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Everything posted by Disenchanted
[COLOR=White][SIZE=1][B]"Yeah this is Hunter." [/B] A young man of 26 spoke in a raspy voice. He had just been woken up and wasn't terribly happy about it. He rubbed the bridge of his nose in aggravation. [B]"Oh thank god it's you Jake, I need your help. I'm in some major trouble."[/B] the middle aged man on the end of the phone spoke in between gasping for air. It became apparent to Jake that his caller was on the run. Exactly what he was running from was another matter entirely. [B]"What?s going on David?" [/B] Jake ran a hand through his spiky light blond-brown hair and sighed in annoyance. He seemed generally unconcerned that his friend of almost ten years was in serious trouble. [B]"I've got two unidentified paranormal disturbances on my tail; you better get down here quick Jake. Two men are all ready down and these things don't look like they are going to give up any time soon. I'm at the east docks... hurry up!"[/B] [I]'God you can be so nonchalant some times Jake.' [/I] David was screaming in his head. Jake could hear ear piercing screeches coming through the phone and shrugged. [B]"All right, I'm on my way."[/B] Jake ended the call on his mobile, his gray eyes narrowed in deep thought. 'I should not have picked up.' he mused. He looked up from the floor, white light flowed in through his one window, and ironically it was a full moon out. His apartment was untidy, clothing, food containers, papers and magazines were strewn all about the place. He never really found the time nor cared enough about his place to clean up. Jake retrieved a pair of jeans and a crumpled black long sleeve shirt from the end of his bed. He casually put on his black combat boots and retrieved a brown leather jacket from the back of a chair in his kitchen. He trudged back through his own mess to reach the bathroom and surveyed himself in the mirror. [B]"Congratulations Jake, you officially look like crap."[/B] He had well built muscles and stood a good foot or two above average height. He almost all ways kept the majority of his body hidden beneath long clothing. Inscribed on his neck, chest, arms, neck and legs were tattoos of various glyphs. He had shaved no more than four or so hours ago and stubble had all ready begun to re-appear. He exited the bathroom, after giving himself a mental beating, and walked back through his bead room into the kitchen to retrieve his wallet and keys. He almost felt three times on the short walk from the sheer amount of garbage on his floor. Jake shook his head as he exited his apartment. [B]"You better be in real trouble David [I]or so help me[/I]..."[/B] [CENTER]+ + + + +[/CENTER] [B]"Yeah, where are you?" [/B] Jake almost felt like lighting a cigarette. [B]"We are in warehouse five, and hurry up these things have us pinned!"[/B] Jake broke out into a slow run, he quickly passed warehouse three then four. He shook his head in disbelief as he ran; he had been doing this sort of work for almost eight years and had just about had enough. Jake belonged to an organized group of magical individuals who used their powers to protect others, for a fee of course. In essence, he was a bodyguard for any wizard who could pay. He despised using the term 'wizard' to describe himself however or anyone else for that matter. It all sounded so unnecessarily stupid to him. He slowed his run down to a quickened walk as he approached warehouse five, he could hear shrill screeches coming from inside. Jake held his hands cautiously by his side, ready to strike if need be. Small bolts of lightening crackled in-between his finger tips. Entering the building as quietly a possible, Jake positioned himself behind a bunch of stacked wooden crates and peeked his head around the corner. The warehouse was partially empty; a reasonably sized boat was stashed off to one side, lashed to a towing trailer. Various wooden crates were haphazardly stacked about. The warehouse surprisingly had little dust, which usually indicated that it was frequently used or well looked after. However, something else was also occupying the warehouse. Two female bird-like creatures were flapping about near the moderately expensive looking boat; their high pitched screeches rendered Jake with an instant headache. The bird-creatures couldn't have been any larger than the average teenager or a small child. However their size didn't make them any less deadly. David and his paying customer were probably over by the boat or hidden in the crates near by. Jake had to play this the right way or everyone would probably end up dead. He cursed David for taking on a job he knew he couldn't handle. Jake calculated his options over and over, attempting to find the best course of action. he had the element of surprise, the creatures did not. He stealthily moved from one crate to another. He suspected the creatures to be harpies and summoned ones at that. Who summoned he didn't have a clue, David was going to have a lot of explaining