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Everything posted by blackfireknight

  1. my favorie anime soundtrack is Samurai champloo, and movie is Undercover Brother
  2. my favorite music is rock and jazz. with some anime mixed in
  3. what are some of your favorite video game songs? Mine are I am: shadow the hedgehog, Simple and Clean: kingdom hearts, and Sonic boom: Sonic Cd
  4. i like the use of elements because they can represent personalitys. like fire could represent a hot head, but the person who controls fire in my story is cool and collected
  5. [quote name='cyborg715']well lets see here you may want to change some things such as the elemental munipulaters um you dont want to make an empression like its a rip from avatar the last airbender[/quote] thanks for the advice. its more like my charaters use their individual elements to increse their own fighting abilitys
  6. a little tip is to sketch what you want drawn. like a circle than erase what you dont need. simple as that
  7. i think it was my ps2 cause it was really random
  8. im currently writing my own manga. Its called "Order of the Phoenix" and no i didnt rip that of Harry Potter. It takes place 20 years from now in japan. There are 6 main characters. Each has the ability to control and minipulate a diffrent element. the prolog helps to bring the story up to speed. its kind of funny and serious at the same time.
  9. What are some of you guys thoughts on this new sonic game?
  10. tough call. naruto has the 9 tailed fox in him and inuyasha can go full demon
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