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Everything posted by Disenchanted

  1. [SIZE="1"]Naww hello sis, long time no see :3 I .> The background didnt save to well under anything I tried and after spending so long on something that looks so incredibly smiple welll I didnt wanna change it. >.> [align="center"][url=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/darkness.png] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"][B]sanctuary[/B][/COLOR] [/url] [/align] blergh ohh and here is the background i tried to make out of Kw's to make things easy for the next person. [url=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/background.png][background click][/url][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR="darkcyan"][SIZE="1"]A.J maintained a strong and stable lock on the space stations cargo bay as the team was transported inside. If there was one thing he sort of disliked about being a pilot it was missing out on all the fun and action on the ground. This wouldn?t have been the first time he had to stay aboard a ship and practically do nothing. Keeping an equal distance with a space station could be difficult at times but it was a total bore none the less. As he tapped various holographic dials and moved controls he found himself wishing for some hostile force to show up that would give him a bit of a challenge but he quickly took back the thought. When he was enlisted he would have given his right leg for a moment of peace while flying, [i] ?be careful what you wish for? [/i] his mind sang to him. [b]?yeah?yeah.?[/b] He whispered back out-loud to no one, quiet enough so that Kendra couldn't hear him. The space station suddenly took a rather massive but short turn towards the A.G, Alex?s brow furrowed momentarily as he had to swoop the ship a fair distance away from her to keep equal. He sighed out loud, for everything she was the AG was in a way almost too advanced. Pilots were still taught to fly under G forces for the experience, he preferred it?almost missed it in a way. At least now that Kendra and Brianna were on the bridge he wasn't completly alone. Cutting across his thoughts all of a sudden crimson and light blue lights began to flash all over his holographic display. A.J frowned, a rather rare sight to behold, and tapped a few dials before tilting his head questioningly to the side. [b]?That?s odd.?[/b] He announced probably a little too calmly. [B]?What?s odd??[/B] Kendra questioned but A.J didn?t answer. The strange readings were coming from the engines output which could be potentially dangerous for a lot of reasons, but none of which he wanted to think about. [b]?I?m getting some odd readings from the engines output.?[/b] he continued to stare at the screen trying to figure out what was going on. He saw Kendra in his peripheral vision also checking her systems for the readings. [B]?Is there something wrong??[/B] Brianna sang out from her communication console. Kendra turned and attempted to look as reassuring a possible. [B]?Probably nothing, were checking it out now.?[/B] Alex flashed a look in her direction slightly concerned. [B]?All right, I?ll go check it out.?[/B] She announced, getting up to leave. [I]?yeah well?be careful.? [/I]He wasn?t about to say that to he directly, but he couldn?t help thinking it. [B]?Sure thing, still maintaining an equal distance with the station.?[/B] He responded as Kendra left the bridge to go check on the engines. This was slightly worrying, the doors and now the engines. ?I wonder what else is going to start malfunctioning? he couldn?t help but thinking. Alex had a sudden urge to tell the commander and the rest of the team over on the space station to transport back right then and there so they could take off but that was out of the question.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="darkcyan"]I'll be posting [objectve included] tomorrow/ now if i can get my throughts together, sorry for the wait guys. EDIT: Posted! fuah >.>; [/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Those get me the most too. >_< I watched one about some sicko in Australia that would kidnap people, and the things he did to them? *shudder* [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] That would be Wolf Creek ^ ^, some crazy dude grabed a punch of backpackers in the middle of the desert if I recal. Spose your never coming to Australia then? [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Rachmaninoff The ones that get me the most are the movies based on a real psycho's story, it's a little hard to not get unnerved when you know that what you're seeing did at one time really happen to some poor soul. I'll admit that those do creep me out a little.[/QUOTE] Ohh they scare me to no end, for the reason you stated but I haven't seen that many to know if the writers exaggerate the details to make it seem more frighteneing or stick to actual facts about what happened. As for the general question, I have a friend who is more or less like you Avenged666fold, she is not scared by anything remotely related to horror, infact she just laughs. It just comes down to the fact, someone stated before, that shes watched so much of it, it doesn't bother her anymore. I do feel bothered by the fact that she can watch such graphic things as, people in pain and being tortured [I][based on real events or not] [/I]and just laugh at them.
  5. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="darkcyan"]Please excuse me for not posting guys, I?ll work on typing up a post soon, I?ve been having issues. The story still hasn?t moved on far enough for me to post my objective, as I need you guys over at the space station to do what I need to, so for now I?ll just get in a short post about locking on to a position for you guys for transport over too, forgive me if I?m portraying my own character out of character, I haven?t RPed in a while. Thanks to everyone for giving Alex a bit more of a personality. :3 -posted, bleh my muse is so shot, hung, drawn and quartered. Hope that was ok, Someone tell me if my post needs changing. -dies-[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="darkcyan"][B]"I'll inform the Colonel that you needed to stay here."[/B] [B]?Sure thing.?[/B] Alex replied, not tuning around to face Kendra as she walked off the bridge. A broad smile was still firmly planted on Alex?s face as he turned away from Kendra and instinctively went about concentrating on maintaining an equal distance with the drifting space station. So far he couldn?t really find any faults with the ship or her crew with the added fact that Nakeisha was proving to be a rather nice source of amusement. This space station however was beginning to be a bit of a problem, it would take them months even with his ace flying and Kendra?s help to get back to a planet that was inhabited and he was pretty sure that their food reserves couldn?t last that long. ?oh well? he though, chuckling softly to himself, ?we could always eat Nakeisha or one of the Col.?s men?. He smiled at his stupid thought, apparently unconcerned with the seriousness of the situation as he pulled back on the controls trying to keep the ship at an equal distance. The task was proving to be a little tricky as the station was in a constant state of erratic drift, this coupled with the fact he had to stay at a healthy transportation distance. He went about working on getting a good lock on a suitable position for the team to transport over to. The stations control center or somewhere nearest too would be the best as that would provide them with the most information. Try as he might however the best he was getting at the moment was a reasonably strong lock on one of the stations cargo bays. Making a decision he decided to tilt the ?A.N? as he now liked to call her, a little closer. The lock he established on one of the cargo bays was now at full strength, he also had good locks on a large food storage area and a