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Everything posted by Disenchanted
[SIZE=1]Thanks so much for the wonderful comments; my scanner seems to completely fail at picking up the lighter tones in things. I have shaded either side of his nose but so lightly it seems that you can only notice on the original. Pity, but no matter. And yeah, the original image was extremely high contrast. Anyways well since it is part of my body of work?and not just for the 50 themes. -He-who-must-not-be-named, or [strike]Voldimort[/strike], whatever you prefer. His eyes bother me somewhat and the scan is crappy. >
[SIZE=1]Can I go [B]5th[/B], pleaseee.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Nice work Ezekiel, I do have to say though that I had immense trouble trying to get the pieces to flow together @ ___ @ [I]*scurries off to hide in a cave somewhere*[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Here is mine[/B], [URL=http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/4435/harrypottercopytu5.png][B][COLOR=Green]-Click- [/COLOR][/B] [/URL] *mumbles curse words and something about cheese* -note to self, green and orange do not look nice next to one another x ___ x [/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkRed][size=1][b]EDIT:[/b] Tis quite all right Ezekiel! twas a challenge! Yarg...[/size] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Since we are all for livening up the art studio a bit I thought I might contribute. Portrait I drew in dark pencil from about a 4b to 9b for a project. For those who don?t know it?s Vile Valo from H.I.M. More portraits to follow as I get them done. Its approx A3 in size, the original had a considerable more amount of black either side of his face but the scanner bed wouldnt allow for me to see the whole thing. This has to be submited for marking in a few weeks time along with approx 30 others. Please tell me what you think and also what needs to be improved. Thanks, -Dise[/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/scan000123.jpg[/IMG]
[SIZE=1]Helena ran from the car and quickly danced up the stairs, through the halls of the palace and too her room. She flung the doors shut and smacked the button to her stereo, sending blaringly loud music pulsating through her room. If anyone were to walk past all they would have heard was a faint ?thump? from the heavy drums. Her side was burning with pain; she walked over to her full length mirror and pulled up her tank top to take a look. She had been struck by a stray bullet in her left side, and had already lost a fair amount of blood. It took a lot for her to just reach her room as quickly as she did. Helena stumbled over to her bed and sat on the edge, she couldn?t let Virgil see her like this. She gingerly walked into her bathroom and washed the blood off her hands and skin; she snatched a red towel from the rack near by and shoved it on her side. She flicked her eyes up and looked at herself in the mirror and cringed, her face was deathly white. She looked away abruptly and walked out of the bath room, towel still on her side, to her closet too throw on some new clothes. She chose a black short sleeve top with a decorated symbol of three skulls in a circle on its back and some odd symbols in small print on the front. Helena had a thing for bands and music of the early-ish 2000 years, some of that very music was engulfing her room at that very moment. She threw on a pair of skinny dark blue-ish jeans after throwing her skirt to one side. She could breathe a little easier knowing that Linett was sleeping, perhaps then she wouldn?t feel the need to talk her Virgil. Or whatever it was the crazy lady did, Linett had always frightened Helena, and probably always would. The young vampress didn?t even realize that another person was in the room with her until they turned off her blearing music. The last phrase being screamed out by the lead [I]??this is who I really am!...?[/I] still lingered in the air after the sound had ceased. She whipped her head around to see Virgil standing by her dresser; he smiled at her warmly and shut the door gently behind him. Helena, surprised at his sudden entrance, whipped the towel behind her back, pulled her shirt down and returned his smile. [B]?Hello.? [/B] She said to him in a sweet tone, tilting her head to the side and flashing him a wide grin. For her age Helena acted quite childish sometimes. [B]?What have you got there my sweet??[/B] Virgil returned her smile; he leant up against her dresser and flicked his head slightly after speaking. Helena seemed Embarrassed by the fact that she was concealing a bloody towel behind her; there really was no keeping anything from him sometimes it seemed. Helena dropped her hands to her sides and looked at him sadly; it was taking a lot out of her just to stand up straight. Virgil must have sensed something was wrong for as Helena was about to fall over from her wound when she found herself in Virgil?s arms. He carried her over to her bed and sat down next to her. He pulled up her shirt to get a better look at her wound. Helena found herself unable to look Virgil in the eyes as he assessed her injury. [B]"You should know better...just hold still the best you can." [/B] He said to her half affectionately. Virgil dug two of his fingers into her side to search for the bullet. Helena squirmed underneath him, her teeth firmly clenched; she stifled back a few screams of pain. Within moments he had pulled out the troublesome piece of metal, Virgil stroked the side of her face to calm her. [B]?The wound will heal quickly; leave it alone?sorry you had to get caught up in it, my sweet.?[/B] Helena looked up at him, smiled, and waved the comment off. He dressed her wound with some medical kit and kissed her forehead when he was done. She smiled warmly at him and slowly sat up. [B]?Thank you.? [/B] Helena squealed and launched herself at him and gave him a hug, he recoiled slightly at first but returned her affection, he had gotten used to her ?hugs that almost counted as tackles?. She had him in her grasp and she wasn?t going to let go of him any time soon, unfortunately, Helena?s bliss was interrupted by a terse knock on her door. A voice called through from the other side, obviously not wanting to burst in from fear of what they may or may not see. [B]?Sir, Sebastian requests your presence in his office.?[/B] Virgil looked to the door and then back at Helena, she had started to pout and turn on her[I] ?puppy-dog-eyes?.[/I] He tilted his head and smiled at her, as if reading her thoughts. [B]?I?m sorry, but I must leave you, my pretty little ballerina.?[/B] Helena sighed heavily, breaking her hug; she folded her arms and plopped down on the side of her bed. She wanted to talk with him, she didnt want him to go, they had not talked for so long it seemed, she could not hide her disappointment nor did she want too. Virgil cupped the side of her face before looking her in the eye as if to say [I]?I?ll be back soon?[/I]. Helena gave him a half hearted smile back and watched as he swiftly exited her room, closing the door behind him. Helena eyed the door for a good few minutes, brooding like an angry child before turning her music back on and loosing herself within the sounds. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I'd like to do -[I]17)[/I] [B]Rage[/B] Please ^ ^[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I?m insanely bored and very much procrastinating at the moment? [B]1:[/B] [I]99[/I] -Fighstar Whee I
[INDENT][SIZE=1]Helena watched on in horror and utter astonishment as Linett pounced on the other vampire and tore him limb from limb. The young vampire removed her hands from her ears and used them to half shield her eyes. She had never seen such fury in another before, Linett?s display frightened her, so much so that she found her self back away and peaking out from behind the rear end of the car. Helena had no intention of making her self presentable to the insane witch. She desired to keep her head and arms exactly where they were, attached to her body. The young vampires had a fleeting thought. Perhaps she could defend the others from that monster, Virgil would be proud of her so, but that fantasy lasted all but a mere few seconds as Linett turned and descended upon Jacob and Florian. She snapped her head around to make eye contact with Virgil in an instant, only he could stop the monsters violent rage. It appeared that the older vampire was already way ahead of his ?secretary? for he way already moving off to intercept Linett. Helena let a [B]?Virg?? [/B] escape her lips as she watched him quickly approach and apprehend Linett. Her gaze narrowed as he touched her, ceasing her before she tore into Jacob?s hand, she despised seeing him near other females, and she knew her thoughts were faulty however. That?s how Virgil was all in all, he loved the women and they loved him. She saw how they looked at each other. Most other vampires thought her to be a pathetic baby, which was true in some ways, but for the most part, she knew a lot more than people gave her credit for. Helena rolled her eyes and turned her back to the scene before her, resting on the side of the vehicle. She looked down to her hands which were trembling, [I]?Pull yourself together you fool!?[/I] her mind screamed.[I] ?He wouldn?t want a weakling like you, you?re pathetic.?[/I] She griped her hands in tight fists and looked up to the sky, blocking out the voices and noise behind her. Helena?s mental beatings were lost when Jacob and Florian appeared and joined her at the back of the car, looking quite concerned, choosing to escape while Virgil had Linett distracted. [/SIZE][/INDENT]
