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  1. Wolfs Rain is a really good anime its beauty and pure ness of the uncut virsion i got with my boyfriend is perfect and 4 those of u who havent seen the uncut version its just bacitly how hard life and death is (at least close to death)
  2. the first anime i saw was Inuyasha and it because of that show that i gotin to anime and because i got into anime i met my boyfriend and because of that he just asked me (like 2 days ago ) to marry him on my 18 b-day kool hum sorry out of breath :animesigh
  3. [QUOTE=Dagger]I rarely download raws (seeing how as I know almost no Japanese). Yet I've been anticipating Samuari Champloo for so many months that I couldn't resist watching episode 1 as soon as possible, even without being able to understand the dialogue. Anyway, since this show is bound to be insanely popular, I'm sure someone will sub it pretty soon. Shinichiro Watanabe has become one of my personal gods, heh. I worked my way through Cowboy Bebop once or twice, and I appreciated it for what it is--a high-quality anime that I enjoy watching but just don't love. Samurai Champloo, on the other hand, seems to be right up my alley. The first episode alone contains one of the best anime swordfights that I have [i]ever[/i] come across. It's better than those seen in the last arc of Peacemaker, better than Kenshin's first duel with Saitou, possibly even better than all of the amazing battles that motivated me to buy the Samurai X OVAs. I can't even find the words to express my esctacy. Visually and aurally, Samurai Champloo is (as expected) very, very cool. The scene transitions are particularly innovative, and the show's animation just about reeks of style. This series is to hip-hop as Cowboy Bebop is to jazz--it owes much of its unique atmosphere to its daring soundtrack. I used the word "daring" because most people simply wouldn't think of combining a historical action-drama with... well, hip-hop, which is one of the most modern genres of music in existence. I loved how [spoiler]the second-to-last frame said "The End," and was followed shortly by "Psyche! To be continued."[/spoiler] That amused me quite a bit. ^_^ ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] my boyfriends more in to that show than ai am but he says its the best show in the world (hes seen all the episods so far and like ya) but to go as far as the language barier me and my boyfriend both know ***. so like we see all raw show that he jets shiped from his cuz in Japan
  4. 1)favorite character? Salior Mercury 2)favorite season? 5 3) least favorite character? Salior moon (talk about chezzy and girlie) 4) Least favorite season? 1( was boring to start out with just about them discovering their powers and stuff the coolstuff didnt start untill like much later) 5) Do you hate DIC and Cartoon Network for dubbing the show? YES AND NO 6) Have you seen the fifth season yet? YESSSSSSSS :catgirl: :catgirl:
  5. may be because other ppl see the true beauty in the Inuyasha seires maybe you should look more into the seires befor u judge it like that its just sad that your like this :animecry: :animecry: :animecry: love from me though for speaking your mind to Inuyasha lovers :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl:
  6. Im bi so i can do this Fuu from Chaploo is really hot and so is Kagome from Inuyasha :catgirl: :catgirl: as for boys Inuyasha is my man
  7. It Depends On The Kinna Person You Are Becaues Some People Like Me Think Thats The Only Way To Watch Anime And Then Theres Other That Think Its Ok \ So Its Like Totaly Up To You
  9. yea sorry but pokemon has goten boring they are like trying to attrack new older people to get in to the games and stuff but the only people they attract are my brother and his little friends (hes 6 years old) couldnt they just leave the original the way it was more people liked it that way now its just boring :sleep: :sleep:
  10. Well i go perfectly with Kagome from Inyuasha i falling in love with my protector my protector happens to have a sword i can shoot a pertty mean arrow and in my life im serching for some weird thing that is sappose to be like my way of life to save my family or something like that oh yea and try nit to piss me off or youll definetly regret it :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl:
  11. what atracts me to anime is the fact that its beautiful art and colors that you cant get from the u.s's dum cartoons it draws you in and leaves you there till the veary end thats one good cartoon :catgirl: :animestun you have got to know that every anime lover knows that
  12. [i agree Inyuasha is the best in the world it brings a tear to my eye when ppl trash it :animecry: :animecry: :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: Inyusha rox
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