to do after this was over. The harpies were viciously clawing at some wooden crates near to the boat, their shrill cries causing Jake's ears to throb. One of the birds began to cry excitedly and the ferocity of its attacks increased. If he ever wanted to see David again, he had to act now. He didn't really care about the person David was protecting. Jake rolled out from his position and let loose a bolt from his left hand. The bolt streamed through the air and luckily the furthest harpy in the chest. Jake didn't have much experience with launching his spells as projectiles. If his target was fast on their feet his chances of getting a hit greatly decreased. As the bolt connected with the creature?s chest a resounding crack was heard a few seconds later. The Harpy fell to the cold concrete floor of the warehouse with a loud thud, it screamed all the way down. A few seconds later the Harpy The other Harpy unfortunately moved a lot quicker than the first and dodged a second bolt from Jake. It spun in mid-air and angrily and came after him, obviously wanting revenge over its fallen comrade. Its razor sharp talons glinted in the pale moon light as it flew straight for him, its wide eyes were wild with murderous intent. Jake barely scrambled out of the way of the feathery onslaught. He attempted to let loose two more bolts at the creature but both went embarrassingly wide of their target. The bolts hit high glass windows, exploding them inwards, causing shards to rain down on Jake. He cursed as he held his arms up in defense, glass cutting anything it could find. [B]"David!"[/B] Jake called irritably for his friend while ducking another pass from the Harpy, unfortunately he wasn't quick enough. The birds? claws connected with his shoulder and dug in deep. He grimaced in pain and gritted his teeth while stifling a scream. [B]"We're here Hunter!"[/B] David popped his head out from behind a stack of shredded crates, followed by a beautiful young woman. [B]"I've got his covered, I'll distract it. Go, now!" [/B] [B]"OK!"[/B] David and his rather lovely charge moved quickly towards the nearest exit. Jake let fly a few more bolts to draw the creatures as he sprinted across the warehouse as fast as his legs would take him. He had his eye set on a prize, a crow bar in the far left corner. The Harpy was in close pursuit, barely a few center meters behind him, flapping and shrieking angrily. Jake dived for the crow bar and slid several feet before his hand wrapped around it. He flipped over onto his back and swung the metal bar at the creature, electricity coursing through it. The crow bar luckily connected with the harpy?s back as it struck Jake with its razor sharp talons at great speed. [CENTER]+ + + + +[/CENTER] David suspected something was a miss after a few minutes had passed without hearing the harpy?s cries. He decided to investigate further, cautiously approaching a side door of the warehouse and stepping inside. He approached the center of the large area half expecting to see the harpy feeding off his friend?s innards. What he saw was quite different. Jake was slumped over, his head resting on his chest, a few meters away from the harpy. The creature was dead, thankfully. The two conjured dark sprits returned to their true forms, faded from view and disappeared. David approached his comrade and checked his pulse. Jake was bleeding profusely; the wounds left by the harpy were deep. After a minute David withdrew his fingers from pressing lightly on Jakes neck, he was alive. Thankfully. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][SIZE=1][B]Special Abilities:[/B] Jake is actually a qualified pilot, light aircraft only however. He also has a special fondness for vehicles and is an excellent driver of anything with one or more wheels. He is not particularly good with fighting using swords or other sharp implements but he is a fairly good shot with a gun. He hasn?t had any martial arts training of any kind. -In case it wasn?t that clear?Jakes has very limited control over his powers, his chosen from of magic his hard to master let alone use. He generally channels his magic through objects; if none are available he will resort to using a piece of jewelry or his hands. His magic doesn?t seem to be as powerful in projectile form as it is when its channeled through his body or an object but he?s working on it. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Ps: If you wanted a background [B]Tekkaman[/B] it would be no problem at all to make you one. = p Also, sorry about the length, I got carried away. ^ ^; [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Maybe they could have a symbol, tattooed on their skin or otherwise. Some sort of alchemy glyph perhaps? Just throwing ideas out there. Any who, just letting [B]The Boss man [/B] know that I'll be away for a few days [Three at the most]. So don't kill me off! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] [B][COLOR=Red]ooc: Forgive me for not posting sooner, I've been having major computer malfunctions. I finally get to post, yays! Its crappy, so apologies in advance.