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Everything posted by Disenchanted

  1. OOC: forgive me for all the talking! I promise not to talk so much again un less the situation calls for it Aki ran back the other way she came from talking with Chrono. It felt good to see old friends again. Slowing to a walk she looked into one of the rooms to find the new kid?Hunter playing the piano for a Ghost. She smiled he seamed caring enough; most other students here dismiss the ghosts. She watched them talk for a while and Hunter got up and left, we walked in Aki?s direction. Hunter walked out past Aki into the hall way before turning around. [COLOR=Teal]?Hey its you?Aki?Raven, right??[/COLOR] She nodded. [COLOR=Teal]?Where you headed??[/COLOR] He looked up and down the hallways like he was looking for something. [COLOR=Teal]?I?m pretty eager to meet this Fox girl?Soir?[/COLOR] Aki smiled and motioned for hunter to follow her, she lost her concentration talking to Hunter and bumped into the worst person. [COLOR=Teal]?Hey watch wer?.?[/COLOR] She looked up to come fact to face with Damien ?Iron Claw? Ahriman. [COLOR=Teal]?What were you saying Princess??[/COLOR] He bowed but looked down at Aki condescendingly, he was most careful around her, her father was very powerful. [COLOR=Teal]?I was saying you better watch were your going sir? [/COLOR]Aki grabbed Hunter before iron claw could infuriate her any further. Iron claw glared at Hunter as Aki took him away?.so he was the one who opened the doors. [COLOR=Teal]?What was that all about?? [/COLOR]Hunter questioned Aki [COLOR=Teal]?I?ll tell you later? [/COLOR] They continued to walk down the halls when Aki noticed someone who looked a little lost. [COLOR=Teal]?Hi I?m Aki. Need a little help??[/COLOR] Aki looked the student up and down he had a long black pony tail. He nodded at her looking her up and down as well. [COLOR=Teal]?I?m Silvio where are the male dorms?? [/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]?I can help you there no problem, don?t mind if that?s where I drop you off?? [/COLOR] Aki looked at Hunter and he shook his head to signify he didn?t mind The two new students proceeded to follow Aki to the male dorms. She smiled at them both. [COLOR=Teal] ?Hey what about the Fox?Soir?? [/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal] ?Don?t worry she?s always around. Need anything don?t hesitate to call; I?ve got ears like a hawk? [/COLOR]she winked ?How do u know where this place is so easy? Hunter questioned her. [COLOR=Teal]?oh that?s simple I meet Chrono here all the time before we go to lunch, I have to go I?m late for an Advanced Aerial Combat class as it is, c ya!? [/COLOR]and with out another word Aki ran down the hallway as quick as the wind leaving the two new students to fend for them selves in the male dorms which probably wasn?t that good of an idea?.
  2. Congrats on such a great story so far. I?m really into this. I like the way you have set up the whole chain of events and the flash back helped to create a little more depth between the relationships of the characters and their motivations. The Robin Hood thing was good and unusual for this kind of thing. I have no trouble imagining this as a TV show. The mind wipe was particularly clever. I love sci-fi stuff I can?t wait to read more of it :)
  3. Adriene did a small curtsy on the roof top. [COLOR=Teal]?I am known to many as the Angel of death?but you Monsieur may call me Adriene? [/COLOR]He smiled and gave her a mysterious reserved look and gestured towards the vampire beside her. [COLOR=Teal]?And you?? ?The names Kyros?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]?Pleased to meet you both I?m sure?? [/COLOR]The three turned to watch the battle taking place between Lucifer and the Ancient. Adriene looked away from the two and her eyes fell on this new presence. He was quite well dressed; to add to that fact she couldn?t tell if he was a vampire or human. He had a very strange air about him, quite mysterious Kyros? eyes widened at Lucifer?s just audible words.[COLOR=Teal] ?Go ahead make me a vampire? [/COLOR]He looked at Adriene and she returned his gaze. [COLOR=Teal]?I didn?t see that coming??[/COLOR]Kyros remarked Adriene nodded in agreement, she saw the hunter move his hand inside his jacket. [COLOR=Teal]?Oh we are a sly one...? [/COLOR]The two men looked at Adriene and then at Lucifer waiting to see what would happen next?
