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Everything posted by Disenchanted

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]occ: I shortened this post alot hope you dont mind Reiku and everyone, it was way to long with me finding everyone and talking to them individually, if you want me to change anything let me know.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]ic:Nyah left the confines of the building she had been taken to after leaving the pub. All this talk about KING and PRINCESS was a little?much. Walking to the curb she hailed a cab, unfortunately there had been no time to retrieve her Hoverbike. Getting into the Taxi she didn?t even take note of the driver as all she mumbled was [B]?docks?[/B]. The drive was much; much to slow for her, Nyah was incredibly anxious to talk to Helios. She had to some how convince the crew to take this crazy mission, a mission she wasn?t sure she believed her self. Out of everyone she thought the most difficult to convince would be Aaron, he had a wife and child to consider. Eventually after 20 painstaking minutes the cab arrived at the docks, Nyah paid the man neglecting to leave a tip. She was out of the car and heading towards the T.Y.Cross before he would even notice. She ran up to the ship and bolted in side. Things were going on in her head; she hadn?t felt like this in a long time, not since her days in the service. All different emotions struggled for dominance, all she felt like doing was sleeping. Knocking on the door to the cockpit she waited anxiously for Helios to open up. [B]?Helios! We need to talk!?[/B] Finally he opened the door and she rushed inside, breathless and attempting to regain her composure she paused before saying anything. [B]?This is going to be a long story, so bare with me? [/B] Helios nodded to her, Nyah began to tell him what happened to her as she exited the T.Y after they docked and how she bumped into the Emma person. Then after she left the bar how she was taken to this facility and saw princess. Nyah told him exactly what Emma told her and the others about the D.N.A map and how they were descendants of scientists and about KING and PRINCESS. At first she didn?t even believe what she was saying but as she progressed she started to sound surer. [B]?They need a crew to take the mission, I offered since there is us and the T.Y.?[/B] [B]"So you want our help...I'd agree, but I don't understand everything. I won't put my crew, my family in danger for some woman who could potentially be lying. It's not my decision alone, anyway. You'll need to see what the rest of the crew says..."[/B] She nodded. This was understandable. [B]?Talk to Becca for me, she never liked having convocations of the serious nature with me anyways?[/B] Nyah left Helios, now all she had to do was find everyone and convince them, she searched the ship for the crew. Nyah had been talking to Helios for a while and some might have returned during that time. She eventually found Kain just about to exit the ship. [B]?I need to ask you something? [/B] She then told Kain what she told Helios. [B]"Sounds like an interesting proposition. But, you'll have to take it up with everyone else, but I am all for it."[/B] ?Thanks Kain? Nyah left him to his mechanic duties. It would help her a lot more if the dammed crew would just stay in one place. Nyah found the rest of the crew and repeated the story to them. Dark, surprisingly kept asking her questions, most of which she didn?t know the answer to. Aaron was very reluctant and needed a lot of convincing but eventually after a lengthy convocation he eventually agreed to it. Surprisingly everyone said yes to her proposition, now all that was left to do was tell Emma they had accepted. Nyah would patch a call to her in the morning letting her know. Before that she would talk to the crew again with everyone in the same place and get a final answer and everyone?s take on the situation. Nyah rummaged through the Crosses food stocks for something to eat, pulling a bottle of Vodka down from a high shelf she didn?t even bother to grab glasses. Twisting the top off she took a large swig. At that moment Bec walked in, she didn?t have a very happy look on her face, Nyah didn?t ask. She pushed passed Bec and headed for her quarters, no doubt the whole bottle of vodka would be mentioned to Helios, alcohol wasn?t supposed to be kept on board. She totally crashed in her quarters, falling onto her bunk bottle in hand.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Dalanius and Ceyla entered the bar; it wasn?t difficult to spot everyone. [B]"Looks like th rest of the gang is here,So what havve ya'll been up to?" [/B] Dalanius couldn?t help but stifle a laugh as Vincents words were slightly slurred. Kacela narrowed her eyes as she observed Vincent [B]"Your drunk aren't you?"[/B] [B]"Nope, getting there though. Helps relive some of the pressure form this little quest." [/B] Suddenly Dalanius found his shoulders with Vincent?s arm on them[B] "And if you refuse a drink I will personally force it down your thoat. Got it". [/B] [B]"It takes a lot to get him drunk,"[/B] Neko added talking to Kacela. [B]?Well, he certainly smells like hes not drunk.? [/B] The thought of Vincent even mildly tipsy was some how hilarious to him, he wasnt missing this. Dalanius motioned to the bar men. [B]?Get us some hard stuff,? [/B] he turned to Vincent [B]?and I?ll think about joining you? [/B] Stuff it he thought, he hardly ever went drinking with the other Paladin any more and this bunch were good enough. His shout to the bar men was meet with cheers from Vincent. After a few drinks he still couldn?t help think that what they were doing was a little careless. [B]?You know this is really carel?? [/B] Dalanius was cut off by everyone anticipating him scolding them for doing something wrong. [B]?Shut up!?[/B] they all shouted and broke into laughter. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][COLOR=Red]occ: Mighty fine with me Silver_Blade! I?m back! Whoo hoo! Tests are over and done with. [/COLOR] Ic: Dalanius wandered through the town, children were playing, people talking. It amazed him how quickly they all recovered from the orc activity. [B]?Resilient people I guess?? [/B] he muttered to him self. Crowds didn?t interest him at all, if anything he hated to be around an excess of people. It was probably because he spent more time around death than life. Everyone had seemed to go their own ways; Dalanius never had the chance to thank Ceyla. He wasn?t so sure he knew how too, women on the most part gave up on him pretty quick because of his no-nonsense manor. The fact had not passed his eyes that Vincent had already attracted the attention of most of their team. He rolled his eyes at the thought as he wondered further out of town. Eventually he found himself a spot nice enough for him to practice his sword techniques. It was secluded and not far from the entrance of the town, it would be nice to have some alone, as he was used to. Dalanius unsheathed his sword and begun swinging in attack patterns, making sure every stoke was correct before moving on to the next. After a few hours his ears pricked up at approaching footsteps. [B]"Sharpening your skills, Dalanius? You seem to be very introverted. You haven't talked with us very much."