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Everything posted by Disenchanted
My virson done in paint. I suck at this so badly *laughs to self* [URL=http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/2739/sanzpk3wh.jpg]http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/2739/sanzpk3wh.jpg[/URL] [IMG]http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/2739/sanzpk3wh.jpg[/IMG]
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Disenchanted replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
And the winners are!!! *sounds impotant drum roll* The winner is Swedish Chef [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Swedish Chef Harry ran for his life. He realised now maybe setting off that bottle rocket in the stag's ears was a very wrong idea indeed.[/QUOTE] I laughed so hard. So funny. It would be painfull. Seccond place goes to Ikillion [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Ikillion "Little did Harry know, there was a recently added coccaine flavored bean added to the every flavored beans, He though it was funny to toy with a stag in the forest as well. However, he would soon find a horn shoved up into a place where it didnt belong in the morning." So what if it was long..it was funny. It is even possible to happen if you think about it.[/QUOTE] Horn+coccaine flavored bean=Laughter+cringe third place goes to Random [QUOTE]Originally Posted by Random Stag: Harry, I am your father...[/QUOTE] Agan funny. stag, harrys dad. laughter Honourable mention goes to x_kr3w_x [QUOTE]Originally Posted by x_kr3w_x Ah man those drugs are really getting to me ....LOOK THEIRS A PONY![/QUOTE] Verry random and funny Congrats Swedish Chef, your turn to post the next screen shot. -
[SIZE=1][B][COLOR=Purple][CENTER]~Chapter 1, Part 2~ [/CENTER][/B] Eva ran as fast as her legs could take her. Every now and again she would take a desperate look behind her, wishing that no guards had picked up on her trial. She was intent on evading their capture. She had seen an opportune moment and taken it, there was no way she was returning. I have to get away?was one of few thoughts that crossed her mind. She didn?t really trust the boy she had asked for help but at this point she would take anything she could get. Running though the streets out of town to the first bridge Eva took a right along the banks. Second bridge on the river Rune. Arriving at the bridge she sat underneath one of the large river trees exhausted. Never in her life had she run so much. Eva calmed her self down by watching the river. It was soothing in the way it flowed. Watching the water made her reflect on the mornings events. [CENTER][B]' ~ --__-- ~ '[/B][/CENTER] She had been watching the guards for quite some time now. She knew when and at what time they changed shifts, which guards they changed with and how long it took. Her moment was arriving. The early morning had been much the same as any. Wake up, have her servants dress her, comb her hair, file her nails. Sit though a boring convocation with her mother, the queen, about what happened the pervious night with her noble friends. Eva was so sick of all the ranting and fussing. The king, her father was never around. Eva was always told what to, how to do it and whenever she questioned why the only response she would be answered with was [B]?because you are a princess?[/B]. That?s why she decided she was going to make a break for it. Get out of the castle into the real world and have it her way for once. Eva had the guard roster all planed out. At 12:15 the guards changed shifts. But because it was at lunch they men were lazy and especially sloppy in returning to their posts. It took them a minimum of 15 minutes to return. That was more than enough time. Going down to the garden and dressing in ?normal people?s clothes? she had ?borrowed? off the servants. Eva made her way down towards the gate. What happened next was totally unforeseen by Eva. By some impossibly random occurrence the guards had decided to return from lunch, on time! She cursed her self and them. She was committed so there was no going back now. Side stepping the head guard, Ennix Tarrin, as he made his way back to the entrance post, Eva thought she had got away with it until she felt a strong grip on her shoulder. The hand turned her around and in a gruff demanding voice spat [B]?Pass!?[/B] Eva remained quiet, she kept her head down and hunched over. Again he demanded [B]?Pass!? [/B] [I]I?m committed[/I] Eva thought, as she rammed her foot down hard on top of Ennix?s ankle. Not thinking another thought Eva bolted down the street. Taking a left she came along side the jail. That?s when she saw him. She didn?t know what the attraction was but he was good enough. She'd asked for help and he agreed now all that was left was to wait for his arrival at the spot he told her to be at. Eva was snapped out of her train of thought to th sound of approaching foot steps. She stood and waited anxiously for whoever was about to apper around the corner.[/COLOR] [CENTER]=====[/CENTER] Hope this is what you wanted Random. Pm with need to change anything :)[/SIZE]
