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Everything posted by Disenchanted

  1. Name: Lex Vallant Age: 20 Gender: Female Personality: cold, loner, wants friends but doesnt know how to go about it. Appearance: brown hair, green eyes, 5'ft9, wears milatary type clothes Bio: was part of the milatary but left and obtained a wild zoid by accident. Zoid sheet: Zoid Name: Obscura Model type: blade liger Color: black Weapons: blades, tail whip, shoulder mounted guns Weakness: weak againts heavy powerd weapons (eg charged beam weapons) weak against aerial combat Other info: Lex found the zoid while wandering after a hard faught battle that she lost and was badly hurt in. special move: The blades act as lightening rods and can strike opponets with lightening, the zoid can draw static electricty to power it's self
  2. Name: Gray Cania Age:23 Gender:Female Position:Knights Imporiun Hight:5'8 Eye: Aqua Hair: light brown Build type:Average Other: wears a brown trench coat with black pants, army boots, and a short sleeve black top, black gloves, dog tags, has a scar running virticaly down acrros her left eye and many others over her body. Main Weapon: P-90 machine gun Secondary Weapon: twin 92fs beretta's Other Weapon: long sword Bio:Was a former member of the Enigma Guard but was exiled and joined the Knights Imporium, is not trusted among them because of this, she is quick witted and much of a loner, strong willed. this thread has been here fora while ..... (this is my first time is that ok ?)
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