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Everything posted by jigglyness

  1. Ok, My second ever fully colored drawing done with Photoshop Elements 3.0 . I did not make the background, I found it on google and decided to put it on because it kinda matched what I was trying to do. :) Critique welcome. [url=http://www.chakde.com/uploads/76f6f175c6.jpg]CLICKITH[/url]
  2. Is it ok if I used different images of DirEnGrey besides the one you provided? because the pictures you have aren't in that great of quality. If you don't mind, I'll start on it. :) --------edit------------ not the best but I couldn't find very many great pics of them :\ Hope it's ok though.
  3. 6/10 overall probably since it doesn't seem to even have a sig there. the sephy avi is nice but seems a bit plain.
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]I give you a 7.5/10 because the image is a little oversaturated and the image isn't very clear. but the effects are good. :)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]I really like the brushes and the image but try not to have the scanlines over the stock. It takes away some of the effect from the image itself. The avi and banner matchs very well, as if it were the same picture but from different angles. great job. 8.5/10 :)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]I want a life-sized Sesshoumaru plushie (if they even exist today, I don't know). I already have one of Legolas and that scares the bejibbies out of everyone that passes by my room so why not a giant Sesshoumaru to scare them even more? *shrug* EDIT* I also want a pet pig >_
  7. I think you need to work on basic body structures/proportions, for instance, her left thigh is MUCH shorter than her right thigh. It looks as if its half the length they are supposed to be. Her arms also seem very out of proportion. Try looking at the people around you and imagine they're body structures and put them onto paper.
  8. The name's Jigglyness but everyone calls my Jiggly for short. Most people can't tell whether I am male or female because of the awkwardness of my username. But if you want, you guys can call me by my real name, Sara. I'm female..as you can tell. :) I is from Arcadia. It's this real quiet town in L.A. county. You might've heard of us if you live near southern Cali. We're mainly known for academics. :) I just turned 16 in early Feb. Got my permit a few days after. X] can't wait to start driving. Unfortunately, out of us three siblings, I am the only big anime fan. My older sister is too busy with her BF to be dealing with anime. She thinks its weird anyways. My little brother is starting to get into anime but he's always watching those pervert anime. It gets quite annoying to me. But he's more into sports. He's so much weirder than me....*blink*
  9. I can say I'm definitely not attached to my cell phone in any way. You know why? I lost it. haha. Yes, I know. Stupid. But it wasn't as if I even used it all that much...The last cell phone payment that my mom had before I lost my phone, I only had used 43 minutes the whole entire month..thats like a little over a minute a day...'_' With my computer on the other hand is a total different situation. I'm pretty much addicted to my computer. Not AIM though. Everyone complains that I don't go on AIM enough. But I can say I'm addicted. If I had the choice to go out or my spend the whole day on my computer, It's a pretty much 50/50 choice for me. Most people would choose going out right? My mom even complains that I don't go out enough. She gets happy when I get out of the house. lol. But I think our society is WAY too dependant on technology. Not to be stereotypical but the people I see that are mainly dependant on their cells are either the jocks or social butterflies out there. They can't even get through ONE period of school without their cell phones. It kind of pathetic. *shakes head*
  10. Hm...I don't know any sites but I DO have some really lame ones. haha. :D "Excuse me, I noticed you noticing me so I thought I'd give you notice that I noticed you too. " ^_~ And the classic one, "Do you believe in love at first site? or should I walk by again..."
  11. I'm not really for or against child labor. I mean sometimes if the condition calls for it, a child needs to help the family make money especially if their parents are unable to make any kind of income to the family. "sweat shops" are real cruel and I'm mostly against it but sometimes you just can't help it, ya know? It's just one of those things you can't really control. I used to help my mom around her factory when she needed me to since I was a little kid when we needed the money.
  12. I want to get a pair of either angel or faerie wings on my back but I want them to be small. I won't plan on getting it probably until my college days cause once you get into college, people say thats when you find your true self, who you really are. So if by then I still want it, I'm getting it. If not then I guess I won't get it. haha.
  13. well, I just took my high school exit exam today for about 4 hours and tomorrow I willbe taking the math protion, which will probably last about 3 hours. *sigh* why must we test so much?!
  14. I would search for a place without stupid drama. like with the stupidest things that can cost a life or hurt someone, whether yourself or someone you love. I admit, we humans are stupid at time, but I would really pretty much give up alot for a place like that...I guess it's really special for me because I find myself hating people in general for all the stupid things we do and all the unnecessary drama we cause.
  15. I think this one time, a couple got into a fight and started blowing up their house to try to kill each other just like in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. lol. The neighbors called the polive and when the cops got there, the house was pretty much already blown up by gernades and other explosives. haha. Talk about waking up the neighborhood.
  16. Amazingly, as a kid I never even thought of cartoons as real or played with toys a lot, which is pretty much abnormal for a kid right? But when I was a kid, all I ever wanted was to become an artist...I still do today. haha. I was a weird kid...I blame my family. :D
  17. [SIZE=1]7.5/10 I REALLY love yor avi because the fact that it's Gackt. >_< Gotta love him. haha. The sig is a little pixely, but that might have to do with the small size. But imo, I think the sig is missing something...a something I can't really name....[/SIZE]
  18. For the body, try to work on proportions because the mid section/abs seems a little too long. and her breasts re somewhat lopsided and pointy. But I like how you did the hair. :)
  19. No, I didn't mean in that way. I just wanted to know because I wasn't sure what size to make the sig. I'll go work on it now. :)
  20. It all depends on religion. Some people believe in evolution, some don;t due to religion. I personally believe in evolution. Did you know out amino acids only differ by 1 from gorillas?
  21. I'm pretty sure the limit to the size of sigs are 500 x 100.
  22. My first ever digitally colored drawing with my new tablet. :) I like the wings, but I want to know what you guys think. Critique wanted please. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/drawings/mike2.jpg][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/drawings/miketn.jpg[/img][/url] click thumbnail for full view EDIT - Sorry. Updated the image. Had up the wrong link. I had up the link that led to the before image. The right link is now up. :)
  23. The coloring is real nice but the wrinkles in her sleeves seem somewhat awkward and the elbow/forearm postion is also somewhat awkward. And like Lunox pointed out, the random strands of hair sticking out is odd...But overall very good.
  24. 7.5/10 For the sig, the blue is really nice but you shoudn't have the brushes come over riku's face. Also try not to have those scanlines go through his face...It will help make him stick out alittle more.
  25. The fence really takes away all the attention away from the center image. If you want to make the guy stand out more try outlining with a darker pencil or fine tipped marker. And his expression doesn't really make it look like he really wants to shoot himself.
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