[SIZE=1] [COLOR=Red]ooc//Sorry I?m late guys! Work has been terrible of late. I haven?t rped in a while so please excuse me if I am a bit rusty.[/COLOR] Dal walked though the streets of the city alone, he had told Ceyla that he would meet her at the castle; there were some things he had to take care of in the city beforehand, alone. As he walked people greeted him, he nodded humbly back to anyone who acknowledged he was there. Dalanius always kept his hands by his side ready to retrieve his large axe strapped to his back at a moments notice. Children occasionally darted in-between his legs, calling out things. Despite the children?s happiness he could sense the fear and uneasiness in the adults? eyes. They knew what was coming and so did he. He slowly made his way towards the castle; upon arriving at the castle gate he talked for a while with the guards, some of which he knew well before continuing on to the king. The sound of talking reached his ears long before he reached the King?s chamber. He entered the hall to see three men standing before the king, none he recognized. One man was standing in front of another, protecting him from an elf it seemed. There was something strangely familiar about the third man but Dalanius just shook the feeling away. He stepped into the chamber and spoke out with confidence; he walked swiftly and moved between the elf and the man threatening him. [B]?You would do well to relax; you would all do well to relax. The fight lay not between us.? [/B] Dal looked at Blade master with a quiet confidence. [B]?What is it of your business??[/B] The man snapped back. [B]?It is of my business when it happens within my Kings court Baka Tau Mana!?[/B] [B]?Please! Please all of you be calm, we are waiting on one more, it is excellent you have arrived Dalanius.?[/B] Dalanius bowed and greeted the king from where he stood; he would keep the peace, no matter what. He prayed that nothing terrible was keeping Ceyla and that she would arrive soon. Dal kept his hands by his side, ready to grab his Axe if the man decided to make a move. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] [B]Name:[/B] Dalanius Grey [He shortened his last name after going through drastic changes in his personality.] [B]Age:[/B] 47 [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]City or Forest:[/B] City- The Kingdom of Mecki: King Tyran [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Class:[/B] Paladin [Soon to be Guardian] [B]Personality:[/B] Dal?s personality has changed significantly over the years. Once he was bitter, rude and cynical, never letting anyone become close to him, and succeeding in pushing everyone away. Past events in his life caused him to act as such, he couldn?t let go of them, nor could he let go of how much of a failure he was. He would drink, swear, and rudely berate people for doing the wrong thing. Dal was one to never ever ask for help, he was doomed to die a quick death alone. However, all that was changed when he met a certain assassin named Ceyla. For want of a better description, she changed him. Ceyla gave him a reason to be different, to discard his old ways and start anew. Now many years later she still keeps him sane. Dal is now quite the opposite of what he once was. He is happy, kind and would do anything for his friends and family. He tends to keep away from the drink and when he is not with those he knows; he can be found practicing his techniques. Sometimes he can be a bit melancholy when he thinks of the past and of missing/deceased friends. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/zomg.jpg][B][Dal][/B][/URL][Ignore the sword and replace with axe] [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/2389_0_1.jpg][B][Armor][/B][/URL] Dal has aged considerably over the years, the battles and his past taking their toll on his features. He is still handsome, he has kept his hair long but it has gone gray, streaks of brown and black still linger. Hs face is usually covered in stubble because of how quick it grows back after he shaves. His face and skin are pockmarked with small scars and such from the numerous battles he has fought in and has matured considerably. He usually wears the attire in the first picture and dons the black and gold armor for serious battles. When just relaxing he will simply wear a loose fitting shirt and pants. His eyes have changed and now are a bright green instead of a bright yellow. On his finger he wears a new gold wedding band, when in battle he removes it from his hand and wears in on a chain around his neck. Both of his ears are now pierced as well with small silver studs. [B]Weapons: [/B] [B]-Double-Bladed Axe[/B] Dal has been in possession of this axe for a long time. It is worn in some places but its blade is still as sharp as ever. This particular axe as seen him through some difficult times, and is sure to see him through many more. The hilt of the axe is long, almost as tall as Dal is and wrapped in soft brown leather. Two large axe heads protrude from the top, chipped in places. The blades themselves are a darker metal then the sharpened edges; two pieces of long leather fall free from where the blades start. [B]-Chain Whip[/B] A newer weapon of Dalanius?, this weapon in effect is a long piece of chain with a sharp spike fastened to the end but with one difference. The pieces of chain have been beaten and sharpened by a skilled black smith until their edges resemble small blades. The chain-blades start a third of the way down the whip until its end. This allows for Dal to swing the whip and not be cut should he suffer back lash or happen to come into contact with the whip. It can also be used as a rope or item for grabbing things. [B]-Throwing Dagger[/B] A simple dagger used for throwing, it?s remarkably sharp and Elvin in design. [B]Magic: [/B] None as of yet. [B]Bio: [/B] Dalanius' parents, among many other people, were brutally murdered by a known hoard that ripped through the country side many, many years ago. He was only a child when the event occurred and can?t really remember the events that took place. He was adopted by his only other living relative, his uncle. His uncle was a great and revered Paladin in time past; Dalanius grew up aspiring to become as good as his uncle once was. Going through many tough times Dalanius quickly went through the ranks of the Paladin class and was eventually summoned by the former king to help look for his missing daughter with a group of others. During that time Dal faced many though challenges, along with everyone else in the group. His toughest challenge was coming to terms with his undesirable past and awful memories that seemed to plague him at every turn. It was during this time that he found love once again with a lady assassin by the name of Ceyla. She completely changed him. She in fact saved his life. After the defeat of the former king, Dal asked Ceyla for her hand in marriage. He asked her rather romantically, on a boat he had bought for them to relax on after the difficult battle. He accepted much to his utter delight and the two were married a few months later. The ceremony was small but beautiful. Since that day they have been married ever since. They were even lucky enough to have two children, both who have moved away from home to start their own lives. Dal and Ceyla now live happily together and he wouldn?t have it any other way. [B]Snippet: [/B] He had been training all afternoon; it was what he did now days, when he wasn?t teaching others to fight. Dal had been living a quite and peaceful life with his wife for quite some time now. He loved her dearly, he often found himself thinking what he did to deserve her. It didn?t matter however, they were together and that?s all that mattered. That and the thought that his children were happy forging their own destinies, living the lives they wanted. Dal made complex movements with his arm, hacking at the air, his axe making a loud ?swoosh? sound as it was brought down with force. If anything Dalanius had decided to keep his fitness and strength in battle in tact. The other paladins and soldiers may call him an old geezer but the fact of the matter was he could still beat every one of them in combat and they knew it. He began to wonder when he should actually start to wind down, he was almost fifty, and considering everything that he had been through, he wasn?t so young anymore. He suddenly heard footsteps approaching from the path down hill; it was quite a hike to get to where he liked to train. Something he liked to prove himself against every morning or whenever he felt like it. It was a smallish circular clearing of trees near the edge of a large cliff that looked down onto a magnificent lake. Dal stopped practicing his swings and stepped to the right of the small opening that led to his training clearing. A young solider stepped through the small gap in the thick tree line and looked around for something. Dalanius quickly came up behind the boy and tapped him on the shoulder with the hilt of his axe. The boy spun around, surprised at first and went for his sword. When he saw who it was his sword was sheathed again and a smile crept cross his stern face. [B]?Paladin Dalanius.?