  4. I was thinking along the lines of there would be three sides you could choose to be on say for a very simple example good, bad and a 3rd side mixed of both good and bad . You could choose from a light, medium or heavy mech. possibly land based, aerial or aquatic/ amphibious to add to the categories. I was thinking perhaps this could be team based. Say 3 squads of Mech?s going on missions fighting against each other. There would be a story line say like the good are fighting the bad to gain control of their cities back and the mixed side is hindering both sides efforts. As I said before its just an example. It was just an idea that I had and it?s really in the very early stages. If 3 sides it too confusing then 2 would do. It would be like you were actually in a Mech army, so whoever your squad leader was you?d have to listen to them. You couldn?t have any weapons you wanted as you?d be in the military and equipped on the situation of your mission. The 3 Mech classes would have their limitations of course for example the Heavy Mech?s could fire large missiles and cause heavy damage but very prone to over heating and weak against quick opponents. So it would be pretty even on that front. I?m not sure if it would be chapter based or not. Anyways tell me what you think.
  5. Alex turned around at the pistol in her back. It was a vampire. Alex smirked at the vampire and nodded towards the gun. ?[COLOR=Teal]You think you can kill me with a measly little pistol??[/COLOR] she had never seen this vampire before, he was scruffy wearing shabby cloths and in need of a good shave and a wash. [COLOR=Teal]?Don?t move or ill shoot you!?[/COLOR] he was noticeably nervous. [COLOR=Teal]?She tilted her head to one side... Who sent you?? [/COLOR]he smiled as the gun shoot in his hand. ?[COLOR=Teal]General Killan. I?m not the only one that will be going after you. He?s sent a lot of people out after you to skin your traitorous hide.?[/COLOR] Alex shot out her left wing from behind her back flinging the pistol from the novice bounty hunters hands. He whimpered and backed away. [COLOR=Teal]?Killan really needs to step up his game, get out of here.?[/COLOR] The bounty hunter didn?t move, Alex drew her own pistol and fired above his head. In a scampering of feat the hunter left. ****** Rain and Addy were walking along the dilapidated streets of the human settlement when they head the shots. [COLOR=Teal]?That has to be her? [/COLOR]Addy growled, Rain looked over at her and nodded [COLOR=Teal]?Only one way to find out?[/COLOR] Addy and Rain headed towards the direction of the gun shot. They didnt know however that they were being folowed by shaddow. It han't taken the vampire long to find Rain. And he was leading shadow straight to his prize.
  6. Grace went down on her haunches and sat in the grass near Emillio. [COLOR=Teal]?Well I guess this is a good time of any to talk to you.?[/COLOR] He sat down next to her and watched her movements. She stared off into the distance. [COLOR=Teal]?I wasn?t always this much of an outsider you know??[/COLOR] Emillio nodded. [COLOR=Teal]?I had a family, sister, uncles the whole thing. Life was great. One spring day, 3 years ago my sister and I we?re hanging round in the orchards with some friends. I didn?t like them but hung around because she was my sister. We were talking and things started to get a little heated between me and one her friends she insulted me personally and my sister did nothing. The teasing kept up for a good long time, and my sister joined in. I proceeded to insult one of her friends with the most horrible insult one could say of our kind. This insult not only makes fun of you but your family as well, your honor. She ran away and my sister started to lecture me, I was older than her but that still didn?t stop her from talking up to me. One thing lead to another and in her anger she attacked me. Far stronger than my sister in magic I look the oxygen away from her surroundings. People of my kind can train in different arts; my sister was very proficient in hand to hand combat but couldn?t summon wind in its pure elemental form to save her life, literally.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]I was furious with her for not defending me, for insulting me blind with rage I left her to suffocate.?