[/COLOR][/B] Eden saw the business man walk out of the house and she felt compelled to follow him. She called out for him and he hesitantly turned around. She told Dorian and Eddie to wait with Brian before going up, they shrugged but did as they were told. [B]?Excuse me; you said Mr. Quan, purchased this house for us. Do you know what he said exactly?? [/B] The man shook his head apologetically. [B]?I?m sorry Miss Bourne; I don?t know anything beyond what he told me. He said that you were all very good friends and that he purchased this property for you as a gift and because he didn?t want you all living on the streets. He said that some unfortunate things had happend to you all that he wanted to make life a little eaiser for you.? [/B] Eden nodded although she was very unconvinced. [B]?Do you have a contact number for Mr. Quan? I lost my mobile you see and I would very much like to thank him for all he has done.? [/B] The business man shook his head again, it was worth a try. [B]?I?m sorry but Mr. Quan never left me with a contact number, He always rang me.? [/B] Eden thought[I] ?yeah right!?[/I] but smiled anyway. [B]?Oh, well you tell him that Miss Bourne said thank you very much.? [/B] He smiled and wrote her name down. [B]?Ok I will.? [/B] [B]?Thank you.? [/B] Eden said with a smile, the man smiled back and nodded as he walked away and crossed the street to get in his car. Eden walked back into the house, she was extremely happy to see Dorian and Eddie. She smiled and hurried them up the stairs with Brian in tow before anyone could ask questions. As they reached the top everyone stopped to look who had already arrived, their conversations stopping in mid sentence to observe the new arrivals. [B]?Dorian, Eddie, I don?t believe you have met Bella.?[/B] Both men smiled at the new face, Bella returned their gesture. Eden retook her seat next to Brian and took a sip of her drink; a few things became obvious to her. This was by no means any sort of coincidence. [B]?Well I think we can safely assume that this isn?t any kind of strange accident.? [/B] Everyone looked up at her with questioning looks on their faces. [B]?I agree with Eden.? [/B] Dorian interjected. [B]?How do you know that??[/B] Mosses asked. [B]?Because when Brian and I arrived the business man said that [I]Mr Quan[/I] purchased this house.?[/B] Eden?s put particular emphasis on[I] ?Mr. Quan?[/I]. Everyone exchanged nervous looks and started to talk amongst themselves. [B]?Whoever this guy is, he has enough resources to get us altogether in once place. That alone makes me nervous.?[/B] Dorian spoke again; everyone seemed to more or less nod in agreement. Eden looked over towards Eddie who seemed to have taken it upon himself to explain to Bella everything that had happened before this. Moses also helped to recount the events. Everyone more or less had their own conversations going, their sprits rose even further when the food arrived. Chinese food, pizza, roast Eden had spared no expense on the food. Whatever people wanted she had ordered for them, the bill didn?t even put a dent in her credit card. She smiled as she watched everyone have a good time, it probably wasn?t going to stay this way forever so they had may as well enjoy it while it lasted.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=White][SIZE=1]Claudia didn?t feel like doing anything, least of all going to school. She hesitantly got to her feet and stumbled over to her bathroom mirror. She cringed at the sight of herself, her hair was matted and her black make-up had smudged. [COLOR=Red][I]?Great, I look like the living dead.?[/I][/COLOR] Splashing water on her face she removed her make up before re-applying it and then brushed her hair. She trudged back through her bathroom, over to her closet and threw back the sliding doors. Claudia threw on a pair of cargo pants with a black and gray army camouflage print. She searched her tee-shirts for her favorite one, black, short sleeve with a symbol of three skulls arranged in a circle. Claudia then retrieved a black hooded jumper with a phoenix on the back and threw that on too, pulling the hood up over her face and covering her eyes. She struggled with her combat boots for a good five minutes before grabbing her shoulder bag complete with a skull solider and flying down stairs for breakfast. Her father looked up from behind their breakfast counter; he had a concerned look on his face. He attempted to cheer her up with a soft smile. [COLOR=Red][B]?I made you breakfast Claud, pancakes with sorbet and maple syrup.? [/B] [/COLOR] Claudia?s father dressed much in the same manner that she did, if not more extreme. He had been that way ever since his wife, her mother, had died in a horrific accident. None seemed to mind the Goth-like daughter and father though. Claudia gave her father a kiss on the cheek and retrieved her breakfast from him; she gulped it down in no time with a glass of water. [COLOR=Red][B]?Thanks dad,? [/B] [/COLOR] she spoke while dumping her plate in the dishwasher and heading for the door. [COLOR=Red][B]?I?ll be late home tonight, I have to stay back and put in some extra time on my artworks.? [/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B]?No worries Claw, I was going to say the same thing. I have to do some extra work at the lab, don?t wait up for me.?