[/B] He looked up to see the assassin who had helped him earlier. He shrugged slightly. [B]"The word is [I]dedicated[/I]. I am dedicated to serving the king. And none of us have really talked that much." [/B] He continued to practice his sword fighting. [B]"Then we should start talking, shouldn't we?"[/B] Dalanius shrugged at her words and sheathed his sword. He looked her up and down, noticing a large bag. [B]"Alright. Why do you have such a large bag of money?" [/B] He began packing up his things as she talked. [B]"I earn my living through fighting. They were betting on fights, so I entered and bet on myself. I won, of course."[/B] Dalanius stood, thought for a moment and furrowed his brow. [B]"You should not gamble when you are on a mission for His Majesty. It is not--"[/B] [B]"Proper?" [/B] Ceyla interrupted him, he hated it when people did that. [B]"No it isn't, but I am not technically a soldier. I am an assassin, a sword-for-hire. Although I think it wouldn't be so bad to work for the king all the time." [/B] Ceyla smirked at him. [B]"I'm having fun on this mission. I actually like my comrades. Especially.... Well, it's just unusual for me to get along with everyone."[/B] [B]"They are worthy warriors." [/B] There was a slight sarcastic hint in his voice. [B]?So, who has warranted your attention?? He walked over to her, she had a slightly confused look on her face. ?Never mind, look?um?thanks for back there?[/B] He didn?t give her a chance to reply as he walked out of the glade ahead of Ceyla. She ran to catch up with him; Dalanius looked to the sky as the two walked back into town to find Vincent and the elf. He ever caught her name, all of the females names sounded the same to him. This bunch were proving to be amusing, he wondered how many more battles would ensue before they were any closer to actually finding this princess, he sighed deeply to himself.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Umm what can i say... sin city rocks and this is the result when I become stressed out about my final exam and burn my chemistry txt books. *cough* anyways, this was just me stuffing around. If anything needs changing dont hesitate to ask....yes i know i made too many. *wishes she had photo shop*[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][Sin 1][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img330.imageshack.us/img330/2800/avi16rm.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img330.imageshack.us/img330/8341/banner38ag.png[/IMG] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][Sin 2][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img330.imageshack.us/img330/723/avi29ip.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img330.imageshack.us/img330/3104/banner28yb.png[/IMG] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][Sin 3][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/3166/avi39tl.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/370/banner15nl.png[/IMG] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][Sin4][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/2262/thebigfat2nr.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/5315/thebigfatw7ve.png[/IMG]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]occ:Sounds totally awesome Asim. Sorry my sign up is so long, I got carried away. Exams are [U]almost over [/U] thank god! I Haven?t forgotten about that banner of yours either. I had to take time out to sign up for this ^_^[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue] -------------------------------------- IC: [B]Name:[/B] She keeps her first name private, Last name: O?Neill [B]Nick name:[/B] Viper [B]Age: [/B] 28 [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Side: [/B] Brotherhood: Assassin [B]Personality:[/B] O'Neill is very sarcastic to put it lightly, and never runs out of witting things to say in light of situation however serious or not. She is very intolerant of people who need things explaining to them; watch out if you ask her something twice, people have lost fingers in doing so. She tries to avoid showing any weaknesses to anyone. If a situation or problem arises she will seek a resolve to that situation or problem even if it drives her to madness. Shel has a very strong sense of honor and friendship; if you betray her she will hunt you down and make sure you pay. She has a strong will that is not easily broken. Oddly enough she is very passionate about music among other things. Most people perceive her as cold and heartless, well there dead right, although there is a different side to her that people rarely ever get to see? [B]Appearance: [/B] O'Neill has short Straight shoulder length black hair; in the sun light it appears as if it shines blue. It is usually tied up using a small strand of brown leather, sometimes it?s tied up with a decorative spike and some kind of strange metallic looking string or wire. Her eyes are deep orange in colour. Her face is soft yet mature; her eyes tend to easily intimidate people. Her nose is small; her features look quite young for her age although there is a certian menacing look about her. When she stares it sends shivers down peoples spines. No one yet has seen her smile genuinely, she always has a serious look on her face. She usually wears a tight fitting white tee shirt that has small silver dome like buttons. Her shirt sits just on the top of her low slung long brown pants. Her pants are made of a slightly tight fitting almost stretchy material, they are held up by a black belt with a silver buckle, her belt also doubles as a pistol holder on her left side. She wears black steel capped boots; the steel is on the out side held to the shoe by small rivets. The boots go to just below her knees, they are done up with large buckles all the way up from the ankle. Over her Top she wears a dark Brown leather coat, the coat reaches all the way to the floor, it too can be done up with large buckles but she usually only has it done up to half way down her chest. The coat features a hood and long sleeves that are flipped back at the cuffs. She wears a chain around her neck with three charms on it, one of the moon, a cross and a dagger. On her left hand she has two silver rings and her right one ring that is made up of three joined together. Her ears are pierced with small silver studs. [B]Weapons: [/B] [I][B]Tetsugen: [/B][/I] She uses A Long strand of sharp wire with a blade/ small sword attached to the end, attachments can vary depending on the situation (anything from an axe to a grappling hook). The wire can easily cut though flesh with the right amount of applied pressure. On the other hand it can be used to reel things in, such as victims or