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RPG Otakuboards Apprentice: Plumber Extraordinaire! [PG]
Disenchanted replied to Ellerby's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]?James! Did you bring me something back from your holiday?? Bond waved Money Penny off as he made for M?s door. ?Not now? He muttered, feeling a little remorse. There needn?t be any cause to be rude to her, but after all he was in a hurry and an awfully bad mood. Money Penny scowled at him behind her computer screen usually he would flirt with her, what?s up his? Bond flung open the door to M?s office with out an introduction or permission; she stood as he interrupted her phone call. ?President Hu Jintao, I am sorry for the in convenience I will get back to you? M put down the phone and looked up at Bond like an angry mother looks at next door neighbor for breaking a window. ?I was on a very important phone call, this better be good?. M sat at her desk straight backed with arms in front of her on the desk. ?Oh don?t worry M you wont be disappointed? Bond slipped a manila folder out from his suite jacket and smoothly sided it across the desk to M. ?Sit? she ordered like a person commanding their mutt while scanning over the document. ?This is a letter of resignation, is it not Bond?? He nodded yes while tapping the side of his mouth with an expensive pen. ?I would like to think of it more as? an extended holiday, if you will? Bond sat up straight in his chair as he observed the look on M?s face. She raised her eye brows slightly at his response; he had never acted the same towards her after the incident involving Korea. ?Very well then 007, here is the deal?? = = = = = = = = = = = = [I]The Next Day Helicopter Pad MI6[/I] ?Where to Mr. Bond?? ?Mushroom Kingdom Charles, I?ve got some business to attend to.? Bond strapped in and adjusted his mic and helmet; it would be a long ride. He had never seen the Mushroom Kingdom but had heard of it none the less, the tournament he has entered himself in would prove interesting if nothing else. Adjusting his gum harness bond looked out over the expanse of Blue Ocean he wasn?t sure if it was necessary to bring firearms but then again he did sleep with a gun under his pillow.. [I]Many Hours later Mushroom Kingdom[/I] The M.K handnt quite been what Bond was expecting, he was pleasantly surprised none the less. As the Helicopter landed he made his way hunched out of the rotor wash, straightened his suite and headed for the doors of the castle. Upon entering one thing caught his eye immediately, the exquisite Asian beauty that stood at the bottom of the stair case she had a gentilemen standing with her. He walked over to her and was about to utter a few words of greeting when one of the two plumbers interrupted him. ?Mr. Bond-a welcome to your home-a? said Mario smiling in the same manor. ?Glad you-a could make it-a? Luigi chimed in also smiling. ?A pleasure gentlemen, glad to be here? He nodded to wards the both of them standing at the top of the stairs before turning his attention to wards the beautiful woman. ?Bond, James Bond and you are?? ?Wong, Ada Wong? She smiled, her tone had a subtle hint of mocking. He turned to greet the gentilemen standing with her when he answered Bonds question without him asking. ?My name is Victor Delacroix Mr.Bond?James nodded towards the man, he foun himself looking about the castle and pondered what exactly did he get him self into...[/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I have 6 exams in One week, somtimes two a day, most will go for three hours, at the least 2 and a half hours, the exams are two and half weeks away and i can proudly say i know nothing, God im sooo beyond stressed ! :animestun The really stupid thing that my school does it not streach the exams out over a period of time, after our exam week no ones brains work because of the time period we had to get things done in. It especially doesnt help when some teaches give us projects that are due very close to exams. Our exams finish and then we get stuck with more projets to do over easter break. Ill stop wineing now and go study...0_o [/COLOR]
Discuss The Danger Room: Ultimate X-Men Underground [M-VLS]
Disenchanted replied to Blayze's topic in Theater
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Quick Question, can i sign up as the Wasp? she is in xmen Ultimate... but she is considered more of as an Avenger... If not its cool Ill go with Rogue or something. thankx Blaze[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I got boared.... Is that what you were wanting?? You said you couldnt get any of them to work so yeah... [IMG]http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/2307/pawned7er.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/5056/owned5nx.png[/IMG] Oh yeah i got carried away... [IMG]http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/829/8bit3kf.png[/IMG] I can change any one of them. Illusion[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]1.Pick a Band or Artist:[/B] Matchbox 20 [B]2. Are you male or female:[/B] Last Beautiful Girl [B]3. Describe yourself:[/B] Disease [B]4. How do some people feel about you:[/B] Angry [B]5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] Bed of Lies [B]6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [/B] You Wont Be mine [B]7. Describe where you want to be:[/B] Real World [B]8. Describe how you love:[/B] Soul [B]9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [/B] The Difference [B]10. Share a few words of wisdom:[/B] Down Fall [B]11. Now say goodbye:[/B] Leave[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]ooc: its a big post i know, sory about that :animeswea [/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] Kay opened her bed side drapes to reveal a wondrously beautiful day; the sweet air rose and filled her nose as she breathed deep. Tying back the drapes with an elegant silver chain she went about the ceremonial practice of her attire. Many Priestesses gave a push for their robes to be changed but none succeeded, they were quite revealing. The top just resting at the very top of their stomachs and their flowing skirts starting from the hips. All had a choice as to what colour they would wear, Kay had chosen yellow for every day and orange for ceremonies. She may have inherently been ordained a ?Priestess of Bahamut? but in essence they played the roles of what some of the regions called ?Priests? or ?Nuns?. There were some fundamental differences, hierarchy was different, males were allowed but they had to under go extensive trials. These trials were the same in difficulty for women but men had to endure learning about the whole history of the order while the women grew up with it within the walls of the sanctuary. All priestesses must under go training in a chosen art of combat, whatever that may be. Besides all this, what made them accepted by all was that they had to lean about all religions so that they may help as many people as needed. For this purpose ?Sanctuaries? as they were called were positively massive in structure as they contained various temples and churches, places of worship for whatever people believed in. They were always beautiful in architecture, white marble and crystal, everywhere you went beautiful smells aroused the senses. Footsteps echoed on the perfectly polished floors. Fine cloth drapes lined the walls as well as beautiful art works from far and wide, exotic statues and fine fountains could be seen everywhere. It was a known fact that Sanctuaries were incredibly holy and religious places and so in times of battle they could not be attacked by either side of the opposing army. Once an army did attack a Sanctuary they are never spoken of in side the walls, no one will utter what happened to them. With good comes the bad, the places of hatred and cruelness also had their own sanctuary, oddly enough they were named ?Havens?. Representatives from each place of worship would meet at a summit 4 times every year to discuss matters, this ensured no bickering. The two places understood each other and that was enough. As was the law with both orders, priestesses and Sharmans (as the men were so called), could love marry and bare offspring. Their partner would be offered to live within the temple and still go about their chosen profession, any children could choose to become part of the order or not, no pressure to chose was imposed upon them. Recently Kay, after much trial and tribulation had finally reached the rank of High Priestess. A rank she never thought she would live to see, with this rank came new privileges and the care of the temple that sat at the very top of the Sanctuary. Her recovering of the Bahamut artifact was one of the main if not only reasons they pushed to give her such rank. Some did not approve saying she was a rebel within the ranks, truth was her ideas were so modern everyone considered her some what of a Heretic. That didn?t matter to her anymore. News has spread around Sanctuary that there was an up coming execution in the near by city of Niffleheim. Apparently authorities had taken captive a murderer who was to be put to death. Rumors were confirmed when Kay was spoken to by the Elders, she was charged with seeing the man, talking with him and performing any religious ceremonies that he needed done. She had done this before but not with anything that had so many rumors about it. People mostly wished for a few blessings and some prayers, some asked for nothing other than a talk before they were to die it depended on the person. After she was dressed Kay walked out side of her room to the balcony, she now lived on the very top of the sanctuary and the view was so spectacular. As was per the law the sanctuary had to occupy the highest place in the capital city of the region. The capital cities name was Neiyahleblim; it was a beautiful place of old buildings Kay did not deny that it had many faults. The Capital city was large in every sense of the word, so much so that a sister city that was named Niffleheim was built 100 miles away. It would take no longer than a quarter of a day to reach it and trade flourished between the two. Of all the new things Kay was charged with the one thing that she was the most happy about, was her being given charge of the Bahamut Axe she had found. Walking across the large and busy square of the top of sanctuary (which was named the ?Heights?) she came to a beautiful court yard of which the Axe stood proud suspended by a replica statue of the one in the mountain side. She took hold of it and began her combat practice, after she was finished her practice a coach would be called to take her to Niffleheim, to which she would wait for the prisoner to arrive while meeting with the heads of the Haven that took residence there. As she twirled her axe she looked to the clear sky and smiled, the passing clouds danced with beauty and grace as birds flew amongst them. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Nyah was the first out the door to leave the T.Y Cross when it landed; she raced ahead of the rest of the crew and ran along the connecting catwalk. Nyah slipped out quietly after collecting her pay. As soon as she received her credits she checked the exact amount, everything was in order. It was a habit that she had picked from her days in the corps; those habits were not easily lost. In this day and age they literally programmed the soldiers, some men?s brains turned to mush before they were 50, which was unsettling. Nyah was the only one out of the human members of the T.Y Cross that didn?t have any living family or emotional attachments, she didn?t care, she had no use for either or so she liked to tell her self. Not a lot of thought was given into where she was going after collecting her money. Cigarettes and alcohol were one of her two best friends, they could always be found at the crew?s local haunt. She ran out into the street and along the road, Nyah didn?t look at where she was going. Before she knew what happened her ass was on the ground, regaining her composure she stood to see the back of someone. Their hair was a odd silver colour and eyes the same. [B]"I do so apologize, how careless of me, my name is "Emma Dylia." [/B] Nyah reluctantly shook the woman?s hand. [B]?Don?t worry about it, names Nyah? [/B] The woman?s eye brows moved with a small hint of surprise. [B]?That?s a lovely name? [/B] Nyah was getting impatient with the woman and fast. [B]?Yeah it is, I need to be going? [/B] [B]?Good bye then, and sorry for the inconvenience? [/B] The woman turned and left without so much of another gesture or word. After 10 minutes or so of walking, her