[/COLOR] Grace looked over at Emillio from the corner of her eye, he was staring at her. [COLOR=Teal]?The witnesses went to get the adults, it look three high level wind daemons to subdue me. I was out on trial immediately, for murder, high insult and intent to harm. I was given the death sentence. My father pleaded with the court to let me live as I was his only daughter left. They agreed as my father was high on the governing council. So I was exiled. One year later in my exile I get word that there is a new king of the wind demons and he changed the laws. I was now to be hunted and brought to justice before my people. Tortured for the amount of days I was allowed to be free in my exile and then killed in the same way I killed my sister.?[/COLOR] A tear ran down her face. And she looked over at Emillio.[COLOR=Teal] ?I?m not an evil person. I regret what I did with everything I have?? [/COLOR]Grace stood up and started to walk off. [COLOR=Teal] ?We should get going and gather more supplies?? [/COLOR]
  7. Aki Speed through the air, she was at a very high altitude so there was no way she?d get in trouble. Besides she had her permit. It had been a long flight from Russia but that was half the fun, she didn?t do much flapping most of time. The wind currents look care of most of the trip. The wind caught in her feathers and made the ends of her wings stand up. [I]The view from up here is fantastic?[/I] she thought. [I]I?ll never get sick of this. [/I] The lights of the city at night were just visible, they shone like small stars. Looking down at the city below, lowering her altitude, Aki spotted her land mark. [COLOR=Teal]?Ahh the church?[/COLOR] it was always the most brightly lit. She wondered if the people ever got any sleep. Turning her wings to make her decent she shot through the air like bullet, this was the most fun part. Aki kept her nose down, wings straight next to her body and her talons tucked away. Merlin could see her coming but always persisted to open the door just before she reached it. She shot down through the air at a blinding speed. Just before she reached the massive doors of the academy Merlin opened them and she pulled up landing on a dime inside the walls of the school. Most of the people in the court yard of the school looked up, smiled and shook their heads. She always did that, besides for a school of the unusually gifted there weren?t that many fliers, with actual wings. Aki spotted a new kid immediately. She was staring at her, which was understandable she was a giant black bird. Lifting her wings up to cover her whole body Aki disappeared for a moment behind a wall of black feathers. She re-appeared moments later in her sustained form. She looked like an ordinary human except for the massive black wings that protruded from her back and her unusual blue eyes. She walked over to the new kid. [COLOR=Teal]?Hi they names Akilina Nadezhda?[/COLOR] she extend her hand as a sign of greeting he shook it. [COLOR=Teal]?Your names A-Ak... what is it??[/COLOR] Aki giggled at the new guy. [COLOR=Teal]?Most students have trouble pronouncing it most people just call me Aki or Raven your pick.?[/COLOR] He nodded [COLOR=Teal]?Have you seen a Fox girl named Soir any where around here??[/COLOR] Aki laughed. [COLOR=Teal]?Soir get to you?? [/COLOR]he nodded [COLOR=Teal]?she does that to most people, you get used to it, I haven?t seen her?.Have you seen a guy named Chrono around??[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]?Yeah he went up those stairs?[/COLOR] The kid pointed in the direction that Chrono went. [COLOR=Teal]?Thanks he owes me money? [/COLOR]Aki went to walk off when the new kid stopped her and she turned around. [COLOR=Teal]?My names Johnathan Dinesti."[/COLOR] Aki bowed towards him [COLOR=Teal]?Nice to meet you Johnathan Dinesti."[/COLOR] She left without another word to go and find Chrono.
  8. I would have to agree with you Parabola about Halo 2. It is a good game but over raited. The ending especialy wasnt crash hot, a big let down. i was left there thinking. What!? is that it.... it opend it up for another one but please. I know that this isnt in topic but the most "Under raited" game would have to be Far cry. That game was good and it got crap ratings. I would have to say that another game thats over raited would have to be Splinter cell two. I played it for a while even giving it a good week and a bit but hiding in the shaddows and conatantly un locking lazer beams and hiding bodies was just well boring. I'm not saying it's a crap game, because it's not crap its good but just well got boring very quickly. For me anyway...
