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Everything posted by jigglyness

  1. It looks pretty good. Like everyone has said so far, work on your proportions. It helps if you just stare at the people around you. I think its basicly the arms you need to work on more. Normal muscles dont bulge out like that and maybe a little work on the hands. :)
  2. The banner looks pretty good but try to add a border to it next time. The image is also really blurred so try to do something about that also. :)
  3. late one but who cares. XDD "ooooo...that looks dangerous...lets poke it"
  4. I wouldn't really mind watching the documentary of the history of football..its not that bad..i mean you can just sleep throughout the thing. *nods* would you ratherget run over by your best friend OR Would you rather run your best friend over yourself?
  5. Hmm..I think you should probably work on the flow of her hair. it looks a little to chunky. try to make her hair to flow more smoothly. But overall it's pretty good. :)
  6. hm..my current obsession is The All-American Rejects "Change your mind". The beat is realyl awesome. I've been listening to this song all day for almos a whole week now. I don't think I'd get sick of it just yet unless it for some reasons show up on the radio. I fit does, I'd probably end up killing someone. >_< I used to really like the Greenday "Boulevard of brokens dreams" but then the radio totally ruined the song for me. I'll forever hate that song. I still hate it no matter how long it was ago. ugh. The radio is evil!!!!
  7. horrendously drunk in public. someone can just knock me out and bring me home. then the next day i could get the wrorst hangover.since im really self concious about my body i rather not be even half naked anywhere besides my own soak bowl[tub] in my bathroom . XD listen to gwen stafani's "hollaback girl" straight for a month OR getting stabed over and over in the leg with a sharpened pipe for a whole week?
  8. All American Rejects Asian Kung Fu Generation Ayumi Hamasaki BECK [from anime] Blink182 Calling, the Chester Bennington Dashboard Confessional Death Cab For Cutie Deathgaze Deftones Dido Dir En Grey Dishwalla Do As Infinity Dry Cell Evanescence Every Little Thing Fall Out Boy Finger Eleven Fort Minor Gackt Green Day Gundam Seed Destiny Hawthorne Heights Hikaru Utada Hoobastank Hot Hot Heat Jay Gordan Kagerou Kiss [korean] Korn Larc~en~ciel Linkin Park Maroon 5 Meister Mest Miyavi My Chemical Romance Namie Amuro Red Hot Chili Peppers Rie Fu Rie Tanaka See Saw Seether Senses Fail Smile Empty Soul Submersed Sugarcult Switchfoot Taking Back Sunday Tension Tomokazu Seki Trapt The Used UVERWorld Vertical Horizon Yellowcard -and some other asian artists i cant type. ^^' wow...that was long...
  9. [QUOTE=Charles][CENTER][IMG]http://img304.imageshack.us/img304/4159/logo4sm.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] The answer is simple, let me tell you. Date him. Act repulsive or insane to the point where [i]he[/i] dumps [i]you[/i]. Consider talking about having kids together and getting married on the first date. Perhaps complain about a burning or itching sensation around your crotch region. If he gets past that, on the first kiss just open your mouth wide, stick your tongue straight out, glare into his eyes, and groan like you're taking a crap. Problem solved. He'll be running for the hills without the pain or rejection weighing heavily upon him.[/QUOTE] yes but some people get somewhat insane after a while and start liking insane people. But as everyone has said. Just tell him straight out. No excuses. If you both really have the friendship like you said, then he'll get over it. After that many times of pushing it on you, you just have to go for it dead on. Don't make up excuses for yourself. Its only going to make it worse.
  10. eh, the first one is pretty cool but the others seem like you just cut them out of regular images. If not, then i can't see what exactly you did with the images.and the kirby sig is kind of confusing...