[/B] The boy snapped into a salute. Dal returned the salute with a laid-back smile. [B]?What brings you out here Talon??[/B] he asked with a raised eyebrow. [B]?The king sir, he request your assistance with the impeding war.? [/B] The solider watched his superiors face closely and he was right to do so, because it changed dramatically from one of happy-go-lucky to quite serious. [B]?I?ll be there as soon as I can.? [/B] Dal saluted the boy, gathered his things and left immediately. The first thing he would do was go home and discuss things with Ceyla. He had a feeling she might have been asked as well? [/COLOR] [strike][B][COLOR=Red]I have a speach due today so, I'll have my bio and snippet done after I get home this afternoon sometime, sorry for the wait.[/COLOR][/B][/strike][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][U][COLOR=Red][B]-Done![/B][/COLOR][/U][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Helena Montgomery [B]Age:[/B] 40 Overall - 25 years as a human - 15 as a vampire [B]Species and Clan:[/B] Vampire // Augustine Clan [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs15/f/2007/109/2/6/Rose_by_anaRasha.jpg][COLOR=Red][B]Helena[/B][/COLOR][/URL] Credit for the picture goes to [URL=http://anarasha.deviantart.com/][COLOR=Red]anaRasha@ Deviantart [/COLOR] [/URL] ©2007 =anaRasha She was turned at a young age and so kept her natural beauty, and dancer?s physique. Her skin is pale, but not un-naturally so, and soft/smooth to the touch. Helena is approximately 5?8 in height; she has excellent posture and moves with a certain noticeable grace. She favors dresses when choosing clothing to wear, and naturally leans towards a blood red color for her garments. The clothes she wears differ depending on her mood, varying from long flowing dresses to short revealing skirts and tight tops. Helena avoids wearing boy-ish type clothing, which includes long pants and shorts. Her hair is long and naturally a very dark brown, with a slight kink running through it. Helena usually keeps it pulled up in a bun with a straight fringe that is brushed to either side, partly obscuring her face; she will leave it out if she wants to be ?seductive?. Her feet are either covered in high-heals of varying designs or ballet slippers, some times she may even prance around bare-foot. Her face is soft, round and rather mature, her lips are full and perfect for pouting. Her eyes are in proportion with her face but she enhances them with make up most of the time. Her eyes are naturally a bright green but she changes them often between a bright bellow and red with contacts, mostly for fun. Helena likes to enhance her natural beauty with make up, lining her eyes in dark black and surrounding them in red, and painting her lips crimson. This may change depending on the situation or her mood. Both of her ears are pierced twice and adorned with expensive jewelry, some sort of necklace usually decorates her slender neck. Helena?s wrists and ankles are also usually adorned with something as well. Most of what she wears is gifts. When dancing [practicing or otherwise] she usually dons a gothic-like black and red ballet tutu with black and red ballet slippers that tie up with a long black ribbon that winds it way up each of her legs. [B]Personality: [/B] Helena is rather inquisitive; she is forever asking questions of her fellow vampires, being only a ?baby? herself. She looks up to her fellow clan members for guidance and understanding. If ever in trouble Helena is quick to bat her eyelashes and play innocent. In her spare time she likes to practice her dancing, a mixture of ballet and baroque. Despite her age, which is decidedly young for a vampire, she can be incredibly seductive. She knows that she is beautiful and has no qualms about using that to her advantage. At times she can be rather sadistic; a side which she usually keeps hidden, but it manages to find its way to the surface now and then. Helena loves to learn and when not dancing or simply ?hanging out? with other members of the Augustine Clan she can be found reading books or researching various subjects. She is incredibly loyal to the Augustine Clan, but when faced with matters concerning Humans and other Vampires she is indifferent. At times she gets frustrated with the company of others and can get rather short with people. Helena expresses no hatred towards the members of the Nicodemus Clan; she prefers not to be caught in politics. She does not consider her self superior to them in any way either, she would only fight one if forced to or they were threatening her. She enjoys prancing around in the sun light and flirting with human boys and girls if they happen to crack on to her. She expresses no remorse about being turned and rather dismisses the fact that she was once human. [B]Biography:[/B] Helena was fascinated with dance from a young age. She would forever be prancing around the halls of her home, humming and dancing, which is one of her fondest memories. Unfortunately for her she had been a human longer than a vampire and memories from that time still gnaw at her now and again. Her childhood, parents, friends and family shaped who she was as a human but held no influence on her after becoming a vampire. After being turned, she wanted to wipe the slate clean and did so, but still held onto her love of dancing. It was in fact her dancing that contributed to her dramatic change in lifestyle and personality. For a time she was known among circles for her talent and very much enjoyed the attention given to her. On the eve of her life changing, Helena was dancing in front of a rather large crowd. At the end of the recital she received praise for her skills and after getting many invitations to parties decided to decline all those asked and spend the night alone. On her way home, such was her bad luck, she happened upon a group of men. The cornered her after throwing insults and rather crude suggestions. They attempted to rape her, grabbing at her and shouting, they had almost succeeded when a person happened upon the group and asked the men to ?kindly remove their hands? from Helena. A fight ensued; the mysterious being had saved her, much to her delight. It was then that she found herself in a different kind of trouble, this man didn?t want to rape her but he did want something else. After talking with her to boost her confidence after the previous attack the man inched closer to her. The unsuspecting Helena was grabbed; her head pushed to one side and found her savors teeth ripping into her neck the very next moment. Startled and rather frightened she tried to struggle but could not get free. Minutes passed, when she was sure she was going to die from blood loss, her second attacker fell to an unknown force. She found herself backing away from this man just as much as the second, her trust in such things at that moment fell to zero. The unknown man assured her everything was quite fine, the last words she heard as a human came from her savior?s mouth. "Someone as beautiful as you can now enjoy that beauty eternally. Much better then dying on the streets at the hands of some primitive vampire." A notable vampire by the name of Virgil Kingston saved her that night, Helena feels indebted to him for what he did. She can be seen in his company from time to time or at the very least close by him. [B]Extras:[/B] -Helena is quite nimble; she is capable of pulling off complicated movements with her body. Sometimes bending it further than a normal body should be physically able. She is also rather graceful and hardly makes a sound when she walks, even when wearing high heals. -Protection wise she keeps concealed on her at all times two small, razor sharp daggers. She can wield them with surprising accuracy and confidence. Helena would rather make a quick and graceful exit than fight, but if forced, she wouldn?t be a pushover. -She loves to hang about with the more reputable members of the Augustine Clan or anyone with power. -Helena possess a very, very mild form of pyromancy, she virtually holds no control over it, at least not to the point where she can harm someone with it. It serves to amuse her when she becomes board; she commonly manipulates flame to form small dancers or animals. She cannot create flame out of nothing and so commonly manipulates already existing fire, such as that of candles or of a lighter. [/SIZE] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][strike][B]-I'll finish this off asap - Just got bio to do now, huzzah.[/strike] -Done-ness It's long X ___ X[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Vampire rp yes! Yo Vickey, I'd like to help out with the graphics if you want. I hope this goes for as long as G&C.
