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Everything posted by Disenchanted

  1. [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/927/dragon39ma.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/6636/dragon47rw.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG]http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/6280/dragon50zn.jpg[/IMG][/URL] This is my 3rd try at something like this just a beginer. So the quality aint to good, you'll have to forgive me in that respect, I did two banners just incase :) you want anything changed fell free to PM me or ask here. Hope you like :)
  2. Ok well everyones in :) this will be starting up soon Hopefully so get ready, id love some more people to join and sign ups will stay open Thanks everyone
  3. Naoko ran down the hall ways of the base. She kept checking her watch. "Damn it im late! they will have probably started without me..." Naoko enterd the viewing area and stood next to miranda just as she got there Yuuko enterd and left carring the boy. "what happend Miranda, what'd i miss??" They both shook hands "Yuuko and Sho had a little training...by the way. Where have you been?!" Naoko looked away "Business" Miranda smiled questonly at her, the two had been good friends for quite awhile. "Right... is this the busines that your not at liberty to tell me ?" Naoko smiled "Right thats the one" Miranda went to walk out of the room "oh and before i go, i want you there when sho wakes up" Naoko looked at her funny "what why ?" "get to know him better you will be spending alot of combat time with him and youll need to work as a team" "Miranda, theres no Team in SNIPER, hes just a kid" Miranda looked at her "last time i checked so were you" "Ha Ha very funny" Miranda left the room, Naoko looked over at the stats on the computer screens "well well, looks like Sho put up quite a fight aganst Yuuko, impressive.." Naoko left the room and headed for the infirmary. OCC, sorry i havent posted sooner, if this doesnt fit in or u want it changed PM me.
  4. Lex sat down with her lunch and observed the other pilots looking for teams and the teams that were already established. It was what she always did, by her self, she found out a lot about what was going on in other teams by sitting there all the time. She had sat in the same spot for so long she was sure that everyone considered her furniture. Lex looked over at one of the other teams fighting again about the recent battle they just fought, who was better, the usual. She laughed inwardly to her self. [I]?Idiots?[/I] she thought. She looked out the window at her Zoid and remembered the day it found her when ? "Howdy...name's Leon" The girl looked up from her lunch deep in thought. ?What?? ?The names Leon, Yours?? Leon had a small friendly smile on his face ?Lex... what do you want?? She looked at him with no emotion. It was pretty hard to get emotion out of Lex in the first place. ?We?re, well me and another are starting a team. I?ve seen your stats. Want in, your looking for a team yeah?? She looked the Zoid pilot up and down taking in his features, she had seen many people get done over by shady charcters saying the same thing as this guy was. Only to get beat up and their zoid stolen but something told her to trust him. ?Yeah I?ve been looking for a while?ok I?m in? when and where?...? OOC: sorry its so short silverwolf, will get longer when story gets going
  5. Grace flew up into the air after Emillio spotted the creature. She extended her hand in front of her and a sudden burst of wind came from all directions, in hr out stretched hand appeared a double bladed sword. She flew at the creature swinging left and right hacking away at it and flinging supersonic waves, Emillio joined her in support cutting away at the beast with his watery blade. The creature swung back at her, taking her off guard and hitting her across the chest. Undeterred she looked at the creature through the hair that had fallen into her eyes. She raised her sword above her head and called. ?Wind strike!? an up gust of wind surrounded the daemon bringing sand and rocks with it, the wind fell and everything became dead calm. In front of gray sand started to kick up and swirl. A tornado the size of the beast whipped up from the sand hurling rocks and debris. Grace flung the tornado towards the beast. It flailed inside the tornado fighting the wind and all that it had brought with it. Grace called the tornado off as the creature was held down by Achilles dreadnaught. She looked up at him as he yelled for someone to finish it. Amer Crushed the daemons skull and Grace flew down beside Emillio. "We didn't find it, It found us" she smirked. "I have crossed deserts like this tens of times, monsters such as that are not uncommon, I could have finished it on my own." She shot a glance at Achilles and Amer. Emillio stepped in. "Enough, we must find Chrys and Gale" Grace left the 3 to talk amongst them selves as she flew up into the air to get a better look. She shouted to them interrupting their convocation. "You will not have to look long; I can see them on the horizon. We wait?" she flew down a few meters away from the rest and sat on top of a bolder and waited for Chrys and Gale to arrive, a little bruised and scratched.
