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Everything posted by jigglyness

  1. I once dreamed i was at my grandmas house fighting a giant squid with my bare fist. i was all kung-fu martial artsy against it. i totally owned...it wasnt those ugly real looking squid though..it was chibi-ish.
  2. I probably listen to the music i listen to because i can really relate with the lyrics and the music just speaks to me. Most of the music i listen to may be considered "emo" but i definitely do not consider it emo music. most of the time the people are talking about reality and how the world works. I used to be into rap but i realized that it truly wasn't what i really wanted to listen to. i mean all they would rap about was sex drugs and more sex. i mean its pretty rare to find a rapper rapping about reality and the state of the world.
  3. I think many people can relate to this song including me. It's pretty much about how relationships can start to lose the love they once had and how people would cling to each other to be in a relationship. [b]Senses Fail - Choke on this[/b] Half smoke cigarettes and you're the trash that infests my sheets can't make a wife out of a whore, don't want your skin on me And you're, you're addicted to the drug of lust Detoxing the cold sweat of shame and I love your pain I gave you these roses now but I left in the thorns I'd rather hurt someone then hurt myself I'll dispose of you like a lighter out of fuel I'll lose you somewhere on a dusty shelf Sot his love's been worn down, like songs on a tape The sex has lost all of its fun, like gum loses taste And you're, you're addicted to the drug of lust, Detoxing the cold sweat of shame and I love your pain I gave you these roses now but I left in the thorns I'd rather hurt someone then hurt myself I'll dispose of you like a lighter out of fuel I'll lose you somewhere on the shelf I'm here lying in your bed babe Remember what you said to me "You can be my James Dean, I'll be your sweet queen" I said that you were my first, but you weren't even close now Like a frame in a movie, you're just one of many Can you grant me one last wish Play russian roulette as we kiss I'll be your cheap novelty Blow your brains out on me I gave you these roses now but I left in the thorns I'd rather hurt someone then hurt myself I'll dispose of you like a lighter out of fuel I'll lose you somewhere on the shelf
  4. 1. Pick a band or artist: [b]Senses Fail[/b] 2. Are you male or female: [b]Angela Baker and my obsession with fire[/b] 3. Describe yourself: [b]Suburban Headache[/b] 4. How do some people feel about you:[b]You're cute when you scream[/b] 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Bloody Romance[/b] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Dreaming a Reality[/b] 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]The Ground Folds[/b] 8. Describe how you love:[b]Bite to break skin[/b] 9. What would you ask if you had one question: [b]Free Fall Without a Parachute[/b] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]Rum is for drinking, not for burning[/b] 11. Now say goodbye: [b]Choke on this[/b]
  5. 9.5/10 I really love the colors. It all goes together really well. The image fits in really well too. :) [COLOR=RoyalBlue][size=1]jigglyness, please elaborate in your posts as to what exactly you like. Praise does nothing for the artist if you don't explain. Be sure to read the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52171][b]Art Studio Rules[/b][/url] rules and the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][B]OB Official Rules[/B][/url] to get into the swing of things around here. - Retribution[/size][/COLOR]
  6. BECK. Definitely one of the only anime I can watch over and over and over. I think I've seen the whole entire series almost ten times now. Maybe its the fact that the anime is about forming a rock band and I ABSOLUTELY love anything to do with rock bands or the making of one. Talking about the anime is making me want to watch it again. ><
  7. ok. Fixed the border problem.And no, the firefox thing is a separate banner. Ecstacy 8.5/10 I really like the colors and the image is nice too. The butterfly on the left makes it really interesting to look at. :)
  8. 7/10 The image is a little small, but pretty nice overall. I LOVE GreenDay. :)
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