[SIZE=1]Thanks so much for the help Des! it was becoming a real problem with suff, and other things I had to do. Thanks again![/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I told you I?d comment on this eventually. >.> sorry it took so long. Well I like this, a lot actually. I?ve never been much into ninjas or Naruto so I really had no idea bout most of this, but you successfully explained things. Everyone has already commented on what I wanted to do its no sense repeating what others have said. Besides that, you have a really nice plot developing here, I especially like how their personalities clash and poor little Shinji seems to just ?be there?. Makes me want to shout ?Stand up for yourself!? Everything seems to be flowing nicely along, in a few parts I sort of lost where the story was going but quickly picked it up again. Good work Matt, hope to see more of Kenzoku. So hurry up and post it already! : P[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Greetings all ^ ^ I was wondering if one of you lovely people could make me a banner and avi set using either Lash or Jake? [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26081&stc=1][COLOR=DarkOrange] [B][Jake][/B][/COLOR][/URL] If you choose to do the Jake banner I'd like it to be an orange and gray kinda color theme, maybe slightly military orientated? With the words "We all Fall Down" [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26082&stc=1][B]Lash[/B][/URL] If you you like to do Lash better then I want her color theme to be dark and Gothic like. Blacks, dark grays ect. With the words "Bury Me", If at all possible i'd like Lash's banner to be vaguely military in style as well. Other than those requests feel free to go crazy with your artisticness. No user name required on either set, I'd like the avi to be the same picture and tied in with the banner. Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to do this for me. -Disenchanted [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]?I?d be very glad to accompany you on an early morning ride Dorian.? [/B]Eden smiled and winked at him, she seemed to become somewhat hyperactive without sleep. Dorian appeared to be generally happy that she had accepted his invitation. Eden felt she needed to get out of their place for a while and what a better way to do it then to go riding with a friend. He loved the city at night, the lights and everything, she just loved it. The two wasted no time in hopping onto Dorian motorbike and taking off down the street. He sat at the front of course, Eden at the back, her arms tightly around his waste. She had blushed rather badly when he had told her to do so but she couldn?t help it. Luckily the darkness of the night and her hair had obscured her cheeks. But didn?t Dorian have control over darkness? Maybe he saw, maybe he didn?t, and either way she didn?t much care. Eden had found herself beginning to like Dorian more and more even though her mind told her that it was stupid, she didn?t even know him. As they rode around town Eden found herself smiling more and more, she loved this; she hoped Dorian felt the same way. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] [B]-Sorry for the inanely short post but I needed to get something down, I?ll edit this later [/B][/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1] [COLOR=SeaGreen][B]ooc: awww how come no one has posted yet? : ( Hope what I've done is ok Bk, let me know If I need to change anything.[/B][/COLOR] The soldiers positioned atop of the massive gate momentarily stopped what they were doing to look up at the approaching sound of beating wings. The night dragon swooped down low over their heads creating a draft of wind, before it settled with a loud ?whump? atop of the gate, next to one of its many watch towers. Alek swung down from his best friend; he thanked Era, gently stroking her neck. Today had been an all right day for them, but that could change in an instant. Alek was greeted a short time after landing by the commanding officer in charge of the watch tower he had just landed next too. Alek slung his right arm across his chest, placing his hand just near his shoulder and bowed to the officer, the man returned the gesture and smiled mischievously. [B] ?How have you been Alek?? [/B] [B]?Fine Joseph, you? [/B] [B]?I?ve seen better days.? [/B]He spoke with an air of sadness, looking out across the battle field, the commander?s mood picked up when he flicked his eyes towards Era and then back at Alek. Alek clutched his bow tightly, in all these years he had never given it a name despite his fondness for the weapon, and he was itching to go into battle after a short quiet period. [B]?How are our forces fairing?? [/B]Alek questioned, straight to the point as always. He had known Joseph for a long time and even though he was a superior officer, Joseph had always insisted that Alek call him by his first name. Joseph?s brow furrowed at the question, he seemed generally reluctant to answer although the Sapiens forces did have the upper hand at the moment and were fairing quite well. [B]?Our men are doing a fine job, but we both know how quickly the tide of battle can turn my friend?? [/B] [B] ?You don?t sound confident Commander.? [/B]Alek interjected, following his friends gaze. [B]?Something is amiss, I don?t like it.? [/B]Alek nodded, he also felt the same way. There was something about the Legions attack that felt off. A soldier walked up to the Commander and diverted his attention to other more important matters. Alek left the company of his friend with the same salute he greeted him with and rejoined his dragon companion. Era seemed unusually quiet, and calm, she would other wise be itching to go into battle much like Alek. Perhaps she too felt what they all seemed to be feeling. Fortunately her silence was not because of him. Their relationship has slowly been improving but some days it felt like one step forward and three steps back. [B]?Shall we Era?? [/B]The great night dragon nodded and bent down to him, he stroked the side of her face before hurling himself up onto her back. Era possessed great stamina and could fly for a rather long time, her sleek design allowed for excellent maneuverability in the air. With a few quick and powerful flaps the purple dragon and her rider shot off into the air. They would circle the area around the gate; occasionally dropping down to land on it Alek had no problems shooting targets from the air. He smiled inwardly to himself, perhaps if today went well enough he and Era may not actually fight. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]Hold up, lemme post first, I'll get one done I promise ^ ^;;. I know I've been sayin that for a while but things got werid, sorry guys. Blah. Anyway, I'll have one up this afternoon [after university] if you guys can wait that long, if not then feel free to move on, I'll post afterwards with like a flash back or something lol. [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1] [B][COLOR=SandyBrown][Whee Finished XD I might post a colored version of Era later, when i get it done. Edit 2: Took care of some faulty grammar][/B] [/COLOR] [B]Name: [/B] Alek Yager [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Resistance: [/B] Sapiens [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://ic3.deviantart.com/images3/i/2004/170/d/4/eyes_of_lavender.jpg][B]Alek[/B][/URL] ©xiaomeimei@deviantArt Alek stands approximately six feet tall. He is muscular but not to the point of being overly bulky. His eyes are a beautiful violet color, much the same as his dragon companion. His complexion is very pale, hinting that he doesn?t see a lot of sunlight. He wears a long black leather coat over a pair of black trousers and a dark gray tank top. Round his neck he wears a thick black leather choker and two other silver chains. On his left wrist he constantly wears a black leather archery arm guard, the guard wraps around his entire forearm. On his right hand, his index finger and middle finger are encased in[URL=http://www.velvetgarden.net/images/photos/20041104-05.jpg][B] armor[/B][/URL] [click]. He wears thick black boots on his feet that are surprisingly light weight despite their appearance. In battle Alek removes his coat to give his arms more freedom to shoot arrows. Alek?s arms and upper chest are covered in black tribal tattoos. The tattoos begin on the right side of his upper chest and flow along his right arm and right hand; the tattoos start part way down his left arm and cover his hand and fingers. Alek has a set of special straps worked into his jacket to hold his quiver and bow. Underneath his jacket he always wears a set of leather straps that can hold his quiver, bow and arrows as well. It is designed to give him complete freedom and flexibility in battle to shoot correctly. He wears light leather armor when fighting; metal armor does not give him enough flexibility to move. The armor is strong enough to deflect arrows but would not stand up to sword at all. [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/269/3/7/Bow_design_by_Sunna_no_gaara.jpg][B][Bow and Arrows][/B][/URL] ©Sunna-no-gaara@deviantArt His bow is always with him, attached to his back or held in his hands. He will not willingly set his weapon aside and can become quite hostile if asked to remove it. The bow itself is made from a special type of black wood that is very strong but also has flexibility; it has some metal in parts. Alek?s arrows are made from the same material, with a metal point. Alek relies completely on his weapon; he always has and feels some kind of special attachment to it. [B]Spells: [/B] [INDENT][B][Strike] [/B] [Offensive] A typical lightening strike-type attack, Alek can combine the lightening with his arrows. In effect this attack can deal a double blow of physical damaged and electrical damage. The spell can be used as a simple lightening strike besides being combined with Alek?s weapon. He cannot make the electricity flow though his body however; it can only be combined with a weapon or used as a ranged attack. [B][Squall] [/B] [Offensive/Defensive] Alek can summon a powerful blast of wind. This blast is usually used to create distance between himself and his enemies or another person. The blast can vary in degrees of severity from a strong wind to an extreme gale. On the ground it serves to knock other back if they get too close. Alek can use this spell to potentially knock others out of the sky, or at the very least make it extremely difficult for them to fly. In effect this spell can act as a defensive and offensive spell, depending on how it?s used. [B][Storm Arrow][/B] [Offensive] If Alek, by any chance, runs out of arrows to fire he can summon wind to form instead. Alek must fire the wind arrows as he would a normal metal arrow. The wind arrows are misty in appearance, one cannot really see them very clearly but they can be felt. A wind arrow can deal as much damage as a normal arrow if not more. Storm Arrow can be combined with Strike to deal a lot of extra damage but it drains a lot of energy. [/INDENT] [B]Personality:[/B] Alek is a very serious person; he does not joke often and glares at others annoyingly when they do. He his quick to anger and won?t hesitate to scold someone for doing something wrong, a trait which often ends up with him in peoples bad books rather quickly. Alek is not a mean spirited person but he certainly appears that way to others. He will joke around on occasion; but his drastic change in attitude usually arouses suspicion, so he doesn?t do it often. A lot of his actual ?jokes? are taken has harsh criticism or unkind comments. Alek likes to think things though and not go running in head first. He was not always that way however, as a youth Alek was quite head strong but certain events caused him to change his tune rather quickly. Despite the way he may come across to others, he is fiercely loyal and very protective of his friends. Alek can be very out spoken, and will usually speak without any regard to the feelings of others. He tells it like it is which often doesn?t sit too well with people, especially those ranked higher than him. In battle Alek is forever calculating, if he doesn?t like how the odds sit he will recommend to retreat. Alek would never abandon anyone in battle though, he would fight with them to the end, even it was utterly hopeless. He is very agile on his feat and has an extremely keen eye; he often sees small details that others don?t. Alek always appears to be at odds with Era, the two can never seem to get along. Even though she is usually a peaceful creature, he seems to bring out the worst in her. Something which troubles Alek greatly and only fuels his awkwardness around her, leading to more fights. Deep down he would do anything for Era, the fact that the two have stayed together for five years is proof that their bond runs deeper than it would initially seem. Alek would do anything for the resistances cause, he believes in it so strongly that he would gladly give his life. [B]Dragon Information[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Era [B]Color:[/B] Purple [B]Appearance: [/B] [Yay! I got to draw some stuff!She isn't colored >< so your going to just have to use your imaginations. I'll color her when and if I can.] [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/Era.jpg][Era][/URL] [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/era2.jpg][Era 2][/URL] Era is a very deep purple in color, in dark places she appears almost black. At night time she is almost invisible against the sky. When the sun shines on her scales, her purple coloration is a lot more evident. Her eyes shine a light lavender color, much the same as Alek's eyes. On top of her head she has an array of spikes that stand up or flatten depending on her mood. Much the same as a Sulfur Crested Cockatoos comb. When she is frightened, angry or annoyed the spikes will stand on end, making her appear larger or more menacing. When Era is a peace the spines will flatten against her body. She may lower and raise the spines in conversation to emphasize certain points. Era is in essence a night dragon, she does blow normal red flames but at times she may release massive amounts of thick black smoke. [B]Personality:[/B] Era is a gentle and quiet soul despite her somewhat intimidating appearance. She cares for Alek greatly but finds her self at odds with him more often than not. The two often clash and it is usually Alek who comes out of the battle a little worse for wear. Era is very protective of her fellow dragons and Alek, unlike Alek though she will gently suggest things to others and with consideration. She enjoys flying at an extremely high altitude and is the most relaxed when flying at night or in thick cloud. In battle Era?s attitude changes dramatically to fearsome and proud, she will not hesitate and is extremely calculating. Era is incredibly nimble on her feat and in the air. Her relationship with the human Alek was not as ?smooth as it is now, if one could even call their current state smooth. The two used to constantly bicker and fight, their arguments sometimes even turning physical. Both Era and Alek have the scars to prove it, though Alek seems to have the