vision became blurry and things started to spin. As she blinked corpses flashed before her eyes, nausea took over and she bent down on her haunches to try and fend off the rising feeling of vomit. Decayed, bullet riddled bodies with flesh eaten faces marched passed. Try as she might her legs would not move. One of the corpses broke formation walked over and raised a gun to her temple, Nyah?s eyes grew wide as it pulled the trigger. A brilliant white light passed before her eyes.It was violently cold, She stood from a prone position as she turned to look behind her tomb stones rose out of no where. The owners were un-clear but she could have sworn they bore the names of her fellow crew, others the names of her parents, husband and daughter all of whom were actually dead. But her crew they were far from deceased? a massive metal door rose up from within the gathering of tomb stones. Nyah looked down at her hands?they were covered in blood, the steel doors crept open as a blinding white light came from within. She felt a strong force hit her full on as she was jolted back to reality. Some how in her daze Nyah had ended up at the bar, she still felt sick. A feeling of uneasiness crept into the back of her mind, [I]damn it! Maybe my brain was turning into mush sooner rather than later? [/I] She was the first to arrive of the crew members, walking over to the bar she sat down. She needed a drink after that episode; she could analyze what happened later. A drink was slid down the metal counter top and came to a halt in front of her, the usual. Nyah looked around at the bar, nothing seemed to change here, the people varied from time to time. Depending on the day and the hour a certain crowd would be found, at this moment it was the business types. Only ever one detachment of the military would come to this bar, for a time they made it their own but that was a long ago. After an hour or two Nyah was joined at the bar by Kain, [I]he was always a good laugh [/I] she thought, they were good friends. He sat down beside her as she took her 4th shot. [B]?What number are you up to?? [/B] He looked at her with a slightly mischievous grin, she snuffed a response. [B]?Only the fourth? [/B] Kan raised his eye brows in surprise, he was sure that she would have been on at least her 7th. [B]?Taking it slow?? [/B] He took as sip of his drink as she played with a napkin. [B]?Something like that? [/B] She look out a cigarette and lit it. This was the only place in which any of the crew would tolerate her constant need for a cigarette. The bar was already vastly filled with smoke; it gave the lights a yellowy tinge dimming them slightly. Thoughts of her weird experience kept eating at the back of her mind but she was quick to push them out. Half an hour later Aaron entered the bar she greeted him with a remark as per usual. [B]"Have fun meeting up with your wifey. Did she chew you out for trying to cut out to see us bums." [/B] He laughed as he took a seat with them. [B]"Just a little. I can only hang around for a bit before my family starves." [/B] It was Kain?s turn to make a remark after that. [B]"Thought she was learning to cook?"[/B] Nyah pushed her 2nd spent Cigarette stub into an ash tray. [B]"Apparently that's still a work in progress." [/B] Aaron replied, the three broke out into laughter and took a few drinks between them. 20-30 minutes or so passed before Aaron pointed something out to them. A couple was at the end of the bar, the woman was buying the guy a lot of drinks. Nyah couldn?t remember seeing them come in, but they defiantly weren?t there to start with. [B]"Isn't the guy suppose to buy the rounds so the girl passes out?"[/B] Nyah looked over at two [B]"Maybe she's just more aggressive then he is."[/B] Kain watched on [B]"I don't know, I still think it's a little weird."[/B] All previous events forgotten Nyah elbowed Aaron in the side as the two people got up to leave, strangely the woman looked oddly familiar?. [B]"That's it, she's gonna rape him" [/B] the three burst out laughing rather loudly, Nyah look another shot as she giggled spilling some of her drink on her shirt. Kain began to laugh at her while Aaron laughed at the both of them. [B]?How many is that??[/B] Aaron nudged her, there always was a bet running between them as to how man shots she could hold down before they had to drag her back to the T.Y Cross unconscious. [B]?10?[/B] [B]?Gee someone is taking it slow tonight?[/B] Aaron elbowed Kain in the side this time. [B]?Shouldn?t you be getting home to your starving family Aaron?? [/B] A guilty look washed across his face as he looked at the time and mumbled [B]?shit?[/B] under his breath he wasn't that late but still might get into trouble. Nyah shook her head and laughed. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]ooc:want anything edited let us know Reiku[/COLOR]
I just sort of took your idea and ran away with it lol umm yeah i know its not exactly what u wanted but i gave it ago...I did the bes i could with my crap programs. Avi 1 [IMG]http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/5493/rhymavi1kq.jpg[/IMG] Avi 2 [IMG]http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/4518/rhymavi27sl.jpg[/IMG] Banner 1 [IMG]http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/6231/kingjg9nc.jpg[/IMG] Banner 2 [IMG]http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/138/rhymbanner12wu.jpg[/IMG] if you want anything changed or edited its no problem ^_^ Illusion
