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Everything posted by CanadianVegita

  1. Well. From what I saw in the show. Without Vegita, Goku would have probably never have went SSJ. Cell would have killed all the Z fighters eventually, or the androids, and Buu would have come back and destroyed the world. Plus Trunks wouldn't have been born and Bebi would end up getting in a huge war between Buu and Freeza resulting in the complete destruction of the Universe. Yah Goku is the one true star of the show.
  2. they are Brother and Sister. But the Z fighters didn't know that. Krillin even thought that she would like it better with 17 but she got mad and yelled and so on. But really she was playing hard to get.;) and ended up actually loving him.:love: Talk about irony
  3. Man Hyper D is a very cool game. But it's hard. It took me so long to just beat cell but I did it and beat the game. But again the bonus fights after are even harder. But I think DBZ Legends for PS is the best even though I havn't played it I heard some high reviews on it.
  4. It has to be between Raditz untimely death and Cells. Gohan just freaks out on him and its cool.
  5. I'm crazy. But I still like Vegita cause he just kicks ***. What? What? He dosn't? Well wake up and smell the SSJ cause he is the WHOLE F'N SHOW BABY
  6. HEy. Sephiroth is quite right there. There are alot of different outcomes that could have occured in DBZ that would change the plot alltogether... WHoa I need to think about all the changes that could happen now. Like Goku dosn't die when fighting Raditz and Gohan dies on Namek and...ahhhh I need to lay down.
  7. In my Fanfic I have her in it at the begginning giving birth to Vegita and his twin brother. But she is killed by Freeza because she gave birth to two saiyans who are really strong. ANd the whole time Vegita thought that she died on a planet they were trying to take over. Hey it could happen
  8. Wouldn't that make him gay? Just what we need, another large purple annoying creature to hate. I wonder who would win? Barney or Trunks in Oozaru form?
  9. Mr. Satan is so one of the most important Characters in DBZ. WIthout him the world would be destroyed by Cell and Buu. He risked his life fighting Cell, which by the way helped alot. And helped Buu become good. He also got everyone to raise there hands up to help Goku's Genki Dama to destroy Buu. So without him the wourld would be destroyued and well that would just suck.
  10. Hey Majin Buu is the best. Especually in his first form. (Fat Buu) He dances and sings and turns people unto cookies whats not to like?
  11. Ok what don't you understand. When Goku absorbed the DB he forfieted his life for alll those on earth. AN d only Vegita and Pan knew that. Which makes him dead or something it is never explained. which makes Vegita the strongest in the end. Sure Goku has like super mega ultra power, but he can't do a damn thing with it because he's gone and isn't coming back for 100 years when the Dragon returns. Which is why he is there at the end of DBGT, after the dragon is returned to earth.
  12. Hey I didn't mean to offend I just got caught up in the writing and I am sorry that I wrote somethings that offended others. But I still stand by my belief that Vegita is better. Like Lady M said Vegita fights like a war where as Goku fights to save the world. The difference is that there is always someone better than Goku and Goku surpasses that individual and usually stops there for a while until someone else comes along to threaten the world. In Vegita's case he is always trying to be the best. Better than Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Piccolo, all of them. But mostly Goku. The only time he stopped is when Goku died from Cell and Vegita kinda stopped training so hard. It really isn't very fair for him at all. Goku didn't train nearly at all close to what Vegita trains at. Goku trained at 100, Vegita trained at 400 (something like that.) and nearly died to become a Super Saiyan. Plus just to make a point of error Altron Gundam, Goku couldn't go SSJ3 when he and Majin Vegita fought. He wasn't nearly strong enough yet. Plus SSJ4 Goku was equal to SSJ4 Vegita. It's just that Bebi was kind of a hinderence to Vegita's true power. You see to fuse the fighters must be the same power level so I guess SSJ4 Vegita was the same power level like SSJ4 Goku. Plus Goku's a child so he is severly weaker than in DBZ. Making Vegita more powerful when Goku and Pan and Trunks went in search of the black star DragonBalls. And your saying I don't know DBZ. I laughed pretty hard at that one. Your a riot Altron go join the circus.
  13. Has any one played/own/know how to get DBZ Legends import for PS? if so how good is it? and where can you get it? thanks.
  14. For all of you who think that Goku is the best in DBZ/GT you are wrong. For Vegita is the best. He beat Goku in all of their fights except for when Goku first goes SSJ4 than he just kills Bebi but still Vegita is the stronger fighter than the two. When they first fought Vegita whipped Goku's butt pretty easily. The second time they fought in the Buu saga Vegita again kicked Goku's butt and knocked him out. And in DBGT Vegita beat up Goku only because he was absorbed by Bebi . But before that Goku was turned into a child and lost pretty much all of his power. Making Vegita the most strongest in the end. Sure Vegita admits that Goku is stronger than him at the end of DBZ but he was just kidding himself. he is the son of a king and he married Bulma and bore two kids(3 in the manga) that are very powerful. So in conclusion all of those who think Goku is the best are quite blind at the fact that Vegita is that much better.
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