  6. The forest dissolved around them as Graced and Emillio were sucked through the void. Grace woke to the feel of a hot slight breeze on her face. She spat out sand. ?Great a desert?of all the damn places?? she brushed more sand from her cloths and hair and took a good look around. A mountain range was a few hundreded meters away the sand slolwy faded into rock the closer the base of the mountan became. "If anyone was brought here too that?s where they?d most likely head". She spotted a human figure in the sand a few meters away from her. As Grace moved closer she realized it was Emillio. ?Thank heavens?at least I?m not alone.? [I]?Being alone shouldn?t bother me? [/I]she thought. [I]?Why does it?? [/I] She spoke out loud to herself ?Get moving you idiot?? as she did Emillio woke to her sentence. ?So I?m an idiot now?? Grace jumped back at the daemons words ?What? No. I was?? he laughed a smile shot across his face. ?Relax?so um where are we besides being in a desert?? Emillio looked around. ?I was hoping you could tell me? she looked up at the sky into the burning sun ?Recognize anything?? ?Those mountains look familiar, let?s head there It?s not that far.? ?Fine by me? Grace let Emillio take the lead, she watched as he took off towards the mountains. [I]?What?s this I?m felling??[/I] she thought. ?You coming or what?? Emillio shouted back to her. Graces floated down next to him. "Convostaion to be continuted?" Grace shot a look up at him "agreed" The two walked off together towards the near by mountains.
  7. Oh my God thank you so much Simplicity i Love it !!!!!! its just what i wanted! your the best THANK YOU !!!!! :animesmil
  8. hello! : ) Could someone possibly make me a Advent Children/final fantsay 7 Banner and Avitar with aeris.? If you have the time or would prefer this one. I'd also like a Vampire Hunter D one with D um yeah. your choice of either one. Id really love one please! ive never had one before... Thank you so much !! :animesmil
  9. Name: Adriene Villefort (known to vampires as the Angel of death) Age: 33 Race: Human Class: Hunter Weapons: A silver long sword and wooden stakes tipped with silver Character Description: long black curly hair with piercing blue eyes. Fairly pale skin. When in combat she wears a lightweight ensemble of a hooded black cloak with black pants a short sleeve black top with a belt for stealth and speed. She doesn?t come out much during the day because her night is spent hunting the vampires but when she does she wears a dress to fit in with society and remain un-noticed. Background: She comes from an ancient line of vampire hunters the craft is handed down from generation to generation no matter what the gender of the child. What she does by night is no ones business but her own. She lives in a mansion at an unknown location to the vampires. During the day she mills about the house occasionally popping into town for odd ends no one takes a second glance at her. But come the night she goes out and hunts vampires, a deadly contract killer for the highest bidder. If the price is right there need be no reason. Adriene hates all vampires, she was taught to study them ever since she could read. Her father and mother died at the hands of vampires and her brother was turned at an early age. She trains and studies hard everyday in her secluded mansion by the waters edge with her sword, throwing wooden stakes and using them as weapons. She is deadly in her craft and has slain many a vampire and many more to come.