To any normal on looker Jayne was a charming cleaning lady. To those who knew her, and among the living they were very few, she would blow your head off rather than strike up a convocation. Walking to a door marked ?355?, Jayne used her keys to gain access. Walking to the window she unlocked a near by janitors cupboard, from the cupboard she pulled a samsonite case. Previously she had rented this room her self under an alias, planted the gun and left. She took the sniper rifle out and checked the scope.Walking to one of the small windows she used a glass cutter to cut a small hole in the window. Placing the top of her gun through the hole she took aim through the sight. Her target was exactly where he was supposed to be. Bang. He was dead. It was done. That simple. Packing up the rifle she exited the room locked the door and headed for the elevator. Luckily when the doors opened no one was there. Taking off her red hair wig she let her natural shoulder length blond hair fall to her shoulders, Jayne got changed to into normal attire. Exiting the elevator she proceeded to the mail boxes in the foyer and opened one she rented under another alias using her keys opening the envelope she read the documents. Her name for this assignment was to be ?Natasha O?Neill?. Sir wouldn?t have the need to post guards with her until the air port. Nat didn?t know why, never tried to run away, and she never would. Nat read the assignment out in her head. ?Instructions are as follows. You will meet with the rest of the team in Korea. They will be en route shortly after you receive this. Passport papers and usual items are enclosed. The usual air port. You will meet with them at the prescribed place. Sir.?
[U]Eyes on me ff VIII[/U]: I LOVE "Eyes On Me". The lyrics of that song just go with the game perfectly. It?s really romantic (even though I?m not really a romantic type person). I love that theme song. (The in game version not the techno) The flute (I think its flute) solo I really like as well as the intro. (Because I can play it and it sounds awesome) [U]Final Fantasy 7 (Video game and Advent Children Versions)"Main Theme" and "Aeris' Theme":[/U] Ahh how man times I have listen to Aeris' theme and tried to duplicate it on the piano. The melody is just really relaxing to me. I can?t be angry when I?m listening to that song. The Main theme just gets me going off my lazy but to do something with my time other than go on the Net :P. The song gets repetitive but I love it. They sound alot better on the advent children sound track. No more Midi's! :animesmil V_Fox
[I]Time stamp: 3:00 a.m. North Tower[/I] Aki hurried to the north tower to meet Chrono. She was an hour late but he would under stand. She hoped. Arriving at the tower Aki stepped inside to see that Chrono wasn?t there. ?[COLOR=Teal]Oh no! he?s gotten fed up and left with out me?I?m so horrible?? [/COLOR]Raven sat down on the towers marble floor. It was cold but she deserved it. Hearing foot steps down the hall, Raven was sure that it was a teacher coming to scolder her about being in the north tower. She became more and more apprehensive as the foot steps approached. A shadow appeared in the door, Aki was ready to turn into her Raven form when Chrono steeped out from the door way. ?[COLOR=Teal]You rat! don?t scare me like that! If I had a tail id slam it down on your head!? [/COLOR]She was happy to see Chrono however. He smiled at her and she smiled back. Aki stood to greet Chrono [COLOR=Teal]?Soir gives me enough abuse thanks.? [/COLOR]He walked over to her laughing. The moment was in the least to say?awkward. Aki looked up at Chrono questioningly. [COLOR=Teal] ??.So were both late. Forgiven??[/COLOR] Chrono nodded and she smiled and nodded back. ?[COLOR=Teal]Good?.so what exactly did u want to talk bout?? [/COLOR]Aki asked Chrono while walking over to one of the windows and peering out side to look at the city. It was a beautiful clear night. Aki admired the scenery while she waited for Chrono?s answer.
