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Android 17

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  1. Ya know, screw it! Usually i have so much patience it gets on people's nerves, but for some reason im pissed! This place isn't as good as [url]http://www.planetnamek.com[/url] or [url]http://www.dbz-fan.net[/url] ! Their forums are better! Peace
  2. *taps foot on ground impationtly* I've never been in a place with so many chicken shits in my entire life! FIGHT ME!:flaming:
  3. Its about me being bored as HELL! My Bro is out on a date, Dad is watchin sports, moms watchin home and gardening channel, and I don't want to type my story anymore right now becuase nobody'll read it!!!
  4. Android 17

    Lets GO!

    *takes of scarf* *pops knuckels* *Pops neak* *Streatches completely, redying for battle* Alright! There are strict rulz! 1. It will be one on one. After the first person replies, its between me and him/her. you can watch, but cannot play. want to fight? Make your own thread! 2. describe charictor. I'm fairly confident that you all know what 17 looks like, so i wont, but you need to. I want to know what you look like so i can describe you, and if your a mecha, state that so i'll know 3. no kills 4. After 100 post, the player who did the best wins. 5. ...... Have fun! *steps back into fighting stance* LETS GO! ooc: i write in first person. just thought id let you know.:flaming: This'll be you when im done with ya!:drunk: :blackeye: So come on!:naughty:
  5. Pui Pui?s Revenge! Part One: Hell Chapter 3: Pui Pui and Sons The domed, white building was larger than it looked from the outside. The enormous King of the afterlife was sitting behind a gigantic desk that was dwarfed by his incredible size. His blue suit was just the right fit. shaggy hair matched his messed beard. The king had obviously not gotten any rest for a while. His unkept hair was nowhere near as obvious as the dark bags under his eyes the size of a man. His phone rang yet again, but rather than answer it, he ripped the phone out of the wall, ?Don?t call here again! I?ve made up my mind!? Pui Pui?s escort turned his rather large head, ?Please wait here Mr. Pei Pei,? Pui Pui sat in one of the many chairs in the entrance to the building, ?It?s Pui Pui,? he mumbled as the helper to the king stepped into the office. During the short trip, the aid had called Pui Pui so many different names, none of them correct, that he almost didn?t notice anymore. Pui Pui?s mind yet again drifted to the past? FLASHBACK The white orb of energy around the yellow-eyed fighter dissipated with him a good twenty feet off the roughly cut cobblestone porch in front of his. Straitening himself in mid air, he landed on the ground with a click as his boots clapped the stones. His sons were floating five feet in the air. Sui Sui?s feet were crossed, his hands conjoined in his lap as he meditated. He was the Pui Pui of the twins; small, smart, and nearly as fast as his famous father. His silver armored skin was not unlike his father?s. In fact, he was the spitting image of his father, only his body was a deep silver instead of a pure white. He was nearing his 5 cycles in age. (each cycle is three and a half Earth years) Mur Rui was the typical Gerdargian warrior, but with a twist. His brute strength and size came from his mother?s side of the family, while his father gave him the twist. His ki manipulation was far beyond that of the other Gerdargian troops. His dark red skin shone as his bulky body floated motionless in mid air. The sudden movement of his limbs as the struck out would have blown away any of the most elite of the Gerdarg Royal Army. Pui Pui?s landing was smooth. As soon as his toes touched the ground, he broke into a sprint towards the door of his house, ?Come on boys! Our time has come!?? Pui Pui realized he was being shook, ?Mr. Pui Pui are you alright?? asked the same tall blue demon that had brought him to the office. His face a mask of worry. ?What did you call me?? Pui Pui asked. He widened his eyes in fake amazement, ?Did you actually get my name RIGHT?!? The last was said with a smile. He marveled at his own smile. It wasn?t an evil smile, but a smile of good humor. After all those evil smirks, this sincere smile nearly broke his face. The grim demon grinned, ?Don?t get used to it.? He motioned for Pui Pui to follow him, ?King Enma will see you now,?
  6. Pui Pui?s Revenge Part One: Hell Chapter 2: Pui Pui?s Memories Flashback The day was cold as usual, the bitter freeze in the wind agitated Pui Pui?s armor like skin. The rocky, craggy ground of the Gerdarg race?s homeplanet was sharp beneath the feet of their champion. The unordinary chill in the wind was an omen of things to come, Pui Pui knew this, and, not knowing what type of disastrous thing would happen, he kept it to himself. For all he knew, it could be a good event. Thinking this made a part of the Gerdarg?s brain twitch inside his skull. The Gerdarg people had many unusual abilities, including a heightened sense of danger, which, when activated, makes a part of the alien mind jolt. The more violent the threat, the more violent the movement in the brain. The other Gerdarg?s hadn?t felt the coming of the event. Their senses were dull compared to that of Pui Pui?s. Being the best of his race, Pui Pui?s senses surpassed all of his fellow Gerdargians, allowing him to feel the awful forces coming towards his planet. Towards his precious family. Pui Pui?s family was the most important thing in his world. His wife Shi Ti, his twin sons Sui Sui, and Mur rui, and daddy?s little girl Ashinti. The oncoming demons would threaten his family. They would threaten the very existence of this world. Pui Pui would not stand for it! The white alien ran out of his meditation grounds, white aura flashed around him as his body?s power propelled him into the air, throwing him in the direction of the Chancellor?s tower home. The view from the atmosphere was awesomely beautiful. The crumbly, cracked ground was a rich red color which, sense the alien hadn?t ever seen the green blades of grass on earth, was gorgeous to his eyes. From the ground, people waved up at their beloved champion, a simple nod in return was more than enough to make their day. Pui Pui?s speed was unbelievable on this planet. Most of the Gerdargian warriors were nothing but hulking brutes that used no strategy, no skill, no technique, and least of all, no speed. The fact that he was the smallest Gerdargian warrior gave him an advantage. Underestimation. His ki manipulation was far beyond anything the others could do. Many of them could do little more than a rapid fire of ki blasts, let alone create a move for themselves. The jerking in the back of Pui Pui?s head yet again intensified. By know the Chancellor would have been able to feel it for some time. Maybe know he will believe Pui Pui?s claim that their enemies, the Kargag?s, have declared war. If only he would have listened earlier, maybe his world would have had a chance. But know? Know their only hope was to be saved by their champion, the mighty Pui Pui!