be swung from. The length of the wire can vary. She considers the weapon somewhat crude but effective, it?s useful for taking out enemies quietly. [I][B]Taipan:[/B] [/I] (PPLS [Projectile Plasma Long Shot]): It?s basically a sniper rifle that shoots pulses of energy at high velocity. It has a scope attached for taking out targets at long distance. The blasts of energy appear light blue because of their speed. The rifle has an engraved snake bearing its fangs on the weapons right side. The rifle isn?t easily concealed because of its long length. [I][B]Lance: [/B][/I] A large pistol that doesn?t fire bullets, it fires darts instead. The contents of the darts can vary depending on the situation, they usually contain sleeping agent for the times when killing isn?t necessary, sometimes the sleeping agent is replaced with poison or venom. Unfortunately the weapon is very, very unreliable at long range. [B]Ability:[/B] She has a strange ability to disappear at times; almost ...meld into shadow, it?s useful in her profession. [B]Flash back: [/B] [B]?Don?t you dare move, put it down. Now!? [/B] The fat pompous diplomatic official placed his relic revolver on the ground near his feet. He was decidedly over dressed for the occasion. His body heaved with the effort of standing up straight; he had eaten one to many sugar filled treats in his life time. She laughed inwardly as her gun barrel pressed up against his skull. If she did not kill him as instructed then a heart attack or some other related illness would, pulling the trigger almost wasn?t necessary. He whimpered as she pressed it harder against his skull. [B]?Kneel? [/B] Defiantly he straightened his back and stuck his grotesque gut out, she was sure that the seams and buttons holding his clothes together would pop at any minute. She did not keep a dart round chambered all the time for this very reason. Slowly using her other hand she pulled back on the top of the gun and a soft ?click, click? resonated throughout the room. With that sound he decided he would kneel, She laughed to her self again as he struggled to get down on one knee then the other. O?Neill had not hesitated to take this job, the man she would be killing was not human in her eyes, he was a monster. A monster that needed putting down, he had committed crimes to numerous to mention and killed many an innocent person. [B]?It?s truly amazing how child like adults become before death?[/B] It was at that point he began blabbering about how she should not kill him, he had connections and she would live the rest of her life happy. When he realized she could not be bought the threats started. All she did in response was laugh mockingly at him, she didn?t even break a smile. Enough was enough. The trigger was pulled; the dart was ejected from its barrel and entered his neck. Dead before he hit the ground. [B]?Survival of the fittest?[/B] she whispered and left, the pick up would arrive any minute. The wind rustled her hair on her shoulders, the stars were out tonight and everything seemed peaceful. The scout ship quickly took her aboard; she looked to the stars before getting on and sighed. [B]?Is it done??[/B] the piolt didnt even look back as he questioned. [B]?Yes?[/B] The door closed behind her as she sat; the ships boosters fired and within moments they broke the upper atmosphere, a blanket of stars greeted them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]OOC: Don?t Kill Alex off! I promise ill post more next week when my exams finish. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]IC:Alex walked through the doors and let Dante go ahead of her, before she knew what was going on she was on the floor with a searing pain in her chest. [B]?What the hell was that!?? [/B] Alex was hit in the chest again before she could get up; the blast forced her mind into a dazed state, she could hear voices but couldn?t comprehend what they were saying. She felt the pain in her chest three more times before she thought she would pass out altogether. It was at that point something strange happened, a green light passed before her eyes and unknown to her, Alex floated up into the air. [B]?Excellent? [/B] Jyan spoke, all the other guardians were monetarily distracted from their issues as a blinding glowing green light surrounded Alex. From the light a figure appeared, transparent green wings sprouted from her back as she grew taller. Her figure changed, becoming longer, green robes covered her body and a staff grew from her hand. Her ears were slightly pointed at the tips, and her eyes shone with a deep green. She flapped her wings twice and landed softly back on the ground. Transparent feathers fell to the floor but as they did so they turned into leaves, all of varying colour as one would see in autumn. [B]?Your name?? [/B] Jyan questioned. [B]?Symphony, Keeper of nature and the Earth, I bid thee greetings?[/B] Symphony made a sight bow as she looked round to everyone, her robes moved in the air as if they were lighter than it. [/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]OOC:Hey people, sorry I haven?t been posting I informed Sazabi that I have exams, I wont be posting often until next week, thanks for mentioning Dalanius here and there appreciate it![/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ic: Dalanius charged head long into the orcs cutting away at them. He hadn?t uttered many words to anyone; they had already formed bonds with one another. That fact shouldn?t have bothered him, but it was. He gave a primal yell as he thrust his sword into orc flesh. Everyone was fighting more or less in a group where Dalanius was cut off from everyone by orcs. He watched as Ceyla made her way over to Vincent and Neko. As Dalanius fought orcs he found himself feeling increasingly angry, that was never good, a warrior gets angry and anger clouds judgment. The orc numbers were thinning despite the fact that Dalanius found him self alone. Everyone else was quite some distance away. [B]?Well this is just fantastic? [/B] Sarcasm was evident in his voice, 5 orcs were closing in on Dalanius and he was backed into a corner. The orcs snarled at him, bearing there ugly twisted teeth and hissing, their breath was foul. He took a few steps backwards as his back hit a wall of a house. [I]No way out [/I] he thought. Although unaware of it untill that moment, Dalanius was wounded, nothing deathly serious but the sight of blood trickling down his armor was enough to boost the orcs sprits and somewhat douse his. The orcs continued advancing on him; it was not in his nature to ask for anything, especially not help in battle but this time exceptions would have to be made. Dalanius yelled as loud as he could, hoping someone would hear him above the din of battle. [B]?Help! A little would be somewhat appreciated!?