RPG The Mixed Experiment II: The End of The World [M-VLS]
Disenchanted replied to Lionheart's topic in Theater
Grace opened her eyes to be met with a blue sky dotted with clouds. She stood and looked around. She was back home, in her field in the south of Fujin, everything was fine. Grace thought for a moment?but wasn?t all of Fujin bur?A voice echoed around the field, chilling Grace to her very bones as a violent shiver ran up her spine. [COLOR=Teal]?Grace?I?ve been waiting for this moment for a long time?? [/COLOR]She couldn?t believe what she was hearing. [COLOR=Teal]?Father?I??[/COLOR] The voice hushed her. Grace was moving very erratic, she couldn?t pint point where the voice was coming from. Suddenly her father stepped out from behind some trees. He smiled at her, love in his eyes. He approached her with his arms out stretched, as if wanting to be embraced. Grace was reluctant. He can?t be my father. She approached the man carefully, as she got nearer he pulled her in close and hugged her tight. [COLOR=Teal]?My Daughter! My beloved daughter how I have missed you so.? [/COLOR]Her father began to cry, the tears rolling down his cheeks and dropping on [COLOR=Teal]Grace?s arm. She shed a tear herself, she was really home. ?Father I?m so sorry? [/COLOR]One again he hushed her and held her near as any father would after not seeing their child in so long. [COLOR=Teal]?All I well my child. You can come home; I have bargained with the new king, you will be welcomed with open arms? [/COLOR]Grace smiled removing her self from her fathers embrace. The smile quickly faded when she remembered that her people had now sided with the elves. [COLOR=Teal]?No?? [/COLOR]The smile faded from her fathers face as he charged at Grace. She made no intention to move out of his way, though she easily could have. Summoning his sword from the wind and violently stabbing it straight through her left side. She dropped to one knee and looked up towards him as he brought his face up next to hers. The world of Grace?s green field slowly dissolved around her and her father to reveal the watery surrounds she once stood in. The image of her father however, did not fade. It was really him, he stood and laughed in her face, he was not alone. Surrounding her was her mother, uncle and 3 wind bounty hunters. They all sniggered in her face and flung high insults. Her mother walked up to her, clasped in her hand, was her daughter?s sword. Graces sister?s sword. Her mother drew a line across Grace?s left cheek with the sword cutting deep and drawing blood. She leant over Grace and whispered in her ear. [COLOR=Teal]?Our master needs us, but we will come for you, hunt you till the ends of this earth and torture you for what you did if your friends succeed in stopping the elf. If they do not, be happy in the knowledge that you will burn in hell? [/COLOR]with out another word the wind daemons disappeared. Grace staggered to stand on two feet. Straightening her self she examined her wounds, upon realizing the severity she couldn?t help but laugh hysterically to her self, she had no more tears to give. A voice one again echoed around her. [COLOR=Teal]?Your friends are waiting.?[/COLOR] Grace spun to see no one as a door opened up behind her. [COLOR=Teal]?Through the door, its ok, Chrys will explain?.[/COLOR] The voice faded and Grace waited a few moments to give her wounds a quick fix and a clean with the water so no one would notice. She had used all of her healing powder on Gale before so no help in that respect. She could hold up against whever they had to face. Laughing to her self although insane she steeped through the door and out the other side to see Chrys, Achilles and Emillio, she righted her behaviour and exchanged greetings with them all. There were three doors before them but one faded. Grace assumed the last two doors lead to the Harmonizers. OOC: want anything changed no probs. -
