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Everything posted by Disenchanted
Green is one of my fave colours and your banner and avi uses green perfectly. The text matches well with everything. 10/10 i really like your set.
OOC: sorry for the shortness i just had to post this :) if u want me to make it longer no probs. IC:Reeve Shrugged at Marricks comments, whoever is to find the first seal more luck to them. She was growing tired and increasinly aggitated. It had been a long day and eveyone was tired. Reeve took put her pan flute. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"If any has any objections to this, let me know" [/COLOR]She moved a little out of the circle and got her self comfortable. She begain to play a sad haunting meldody on her instrument. Marrick looked over towards her and then at the flames. Reeve played with her eyes closed. In her mind she saw her grandfathers face smiling at her. It was so long ago that he taught her this melody. He used to play it to her father, she missed them both. Opening her eyes she looked at the flames and then around at the other keepers. They were proving to be quite interesting company. Reeve continued to play her haunting song to her fellow keepers...
In the words of [QUOTE]Kouzou Fuyutsuki: "It's Hot"[/QUOTE] Oh btw. i live in sydney. Its all round weather here, somedays it rains some days it doesnt. somedays its cloudy. The weather does what it likes when it likes, there really is no it is winter therfore it must be cold. Sometimes there is a season out line. Rains more in winter then it does summber but it's not nessasarly cold. The temps been getting around the high 30-40 'C mark. I dont know farenheight, but trust me..its hot :animestun
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Disenchanted replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Bowser:"Touch me, Hold me" Mario: "why did i sign that contract" :animeangr -
RPG The Mixed Experiment II: The End of The World [M-VLS]
Disenchanted replied to Lionheart's topic in Theater
(I agree Kuroshin, *calls the authorities*lol) = = = IC: Everything was blurry as her eyes opened, she felt around her for some support and found it with the trunk of a tree. Using a branch Grace lifted her self up off the ground with small grunt. Her side was still slight agony. [I]Its going to scar...[/I] Her eye sight returning she looked around to find herself in a forest of some sort. Stepping out from the underbrush she stumbled and tripped over a tree root sending her crashing down into a hard rough surface. Looking underneath her self she was sitting on some sort of hard, gritty gray surface. Jumping upwards immediately and looking around, she realized she wasn?t in a forest. It was some sort of woodlands grassy area with a large path running through the centre. In the middle of a grove in front of her stood a large fountain of water. Walking over to the fountain she sat by its edge and looked into the base of it. Shiny objects were scattered all over the bottom, reaching in and picking one up she examined it. The piece of metal looked like button, [I]A tribute of some sort perhaps?[/I] Grace thought as she tossed the metal object back into the fountain. No soul was around this place at the current time. Cupping her hands she scoped up some water and splashed it on her face. Seeing the watery fountain reminded her of Emillio and the state she last saw him in. [I]I hope he?s ok, I should go looking for the other?[/I] Graces train of thought was interrupted by a loud rumbling noise she looked skywards through the trees and saw a massive flying beast of an object. Whatever it was it made an exceedingly loud noise and interrupted the natural wind flow. Grace didn?t like the wind wherever this new place was; it felt strange, unwelcoming and very unclean. Looking down slightly at the trees she saw a strange winged creature on a branch, it was exceedingly small. It jumped about and chirped almost nervously in manor. Grace watched the bird fly away and a thought crossed her mind?.[COLOR=RoyalBlue] ?I wonder if?? [/COLOR] -
Request Simple Avi and Banner request
Disenchanted replied to Disenchanted's topic in Creative Works
THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU ! yay! *holds a party in Raya's honour* I'll change it over when im at home i love it! :animesmil Thanks again! P.S if anyone else would like ago at making me a yukikaze banner and avi id be more than greatfull i like swtiching between sets often. :animesmil -