[/B][/COLOR] He had to half yell as Claudia was almost out the door. [COLOR=Red][B]?Ok Dad, bye.? [/B] [/COLOR] Her father smiled as he began cleaning up and getting ready to go to work, his daughter seemed to be feeling better. Claudia retrieved her black I pod from her bag as she walked and hit the shuffle option on the menu. Heavy metal guitar and screaming filled her senses. Today had been one of her better days; she had felt increasingly depressed after the love of her life had died. She had been going back to school on and off, now she had decided that it was probably best to try and start going everyday. [CENTER]+ + + + +[/CENTER] Claudia had reached school in record time; as she entered the school she noticed someone doing sort-of-push-ups?, she didn?t take any notice though and kept walking. She navigated the hallways, nimbly dodging people and other obstacles. She looked to her left and noticed Cameron had another senior in her grip. She stifled a laugh as she walked towards her locker and stashed her stuff. The girl Cam had in her crosshairs of doom didn?t stand a chance. Claudia grabbed a smaller bag full of different artistic materials and headed towards the rear of the school where the art rooms were located. As she walked she observed people doing various things, something that caught her attention however was Zed. He was causing fights to erupt?again. She shook her head as she kept walking and entered one of the art studios. Claudia was cautiously approached by her teacher and asked the usual questions like [COLOR=Red][B][I]?how are you feeling?? ?Is there anything I can do?? [/I][/B] [/COLOR] ?blah blah blah. She dismissed the teacher politely and began work on her project. She lifted her hood back and tied up her hair in a messy bun. Claudia gracefully lifted a paint brush and dipped it into black paint; she stepped back and sized up the large canvas before violently moving the bush across it, letting her bottled emotions guide her.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]Ivy fumbled for her keys as she juggled her laptop under one arm. She eventually managed to open the door and almost fell into her apartment, tripping over a slight rise in the floor. She maneuvered her foot behind her and slammed the door shut without looking back. Stripping off her hooded jacket she placed her lap top on her frosted glass table and opened the lid. The computer did nothing however. Ivy cursed herself as she looked around. Using her powers must have totaled its circuitry. Her apartment was rather large, the furnishings mostly made from wood, glass or metal. It was lit dimly with natural gray light filtering in from large windows on one side. Her shoes squeaked as she made her way over to her black leather couch. It was still drizzling out side; she smiled and wished the weather would escalate into a thunderstorm, though that wasn?t very likely. Ivy was still a little shaken by her encounter with the cloaked character. She had not so openly used her powers in quite a while. She felt a wave of nausea wash over her and bent over in an attempt to push her late lunch back down. Small blots still crackled in between strands of her hair. Ivy?s yellow tinted eyes scanned her apartment for something to take her mind off her somersaulting stomach. She saw something in the corner of her eye, and flicked her head around to investigate. Ivy noticed her answering machine was blinking red, twice in quick succession. She fumbled around in a side-table draw for a pair of unusual looking leather gloves before turning back to the answering machine. Reaching over she hit the button and it clicked to play the messages. [I][B]?You have two new messages, one urgent...?[/B][/I] The automated female voice announced. Ivy?s brow furrowed in thought at the machine. What could be so urgent? [B]?Hi, Ivy its John, Did you want to meet up some time for lunch? or dinner? Ring me back when you get this message. Oh and thanks for fixing my computer, it works great...Bye.?