Reeve and Marrick caught up to the man as he was making to wards the market place. Jade was the first to arrive at the man and started harassing him, pecking at his head and flapping her wings in his face. Out of breath arriving at the scene Marrick called Jade back to him, she reluctantly flew to his shoulder, it almost appeared as if the bird was glaring at their new acquaintance. [COLOR=Teal]?Your bird is nuts!? [/COLOR]the man shouted and pointed towards jade. The hawk squawked defiantly back. Marrick blushed with a serious look on his face. [COLOR=Teal]?She thinks you smell of fish?? [/COLOR]The man went red with slight annoyance. Reeve looked between the two men. [COLOR=Teal]?Calm down boys?? [/COLOR]looking the man up and down Reeve smiled and tried to fill the awkward silence. [COLOR=Teal]?My names Reeve, this here is Marrick and I believe you have already meet Jade.? [/COLOR]The man looked Reeve up and down momentarily before smiling. Reeve had a gift for calming down awkward/potentially hostile situations. [COLOR=Teal]?My names Zihark, pleased to meet you both.?[/COLOR] Zihark kept looking towards the middle of town; no more than a few moments ago he had heard a shout.[I] ?Are there any keepers!??. [/I] [COLOR=Teal]?What?s the matter?? [/COLOR]Reeve asked Zihark. He looked at her again still mostly un-sure of what to make at this sudden acquaintance. Smiling once more he shifted his position and looked at Reeve. [COLOR=Teal]?I heard a shout calling keepers? [/COLOR]Marrick and Reeve?s eves lit up at Zihark?s mention of the words ?keepers?. After a brief convocation about muttered apologies and the mention of keepers, the three set out to the market place now properly acquainted, where Zihark had originally heard the shout. Walking though the streets the three found a bunch of people sitting on the grass, after a few attempts at eves dropping they decided that they had indeed found the other keepers. Walking over to the huddled group Reeve was the first to introduce her self followed by Marrick and Zihark. Finally they had found the others they were looking for.
Adriene put her horse to the stables and rushed inside. What had happed in a few moments ago didn?t sit with her well. She fussed about the large kitchen, fixing her self some rather rare and expensive straight spirits Adriene sat in the living room, in a extravagant leather chair next to a large fire. She stared at the crackling orangey-yellow flames for a long while and did not even notice when her butler, and only other occupant of the house besides the grounds keeper, walked into the room and set his hand upon her shoulder. [COLOR=Teal]?Madame, I take it something did not go to plan tonight?? [/COLOR]He looked down upon her with concerned eyes. He had been tending to her family since her mother was a young woman, like his father and father before. He knew Adriene well enough to know when something was deeply affecting her. [COLOR=Teal] ?The Ancient?she turned a hunter tonight in town. It reminded me of my brother?of Louis?[/COLOR] Adriene didn?t look up when she spoke; she just sat there as if mesmerized by the flames. [COLOR=Teal]?Jean? I assure you I am fine.?[/COLOR] Jean was about to speak when there was a loud knock on the large wooden doors. He left Adriene to sit at the fire while he tended to whoever may be at the door. Jean opened the doors to see two gentlemen dressed rather oddly as far as ?fashion? was concerned. [COLOR=Teal]?I request you state your purpose.?[/COLOR] Jean made a slight bow towards the two men and slightly kicked his heels together. [COLOR=Teal]?We are here to see the Huntress.? [/COLOR] Jean was about to take a breath in to ask Adriene whether she would se the two men when her voice chimed in from the living room. [COLOR=Teal]?I will have no visitors!? [/COLOR]The two alchemists ignored Jean pushing him out of the way. [COLOR=Teal]?Where is she?? [/COLOR]Jean not wanting to make trouble for his lady took them to her; Adriene did not look up from the fire still. [COLOR=Teal]?We have come to propose something to you hunter?[/COLOR] Lain was the one to speak, his brother or friend Adriene didn?t know which, stayed silent for the time being. For the first time that evening she moved her attention from the flame. Standing she looked at the two standing before her. [COLOR=Teal]?State this proposal of yours alchemists??[/COLOR] Adriene waited for their reply drink in hand.