[/B] the orcs growled as one brought his sword down on Dalanius, Dalanius' sword clashed with the orcs as all 5 of them decided to join the party. [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hey people, just a quick hello before i go study Math :sleepy: If you all decide to go to different towns (as Takuya sugested in the other thread) Someone take Kay along with you. I dont mind who, you all know how she acts and what not. So yeah, i guess im just asking that someone look after her while im stressing, (like a bunch of other people who also have tests). Thanks so far for including her in your posts guys ^_^ See ya's next week. *Illusion.[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Originally posted by [B]Ikillion[/B] My goodness everyone has to go all of a sudden[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Weird isnt it? I too must say that i wont be able to post for a week, This monday comming (the 3rd of april??) anyways i have exams next week for the whole week and wont be able to get to a computer. Go Team Beta!! *Strikes up marching band*[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Bond watched as multiple contestants left their positions to approach one of the yellow question marked boxes, gaining the coin seemed easy enough but the part after? well that was something else. None the less the task had to be attempted. Correcting his tie and suite Bond ran at a near by yellow box; remembering what others before him did, he jumped up and hit the underside of the box with his head. A rather large coin popped out of the box, it was marked with skull. [B][I]?Great" [/I][/B] he thought. Bond rushed off up the stairs when winged turtles came flying at his face. He ducked just in time as they whizzed past inches from the top of his head. He breathed a sigh of relief, but no sooner as the creatures were gone another wave of the turtles came soaring. The onslaught of winged reptiles was strange as it was annoying. Bond ran at the second wave head on sliding on his back underneath them. He got to his haunches and ran; things seemed to be going well. That was of course before a massive red plant with white spots and huge teeth slammed its self into the ground a mere few inches behind him. The shock wave of the plant hitting the ground caused bond to loose his footing and fall, not only that but he coin rolled out of his grasp. He just managed to get to his feet and scramble after the coin when another plant slammed its self down onto the stairs inches away from him. That was the last straw; bond pulled his pistol from his suit and started firing at the plants, the bullets hit. Some plants fell to the floor of the steps un-moving, some kept up right but became disinterested in him. Bond looked behind him; he was only half way up the stair case. He let out a sigh and kept running; fighting terrorists? plots and assassins was one thing, but giant man eating plants and flying turtles? Besides the battle of getting to the top of the stair case he had dropped his coin! Bond ran about looking for it, the plants weren?t a threat. Something else had presented its self. Rows of blocks with angry faces and spikes sticking out of them were thumping down the stair case. He spotted the coin; it was on his step but all the way over the other side of the stair case. In the time it would take him to ruin over there the blocks would be on his step. [B]?Thank god I checked in with Q before leaving?[/B], raising his arm upwards he placed his hand over his watch and pushed a button. Low and behold a high tech wire shot out of his watch and wrapped itself around one of the exposed supports in the roof of the castle. He attached the wire to his belt and swung from his position to the other side of the stair case, scooping up the coin in the process. The blocks were 3 steps away and he was almost at the top. Bond withdrew a pen from his breast pocked and clicked it three times?2 steps, he threw the pen into one of the blocks mouths and it swallowed it whole. He ducked and used the large step for cover, pressing right up against the wall of the step?1step away? BANG! The block blew out instantaneously sending a shower of rocky remains down onto Bond and causing the blocks spikes to shoot out and stab into the step, roof and walls. That was the break he needed, a second line of blocks came down the stars but he dodged under them easily and ran the last few steps to the 5 customers. [B]?The pen is mightier than the sword?[/B] bond said to him self smiling, while he fixed up his tie and suite. His hair needed no attention because it was still perfect. He observed the possible ?creatures? that he could sell the coin too. None of them looked appealing in any way, he defiantly wasn?t going to try and sell the skull coin to a miniature version of the large man eating plants he faced moments before. Especially since he shot and most likely killed some of them. Not good for negotiations. He decided to approach a very small tortoise like creature with a spiky shell. [B]?Good evening, would you like to buy this coin, I can grantee its quite fine in construction and quality? [/B] The tortoise gave him a weird look as he stanched the coin away from Bond examining it up close. [B]?No its not, it?s all dirty and scratched! I?m NOT buying damaged goods!?[/B] [B]?But I -? [/B] [B]?No buts!? [/B] Before bond could even reply with a witty retort the creature pulled down shut the door to his stall. After all that work he had failed to sell the coin, felling a little dejected Bond made his way back down to his team. Usually he would have entered ?aggressive negations? with someone after such an event. But not his time. He re-joined his team, hands in pockets, as another member raced towards the yellow blocks. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Greynin followed the rest outside to the selection of horses, there he watched as the group chose different ones. The other male like himself chose a sold black mustang; others chose chestnut and roan, one even choosing white. He walked along the selection of horses; one caught his eye above the rest. A grey male mustang was standing away from the rest but approached Dalanius. He checked the horse?s saddle and stirrups they seemed ok. He mounted the horse and it didn?t protest, it had been taught well. Dalanius would have preferred to use his own horse, but to refuse a king... Vincent rode out at the front of the group and everyone followed except Dalanius. He waited behind until everyone had ridden ahead of him and took up the rear guard of the traveling party. Someone needed to make sure that their ?rear ends? were well protected. After and hour or two everyone started to introduce them selves, their convocations had become quite involved. Dalanius didn?t interfere, he had no use for a topic such as the one they were discussing and would say nothing unless asked. They should keep their eyes and ears on the road he thought. [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]OMG stress stress stress. Ok im just here to tell you all that i am still in this rp and will still be posting but just not very frequently soon. i have a week and a halfs worth of tests comming up soon and wont be able to get on as much as i would like. If i have progressed the story to far in my most recent post let me know people. You said leo needed to be found so i found him :animeswea, people just need to arrive to help get him out of the deep dark hole he fell into. Aggh i should be studying, Illusion.