dormitory. In a proximal distance the cargo bay was the closest to the control center but not by much. Alex checked and re-checked his calculations and information as he began to whistle a song at least a thousand years old*. He opened up a comm-link with the Col. as soon as he finished doing what was needed. [I]?Col. I have a strong lock on a cargo bay at a reasonably good distance from the stations control center, I have locks on other areas but they aren?t as reliable. That?s our best bet, the space is clean and large, ready when you are to transport over. That?s if you don?t want to change positions.? [/I] Alex sat back in the pilots seat and sighed, he took one hand off the controls to scratch the back of is head. He didn't have a good feeling about this, and that usually meant trouble. * the song that Alex is whistling is life on mars by david bowie [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [size="1"]oooh err, -bites lip and shuffles- sorry guys. i've had rather a -insert swear word of your choice *here*- load of work to do and a few problems but yeah... Promise i'll get off my butt and post soon. ^ ^; don't like shoot me with a laser or anything. Edit: ooh i'll probably have to wait for things to move along abit before posting, o.0[/size]
  8. [QUOTE]The event?s open to all OB members with absolutely nothing to do in the next, oh, 4 weeks.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"]count me in, gives me an excuse to procrastinate over uni work even more than I do now.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE="1"]Chris sat in the stands surrounded by fellow Slytherins. The mood in the dungeons had been horrible, as one would expect after hearing that someone had died. Chris had known Drucilla as many others did and was terribly saddened by her passing; she had comforted a lot of other students when they found out being rather close to loss herself. At the sight of the Professors’ display though no one could contain their excitement over what they had just seen. A lot of people around her chattered over the appearance of Professor Conroy’s Basilisk than anything else, one of her friends positively beamed and poked Charis in the ribs squeaking over the serpent. Chris herself did not know what to make of it or of the spell that had just been displayed. Like a lot of people she began to wonder what her ‘guardian’ might be, Corvidae’s Ifrit was unlike anything she had seen before. On one hand she thought this display to be wonderful having only ever read about such a spell in book. Of course it didn’t instruct on how to perform it, everything it described had already been displayed. Charis mused that hers might be something bird like but she had never had one favorite animal as a child and liked many different ones however ones own favorite animal may not have anything to do with what ones guardian might be. Krystia leant over two girls just to catch Chris’ ear, Chris had sat a few seats down on purpose but that didn’t seem to stop her. [b]“Oh my god Charis, I’m so jealous! I wish I were in dueling club to test it out properly, I’m positive that my Guardian would also be a Basilisk. Just like Professor Conroy…”[/b] Chris simply nodded and smiled, Krystia adored everything about Conroy and frankly it was downright pathetic. ‘This is fantastic.’ She thought, finally deciding that what she was seeing as a good thing. Lizzy, a small but rather vocal girl to her left seemed positively repulsed at the site before her. [b]"What's wrong Liz?"[/b] Chris asked feeling slightly concerned. [b]"Can't you feel it Charis? what the Proffessors just did, its... not [i]right[/i] its not..."[/b] Liz seemed to retreat into herself. The girl had always professed to know alot about the spirit world and other places like it and Chris didn't doubt her, Liz achieved the top marks in divination. Liz's ramblings echoed in her mind as she watched the massive creatures and their masters.[/SIZE]
  10. Lemme type up a quick reply before you move on. :3 won't be long.
  11. [SIZE="1"]Okay! I am done. Please forgive me if the colours look horrible next to one another, i'm as brain dead as one can possibly be after hunting in mangroves for solider [sp?] crabs in mud alllll day long o __ o [/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]without out any further adue I give you[/SIZE] [URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/EXTERMINATEcopy-2.png"][SIZE="6"][FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]exterminate ![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/URL][SIZE="1"], first ever dalek to grace the worm to my knowledge, not a very compatable color scheme, >.> anyway! sorry if it doesn't match up [i]completly[/i], I tired, really did. Oh and hope its not too hard to follow on from, I try and make a point of giving the next person in line an easy thing to continue.[/SIZE] [spoiler][SIZE="1"]Sets a Dalek horde on Boo, Jigglyness and Retribution for all simultaneously reminding me that it was 'my turn' ; ) [/SIZE][/spoiler] [size="1"]* dies *[/size] [SIZE="1"]Edit: Thanks Sirius ^ ^, oh and I extended the ray, seeing as my sub hasn't been added yet :3 Edit 2: cause you just adore me so much boo :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
  12. [size=1]Hope its ok that I mentioned that Slytherin house had the least number of students sorted into it and Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had the most respectively. Lemme know if anyone would like me to change it, I think Blayze mentioned something about Gryffindor getting a rather sizeable handful. -shrugs-[/size]
  13. [FONT="Geneva"][SIZE="1"][B]?So Charis how was your summer? ?Well my family went to Russia, oh it was simply gorgeous?? [/B]Chris tried ever so hard not to curse her friend and almost felt like telling Krystia McGill to shove the looming account of her extravagant summer up her Acromantula burrow but thought better of it at the last second. Krystia always insisted on calling people by their first names and sometimes out right refused to use nicknames, a fact which annoyed Chris to no end. Sometimes she wandered why she hung around these girls which usually led to her concluding that life would be somehow much harder for her if she didn?t. Chris had known for a long time that up-right [i]apparently[/i] pureblood girls such as Krystia were no good for her state of mind, honestly why did she torture herself so? She tuned out completely as her ?friends? began to compare holiday stories and what they bought. Occasionally Chris was included but she stayed silent for the most part, daydreaming of Quidditch and learning new spells but mostly of Quidditch. She had always dreamed of playing for a team once she left Hogwarts much to her mother?s dismay. Quidditch or Auror, Auror or Quidditch, she had tossed between the two for as long as she could remember. Somehow Auror always came out on top but only just. As if somehow Chris had been given a gift from the beyond the Hogwarts Express pulled into Hogsmeade Station. ?Thanks for that? she smiled inwardly as she existed the train and walked towards a carrage. [CENTER]+++[/CENTER] [B]?So Chris, trying out again this year?? [/B]one of her more tolerable friends questioned as they walked though the castle towards the great hall. A pleasant enough girl, rather mousy with pitch black hair named Martha. Chris flashed her friend an almost scary grin and smiled. [B]?Course I am, hope things work out better this year though. I if were captain I would have done things rather differently last year.?[/B] He friend smiled and giggled rather softly. [B]?Oh Chris I bet you?d be the best captain the Slytherin Quidditch team had ever seen.?