[SIZE=1]Third edited post, :animeswea :animesigh, I hope this is better. ================================================= [B]Name:[/B] Oran [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age: [/B]24 [B]Caste:[/B] Canis lupis- Wolf chimera [B]Appearance:[/B] He stands 5?9? with a medium muscular build. Pitch black fur covers his whole body. Except for a small white diamond shaped patch on the bridge of his nose and the tip of his tail. Oran?s eyes are bright almost flurecent orange in color, almost demonic looking, this gives him a quite menacing appearance. Out of the four Chimera like himself he would be one of the most obvious. Oran is werewolf in appearance, looking like a man hybrid. He stands on his bent hind legs all the time. A thick, coarse fur covers his whole body, it is thicker around his head and neck region giving the appearance of a mane. He has a shorter snout than a normal Canine creature. His hands are more human like than wolf, long black claws take place of fingernails. For a basic example [URL=http://www.blizzard-art.com/img/cai/Werewolf.jpg]Click[/URL].Oran dresses in three quarter urban camo pants with a belt and black combat boots. He wears a pair of gray gloves with the fingers cut off them, on each knuckle is a short metal spike. Both of his ears are pierced with silver studs. He has scars running down vertically over both eyes, from the top of the eyebrow ridge to his cheek bone. [B] Personality: [/B]Oran is decisive and strong-willed. He tends to reserve his feelings on any given situation, preferring to keep out of most ?sibling? conflicts that may arise. He feels exceedingly depressed if given a moment to reflect. Oran feels he must look after those younger than himself. In his ways he may be very quick to anger. He feel as if he was denied something, being the more obvious of the four like him. He may appear to be ?dull? or ?dimwitted? to some people who do not know him. Oran keeps close only to the four wolf Chimera. On occasions he only needs look at someone and the argument is won with a stare. Some people find his eyes intimidating. [B]Weapons/Skills:[/B] Oran prides him self on his abnormal ability to jump long distances. His legs are well formed and show advanced muscle tone allowing him agility in battle. He prefers to use human made weapons and a variety of Chinese Martial arts. If need be he will resort to using his teeth and claws. His eye sight is well developed as well as a keen sense of smell although not as well developed as one of his other fellow wolves. In battle he is swift and calculating; he reads his opponents and studies how they move. [B]Writing Example: [/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?You going to come quietly or do we have to tazer you again??[/COLOR] The guard stared down at the chimera like he was an insignificant piece of garbage. Oran looked up at the human from the corner of his 6ft by 5ft cell, the guard looked away as soon as both species eyes locked. His voice was low, deep and raspy. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?I?ll go quietly?? [/COLOR]He stood from his cell and walked towards the guard. For his good behavior thus far Oran was rewarded with a thump to the back of his knee caps, causing him to fall to his knees. The guard clasped a heavy metal collar around his neck with a chain. Four more clasps were fastened around his limbs each with a chain. Oran stepped out side his cell to be met with four more guards, one for each chain. The chains were for one reason only, Oran was an exceptional jumper. He may have been the most characterless of the three other wolves thus far in the experiment but he was the most defiant. This flaw had earned him solitary. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"We picked you to be today?s show pony for the officials, don?t you just fell special??[/COLOR] Oran gave a low pitched growl to signify he wasn?t impressed or feeling special. This remark earnt him another thump, this time to the back of the head. He was walked via armed escort to the ?display room?, as it was so lovingly named. Shoved inside he was led to a plat form. Each chain was locked into a pole preventing escape. The display room was a large underground facility, three quarters the size of a football field. It could display anything from lasers to hurdles. Depending on the nature of the demonstration. Today?s demo was a special one, ?secret service? officials from the government were watching. Without these regular visits funding would cease and the program would end. Perhaps today was the day to go out with a bang. He didn?t like leaving his pack but they could take care of them selves. The guards backed out of the room and disappeared behind thick metal doors. Oran grunted and his chains went limp and were released. No time was wasted he leapt forwards and dodged a few flying objects. In their boxes the spectators clapped, mildly impressed. Bounding forwards he randomly changed cause and headed for the far side of the vast room. The officals exchanged meaningless chatter. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] ?Can he reach us up here?? ?No, we are more than 25 feet off the ground? ?Oh...good?[/COLOR] Oran crouched downwards flexing his strong leg muscles; suddenly he leapt forwards more than 15 feet. With every stride he gained more momentum, each bound becoming longer in length. 40 feet away from the wall he picked up speed and using one of the stacked crates he launched upwards and came crashing headfirst through the triple plated glass of the observing plat form. Before any personnel could react Oran was sprinting down the halls, coming upon a door marked [B]?EMERGENCY DOOR: DO NOT OPEN?[/B] he launched himself at the centre. Breaking the doors clean off their hinges he fell several feet down passing sheer rock. Grasping madly at the rock face rushing by he caught a small ledge with one hand, Oran was left hanging totally exposed. He cursed his unusual impulsiveness. Looking up above him he saw that 3 guards were using ropes to try and get to him. Looking down he saw nothing but rocky crevases with the occasional ruined building. The guards reached him quickly; one now stood above him, poised in his hand was a knife. The man raised it above his head, Oran thought he was going to cut his wrist, he was wrong. The man cut down violently over Oran?s face, he slashed down over both of the chimeras eyes. Yelping Oran swiped madly at the man knocking him off the ledge and onto the ground below. Oran thrashed about madly he couldn?t see and had no idea who or what was coming next. He fell off the cliff, as he fell his legs became entangled in the hanging ropes from the men. He dropped several hundred feet down wards with a loud ?snap? the rope went taught. His legs didn?t break due to the strong muscle structure but were agony none the less. Swiping madly and blindly in all directions Oran severed the ropes attached to his feet. He fell down the rest of the height hitting many rocks on the way down before finally reaching the bottom. [/SIZE]
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Disenchanted replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
[B]And now the winners! *sounds trumpets*[/B] you were all damn funny. [B]First[/B] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by John "Dammit, Snake, you're a stealth operative! Stealth!" "Oh, lighten up. You can't tell me it's not interesting to find out you can do that to a bottle of soy sauce."[/QUOTE] I found this quite amusing! so much so that you get first place *grabs bottle of soy sauce and a match* [B]Seccond goes to[/B] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Dodeca Snake: "Woah!! Note to self, never wear napalm camo..."[/QUOTE] I laughed quite hartley, napalm camo... *laughs* [B] And third goes to [/B] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Desbreko Snake: "Inflammable means flammable?"[/QUOTE] Hurray for homer! quite Hilarious. [B]I give an honourable mention to The Monster for the totaly obscure comment[/B] [QUOTE]Originally Posted by The Monster Narrator: The time has come for TOTAL BURNINATION![/QUOTE] [B]Ok so take it away John![/B] -
[B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Hello all. I was wonering if someone could make this picture into a Avi and banner set for me, im not picky, no txt needed on either the banner or avi (except if you want to include the Yukikaze in the actual banner itself). I lack the ability to resize things at the present time. If you can id like it to have a nice border, whatever you decide. Many thankx in advance to all who give it a shot! :animesmil [URL=http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/4205/peorthwall4ng.jpg]Linky[/URL] Fox[/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER]~ Chapter 1, Part 4 ~[/CENTER] [SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Aryk walked quickly with Dawn and Eva beside him. They had made good time; the base was just up ahead. Aryk walked up to the base guard and shook his hand. ?Tomminus how?s it go?n?? The guard smiled and nodded a sign things were good. He looked over towards Eva, at first the guard didn?t recognize her but it eventually sunk in. ?Aryk is that [U]THE[/U] princess?!? Aryk nodded and shook his head ?Its not what you think we didn?t kid nap her, ill explain later? Dawn was getting noticeably irritated at the amount of time this was taking. Aryk could tell by the way Dawn was standing with her arms folded tapping her foot. ?Let us in, I?ll vouch for the princess? The guard nodded and looked at Eva suspiciously; reluctantly he let them pass into the hideout. [CENTER]= = = = = [/CENTER] The expanse of