  9. This add brought to you by the alternative sustainable fuels of the future foundation We dare you to 'pass wind' near a naked flame? Beans-The worlds foremost natural gas propellant....
  10. Iaa walked along side Adol with Suzu and Lyra, they were shown to their quarters for the night by one of the kings burly Guards. [COLOR=Teal]?If you want anything ask one of the guards that will be posted out side your door soon?[/COLOR] He turned on his heals and marched off. [COLOR=Teal]?We?re kept under guard? That?s a little harsh?[/COLOR] Suzu remarked. [COLOR=Teal]?Well the Demon card are after you?[/COLOR] Lyra added. [COLOR=Teal]?Lets just try and relax, get some sleep its been a big day?[/COLOR] Adol looked at everyone for a response and they nodded. Iaa was the last in the room she turned around to see the old man and his companion walk down another hall way to their sleeping quarters. [I]Something not right about those two[/I]? Her train of thought was interrupted by Adol. [COLOR=Teal]?Iaa come on!?[/COLOR] she turned and entered the room to find it a grand space indeed but only one small problem 4 people and only 3 beds. [COLOR=Teal]?You think they could have fit at least 4 more beds in here??[/COLOR] Suzu looked around at everyone. [COLOR=Teal]?I?m not sharing a bed with any of you?[/COLOR] Lyra smirked and claimed one of the lavish single beds. The two males of the group looked at Iaa and then at each other. [COLOR=Teal]?Don?t worry fellas,?[/COLOR] Iaa pointed her staff at one of the corners of the room and after a slight tremor tree roots sprung from between the stone floor forming the top of a tree but without the tall trunk. [COLOR=Teal]?I prefer to sleep in trees anyway?[/COLOR] Adol looked at Iaa and shook his head with a small smile?.[I]that girl defiantly weird?.[/I] [COLOR=Teal]?Cool? [/COLOR]Suzu exclaimed while flopping down on his single bed. [COLOR=Teal]?So Rave Master, what?s the plan after we get out of here in the morning??[/COLOR] Everyone turned to look at Lyra and then Adol for his answer.
  11. [COLOR=Teal] I finally posted Aiyanna lol, hope this is ok, let me know if I need to change anything like powers :) Name: Reeve Barringer (female) Age: 19 Height: 5" 8' Weapon of Choice: Bow and arrows, Quiver. (Refer to appearance for picture of bow) Secondary Weapon: Necklace: Reeves necklaces comes off and doubles as a whip with discs that are razor sharp. (Used in close quarter combat, see necklace in picture) Powers: When Reeve gets her seals she has the power over nature (as she grew up in a forest). Nature Seal: She can use this power in conjunction with her arrows. For example she can make vines grow from the ground using her arrows or grow tress to trap and attack people. Earth Seal: Secondly she has the power over the earth for example she can cause her arrows to turn into small boulders during flight to attack the enemy and she can cause ?earthquakes? (though they can cause a lot of damage providing her enemy doesn?t fly, the earth quakes are only 3-4 meters wide, anyone out side the radius isn?t affected). Background: Reeve grew up in the mountain forests with her grandfather as her parents died when she was very young and had no other family members. He taught her how to be a master bowman like he was when he was young. Mastering the bow very quickly Reeve was taught how to better her skills further by working with different kinds of arrows and learning how to ?Trick shoot?, she leant to rebound her arrows off shiny surfaces in order to hit people around corners ect. Living in the forest she learnt to fine tune her hearing, she can hear the slightest rustling and can easily pick up on whispers. When she turned 15 her Grandfather fell ill and died. Before he passed away he gave his master bow to Reeve as a family air-loom. When her grandfather died she decided to leave the mountain forests in search of something ?more?. Reeve got caught up in a group of ?bandits for hire? who went around the country side doing jobs for money, like acting as bodyguards and helping in battles. Reeve?s life can be very hectic at times; everything seams to be going at full pace all the time and she rarely gets a break or time to her self to chill out and relax. Her grandfather taught her to listen to the wilderness, trees and plants