  10. Name: Alex Hurst Age: 40 Race: Vampire Gender: Female Weapons: A long samurai sword and a secondary short samurai sword. An array of combat guns (depending on the situation). Special powers: After being bitten by another vampire Alex mutated into a 'beast'. Cursed with the noblest blood of all vampires, Dracula and endowed with his mythical vampires powers she mutated into a winged bat-humanoid creature when others would have died. She has amazing speed and agility she can see in the dark and best almost anyone in hand to hand combat. After mutating she lost the ability to ?feel?. She can?t feel happiness or joy or any positive emotions. She constantly lusts for blood. Description: She has a pair of massive black bat wings that extend from her shoulder blades. She has Long black hair (that used to be brown) and gray eyes (that used to be green). Tall and slender with very white pale skin. She wears a black trench coat with many straps and buckles. Underneath a gray tank top with black leather pants and combat boots. Bio/character snippet: Bio (as above in story) After she mutated (which was excruciatingly painful) she escaped to the ?human city? after being found out and exiled after a very heated gun battle. She was frowned upon in the ?upper circles? when she did something wrong; now she betrayed the ?code? and the nobles want her to pay the price of death. A prophesy for tells that ?...at the coming of the new age the creature born of blood and misery will bring a new order forth with a sacrifice...?. Alex spent many hours milling over these books in her fathers ancient library. The one line stuck in her head above all. Just what did it mean?? Alex now lives in an abandoned apartment complex among the humans? After a few more join we will start. PM me with plot ideas or anything else. thanks ! : )
  11. Name: Naoko O'Neill Age: 21 Sex: Female Appearance: brown eyes with long black hair usually tired up in a green ribbon (not in a bow). Usually wears a military uniform. But in outer circles wears jeans and a tee shirt with a jacket and army boots Personality: Kind and protective. She?s a care free easy going person, kind and talkative. Makes friends easily and would do anything for them one she gets to know them better. She can snap and get extremely angry when someone torments her but that?s rarely. Bio: She is half Japanese and half American. At an age of 15 she was pulled out of boarding school because of her near genius grades and entered into a military academy by the government. Her parents died when she was 10 and she was looked after by her only other living relative. Her uncle ever since. She spent the pervious 6 and a half years of her life on missions and training hard in hand to hand combat, Demolitions and tactical support but majored in Sniping and came top of her class. From then she was recruited into piloting the giant robots that defend the city from the daemons. She can be ruthless is need be. Weapons: She uses a sniper rifle and pistols when in combat. But if things get close quartered she uses 2 swords, one long and one short. The longer held SEAL-style Abilities: Another reason that she was chosen as a pilot was because she has the ability to 'sense' the weaknesses of daemons. To find their most venerable spot and fire a well placed sniper shot. This also helps out her team mates. Character snippet: This was her 5th mission in a 3 week period. Another assassination, this was becoming almost too easy. As usual the target had been assessed weeks in advanced and a whole log was made of exactly what they did and when they did it. Naoko looked down the list ?. ?5:15 am opens back door to let out cat.? This was all too easy. Even the set up for this opp had been easy. Enter the neighboring house via the back alley way. Gain access to the second floor bedroom (which had been a synch because all she had to do was by-pass a security system, the owners were away on holiday). Set up and leave everything untouched. She would have all day to sit there and chose a time of death for her target she had his complete daily routine in front of her. She didn?t know why this man had to die, what he did to anger the wrong people but the ?whys? were not her problem. Her problem was to get the job done the most quickly and effective way. The time was now 5:14. He should be appearing any minute surly enough 30 seconds later the back door stirred and her target appeared. She looked down the sight of her set up sniper rifle his chest filled the sight supperimposed was a set of red croshairs. She looked around for any possible 'unknowns' there were none. Naoko sighed the cat. She moved the crosshairs slowly up aiming at the point right above his left eye. Taking three deep breaths she readied her self and held her breath at the end of the third. She counted in her mind 3?2?1?mark. She pulled the trigger. The man immediately snapped backwards gray mater splattered everywhere. The man fell un-moving and dead. Naoko left the house exactly as she found it. She exited the way she came through the alley and into the street. She instantly changed her appearance. Donning a wig and quick change of cloths. She checked her watch 5:20 just in time for the 5:30 train? Robot Name: Archer Appearance: Tall with very little amour. This robot was built to maintain agility and not for "heavy hitting attacks". It has advanced long range capabilities preferring not to be in the think of battle but at a distance placing well aimed shots. The robot is adept at hand to hand combat but it?s not preferred. A satellite up link is up kept to the robot at all times giving the pilot the best possible way to calculate shots and assess the battle field. It is Jade Green (main color) and black (secondary color) with a humanoid appearance (but NOT like an Eva). It has four horns that stick out of the back of the robots head (antenna for radio signals). And a green visor that is always in place over its ?eyes?. It has two jump jets at the back for quick relocation when in battle. Weapon: High powered supersonic sniper rifle (can take different kinds of ammo). Assault rifle and two pistols as back up Mode: haven?s Rampage: When the pilot reaches her anger limit the robot creates a ?magnetic vacuum? into which metal is pulled. Sharp and deformed spikes of jagged metal are created and rain down on the targeted enemy causing chaos an alternate version of this mode is when the metal pulled into the vacuum is created into one long massive deformed spike that is hurled at the enemy instead of many small ones.