[/B] Chris smiled and nodded, she had always wondered why Martha had been sorted into Slytherin and not Hufflepuff where she appeared to belong at first glance. Little Miss Martha Smith was not all as innocent and pleasant as she seemed and Chris new that more than anyone. She let her friends enter through the massive double doors ahead of her she hung back slightly. Entering the hall Chris spotted a fellow sixth year, Alastor a Gryffindor but one of the better ones. She may have been a pleasant Slytherin but she knew not to mess with the strange boundary that seemed to separate Gryffindor and Slytherin students. He nodded to her and she smiled back. [B]"Been practicing over summer?" [/B]he whispered, Chris nodded and grinned. [B]"Yeah. I really hope we've got a decent captain this year, I have to get past the try-outs." [/B]She whispered back. He smiled and then moved away, smart boy. Chris didn?t mind Al he was trying to become an Auror like her and who knew, one day they may even end up working together. Charis broke away from the stream of students and headed towards her already seated friends at the Slytherin table, she hoped to Salazar that they had not seen her talking to Alastor. She sat down in between Martha and Krystia noticing the exceptional job that Professor Conroy had done with the decorations this year. [B]?Attention.? [/B]Spoke loudly, or rather shouted across the hall by the sorting hat made everyone fall silent. [B]?Oh! my cousin Harris is in first year this year; he simply [i]must[/i] be sorted into Slytherin!?[/B] Krystia whispered to Charis, she nodded in return as one of the small first years gave a meek wave in their direction Krystia smiled and waved back. As per Krystia?s demands her little cousin was indeed sorted into Slytherin with a surprisingly small number of other students. [i]?Perhaps we Slytherin?s are becoming a rare breed??[/i] she pondered as Gryffindor received the most students followed by Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. With the excitement of sorting over Headmistress McGonagall dismissed the students to their houses Chris and her group of friends headed immediately off towards the Slytherin Dungeons and the girls dorms. Charis found all of her things at the foot of her bed as per usual; she stacked her broom up, an ol?reliable firebolt, one of the first models in her closet with her green and sliver Slytherin Quidditch robes. Her friends filed in behind her heading for their beds and chatting. Chris began to unpack; the first thing she picked up off the top of her trunk was a photo of her mother. She smiled at the moving photograph; her mother was half hiding behind a sunhat laughing at Chris as she took the photo. It was her favorite of her mother how Chris liked to remember her before she became unwell. [I]?I wish you were still here?? [/I]her mind whispered before her thoughts were broken by a swift feather down pillow to the side of her head.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [SIZE="1"]//hope its ok i included your char sandy.// [B]“Have you got all of your books?”[/B] [B]“yes.”[/B] [B]“Quills and parchment?”[/B] [B]“yes…”[/B] [B]“I baked some small cup cakes last night and put them in your trunk for you when you get to Hogwarts if you…you know get hungry and want a late night snack...Did you remember to pack Owl treats for Sevvs?”[/B] [B]“Jackie its fine! Honestly its fine, I’ve got everything.” [/B]Chris snapped at her Aunty, Jackie wasn’t really her aunty; she had no relation to Chris whatsoever. Jackie had been looking after Charis since her mother died and tended to be a bit over protective at times, not to mention a tad hyperactive. Chris had rather short fuse where Jackie was concerned; she tried not to be too short with her but sometimes she just ate away at her nerves until she snapped and had to say something to her shut up. Jackie nodded and twisted the end of her jumper in response. The two women walked in silence towards the barrier of platform nine and three quarters. Chris turned towards her aunty and smiled sheepishly. [B]“Sorry for snapping. Promise ill write if I need anything.” [/B]Chris spoke smiling, breaking the awkward silence between them. [B]“I-its ok Charis dear. Have a wonderful time. Try not to frazzle yourself; you do know how I worry…”[/B] Jackie stammered, twisting her jumper again. [B]“I know, take it easy with work. See you.”[/B] Charis gave Jackie a big hug before grabbing hold of her trolley and getting ready to walk through the barrier. She steadied Sevvs cage, gave a wave and walked though the barrier. Chris sighed as she had to dodge a boy who had lost control of his trolley and went running after it. “First years…” she huffed. She hopped onto the train in no time, making a B-line, straight down the carriages to the Slytherin compartments. She passed a few that were already full; she wanted one that no one was in first off. Charis flicked her eyes to the left and caught site of a flash of red. She poked her head into the carriage to find Medea Weasily. [B]“Oh hi Medea, sorry to barge in. I’ll come back and talk to you later, after I’ve stowed my stuff.” [/B]Chris announced with a smile and was gone again in a flash of green, black and denim. Chris wasn’t wearing her school robes yet, just a black and green stripped hooded jumper with a pair of jeans, typical muggle clothes. Chris eventually found an empty carriage.bStowing her stuff and making sure that she had not lost something Charis sat down in her empty compartment with a sigh. Hopefully some of her sixth year friends would find her on the train before someone undesirable decided that they wanted to spend the long trip in her compartment. Remembering her statement to Medea, Chris walked back though the train to her compartment. Chris may have been three years older than Medea but they got on easily enough, Chris passed the cart with all the goodies on her way and decided that she needed to stock up on some chocolate and other goodies for the ride but she didn’t want to entirely ruin her appetite for the welcoming feast. Chris once again poked her head into Medea’s compartment with a smile. [B]“How were your holidays?”[/B][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE="1"] Ok. Well I errm launched the ship? ... ... let me know if you want anything changed BK and Sunfall and everyone else cause I winged it mostly. >.> -runs away to hide in shame and other things- First post In the underground thread woo! Umm yeah.[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE="1"]As soon as the meeting was done A.J stood and made a B-line for the bridge. He felt that since he was going to spend most if not all of his time in the pilot seat then he may as well get comfortable with everything. He strode into the bridge with his CCB underneath his arm; he halted when he reached its center and looked about. Overall she seemed like a magnificent ship. He hadn?t requested the plans to look at when he got the job, pieces of data told you nothing you actually had to feel the ship to understand her, to understand show she would fly and her capabilities. Alex had boasted for a long time that he could fly anything in any situation and on more than one occasion he had proved his claims. He would have plenty of time later to choose a room, not that he would be spending much time in it, he had slept more in a pilot?s seat then in a bed. He walked a little way to the pilot?s seat and sat down, it was extraordinarily comfortable. He shifted around in his position and using the various controls adjusted the seat to his liking. He looked around the HULD [Heads Up Liquid Display] and found it to be not all that dis-similar to the F-80 Chameleons, which everyone knew were the most cutting edge Fighter Craft currently in existence. There were some noticeable differences however, such as the extra mini displays off to the left side which seemed to be reserved for an unknown purpose, he would find out soon enough anyway. He clicked his CCB into a port of to his right for easy access and pushed a few buttons here and there. Information began to flash across the HULD at an almost blinding speed but to the trained eye it was nothing. He had intended to wait for Kendra to begin plotting the course they would take so they could finally go about launching this baby but she was late, probably got side tracked. He looked at the various check points that they needed to stop at, it was all rather straight forward, the last part of the journey looked to be the trickiest, the territory was unexplored and uninhabited, which meant expect everything. At the very least there wouldn?t be a check point in that area but everyone would need their wits about them, especially Kendra and Himself. It was their responsibility to look after everyone in the air, get them from A to B and in-between. He had not spared a thought to the reason for their first mission yet, the gate, it didn?t concern him?yet. A.J heard foot steps behind him and he swiveled slightly in his chair to see who it was, Kendra appeared with Teresa at the Bridge. He raised a subtle eyebrow and smiled warmly. They looked like they were friends already; he hadn?t said all but a paragraph to anyone yet. [B]?Greetings Mr. Bishop.? [/B] [B]?Hey, call me Alex or A.J? [/B] [B]?Very well Alex. I?ve looked over the course...?