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  1. dot

    Nice Guys

    Nice guys are made for Nice girls! I say, Nice people are very, hard to find.
  2. Make it better than the last!
  3. damn.. i thought this thread was like one of those silly questions that i ask e.g (Hypothetically Answering) Q.Who are you? A. I am an Alien Q.Why is your name such and such? A. My aunt gave me my name. ___________________________________________ Alrights! 1. Female [QUOTE]Where do ya hail from, stranger?[/QUOTE] 2. What does that mean? my parents? 3. Currently 16 years old 4. Older brother and younger sister [QUOTE]other information[/QUOTE] I am an Alien. Hi im dot, nice to meet you. I live in Melbourne Australia. I like cookies, cake, cupcake, candy. That is all
  4. 2005 A year, just like any other year to remember by. The paths we crossed, extraordinary like the rest day by day. Events occured, yet i can not say were harder than it seems. We journeyed so far, overcoming obstacles with emotions bursting into flames. 2005 A year to remember by.
  5. Protest! Petition! Protest some more! = A LOT OF PEOPLE
  6. [QUOTE]I've said 'I love you' to someone when I didn't mean it. It wasn't intentional. I was caught up in the moment, he had told me that he loved me, and I just said it.[/QUOTE] I've done that too.. i wasn't thinking. It was like i didn't want to disappoint him, but i didn't feel the same way until i realised i said it. I couldn't take it back because then it'll hurt him. I'm a person who doesn't want to hurt anybody. [QUOTE]I am freaking scared out of my mind of those three words. As soon as I here them my mind is juggling "Do they mean it?" "Are they just being funny? Sarcastic?" "Should I love them too?" [/QUOTE] I remember that feeling, now I believe that if somebody says 'I love you' just don't take it to seriously. If you are unsure, ask them. Don't be afaid. It's better to get things right then wrong. People take these words for granted that's why it has lost its meaning for some people.
  7. dot

    Check this out

    Mockery of Memoirs of a Geisha: Bobby Lee of Mad TV as Sayuri in The Memoirs of a Geisha [url]http://www.youtube.com/w/Memoirs-of-a-Geisha--Mad-TV?v=_AQvqsZFgDY&search=memoirs%20of%20a%20geisha[/url]
  8. Breathe, Eat, Sleep, Stay Healthy That's what i think =)
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