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Everything posted by jigglyness

  1. I tried to incorporate more than one image into the banner would it just didn't work out for me. It just didn't go. So I only made it with one of the pictures. Hope it's ok for you to use. :) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/xweetok.jpg[/img]
  2. The best choice is to experiment around with what you know and build up from there. Tutorials help alot but once you start building up your own style, it gets easier.
  3. You've got potential. For the first image, the first thing that attracted me to it was her eyes. I think of all your pieces the first one, no doubt, has the best eyes. As others have mentioned, proportions need work but your most recent shows vast improvement in that area. The only thing that is really bugging me is the way you color with the pastels. I can tell that they are soft pastels [I've worked with both] and I really think that the coloring could be a lot smoother with a lot more blending (Mainly the shading on the faces). Maybe you wanted to emphasize the highlights but it would definitely look alot better if you used at least three different shades/tints of that color...unless you have a limited resource of course. But I see great potential. Keep this up. :)
  4. since this thread died out again, it's once again time to awaken this thing. XDD and of course. I'm call the next spot. DONE. [b][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/kadaj.png]STRENGTH[/url][/b] NEXT!!1!!!!
  5. It might be a little easier if you just asked him yourself. He has a MyOtaku account so, It'll be lots easier if you just PM him and ask him. :)
  6. Well, I tried this out so here it is. I actually am kinda proud of this one since i haven't done requests in so long. ^^' [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/cainavi.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/cain.jpg[/img] :)
  7. I'll take a jab at this. >.O I'll edit this post when I'm done. :)
  8. There really isn't a better program to use to make wallpapers. I really depends on what the user perfers. Some programs specialize in different effects. I personally use Photoshop but Paint Shop Pro is just as good. You can't really say one program is better than another either. I don't think there is a "way" to make wallpapers. It depends on your own personal style.
  9. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]oh wow. I haven't really seen a byakuya drawn like this before. Usually they do it in some other style. I really like it. Although I think that the hairline might a little too forward which kind of makes his head look scrunched a little. But I absolutely love how you did the hair. as you have pointed out that you weren't great with sakura tress, I have to say it looks a little funky. But it's a good attempt. I personally think it's really hard to draw sakura trees freehanded so I can't imagine how hard it much be on coral painter. I bow down to you in all of your awesomeness. >.
  10. I tried my best but I don't work well with the larger size sigs. =.= but I do hope it's decent enough for you. :) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/kos-mosavi.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/kos-mos.jpg[/img]
  11. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']Capitalization is your friend. You've been a member long enough to know that, and I've been lenient on you thus far, but shape up. Thanks.[/size][/quote] Sorry. That day I was a bit angry and accidently dropped my keyboard and it went a little haywire. My keyboard wouldn't let me make exclamation marks or colons. oO and whenver I typed in "y" it made a "z"....My shift button didn't work for a while too. Right now I'm using a new keyboard :excited:
  12. [QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=arial][size=1]I think I got skipped over on the Worm site. :-/ Any reason? Or was it an accident?[/font][/size][/QUOTE] yeah i find it weird how mine is supposed to be after rifles but on the worm site it skipped rifles and went straight into mine. oO sorry for not being able to do the other one i claimed. school started and i havent been able to get some time to actually work on it.
  13. Hm..well It's probably when you saved it, the qualit went down and sometimes that changes the colors a little. It seems it died again so it's time for a revival again >D I'll do the next one. :)
  14. Ok, I am done. sorry for the long wait. i've been real busy lately and yeah. I barely have time on my hands anymore. anyways. Hope you like it. :animesigh [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/yuffieavi.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/yuffie.jpg[/img]
  15. The images provided are really bad quality so it's hard to work with and your request is a little too vague.
  16. Ok here it is. Sorry if it took too long. School just started for me and things are just piling up. @_@ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/saizou2.jpg[/img]
  17. I'll take a go at it. I'll edit this post when I'm done. :)
  18. would you also want your username on the avi?
  19. oh wow. I can really tell the difference now. I really like it alot more than before. great job. I
  20. yar har har. Ok, it really WAS hard to find good pics of saizou. But I AM DONE! :animesigh If you want any type of text, just let me know and I'll edit it. :) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/saizouavi.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/saizou.jpg[/img]
  21. I'll take a go at it..again. haha. i'll edit this post when i'm done. :) [b]EDIT[/b]----------- and I'm done. I really liked this one. Hope you like. :) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/tsubasaavi.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/tsubasa.jpg[/img]
  22. I was actually trying to get [i]away[/i] from the freedom feel. That's why I redid mine three times. and plus, I submited it a day late from the original due date. *shrug*
  23. if you can provide just a preference picture, I would like to take a go at it. :)
  24. That's not what I meant. I meant it as in you can't call dibs as if you're the only one that's gonna make it. Anyone is allowed to do the request. [I hope that made sense...Retri told me that once].
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