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Everything posted by BabyGirl
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by doukeshi03 [/i] [B]If the celebrity does not want their lives invaded then it should be respected. Running around in someones garden with a long lense camera trying to catch pictures of them in their living room eating pizza is not acceptable behavior. Many of us would be arrested for even attempting it...what makes people who work from a newpaper any different? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Ugh. You (and the general populous) have it all wrong :drunk: The paparazzi gives photographers a HORRIBLE NAME! They're like the cockroaches of the photography world...they're not even photographers but wanna-be's who think that their 500mm lens and spying power gives them the authority to call their stuff "photographs". It's so gross. Let me get everyone straight on this one: photographers who work for newspapers do NOT do the cockroach thing. Bleh, it makes me sick thinking about it, too. Newspaper photographers take photographs of RELEVANT things, it's the shifty 'picture-takers' from magazines like People, US Weekly, and that other new gossip magazine that create such a blemish on the photography world. If you pick up a book at your local bookstore, a book like [u]Moments: Pulitzer Prize Winning Photographs[/u], [i]that's[/i] what real photographers do. They document amazing events and amazing stories with great sensitivity and their photographs are BEAUTIFUL. Even if you just look at my website, that's also what news photographers do. We're photojournalists committed to covering events and people in an objective way so as to not convey them in a wrong and disgusting way. When was the last time that a respected photographer took a picture that ran in a gossip magazine with the caption, "And here's Demi with the dogs. Not looking so fabulous at 40 anymore, are we?" Nope. No self-respecting photojournalist would ever resort to that...:cross: Yes. That was a huge, raving rant. But I hope I got my point across. Photojournalists who work for newspapers are not to be confused with the slimy things that shadow celebrities and get PAID for it. That still disgusts me so.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by duelist22 [/i] [B]Yes, definitly the wrong thread. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]You're supposed to post something relevant after that :toothy: Baron Samedi, I agree that both of those events are horrible, horrible accurances. However, I think it's unfair for everyone to say that the world is going to ****, er, 'crap' because of events like this. If we constantly shake our heads at the bad things that happen, then everyone is going to be too wrapped up in their disbelief to get out and do something about it. If things like said situations really bother you, then go out and smile at a stranger or give a homeless man your spare change...corny stuff like that. I've seen so many great lights of the world in these six months after my brother died. People have been amazingly supportive and responsive to the whole situation, and that reinforces my idea that the simple, good things in life aren't overshadowed by the bad. I guess my whole point is to encourage you to not focus on this stuff and get all depressed, but rather go out into your community and do something to help change the negative things. You'll be amazed by how good it feels :D[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]It must be some sort of ghost. There's no such thing as real shadows that move lol. I think all I have is Newbiphobia. The fear of strange newbies. Of course, the majority aren't bad. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]::muffles giggle:: I don't think that I have any true phobias, just little ones that cause me to get scared. I am scared of loud noises, and after hearing a loud noise I'm often skittish for a while after. I'm also afraid of being home alone, but that was only when I lived with my parents because our house was so big. I have a constant fear that a black widow is going to bite me when I'm not looking. And finally, I have a fear of loved ones dying. That could be a diagnosed phobia, I suppose.[/color]