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I][B]?Block with the left, swing down with both hands from high?right like that good keep it up.? [/I] [/B] Dalanius observed from afar as young Paladins where being taught proper fighting techniques, some were good but most. Most he thought would not last a minute on the battle field. One of the Kings messengers came running up to Greynin as he observed the events, the messenger seemed quite out of breath. [B]?Paladin ? the King requests your presence at the hall?[/B] he stopped to catch his breath, Greynin had forgotten about the summoning to the hall. Rumor was passing among the troops quickly that The Princess has been kidnapped. [B]?I will be there shortly now get out of my way.?[/B] He pushed passed the messenger almost knocking him to the ground and made his way towards the Castle. [CENTER]= = = = = [/CENTER] Two people were already standing in the chamber as he made his entrance; he ignored them for the moment. Greynin went down on one knee before the king, flicking his cape behind him as he spoke. [B]?My king, Paladin Greynin at your service?[/B] [B]?Excellent, rise my Paladin rise, all will be explained when the others I have summoned arrive, for now, please wait patiently.? [/B] He nodded and stood, a female was present as well as another male. The female was clearly a huntress, he could tell by the way she was dressed, the other male he was not so sure about. Greynin walked off to the side and stood alone waiting for the others to arrive; he wondered who else the King had decided on recruiting into this rescue mission. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Alex looked around, it was dark and her eyes took a while to adjust to the conditions. When they focused she was met with a man, his arm out stretched towards her in a sign of greeting. [B]?Dante? [/B] he spoke with a voice that sounded commanding to her. [B]?Alex? [/B] she replied and shook his hand taking in his features. Her train of thought was interrupted when the ground started to shake and roll underneath them and a troll rose from the earth. [B]?Shall we??[/B] [B]?Lets?[/B] The troll charged at them head on, the two almost didn?t need words and Alex caught a smile escaping from Dante?s lips as she charged right, slashing off the Trolls arm and he chose left, also removing a limb from the creature. Blood was spilt everywhere as Dante violently thrust his sword into the troll?s stomach. Alex ran for the creature using Dante?s back as a spring board to jump and flip up above the toll?s head. She brought her axe down over it with a strong thrust, slicing the beast open. Dante removed his weapon as she landed with a soft ?whump? next to him. [B]"I have a feeling that the others went through theirs just as fast."[/B] Dante began walking back to the door that they had just come out of and opened it. [B]"Ladies first".[/B] Alex smiled and gave a small curtsey[B] ?You?re quite the gentlemen?[/B]. She entered in ahead of him as he closed the door behind. They were back in tower they had originally started in. [B]?I think that it is time we ask questions of this Jyan?[/B] Alex spoke while observing the tower. It was grand in its foundations, solid, built rather well. It was decorated somewhat plainly yet looked very expensive, not old but grand like it had been through generations. [B]?I agree? [/B] The two waited for others to arrive, hopefully they had been as successful in their training.[/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]ooc: Sorry I?m not posting often guys! I?ll tell you all now that school is bothersome to say the least, my posting will pick up during my holidays in a weeks time I promise. For now I?m going to be a little slow on the up take, sory if it seems a little rushed. So Find Leo we shall![/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue] ic:Kay, Quincy and Kim had all decided to look for Leo together they spread out but within sight to cover more ground between them. The forest they were it backed onto the main city and wasn?t that far away from the ruins of the Sanctuary Temple. They walked some way back into town. [B]"Something wrong Kim?" [/B] [B]"It's alright just keep looking."[/B] Kay ignored her words and tried silently to approach Kim from behind, ?Crack?, her foot broke a tree branch. As she looked up she saw a small rip in space and because of her noises that rip was closing very fast. Kim thrust her hand in and pulled out a vial of red liquid. Kay was amazed at the sight. [B]"How did you do that?" [/B] She was amazed by the display, Kay had never before witnessed something like this. [B]"Magic."[/B] Was the only response Kim could muster, she smiled shyly and handed the vial to Kay. [B]"Will you hold this? I don't know what it is but it will come in handy in the future. I just know it."[/B] Kay smiled and nodded still in minor shock at the display. She safely tucked the vial away in her robes for safe keeping. The day dragged on rather quickly and the sun was beating down high above in the sky, it was midday and it seamed a lot hotter than usual. No doubt due to the prior events. [B]?We really need to find Leo?[/B] Quincy shouted out across to Kay and Kim. They both nodded in a agreement. [B]?I Suggest we go back to the ruins of the temple of Bahamut and see if Leo has gone there, we can also look for supplies or anything useful in the ruins.? [/B] Kim and Quincy both agreed, the temperature was rising quickly and they could get some shade there. They reached the Temple some time later, the annoying fact was the heat had not warn off any. The three spread out again at a sights distance calling out Leo?s name. [B]?Leo! LEO can you hear us!! It?s me, Kay, Quincy and Kim! Where are you?!? [/B] They continued to search about the ruins calling out Leo?s name. Kay looked over to Quincy and Kim to see if they had found anything, they both shook their heads and shrugged. Kay breathed a deep sigh and sat down almost exhausted from the heat on a flat part of the ruins. She was quickly growing found of Kim and Quincy the two had a good ?felling? about them; among most people Kay had come into contact over the years with, none had exhibited this quality. She looked down to see a familiar sight. It was a stain glass of a famous scene within the teachings of the order. Depicted on the glass was that of Bahamut, highest servant of the God Artime. One thing was wrong; the beautiful stain glass was smashed. Kay looked into the dark hole, but the light quickly faded and nothing could be seen, not even the bottom. Kay stood and resumed yelling once more. [B]?LEO!....LEO!? [/B] She stopped sighed again and was about to walk away when something, a faint call caught her ears. She stopped to listen; it was a quiet call, almost a whisper of sorts. [B]?help! I?m here I?m down here Kay!? [/B] Kay?s eyes lit up at the sound for a minute there she thought she was going mad with heat stroke. [B]?Leo!, Kim, Quincy! I?ve found him! Leo are you all right?! Where are you? Are you hurt?? [/B] Kim and Quincy rushed over to Kay at her calling there eyes were lit up as well. [B]?I fell down here last night, my leg I?m bleeding I cant stand up.? [/B] His voice was pained and getting weaker. [B]?He could possibly have lost a lot of blood? [/B] Quincy added. [B]?we are going to need a lot more help in getting him out of there, looks like a long way down.?