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
Disenchanted replied to Pumpkin's topic in Noosphere
The CG aslin looked so much better than the puppet in the original. Yes ive seen the original ! ive also seen the movie twice i loved it. The CG really makes the characters come alive and i wish that, that fauns flute thing was real. i couldnt speel his name if my life depended on it. 10/10 I want a pack of police wolves ! -
Gaming Video Game Picture Caption Game!!! YAY!!!
Disenchanted replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Noosphere
I won ...I won !! *blinks* ahh fudge i wasnt expecting that... XD ok so HERE'S HARRY! [IMG]http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7835/02345ls.jpg[/IMG] "un-known to dumbledore harry once again found his stash of "magic mushrooms" -
Erno: *stares* dude...that chick is bra-less the?. bobbling is hypnotizing. Tarja: Look at my wickedly awesome Air Guitar skillz Erno!...Erno?!....Erno?
Simple yet cool. I like how the cat appers in the writing. Your avi and banner match really well together the colours look good. The little comment about smiles is cute 8.5/10
I told you I would sign up for this Name: Jayne Siphon aka ?Shark? Age: 33 Age taken: 12 Gender: Female Personality: Taken young shark is cold and calculating. She has been a killer most of her life. It?s all she knows. She never looses her cool and is mostly unemotional in situations where someone would be balling their eyes out she would stand plain face and un-emotional. She buries most feelings believing they interfere with the job. ?You can?t kill if you have emotional weakness? is something she tells the people new to the game. Bio: Jayne doesn?t remember much of her previous life. The only thing she remembers is The day she was taken. Screaming tires, Broken glass, a women crying. Blood. She prefers to keep quiet about her past. By way of snooping around government files she found out that her father was a Diplomat and her mother a Doctor. The official government file for her fathers assassination doesn?t officially ?exist?. Jayne now works for the very people that killed her parents.. Appearance:[URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/tenjou1.jpg]Here [/URL]
Discuss Would anyone support a Mech based Rp? [PG-V]
Disenchanted replied to Disenchanted's topic in Theater
Ok this has been done in the past I am aware of that. I just looked through 100 pages of this sites rpgs ?.YES I actually looked through 100 pages?with an old computer? My hard drive died so I had to re-write this. This is a basic out line of the rank structure and Mech?s ill add more to this as I can get my other much older computer working. Hopefully get some more people interested. [U]Ranks:[/U] [B]1. First Lieutenant 2. Captain 3. Major (these ranks in black would be who make up the special forces teams) 4. Lieutenant Colonel[/B] [COLOR=Blue]5. Colonel (Team leader,commands The team in combat)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]6. Brigadier General 7. Major General 8. Lieutenant General (these ranks in orange may not be needed) 9. General[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]10. General of the Army (Reserved for wartime only) [/COLOR] This rp will work ?kind of? like a real army. When this gets started and if people want to sign up anyone wishing to be any rank above but not including Colonel will have to Pm me, especially if someone wants to fill the rank of General of the Army there will two maybe three poisons open for this. There are heaps of ranks in the army below First Lieutenant. But seeing as the participants will be ?special forces? I decided to have a cut off at first lieutenant. Besides the ranks are all the same across the bord except for the navy/coast guard. This may sound complicated but once (if at all) more people get involved it should seem a little simpler. the ?sides?: Ok so I was planning on having 3 sides for people to join (perhaps two). 1: Stag, 2: Arch, 3: Covert. Each of these ?sides? would have a set group of nationalities they pilots could some from. Each of these respective sides (lets call them governments) would have their own General of the Army whoever that may be. This General would tell the Colonel what to do who would in turn tell his Team what to do in the field in the rp. (This structure could change if it?s to complicated or time consuming) This is not supposed to be a survivor. It would actually have a plot/story line to follow which would entail these teams to go on missions to further this plot to the final confrontation as such. (Like stop missiles launching to destroy the world or whatever as a basic example example). Mech classes: very basic out line more will be added. (Pictures will be posted when I can find them) [U]1: Mech: Light/Scout[/U] High speed capabilities Light/very little amour Communication/ satellite hacking abilities Adaptive camouflage abilities (limited) Very little weaponry/ Mine