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Sure no worries :) i have alot going on with school and what not so it may take a little while if you dont mind waiting. Ill do my best. :animeswea[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I wanted your opinion on my sketch before i did another or went any further with your request. I hope this is what you were asking for in terms of style wise. Your face looks funy because i couldnt get any detail out of the photo, that and the fact that its not finished and i wanted to know what u think and what u wanted fixed. This one only took me 10 minutes but the others (if u still want me to do anything)might take a longer time. [URL=http://img207.imageshack.us/my.php?image=asimf28xi.jpg][IMG]http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/4949/asimf28xi.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://img205.imageshack.us/my.php?image=asimf0cm.jpg][IMG]http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/1940/asimf0cm.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] +Click the thumb nails+ Illusion[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]OOC:I left it open for you at the end [B]Kiba_the_Chosen[/B] so you could work around what i posted quite easily. if you want me to change anything thats no problems. I basicaly posted in a filler so that you could jump in with what you wanted to ask Winter to progress the story. :animeswea = = = = = IC:Winter fought with ghosts for hours, she slashed the air brutally as if she was cutting the flesh of Lycans. She had felt the strongest surge of physical energy after finding out about the death of her husband, she knew why this was so but didn?t wish to dwell on the thought. Winter would let grief struck her later, for now it was time to distract herself from the out side world? and memories of him. = = = = = Sweat soaked Winter?s body; she glistened in the soft lighting of the training hall. She had lost track of time in this place, she always did. Winter had had centuries to define her fighting technique; it was a cross between that of a graceful dance and an aggressive fighting style. Odd combinations indeed, extremely hard to master, as will all vampires time was not an issue. She continued to train; gracefully swinging Alden?s blade; strangely she had become in time to the rock music she had on in the background. Almost startling Winter; Three loud knocks were struck on the large doors to the room. Surprising herself she didn?t feel exhausted at all. William entered carrying a tray with a carafe of iced water, still with the concerned look on his face; he was good friends with Alden. He had looked after his family for quite some time and it pained him deeply to loose someone he thought of as a brother. He owed it to Alden to make sure that Winter was taken care of. [B]?My lady, arrangements for the funeral have been made?all that is left is for you to decide on some details?[/B] Winter nodded as she drank, wiping the sweat from her face and limbs she looked up at William. [B]?How long have I been in here??[/B] He looked at his watch. [B]?5 hours Ma?am?[/B] [B]?How many times have I told you not to call me Ma?am Will?[/B] He smiled at her comment. [B]?To many times over the centuries to count Ma?am?[/B] a small smile crept into the corner of her mouth, but faded as quickly as it appeared. [B]?Is there anything else William??[/B] He nodded as Winter put down her glass and the carafe, now both completely empty. [B]?Lord Teru is here to see you? [/B] Winter?s eyebrows arched with surprise, [I]what could Teru possible want at this hour?[/I] [B]?Very well, show him to the large meeting room, offer him something to drink, entertain him until I am ready. I wish to freshen up; tell him I will not be long.?[/B] William bowed and left her alone again. [B]?Lord Teru if you would follow me please?[/B] Will motioned Teru to follow him; they went around the top level into the East wing of Winter?s house. The meeting room was quite lavishly decorated. Teru sat at the head of a large dining table that sat in the middle of the large room. [B]?Do you require anything??[/B] [B]?A drink if you will?[/B] William bowed to Teru as he went to fetch an assortment of drinks. = = = = = Teru was not left waiting long for Winter; she arrived 15 minutes later in a plain but beautiful jade green dress. As much as she found Teru? slightly irritating at the best of times; she was in no mood to fight with him, He stood to greet her out of respect and she returned the greeting. Winter sat down in the seat that Alden would have usually took, Teru just happened to be sitting in her seat; She waited for what it was the Elder had to say while she fixed her self some Green Tea. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=Red]Modified it for you Reiku ^_^[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]=========[/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Nyah sat slightly hunched in her booth; she checked her watch for the millionth time as she took another shot of Russian Vodka. The informant was late?as per usual. She had been waiting for 5 hours and patience was wearing thin. Helios would not be happy if she came back without the Data sheets. One of her chores besides acting Gunner on the T.Y Cross; was to venture out and obtain info on the government rosters to find out who was doing what and when. This allowed them to fly unperturbed through space. It also was handy in knowing whom to ovoid. 5 hours was one too many, Nyah paid her bill, left a tip and left. She walked out into the nearly blinding lights of the streets. She looked to the black sky and turned left, stopping under a street light she retrieved a lighter from her pocket and lit up a cigarette. Nyah had tired many times previously to kick the habit but failed. A strong hand gripped her shoulder, slightly startling her. Nyah turned slowly to come face to face with the man she had been waiting for; disturbingly he didn?t look quite himself. [B]?You look like ****? [/B] Nyah looked the informant up and down, he smirked at her and shoved a mini data computer in her face. [B]?Do we have to go through this each and every time Charley??[/B] He didn?t make any gesture in reply, she raised one of her eye brows as she inserted a chip into the computers port. [I][U][B]Hacking?.. ?? ?.. Searching Military Personnel Information Network?..Searching ?.. ? ?. ?.Identification match found?[/B][/U][/I] [B]Name:[/B] Nyah Tannus-Race [Former 1st. Lieutenant] [B]Age: [/B] 35 [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Height:[/B] 5?8? [B]Weight:[/B] 56.5kg [B]Hair: [/B] Straight. Black; shoulder length with long fringe [B]Eyes: [/B] One green; one Brown [B]Complexion:[/B] Slightly Tanned [B]Distinguishing Features: [/B] Tattoo of Chinese dragon on right arm underneath are the letters and Numbers '1stDiv:1189:S-OPP' : Tattoo of Barbed wire around left ankle. Both Ears pierced; Left ear pierced four times right ear pierced two times [B]DNA Nationality:[/B] Egyptian [B]Blood Type: [/B] b Negative (-) [B]Occupation: [/B] Gunner for the T.Y Cross: Ex military-Division Unknown [B]Income Category: [/B] Mid [B]Address:[/B] T.Y Cross [U][B]Family Information[/B][/U] [B]Partner(s):[/B] Davink Race (deceased) [B]Children:[/B] Alycia Race (deceased) [B]Are you living with a partner:[/B] No [B]Father: [/B] Col. Kahaten. R. Tannus (deceased) [B]Mother:[/B] Jayne Richards (deceased) [B]Sisters: [/B] None [B]Brothers: [/B] None [I][U][B]Covering file access ... .... ......disconnecting...... .. ...End data link?.