[/B] [B]?I agree, one of us needs to go back and find the others to help?[/B] Kim spoke. [B]?Kim and I will go, Kay you stay here with Leo and keep him talking. Well be back in a flash.? [/B] Quincy and Kim got up to leave. [B]?You need to hurry, he doest sound to good to me. Get back here as quick as you can so we can get him out and his wounds tended to.?[/B] They both nodded and ran off as fast as they could; the day was cooling but gradually. Kay gave it her all into keeping Leo alert and awake until the others arrived. They desperately needed to get Leo out and alive.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]occ: Hope this is ok, let me know if u want me to change anything people[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=Blue]Do we have to sell a coin to each person or stop after one? (forgive me if this was obvious)[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]*Stabs self in the foot* I lost the plot of the story, i re read all the posts but i duuno where all the characters are up too :animeknow , i appolagies for not posting. I Started my last year of school and tings really started to pick up fast, tho i know its no excuse. :animeangr :animedepr If you still consider the rp worth saving or whatever ill glady post and hopefully we can get the boat sailing again.[/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]*reads whites post and rushes to type faster* We could have something scientific or Latin. Umm ? bellator : fighting man, warrior. ? miles militis : soldier, warrior, knight. ? phalanx : host, band of warriors. ? proeliator: warrior. Scold me if I got these wrong? Team Phalanx!!! Wow sounds?mighty? Get moving people! I?m sure none of us want to be named Team Full Bladder O_o[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Sounds like fun... ------------ Name: Dalanius Greynin Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: [URL=http://img162.imageshack.us/my.php?image=guy21ac.png]Dalanius [/URL] Personality: Brash and sarcastic. Dalanius is rude to most people to say the least and has been ever since he was a child. He can be very quick to anger and will often seem annoyed for no reason. If people do something wrong then they?ll know it straight away. He has a very, very strong sense of honor and will do almost anything to keep it in tact. Class: Paladin Weapon(s): Chinese broadsword, Claymore and a double bladed axe Bio: Dalanius parents and many other people were murdered by a known hoard that ripped through the country side many years ago. He was only a child when it happened and vaguely remembers the events. He was adopted by his uncle and only other living relative. His uncle was a great and revered Paladin; Dalanius grew up aspiring to become as good as his uncle. He quickly became highly ranked within the Paladin class and has been invited by the King to take part in retrieving his daughter. [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Winter mulled over the events in her mind as she walked behind Teru and Leanne, the more she thought about them the angrier she became. Teru and Leanne could not have known of their mistake in leaving the wolf alive. Winter however was furious with her self and Teru. Herself because she let Teru take command and she didn?t strike down the wolf when she had a chance. She was furious at Teru for not seeing that the wolf needed killing right then and there regardless of weather they lived or not. If it was anything, ANYTHING that she was taught from her father before he died and Alden. The one rule of the death dealers, Never EVER leave a wolf alive. They had ignored this rule and would bare the consequences. Winter knew what was coming; a total out break of wolves will now roam the streets. To night was full moon and that wolf was not stupid he would be turning people this every moment, while they were hiding like pathetic earthworms in the catacombs. Winter would let Teru lead her where need be, then she would leave, regardless of weather it was full moon or not. She was the most experienced hunter, how dare Teru say that he was stronger than the women. Winters hand clinched into a fist as they walked, the three vampire?s foot steps echoed throughout the halls. The first thing she would do was go back to her estate and have William join them, he was more than just a butler to her he was like a brother, and now the only person she could connect with that was left. She would not lose him too, Winter would not loose another friend or allie. A plan was formulating in her mind, she explored the options laid before her, she found no favorable one. Then again she didn?t find any that didn?t have a semi favorable out come. Winter could hear Teru and Leanne talking but she didn?t register what was being exchanged. Her thoughts drifted to Alden and a soft smile parted her lips. This battle was already becoming hard won.[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hey Reiku, Just wondering if there will be any plot developments... Im kinda un sure at what to pots next :animeswea[/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]Edited my sign up to the new format Oblivion, let me know if anything needs fixing :) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] [U][B]Human[/B][/U] [B]Name: [/B] Name: Alex (Alexandra) Huntington [B]Alias:[/B] Angel [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL= http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/5540/angelg1th.png ]Alex[/URL] Alex is 5?7? in height, She has light blue eyes and almost white blonde hair. He usually ca be found wearing Light dresses of varying patterns. She is very slender and seams almost fragile, most people consider her plain but in a beautiful way. [B]Personality: [/B] Very centered and realistic. Alex isn?t angered easily and always likes to observe situations, going through every out come in her mind, like a game of chests. She can be very protective of her team mates even if they don?t want her to be. She loves nature and likes nothing more than to lie in a open feild and stare at the sky, watching the clouds go past. Alex doesn?t like to argue at all and hates it when other people do, she will intervene to keep the peace. Despite all this she will not hesitate to kill