[/B] Ivy smiled and giggled slightly, John sounded like an excited little school boy. She would have to ring him back later. The machine clicked over once more and began playing the next message. [B]?Ivy? You know who this is. If you get this message, I?m trying to gather everyone. Meet at central park noon tomorrow. Oh and Ivy, [I]do try[/I] to be on time.? [/B] Ivy?s brow furrowed as the message ended, she hit the re-play button on the machine. Her lips parted into a slight smile as she pinned a named to the somewhat familiar voice. [I]Mugen[/I], it had to be him. [CENTER]+ + + + + +[/CENTER] Ivy arrived at central park well past noon. As she scanned the park her eyes fell on gathering of individuals. She sheepishly began to walk over to everyone, looking each over each individual as she approached. Ivy smiled apologetically, scratching the back of her head as she tapped Mugen on the shoulder. [B]?Sorry I?m late. Last one to arrive as? usual.? [/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Eden lead Dracula back up to the mansion through the caves, she followed warily behind him. As Dracula and she reached the main hall she ordered maids and various other personnel to get Dracula whatever he wanted. Eden lead Dracula to his room, this room took some time to get too. It was the grandest in the entire mansion, more so than Eden?s; she had kept it especially for the time when Dracula was to be awoken. She had told him all about Kizan, so far Dracula had remained quiet on this issue. He said he would call her when he was ready to take action. [B]?Thank you for all that you are doing Lady Eden, now please leave me. I will call if I need anything.?[/B] Eden bowed to Dracula as he walked away from her. She admired his figure as he turned. He had thick dark brown, almost black slightly curly shoulder length hair. His eyes were a bright powder blue, almost white in color. He had a perfectly formed face, with an attractive square jaw and a light goatee. His body was all muscle, there didn?t look to be an ounce of fat on him. Dracula was tall about 6?7? and tanned, despite the fact that most vampires were deathly pale. This just made him even more attractive. Eden broke her gaze on Dracula; bowing once more she left him to his own devices. She had ordered the vampires in the mansion to obey his every wish, whatever he wanted he would get. Eden went back up to her office, even more concerned that Riley hadn?t answered her calls. She sat at her desk and rested her head in her hands. Eden?s wallowing was interrupted when Riley finally contacted her. [B]?Lady Eden?? [/B] Riley questioned. [B]?Yes my Child?!? [/B] Eden spoke in her mind in a concerned voice. [B]?I am with Kizan, he has told me to tell you not to follow us or he will kill you. We have the one called Sarin and the blade Allura. Krishna is with us also. Do not follow or you will be killed.? [/B] Eden?s heart sank at Riley?s words. Then absolute fury came over her because of the apparent betrayal. [B]?Tell Kizan that he will pay dearly. I will not take orders from him. I will not be thrown aside nor will I go down without a fight!?[/B] Eden spoke in her mind furiously and then broke the connection. She would have to calm down first before she let Riley communicate with her again. [B]ooc:Let me know if you want anything changed, Sazabi or Astdis.[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] I had to pry my self away from 24? But yes! I?d love to see this continue. I was immensely sad when I saw no one was posting. I love this rp. I?m sorry that I haven?t been posting, I honestly had no idea what so ever about what to write (suppose that?s really no excuse?). I will be able to post today or tomorrow for sure. Really, I don?t want to see this die. So count me in Captain Vicky (especially for the re make if you ever decide to do one) -Salutes- [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=White][B]Name: [/B] [URL=http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/005/d/c/Lili_by_xyle.jpg][B][COLOR=Red]Claudia Lennox [/COLOR][/B] [/URL] Credit [URL=http://xyle.deviantart.com/][B][COLOR=Red]Xyle@Deviant Art[/COLOR][/B][/URL] [B]Age / DOB: [/B] 17 years old. Born on the 11th November 1993 [B]Persona:[/B] [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/Hermies.jpg][COLOR=Red] [B]Xenon [/B] [/COLOR] [/URL] [B]Blood Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/saidagget.jpg][COLOR=Red][B]Xyrus[/B][/COLOR][/URL] [Refers to both weapons- Sai x2] Xyrus in essence is a pair of slightly larger than normal Sai forged from a black metal and engraved in gold. [B]Snippet: [/B] [/SIZE] [B]?Come on, pick up damn it!? [/B] Jack drummed his fingers against his leg impatiently, like it would make a difference to when the person picked up. But the phone just kept on ringing, the dull trilling, buzzing in his ear. Eventually the dial tone stopped and clicked over to voice mail. [B]?Hi, you?ve reached Claudia. Leave a message after the beep.?[/B] A mechanical beep sounded telling Jack that he should say something. [I]?Short and sweet as usual? [/I] He thought. [B]?Claudia, pick up? God, you?re impossible sometimes. Call me back as soon as you get this message?-?