  12. ?Hey?Hey Chrys, wake up dam it!? She poked the fire daemon and splashed water on her face from the rain that had appeared. ?Sorry about the water but listen?? Chrys darted up. ?Gale we have to go after him?? Grace looked at her funny. ?Are you two ?on together? or something?? Chrys gave her a look that could have killed. Grace held her hands up in defense ?Look whatever? I don?t care i was just tryng to lighten the mood, but this king of yours has issues he needs to deal with alone even in the state that he?s in.? ?How do you know?? she smirked at Grace ?Voices carry on the wind? Stop arguing with me we should find Emillio, Amer and Sarin. Last I checked they were fighting Elves and I want in on the action.? Chrys looked at the forest. ?You people have a very bad habit of knocking each other out for no reason? Gale will be fine. Come I think Emillio and the shape shifters will be in need of our assistance. We need to stay as a group and I wish to speak with Emillio at length? This time Chrys looked at Grace. She smiled and took flight seeing white flashes in the distance of the forest. ?Get moving Fire girl!? Grace shouted. Chrys look flight and they both headed towards the action.
  13. Graced pushed Emilio aside "move! damn it get out of my way!" "What are you doing!?" Emilio moved to her blocking her way. "I'am helping him! you may by suspicious of my kind but for god sakes move! if you do not move he will die ! GET OUT OF THE WAY" she pushed Emilio aside. Moving quickly she tended to Gale's wounds as she spoke to Emilio. "look ok, my speciality may be on the battle field but when your alone as long as i have been looking after your self becomes priority..." She paused in mid sentience removing the spears from Gales body all the while getting his blood all over herself, using her magic she returned her battle cloths and took some green powder from a pocket around her waste "water!" Emilio looked at her blankly "Idiot give me some of your water now!" Emilio complied reluctantly and gave some of his water to her. "thank you" Moving quickly she poured the strange mixture into the air but it did not reach the ground it floated Grace whispered some words under her breath and the water in the air turned into mist. Fine threads of mist moved around Gales body and were drawn into his wounds. they were then filled with a green plant like substance. Grace gave a sigh of relief as she covered Gale with a clean pare of sheets. ?leave him he will be fine? she sat in a far corner of the room leaving Emilio bewildered.
  14. Grace registered the seriousness of Achilles message all to well, he reminded her of her father. He once spoke a similar threat with her. he watched as he retunred to his seat. Anger welled inside her she was quick to bottle it back down. She had no quarrel with these people and the fact that hey had a sour encounter with one of her kind gave Grace a reason to distance herself even further. At least now in this new world she would not be hunted as she was in the last. There were more battles to come and if she didn?t want to be met with the hostility that Achilles kindly greeted her with she would have to prove her self and fast. The prospect was depressing to say the least. She was used to being an outsider but an outsider amongst a strong grope of friends that have fought together was a new situation she really didn?t want to find her self in. She inwardly tried to fight her feelings but that just served as a path to the all too familiar feeling of depression. If the water daemon was the one to have the strongest encounter with the wind one they talked about then perhaps it would be best to steer clear of him altogether. Him and Achilles. A voice came over the cabin of the ship. [B]?We are docking now prepare for landing? [/B]
  15. Grace watched the one they called Chrys put her hand to gales shoulder and speak to him. she only wished she was so lucky in friends, but her past had handled such matters. the new city was amazing to her. Although she felt uneasy crowds were not exactly her strong suite. She wanted to land to get a fell of the air in her new surroundings. She stood and gained the attention of those gatherd in the ship. "ahh well due to the lull in battle and the apparent fact that we will be stuck with each other for a ..While, I find the need to introduce my self properly. *she bowed* my name is Grace, wind daemon of the south planes?. She straightened her self and looked amongst the others. A no doubt strange group of friends to one another they were but at least they had familiarity with one another. She sat back down and looked out the window of the ship and deeply sighed to herself.
