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Everything posted by BabyGirl

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pastbyer [/i] [B] Um... Oh.... Kay.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Hahaha, like you said, it's an American thing :D. Homecoming Week is next week...I've heard the days (meaning the "theme" of each day) are actually quite good. And, contradictory to what Transtic said, our team never plays our rival (that was last week...we lost :rolleyes: ) but instead we face really bad teams we know we can beat. Heh, last year we just killed that poor team...heh, last year we were good...too bad we're not AS good as last year...ah, I'm rambling, aren't I?[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B]...hiding tonight eh?:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yes hiding. There are nights I simply don't feel like being bombarded with IMs :p :D[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] Haha, A bridge...that's me alright!!! It was funny, at my graduation open house... my basement was split into several cliques... 1 - Jocks and Preps 2- Theatre Kids (Friends from drama) 3- Druggy friends 4- Party Pals (The Fedewa Crew - hehehe) Basically all hott girls.. 5- and Misc. Heh, I had quite a diverse group of friends :) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Haha...Kt and I pointed that out while being there...I floated between the Theatre Kids and the Fedewa Crew...[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Twisted Face [/i] [B]dude,i was just saying.do you think im a jackass? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I don't think he was speaking specifically to you...he was generalizing...[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] 1. I don't say lol, I say heh heh 2. DAMMIT LAG? what the hell is that? 3. Camping? its a nightmare 4. No, I just close spam topics 5. A door on the internet, yes, real life, no 6. I don't even know what L33T is [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Hahaha...Sephiroth, you took the words right out of my mouth...[/color]
  6. BabyGirl


    [color=deeppink]Ok, this has been answered...(and no Sia, I'm not kidding, and while I know no Japanese, I read it on a website somewhere...)[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Boy Wonder~ [/i] [B]I find it rather disheartening that the posts lately have been about a whole lot of nothing. I admit, I am new here, so I shouldn't be stepping on people's toes just yet, but come on! I am also aware that I don't post anything on here that is particuarly exciting. I think we all need to think of something REALLY interesting to post, on something that everyone would have an opinion about. That way we get to hear from everybody, instead of just the 6 people who post so regularly. Just an idea I thought I would throw out there. :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Er...hm...people just post on whatever they feel like...especially since it's general discussion...I don't think we can make people post "interesting" or "inclusive" threads... But of course, that's just my opinion.[/color]
  8. BabyGirl


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ort [/i] [B]:cross: i am wondering... what does otaku mean???? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I believe it is somewhere along the lines of "having no life"...or something of the sort...though I could be incorrect...[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]the popular people are always the ones getting shi? talked about them behind their back... they just don't know because their ego is too d@mn big.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ahaha, this is so true that it made me laugh out loud...literally.[/color]
  10. [color=deeppink]I understand Tien's curiousity...but believe me ladies and gents...I don't know how many of you are in high school or beyond, but once you DO reach HS, you'll realize that those types of things matter no more (at least to me they don't) :) Personally, I don't know if I would be called "popular" or not...I have quite a few friends...but I still dunno...ask the other people who know me in real life what they think of me :p :D[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]ya know that smilie and ur avatar match... and when you said this line i could see u sticking ur tounge out at it as well lol... boy i must be tired[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Heh, yes they match...and they match my presonality :p And James said something simliar about being able to picture me sticking my tongue out...hahaha...:p Oh, and about Zelda...I guess I still love Ballad of the Windfish...I mean...it was the first song I ever heard on an Ocarina...who would have guessed it would make such an impact on my later life? Heh :D[/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]erm, I like the music in the forest in oot, now that I've said that, its stuck in my head.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Heh, I remember being tortured by that song because I could never find the right enterace to the Forest Temple....ahhhh it drove me crazy! All I could hear was that song...so I don't like it anymore :p[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark [/i] [B]Hmmmmm........most game boy gamez are crap. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ah! I cannot believe you could say such a thing! Hehehe :D I, for one, find GameBoy one of the most wonderful inventions of my generation...long live oldschool...![/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] your lucky, its only fast for me when I'm using the internet on the computers at university, it is extremely slow when I use my home computer.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Same thing for myself...at school it is nice and fast...at home it is nice and, uh, slow...:D[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Boy Wonder~ [/i] [B]Oh sure, so I might not even be a FRIEND anymore?!? Let alone a weird one!?! I'm offended! :p [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Hahaha, of course you're a friend...it's the weird part I'm not too sure about. Maybe you're weird...and maybe not...hehehe :p[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Boy Wonder~ [/i] [B]Now, I may not agree that this particular case was based solely on idiocy, but as a whole, you have to admit that people are pathetically stupid. My school for example....I don't think you can find a more perfect example of the mass gatherings of complete and utter stupidity in one building. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ok, it's not THAT bad! At least, [i]I[/i] don't think so...and I hope I'm not one of those stupid mass gatherers...heh :p[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]Some people are so stupid. I saw one of the dumbest people today I'd ever seen in my life. This fool had painted his old beat down truck bright red orange. But the idiot even painted over his chrome front bumper. You could still see chrome under it! They also painted their side mirrors orange. What kind of idiot paints their front chrome bumper orange, let alone their mirrors! Then to add to the stupidity of the situation the jackass also painted their back bumper orange, and didn't even bother to remove the license plate. This pathetic fool even painted over their license plate! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yes, it's not supidity, it's...not having an eye for color coordination? But certainly not stupid...[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Boy Wonder~ [/i] [B]Methinks i'm one of them.:tasty: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Yes...perhaps. Then again, perhaps not :p[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=darkblue] Religion is most often a front, or a justification for acts of war. This is essentially about territorial dispute, and differences in opinion over lifestyle and politics. The United States represents an "aggressor" or basically, someone who's butting in where they aren't wanted to the Palestinean people and others in that region. But having said that, there is obviously no justifcation for "holy war" or terrorism. There never is.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I agree with all of this...we as the United States have obviously suffered an unneeded blow to our nation, but to say we haven't done anything to irritate it to this point would be ridiculous... We've done our share of interfering in the Middle East...some of it I agree with...but most of the time I don't... Then again, a lot of it is just politics...and that is something I know very little about...[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=darkblue]It's fine. I just got a complaint about it...*sigh*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink](Okey, well I'll say I'm sorry to everyone...I don't normally use such language...besides, today will be a great day! :D) Heh, yesterday I got a beautiful new camera and I'm quite happy about it...[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=darkblue]Please watch the swearing there, BabyGirl.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I'm sorry James, but it was just one of those days >_
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] hmmm, haven't seen zaku for a while, I wonder where he's gone.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I was wondering the same thing...he was such a nice boy ;)[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i] [B][size=1]Haha.. this is just too funny..sorry,but I love to see how people actually post up their personal lives on the boards....... ah well, the person you're talking about with get over it soon..just say you're [b]sorry!![/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Glad to know that you're "concerned" Mystic...heh...if you don't want to hear about my personal life, tell me to shut the hell up and move on with your own affairs :D (because that's what I would do :p)[/color]
  24. [color=deeppink]Have you ever had one of those days that starts out really good, and everything [i]is[/i] good until you talk to someone and the conversation doesn't go well and it just makes you feel bad? Yeah...that's how today has been. I mean...everything was great with my bday and all!!! But then I just feel all sh*tty every time I talk to this person...I must be the biggest @ss on the planet or something...ever had day like this? I have, and I feel so mean even though I'm not intending to be...! :( [/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]aaaah! its babygirls birthday today! happy birthday to babygirl and everyone else.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Thank you, thank you :D Guess what? It's my birthday! ;) hahhaha...ah yes...[/color]
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