[/B] A young woman snapped her black mobile closed, ending the call abruptly. A smile crossed her painted crimson lips as she continued walking down the street. Her black combat boots clicked loudly with each step as they connected with the pavement. Jack would just have to wait; he needed to learn some patience. She flicked a few stray strands of straight black hair behind her ear quickly; the action was useless as a few seconds later a breeze blew past, blowing the same strands back in front of her face. Her eyes glistened as she scanned her surroundings. Claudia was continuously analysing things in her head. It had always been extremes with her, whatever emotion she was feeling. She was always either really angry or exceedingly depressed, there was no happy medium with her, at least not until recently. She rounded a corner and scanned the area in front of her. Claudia spotted Jack immediately; he was sitting outside, in front of a small café, arms crossed against his chest as usual. [B]?You look happy.?[/B] She teased. Claudia sensed that something was wrong right off the bat and the smile disappeared from her face. Jack?s brow was furrowed deep in thought, his mind seemed elsewhere. Claudia moved her head around to catch his gaze as she sat down opposite him. He gave her a half hearted smiled as he looked her up and down. She always caught his attention with the way she dressed. Claudia was fit and slender; her choice of a tight black tee-shirt and torn jeans, coupled with silver jewellery and a large black leather belt served only to excite his imagination even more. [B]?What?s going on?? [/B] She cocked her head to the side in question. He looked away from her and squinted, his blue eyes searching the distance. [I]?You always cut straight to the point don?t you? [/I] he thought. Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, holding it gently and almost?fondly. He gently laid it down on the table and slid it across a few centimetres toward her. [B]?This is yours. I?thought you might want it back.? [/B] Claudia looked at the black box made of crystal, then back at Jack. [B]?What are you saying?? [/B] She remembered giving the box to him as a present on their third anniversary. They had been going out for some time, since year 5. At first the relationship was just for fun, juvenile games, but it eventually blossomed into something more serious as it progressed in years. [B]?Maybe-maybe?we should call it quits, Claud.? [/B] He swallowed a lump in his throat as his expression looked like he was in pain as he spoke. Claudia looked at him seriously, pinning him with her intimidating light brown, almost yellow gaze. [B]?What?s wrong?? [/B] [B]?Nothing?s wrong.? [/B] He replied, not meeting her eyes. [B]?Then why are we breaking up after all these years Jack?? [/B] If there was one thing she was good at, it was interrogation. Her eyes never wavered. [B]?I just?can?t do this any more Claud.? [/B] Jack got up to leave, the pain still evident on his face. Claudia showed no emotion as she stood to follow him. She placed a pale hand on his shoulder and handed him the black box. [B]?You keep it. I gave it to you; I want you to have it.? [/B] She practically demanded. He looked at the ground as he ran a hand though his blond hair. Jack eventually worked up the courage to look her in the eyes; her black hair had fallen into her face again. The messy bun she had it up in had started to come undone. Today must have been a good day. [B]?I love you?? [/B] Were his last whispered words before he walked away. She ran to follow him as he rounded a corner, his black trench coat flapping in the breeze behind him. As she got to the corner he was gone. The shrill call of an ambulance siren sounded in the near distance, piercing the silence that surrounded Claudia. [/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red][B]EDIT:[/B] Added picture to name. Finished editing sign up, thanks to Sakura for helping me out ^ ^. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I have to say that when I was a little kiddy I remember hording [B][COLOR=Red]r[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrange]a[/COLOR][COLOR=Yellow]i[/COLOR][COLOR=YellowGreen]n[/COLOR][COLOR=RoyalBlue]b[/COLOR][COLOR=Purple]o[/COLOR][COLOR=Pink]w[/COLOR] [/B] popcorn like it was treasure. It was our gold. And looked something like this[URL= http://www.popcornpalace.com/resources/products/flavor_rainbow2.jpg] [COLOR=DarkOrange][click][/COLOR][/URL]. I thought it was the best thing ever, it induced crazy hyperactive sugar fits. I think the whole popcorn was covered in a crust of sugar and what looks like now to be semi-radioactive food coloring. I don't really like popcorn but if I did eat it, it would probably just be plain with nothing on it. [/SIZE]