the hideout was impressive to say the least. From the out side it just looked like the base of a medium sized forested hill, but inside laid a massive expanse of intricately cut rooms and tunnels. The base looked to be an old mining tunnel one could see train tracks just on the surface of the dusty floor. For being underground the base was extremely well lit. Aryk walked purposefully into the main briefing/meeting room of the base. For as large a base as it was the gang didn?t have that many members. Aryk stood to the front of the room, he hated doing this but it was necessary from him. Everyone was hushed by Dawn in order to let Arky speak. He noticed Eva standing at the back observing everyone. ?All right, as you all know Biggs got caught and thrown in the jail house. We are going to plan his escape and get him out? tonight any objections?? Aryk waited, there were none. ?This is the plan?? Aryk planed Biggs? escape with the input of his friends. He had a special role for Dawn and Eva to serve. [I]Quite ingenious[/I] he thought to himself. [CENTER]= = = = =[/CENTER] Aryk rounded the side of the Jail house. For this to work everyone?s going to have to be on their toes he thought. He couldn?t help thinking how smart he was for coming up with this. It was pure genius. He waited on the East side for the signal. As soon as he saw that light he would have to spring into action and climb up the wall like a monkey on fire. [I]Any minute now? Any minute now?[/I] There! Aryk saw the tiny light in the distance near one of the houses. Immediately off to the south, in fount of him there was a large explosion. Dyran did his job good. What Dyria had done was set alight the kegs at the back of the Inn a few houses down from the Jail. Once those things caught alight they went off like rockets. Aryk heard a third keg explode, that was his signal. He scrambled up the side of the high prison wall. Scaling it with ease he reached the top just as no less than 18 guards ran off towards the commotion down at the inn. ?Easy as pie? Aryk whispered to him self as he came to land softly on his haunches inside the walls of the prison. Aryk kept to the shadows and waited for the second signal. Sure enough it came right on cue. ?Hey! Hey! Anyone around!? I?ve caught the princess! Hey! Someone answer me! Guards!?? It was Dawn[I], good job sis[/I] he thought. The rest of the four guards occupying the station stupidly came out side to investigate the person yelling. Aryk skulked around the back of the cells checking inside each one careful not to miss Biggs by mistake. Sure enough Aryk found him. He was curled up fast asleep in the corner of his cell; nothing could wake Biggs up from his sleep. Not even several explosions. Nothing that is except irritating his ears. Aryk threw a stone at Biggs? ear to wake him up. He jolted awake and looked around angrily to find the source of the annoyance. ?Sorry man hate to wake you up but we should get out of here ya know. Before the guards come back and I end up in the same cell you are? Biggs? eyes lit up at the sight of Aryk. A large smile crossed Aryk?s face to his friend again. In no time the lock was picked and Biggs was a free man. There was no way however that Biggs being the man he was couldn't possibly climb the Jail wall. Aryk led Biggs outside and down an alleyway. Suddenly a feminine scream cut across the symphony of the night?[I]That was not a signal[/I] Aryk thought. The scream sounded again, it was Dawns..... [/COLOR] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope this is ok :animesmil [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Aki was casually walking down the hallways her weapons class didn?t start for another 15 minutes. It was one of her most favorite classes, advanced weapon technique. Chrono would be there, [I]all the better[/I] she thought. She made good time arriving at the women?s dorms. The thought hadn?t even crossed her mind as to whom she would be sharing a room with. Normally Aki would be complaining to Chrono all morning long about which person or thing she would be partnered with, but it hadn?t even crossed her mind. Walking to her door she waved hello to one of her friends as she opened the door to her room. She immediately recoiled at the sight of the boy named Silvio and some girl on the bed together. The girl had her hands down at his crouch unbuttoning his pants while kissing, Silvio had his shirt undone. Aki jumped back and yelled in Russian [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Zaebis?!....?[/COLOR] Which was something along the lines of holy F***. Silvio and the girl separated immediately and rushed to get them selves back together. The girl fixed up her cloths and hair and Silvio re-zipped his fly and buttoned up his shirt. