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About Viva

  • Birthday 06/24/1989

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    Lucy McEvil 17

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    Hard worker, but laid back.
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  1. personally, i have no problems with homosexuality. i even have a friends that's bi for that matter. and plus, it's a free country. people say it's wrong because it's not in the bible or whatever, but why are politics getting involved?? church and government are supposed to be separate. so why is the government trying to get rid of same sex marriage?? i don't think homosexuality demoralizes people. people should truly understand homosexuals to STOP THE IGNORANCE!!
  2. a measurement?? kinda sorta, but you can't go on forever liking pokemon, right? i wouldn't say "act your age," but more like "grow out of it," or "grow into it." heh heh...
  3. hmm...guilty pleasures...i like to play magic: the gathering, but most people can't imagine me doing that!! i role play final fantasy and soul calibur with some of my friends. i feel so weird telling this for some reason...pigging out isn't really a guilty pleasure because i'm a tiny person that doesn't gain a lot of weight. (i'm 5' and 117lbs!!) but eating is fun.
  4. i need help finding a really good online cosplay store. particularly a video game cosplay store. i want to cosplay either talim, tira, or setsuka from soul calibur 3 for up coming conventions and such. any kind of help would be nice!! thanks!! you can pm me, too.
  5. The best gift to me was just a whole bunch of money and being taken out shopping!! That way, I can get whatever I want.
  6. Hi!! My real name is JoJo and I'm a 16-year-old girl from California of USA. I have two sisters and a brother. I'm in the NJROTC program. (It's kinda like a navy in high school.) I'm also with the school newspaper. I review video games which is the best job ever!! Journalism is one of the majors I want to master in college. The other is English Literature. I want to become an author and a video game journalist. By now you probably know I like video games!! Hehe, hehe...But more on my personality. I'm a pretty quite at first, but I'm fun to be with once you get to know me. I'd go on, but you can find out more about me on my otaku profile!!
  7. here's a typical day for me: -go to school 7am-2:30pm -njrotc practice 2:30pm-3:30pm -do homework and watch g4 at the same time 4pm-6pm -have dinner -watch xplay 8pm -take a shower -sleep -repeat schedule...
  8. i have a really mean one. i dunno if i should post it here though...pm me if you wanna know!! actually, i have A LOT of mean jokes. nevermind, i'll just post it here. what's yellow and says "cheep cheep!!"? a chinese prostitute. pm me if you wanna know more!! ok ok, i've got a blonde joke. it's kinda dirty in a sexual way, but it's not really gross. a blonde and a brunette are in an elevator. it stops and a man walks in and he presses the button to his floor. the man has really bad dandruff that you can see it on his clothes. so the brunette whispers to the blonde, "someone needs to give him head'n'shoulders." (you know, the dandruff shampoo.) and the blonde says, "how do you give him shoulders?" [color=DarkGreen][b][size=1]Viva, please don't double (or even triple) post. If you want to add something, and no one's posted since you did, use the EDIT button, rather than posting consecutively. I've merged your three posts together for now. I'll leave it to the rest of the Board's membership to lay into you for the slightly distasteful jokes, heh. [/size][/b][/color] [right][color=DarkGreen][size=1]-Raiyuu[/size][/color] [/right]
  9. [QUOTE=aizima]:animestun Man! I'm in a dilema. It's this guy I like in school, but he's like two grades above me. He doesn't even know I exsist. He knew my sister, but I can't tell my family anything... they make it a drastic case. So I'd like to know, what would you guys do in a situation like this?[/QUOTE] well, if he doesn't notice you, then make him if you like him that much!! try talking to him in class or something. but don't change yourself just to make him like you if he doesn't really like the real you. he probably wouldn't be worth it anyway. the "two grades above me" doesn't really matter just as long as your family doesn't know. my bf is turning 20 and i'm still in high school and we're great together.
  10. if you like this other girl and you say you love your girlfriend, then you're not in love.
  11. i finally got my own ps2!! i've been borrowing my cousin's for a long time and he wants it back. the reason why i know i got a ps2 is because my dad bought it in front of me. i also got the castlevania game for the ds!! whoo!!
  12. last year i wrote my bf a love poem and he really liked it. try doing that for your lover!!
  13. [QUOTE=toxicsk8er]Okay, now this is for girls mainly but guys can do this too^^Ok, What would you do, if you liked this guy/girl, but there was an age differance?{ old or young}What are your age limits for both ways?{ill go ahead and answer too^^} Mine for youngest are 11{im 13}and for oldest, 15^^Well, have fun and BE HONEST! ;)[/QUOTE] i think the girl has to be younger than the boy, for some reason. my bf is turning 20 in late feb and i'm 16 and my bday is in june. he's not too old, well not to me. anyway, the largest age diff limit would have to be 4 years, but after age 21, age diff doesn't matter just as long the woman is younger.
  14. now that i think about it...anime kinda does make the males shy of women. but sometimes the men can be real perverts like in colorful where they get horny from just looking at women's parts.
  15. [QUOTE=Bombu][color=darkred]I cheated on that fight and I still had to fight him >:O I thought the Big Guy from Resident Evil 2 was pretty scary. The dude you fight in Scenario B. Everything about him was scary, especially the scene where he gets back up after you leave the room. Plus, the part in the underground where you can see him coming from the camera monitor, and the he hammers it. He reminds me of my dad.[/color][/QUOTE] i called him the big guy, too. he was pretty scary especially the first time you play re2. i was also scared when dr. salvador and bella sisters (the chainsaw people) from re4 would come after you. not very much of a boss fight, but it scared the crap outta me when i heard those chainsaws!! i also like seeing how i would die from them. it was either my head getting sliced off or half of my body getting sliced off. it was really gory and graphic, but anything looks good in high res!! just kidding.
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