and she can hear what they are saying. Appearance: Reeve ([URL= http://www.rpgland.com/wallpapers/guildwars/gw52.jpg] link[/URL]) Personality: Reeve is very friendly, kind and a happy outgoing person. She tries to not let anything get her down in the dumps and is always looking for the good in people. She?s never nasty or cruel. She can get angry at times when people annoy her or get on her nerves. She does her best to help everyone and is the first to intervene when theirs a fight on. Reeve never backs away from a battle and will stick to It until the very end. She would do anything for her friends. Reeve never cries or gets ?up set? in a girly sense, she?s rather a tomboy having no female presence while growing up her grandfather taught her to be ?tough? and to always stand proud. Misc.: Reeve carries with her a small wooden Pan flute ([URL= http://new.earthshakingmusic.com/pics/ZANKA.jpg] link[/URL]) she plays this whenever these is a lull in battle or whenever she gets the chance too. The music helps her to think and calm her down her companions like to listen to her play as it cheers them up.[/COLOR] EDIT: I gave my seas names seeing as mostly eveyone else did :P ok so there not that crash hot names lol i might change them in the rp if i ca think of anything.
  12. Adriene left some money on the table to pay for her things in the café before walking out side. Breathing in deed the night air she once again looked to the skies and saw a strange sight. A man cradling a kitten on a roof top, he appeared to be watching something down below. She bounded up some near by crates and jumped to the adjacent roof top and walked up beside the strange character, she was intrigued as to what it was that he was doing. [I]Its not every day you see someone on a roof top with a cat[/I] she though, as she approached the character from the shadows she noticed something strange. [I]He?s a vampire, figures?[/I] She walked up beside the vampire and startled him. [COLOR=Teal]?Whoa! What do you think your doing!?[/COLOR] he looked Adriene up and down [COLOR=Teal]?You?re a hunter!? [/COLOR]Adriene gazed into the vampires eyes. [COLOR=Teal] ?Yes, and you are Vampire, relax dammed one I may hate your kind but if I am not paid to kill you and you don?t try to kill me I have no interest with you, however I am interested in what?s going on down there.? [/COLOR]The Vampire didn?t know what to say but was noticeably nervous about standing next to a hunter. Adriene watched below as she saw the fool hunter walk into the female ancient?s house. [COLOR=Teal]?God he is such a fool, he has a lot to learn about the vampires in this region, especially the ancients??[/COLOR][I] so they where the ancients the vampire thought?. [/I] [COLOR=Teal]?What is your name hunter??[/COLOR] Adriene didn?t take her eyes off what was happening in the house. [COLOR=Teal]?I?m Adriene, the Angel of death to your kind, and you vampire?? ?I?m ?.Kyros?[/COLOR] Adriene watched the house intently, she normally wouldn?t interfere with other peoples business but this hunter was going to get him self killed if he wasn?t careful and the more hunters there were the better. She stood their conversing with the vampire while watching the house?
  13. Grace smiled towards the water demon out of all in this group she was warming to him the most. However Achilles threat still lingered in the back of her mind. She looked around at the gathered daemons and signed inwardly. This was all getting a little too much, Emillio, Gale and his companions, the whole elf situation and the possible destruction of the world as they know it, not to mention her peoples treachery and the death sentience still out on her head. She looked at Chrys and then returned her to attention to Emillio who was looking out at the forest. [COLOR=Teal] ?Perhaps?before our next battle when things aren?t so hectic?I will take up your offer and tell you more about my self, I thank you Emillio.?[/COLOR] He looked at her a little puzzled. [COLOR=Teal]?Why??[/COLOR] She smiled at him and looked at her feet. [COLOR=Teal]?You are kind, even if you don?t think you are, I can see what you mean by these people have changed you?come something is happening.? [/COLOR]Grace nodded to wards Chrys the stone she had was now glowing with an intense brightness.