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Oh my god I?m really sorry!?[/COLOR] the girl was extremely embarrassed and her cheeks had become a bright red which was unusual because Aki noticed she was a vampire. Silvio was sitting back straight looking also quite Embarrassed. Aki got over the initial shock quite quickly and walked to her side of the room and gathered her books. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Hey don?t worry about it. Ummm but you might want to take that somewhere else. There?s a place near some old ruins out the back of the school near the large back felid. Take a left through some bushes near the tiger tree. Don?t ask questions you?ll know when you see it. The place is enchanted so watch out. Lots of people go there to um well u know. The pass word is [B]?Inghandrod?[/B]. It?s a teleportation grove don?t step out side it you?ll end up in a random country?[/COLOR] Aki was talking to a rather stunned pair while she was gathering her various items for class. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?That should just about do it I think.?[/COLOR] She looked over at the other two and smiled. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Nice to meet you room mate. I?ll be seeing around?what?s your name??[/COLOR] The vampire replied with a perplexed look on her face. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Corrina?[/COLOR] Aki smiled and nodded to Silvio. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?See you round Silvio... Oh and if anyone asks I don?t know a thing all right?...Good well bye!?[/COLOR] Aki left in a flash for weapons class. The two in the dorms were extremely stunned and embarrassed but happy none the less. Aki ran down the hallways she would just make it to class. [I]Thank god [/I]she thought. [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]hmm, Well your probably right that more harm than good will come of it. I can see it being used for the military. It would have to be developed further for that to happen especialy of you need to be projecting things on people. If some one develops this to work without the projector we would see a lot bad things happening. BUT It is pritty awesome i wouldnt mind one.[/COLOR] EDIT: RE Bellow: Then were all in a lot of trouble :animedepr the governments will jump all over this, before you know it we'll have invisible tanks and armies.
Same here Dodeca :animesigh --------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Yamashita Ayame [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/girls111.jpg]This is what she looks like[/URL] Ignore the Umbrella [URL=http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/4496/tg0104xd.jpg]This is what she wears[/URL] Ignore the swords [B]Rank:[/B] Rookie Genin [B]Personality:[/B] Smart but not full of her self. (Although she can be at some times when she decides to speak). Most of the time she can be quite shy around people, observing them and getting to know them better. Big crowds aren?t her thing, but will stand them for the sake of it. If she?s laughing its usually on the inside. [B]Equipment: [/B]carries Makibishi (throwing nails) on her right leg, mostly as a distraction, can be used as a main weapon though inaccurate. She carries a windmill shuriken and has leant to throw it with more accuracy than most. Carries 3 light bombs on her left leg. [B]Main Weapon/Technique:[/B] Ayame uses Controlled movements in battle, preferring not to engage in hand to hand combat. She likes to keep her battles ranged, not letting her opponent get in close and attacking them from afar with throwing objects. She likes to throw her voice around confusing her enemies as to her true location. [B]Biography/Writing Sample: [/B] Yamashita Ayame has known Shaka Yuo since they were small children. The grew up playing together and were both taken to the Academy at the same time. Shaka is her best friend and mostly only talk to him when she?s not feeling incredibly shy. Upon entering the academy Ayame became good friends with Ii Munemura by talking to him on occasion. Ayame?s father was a ninja and so was her grandfather, she aspires to be as good as they were being an only child and there being no other children to carry on the tradition. Within the academy it became apparent to the instructors very quickly that Ayame was very good a throwing things. If she was ever taunted by other Genin they would be quickly answered with an object being thrown at them. In most cases it would land in the middle of their forehead. This habit has landed her in trouble more than once. She fells that she must do her best to honor her deceased father?s memory. Honor is extremely important to her.