[/B][/U][/I] The informant nodded reassuringly at the information that appeared on screen, he handed Nyah a small Data chip as she handed him credits. [B]?Please doing business with you as always?[/B] the informant smiled to Nyah as he turned his back. To anyone else passing by it would have looked as if Charley was selling drugs to her. Nyah flashed a smile back as she retrieved a communications link from her pocket. [B]?Helios its me?yeah I know I?m late, I?ll be at the docks soon?yes I have it don?t worry. Bye?[/B] She hung up. Pocketing her link she pulled up the collar of her coat, it was cold out and it would take a good 20 minute walk back to the docks. = = = = = = = = I?m applying for one of the DNA Positions[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]1.Pick A band/artist: Powderfinger 2. Are you male or female: Lemon Sunrise 3.Describe yourself: Living Type 4. How do some people feel about you: Grave Concern 5. Describe your exboyfriend/girlfriend: Like A Dog 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: A Song Called Everything 7. Describe where you want to be: Waiting For The Sun 8.Decsribe how you love: Thrilloilogy 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: Whatever Makes You Happy 10. Share a few words of wisdom: (Return Of) The Electric Horseman 11.Now say goodbye: Already Gone[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]I was having so much fun i thought id do another, 1.Pick a Band or Artist: Collective Soul 2. Are you male or female: She Gathers Rain 3. Describe yourself: Precious Declaration 4. How do some people feel about you: In Between 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Wasting Time 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Happiness 7. Describe where you want to be: Under Heaven's Skies 8. Describe how you love: How do you love? 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: Perfect Day 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Tremble For My Beloved 11. Now say goodbye: Run[/COLOR][/SIZE]
What is the strangest thing you've ever eatten
Disenchanted replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Weirdest thing i have ever eaten for breakfast was sand...yes sand that yellow grainy stuff you find on the beach. Oh my the list goes on and on, ive eaten a few insects willingly, an australian Grub (kinda like a fat white worm), normal worms, various assortments of bugs. This was when i was around the age of 5 ish and didnt really give a damn as to what i threw down my throat. Another odd thing was tree bark, but sand would have to be my most weirdest. 0_o[/COLOR] -
Sign Up OtakuBoards Apprentice: Plumber Extraordinaire! [PG]
Disenchanted replied to Ellerby's topic in Theater
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]OOC:[/B] There are so many Bonds I thought since the new movie isn?t out for a long time yet that I?d role with Pierce, let me know if u want it changed in anyway. Ic: [B]Name:[/B] Bond, James Bond ?007? [B]Game:[/B] Golden eye 007, 007 Racing, The World is not Enough, James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire, 007 Night fire, James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing (I?m sure there are more?) [CENTER] [B]Portrait: [/B][/CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/8062/wall110240yb.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Experience: [/B] Spy under the commission of British Intelligence, experienced in technical gadgets, explosives, hand to hand combat, expert marksmen, Undercover experience, experienced in defensive/dangerous driving, saved the world numerous times,gentlemen, Likes martinis ?Shaken not stirred? [B]Reason:[/B] He?s had enough of MI6, especially after the ?Korean incident? and various other personal reasons, he deiced that its time to stop going solo and try something different. Now Mario and Luigi are giving him the opportunity to do so...pluss he still gets to save the world [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]This idea sounds quite good i think (eventho everyone voted for 1 and i was going to vote for 1 also lol). i havent been watching Atlantis but from what my mates have told me i understand the story line and where your going with it. not bad i think its allright. i love stargate XD although i havent followed it passed the 7/8th season guess ill have to read up on it (school sux). But yeah anyway getting back to the point. Synopsis is good probably would help if i had more knowledge of stuff... (tired must sleep will edit)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]OOC: Eek! Sorry for the lack of posting, school has sucked lately and I couldn?t think of anything good to write.All caught up now XD im determind to see this rp to the end even tho it just started sort of and it isnt mine, perhpaps we may be the first to finnaly finish one in a while ay? on with the show...I think its time that Winter found out her husband is dead.[/COLOR] IC:Winter had returned late from Teru?s party, she ordered her driver to take her around the city. It was something she would normally do with Alden but he was away. It was almost dawn when Winter finally decided she had had enough. As she reached the door of her grand mansion high in the hills out of the city the sun had just begun to peek his head over the horizon. She stepped inside into complete blackness as the suns rays hit her door way. She could see perfectly well in pitch black, all vampires could. She made her way into the grand master bed room. She ran her hand over some of Alden?s clothing and smelt his after shave. Winter longed for him to return, they had been together so long. She found her self wondering what she would do if he were never to return home. She hung up her party clothes and slipped on her night gown made of fine red Chinese silk. She drew back the expensive black linen bed sheets and shut her eyes. [CENTER]= = = = =[/CENTER] ?