  16. Grace append at Emilio?s side. "You don't know me and i don't know you ...watery one. but I offer you my assistance none the less. Perhaps my winds would be of use to you?" she stared Emilio in the eyes. "You don?t trust me? With good reason I suppose. I was here to tell your king of what i saw on the kingdoms out skirts but it would seam that I underestimated the elf?s speed on foot, unless they used magic". He seamed a little on edge. "You seam uneasy around me why is that?" her eyes met with his. She cleared the smoke and drew the oxygen away from the houses that were on fire suffocating the flames a gentile breeze blew as the air returned. She raised an eyebrow towards him questioningly.
  17. Grace wisped around the edge of the kingdom, there was rumor about that the elves had returned and were headed for the King Gale?s kingdom. This was something she would have to look upon with her own eyes. Moving swiftly she came to what she was looking for and wished she had not found it. Elves thousands of them armed to the very teeth. They were marching in perfect formation. At their rate of movement she estimated their arrival at around a week. One week and surly there would be nothing left of the famous King Gale. With her power over wind she could reach the main castle inside of 15 minutes. She knew well of the king and his famous few that saved the land 3 years ago, there were little who weren?t well versed in the story. She, however held own motives for informing the king of this ?small? development. Grace took note of the Elfish weaponry and numbers. With this information she summoned a gust of wind and road it, unnoticed at a high altitude into the center of town and dropped down onto a roof top. Underground word has it that there was a ball being held this very day at the king?s castle, whispers carry easily on the wind. She took a deep breath and assessed her surroundings by the feel of the breeze. This town had changed a considerable amount since she last breathed its air. It was cleaner, happier the people were at peace. [COLOR=Teal]?Not for much longer? [/COLOR] she quietly spoke to herself. Grace looked down at her attire, [COLOR=Teal]?It is a ball I am an uninvited guest but the King shall have to deal with that?[/COLOR]. With a gust of wind she used her magic to dress her self in ?appropriate? attire, a dress consisting of a simple corset design aqua in color. Grace used the roof tops as cover to reach Gale?s ball she waited patiently for all of Gale?s comrades to enter before she did it was imperative that they all be present. As expected the water daemon and the shape shifter entered after the human and the fiery one. [COLOR=Teal]?Good now I shall make my entrance.? [/COLOR] Grace entered the ball by way of tricking the guards with her magic. She entered the hall and, recognizing the king immediately, walked up to him and bowed slightly. Grace spoke firmly and formally. [COLOR=Teal]?Dearest King Gale. If I may size your attention I wish to speak to you privately, however your kings-men may follow. They would most likely wish to hear of the information I bring you as much as you do. I wish to inform you of a development regarding your summit earlier with the lords of the other lands?[/COLOR] she raised an eye brown. Bowing slightly she readied herself if any of his loyal friends decided she was an assassin and tried to attack. She lowered her voice so only the king and his followers could hear among the commotion of the party, grace spoke in the most serious of tones. [COLOR=Teal]?I bring news of the silver haired ones who, but till recently, lurked in shadow, not seen for 3000 years?. [/COLOR] She hoped the king would get the point. [COLOR=Teal]?One of you, I believe, has already had an encounter?[/COLOR] Grace nodded towards Achilles. [COLOR=Teal]?After I have spoken my peace I suggest you all get back to the party for it will not be long till the happiness is broken?[/COLOR]. She fell silent and waited for the King and his friends responses.
  18. Name: Grace Age: 33 Race: daemon (of the sky) Abilities/Magic/Weapons: weapon: double bladed sword, made of silver with strange markings that glow also an array of throwing knives augmented with wind. Magic: able to call upon the wind to attack enemies, special attacks, cry of the angels: a variable hurricane surrounds the area damaging enemies. Wind strike: a tornado is summoned and thrust upon the enemy (its size can be changed). Pandemonium: a torrent of supersonic wind waves is blasted through the enemy shredding them. She can change the temperature of the wind of she wishes and uses it to fly and float. Personality: Most of the time can cooperate with out too much trouble. She considers herself an outsider even in general matters. She was exiled from her place of birth because she killed her sister in anger, she was sentenced to death but her farther pleaded and got her an exile. She can be cold towards others. Appearance:[url]http://www.gamebgs.com/files/images/tekken5_020_1024.preview.jpeg[/url] Bio: She used to belong to a race of Sky daemons but was exiled. After which she roamed the countryside killing and stealing whenever she needed to. Worked as a mercenary for an amount of time, as a new ruler came of the kingdom of her people hunters were sent out to kill her for her crime under new law. She has been on the run ever since and is always plagued by the thought that she could kill another in her anger as she did her own sister.