[/B] Kendra handed him her CCB, Alex looked over what she had plotted, they spent the next fifteen minutes debating over their chosen routes before they came to an agreement on the course. [B]?Now all that?s left to do is launch this baby!?[/B] he said excitedly griping the controls and looking about. Kendra flicked a switch enabling them both to talk to the entire ship at once, he swore he saw her laugh for a split second but it could have just been his somewhat overactive imagination at work. Kendra spoke normally while looking ahead; Alex began pushing buttons and various controls. [B]?Attention everyone please, we are about to launch the Argo Navis, no need to find a seat. Take off will be virtually seamless due to the Argo?s inertial dampeners.?[/b] Kendra announced. [B]?Tower this is the Argo Navis, permission to remove docking clamps and initiate launch series.?[/B] A.J questioned. [B]?Argo Navis this is Tower, permission granted to remove docking clamps and initiate launch series. Goodspeed.? [/B] [B]?Thanks tower. Removing docking clamps? clamps removed. Raze blast deflector?blast deflector razed, Initiating launch series, powering thrusters one though four, stabilizing pressure levels. Ladies and Gentlemen we are go in three, two, one??[/B] All the while Alex was talking he and Kendra were furiously pushing buttons and turning dials. He flicked a look towards Kendra before he gently pulled back on the two pressurized levers that controlled trust and direction, while gently pushing on the foot pedals at the end of his seat. The Argo Navis responded immediately to Alex?s touch and the ship sped off into the sky in a upwards arc, its thrusters burning white hot as they burned tons of fuel in seconds in order to generate enough pull to escape the planets atmosphere and gravitational pull. The view in front of them was an awesome sight. The sky changed from white to an intense blue, then became progressively darker until it became completely black. Within an instant the reaches of space came into full view as the planet shrunk beneath them. The void was glittered with stars of all sizes and intensity. [B]?I?m gonna have to get used to the no G-Forces thing?? [/B]he spoke matter-of-fact. Even with technology advanced as it is some fighter jet models still allowed their pilots to experience G-Forces. The launching of the Argo Navis was one of the most smooth he had ever experienced. [/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR="Darkslategray"][SIZE="1"] [Edited my sign up, there were lots of spelling mistakes and such, plus I wasn’t that happy with it.] [B]Name:[/B] Chris [Charis] Crouch - She introduces herself to everyone as Chris - When asked, and she’s asked often, Chris always politely states that she is in no way related to the deceased and famous Bartemius Crouch, Sr. and his Death Eater Son Bartemius Crouch, Jr. they merely share the same last name and no blood as far as she is aware. [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] Seventeen [B]Year:[/B] Sixth [B]House:[/B] Slytherin [B]Wand:[/B] Eleven and a quarter inches, Blackthorn with a Dragon Blood core [B]Familiar:[/B] A northern hawk owl by the name of Sevvs, named for Hogwarts former potions master Severus Snape.[URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/NOHO14.jpg"][Sevvs][/URL] [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://www.deviantart.com/print/1442072/?qo=3&qh=special%3Aprints"][Chris] [/URL] [Portrait by Jingna@DeviantART] Chris is tall and slender; she stands at a height of 5”8’. She is rather skinny and can eat whatever she likes without fear of gaining any weight, she tells others its genetics but she has heard Slytherin girls say behind her back she’s put a charm on herself to stay slim or something. Her facial features are slightly pointed; her skin is rather pale, she looks nothing like her mother, she has always surmised she takes after her unknown father in appearance. Her hair is long at the moment although she likes to change its style and length regularly via magic. Her hair colour is comparable to straw; it’s a mix of blonde and browns, dead straight and almost refuses to get messed up. Her eyes are a dark brown in colour, under some lights they appear as if they are completely black. Her hair has been known to change colour from more of a blonde to a darker brown but it really depends on how much times she spends in and out of the Slytherin Dungeons. When not in Hogwarts Attire she simply wears her own choice of muggle clothes. Dark jeans, muggle shoes called ‘converse’ of which she has multiple pairs in different colours and a T-shirt of her own choosing usually a darker colour such as Blue, Green, Gray, Black or Purple. Her clothing style is decidedly masculine, not that she cares much. [B]Personality:[/B] Chirs is a somewhat confused young woman who is yet to settle on a definite personality as such. She is of two minds about almost everything she does. One side of her brain tells her to act pleasant while the other screams for her to act cruel. She has tried, many times to find a happy medium between the two, if one could ever be found, but has so far been unsuccessful. Her moods change from one day to the next, sometimes violently if she’s angered, other times more subtly. She has few friends within her house; she finds it easier to get along with the males in her house than the females, some of which are completely intolerable suck up…well you get the picture. She is known to be tenacious and ambitious, once she sets her mind on something, there is very little chance anyone can change it. If she is unsuccessful in becoming an Auror then she plans to become a teacher, focusing on Defense Against the Dark Arts. [B]Bio:[/B] Chris had a rather pleasant childhood; her mother spent most of her time working at the wizarding hospital St. Mungos, so she learnt to look after her self from an early age. Her blood status is unknown, although if asked she says she is half blood. Her mother constantly used house-hold charms and other magic around her daughter so she was no stranger to it growing up. Chris first displayed signs of magic when she was five, she involuntarily changed the color of her birthday cake from pink to purple to blue-green, much to the delight of her mother and those present who were all magical. Chris only ever questioned the absence of her father once or twice, both times she was shut down by her mother rather quickly and learnt that it was a subject that should not be discussed. On her eleventh birthday Chris received her letter telling her that she had been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her mother was so very proud of her and told her that she had an almost certain chance of getting into either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, as