most damage, not surprisingly. Era dislikes it immensely when they do bicker, sometimes his attitude infuriates her. She sometimes can?t believe how insensitive he can be and will scold him for his actions, especially when Alek won?t apologize. Even though they may have their differences Era and Alek share a deep connection that wouldn?t be describable in words. She would do anything for him and he would do anything for her. Their fighting has died down a lot as of late, they seem content to enjoy each others company without much need for broken limbs or charred flesh? how long will that last? Era can?t be sure but she is going to enjoy it while she can. Era would do anything to help the resistance, just like Alek. [B]Bio/Snippet: [/B] [COLOR=Black][B]?Don?t test me dragon?? [/B][/COLOR]Alek tapped his foot angrily as he sat in the mud, rocks and pouring rain. The fire he had built with Era?s help went out long ago from the sheer dampness. It was Alek?s fault the two had been exiled to the southern most border for guard duty. The southern watch point sat high in the mountains, in the middle of cold wet mud and sharp rocks. Era seemed like the horrid weather didn?t bother her all that much, Alek on the other hand was freezing. He knew he was right to harshly comment on his superior officer?s plans, his thoughts on battle were utterly useless. [B] ?Why don?t you just go and apologize?? [/B]Alek shot Era a withering glance. [COLOR=Black][B]?Why should I? He had it coming; somebody needed to tell him he was making a mistake?? [/B][/COLOR]Alek poked the burnt and soggy wood of their former fire angrily with one of his arrows. [B] ?It?s not your place to do so Alek??[/B] Era yawned and starched her wings out wide; she was perched next to him on a mound of rock and dirt. Alek received a monetarily respite from the torrential rain as her left wing came over his head. He smiled briefly at the pause in the rain, he despised being wet. As soon as Era retracted her wing the rain started again and Alek frowned miserably. Usually she would have left it there to shield him. [COLOR=Black][B]?Not my place? Era men will probably die because of his stupidity. I won?t just sit around and say nothing.? [/B][/COLOR]Alek picked up a small rock and pegged it at a far stone wall. The rock instantly shattered, Era looked at Alek with pleading eyes. He looked away to break her gaze, he couldn?t take it when she looked at him like that. [B]?Maybe you could have handled it differently?? [/B]Era questioned, she ruffled her scales and a torrent of water splashed down on Alek, causing his long black hair to fall into his face. He pushed his bangs to the side and shot her an annoyed glance, she shot him a cheesy apologetic grin in return. He gathered his hood from the back of his neck and pulled it up over his head, while still giving Era a death stare. [COLOR=Black] [B]?Differently? Era please you now nothing of men like Kasis. All they understand is what their ego tells them.? [/B][/COLOR]Alek threw another rock at the far wall and watched as it too shattered. [B] ?I know more than you may think Alek. Maybe you and Kasis are not so different.? [/B]Era snorted angrily, the spines on her head extending to emphasize her point, and her frustration with Alek. Thick black smoke began floating from her nostrils. [COLOR=Black] [B]?Don?t start again Era I mean it?Did you just compare me to that idiot?? [/B][/COLOR]Alek stood up in a flash, staring his dragon right in the eyes with his brow furrowed. Era looked back at him the same, their stances reflecting images of one another. [B]?Someone needs to hold a mirror up to your face every once and a while!?[/B] Era spat at Alek, he let out a yell of frustration and kicked the remnants of their fire. [COLOR=Black] [B]?I can?t believe you, you worthless scaly mountain of flesh!? [/B][/COLOR] He raised his fist and shook it angrily at Era who puffed her scales up and hyper extended her spines, while bearing her teeth in return to his action. For anyone else the site would have been truly fearsome, to see a dragon in such anger, but Alek was not frightened in the slightest. [B] ?Worthless!?? [/B]Era bellowed, beating her wings and raising her head high. [COLOR=Black] [B]?You heard me!?[/B][/COLOR] Alek shouted back he picked up a rock in the spur of the moment and pegged it at her head. Era recoiled, the rock was nothing, it didn?t hurt but it didn?t disintegrate either, it left a small dint in one of her scales right between her eyes. She looked up at the spot where Alek had hit her and then back at him. He was standing still, just looking at her with a smirk, the rain still pelted down relentlessly. [B] ?How dare you!? [/B]Small dark red flames escaped from in-between Eras bared teeth. Alek?s brow furrowed further in surprise and anger, she had never actually been as angry as to produce flame because of him before. Steam spouted from the drops of rain that happened to connect with the fire. [COLOR=Black] [B]?You- you had it coming, you overgrown lizard!?[/B][/COLOR] he shouted back, mumbling profanities under his breath. The adrenaline running through his veins took care of any fear he was feeling in that moment. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]>< sames. I'll post soon In reply to Veritas, Eden graciously accepts your motor bike ride offer lol. Sorry about not posting guys I've just started University and things are pretty [I]crazynutslikeomgfreakout[/I] at the moment. In regards to the developing plotline-ness, I say go for it. Revs idea is great, I'd be all for that. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=White][SIZE=1]The final bell rang and Claudia was out the door as fast as a lightening bolt. She was tired, annoyed and wanted nothing more than to go home, but she still had to meet with Cam. The thought of having a good time picked her spirits up somewhat, her feet felt suddenly lighter. Claudia made her way home before taking a detour to the gardens; she needed some cash and a change of clothes. She sighed as she flung open the front door. Jack would usually be waiting for her at the breakfast bar, talking with her father, but neither of them was there. Jack would never be there again. Claudia quickly threw on a torn and much worn pair of jeans, her favorite pair, with a black singlet top and a large leather cuff on her right wrist. The black tank top exposed a [URL=http://users.tpg.com.au/users/ramskull/new%20rams%20skull%20picture.jpg][COLOR=Red]tattoo[/COLOR] [/URL] on her right shoulder. The tattoo covered most of her shoulder blade, a ram?s skull facing forwards looked menacingly with hollow eyes at all who would try and stab Claudia in the back, large twisted horns protruded from each side of its head. It served as a reminder to her, despite its somewhat slightly macabre appearance. Claud grabbed her bag, wallet and phone before locking the door and flying down the street. She was running so fast and in such a hurry that she suddenly tripped over on something and fell flat on her arse. She lay on her back, staring up at the blue sky for a minute or two, trying to regain her composure. Thankfully nothing hurt, badly, but she still didn?t feel like getting up. Out of the top of her vision, a face appeared; it looked down at her, half concerned and half ?something else. It was a familiar face; Claudia could have sworn she had seen it before. The boy looking down at her had long black hair, Claudia immediately blushed, he was hot! During her momentary swooning she finally remembered where she had seen him before. He was that boy she had seen this very morning doing weird hand-stand-like pushups at school. [B]?Are you ok?? [/B] he said with a slight air of arrogance. [B]?I?m fine?? [/B] Claudia trailed off, she was still admiring him. Her acquaintance extended a strong hand and she clasped it firmly and let him haul her up. Claudia dusted her self off and smiled with gratitude. [B]?Thanks.? [/B] He shrugged and began to walk off. Claudia watched him leave for a few moments, thoughts of jack came flooding back and she beat her self mentally for her momentary admiration of another man. [B]?Wait!? [/B] She called after the guy; he stopped and looked back at her over his shoulder. Claudia ran to catch up with him. [B]?I?m Claudia.?