  19. [SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]The year is 2600 a new era has dawned vampires rule the day and night. The vampires populate once human cities while the people sit in wastelands and starve, the price paid for a battle long lost. Creatures stalk the outskirts of the waste lands monsters warewolves lurk in the radioactive dust. This is the new day. 150 years ago vampires? surfaced mankind tolerated their existence?? for a time. Racial wars broke out intolerance wove its way into the hearts and minds of the younger generation. A war was brewing. A gang of humans in one of the worlds best known cities then racially attacked a vampire family on the streets its consequence? riots, mass killings, genocide?..war. For 50 years war raged between vampire and human. In the beginning the vampires were disadvantaged in the day being highly allergic to Ultra Violet light. The humans made good on this advantage they manufactured Uv Bombs wiped out countless soldiers. The vampires found human weakness, cyanide. The vampires proceeded to make CY (cyanide) aerosol bombs, vengeance was made. Scientists developed a cure to the vampire?s reaction to UV light the tide was turning. The fight still raged, the humans? desperate started using guerrilla tactics these became ineffective. In the end the vampires were too technologically advanced to have lost the 50 year long battle. The vampires became the new rulers of the free world. It came at a price however. The land was left scorched. Dead. 90% was now infertile. A new way of manufacturing crops had to be developed. Mankind was exiled to live outside their once proud cities eating off scraps making a living off their own garbage. Fending off raids from the warewolves who were only doing what they needed to survive. Walls were built. A 50 meter high wall was built around each city with gates to let passing vampires through. The people hadn?t given up people began whispers but no one ever spoke up. This is one such cities story?.. Alexandria Hurst was about to be inducted a General. At age 40 this was incredibly rare for a vampire as most generals were at least 70 or older but even more so because she was female. Vampires these days lived to about 200. Alex had earned her rank during war it was her battalion that ended the war 21 years ago, she was 19. Her life nearly ended that day she recalled the events well. Her battalion of 200 strong was being cut down by UV grenades, great thing for her; she was in command of the only battalion full of men that hadn?t been given the UV inoculation. The medics had their hands full with sick, wounded and dying men. Worst of all they were in a desert with only a small village near by. That was their destination. The orders read? ??.You are to attack the west Igara Village and then proceeded to take out all remaining insurgents in the Igara Mountain district. Failure will not be tolerated?? Those orders would almost be her last. Her problem was the Insurgents were holding her men down with UV grenades and she couldn?t advance. It was nearing sun up in which case they all would be stuffed. She did the only thing she could do?.. It was her last resort and the effects of this decision would be felt in the years to come. She called in an A-CY bomb strike. This bomb would release a cloud of cyanide gas over the enemy killing them instantly. Her men had filtering implants fortunately for them. ??.Failure will not be tolerated?? The strike was successful they made it to the city by day break. They were to encounter a new problem. The insurgents had received a supply drop of UV rounds. Things just kept getting better and better. Alex?s force was down to 50 percent 100 of her men were wounded and dying. She had to take a risk send a force of 12 of her men out in daylight to dispose of the ammunition or face defeat. She didn?t like the proposition of watching her men be tortured to death if they weren?t dead already. Certain death or certain death?, It would have to be certain death. She took a force of 12 men out into the city keeping to the shadows. They could feel the sun burning through their amour. The mission was ?successful? she had lost 7 men however. They were making there way back when it happened. Split forces of two human scouts had tracked them from the ammunition site and were getting ready to make their move, Alex and a sergeant by the name of Welch had a wounded man between them. Welch didn?t like her for the simple fact that she was younger than he was and she out ranked him and everyone else on the battle field. They lugged the wounded corporal between them and set down for a breather. This was the scouts? chance. They peppered