[color=deeppink]Kesaki, you can't expect all boys to read your mind, you know.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Then again, I have very little to stress over, except my lack of chest. The people who do swimsuits generally aim at the people built like me...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]No ****. I couldn't find a two-peice [i]top[/i] to fit me if my life depended on it. The XL still doesn't cover them all! :grumble: P.S. Emme, most guys DO like their women will a little meat to them. I've overheard countless males talking about girls who are too skinny and how gross they look. My boyfriend loves the extra weight I've put on since I started college...I look healthy now, and that's more important than looking skinny.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]I've seen a couple of weight threads...[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Which is probably a solid reason to not start another one :toothy:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by juna [/i] [B] I really wish people would stop posting that she doesn?t love you if she doesn?t wait for you. It could be the hardest thing she or yourself have to decide for yourselves, and your not making the decision because you don't love each other, if you didn?t I don?t think either one would care about the outcome.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I agree :) Of course she'll still love him if she leaves, you can't just stop loving someone simply because they won't marry you. What do nearly 5 years of feelings do, disappear into thin air? I think, Darkness, that she probably just wants some sort of solid sign that your relationship will last forever. All I can say is that don't get married if you're not ready, especially since you're right out of college. Just let her know that your feelings are as strong, if not stronger than, ever, and that you'll love her for years to come (marriage or not :))[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MistressRoxie [/i] [B][color=#9933ff][font=comic sans ms]FOR EXAMPLE, my mom told me that in the Oriental part of Asia (the stuff that's NOT the middle east, Asia minor or India), the farther you go north, the slantier the eyes are, and that inuit eyes are quiet slit like, and it was simply for survival reasons; to keep out the snow. And the farther you go north, the higher the cheeckbones are, for the same reason, to push into the eys to keep out snow. [/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]You got the basic idea of what I was saying :) The way that smaller, more slitted eyes are blatant stereotypes of Asians is because that their eyes ARE like that. Now, if you delve more deeply into this issue, you can start to pick out brutal stereotypes of other races and think of them as 'WHY' issues rather than thinking that they're horrible. I'll make an example that I don't think anyone will be too offended by. Think about how lots of celebrities are thought of as spoiled divas. More than likely it's not descrimination, it's truth. Ok, that probably didn't make sense...I must think of something more hurtful... Ah yes, the stereotype that all younger black males are associated with gangs and crime. It's a horrible concept really, but if you think intelligently about it for a moment, rather than reacting all spitefully, then you'll see that the stereotype has to come from SOMEwhere. And it does; many inner city young black men ARE involved with gangs for lack of other family support. It's actually a sad epidemic, they join gangs to be a part of a family, which inevitably leads to crime. Now see? That wasn't such a harsh stereotype afterall. It's a generalization for a reason, and a rational one at that.[/color]
[color=purple][i]Luyii was talking, but Dria couldn't listen. She was so exhausted that she fell asleep still fully clothed, curled into a tight ball under the covers. Her whole body lent itself to a miniscule ache, the kind that one couldn't pinpoint well enough to take care of. But the aches grew as Dria's sleep deepened and drowned her slumber with eerie dreams filled with shadows. The edges of her vision seemed to be hazed with red, and she slipped feverishly in and out of darkness and dreams. Nightmares didn't invade Dria's nighttimes often. She had learned at an early age to block out painful memories and overcome hardships. She accepted life as it was, even if all of her hurt silently gnawed her up insde. Dreams with Luyii and Juu came and went that night, even if they hadn't been filled with their usual smiles. Dark alleyways inevitably dominated most of Dria's sleep, alleyways filled with huge black monsters throwing money in her face. And it continued to be a restless night. Luyii heard Dria's mattress squeaking constantly as she shifted about in her dreams. Twice the elder Sister threw things at her, but Dria merely muttered things and kept up her constant movement. When she awoke the next morning there were small beads of sweat gathering on her brow, and her muscles hurt all over. Dria ignored the alarm clock and opted to stay in bed; she was overdue for a good long personal day.[/color][/i]
[color=deeppink]My boyfriend, Erik, has done many injuries to my personal belongings with his lack of awareness for his surroundings [I do not call it clumsiness]. The most recent injury occured to my beloved sunglasses, which he stepped on and promptly broke in half. He doesn't pay attention to where he steps! Grr...:nope:[/color]
Why did you choose your screen name?