[/B] He looked her in the eyes as if analyzing her very soul. [B]?Kain.? [/B] He spoke confidently; Claudia swallowed hard and gathered the courage to ask him to go to the gardens with her and Cam, she felt compelled to ask him. [B]?Look, ahh? seeing as you were kind enough to see if I was ok and all? Would you like to hang out at the gardens with me and my friend? You know, just have a general good time??[/B] Claudia rocked backwards and forwards on the balls of her feet with her hands behind her back. She resembled a little child waiting for a treat from her mommy. She looked into his eyes for any indication of what he might say but they wee unreadable. Claudia could usually tell what another person was thinking by the way they acted or spoke, but this Kain; she couldn?t tell what he was thinking. He paused for a while, as if pondering he words carefully before responding. [B]?Sure I?d love too.? [/B] Claudia?s eyes lit up and a large smile broke out on her face, something which had not happened for a long time. [CENTER]+ + + +[/CENTER] Claudia arrived at the gardens with Kain in tow. She found Cam easily enough, she was sitting under a large tree, her pink hair slightly swaying in the wind. [B]?Cam this is Kain, Kain Cam.? [/B] Cam looked at Claudia a bit strangely, as if too say, [I]?where did you find him??[/I] Claudia shrugged and smiled mischievously. The three talked for a while about various things, school, work and other stuff. They seemed to click pretty well; Kain came across a bit arrogant from time to time and some what blunt but not so much so that you didn?t wan to be near him. Kain and Cam began chatting about something or other when Claudia?s attention wavered and her eyes began exploring the garden. A group of people caught her attention immediately; she recognized most of them from school. Two seemed to be engaged in some sort of a fight. Others were just standing around watching, Claudia stood on her tipi toes to better observe what was going on. Eventually Kain and Cameron also joined her, adding various comments about who they thought would win and such. Just as quickly as the fight had begun it ended and the three were suddenly left without entertainment. They began to talk amongst themselves again when Cam shouted out something, interrupting their conversation. [B]?Hey look!? [/B] Cameron pointed, Claudia and Kain looked over. The first to fall was Matt; at least Claudia thought that was his name. [B]?Looks like he just had some sort of fit??[/B] Kain added. Claudia nodded still trying to see what was going on. The next to fall Zed and then a new girl neither of them had ever seen before. After her, two more became dazed. The three started to get worried looks on their faces. [B]?What?s going on with that??[/B] Claudia stated. Cameron shrugged, both girls looked towards Kain. [B]?What ever it is, it doesn?t look to good.?[/B] He spoke curiously. Claudia watched as more of the group on the other side of the park began suffering more or less the same thing. Claudia began to back away from the scene when she felt something. A presence maybe, but she really felt something. Claudia looked around her, momentarily locking eyes with Cam and Kain. She felt as though someone was tapping her on the shoulder, but every time she turned to see who it was they would move. She suddenly felt a searing pain in both her wrists and ankles, the pain was so great she let out a scream and was forced to the ground. Everything went black. Darkness surrounded her where ever she looked. Claudia was surrounded by it; she couldn?t even see her hand in front of her face, if she still had hands. Claudia began to panic, her heart began to beat faster and her breathing rate increased to border line hyperventilation. Suddenly and yet, quite strangely, small white-yellow lights began to appear in the darkness. Now instead of a black void, it was a spotty yellow-white void. She finally realized where she was, she was in space! Suddenly a calm and strangely echoing voice bean to speak to Claudia, from seemingly everywhere at once. [B]?Welcome and congratulations.?[/B] It spoke with a strange quality; Claudia could not tell weather it was male or female. [B]?Who or what are you??[/B] Claudia demanded from the voice. [B]?Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers??[/B] Claudia said nothing in return, she stood and pondered the question, the origin of the voice still has not revealed it?s self. [B]?I will say nothing more. I leave you with a gift. Happy awakening.?[/B] Claudia started to speak but assumed that the voice was gone. She looked down to where she thought her body might be and was horrified at what she saw. Her wrists and ankles were bleeding profusely. Pair of metal wings had been bolted to her wrists and ankles. The wings were of a magnificent gold and black metal, they would have been almost beautiful, save for the fact they were covered in blood. Horrified Claudia fell to her knees, floating in space. Would she ever wake up from this nightmare? A pain began to shoot though her newly attached wings, apparently this horrible dream wasn?t going to end anytime soon. From within the metal folds of the wings themselves two black and gold objects began to protrude, growing out of them. Eventually the objects came out of her wings completely and came to rest in front of her. Two Sai that appeared to be made of the same material as her wings now were placed at her eye level. The weapons, as if by themselves, flew into each of her hands. The weapons although seemingly identical bore different inscriptions on their blades and hilts. Within an instant Claudia was back in reality, she in haled deeply and let out a sigh. [B]?That was?strange.? [/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][B] Blah, I'm not happy with that. I just wanted so that Sakura, The Spartian and my self could be up to speed with everyone else without too much trouble. I'll edit this later, refine it, mabey change it alot. Let me know if you want anything changed The Spartian or Sakura. ^ ^;;[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid][B]*squeals*[/B] thanks so much for the set Big sis! you rock! Its exactly what i had in mind. I loves it! XD thank you again & again! *hugs* ♥ [/COLOR][/SIZE]
Discuss The Cathedral [Devil Children Story] {E}
Disenchanted replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]You guys... Sakura, The Spartian and myself haven't even arrived at the gardens yet! hold up! >< No worries tho, I'll post soon with our arrival to thus awakening, hope you don't mind Sakura or The Spartian. Thought I'd just get us all there and up to speed. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] -