laying/ trap abilities [U]2: Mech: Medium/assault [/U] Medium speed capabilities Medium amour Able to hold a vast array of medium weaponry Shield capabilities (limited) Able to change between weapons depending on the situation [U] 3: Mech: Heavy/defense[/U] Extremely limited speed capabilities (slow) Heavy amour Able to hold array of heavy weapons (missile pods, heavy machine guns, chain guns) Shield capabilities (limited) Prone to over heating and weak against faster opponents Each team would be balanced for example, 2 scouts 3 medium mech?s and 1-2 heavys?. this would rule out any unfairness in the teams. Also the mechs would be equipped with weapons based on the mission they were to undertake. So there would be no whipping out of beam weapons whenever people felt like it. Ok so this is what I came up with more will be added when I can. Let me know here what you think and if you?re interested. Btw girls can kick butt in combat too, this isn?t restricted to men. Just letting you know [COLOR=Navy]EDIT: Mechs; ok here are some example pictures i found on the net. im using these so you can get an image in your head as to what these things look like as i said above more Mechassult like than anything else. i was going for 'realism' here when i found these. (click LINK) Light/scout: [URL=http://www.3drt.com/3dm/walker/m-walker-03.jpg]LINK 1[/URL] [URL=http://www.3drt.com/3dm/walker/m-walker-02.jpg]LINK 2[/URL] Medium/Assult:[URL=http://www.3drt.com/3dm/mech/mech02_03.jpg]LINK 1[/URL] [URL=http://www.3drt.com/3dm/mech/mech02_01.jpg]LINK 2[/URL] Heavy/Defence: [URL=http://www.3drt.com/3dm/drop-ship/ds-03_05.jpg]LINK 1[/URL] [URL=http://www.3drt.com/3dm/drop-ship/ds-03_01.jpg]LINK 2[/URL] Ok so thats what i was looking for in the way that these mechs would look like. Imagine them with milatary camouflage.[/COLOR] -
RPG The Mixed Experiment II: The End of The World [M-VLS]
Disenchanted replied to Lionheart's topic in Theater
Looking around at the others Grace expanded her lungs and let out a deep sigh. Everyone was still sleeping. Chrys, Emillio, Gale, Achilles and the two shape shifters Amer and Sarin. Lifting her self softy off the ground and floating on the wind above the others Grace came to rest on a rock. From where she was the whole expanse of the Elvin forest lay before her. Looking out into the forest she sat deep in thought about the events past. They didn?t have long left to save the world and they really need to get going soon if Fujin had any hope of survival. The sun was just appearing over the horizon casting a pinky yellowy glow over forest and the surroundings. The Elvin forest was untouched while the rest of Fujin burned. Somewhere in that forest she would have to come to face the bounty hunters that were after her and possibly the wind king as he was now allied with the enemy. Deeply sighing again Grace looked back over towards Chrys and Gale who were still sleeping near to each other. How lucky they were in love. She looked back over the forest and the rising sun. In the far distance the Elvin kingdom could just be made out. Deep in thought Grace was startled by Amer and Sarin who had just woke up. [COLOR=Teal]?We need to get moving? [/COLOR]Amer spoke looking out over the forest. Grace nodded and the harmonizers and her self went about waking everyone up. -
Adriene now completely freaked out that the hunter had just let the ancient bight him, she slowly started to back away from the people gathered around the roof top. Feeling completely uneasy now that she realized that everyone surrounding her was a vampire she feet a deep disgust and hatred. More so towards the hunter who had just let himself be turned. She drew her sword slowly stepping away. Kyros turned to speak to her but she drew a silver tipped steak and waved it in his face. [COLOR=Teal]?Move and I pierce your heart, wretched un-dead.? [/COLOR]Her remark caused the other vampires in the vicinity to turn to wards her. Fleeing the scene, Adriene jumped across three roof tops and came to land near two alchemists. They took no notice of her until she spoke to them. ?[COLOR=Teal]I?d get out of here if I were you. The ancient just turned the Hunter?? [/COLOR]They looked at her and then at the scene. [COLOR=Teal]?We are quite capable of holding our own, Hunter. You would do well not to interfere with out business in the future.?[/COLOR] Adriene smirked at the two. [COLOR=Teal]?At the rate the vampires are going you will be one of them before the night ends, I suggest you make sure who your allies are. Before long you might be needing some.? [/COLOR]Without another word Adriene ran off down the street and found her horse. Saddling her horse she lightly kicked its side and it speed off at a blindly fast gallop. Seeing the hunter turned brought back un-happy memories. Adriene made her way to her secluded mansion as fast as she could. Any vampires who would be stupid enough to follow her were signing their death warrents...