per her family tradition, nothing was said of her fathers. Chris was thoroughly shocked when the sorting hat placed her in Slytherin house almost as soon as it touched her head. Her grades during her first year at Hogwarts were terrible due to her mother falling ill, after talking with various staff members she was allowed to continue due to her circumstances. By the end of her first year her mother passed away. Chris was to inherit her mother’s house, bank vault and possessions when she came of age, but until then she moved in with one of her mother’s good friends, a rather eccentric young witch who also worked at St. Mungos. After her mother’s death Chris combed their small house for even a trace of information about her father but wasn’t even able to find a photograph or a letter, she plans on looking up birth records but hasn’t got round to it. After Chris graduates from Hogwarts next year she plans on becoming an Auror, she has been trying in secret to become an animagus but has so far been rather unsuccessful in her attempts. [B]Classes:[/B] -Defense Against the Dark Arts [most loved subject] -Charms -Potions [second most loved subject] -Herbology -Transfiguration -She is a member of the Slytherin Quidditch team [keeper] -She is a member of the Dueling Club -Chris has taken all the subjects she needs to become an Auror -All of her spare time is devoted to becoming an animagus. She has only recently tried to become one and has succeded in sprouting a few feathers, she suspects her animagus form may be some sort of bird. [It will be an eagle] -Chris passed her OWLS with flying colours, studying hard and achieving everything she wished to achieve. She hopes to become an Aurora and not follow in her mother’s footsteps to become a Healer despite being told she has an unusual un-slytherinistic knack for healing spells. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE="1"][B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?What are you doing Cap... A.J?? [/COLOR][/B]A tall and moderately set man questioned gruffly from within in the small door frame. Alex didn?t look up, he kept his gaze on the crumpled sheet of paper in front of him and smiled, chuckling inwardly before placing it in a folder and moving on to the next. Finally the man in the doorway had lost his patience and grunted, causing Alex to look up at him with unreadable black eyes. Alex shifted where he was sitting and looked away from the man to a few boxes on his left filled with papers, books and a few other random items, he sighed and smiled again. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?Collecting some things Crash.?[/COLOR][/B] A.J spoke with a matter-of-fact tone finally replying to his friend. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?I can see that.? ?So you?re eye sights not failing then?? ?No?it?s?what?!? [/COLOR][/B] Alex burst out into laughter and rubbed his eyes, Crash didn?t join in but smiled still, shifting his frame. There had always been some sort of silent understanding between the two pilots, ever since they had been assigned to the same squad. Their personalities complimented one another?s almost perfectly, which was probably one of the many reasons why the two were once the most talked about team in the air force. Alex gathered his things as Crash looked on solemnly; there wasn?t much need for many words between them. A.J had finally gathered all of his things and headed for the door, Crash moved out of the way almost immediately, backing into the hallway. Alex looked up at his former wingman and best friend with a half smile. A.J had left his things exactly where they were for the sole purpose of having an excuse to come back one last time; he gave Crash a slight nod which was returned. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?See you around Holy.? ?You too.?[/COLOR][/B] --- A.J was feeling considerably more upbeat once he had boarded the rail train, albeit a tad apprehensive as well. Back in the day he would have thought himself a shoe in for this kind of expedition with his experience and cocky attitude but one demotion and multiple charges later had significantly dashed his hopes. To say that he was extremely surprised to be chosen was a massive understatement. He shifted in his seat and adjusted his shirt and undone tie, he had on the half makings of a suit with a pair of old earth converse shoes, and those were impossibly hard to get. He could hear girls behind him whispering and giggling. He turned around to look at them but they stopped once he did, Alex winked at the group who immediately smiled and started to chirp to one another again. Some things never changed. The train ride went quickly enough and Alex got off at the Trans-Galactic space station, as per the instructions of the letter he had received. He found the docking gate with ease, call it instinct. He gave a shiny smile to the two guards and looked at them. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?Excuse me sir this docking bay is strictly off limits I?m going to need to see some ID or I?m afraid I?m going to have to ask you to leave.?[/COLOR][/B] A look of momentary confusion washed across his face, he dug around in his suite pockets until his fingers it hard plastic. He flashed his idea to the guards and only half smiled this time, ?maybe I scared them bit?? he mused. One of the guards took his ID and examined it and him, looking from one to the others several times before handing it back. His appearance changed dramatically over a short period of time and he probably looked nothing like his ID now. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?Very well Sir, follow us.?[/COLOR][/B] Alex nodded as he was quickly lead down long corridors and numerous security doors, this was a familiar feeling. Finally they had reached the docking area of the ship. He was momentarily stunned, he dropped whatever bags he was carrying and hurried over to the ship. He touched the hull and put his face right up to it for a few seconds before stepping back. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?Aren?t you a beautiful ship!?[/COLOR][/B] he exclaimed, scratching the back of his head. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?Not sure if I like your name but still beautiful?brilliant design?? [/COLOR][/B]the site of A.J talking to himself, or to the ship depending on which way you looked at it was a little odd. He quickly gathered his things and bordered after ogling it for some time. Alex looked about and headed down a few corridors checking things out. If he was supposed to fly this then he wanted to know exactly where everything was, these things were important, for him anyway. After a while of looking around he headed for the bridge, he hadn?t seen any schematics of the ship, being a pilot for so long these things came naturally. Alex heard foot steps heading in the opposite direction, coming to wards him as he made his way up. A woman appeared down the short hall way and he smiled. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?Hello, I?m?? ?Alexander-James Bishop or A.J. I?m Dr Catherine Sanderson. Please excuse me I?ve got work to do.?[/COLOR][/B] She finished his sentence for him. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?Bye then.? [/COLOR][/B] He called somewhat sarcastically after her. He had never much liked doctors except for the ones on TV. Alex continued towards the bridge and didn?t think twice before bursting in. He probably looked quite the site, haphazard tie, suite, converse, messy blonde brown streaked hair and all. He smiled at everyone before looking about the bridge. Her insides were just as impressive as her outsides, which said a lot. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?Hello. I?m A.J slash Alex, Bishop take your pick.? [/COLOR][/B]He shook everyone?s hands, three men and two women, probably interrupting their conversations but he didn?t really care much. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?Our Pilot then.?[/COLOR][/B] One of the females spoke up with a hint of displeasure in her voice. Brianna Henderson, he would recognize her face anywhere, he?d seen her in the newspapers often enough, with her father. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]?That?s me.?[/COLOR][/B] He replied raising his eyebrows and slipping his hands in his pockets.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE="1"]Can I please be put back in the line up again, after The Boss or Jeremiah or whoever? o.o. -tottles off to watch dr. who-[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="darkcyan"][B]Name:[/B][/COLOR] Alexander-James Bishop Goes by Alex, A.J or his former callsign ‘Holy’ that he has adopted as a nickname [dubbed so because of his last name] [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]Gender:[/COLOR][/B] Male [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]Age:[/COLOR][/B] Twenty Eight [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]Photograph: [/COLOR][/B] [URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/boyd_editorial_playboygermany1206_e.jpg"][I][Alex 1][/I][/URL] [URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/boyd_editorial_peterashlee2.jpg"] [i][Alex 2][/i][/URL] (Found something better woo! ) 6” and weighs about 160; well built muscles all round and very fit he likes to keep his body this way even when not enlisted. [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]Position:[/COLOR][/B] Pilot [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]Credentials: [/COLOR][/B] -11 years as a pilot -2 years in the 12th Squadron, 21st Orbital Platform [Saturn Air force] -9 years in the 6th Squadron 101 first strike base [Jupiter Air force] -Extensive knowledge of most forms of air craft including fighter jets, stealth bombers, civilian planes, cargo planes/jumpers, shuttles and helicopters [Most of this knowledge extends from actually piloting the air craft, some knowledge extends from a hobby/general fascination with air craft] -He claims to be able to pilot almost anything that can fly, in any situation -One rank demotion, three rank promotions, one commendation, multiple charges and punishments for disobeying direct orders, charges for striking a superior officer -No longer enlisted [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]Reason for Applying: [/COLOR][/B] A.J is to put it bluntly, bored. Bored out of his skull, nine years in the once place gets to a man after a while and he needs something different to do before he does something drastic. He wants the opportunity to see new things, learn new tactics, fly something different shake things up a bit and possibly restore his faith in the service. He cares little for the peace of the galaxy and whatnot. [COLOR="darkcyan"][B]Living Immediate Family:[/B][/COLOR] -Dr. Jason Bishop [Younger Brother] -Psychologist [A.J has disowned his brother and as far as he is concerned he had no other living family] [B][COLOR="darkcyan"]Other Expertise:[/COLOR][/B] -Survivalist, fighter pilots are trained to survive and survive well if it ever so happens that they find themselves behind enemy lines or otherwise. Alex has skills in evasion and survival tactics, such as how to keep quiet and avoid the enemy and correctly navigate different terrains, cross rivers and whatnot. -He has been taught to detect traps but he’s not very experienced in disarming said traps. -He also has extensive knowledge of enemy air craft and their flying maneuvers. -[Very limited] On the ground combat training and experience. [/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE="1"][B][I][COLOR="YellowGreen"]sorry I took a bit, >< pease forgiveth me matt, bit brain dead when I wrote this >
  22. [COLOR="Purple"][INDENT][SIZE="1"]//My sign up as promised ^ ^ hope its ok, I?ll probably edit it here and there? [b]Name:[/b] Xing, Yuan [Last name pronounced Sing, first name pronounced Ewu-ann, as in Ewan McGregor] Called Yu for short [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] Eighteen [b]Origin:[/b] China [b]Sealing Weapon:[/b] [URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/spear.jpg"][COLOR="royalblue"][Spear][/COLOR][/URL] -©2004-2007 ~ghostofachance Yuan?s weapon takes the form of a ring when she is not using it, the ring is a simple silver band with a Chinese Dragon engraved into its surface. The dragon?s eye has a very small shiny blue-green stone set into its eye. She wears the ring at all times and never takes it off, if she is ever forced to take it off then she may attack it to a bracelet around her right wrist. [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/CG_Girl_32_by_iDNAR.jpg"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][Here][/COLOR][/URL] -©2005-2007 ~iDNAR Yuan is quite tall for her age standing at 5?9?. She has a medium-ish complexion, not considerably pale but not extremely tanned either, despite the fact that she likes to spend a lot of time outside. She likes to wear comfortable clothes and can usually be found wearing long sleeve shirts with hoods and jeans or pants. Her clothing style is considerably more feminine than masculine. She likes to interchange her hooded jumpers with shirts and t-shirts at times. When wearing a skirt Yuan likes to wear boots to slip on shoes, when she is wearing jeans she likes to wear sneakers or slip on shoes. Her hair is dead straight with a slight flick at the ends, it sits just on top of her shoulders and she hardly ever wears it back, preferring to keep it out. Her eyes are a dark, dark brown in colour, so dark they almost appear black as if they are one large pupil. Her favourite jacket is the one seen in the picture above and she wears it the most out of all her clothes. Her short-ish pitch black hair constantly falls into her face due to her fringe being different lengths; she doesn?t make any effort to move the hair usually, unless it is significantly obstructing her vision. [b]Biography:[/b] Yuan bit her lip as she looked from her canvas to the scene in front of her, every so often she would strike the canvas with her loosely held pencil leaving a faint mark. Yuan enjoyed art, it was her favorite subject at school, she never did possess much athletic ability. Yes she could run if needed without loosing her breath but she lacked that certain ? grace that other girls had. Yuan made the last final touches to the pencil out line of her landscape before standing back and taking a look. She still hadn?t decided what medium to use yet, perhaps water color? She lightly chewed the back end of the pencil with her front teeth before sticking it behind her ear. [b]?hmm,?[/b] She said out loud to herself, [b]?the tree is a little off?? [/b] Suddenly, almost startling her, Yuan?s mobile vibrated in her pocket telling her that she had received a text message. [CENTER][b][i]Hello Xing, I need to meet with you, its important, Meet me in the park by the fountain. Syaoran[/i][/b] [/CENTER] Yuan?s eye brows rose higher and higher as she read the message and a slight smile crossed her lips. She had first met Syaoran at school. Being her usually clumsy self she had bumped into him and spilt a good deal of her art supplies across the ground, he had kindly helped her pick them up. Her first real conversation with him was at a birthday party for one of their mutual friends Meiling. She had found him to be quite pleasant and could very much understand why all the girls swooned over him in the younger and older years alike, over time they had become average friends. Approximately half an hour later she met him in the park just as he had requested. Yuan was quite unsure what to think of the sudden meeting, she was quite concerned that Meiling might be sick or something; much to her relief it was nothing of the sort. After they exchanged greetings he went on to explain to her that he had chosen