[B]Lady! My Lady! Where are you?? [/B] Winters butler called out from the top of the grand stair case. She heard the cry from the study, putting down her book of W.B.Yeats Poetry, Winter poked her head out of the study?s doorway. [B]?What is it William?? [/B] The butler came running over to her from the top of the stair case, the study was on the same level, Williams face was serious almost grief stricken. [B]?My lady please, I must talk with you in private I have terrible news?? [/B] The slight smile that once occupied Winter?s face now vanished. A terrible felling worked its way into the pit of her stomach. Indeed Alden was late back from his trip but only by a few hours surely? [B]?My Lady?I have news regarding your husbands well being?well you must understand??[/B] Winters facial expression went from concerned to almost in tears. [B]?William if you have something to say by god just say it? [/B] William kept looking down at his feet and then up at Winter he wasn?t sure how she would react to this news. He wanted to keep his head and his vital organs in tact. [B]?It?s Alden?my Lady; Winter?he is dead?? [/B] Winter could feel the tears welling behind her eyes, she didn?t want to accept it. Alden dead? It wasn?t possible; he was an Elder and much her senior one of the most powerful. She loved him with all she was worth just because she was a vampire didn?t mean she was immune to sorrow. However, one small thought crept into the back of her mind and it grew with each passing moment. Who killed him? Her grief was replaced with and anger, her anger stood equally with revenge. [B]?Who is responsible for this!??[/B] Winter yelled causing William to jump; tears were forming in her eyes. [B]?They believe, due to the extent of the damage, that it was?Lycan?[/B] Her face became devoid of all emotion when the words Lycan were uttered. [B]?Will, leave me??[/B] Winter stood and retreated to the very back of the grand study and entered a room that came off the back, Alden?s study. [B]?But my Lady??[/B] He was immediately cut short. [B]?Call all those that need be informed, his funeral will be arranged as soon as possible. Closed casket?? ?I will see what can be done with they body my Lady? ?Thank you Will? Even though she could not see it William bowed to her exited the grand study and closed the large oak doors behind him.? [/B] Winter sat culled up in a ball in Alden?s high backed leather chair, everything in his study was as he left it and so would remain as such. Winter sat and cried for a long time, this was a side of her that she would not let anyone see, ever again if she could help it. It was a long time before she got out of the chair, walking over to a large picture hanging on the wall in Alden?s study Winter looked at it. It was a grand masterpiece of their home, in times long past. She took hold of one of its sides and pushed. The picture moved aside easily revealing a large recess. This recess bore a collection of fabulous swords and ancient weaponry. Removing a grand sword from the middle of the display winter lashed his sheath around her waist and looked the blade up and down. It was magnificent in its design, way ahead of the period in time in which it was crafted. The hilt was woven in navy leather inlayed with silver. The blade reached long, with intricate Celtic knots engraved along its length. This was Alden?s most prized blade, and Winter thought it only fitting that his murderer die by it. She walked out of the study ignoring all she passed, Winter entered the large hall used for combat practice, shutting the doors behind her she spoke a quick word to a worried William. [B] ?Interrupt me with important calls if you must?? ?What will be your course of action??[/B] [B]?Revenge, war if I must, I will hunt down this Lycan as I did countless numbers before, find out all you can...?[/B] Alden?s words echoed inside her head as she closed the doors and readied her self for combat practice. How many winters must pass before we are rid of all the violence and killing? All the winters in eternity until all of the Lycans are dead?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Isis glided across the waves once more with Taura by her side. They moved with swift speed over the oceans, it was just like old times. She found herself confronted by a strange sense of déjà vu as they approached the island. The two Titans passed through a wall of strange fog as they finally reached the shores of Atlantis. They could see the other gathered there on the beach, as they got closer Isis recognized that Rikudim and Grae had finally joined them. Reaching the beach Isis and Taura joined their fellow titans for a second time that day; Isis greeted Rikudim, Agramon and Grae with a hug. [B]?It is good to see you all again? [/B] She smiled at them and turned to look at Atlantis, Indeed something about it seamed strange to her. She realized that one of the buildings didn?t not belong there?the last time she had been here?it defiantly wasn?t there? Isis sat amongst them, not saying anything as they conversed with one another. Something to her about each of them was perhaps a little different. She smiled to herself as she realized that she had reverted to her old ways sooner than she would have thought after waking up. Isis stretched out and lay back on the sand, her head supported by her hands, she looked over at Grae and then at the Ocean masked by Fog. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]OOC:Apologies for the shortness of the post I got writers block half way through. [/COLOR] :animedepr