RPG High treason obscurer: Truth forgotten [M-VSL]
Disenchanted replied to Disenchanted's topic in Theater
OOC: delete your double post dude. if u want anything Pm me k? :) Ive been buisy lately sorry havent posted sooner. IC:[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Alex flew away from the battling two, she needed time to clear her head with all that had happened today and she knew the perfect place to do so. Flying at a very high altitude so as not to be detected by any of the vampires monitoring equipment, Hurst gilded on the wind currents. It hurt to fly as her wing was injured in one of the many previous battles but it didn?t worry her too much. Hurst gauged she would be upon the city so she made her decent downwards as an excruciatingly fast speed. Pulling up just before she hit one of the roof tops Hurst glided towards the centre of town. She saw the building she wanted in the distance. The commercial building that housed all the cities lawyers. It was the most gothic looking building in the whole city. What was good about it wasn?t the way it looked, it was who occupied it. Vampire lawyers weren?t many to stop and look out the window. Reaching the building Hurst flew to the top and sat upon one of the metal gargoyles that stood proudly on the roof of the tall building. A few lashes of lightening cracked across the sky and it immediately started to downpour. Hurst sat on her haunches in the pouring rain atop of the massive building staring down at the city below.[/COLOR] -
RPG The Mixed Experiment II: The End of The World [M-VLS]
Disenchanted replied to Lionheart's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]Grace lifted her self up from her crouched position. The anger inside of her was as intense as the pain she felt from her wounds, this would be the last magic attack she could muster. [COLOR=RoyalBlue] ?I?m not done yet; this stupid elf will pay along with mother and her stupid Traitorous family. I?m not a wind daemon! Not one of them!? [/COLOR]Sarin turned towards her at her remark. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Die you stupid elf!?[/COLOR] Grace flew straight up into the air. She let out a primal cry and called [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Wind strike!?[/COLOR] the blowing winds around the area became dead quiet. Not even a breeze moved though. At first it seamed as if her magic didn?t work, that she had no energy left. But as soon as the winds left they became near hurricane force as they whipped through the area building upon themselves. There was a large crack of thunder as the winds danced and took shape of a violent tornado. It was much stronger than the one she summoned before to fight the desert beast. The winds in this area were scorching, and so the tornado became a powerful moving force of heated wind. Grace hurled the tornado at the Elder, engulfing him entirely. She new it wouldn?t do much damage to him; it was all the magical energy she had left so hopefully it would do something. The elder wasn?t visible in the howling winds; Grace kept the tornado there for as long as she could before withdrawing it and landing back on the ground. The elder seemed un-hurt. [I]damn it [/I]she thought it was useless. It would have to be physical attacks from then on, that?s if she could even muster the strength to pull one off. Emillio seemed badly hurt.Chrys was still chanting. Grace looked towards Gale. ?[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Your turn, make it count, there?s not much time left and DONT blow your self up again? [/COLOR]then towards Sarin and Amer. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?if you were planning on doing anything. Please,do it soon?[/COLOR] [/SIZE] -
Discuss Would anyone support a Mech based Rp? [PG-V]
Disenchanted replied to Disenchanted's topic in Theater
I?m very interested! id love someone to help and collaborate with thank you both for your offers James and RogueAcholic, I?m a big fan of Mech?s and id really love to see a Mech rp actually succeed. I?ve never heard of Zone of the Enders but I looked it up and got familiarized with it. So I now know what your talking about. Your original idea sounds good. Im returing to school soon from our end of year break so i'll be slow in posting and what not. Cant wait to see how this goes. Thankx again. ^__^ -
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Disenchanted replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Again?.....*blinks* allrigty then. Say hello snake! (small virson and linky!) [IMG]http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/9146/91482820041202screen0078oa7pl.jpg[/IMG] [URL=http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/3927/91482820041202screen0071vg.jpg]http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/3927/91482820041202screen0071vg.jpg[/URL] "The dangers of spontaneous combustion" -
Request Hakkai and Hakuryu Banner Request
Disenchanted replied to DarkDragon's topic in Creative Works
Question would this Hakkai person have a monicle/glass round thing over one of his eyes? Id like to attempt to make this banner for you. I need the practice. -
Discuss Would anyone support a Mech based Rp? [PG-V]
Disenchanted replied to Disenchanted's topic in Theater
*sighs* well thanks for the initial intrest guys. if one of u does make a gasaraki style rp be sure to let me in on it. V_Fox -
Reeve took the chance to step in. [COLOR=Teal]?My names Reeve Barringer?[/COLOR] Reeve made a slight bow with her head [COLOR=Teal]?I?m from the mountain forests of the west region. Professional body guard at your service, I have been known to travel with bandits as an in-between thing umm, what else. I like to play the pan flute. And I?m a perfect shot with a Bow and Arrow.?[/COLOR] She smiled to everyone. A thought crossed her mind that this sort of sounded like a help group inwardly laughing?shrugging the stupid thought off she looked around at the other so that one of them may take their turn next.