BabyGirl replied to EdtheHackerGirl's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]I call my cat Baby Girl. I think I just adopted it from there. Erik also calls me several derivitives of that name now, so I suppose it is fitting enough :whoops: I also think that BabyGirl has become less of a name that I think about, and more of a name that just goes with the online Jenna. It's hard to explain, but it's kind of like a title to me. Maybe some of the older members will understand what I'm saying ^_^[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lea2385 [/i] [B]when i was little (5th-9th grade) he would always tell me my whole family was going to burn in hell because we werent christians...[/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Sadly, that's what many religions preach. It's engrained in the church, and it's lucky to find Christians who [i]don't[/i] bring up the hell issue often to remind you that you can't go to heaven, bleh. Tell me once then be quiet :p [I'm in a sour mood right now, so this all may come out wrong...] I was once called a racist because I stated that "Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason." I see a lot of truth in that statement, and I think it's silly to lable me racist for saying something such as that. If people can get past their own hate toward discrimination by race/gender/religion, then they'll look more intelligently and open mindedly into the matter and examine its roots. It's not being a bigot, it's being investiagtory. I'm often taken as any race [i]besides[/i] many generations "American". I have big brown eyes, dark hair, olive skin...and for some reason people feel the need to ask me, "What ARE you?" In fact, many people assume me to be Hispanic even though I'm missing several key traits that run in the Hispanic bloodline. But before I moved to Southern California, I was mistaken for Aisan [don't you see that my eyes are already twice the size of the average Americans'?!], and often Arabic. I guess I can't be too annoyed by all of these mistakes on my ethnicity, it gives every day life a little more flavor when people constantly ask, "What ARE you?", lol. I suppose I should just always reply, "A boring Midwestern girl from farm country." Yes, that would be fun. And so ends the satire; what a day :)[/color]
[color=deeppink]::feels so utterly lost:: Am I the only one who has no honest clue as to what MyOtaku is, when it started, or why I haven't heard about it? It sounds silly, but I really don't know anything about it :sweat: Could somebody fill me in?[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B][COLOR=green]I choose you![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Oh my goodness, you're alive! ::stamps her name into your Star Wars fan club list:: Shame on you for not adding me, lol :p What a small list to choose from :( There's so many others that I'd love to choose that aren't on there. [size=1]I hate to bring this up, but shouldn't Taylor Hewitt be, eh, 'disqualified' or something, seeing as how he's not technicaly around here anymore? :huh: I wouldn't vote for him anyway [or ever], but eh...::shrug::[/size] [list]1. Lady M 2. Transtic 3. Raiha 4. Shy 5. Juuthena 6. Desbreko[/list][/color]
[color=deeppink]I do find it a tiny bit ridiculous how easily the press seemed to forget about the [i]other[/i] mertopolitan areas affected by the blackout. The other cities and surrounding suburbs had weather just as hot, and millions of people were caught without power there, too. Detroit residents didn't even get their electricity restored until later than NYC's...but ah well, I suppose New York City has earned itself some fame over the years :)[/color] [quote][i]Originally Posted By Semjaza Azazel[/i] [b]It's like: "So, New York..." "Wait, which New York?" "The one that faced the brunt of the 9-11 attack." "Oh, that one. I thought you meant the [i]other[/i] one."[/b][/quote] [color=deeppink]Hee ^_^![/color]
[color=deeppink]::sigh:: You also have to consider that a lot of people witnessed the attack on the WTC in New York City, I'm sure that's not something that is easily erased from one's memory. Of course some people in NYC are going to be a little upset, I don't think anyone should deny them that reaction.[/color]
[color=deeppink]The only reason it's a big news issue is because it affected such a huge mile radius. Sure California gets lots of brownouts every year, but that's because California has too many people living in an area [LA County] not large enough to handle so much electricity. It is, however, big news for the Midwest. The only power outtages we have ever suffered there are results of thunderstorms or ice storms. And another main reason it's such a huge deal is because everything happened simultaneously, if you think about it that's pretty crazy and pretty darn news worthy. P.S. Harry, Shy lives in the same county as the infamously bustling LAX ;)[/color]