her for something to do with magical cards. She didn?t believe what she was hearing at first but had agreed not to ask questions until he was finished talking. She had always believed in magic, but in the mythical sense, not as an actual force, how could all that he was saying be true? Yuan felt rather funny as he was talking to her, like something or someone was watching them, watching her. She turned around but nothing was there, it was in the moment of her turning back around to face Syaoran who was about to pass something to her that he pushed her out of the way and a bolt of lightening struck the ground where she was standing with a loud ?crack-boom?. She stifled a scream out of more nervousness than surprise; she tended to have confidence issues at the best of times. She watched in amazement as Syaoran made a sword appear from thin air, he pushed her back even further with his hand and did battle with a strange yellow dog-like thing, it was the only way she could describe it and it seemed that this dog had control over thunder. Eventually he gained the upper hand against the creature and miraculously sealed it into a card of some sort. Yuan till couldn?t believe her eyes, quite awe struck. He walked over to her and said something, she want quite listening and pressed something into her hand. The bauble charm glowed with a light before changing form into some sort of silver ring. [B]??and this, you?ll need it.?[/B] [b]??The Thunder???[/b] she replied still very much in disbelief. He nodded and smiled, pointing to her hand he spoke again. [b]?Hold your key in front of you and say the first thing that comes to mind.?[/b] Yuan did as she was told although a little apprehensively, sometimes she could be too untrusting of those around her, no matter how long she had known them for. She cleared her throat and swallowed, looking nervously at her hand. [CENTER][b]?Power of two commune, Radiant Sun and Glowing Moon, Dispell the Darkness to Reveal the Light, Surrender the spear, Clow?s force ignite, Release!?[/b][/CENTER] Her hand glowed once more only this time the newly formed ring grew and formed into a large spear, with a black shaft and cream bindings over the black. The metal tips of the spear were dark and glinted in the sunlight of late afternoon. Yuan let a [b]?Woah??[/b] escape her lips as she stared at her weapon, was she in some kind of weird dream or what?![/SIZE][/INDENT][/COLOR]
  23. [SIZE="1"]Yo sis! : P EDIT: woo done! [B][COLOR="YellowGreen"]Name: [/COLOR][/B]Conner Summerlin [B][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Age:[/COLOR][/B] Twenty Five [B][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Appearence:[/COLOR][/B] [URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/Broken_Hearted_Angel_by_morbidprinc.jpg"][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Conner’s Face[/COLOR][/URL] ©2004-2007 ~morbidprince ++ [URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/Freyr_by_Wen_M.jpg"][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Conner’s clothes[/COLOR][/URL] ©2005-2007 *Wen-M ++ [URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/Marius_by_malicekisho.jpg"][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Another Example [/COLOR][/URL] ©2006-2007 *malicekisho Conner favors comfort over style when it comes to clothing, but that’s not to say he’s a total dork. He has often been described as a ‘nerd’ and ‘book worm’ by his friends; however he doesn’t think himself to be anything of the sort. Occasionally he may wear black, thin frame, rectangle lens glasses for reading or visions sake. His normal attire consists of simple jeans, sneakers and some sort of t-shirt or shirt; he may even wear a tie but doesn’t want to enforce that ‘nerd’ look any more than he has too. He prefers lighter colors when it comes to clothing, opting for whites and creams in his shirts, sometimes he may go for a dark blue or green. His hair is a pale blonde color, in some lights it almost appears white in others it looks more yellow. It almost refuses to stay neat and at times looks quite disheveled. Bits of his long fringe constantly fall into his face but he doesn’t make any effort to move them unless they are significantly obstructing his vision. His body is rather fit and muscular; he likes to keep in shape and go for walks and runs. His complexion is rather pale but his cheeks become rather red if he gets angry or embarrassed. [B][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Place of Origin:[/COLOR][/B] London, Britain [B][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Personality: [/COLOR][/B] Conner is reserved for the most part, he likes to thoroughly think things through before he acts or says anything. He won’t offer his advice on a matter unless he is asked first out of politeness. Despite his every move to counter act the nerd mark people have branded him with Conner loves to read books and gain knowledge though any means. He’s a kind individual and won’t hesitate to help others out even if he doesn’t know them. He doesn’t scare easily and constantly screws up his face in thought. His glasses a little loose and constantly slip down his nose, he is forever trying to push them back and make them stay. He is an extremely patient individual and rarely becomes angry or upset. It takes a lot for him to become flustered or irritated and he often just shrugs off any negative feelings. Conner is quick to console anyone who is upset and offer his friendship. [B][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Adjutant:[/COLOR][/B] The Arcanist [B][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Appearence:[/COLOR][/B] [URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/Young_girl__by_heise.jpg"][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Athar[/COLOR][/URL] ©2005-2007 ~heise [URL="http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/Spears_02_by_Wen_Mb.jpg"][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Staff[/COLOR][/URL] ©2005-2007 *Wen-M [B][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Adjutant's Skills: [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Goldenrod"]+Thunder*:[/COLOR][/B] [Lightening based magic] Arcanist raises her staff high above her head and summons forth bolts of lightening from the heavens. The severity of the bolts depends on the attackers and her overall desired effect. The bolts range from one being summoned at a time, up to a total of six. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]+Earthquake*:[/COLOR][/B] [Earth based magic] Striking the ground in front of her with her staff, Arcanist is able to call forth the element of earth. The ground shakes around her up to a radius of 4 meters, from were she is standing the earth erupts sending a stream of rock and debris streaming after her opponent. For a less severe effect Arcane may summon rocks of various sizes and send them hurling. [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]+Tsunami:[/COLOR][/B] [Water based magic] Summoning water from the depths of the ocean, Arcanist twirls her staff in a clock wise direction and then points the tip at her enemy sending a highly pressurized jet of water flying in their direction. In more extreme cases the jet may well become a sort of wave. If the temperature allows it this attack may turn to ice, but occurrences of this are rare. [B][COLOR="Indianred"]+Inferno: [/COLOR][/B][Fire based magic] Drawing power from the sun Arcanist can ignite fire; she spins her staff, changing hands and directions in complex patterns to summon the fire. She can choose to send fire balls at her enemies or a stream, more correctly described as a sort of flame thrower. [COLOR="SlateGray"][B]+Tornado:[/B][/COLOR] [Wind based magic] The second most difficult spell to cat for Arcanist, she twirls her staff above her head in complex patterns altering the wind currents around her. She can send gusts of wind at her foes or organize the currents to form a small tornado which has a very limited amount of time. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]+Ultima:[/B][/COLOR][No elemental Base] Ultima holds no elemental base, using a complex pattern of movements Arcanist can summon balls of white light to chase after her foe and attack them, either one orb or a maximum of three. [B][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Bio:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="YellowGreen"][B]“Argghh, this is hopeless…” [/B][/COLOR]Conner announced out loud in his thick British accent with a heavy sigh, his shoulders rising with his chest and falling into a slump, he hung his head low and looked up though his fallen blonde bangs, his glasses slipping to the end of his nose. The sky was becoming darker with every second, it would be sun set soon and he had no idea where he was, correction, he did know where he was, he was thoroughly [i]lost[/i]. Sighing again he reached into his left pocket and fished out a rather crumpled map. Conner examined the map for the what, one hundredth million time? His Japanese wasn’t as good as he thought it to be, he looked at the map and screwed his face up in frustration and confusion… did he have the darn thing up side down? Conner turned the map every which way but it wasn’t making any more sense. He used his index finger to return his glasses to their correct position on his face and looked above the open map, the sun was setting and it was emitting a strange green light. [COLOR="yellowgreen"][B]“Curious…”[/B][/COLOR] He murmured, and watched the light until it was gone with the sun set. Determined to find his way Conner went back to studying the troublesome map and began to walk down a side street, which by his calculations should join up with the main street he originally intended to be on. Not paying very much attention to where he was walking he smacked into something rather hard. [COLOR="yellowgreen"][B]“Ouch…” [/B][/COLOR]he muttered dead pan, removing the map from in front of his face to examine who or what he had walked into. Alas, a wall, a rather old looking dark and mossy wall. Conner stepped back and lowered the map even further, a puzzled look on his pale face. His eyes flicked around him, and he turned his head to look behind him. [COLOR="yellowgreen"][B]“I’m not in Kansas anymore…” [/B][/COLOR]he stated sarcastically before hastily folding up the map and shoving it in his jean pocket. Indeed, he appeared to be in a damp dungeon of sorts, torches lined the wet stone walls and threw haphazard shadows over everything. He raised a curious eye brow and began to walk down the corridor scratching the back of his head as he looked about. He stepped lightly and cautiously, the hall reminded him somewhat of an Indiana Jones movie and he was expecting a giant stone ball to come rolling down at him any second. After walking for a while and numerous attempts to prove his initial theory that he had somehow fallen asleep, Conner finally reached what seemed like the end of his strange ordeal. He apprehensively walked into the dark room similar in décor to the rest of the strange place. A voice suddenly boomed out at him from the shadows, Conner whipped his head around in the direction and he could just make out the out line of some cloaked figure sitting on a throne of some sort. [COLOR="Green"][I][B]“Welcome Mr. Summerlin, you have finally arrived.” [/B][/I][/COLOR]Announced a gruff voice, the voice sounded to Conner like it belonged to an eighty year old but he couldn’t be exactly sure. He squinted through his glasses and pushed them back up to their proper place once again, they were forever falling down his nose. [COLOR="yellowgreen"][B]“Thanks…I guess. Why have you brought me here?” [/B][/COLOR]He questioned, rather calm despite the apparent situation he was in, had he been kidnapped or worse? He didn’t much fancy being held captive by strange hooded men, or tortured if that it was supposed to come to. The man gave a slight chuckle at Conner’s question and answered in a rather hushed tone. [COLOR="Green"][I][B]“All will be revealed to you soon. Turn and face what you were destined too.” [/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="yellowgreen"][B]“What?”[/B][/COLOR] Conner asked puzzled, he spun around and in the shadows stood a stone and wooden pedestal, on top pf which an old book sat. Conner approached the book cautiously and yet quite commandingly, he didn’t feel afraid or anything of the sort, as if he was meant to be here, experiencing this, whatever [i]this[/i] was. Conner ran his right hand over the book, he knew this book, it had been in his dreams as long as he could remember. He had searched and searched in libraries and online for answers but never found anything. Without so much as a word, Conner took the book from its shadowy place and opened it, flicking through its worn and tired pages. He stopped at one particular page and squinted, once again pushing his glasses back up his nose. Unknowingly, rather instinctively, began to read and speak the strange writing as if it was his native language. Before his eyes, the writing bean to glow with a strange pale green light, much like the sunset. The brightness of the writing increased in intensity until he couldn’t look at it any more. Conner almost jumped as a soothing female voice spoke from his right side. [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]“Greetings Conner, I am Athar. I find your manner most pleasing, certainly a wise individual.”[/B][/COLOR] Mused the tall and rather lithe female dressed in some sort of ceremonial green attire, she was holding a curious staff slightly taller than she was. Conner bowed in response to the appearance of the woman and smiled nervously, he wouldn’t normally bow but it was a slight habit he had picked up from being in Japan, plus the added fact that he just [i]felt [/i] like he should bow in her presence. [COLOR="yellowgreen"][B]“Pleased to meet you Athar.”[/B] [/COLOR]Conner almost found himself blushing in her presence, she was quite beautiful. Suddenly, as if by dare he say magic? the room appeared to bend and suck inward. Before he knew it he was back in his rented apartment. Conner looked around quickly, his face screwing up in confusion. [COLOR="YellowGreen"][B]“Well that was…”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]“Interesting?” [/B][/COLOR] Conner was cut off by a familiar voice. He looked up through his blonde locks at Athar, he half smiled, nodding and scratched the back of his head. He really didn’t know quite what to believe, he had always though himself to be quite the rational person but what was happening to him was quite beyond like anything before. [COLOR="seagreen"][B]“You handled the whole situation quite admirably, Mr. Summerlin.” [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="YellowGreen"][B]“Well I…ah…thanks.”[/B] [/COLOR]He stammered, smiling still, [COLOR="yellowgreen"][B]“So Athar? Care to explain what’s going on here?” [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]“With pleasure.” [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I?m late I?m LATE ahh crap? -raises hand- [B]YES[/B] I wanna participate, sorry I haven?t been around, kinda got distracted by flooding?ahem. Yeah flooding we have had some crazy *** weather, anyway O.o , I'm all for brining Eden back. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. [SIZE=1]Apologies for the quality of the scan, my scanner doesn?t seem to like images with light shading very much. Anyway, I give you [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/scan0013.jpg][COLOR=Green][SIZE=2][B]?RAGE-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL], Voldy looks rather peeved I think? [either that or he is having trouble passing wind]. I?ll see if I can fix the quality of the scan over the next few days.[/SIZE]
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