfortably on the inside of her boot. She might as well think of it as a companion, for its discomfort kept [that's a weird word...] reminding her that it was most certainly still there. She would revisit Keith today with a gift; an offering, a peace trade, a little something to bargain with. A little part of her wished that Apocalypse would follow her again, strictly for the fact that she had no other way of contacting him. She wasn't going to mention anything to Luyii about the offer, and she most definitely didn't want to contact Genocide. She'd have to let Apocolpyse come to her, and Dria was certain that he would once the time was right.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Her hair was stick-straight today, glimmering with flecks of deep, deep red, and it fell to the middle of her back, longer than he remembered it. Her black shirt was tight and fringed with revealing lace, but somehow she still looked classy, even with jeans that skimmed low on her waist. Her hipbones always flirted with him...[/i] "Dria. Back again." "I've come bearing gifts." [i]When he merely raised an eyebrow at her, Dria gave him a cheesy, childish grin,[/i] "Please?" [i]Keith sighed. He had always been in love with her, even when he hated her, it was too hard to refuse her. He liked having her around his place, made it a little more homey...as opposed to the shithole junk house it had become as of late.[/i] "Ok, ok. Damn you, Dria." [i]Success! She had him now, she could see it in his eyes! She locked the door behind her and casually closed the blinds.[/i] "I have a business proposition for you, darlin'." "What kind of business is it, Dria?" [i]Her voice, her everything, aroused him.[/i] "Street business, Keith. Don't get any ideas of foul play..." [i]She shot him a warning gaze, held his eyes until he understood.[/i] "I still need information. No, wait, before you say anything, I will give you this," [i]She pulled the pouch out of her boot[/i], "?free." [i]Keith's eyes widened[/i], "Free?" "Or as my payment for your information, rather. I assure you this is prime, and I believe you have done business with the man I bought it from. That's who I need information about." [i]Keith knew exactly who, and he hated the idea of Dria meddling with the man,[/i] "H." "Yes, Mr. H. He's one slimy mother fucker, and nobody can seem to grasp onto his whereabouts." "Then what makes you think I can, Dria?" "Because I know what you're capable of, because I know [i]you[/i], Keith." [i]And their deal was sealed, right then and there.[/i][/color]
Whats more important: Booksmarts or Commonsense
BabyGirl replied to pbfrontmanvdp's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]Common sense. Yes. I have a friend who graduated as validictorian of our high school, yet she lacks the common knowledge on how to get to the mall without directions. She has no common sense, and it's really, [i]really[/i] annoying at times. She prides herself on her 4.0 college GPA, but she spends nearly all of her time studying when she could be out in the world learning valuable common sense :) Actually, if you didn't know that she was so in love with studying, you might think she was a little on the dim side of smarts. I guess I have a lot of common sense, but I also lucked out to be born semi-naturally smart. I just hated studying and school in general, otherwise I could have definitely raised my 3.72 GPA. I lack the patience for gaining book smarts...unless it's something that I'm interested in. [::brushes another ant off desk:: They're honestly taking over my room!][/color] -
[color=deeppink]Reading James' post made me think of something, and it may be a moot statement, but I thought I'd post it anyway :whoops: Around where I'm from, a lot of Arabs own gas stations. They have the whole system figured out and are extremely clever in how they run their businesses. What many of them do [this is such good thinking on their part] is buy a gas station, own it for three years before the taxes kick in, then sell it to another branch of their family. Then the process starts all over again, and the business stays within the blood relations. I think it's a super awesome, simple idea. But anyway, I [i]always[/i] get hit on by the Arabs who work at the gas stations. They're often older, 30s or 40s, but boy do they love to ogle and compliment. Is this because some people mistake me for being Middle Eastern, or is it simply because Arabs are more vocal about things that visually please them than other nationalities? Is THAT a stereotype, that all Arab men cat call girls? Or is it something that has been borne out of truth, therefore making it a truth and not a stereotype at all? Doesn't anyone see where I'm trying to get with this? Argh.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]PSH. I knew it was sarcasm, i just decided to take it into a different light and use it as a vehicle to drive my opinions across, ok? Jeeze. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yikes. Perhaps I was trying to be lighthearted as well, eh? Not everything I say is meant in a harsh way, and I'm sure that other people can vouch for that [/color]:whoops:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]So, I see no difference in hating a group of black people for being black, as hating a group of people with crooked teeth? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ah, see that's the great thing about Mr. Cloud. His witty sarcasm is so convincing that it is mistaken for seriousness! ::applause:: However, Drix, I totally agree that it is the minority that capitolizes the prejudice, whatever it may be. I was going to respond to someone else's post the other day but I didn't have enough else to say to make it a valid post on my behalf. I think it was Luminaire who made the point that the black population doesn't get crap for [i]talking[/i] crap about white people. Why? [b]Because that will forever be some inherent right of the minority.[/b] Kind of like the way that it is socially acceptable for women to hit men [I'm not talking abuse, I'm talking a signle slap or punch] because they're the 'weaker' of the two sides, therefore making them the minority. Honestly, think about it. People don't seem to take other people's opinions too heavily lately.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]Any woman who belives abortion is right has obviously never been a living being, unborn, and without a choice but to die through fairly gratuitous methods.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Buh. I didn't mean to start that going in this thread, and I apologize. I just get worked up on that topic and tend to let my opinion be known...:toothy: Again, I apologize. ::leaves thread quietly, having nothing further to say::[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]but ABORTION?[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]You make it sound like it's not a woman's choice what to do with her body ;). Abortion is legal in California, at least in my county. And thank gods for that, any man who believes against abortion has obviously never been 15, pregnant, and alone. Anyway, sure everybody and their brother is running for governer. The more I read about it, the more I think that the candidates are just being huge jokesters, seeing as how Gray Davis is turning into one fat joke of a governer himself. But as I said in the thread like this a week or so ago, maybe people should actually read up on what Arnold has to say before speaking out against him [not saying that you two haven't, but that's my general statement to everyone].[/color]