  11. The image looks really nice although it looks a little too blurred. and try to blend in the bg text alittle into the bg. 8.5/10
  12. The image is very cute although I think it might look alot better if you brightened it a little. maybe have the snow glow a little. 7/10
  13. Here's my try : [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/sting_avi.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/sting_siggy.jpg[/img] I didn't think the font matched so I didn't use it. I hope it's ok. :)
  14. here : [img]http://tinypic.com/opwqjb.jpg[/img]
  15. I used to love headbanging but at the end I would start having a slight headache from shaking my brain cells so much. haha. its really fun and everything but the aftereffect always got to me. I kind of stopped after I started to listen to less metal and more alternative/general rock.
  16. i actually have a few favorite colors. one is a pastelly grey purple. second is a greyish olive green. another is just grey. like the greys in the posts. If you haven't noticed...i really like greys or greyish patelly colors. they actually make me feel real calm and nice. like lying under a tree staring at clouds. shikamaru. haha.
  17. The prettiest song I've ever heard was a mandarin song. Mandarin songs these days seem to be really pretty. I can't find the lyrics though. its : Michael Kong Leung - Tong Hua. I really love that song.
  18. Mine is actually really weird...as you can probably tell already. One day I was lying on my cousins bed talking with her. My sister came in the room and decided to come into the convo. So she sat on the bed too. and being the lazy bum she is, she layed her leg on my stomach. [I gots a big belly XP] I was laughing real hard from the convo and I guess I shake when I laugh, thus giving me the name "jigglymonster". It later got shortened to "jigglyness" as a nickname from blu_moon on Myo. Since then I've kept the name. Everyone always laughs at my username :( I also go by another name. My other name was 'sesshofreako'. When I first got into anime, I was really obsessed with Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha. I was known to freak out when his name was mentioned anywhere. Therefore giving me the name 'sesshofreako'. People still laugh at this username too...I really don't know why.
  19. From experience, I wouldn't because the orginal is always better in most cases. But if I was DESPERATE for anime and that was my only choice then I guess I would. But otherwise i definitely would not. It's just not the same even if its not all that bad.
  20. I personally don't think its sterotypical since in many anime/manga not all men are either the shy/nerdy type now the cocky/jerk type. It's only those anime/manga you guys have mentioned. There really isn't a sterotype to the men of anime. It all depends on the variety of anime you watch. Like in Love hina, of course there are the typical men but it doesn't mean all animes are like that.
  21. 1. The All-American rejects - Dirty Little Secrets 2. Mariah Carey - Breakdown 3. Ghost in the Shell - Inner Universe 4. Do As Infinity - Yotaka no Yume 5. Hot Hot Heat - Goodnight Goodnight 6. Papa Roach - Dead Cell 7. Jackie Chan & Kim Hee Sun - Endless Love 8. Kiss - Because I'm a girl 9. Senses Fail - Choke on this 10. Blink 182 - Adam's Song
  22. Here's my try at it. If you want text on it, just let me know. :) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/hughes_avi.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v513/sesshofreako/forums/requests/hughes_siggy.jpg[/img]
  23. First, you have to be sure about your feelings. If I were you, I'd would try to get closer to her more as a really close friend instead of a boyfriend. Even if love isn't shared between you two, it doesn't mean you guys can't be the best of friends. Dont be too agressive either. Thats a real turn down and shows that your aren't very serious about the relationship. As a fellow girl, we all like to be treated gently. Show her how much she means to you in a sweet and kind way instead of an agressive and forward/pushy manner. You have nothing to lose. Even if it doesn't work out, you'll still have agreat friend right?
  24. I personally think that your friend was over reacting a little. She shouldn't have hit you for something that wasn't your fault. and trying to get your other friends to give you the cold shoulder was WAY overboard. But don't think that it's your fault. It isnt. Like avenged666fold said, just give it some time for her to recover. Although if I were you, I would be expecting an apology from her. Besides how can it be your fault when you were the one to encourage her to admit her feelings? Just wait it out and if she still gives you the cold shoulder still, then I wouldn't think she was a true friend. I wouldn't let something like that ruin a sisterly friendship like yours.
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