Anime what is your favourite anime/manga movie?
Disenchanted replied to studio_ghibli's topic in Otaku Central
Umm Ghost In the Shell and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust. Oh and of course Appleseed. -
*Off stage* Lady 1: Thats one huge drum kit for one man... Lady 2: ....Do you think hes compensating for something?
I like your avitar. The Image is well defined and stands out. Nothing draws your eye away from it (in the avitar) so thats good. Your banner is unusual to me to say the least. *watches Lp spin and doesn't look away" Thats Hypnotizing trippy stuff. Id like it alot more if it was larger in size/longer and in the middle so you see it straight away. seeing as these dont match ill rate them seperate. Avi: 8.5/10 Banner: 7/10 Edit: i fixed it :) and yes it was in paint i dont have any other program :(
[SIZE=1]Aki looked into Chrono?s eyes with concern. [COLOR=Teal]?Of course you can count on me, how long have we been friends?, When and if things do get ugly?I?ll be here for you.?[/COLOR] Aki smiled at Chrono and she received a sad but genuine smile back. [COLOR=Teal]?Everything will be all right trust me.?[/COLOR] Chrono nodded and the two sat atop of the mountain in silence. It was something about being up high that made Aki feel the most free. Sitting a top of the mountain made her relax. Lying flat on her back she looked up at the stars and saw one shoot across the sky. Aki made a wish and sat back up right. [COLOR=Teal] ?Chrono. Tomorrow morning ill get up and send a message to my father in Russia, if anyone will knows what?s going on he does, we both know he?s got connections. I?ll ask him to send us anything he can find out about what?s going on with the clans. Will that make you fell better?? [/COLOR]She looked at him in a reassuring way. Chrono shook his head and sighed. ?[COLOR=Teal]No. It wont make me feel better, not entirely?but thank you? [/COLOR]He extended one of his wings and wrapped it around Aki?s shoulder. Among humans this gesture was the equivalent of a hug among Lycans with wings. Aki smiled and returned the hug. They broke away from each other at the same time. They knew each other too well. A short mildly awkward silence followed. ?[COLOR=Teal]We better be getting back. I haven?t eaten anything all day.? [/COLOR]Aki looked down towards her stomach and it growled. Chrono laughed and his stomach did the same. Aki grew a mischievous look in her eye. [COLOR=Teal]?Race you?[/COLOR]. Aki ran at speed towards the edge of a near by cliff. Vaulting off the edge she sprang into the air, at the height of her arch her wings out folded with a soft [I]?whump?[/I]. Using wind magic she manipulated the air currents to get a better lift. Chrono shook his head and laughed softly to himself. Vaulting off the edge in the same manner as Aki, Chrono was soon flying a bit away from her. They didn?t want to attract too much attention. [I]Time stamp: 3:45 A.M[/I] They got back to school in no time. Landing back in the north tower Aki and Chrono hugged and parted ways. [COLOR=Teal]?I?ll see you in weapons class, bye Chrono? [/COLOR]Aki smiled and in a dash she was off down the hallway. He muttered [COLOR=Teal]?bye?[/COLOR] and waved to her as she left.[/SIZE]
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Disenchanted replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
Boy in frount: "You shall have my sword" Girl: "and my Bow" Fat guy: (with a really deep voice)"and my ax" *eats cake*