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]"Run" by Collective Soul would have to be my theme song by far... It just summs up eveything i guess. in a werid deep kinda way... but thats just me '_' Are these times contagious I?ve never been this bored before Is this the prize I?ve waited for Now with the hours passing There?s nothing left here to insure I long to find a messenger Have I got a long way to run Have I got a long way to run Yeah, I run Is there a cure among us From this processed sanity I weaken with each voice that sings Now, in this world of purchase I?m going to buy back memories To awaken some old qualities Have I got a long way to run Have I got a long way to run Yeah, I run Yeah, I run Have I got a long way Have I got a long way Have I got a long way to run Have I got a long way to run Yeah, I run (have I got a long way to run) Yeah, I run (have I got a long way to run) Yeah, I run (have I got a long way to run) Yeah, I run (have I got a long way to run)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]All done :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Red][B]Name:[/B][/COLOR] Akayllia (pronounced aa-kay-ill-aa) usually just called Kay [COLOR=Red][B]Age: [/B][/COLOR] 32 [COLOR=Red][B]Gender:[/B][/COLOR] Female [COLOR=Red][B]Personality:[/B][/COLOR] Serene and calm?most of the time. As most priestess are taught from an early age to be tranquil at all moments this was so with Kay?for an amount of time. She quickly learnt the frustrations of not being able to vent her anger especially when she was pestered by some avid worshiper. So she took up something to let it go through and this something just so happened to be an ancient art of Axe wielding. It may take a good few shoves to get Kay angry and or up set, when she does she doesn?t come down off it easily. Kay is very religious and spiritual. [COLOR=Red][B]Class: [/B][/COLOR] Priestess (Order of Bahamut) [COLOR=Red][B]Race:[/B][/COLOR] Caucasian [COLOR=Red][B]Appearance:[/B][/COLOR] [URL=http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/3051/0849wq.jpg]Kay[/URL] [COLOR=Red][B]Weapon: [/B][/COLOR] [URL=http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/2189/kayaxe5ax.gif][Axe][/URL] [URL=http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/658/dem4sx.jpg][Gun][/URL] Her axe is silver; the middle part of the blade where all the little circles are drawn is made of a semi transparent orange crystal. The cloth wrapped around each end is pale yellow in color. The double hit of her axe is soft woven pale orange and yellow leather. Oddly enough if someone were to pick up her axe they would find it no heaver than a small back pack. She carrys a back up hand gun in case of emergencys, her gun is silver with the grip bearing the same orange crystal as her Axe [COLOR=Red][B]Magic: [/B][/COLOR] None [COLOR=Red][B]Stats:[/B][/COLOR] Kay?s strength lays in her ability to wield her axe with great accuracy and yet maintain her agility. She is quick on her feat, in battle the flow of her robes and the way she moves has dance like qualities. This is linked to the ceremonies that she must perform in the temple she is charged with. She likes to deceive her opponent in battle; she makes them watch her left hand while she strikes with the right would be a fitting saying describing her fighting style. She can hold her own against brute force but only for a short amount of time. [COLOR=Red][B]Writing Sample: [/B][/COLOR] The setting sun cast an orangey-pink glow over the mountainous valley. Kay had come this far into the freezing mountains, there was no going back. She trudged through knee deep snow. Kay had been through a month of this and it was becoming tiresome at best. She looked up towards the sun setting in-between the base of the two mountains, the sky was covered in clouds bar a slither of pink cloud-free sky around the sun. This setting was truly beautiful, the clouds shone with orange-yellow as a light snow began to fall around her. Kay was furious at the start of her journey. She believed that the High-priestesses had sent her here as a way to be rid of her, she was becoming popular among the middle classes. Alas she had caused too much of a commotion to become a High-P anytime soon, she was a rebel of sorts and they knew it. Eventually they would have to let her become one, the people were complaining already. There response had been to send her on a completely wild goose chase for an artifact they believed to be in tune with Bahamut. Artifact or no when she got back she would give them a piece of her mind. [CENTER]= = = = = =[/CENTER] Two more weeks past and she was nearing the top of Mt. Behemial, the resting place of this artifact was said to be found in a doorway atop of the mountain. Kay walked on still; she began to doubt weather she would make it back down, the wind was picking up. This mountain was notorious for large avalanches, and she had no intention of being caught in one. After hours walking on still she reached the base of the peak of the mountain. From her position on-high Kay saw a wondrous view, she could see for miles upon miles. Even if she came home empty handed this sight would be enough of a gift for her. A string gust of wind made her loose her footing for a split second, that second was all that was needed. She fell, off the sheer rock face several feet down. She screamed as she was free falling face first. Kay could see a jagged rock rushing towards her face at tremendous speed this surely would be her end, she closed her eyes and waited for the pain. But to her surprise it never came, indeed she kept on falling, straight through the rock into a purposely placed opening in the mountains side. Unknown to her this was the only way to enter the cave of Bahamut. She slid through the opening and landed with a ?whump? face first on to a large soft bed of green moss. Regaining her composure Kay rightend herself, stood and looked around. Sure enough she could see nothing but blackness beyond what the light illuminated that filtered in from the opening. Observing the immediate vicinity she noticed a strange metal object fixed to the wall of the cave right where she fell in. Kay tilted the metallic object towards herself, as she did so light was caught from the opening and reflected onto another metallic object. They reflected off one another creating a crude lighting system. It was dull light, just enough to see through. The expanse which lay before her was massive in its entirety, lavishly decorated columns supported the large hall, detailed paintings of spirits and gods lined the walls. In the centre of the expanse stood a grand statue of the spirit Bahamut, in his hand he grasped a double ended sword, beautiful and yet foreboding. She could not believe that after all this time she had found what she was looking for. A broad smile washed across her face as she stood in marvel at what lay before her. [COLOR=Red][B]Extra Info: [/B] [/COLOR] - (When she meets up with everyone) Kay has a massive crush on Dred Blachton, but is frightened to say anything about it (Hope you don?t mind Starwind p.m me if anything?s wrong k?) -She constantly is telling Leo off and always tries to add something spiritual in the way of him controlling his temperamental nature. -Kay is very spiritual in nature most of the time; she sometimes acts as an advisor to everyone even if they don?t want or need her to, that?s just the way she is (especially towards Quincy). - Ends up being good friends with Kylipso but sometimes fights with her, Kay believes that she has her figured out but doesn?t at all. -Has an avid hate of Darkness and Evil (and there for Seishirou and anything to do with the goddess), as is the fact that she is a priestess. -She has an ability linked to her axe that allows her slightly enhanced hearing. .[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Request Asuka:Evangelion Banner and Avi