the small alleyway that Alex and her team were hiding in3 more of her men went down in a blur. Alex herself took 3 UV rounds they burned inside with a searing pain that she had never felt before in her life, shear agony. ?They must have already distributed some of the ammo?..but that means ?.? she looked up as the UV grenade came bouncing down the alley way she did the only thing she could think of doing she threw herself over the corporal she had been helping and sergeant Welch shielding them from the grenade. ?..2?1.flash! Bang! The events next were a burning excruciating blur??and now I present to you General Alexandria Hurst the array of delegates and high ranking officers and officials clapped. Alex was awoken from her day dream she extended her fangs as a sign of acceptance and of her bloodlines honor bowed and returned to her seat. There was a lot to think about, her fiancé, and this new promotion, her past. The ceremony dragged on for ages until it finally finished in the usual fanfare. She decided to take the back way home she avoided anyone she didn?t want to talk to that way. She moved along the back alleys and heard a rustling in garbage cans she turned but only a cat leaped out. She breathed a sigh of relief then BANG out of no where two hands griped her with amazing, amazing strength and held her down she couldn?t move. Pinned she tried to struggle but it was no use a scream would do no good no one was around. She heard an animal like hiss and then pain as two sharp fangs punctured her neck. She felt the warmth of her blood as it trickled down the back of her neck. The creature feed off the blood pouring out from the main artery in the neck. And with the swiftness that it arrived it let her go xxx caught a glimpse of the creature as it skulked away. It wasn?t a creature at all it was a ...human figure?.it was another vampire. Alex?s heart beat loudly inside her head she was just bitten by another vampire impossible. It just didn?t seam real she wished she was dreaming but she wasn?t. The laws were clear any vampire who bites another and drinks there blood will die from a disease transmitted between vampire blood and die within 5 minutes. This couldn?t be happening to her she was of Nobel blood, the most noble of blood Dracula?s blood line, she would be exiled as a traitor? 5 minutes past she wasn?t dead in fact far from it she began mutating into something different? something more? something else? Ok sign-up This is what I would like from you Name: (anything you like, preferably something that goes with who you choose. First and last names please) Age: somewhere between 20 ? 200 Race: human, vampire or warewolf. I would like there to be approx 5 vampires (excluding Alex), 3 warewolves or more, and at least 2 humans. I would like someone to be her fiancé but it?s up to you a main rival for her would be excellent also. For anyone out there who likes wolves a warewolf leader would be great too. Gender: male or female Weapons: (if any) Special powers: (if any, for example speed, can see in the dark u know the general idea) Description: (picture or paragraph I don?t mind I know some people prefer different things) Bio/character snippet: (who you work for, if you do, why, what you wish for, the vampires to rule or the humans? What your character is like ect.) Ok here we go. The story line is up to you the fate of Alex is in your hands, do you want the vampires to rule or the humans to overthrow them. In the end of the story whether she lives or dies is your choice. Ill post my character info after a few of you have. Alex will be my character. I would also love for someone to help me oversee this if one of you would be so kind to volunteer. Fell free to PM me if you have any questions, suggestions or help you could offer. *takes a deep breath and jumps off the deep end* So apprehensive? :) Enjoy ! :)[/FONT][/SIZE]
  20. Name: Dakota Smith Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: wavy Red hair blue eyes, wears long black pants belt and tee shirts with sneakers and sometimes a jacket. Reason for being committed: she was caught many times graffitiing schools setting fire to them and setting fire to other things. Years to be served: 6.5yrs Bio: Dakota grew up on a farm with only her and her father her mother died of cancer. She loved it when they had their annual bonfire. Her father unknown to her got mixed up with some "nasty" men. He owed them money and he couldn't pay it back so they beat her father took him away in the boot of a car and she never saw him again. The men dropped her off at the side of the road and she roamed the city homeless setting fires to things to keep warm and for entertainment.