  14. Hey ! These are totaly amazing! i love the guy with the blue and red streekd hair! but i allready told you that :animesmil Awesome job your very taltened!!. The lepoards eyes grab me the most and the black and white one with the spider and the blue eyed person. Taking a bite out of crime is very clever! these totaly Rock! talk to you soon! 10/10 P.s cant wait to see more! V_Fox
  15. Well it was just an idea... would anyone support a Mech based R.P, not like zoids or evangelion. more along the lines of gundam wing/ gasaraki or Mechassult if anyone has played that game. I want to know because if people will support one ill post one in the Adventure Inn. Open to plot ideas and anything else ideas. It would be based in the future say year 3000/4000 sometime. The characters would be special forces like mech special forces, Ideas and help appreciated !
  16. found you some ice roses for future use and made an avi ... ill upload another one later when i can turn the colour blue to match your banner or someone else can,, ok so i was bored and did it now... EDIT: [IMG]http://img493.imageshack.us/img493/9206/icerose7jj4tt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://web.umr.edu/~dhakalg/Flower.jpg[/IMG]
  17. Finally read them all....and now i have abb's from laughing so damn much. Brilliant is all i can say, damn funny! i havent had such a good laugh in ages. keep it up! :animesmil
  18. my year of birth 1987, therfore i, taking the name of Vampire_Fox here, was established in 1987. prittty simple really ...
  19. Ok first off i live in Australia and one we are not allowed to carry guns at all. the only people who are is the police force, game hunters and specialied proffessions. for an example people that live in the out back or 'desert' on ranches who need guns to shoot thier horses (if they are injured) or wild dogs that come after their sheep. Now heres my point. We dont have guns. BUT in your instance people will still find ways to get thier hands on them. you take away peoples right to carry consealed weapons or take away the right to bare arms all together then people are still going to get guns from somewhere. My seccond point is, if someones going to kill someone i dont think that not having a gun is going to stop them from doing as such. In fact one set person without access to guns may stab, strangle, drown, burn, impale, tourture (....well you get the picture) their set victem to death. My point being you take away rights people will still kill regardless, you may lesten the rate or what have you. but people will still die. forgive my wording but if you get rid of guns then people are going to find more 'creative' ways to kill people. perhaps the law is out dated in the sence when it was made but, [QUOTE]b) why people think they need to carry a gun.[/QUOTE] BUT if you've got all thse people going around wanting to carry guns for thier own well being, someones gotta take a step back and think hang on ... what kind of a place have we become where eveyone has to go around carrying guns because there scared for thier own safety and protection...
  20. [COLOR=Teal]Name: Akilina Nadezhda- Aki to her friends (Pronounced Akill-e-nna Nade-z-hhda) BattleTag: Raven Age: 18 Subtype: Were-raven, (Full blood) Strengths: extended Speed, eye-sight, hearing, slight-regenerative capabilities and adept flight capabilities. Earth/ground based attacks have no affect. Weaknesses: Prone to plucking things from the ground while in flight, prone to take blue shiny objects without owners? permission. Can become extremely aggressive and or violent when malting/re-growing feathers. Highly allergic to silver, coma-like state may result if contact with substance is made. Powers: Super-sonic ability. Can create super-sonic blast waves with bird cry, and by beating wings. Has slight ability to detect changes in wind currents, this may develop further. Adept in aerial combat. Focuses on wind-based magic. Personality: Cool, calm and collected. Never looses temper (unless repeatedly provoked into doing so). Has a tendency to go off on her own without warning. Slight superiority complex. Can sometimes talk down to people without realizing. Doesn?t trust easily, this may result in her distancing her self from some people. Believes that people shouldn?t be discarded just because they may be considered ?weak?. Description: Aki in [URL=http://www.purplemoon.com/Stickers/fairy-raven.jpg ]'sustained form'[/URL] (Red dress is for formal occasions, replace with red shirt and pants in the same fashion as showed for usual attire). She has long wavy-brown hair (completely un-heard of among her kind - Black dead straight hair is always breed) with sharp blue eyes. Her form of human appearance with Black raven wings is due to the fact that she is a completely pure blood were-raven. There fore can never be in a state of ?Complete Homid form? her genetics will not allow it. Aki in [URL=http://www.benrey.com/birds/raven.gif] Full Raven form [/URL] . In full ware-form she reaches a height of 5ft9 with a wing span of approx 8 meters with bright piercing blue eyes. History: Re-enrollment: Daughter of Were-Raven royalty. 7th generation, princess (Does not use title, in-fact doesn?t even tell people that she is one). Mother: Natalia Nadezhda Father: Borez Nadezhda VII. No siblings. Russian born and breed. Comes from the Were-raven clan of the north Russian province. Since birth has been taught to use the age old wind-magic passed down to each generation. Taught by Raven Knights in the art of aerial combat. One of the most elusive types of were-bird. Denounces the fact that she is royalty and won?t even acknowledge the fact. Enrolled in the academy by her parents as per family tradition, to further her education. Long history of ?random and unexplained absences?[/COLOR] Let me know if i need to change anything, Thankx
  21. Iaa dragged Adol along with her through the forest. [COLOR=Teal]?This is my dominion I will not lose easily here, every creature is on my side. I have known these forests for a long time??[/COLOR] Running as fast as she could dragging the rave master with her Iaa and Adol came to a clearing in the middle of the forest, a huge tree sat in the middle, at the sight of the tree Iaa smiled. [COLOR=Teal]?Ducanthnia! It?s been a while?I am sorry for my absence?[/COLOR] Adol looked at Iaa like she was crazy.[I] Why was she talking to a tree?![/I] [COLOR=Teal]?I would appreciate any help you could offer my old friend?.that way you say? Thank you! I will be back to visit you some day?[/COLOR] She bowed and dragged Adol towards Edge Kingdom. [COLOR=Teal]?Come on! For a Rave master you?re not very fast?[/COLOR]. In the forest back they way they came, there came a horrible [COLOR=Teal]?CRACK?[/COLOR] and a hideous scream that only Iaa heard. Birds flew from the trees and animals fled. The Demon Card was chopping down the forest! [COLOR=Teal]?How dare they! Do they not know what they are doing!? They will pay for this!?[/COLOR] Iaa went to walk back the other way but Adol stopped her. [COLOR=Teal]?Don?t, your no match for them yet come on?[/COLOR] Iaa was furious. [COLOR=Teal]?Fine but I will leave them a present to play with, run ahead?[/COLOR] Running back the way she came, Iaa twirled her staff in an almost hypnotic dance like way before ramming the end into the ground. Thick Thorn covered vines shot up from the ground underneath Iaa?s staff, they twisted in mid air intertwining with each other. At first the shape they were taking was un-defined. The Vines twisted and twirled together looking like snakes in a strange dance. And before the Rave master?s eyes the vines took on the shape of a massive Panther. It snarled with glowing green eyes, two massive thorn's for ears, Large and smaller thorns for its sharp teeth and at the end of the massive creatures tail was a twisted pile of vines with spikes taking on the form of a mace. The Rave master stopped in awe at the creature as Iaa patted it and it then stood in the path almost blocking it completely. [COLOR=Teal]?Come on Iaa we have to go!? [/COLOR]Adol shouted back at her, he still couldn?t take his eyes off the vine beast, every second the Demon Card got closer. [COLOR=Teal]?One more present!? [/COLOR]This time Iaa closed her eyes and thrust her staff deep into the ground. The snakes eye?s intertwining her staff glowed and their wings out spread with a metallic groan. There came a deep drumming from the ground, and an enormous rumble. The ground under her staff broke in two and from the depths there came a massive rock beast. (OOC picture [URL=http://www.roberthood.net/daikaiju-antho/contributors/images/galaxyquest.jpg]Here[/URL] ignore the man) Adol looked up in wonder at the creature Iaa just brought up from the ground. [COLOR=Teal]?I didn?t know earth mages could do that??[/COLOR]Iaa ran back, grabbed Adol and started running through the forest, Adol was looking back at the two creatues as he ran, they slowly faded into the distance. At the instant he could no longer see them the Demon Card came out from the forest leaving a trail of destruction, but now faced with two creatures to contend with. [COLOR=Teal]?Where did you lean that?!?[/COLOR] Adol questioned Iaa as they ran. [COLOR=Teal]?I can do that and more, young Rave Master, now shut up and run??[/COLOR]