Disenchanted replied to Disenchanted's topic in Creative Works
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]I love you both in a non threatening way...can i say that? .*ahem* moving on Thank you goes to both of you!! of course i will use your set Keyblade weilder i dont mind if you use it while im using Ezekiel's.XD ...i never thought about using them both together.... XD Thank you both again![/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1]Name: Dara Lynn (Called Day by her fellow crew members) [B]Age:[/B] 34 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Rank:[/B] - [B]Position:[/B] Pilot [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.aeonflux.com/images/wallpapers/10_800x600.jpg]Appearance[/URL] Stand 5?8? has deep blue eyes, her hair has a few blonde and brown streaks through it. She usually can be found wearing a brown leather jacket with comfortable dark brown cotton pants with a leather trim at the bottom where they meet her boots, black combat boots. (she doesn?t wear the jacket when in the pilot seat, she changes to a simple light cream colored tank top) A brown leather belt and a necklace made from a leather strap with a dangling green gem. She has a few scars running down the left side of her face. [B]Personality: [/B] Laid back and fun-loving to an extent? There isn?t another most serious person in the verse when she is in the pilot seat, especially when she is trying to out fly Marauders. When she isn?t trying to save the crew from death she can usually be found in her quarters listening to music. If she isn?t there then she is usually pigging out on the food supplies. Out of all the crew on the ship she is least proficient with a blaster but has adequate enough skill to be useful in a fire fight. [B]Short Bio: [/B] Day loved anything that could fly ever since she can remember. Her farther was wealthy enough so Day had a lot of chances to pilot things, she was damn good at it too. Her proficiency in the pilot seat quickly earned her a job with a respectable ferrying service. This lasted a few years but Dara wanted more action?a lot more action. So she decided to run for some?les than reputable ships. The going was easy for a while and the various crews she ran with never got into to much trouble. That was until one day when her previous captain decided to take a job that involved dropping goods off on a remote planet. The job went easy enough?until Marauders showed up. If it wasn?t for a near by Theocracy cruiser she would have ended up lunch. She had been running with this crew for a long period of time and they had worked up quite a reputation of the bad sought. When they were saved by the Theocracy they were also taken aboard and well given an ultimatum, join as respectable members in their chosen field or go to jail. Day chose the fist, this was her chance to pilot some of the best ships in the galaxy; the crew also chose the first but never fully committed their heart to the job (especially after being forced into it) and so most of them left and retired (under close watch of course). After a time Day had become an ace in the short range fighters. She spent a long time in the service of the Theocracy before finally gaining enough credit to leave. She wandered about various respectable crews for an amount of time before dropping off the radar of the Theocracy. She changed her name and through a various set of odd events involving to much alcohol and a large brawl at a pub Day was recruited as a pilot by Alex. [B]Weapons:[/B] She carries one pistol, an Old Modified Theocracy standard issue from her days as a pilot for them. And one small combat knife. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
Request Asuka:Evangelion Banner and Avi
Disenchanted replied to Disenchanted's topic in Creative Works
Thank you soooo very much Ezekiel!! :animesmil *marvals in the awesomeness of your banner making* lol Thank you again!! Edit: aww. Thank you Keyblade Wielder!! -
I can't believe i havent asked for this earlter :animestun If one of you most talented people could please! make me a matching set using Askua Langley Sohryu [U]OR[/U] Rei Ayanam i will love you forever! I dont mind if you include their Eva somewhere on the banner (this is not a must). [U][B][COLOR=Red][1]Asuka[/COLOR][/B][/U] Id like asuka's theme to revolve around reds, oranges and whites (either one i dont mind). Id like the banner to read "I am not worthless" in some cool font with my username somewhere on the avi. If you could id like you if the numbers '02' on there somwhere [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][U][2]Rei[/U][/B][/COLOR] If you choose to make this option then id like the banner to say "I am not a doll..." (also in some funky looking font if possible) Id like the colour theme to be Blues and whites (either one i dont mind).. I'd like my user name on the avi. If you could id like to fit the numbers '00' on there somewhere If you would like picks let me know, also let me know if what im asking is two much. Thank you to all who give this a go!!! *hugs* Illusion
Request Soul Calibur banner and avi PLEASE!
Disenchanted replied to demonchild781's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=SeaGreen]No problems :) ill have them up for you as soon as possible, ill make a few diffrerent ones to see how you like them. Edit: Ok here are a few different versions for you, i had a good time making them :) as before if you want anything changed dont hesi to ask[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/1456/sigdc7mn.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/6466/sigdc20tt.png[/IMG]