  21. [SIZE=2]Name: Vanya Kotov Alias (es): 'the anomaly' Type of hero: Manufactured mutant Alignment: Good Organization: she was created by a secret branch of the Russian government for the purpose of hunting mutants but escaped and is looking for branches of the military to wreak havoc on Powers: She has the ability to turn any liquid that has a ph into an acid or base (in other words she can melt people by turning their blood to acid for instance). She has strength (but not super human) and speed. She is possessive of two black bat like wings (like archangel but different) so she can fly. She has superhuman eye sight as to see when in flight and target her enemies. Character sample: It has been 5 months since she escaped from ?home?. Memories of what she had done that snowy night in the Siberian wastelands still plagued her dreams. She trudged through the brown cold wet mush by the side of the road, the occasional car passing her by. Her goal was to get to Omsk by night fall, she couldn?t fly that would attract much unwanted attention. Omsk was quite far away from where she had come mostly because she had been flying by night at high altitudes. It wasn?t long now the sign told her she was 12 miles away? *later that night* finally reaching civilization she stepped into a bar to get drink, this was to be a big mistake. Later that night after all the men had gotten quite drunk and Vanya was about to leave to her room one of the drunks slipped and pushed her over as drunks tend to do he exclaimed that it was her fault. No les than 12 of the drunks friends began to encircle Vanya. ?Great? she thought. She was hurled out side by two burly bad smelling men. They then proceeded to bash her all 13 of them. Vanya?s rage was building in side, but what could she do these were normal men she didn?t want to kill them but they would kill her if she didn?t stop them. Something clicked inside her as one of the men?s fists connected with her rib cage breaking 3 ribs. She through the men off her and stood standing there bloodied and bruised her face the picture of anger as it began to rain. The drunks encircled her as they had no idea that they were going to die. Vanya looked up towards the rain and eyed one of the men. The rain drops hit a lamppost and a small ?stzzzz? could be heard the sound got louder men screamed women ran. Dead bodies dropped at her feat she had one though ?what have I done??? Physical Description: Black short straight hair pulled back into a small pony tail her fringe hangs down over her eyes. 6ft tall, blue eyes. She wears a black trench coat with military gear, her look is comparable to that of a typical mercenary besides the fact she has massive black wings. She wields an array of guns and has 2 swords. She doesn?t like to use her mutant power as she believes it to be cruel but will use it if she is in a dire situation although it has limitations and she hates it. Origin: Vanya was the daughter of two Russian soldiers (unidentified in records), these two soldiers were selected to have a child and that child would be modified for an experiment in which the end product would be a self sufficient mutant hunter for a covert branch. Using the DNA of samples of animals and mutants collected the scientist operating the experiment modified the embryo of the baby then implanting it in its mother for the 9 month gestation period. At the end of the 9 months the child was put in a tank and programmed from then on in (brain washed from birth if you will) on how to be a perfect killing machine. At 5 years the project reached maturity, 22 years of age due to advanced aging techniques. The project was then woken up. At point of consciousness Vanya blasted open the tank and killed all in the facility including her parents the project it would seam had inherited some 'anomies'. She searched the facilities records learning all she possibly could before going on the run...[/SIZE]
  22. Name: Akana Age: 22 Type: wolf Side: own motives and save Personality: she is quiet and everthinking about situations. reliable and friendly but tends to keep to her self in Emotional and relationship matters. keeps her true self inside. Bio: she seeks paradise to have a better life than she previously had. She was captured as a pup and made to work as a slave dog and was bashed and ill treated, but trys not to let this get to her. she tends shys away from relations ships because she was abused. She hates all nobels . Human apperance: gray/brown hair. light brown-orange eyes. tall and slender. wears faded jeans with belt, brown bomber jacket and short sleve while t-shirt underneath, brown army boots. Wolf Appearance: [IMG]http://minnesotazoo.com/guests/ZooNews/thumbnails/tano_dec_04.jpg[/IMG]
  23. Character name: Sakhmet Age: adult What: swarthian creature: skyelin Gender: female Appearance: She is tall and slender. she has long black hair half tired up at the back and a long fringe that falls over her eyes. she has green almost crystial like eyes. extremly pale skin so much so she allmost looks dead. she wears a long green, blue and aqua robe that trails 3 meters behind her. carrys a blue staff with a green crystal (that she uses to turn herself into verry odd flying swarthian creatures if needed by madison or others, can also summon wind). she wears elaborate jewlery. she also floats everywhere she goes. Personality: sakhment is cold at times, mostly suisidal. she is prone to depression and can some times get very angry for no particular reason. her voice is normal in pitch sometimes low when she gets serious or suisidal. Bio: a high priestess of the skyelins.she has no family among the skyelins, her perents were murded by a bunch of right wing suisidal swich-kittens wich causes her to hate the swich-kittens very much. she was out in the swarthian wilderness when she came upon madison and decided to go against her people and help get madison home (whenever she meets her). She didnt like her people after they did nothing about the killing of her parents.
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