[color=deeppink]Heh, didn't anyone read my words of bullying wisdom? [b]You're making yourselves easy targets![/b] If you ignore them and know that you're better than them, then you won't feel so compelled to be angry at their words and jabs. It's really not that hard...some of you seem pretty proud of the fact that you get in millions of fights, so use that pride to convince yourself that you're better, really. Try it sometime...getting in fights over petty things is a silly waste of time and energy.[/color]
[color=purple]I just had a crazy random memory pop up about the Master de Bators while reading Charles' signature and holy ****, I was a part of that! I've been here too long ^_^; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]It took Dria too long to realize that they weren't on the way to the spot she had designated to the driver as her drop off. By the time her mind wandered back from fretting over Apocolypse's offer, she noticed that they weren't even in the correct borough, much less the right neighborhood.[/i] "Excuse me, sir," [i]Dria tapped on the thick plastic wall that separated the front and back seats when the driver didn't respond,[/i] "we're in the Bronx." [i]So she had finally noticed,[/i] "I know. It's a shortcut." "********. Where are we going?" "It's a shortcut, I told ya." [i]He risked a glance back at her. The color had risen in her cheeks, was she upset? Worried? Annoyed?[/i] "Then stop here and I'll get out. There's a subway station not far from here." [i]Despite her words, the taxi sped up. She smelled foul play. And as soon as that very thought had run across her mind, the car swung viciously [if a car could be said to do so] to the left, sending her slamming headlong into the right passenger door. Stars errupted as Dria's head made contact with the door handle, dazing her long enough for the driver to avert into an alleyway. Before she could crawl into a position that warranted any sort of helpful action, the driver had wrenched open the door and pointed his pistol in her face.[/i] "Get out." [i]Gone were his accent and friendly tone, replaced by a harsh voice that scraped cold along Dria's insides. A pig voice; a cop.[/i] "Get out of the car with your hands where I can see them." [i]Well ****. She didn't have time to reach her gun, he'd react before she did. She saw nothing to do but comply with his request. As she scooted across the seat, head throbbing and hands up by her face Dria became frustrated. It was in that moment that she decided she wasn't about to be taken advantage of again that day, she was a bit sick of being the weak one. Her temper rose as the man, the cop, cited off her rights and pushed her belly hard against the car. He wasn't gentle with her arms, but somehow found the audacity to touch her *** and linger more than once. She simply couldn't stand it. As soon as he clipped the first ring of the cuffs on her wrist, Dria kicked up and made hard contact with his groin. As he doubled over in shock and pain she spun and laid a booted foot into his neck, sending him sprawling onto the ground. His gun skidded noisily across the dirty pavement and he made a brave attempt to crawl up and retrieve it.[/i] "No!" [i]Dria reached it first and kicked it far out of his reach,[/i] "No, no, no!" [i]If anyone had happened upon the scene just then they would have seen a beautiful woman acting like a child throwing an extremely heated temper tantrum.[/i] "I will NOT be punked by anyone else today! Or this week, or month! I won't!" [i]She stamped a foot as if to prove her point the way a child would.[/i] [i]The cop looked bewildered, thrown off guard by her sudden outburst. He attempted to stand up and lunge at her when he recovered from the fall, but her temper sent her foot sailing into his face.[/i] "I wasn't joking!" [i]Dria drew her gun and trained it on him, the man who now looked beaten with blood trickling down from his forehead.[/i] "I'm leaving now. And you can send people after me, but I'm not going to deal with it kindly." [i]Her eyes narrowed,[/i] "You shoudln't have messed with me. Now I'm pissed, and they people I know will be pissed, too." [i]She gave him one last harrowing look and stalked out of the alleyway, gun barrel aimed at him until she disappeared around the corner. [/i][/color]
[color=deeppink]In 6th and 7th grade I was an easy target to pick on because I was easily upset, and this coerced my friends, er, 'friends' to start rumors that I was a lesbian. Being a 'lesbian' in 7th grade is not a good thing, for that is still a very taboo subject at that age! I was extremely upset and depressed and just wanted to throw things at them all day. The most horrible thing was that they still pretended to be my friend! Then I learned social skills and I've never been bothered since. In other words, you are all most likely making yourselves easy targets...I learned that the hard way.[/color]
Anyone else sick of watching the "California Circus?"
