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Everything posted by jigglyness

  1. It's not really the matter of being "stupid". You just need to get used to the program and gradually getting better. I'd say the only problem is where the background meets the stock, try to blend it together instead of having that obvious border where it meets. And for the text, try to make it stand out a little more. Having the text the exact same color as the backround tends to make the text fal into the background and become illegible. :)
  2. Here you go. Hope you like :) [img]http://tinypic.com/xle71w.jpg[/img] [img]http://tinypic.com/xle6p4.jpg[/img]
  3. hm...Try to work on the proportions of the body. They seem just a bit off but besides that they are pretty good. and also try to study the wrinkles of clothing. Some of the wrinkles don't really belong there [referring to the most recent one] :)
  4. although the style is really simple, the humor totally makes up for it. randomness =
  5. 9/10 It's really simple but it looks good as simple as it is. The white looks real nice. The matching avatar looks real nice aswell. :)
  6. Sign me up too. ^_^ sounds interesting...although I don't get what 'tag battles' are....oO I'm in.
  7. ISHIDA!! I really like the purple (since it's my favorite color and all) the blue butterflies are really nice. But unfortunately it takes away the attention from ishida's beauitful face. The brushing is well done though. The avi is really good also, it was the first thing my eyes caught attention to, so that's good. ^_^ overall I give you an 8/10. good job. :)
  8. Well, this IS an anime forum, is it not? lol. The dragons are very well drawn. I love the details you put into it, especially the teeth of each individual. It must've taken a lot of patience. ^^
  9. If you look carefully you'll see that every single piece of clothing and all visible skin is shaded. It's just that some is lihter than others...In my personal opinion, it only looks plaing because there is no background. :animeangr
  10. Hm..I don't see alot of things wrong except maybe the nose shape is a little funny. and the eyebrows seem a little chunky looking..unlesss they were meant to be like that >_<
  11. [img]http://tinypic.com/wqwtwm.jpg[/img] [img]http://tinypic.com/wqwth2.jpg[/img] Is that what you wanted? Did you mean grey? lol and Yes I'm 100% sure it's in .jpg format.
  12. The bird one is really interesting. but a very good image. I think for the flowers, the angle where you were taking it is somewhat awkward since you're almost directly over the flowers. Maybe try to take the pic at a different angle. and like Kune said, maybe try to bring out the colors in photoshop if you have it :)
  13. Do you want any specific text? If so, just let me know. :) anyways. here's the one's without any text.
  14. This was a LONG time ago. drew this way back then. but just recently decided to color it now. :animeswea But yeah. it didn't turn out all that bad. Took about 2 hours to finish coloring and touch ups. And no. it is not a sasusaku pairing. it was just this image in the manga that i thougt 'OMG i HAVE to draw that!' i'm totally AGAINST any sasusaku pairings. anyways. onto the pic. :) [url=http://tinypic.com/wlpz0m.jpg]CLIKETH[/url]
  15. haha no problem. I usually don't have time for requests and such but this request sounded interesting. haha. I guess it was worth it. ^_^
  16. I actually only do traditional type of drawing and coloring until recently when I started coloring my pictures with my computer. The only thing I can do really well is blend with pastel, color pencils, and paint. blending is my specialty. Some teachers have told me that I needed to work on my drawing skills more. :) Thanks for the advice though.
  17. hm..kind of hard image to work with but I managed...kind of. [img]http://tinypic.com/whxkdu.jpg[/img] [img]http://tinypic.com/whxjr4.jpg[/img]
  18. :) I coudn't think of what else to do with the image. ^^' Hope it's ok [img]http://tinypic.com/whnwg5.jpg[/img] [img]http://tinypic.com/whnwr7.jpg[/img]
  19. sorry it took so long to respond but yeah. If you still are open to others heres mine. :) [img]http://tinypic.com/wcmgiv.jpg[/img] [img]http://tinypic.com/wcmfyh.jpg[/img]
  20. For the traditional art, I can't say much but when coloring, try to smooth out/blend the colors into the paper. :) But it seems you are pretty good with proportions of the body For the photography, the first one and second ones are really amazing. They just totally blew me away. You should take more photos like that. X]
  21. [SIZE=1]oh yeah. I forgot. haha. I keep forgeting that the image size difference for avis from the other forums I go to. haha. And I'm a girl. :) So yeah, go ahead and use Boo's avi for my sig. :)[/SIZE]
  22. [quote name='Kune']My favourite is the "never look back" one, I love the way you did the hair and the wings are absolutly adorable. Your pics are very creative XD it makes me really jealous =3 Keep it up![/quote] eh..I don't think I have any art under "never look back". If you're talking about my first colored one than I understand. That one I mostly concentrated on the wings and hair the most [it's pretty obvious huh?] I was trying to go for the torn worn out look but it didn't turn out all that bad. :)
  23. Well I did my best. I couldn't really do anything about the avi but I tried with the sig. :) [img]http://i3.tinypic.com/w0p2ko.jpg[/img] [img]http://i3.tinypic.com/w0p4de.jpg[/img]
  24. Well, actually I DO have some recent works but none are the quality of this one. I get a little lazy to scan it into the computer so yeah. But my other works are under my account on [U][url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/artist.php?id=126456]THEOTAKU[/url][/U]. :)
  25. [url=http://www.chakde.com/uploads/b82be69f7e.jpg]without BG[/url] Heres the original pic without the background. The drawing itself is somewhat old so a while I look at the pic and also the neck part. Is it just me or does his beck seem fat? *shrug* but I'm also a little unsatisfied with the coloring of the hair.
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