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Greetings ^ ^ I was wondering if someone could make my a RahXephon [B]or[/B] Ayato avi and banner set pretty please? Either centered around Ayato or RahXephon. I don?t really have any solid ideas other than color choice, blues, whites, grays mabey... Go wherever your artisticness takes you. I'd like the words [B]"To be or not..."[/B] to be somewhere on the banner for Ayato. And the words [B]"Unless You Sing..."[/B] for RahXephon if you decide to do that banner instead. Most of these images are quite large, massive infact...if not all, I think >< [B]Ayato[/B] Ayato is a guy, incase you can't really tell. >< [URL=http://img154.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terra1aq3.jpg][B][1][/B][/URL] [URL=http://utenti.quipo.it/katsuramix/anime_le/rahxephon1_cop.jpg][B][2][/B][/URL] [URL=http://animepa.csusm.edu/galleries/R-S/RahXephon/lg/movie.jpg][B][3][/B][/URL] [B]RahXephon [/B] [URL=http://img155.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bloodmy8.jpg][B][1][/B][/URL] [URL=http://img134.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mechprofgo3.jpg][B][2][/B][/URL] [URL=http://animepa.csusm.edu/galleries/M-N/Macross/lg/mechprof.jpg][B][3][/B][/URL] [B][Same as image two but waaaay larger][/B] Thank you for your time, and thanks in advance if you decide to take this up. ^ ^ -Eclipse [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][B]This sounds awesome. Hope what I?ve done is ok. Let me know if you would like anything changed. [/B] [B]Name:[/B] Cassandra ?Cass? Barrett [B]Age:[/B] 30 Mentally 25 [B]Nationality:[/B] Australian. [B]Enhancements:[/B] Cassandra is one hundred percent cybernetic. After a rather severe and nasty ?accident?, Cass suffered third degree burns to one thundered percent of her body. After she was burnt, it was discovered that her internal organs were failing partly due to torture and a rare disease. Cass requires thorough and extensive maintenance regularly. As a result of her apparent bad luck Cass is now a lot more efficient than she was before. Light weight, faster and more agile thanks to reflex upgrades and acrobatic programming. [B]Primary (Military) Occupation[/B]: Stealth operations and computer/technical specialist. Hacking skills, Cass is more than qualified to adequately handle all sorts of different technical gadgets and specialized equipment. [B]Secondary Occupation:[/B] IT, Computer specialist. Will gladly help monitor security systems, computer systems. Will not hesitate to fix broken computer systems ect. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/066/8/b/Craft_woman__by_heise.jpg][COLOR=Red][B] [Cass][/B][/COLOR][/URL] Credit [URL=http://heise.deviantart.com/][B]Heise[/B][/URL]@DeviantArt [B]Personality: [/B] Personal Analyst: ?Generally fun loving, likes to joke around. Strong sense of honor, duty and loyalty to comrades in and out of combat. Intelligent, works hard, proud. Appears unfazed by the fact that she is 100% cybernetic. Serious only when in a working field environment. Appears saddened when the thoughts of having children and brought up. Calculating and sure of self when in the field. Still refuses to talk of ?accident? and information pertaining to it. Whishes for male relationship. Strongly aware of her own femininity. Does not hesitate to use this in the field. Has slight guilt issues, unable to reveal about what as of yet. Requires continuous evaluations of mental state due to 100% cybernetic?? [B]History: [/B] Born in Russia and raised until age 7, she moved to America with her father. Cass found she had an aptitude for computers at a young age and spent most of her free time writing various small codes, playing pc games and hacking into various things. This continued though high school and well beyond. Cass continued to hack into anything and everything she could. Eventually she was caught and instead of going to jail for a very long time she chose to participate in a special program and join the military, Special Forces. She spent the next few years of her life training tirelessly in different areas. Cass continued to utilize her computer and technical skills to aid her unit, as was her primary job. At age 24 Cass and one other individual from her unit were separated from their main group, during a mission in Serbia. The two were forced to survive in harsh conditions, below freezing. They were missing for a week before they were found by patrols. Cass and the other member were taken for ?questioning?. Six months later Cass? Unit finally decided to mount a rescue mission, after learning that the other member and she were still alive. Origonally they were presumed K.I.A. Something went wrong during the rescue operation, an ?accident? occurred and Cass became badly burnt. After two years Cass woke up and was told what had happened. She was now fully cybernetic and technically no longer human; remarkably this didn?t seem to bother her in the slightest. She was told that she would be reassigned and gladly accepted. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=White][SIZE=1]Claudia watched anxiously as the hands finally reached their destination signaling the end of her Computer class. She hastily grabbed her books and bag before almost hurling herself out the door. She asked herself one more time [I]'Why in the world did I decide to take IT?? [/I] Claudia navigated the busy halls in search of her locker to dump her books and gather her things for Drama class. Drama was one of her most loved subjects, next to Art and Biology. She adored learning about acting and how to express emotions. This was all despite the fact that her father didn?t want her growing up to be her mother, stuck in a studio all day and night. Claudia smiled as she retrieved her black clothes and various other materials. Today was a performance day and she couldn?t wait. Claudia grabbed her things and took off down the hall way, wanting to get to her class practice before anyone else even though this was designated nap time. At one point she wasn?t looking where she was going however, and ended up crashing into someone and spilling her gear all over the place. The person on the end of her barge cursed as they stood up and dusted themselves off. [B]?Why don?t you watch where you?re goin?!? Or your gonna?? [/B] The person finally looked up and stopped mid sentence.[B] ?Oh Claud it?s just you.?[/B] Claudia smiled apologetically to her friend and scratched the back of her head. [B]?Sorry about that Cam. You ok?? [/B] Cameron nodded her pink hair slightly swaying with her movement; Claudia thanked her lucky stars or whatever is was that she had, that she had not bumped into anyone else. Cam hurriedly helped Claudia pick up her things before they became trampled by the rampaging teenagers in the hall. [B]?How were your classes??[/B] Claudia asked, Cam shrugged and put one of her hands in her pocket while using the other to fix up her messy bangs, no thanks to Claudia. [B]?Music was good, everything else?? [/B] Cam trailed off unenthusiastically, Claudia nodded understandingly. [B]?I know that feeling.... wanna catch up after school?? [/B] [B]?Sure, where??[/B] [B]?The gardens, my dads out tonight so we can hang around till whenever.? [/B] The two arranged their meeting and then said goodbyes. Claudia could not stand to not rehearse her part several more times before performing. She suspected a rather large crowd of parents, grand parents and other students to be present. Butterflies were already flittering around in her stomach. She breathed in deep a few times as she made her way towards the other end of the school. Somewhere up there she hoped Jack was watching, this was all for him. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [SIZE=1]ooc: Blah! >< ... Erm, lemme know if you want anything changed [B][COLOR=Pink]Sakura[/COLOR][/B] ^ ^;[/SIZE]