BabyGirl replied to klinanime1's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forbidden One [/i] [B][color=blue]...make Breast and Butt Implants legal. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]Uh, they are. I think a lot of you are seriously apathetic and misinformed about this issue, you're probably spouting off your ideas as regurgitated bits of what you've heard your parents say. Maybe you should actually look [i]into[/i] what the people running for governer have to say about what they support. Ronald Reagan was a famous actor before he became a president. Who says Arnold doesn't have good ideas, too? California may be eccentric [well, yes, it definitely is] but it's also creating its own history right now. I would advise you to all investigate this issue before going off on something you don't really know anything about ^_^;[/color] -
[color=purple][i]Somewhere in a city of millions, billions, of people, a cab driver laughed. It had been luck that she had chosen his car, she could have waved down the one before him. But here she was in all her glory. Her hair was long, dark and wavy, the type that lured men like him into bed. In the evening sun her eyes were almost the color of fire and outlined with dark makeup, a startlingly sexy contrast. The cab driver wet his lips and crushed out his cigarette as his gaze wandered all over her body. He was careful not to let her see him ogling her in the review mirror, she would suspect something was wrong. But she was so lucious, so exotic that the man would have deemed her an Arabian princess had he not known any better. He laughed to himself again. He had her in his borrowed cab, what was stopping him from driving away from her destination and having his way with her? He was a big man, there was no doubt that he far out muscled her. Then again, her file was shady. It seemed as though bits and pieces had been thrown away, nipped out of the record by associates who had the power to do so. Everyone else told him that she was indeed a criminal. Such a beautiful one at that. The driver thought of his wife and kids at home...no man could truly deny his lust for a good looking piece of meat, could he? He thought about his position on the force, and ruled it out of the question. Work before play, he thought with a twinge of sorrow, work before play.[/color][/i] [size=1]Oi, yuck, I hate it when I write poorly...[/size]
Anyone else sick of watching the "California Circus?"
BabyGirl replied to klinanime1's topic in General Discussion
[color=deeppink]Like Semjaza said, you can easily change the channel :rolleyes: This is a huge issue in California right now, Gray Davis is the first governer of California to be put in the recall position, ever. It's important to keep up with it I think, seeing as how it's a first for this state. History repeats itself; just because it doesn't affect your state doesn't mean that it won't happen when you're actually old enough to vote. [/color] -
[color=deeppink]Oh, look, I'm so sexy!!! I love it, Tori :D And I really like the hands, I think it gives it a personal style different from the normal, ridged anime style. I do look a bit like I have to pee, but that's ok because the rest looks awesome! (And I LOVE mini-skirts. They're super in style this season!)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]I'm 5'7 and I weigh about 117. x.x; [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink]I'm 5'7" and weigh...LOTS MORE THAN YOU, SISTER! People our height are supposed to have more weight than someone who is an average of 5'4". It's not fair to compare yourself to shorter people...they'll obviously weigh much less! In fact, I was a steady 128 pounds throughout high school and I was in GREAT shape. I didn't obsess about my weight because I [i]looked[/i] good, and I've never been too modest to admit that I did. It's college that has killed me, I haven't worked out for ages and I've definitely gained mass. I look fine with more meat on me, it's just annoying that I dont really fit into any of my old clothes. Actually, it's depressing, but I know that if I get off my lazy *** and start working out that I'll lose the extra mass quickly. Anyway, Juuthena, don't really care about your [i]weight[/i] because you're tall and you're supposed to weigh more. That's the way anatomy works :toothy: Oh, and everyone who is obsessing about their weight, you're being stupid. Honestly. I won't take back that comment, either. [size=1]P.S. The fireworks are really LOUD tonight, and I don't like loud noises o_o[/size][/color]