?Ignore you?? Iaa looked down at her boots??I guess I have been, I?m sorry.? She looked over at Lyra and sighed. Lyra dismissed it and nodded in acceptance of Iaa?s apology. ?it doesn?t matter now, we have a more important task to keep watch over..? The two females watched the battle waging between Adol and Dorrion. Iaa was itching to get in there. Reading her thoughts Lyra spoke. ?That?s what they want you to do Iaa, jump in head first without thinking. First chance they get you have no head.? Iaa gulped at Lyra?s remark. Iaa looked at the relatively new companion. There was something reserved about her. Like she didn?t say everything that was on her mind?.Iaa?s thoughts were cut short by the Rave masters battle. The two swung at each other, separated and then talked. At the distance Lyra and Iaa were at they couldn?t make out what was being said. As the battle proggressed their speed increaed soon it was ahrd to keep track of them. Looking away from the battle Iaa surveyed her surroundings. Over the other side of the road standing on a small hill, Iaa made out two figures. ?Demon Card shit?? Lyra looked way from the battle and over in the direction Iaa was facing. ?I think that perhaps we will need to intervene sooner than previously though?? Lyra spoke. Yeling at Suzu Lyra readyd her self and Iaa did the same. The two females looked at each other and got ready to fight and or retreat...
Raven had decided to skip her classes and go looking for Soir. She had heard from one of the were-eagels? that Soir had almost been choked to death by Damien ?Iron claw?. Worried for her friend she hurried to the library, she knew that?s where Soir would be. Soir always borrowed her things and never returned them, more often then not she pawned them off for a quick sale. Aki didn?t mind. Soir was one of her oldest friends at the academy and besides it wasn?t as if she couldn?t send away to Russia and ask her mom to send her another item. Aki always found it hilarious when Soir beat Chrono over the head with her tail, Chrono didn?t find it the least bit funny however. Walking into the library, Aki walked over to Soir?s favorite section. Rounding the corner she found Chrono sitting amongst the books with Soir looking a little angry and rather sorry for herself. Soir sat turned away from Chrono which only meant that he had offended her a little, Soir could be temperamental at times. They both looked up as Raven appeared around the corner and sat down next to Soir. [COLOR=Teal]?I missed seeing you before school started?[/COLOR] Aki smiled towards Soir trying to cheer the werefox up a little. She received a small smile back. ?[COLOR=Teal]I heard that the Hunter defended you??[/COLOR] Soir looked up, blushed a little and nodded. [COLOR=Teal]?So what?s exactly going on around here?? [/COLOR]Chrono and Soir proceeded to fill Raven in all on that she had missed. When they had finished she nodded to her self and put one arm around her friend. [COLOR=Teal]?Its ok cheer up?[/COLOR] Soir nodded and the three sat there in silence among the books.