[color=purple]"Nah." [i]Luyii was ripping up lettuce and throwing it into a large salad bowl[/i], "She'll feel too useless lying in bed all day. Always has." "So there was a cop following her last night?" [i]Juu paused from chopping tomatoes and spun the knife between her fingers[/i]. "More likely than not. From what I gather she had an encounter with an undercover pig, kicked his *** and then walked away. However, I'm not sure about those bruises on her neck. I'm pretty sure that the cops wouldn't want her strangled to death." [i]There was disgust in Luyii's voice.[/i] "If she's being followed, then so are we." "Not neccessarily. Dria's crime history is fairly extensive, they could want her on any number of things." [i]Juu was concerned, the last thing she wanted was any of them going to jail,[/i] "Things we're not connected with?" [i]Luyii sighed,[/i] "I don't know. Dria still does little side jobs, she's only cut back now because of Genocide. So it's very possible that there are many things we don't yet know about." [i]Dria appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, clad in a short silk robe with her hair tumbling down the front[/i], "If you're going to talk about me, at least include me in the conversation." [i]She gave them an honest grin when they laughed, and joined them at the counter.[/i] "Feel like cutting up some vegetables?" [i]But Juu pushed the carrots in front of her before she could answer, grinning up at her in victory of escaping the tedious task.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well it looks like she got the best of you, Jack." [i]Frank Jack scowled,[/i] "She caught me off guard." [i]The Captian laughed,[/i] "Sure, sure. We just need more time on this girl, I suppose we underestimated her." [i]Jack rolled his eyes,[/i] "No ****?" "Watch it, Jack. Don't be sore because a girl beat you up." [i]Jack's frown simply deepened.[/i] "If she really is connected with this 'H' guy, then I guess we need to approach the situation with more caution. We don't know how many underlings he has working for him." [i]The Captian took a gulp of his cold coffee,[/i] "We just chose the wrong person to start with, that's all. We need to start lower, someone who has less...[i]strength[/i]." [i]He paused and cocked his head at Jack,[/i] "You had better still be up for this case, because I'm keeping you on it." [i]Jack pursed his lips, thought that maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. Maybe, just maybe, it was the break that he needed[/i], "Sure, Captain. I'll stay on it." [i]And so the wild goose chase continued.[/i][/color]
[color=deeppink]I don't know how I can explain this without people thinking me to be a racist... However, I honestly think that some people who are so anti-racism have experienced very little of the world and of other cultures, along the same lines as people who ARE racist. People who believe that all cultures/ethnicities/countries are equally beautiful are almost as ignorant as those who believe every race except the Caucasian is ugly. There is the stereotype that black people tip their servers poorly at restaurants. Before you go defending them, have YOU served them enough to know whether that statement is true or false? That's the ignorance I'm talking about---you can't defend other races/cultures/blah until you have actually experienced it for yourself. Otherwise you really are speaking through rumors and ignorance.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by doukeshi03 [/i] [B]I appologise BabyGirl. but that still doesn't give, what you call, cockroaches the right to do it now does it? I think they're called 'freelance' [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I'm sorry, I hope you didn't think that I was going off on you; I was going off on the general subject :) But yeah, you're right, they do call themselves freelancers-- lousy ones at that. However, they are protected under the Constitution's 'Freedom Of The Press', but there have been ones that take things too far. There's a famous photograph of Jackie Kennedy walking down the street with a paparazzi photographer in her face...she got a restraining order and he couldn't go within 50 feet of her :toothy:[/color]
[color=deeppink]I totally feel the pain about college expenses! I just paid tuition for this session (each session being 8 weeks, and there are 6 sessions in a 12-month year) and it was $3,475...! I almost died. And then, instead of books, there's photography equipment. It used to be film and processing, flash and TTL Cord, now it's digital camera and memory cards! It is all so expensive...this is not a cheap career choice :cross: Anyway, enough about that. I LOVE college! I love my apartment and how I'm so close to the beach. I love where I live and that I'm a block from Vons (the grocery store here). I love having only one class a day on Monday - Thursday for 3 hours each. I love taking pictures and I even love the stress it creates because it makes me try so HARD. I love being able to hang out with so many differnt people from all over the country, and I love living in California where you drive 30 miles east, south, or north of here and it's a totally different topographical area. I LOVE DISNEYLAND! And I love the mountains, they're so beautiful. In some ways I wish that I had gone to a major university for at least two years because I'm going to miss out on the whole dorm/cafeteria/walking across campus thing. Some of you may think I'm lucky to have started out living in a nice apartment, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility! One year into college and I'm already paying every sort of utility bill imaginable V_V. Anyway, Queen Asuka! It's fun to read your myOtaku thing and see how college is coming along for you. I remember my first week, and it was so new and exciting. Oh hell, it still IS new and exciting![/color]