if need be. [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL= http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/1866/axeneaa6te.png]This Axe[/URL] [U][B]Demon [/B] [/U] [B]Name: [/B] Symphony [B]Element:[/B] Earth [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/1651/goddessrr3py.png]Symphony[/URL]. Her robes are Dark green and brown in colour. She as the apperance of a normal person but her ears are slightly pointed at the tips, Symphony has a pair of translucent pale green feathery wings that protrude from her shoulder blades, when she looses feathers they fall as leaves. [B]Personality: [/B] Reserved and peaceful much unlike some of her team mates who are always fighting for dominance. She will constantly tell them to knock the bickering off but they never listen. [B]Weapon: [/B] This [URL=http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/9523/staff21zg.png]Staff but Dark green in colour[/URL], it has dark gray flowing ribbon tied three quarters of the way up its length. Engraved Celtic designs cover the length of the staff.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Red]ooc:Ninjah, let me know if there is anything you want me to change regarding this post, Im sorry to all again at the length of my post, i dont post often but when i do its long and sorry about that i sort of missed out on alot of events and im playing catch up, sorys for any gramer mistakes as wel. Appolagies to all. Illusion.[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] The weather had worsened at the neighboring town of Niffleheim. Executions would not take place in such bad conditions so the prisoner had been moved to the capital Neiyahleblim for it to take place. This did not bother Kay but it would be quite bothersome for the guards who arrested the prisoner to take him a few extra hundred kilometers. She finished practicing her art of combat and got dressed into her [URL=http://portalsintime.com/images/whiterobe.jpg]visitation robes.[/URL] It was a relatively simple gown in its design from the normal elaborate yellow robes she would usually wear. A fine pattern of Celtic knots was embroidered silk around the sleeves, hood and bottom of the robes. After she was dressed she packed her normal robes to get changed into after the visit and took with her various objects, including her Axe of Bahamut. The execution was to take place behind the sanctuary, just outside of its grounds, it would be an out side semi-public execution. Only government officials, Kay her self and guards would be present. It took her no less than 15 minutes to arrive at the ground but much to her surprise the execution was already under way. They were sharpening the axe that was to cut the murderers head off as she entered. Everyone turned to look at her, but none had the guts to look her in the eye. Kay was quite angered but tried to suppress it best she could. The murderer was protesting his innocence loudly. Most did so but she had never heard someone do so and sound as genuine as this one did. [B]?What is the meaning of this?!?[/B] Kay spoke sternly and with authority. [B]?It is by the order of the sanctuary that all prisoners MUST meet with a Sharman or Priestess BEFORE they are to be executed. This man had met with neither to my knowledge; this execution must NOT proceed until he has done so!?[/B] Everyone looked away from Kay, the prisoner became silent, the only thing that could be heard was the grinding of metal on rock as the blade was being sharpened. An official stood and bowed to Kay. [B]?High Priestess of Bahamut, this man is a murderer?[/B] The convicted struggled in his restraints and looked from Kay to the official begging to gain either of their attentions. [B]?I?m not I swear by the very gods! I am no murderer! You have the wrong man, please! Listen to me!?[/B] Kay looked at the man and locked eyes with him. [B]?What is your name?? [/B] Kay asked. He spoke at a normal pitch, no longer shouting. [B]?Quincy, I assure you priestess I have not done what I am convicted of? [/B] Kay look in a breath about to speak when suddenly the sky turned dark, gradually fading from a beautiful blue to a terrifying black and then to a deep blood red. Kay looked towards the heavens and muttered six words. [B]?By the gods?this cannot be?? [/B] Meteors began to slam into the city causing chaos, buildings and people caught on fire from the blast heat caused by the falling debris. The official yelled, [B]?Continue with the execution!?[/B]. Kay grabbed him by the collar and yanked him close as thing fell around them. [B]?Are you crazy!? You will kill us all we must get under ground, now!? [/B] [B]?No! We get this done!? [/B] Kay noticed a strange look in the official?s eyes; the prisoner was struggling vastly with his captors. Kay looked him in the eyes and yelled. [B]?Do you swear by your life that you are telling the truth of your innocence!??[/B]He nodded and yelled. [B]?Yes, I swear!? [/B] Buildings began crumbling around them; massive rock after rock pelted the city around them. [B]?Follow me! Stay close and whatever you do, do not look behind you!? [/B] He nodded at her words. Kay spun on her heels and punched the guard still sharpening the execution axe; she grabbed the axe and cut Quincy free. Kay then look out what guards had not fled and she ran with the so called murderer by her side. She was intent on getting to the Sanctuary, the falling rocks may reduce it to rubble but still if she could get inside then the catacombs would provide protection. Quincy and she dogged falling rock after rock in a desperate attempt to get to the doors of the sanctuary. Eventually, after climbing over fallen houses and dead bodies they made it. It was as much of a panic in side as it was out side. My some unlucky twist of fate the Sanctuary was being pelted hardest the most. Foundations crumbled around them as they ran though the halls. [B]?We must make it to the east side! The foundations are strongest there, Hurry!?[/B] They ran as fast as they could along with others who had the same idea. They entered the catacombs via a tunnel that was sloped on a steep angle. 