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Everything posted by jigglyness

  1. the story line is pretty good but when you do the panels. try to stick to one direction. The only thing I can say artwise, is that there needs to be improvement on body proportions and placement. The face is well done while the body seems kind of iffy. But there's always room for improvement. :) I hate the dentist too. ^^'
  2. Unfortunately I can't make my submission on time for the deadline because my weekend has been WAY too busy. the busy-ness goes beyond the weekend. So for this round I would have to forfeit. =.= Sorry guys.
  3. As the boss stated, it's about equivalent to myspace without the sociallizing and old pedophiles. haha. But yeah its basicly a site where artists can post up their artwork and get feedback. There are alot of really great artists there and 'art' there doesn't just mean painting and drawing, it can be photography, graphic arts, brushes, applications and skins for different programs. Basicly a site for anything artistic.
  4. haha nice pron folder. I would imagine it would be in a more private folder instead of BAM right there. lol. [url=http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wally6sw.jpg][img]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/4079/wally6sw.th.jpg[/img][/url] i've been having this obsession with JRock lately....can't really explain it. :)
  5. The art isn't crappy one bit. I think it's pretty hard to do it oekaki. I've tried a few times and failed miserably. I would have probably praised that person too. I think he/she is pretty good. for the first pic, he/she just needs to work on the coloring a little.
  6. The backgrounds are really well made but the stock image doesn't match very well together. But the background images are really impressive. I might start to maybe try to get that program too. lol. As for the cropping, instead of using the magic eraser, I just use a regular eraser and zoom into the image at about 300% and slowly manually erase the edges. Although it might take a lot more time and work, I find it alot more accurate.
  7. KYAHAHAHA! Hm. I'm actually on time this time. :) Well this one was an interesting one to do. Took me about 2.5 hours to finish. When you said stupid dragon I couldn't help but think of something i saw on a shirt. lol. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/uberninja.jpg[/img] :)
  8. Alright. I hope it's not too late. :) I was rushed since I thought I wasn't going to have enough time so i just fiished like 30 seconds ago. ^^' It's colored pretty badly but hey, i guess it's decent enough. This guy pretty much has the same anatomy as a human man but the secret is in the inside. His brain has developed fighting style no human can imitate [sorry if it's lame. My brain is fried]. It looks like he's holding a regular gun [I can't draw guns to save my life] but that doesn't matter right?*shrug* He's supposed to have like dinosaur legs but i ran out of space. teehee. HIs hand is a little messed up but w/e.
  9. i think i might take a go at this one. :) [b]EDIT[/b] done. :) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/madhatteravi.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/madhatter.jpg[/img]
  10. sorry but i'm gonna have to drop out of this because i don't have enough time. I won't be home at all for the rest of the week so i can't make the deadline. SO SORRY :( [b]EDIT[/b] I MIGHT be able to make it on the dealine date. I'll try. If not, than i'm sorry.
  11. I think the airbrushing is good but you still need to work on proportions of the face especially on the gaara one. The eye shape is off and the hair also needs some work. The coloring of Fuu and Jin is a bit off but still pretty good. Keep practicing and you'll improve alot. :)
  12. Since it's watercolor, the black on the wall doesn't look too great. The black makes it look dirty. Try to use brown next time. Black in watercolor tends to do that to the picture. Everything else looks fina although maybe try to work on the fingers.
  13. Do you do all the images on the computer? Maybe try to clean them up a little. but it looks pretty good. i like the details although the messiness kind of takes away the effect. Your shading might need some more work but you have potential. :) i especially like the second the last one although its a little blurry.
  14. oh wow. I REALLY love the mark hoppus one especially the colors. More people should use those colors more often. very beautiful job on all of them. I also really love the renders in the abstract one although the text on the right can be better. It would be real nice if we got to see more of your work. It's really amazing. I R jealous. *nods*
  15. I would have to go with [b]ezekiel[/b]. The overall feel fits well with the text. it really does look like vomit and the text really isn't all that great. The colors are really out there which i envisioned orange and pink to really be. The stock fits pretty well also since he looks repulsed at the color, which once again fits in with the text. I like the border also. It fits well with the piece since it's....different.But maybe try to change the font to match with the piece. The font is too simple, maybe go for a funky type of font to match with the funkiness of the piece. >.<
  16. hm..i hope this is what you wanted :) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/khavi2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/khavi1.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/khsig.jpg[/img]
  17. haha. glad you like my work. :) sure i'll take another request. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/beautiful2.jpg[/img]
  18. okie doke. this might take me a little longer than the one before so i'llhave it up sometime tomorrow. :) [b]edit[/b] - ah finished. :) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/beautifulavi2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/beautifulavi1.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/beautiful.jpg[/img]
  19. your welcome. most of the font i have isn't script so i had searched every font i had. =.= if you suggest a font, i can change the text on the banner :)
  20. hm..i thought i would give this one a try. I was experimenting with a new style so i hope you like. :) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/anxietyavi2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/anxietyavi1.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/anxiety.jpg[/img] I tried to stick to the simple look but it wasn't working out for me. :animeswea
  21. hm..since you wanted some criticism on yuor works i won't hold back. :) although i am, by no means, an expert at this. 1. for the temari one, try not to blur too much. it makes it look like it's in bad quality and try not to have that cut and paste feel on her right side. Also try to work on the typography. 2.for the neji one, you spelled genius wrong. haha. ^^' 3. for the hitsugaya one, the same thing about the over blurring thing applies to this one. :)but the background is pretty good. 4.I think the lines in the center of the renji one shouldn't be there. it doesn't look like it really belongs there. it would look better without them. but pretty good. as for the vincent one, it might be the best of the rest but maybe try to clean out the edges so the white doesn't show too much. maybe work on the cutting of the main stock. :)
  22. [b]"Life is how you make it"[/b] pretty much, you control your own life. and another one i also follow: [b]"Life is a reflection of your actions"[/b] to me it mean be careful of your own actions because what you do everyday will be reflected by your life.
  23. [quote name='Sandy']As a sidenote to all of you who view homosexuality as a disgusting thing, I've only got this to say: in my opinion vaginas are disgusting, but do I go around condemning women for that? You know the answer.[/quote] I have to agree with what you said here... I really don't see why people have to hate homos so much. If they don't affect your own personal life, why should you affect theirs? Is it so wrong to love someone of the same sex? If you don't like it, avoid it. If you love it, good for you. I'm agnostic, so i don't really belong to any religion. As my bio teacher said, one religion says whoever isn't part of their religion, you're going to hell. another religion says the same thing. so does that mean we all are going to hell? discrimination. I mean why can't people see the homos for who they really are, instead of sexual orientation? as for the children thing, it's not like EVERYONE is gonna be homo and not produce children...i mean what about china! its so overpopulated..i'm pretty sure we need some of those homos there....
  24. I think I'll join this one too. I work better under pressure. ^_^ count me in. [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/artist.php?id=126456]Gallery X][/url]
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