This protection business is getting tough?previously two days before, Reeve was assigned to guard a noblemen but as with most things. That went pare shaped, there was a whole bunch of assassins? waiting for this noble at his home. Reeve and her merry band of 5 fellow bodyguards couldn?t hope to hold off 15 and so Reeve barely escaped with her life. The noble and her friends did not. It had been a long and uncomfortable night, trudging through the forest. Reeve had wounds although moderately serious she couldn?t do anything about them now. [COLOR=Teal]?Damn it I?m so tired?? [/COLOR]as reeve clumsily walked amongst the leaf litter and broke small branches under her feet a noise cut through the symphony of the forest. She could hear laughing, shouting, horses? hoofs on stone?Makeda. [I]Thank god[/I] was the only thought that crossed her mind. Walking over to a small stream that ran through the forest she cleaned blood off her face and cloths. A strange woman walking out of the forest cloths torn and bloody might scare people and raise a few questions. And raised questions was one thing she didn?t need. The forest in the area eventually thinned out and gave way to normal trees. Reeve looked to the sky and found her self in an orchid. She kept walking and the ground beneath her feet changed from dirt to road. Looking around she surveyed they port town. It was an extremely busy place. People everywhere going about their own ways. She couldn?t help notice however, a man with a white bird on his shoulder staring at the ocean. [I]How odd?[/I] Walking up behind him and standing next to him Reeve proceeded to also stare at the ocean. [COLOR=Teal] ?Its beautiful...?[/COLOR] So deep the though the man didn?t actually notice she was there when he replied. [COLOR=Teal]?It sure is I?ve never seen the ocean before?? [/COLOR]The man stood their with a rather perplexed look on his face for a while. Randomly he jumped backwards and stared at Reeve. [COLOR=Teal]?Hey! Where in the heck did you come from! You shouldn?t go around frightening people like that!?[/COLOR] Reeve bowed to the man although it hurt. [COLOR=Teal]?I apologize? [/COLOR]her eye was caught by the mans albino bird that sat on his shoulder [COLOR=Teal]?what an unusual bird.? [/COLOR]The man looked at his feathery companion with love in his eyes. [COLOR=Teal]?Her name is Jade? ?My names Reeve and yours?? [/COLOR]he looked her up and down and screwed his eyebrows up a bit in thought. [COLOR=Teal]?My names Marrick?? [/COLOR]
BOBSLEAD MAN! ive allways loved watching that i dont know why :). Figure ice skaing. Hockey and the freestyle sking-Aerial. man watching that makes me dizzy. i love how the athletes pull off thoes amazing twists in mid flight!
[URL=http://history1900s.about.com/od/1930s/a/warofworlds.htm][/URL] *spoilers* That link gives some light to the movie people may not know. The movie was a book and then a Radio play and then a movie. The radio play freeked people out because they thought it was real. [URL=http://members.aol.com/jeff1070/wotw.html]http://members.aol.com/jeff1070/wotw.html[/URL] as can be seen in the above link. click[URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Worlds_(radio)]here[/URL]for some background on the whole war of the worlds idea.
lol damn no worries i shall fix momentarly. i think its still to big..... im quite perplexed. sorry. thats so annoying took me ages... EDIT: no worries anytime ! [IMG]http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9665/hackbanner8oj.png[/IMG]
thats ok :) some one with better programs might re do it better for you. at least i tried right? lol. Want anything changed dont hesitate to ask. V_Fox
ok well seeing as i only have paint and not anyother facy program i managed to pull this off..i think. i know its not exactly what u wanted but I hope you like this. man it took ages. lol Let me know if this isnt to your standars or the characters are rong. Ive never seen hack trying to get the characters was confusing. :animestun anywas hope its ok... :) [IMG]http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/724/hackbanner8la.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/2016/darkkite22mr.jpg[/IMG] V_Fox