60 or so people huddled into the enclosed space of the underground hallways, some were hit by falling rocks, others were trampled by people. It seamed as though they were no safer in here than they were out side. Screams could be heard along with rumbling and loud explosions. May people prayed to their respective gods to get them though the destruction. Others cursed the gods for letting such a thing happen. Kay was convinced she knew who caused this, but was not going to make any assumptions yet. After what seamed like a life time the sounds stopped and the 20 or so people that were left alive slowly ventured out side the remains of their hiding place to observe the chaos out side. Kay and Quincy followed, what they saw when they reached out side after crawling over rubble caused Kay to fall to her knees with disbelief. The entire city was virtually flattened. Buildings lay in smoldering ruins; burnt bodies lay in the streets nothing but ash. Kay turned to observe what had happened to her home and tears fell from her cheeks. The sanctuary was in ruin, half of the magnificent building was totally demolished. The other half lay on its side most of it on fire, other parts smoldering, she was glad of only one thing, that she had taken her Axe with her. Her heart was filled with sorrow for the loss of her home and her friends that she had even if they were only few. Quincy took her hand and helped her up from her knees. [B]?What do we do now?? [/B] Kay shook her head and looked at her robes which were now black with soot and grime. [B]?I don?t know? [/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Red]occ:Let me know if theres something that needs changing[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Ic:As soon as Kahn hit the ground he joined the battle against the vipers. Like some of the others he had not yet had the time to train against these things back at their base but he had observed their attack patterns. As Taikaru gave the order to move out he did so running off to follow Alexia with some others. Kahn gained the attention of a pair of vipers rather quickly, once they spotted him they began to make up the ground between him and them to fast for comfort. As they advanced the two vipers burrowed under ground and Kahn lost their location.[B] ?Shit!? [/B] he yelled frustrated. At the last minute in a desperate attempt to avoid the on coming vipers he jumped up into the air and drew metal from his surrounds. It was dangerous for him to take any metals out of support structures so he gathered what he could from debris and other junk. Just as he had finished collecting the metal that was needed the two vipers rose out of the earth at speed and lunged for him. Kahn drew two metal spikes from the metallic liquid in his hands and hurled them at the vipers. The first of the two snakes caught the jagged metal spike through the centre of its head; it flopped onto the ground dead twitching from nerves. The second viper was quicker it dogged the spike and kept coming straight for Kahn. He ran. He ran as fast as he possibly could, which proved to be not fast enough, the second viper went underground once more, over shot Kahn?s position and pop up right in front of him, blocking his escape. The viper slowly advanced towards him, Kahn re-gathered metal into the palms of his hands and formed 9inch long nails. The nails floated around his arms and hands. The viper lunged and he released the storm of metal on the snake no more than 2 feet away from him. Blood spurted out from the creature and onto Kahn as the metal assaulted its body. The creature fell motionless at his feat. He turned to look be hind him as Lex yelled [I][B]?Make for the base! GO!?[/B] [/I] Kahn ran after the others as they scrambled for the base. Behind them she fought covering their asses so they could make it to the base safely. Upon entering the base everyone split up more or less, Kahn asked directions from one of the Soldiers and he pointed out where their rooms were located. The viper blood smelt horrible and he was just about warn out and he had only faced two of them. Kahn listened in on Taikaru had to say about the situation before he went to clean up, he was disturbed at the fact that these creatures may be planing an invasion of sorts and Zombies may be on the way. She concluded with [I][B]"Please get your rest I'm headed off to sleep."[/B][/I] Kahn nodded to Lamia who was sitting next to him. [B]?How many did you get??[/B] Lamia shrugged and looked away. [I][B]?Hard to keep count, at least 5 or more?[/B] [/I] Kahn nodded and shrugged his good byes for the evening. He desperately needed a shower and a good rest, it felt as though age was catching up to him quicker than he would have liked. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name: [/B] Janet Pym [B]Codename: [/B] Wasp [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Appearance: [/B] [IMG]http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/4263/waspwe2zh.png[/IMG] [URL=http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/4476/wasp4pl.png]Wasp, larger image, shes on the right[/URL] She usually wears tight fitting clothes to complement her lean figure, She has Dark Brown eyes and black hair stands 5'7". [B]Alliance:[/B] X-men (can change it) [B]Biography:[/B] [may edit] Janet was spoiled from a very young age being the daughter of a very wealthy scientist named Vernon van Dyne. In which case she got everything she wanted, this lead her to be self centered and shallow. Her father was killed in a lab experiment that went horribly wrong, the stress of coping with her father?s death brought about her mutation. Janet inherited her fathers vast amounts of money but his dying brought her down a few notches in character. Janet Pym attended schooling with Betty Ross; at the end of her education she worked hard enough to acquire two PH.D?s. She entered into a relation ship that had some violent consequences. Her boyfriend constantly beat her, despite this fact wasp still stayed in the relationship. Eventually she married; her husband didn?t show any more violent nature until a few years later in which case he beat Janet almost senseless. Un-till that time no one knew that she was a mutant, she never told anyone of what she could do. To escape her abusive husband wasp stung him, shrank her self and escaped the apartment via one of the open windows. Unfortunately for her, her clothes didn?t shrink with her and she was forced to embarrassingly steal clothes from someone?s washing line. After that incident Janet left the country choosing London, England a place to make her self a new life away from abusive husbands and prying eyes. She is now incredibly carefull when it comes to men from her bad experiences. [B]Powers:[/B] Wasp has the abilities to be able to shrink herself quite small, at the most one to two inches. At will she can sprout two insectoid-wasp like wings from between her shoulder blades, these enable her to fly. Wasp however does not sting like a conventional insect as her name would entail. She secretes a biochemical compound from her finger tips. When it comes into contact with the enemy it causes large amounts of pain (a burning sensation) and blistering of the skin (as a conventional sting would). She has been experimenting with a developing power that enables her to grow in size but hasn?t been able to gain any proper control over it. If she shrinks while in civilian clothing she becomes naked as it will not shrink with her. [B]= = = = = = Note:[/B] I changed her background a lot... I think.... I?m not really that familiar with the new X-Men series and what not, so forgive me for any mistakes, don?t hesitate to point any out either. Let me know if anything needs to be improved as well [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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