  22. :) sure thing here ya go [url]http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/6963/intothegreen12fv.jpg[/url] EDIT:[IMG]http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/4095/witch9xn.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/4095/witch9xn.jpg[/url] [IMG]http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/6269/knight6wt.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/6269/knight6wt.jpg[/url] EDIT: Ok...... so i got bored and decided to make a few more....the one of the girl isnt really bloody i dont think anyways, if it is to gory let me know. birds are flying out of her stomach tho...thats pritty serious.The one of the Knight is Dark and serious also. if you would like me to put your user name on them or modify them in any way feel free to ask here. You didnt really specify if u wanted anything on them so i just did plane images. Hope you like. V_Fox
  23. Ok so its kind of nature relatied... hope you like it! its one of my fave pictures... [IMG]http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/6963/intothegreen12fv.jpg[/IMG]
  24. After much flying Grace an Emillio finally caught way of the end of the tunnel. Reaching it they came out the other side to see Achilles standing over to one side waiting for them. [COLOR=Teal] ?Took you long enough?[/COLOR] Grace just looked at him and didn?t say anything, soon after Chrys followed by Amer and Sarin came out of the tunnel. [COLOR=Teal]?That was a little weird? [/COLOR]Chrys noted looking around at the others. Grace looked around the place seemed familiar but she didn?t think she had been here before. [COLOR=Teal]?We?re at the back of the castle?[/COLOR] Achilles said, his new form looking up the back wall of the castle. Everyone could hear laughter, cheers and whooping, like the masses were cheering someone on. [COLOR=Teal]?We must find Gale and fast he could be in real danger? [/COLOR]Chrys looked around at everyone for approval and they nodded. [COLOR=Teal]?We also need a plan?[/COLOR] Amer noted to the rest. They all came together to formulate a one. Grace stepped back leaving the rest to figure out what they were doing. Something had come across her mind while traveling in the strange tunnel, something that had been bothering her for a while. Ever since she was brought together with these Daemons and there plight to save Gales kingdom, she had been bothered by the fact that the Elfish army had arrived so quickly at Gale?s castle. She had estimated their arrival at around a week but they had succeeded in getting there in less than 40 minutes. Then it hit her, Grace shouted out loud with her apparent realization making everyone turn to face her.[COLOR=Teal] ?That?s it! Ohh damn it! Why didn?t I see it before?!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]?See what before?? [/COLOR]Emillio questioned. But Grace ignored his comment still mentally beating her self up for the fact she of all people didn?t realize what was going on. Sarin grew angry at her lack of communication. [COLOR=Teal]?Spit it out Girl!? [/COLOR]he hissed at her. She looked up as if it was all obvious. [COLOR=Teal]?I know why the elves got here so quickly! And it wasn?t because they had some kind of transport magic. They had help?? ?Who!?? [/COLOR]Achilles joined in this time. [COLOR=Teal]?It look me 15 minutes to get here, it took them an extra?..right so. That?s it!? [/COLOR]Grace looked up from her very random train of thought to see some very confused faces. [COLOR=Teal]?Care to explain?? [/COLOR]Chrys nodded towards Grace. [COLOR=Teal]?They got here so quickly because MY people where helping them!...? [/COLOR]
  25. thats a cool idea. if myrill wanted some romance then perhaps thoes two characters could fall in love ? and thats why Dana goes looking when they disapper?
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