  7. Pui Pui?s Revenge Part One: Hell Chapter 1: Pui Pui?s Appointment Pui Pui was overjoyed at the thought that he had his mind to himself again. The tormenting of Babidi?s endless orders was over. He would be aloud to sleep for the first time since his terrible meeting with the damned wizard. Deep in his own thoughts, Pui Pui failed to notice the tall, blue demon walking towards him. Clipboard in hand, eyeglasses up on his nose, horns sticking out of his wiry black hair, he was obviously one of King Enma?s assistances. The sky blue helper of the king of the afterlife continued down the line of puffy souls, his eyes locked upon Pui Pui, who was clearly his target. ?Excuse me Mister?? the aid said. His high, nasally voice penetrated into Pui Pui?s mind, breaking him from his thoughts of freedom. ?Are you um?? the clipboard holding demon pushed up his falling glasses as he rummaged through his papers, finally stopping on a noticeably imperative sheet of paper, ?Are you Pui?? Pui Pui looked at the bluish monster with a critical eye before answering the question, ?No I?m not ?Pui?, I am Pui Pui! Savior of my people,? the last was said with pride, mostly to remind himself that, despite all the bad he had done under Ba? (Pui Pui silently swore to himself he would never again speak that infernal name)? under that disaster-prone wizard?s spell, he was still a hero to his people. The tall assistant?s confused face was comical in the extreme,??.aw?.whatever. Anyways, King Enma wants a personal meeting with you about your standing in the afterlife.? The aid turned, ?Follow me if you would,? The dead alien didn?t object as he followed the denizen of the afterlife checkpoint. Today was the start of a better life. Well actually afterlife, but that isn?t the point. From then on, his life would be peaceful and serene. At least that?s what he thought, but soon, he would discover the terrible fate that had been thrown upon him.
  8. The golden clouds rose up over the gray, dreary cobblestone roads. These humble walkways lead to the checkpoint of the afterlife, the office place of the great King Enma himself. Lines of souls led into the office building, their shapeless bodies floating inches above the ground. The foggy souls slowly drifted towards their eternal resting place. In the mass of massless spirits were a few actual bodies. The halos above their heads confirmed that they were, indeed, dead as well. These were the earthly bodies of dead heroes that had been allowed into the afterlife as a reward for doing a great deed in their life. At the ends of the lines, souls periodically materialized. And, yet over a thousand times more rare, a champion in their mortal body would appear sporadically. At the end of one of these rows of puffy spirits, their came a new arrival. The alien appeared at the rear of one of the lines. The alien?s worldly body was like natural armor, white as a dove, and hard as a one hundred foot thick steel wall. His long white cranium was the same pure color as his snowy white body. The twin spikes on his back looked sharp enough to penetrate even the toughest animal hide. His yellow, cat-like eyes shone with tears of forgotten pain. This fresh new appearance scanned this strange new place. Then, all his memory came flooding back into his head. How the evil wizard Babidi had captured him. His killing of thousands and thousands of people, including his master?s two lackeys, Yamu and Spoboviche. (please tell me how to spell spoboviche or whatever his name is so I can fix it). How the ultra powerful prince of saiyans, Vegeta, easily dealt with him. The formally imprisoned fighter realized that his unshed tears were from the now distant pain of the finishing blow from Vegeta. The remembrance of his enslavement made him flinch. A confused look crossed his strange, long face as he began to move his hand slowly towards his forehead. As his hand inched upwards, he hoped to Kami that his thoughts would be rewarded. As his hand glanced across his forehead, he felt nothing but his normal smooth brow. His prayers had been answered! In death, Babidi?s hold on him had been relinquished! He was free! Pui Pui was free again! :excited:
  9. Alright, posponed till tomorrow! Peace till later! :)
  10. My head sweats as I power up, my power multiples many times over, not even at full strength. BRING IT ON!:devil:
  11. I slowly stand, rubbing my head, "Dang, not bad at all. How about...." I put my hand forward, with other hand I grab the extended hands wrist. Red energy forms around the outsreatched hand, rearing to be let out upon its target "This!!! The energy jumps from his hand, slamming right into forte's chest, throwing him back away from my
  12. *grins* Wiht a sudden movement, I jump into fighting mode, soaring towards Forte, fist extended towards his head.
  13. *steps back into fighting stance* sure lets go! Challengers first!
  14. *takes off scarf* *rubs wrists* *pops neck* Come and fight! Rules: 1. No kills 2. Technical Knock Out at 60 posts 3. no weapons 4. no one may jump in(one on one) 5. if someone else comes and wants to fight, they must bring another person to fight (two on two) First one to reply will die at my hands! *powers up* COME ON!!!
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