[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26039&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26040&stc=1 [/IMG] [SIZE=1]Ones more zoomed in than the other...I think. Anywho let me know if you want aything different.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Alex continued down the hall way towards Commander Lister?s office after talking with Leon. Her feet felt heavy as she walked, she had just finished fixing Ares when she saw him. She sighed as she stopped to look out at the void of space. Somewhere out there was a home, she was sure of it. Alex?s thoughts could not help but turn to those who had died earlier that morning. How many more would die before they found a permanent home? Alex shrugged off the thoughts as her attention was turned towards a gathering of personnel down the hall. They all seemed to be jolting one another out of the way in order to get a peek at something on one of the digital notice boards. Alex side stepped a few chatting girls to take a look at the mystery notice. When she saw the pink and red colours of the screen she rolled her eyes in distaste. She listened into a conversation going on behind her. [CENTER][IMG]http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/4189/lmfao7ni.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]?Oh my god can you believe this years theme! It?s so perfect! And romantic??[/B] A squealing girl practically yelled. [B]?I know I have just the dress too! I?m going to go ask John right away to see if he will go with me.? [/B] Her probable friend boasted. [B]?I?ve so got the perfect mask all ready picked out??[/B] another one interjected. Alex had to desperately try and stop her self from laughing at the ridiculousness of the matter. She had a lot more important things to think about other than if her ?mask matched her dress?. Shaking her head she pushed the buzzer for the Commanders office. The door opened almost immediately, with her papers firmly clutched underneath her arm Alex stepped through the door way. Commander Lister was standing with her back towards Alex. She appeared to be observing the void of space from a large viewing window behind her desk. Alex snapped to attention and saluted the commander. Commander Lister slowly turned and saluted back before returning to looking back out the window. Alex?s eyes narrowed as she stepped forwards and placed various folders on the commander?s desk. [B]?There are the mission reports, mech status reports, team health reports and the other data you requested Commander.? [/B] Commander Lister nodded, Alex snapped her heals together in acknowledgement and turned to leave. [B]?My brother was aboard the research vessel explorer 3 that was?lost today.? [/B] Alex?s back immediately straightened itself. [B]?I?m sorry for your loss ma?am. We did all that was possible to try and save her and her crew.? [/B] [B]?Thank you Captain. Thats all I needed to hear, you may go now." [/B] Alex saluted the Commander once more before leaving. Her consciousness attacked her as she walked back to her quarters. [I]?You lied.? [/I] It repeated over and over. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] A young woman of 22 sat typing delicately on a key board; her light brown eyes scanned the screen in front of her. With a few final taps a smile crept across her cherry lips. The young woman closed the lid of the black lap top computer and walked back though the shop. She smiled, her eyes gleaming with pride at another job well done. Her sandy blond hair rested just below her shoulders, swaying slightly as she stepped. [B]?There you go Mr Sheppard. Your computer is in perfect working order. If it happens to give you any more trouble, don?t hesitate to come and see us again.? [/B] The woman smiled as she handed the computer back to its owner. [B]?Oh, thanks very much Ivy? [/B] The man smiled back, it was obvious to most that he only came to the small computer shop to see her. He reluctantly took the machine from the counter top, whishing she would have spent just that little while longer fixing it. [B]?See you around then.? [/B] The man said as he turned to walk away. [B]?Goodbye John.? [/B] Ivy smiled to herself as she went about rearranging the counter top, after John had gone. He would receive a nice surprise when he lifted the lid, her phone number. Ivy went about the small shop fixing displays and restocking shelves. When the store clock hit five am she was out of the shop as quick as a lightening bolt. Ivy adjusted the hood of her brown coat, it was raining quite heavily and the air was freezing. She hated rain; Ivy in fact hated any kind of water. She clutched her lap top underneath her arm like a mother would a child. She could be very protective of things. It would take her more than fifteen minutes to get to her apartment. He sighed heavily as she nimbly dodged puddles. Ivy?s jeans were beginning to soak through, her tight green tee shirt and brown leather jacket were fine though. She cringed as her wet socks and Green sneakers squelched as she walked. [B]?Lovely evening, wouldn?t you say Miss Pollux?? [/B] A dark voice questioned seemingly from everywhere at once. Ivy couldn?t tell wether the voice belonged to a male or female, it had a strangle quality sounding like it held characteristics of both sexes. Ivy turned on her heal but there was no one behind her. Sighing she turned around again to be faced with a dark hooded character. She jumped back, startled at the sudden appearance. [B]?How do you know my name?? [/B] Ivy spoke half in a demanding tone, half inquisitive. The figure began to slowly walk around her, as if appraising her. [B]?I know many things, but if you wish for your questions to be answered? I suggest you come with me to see my master.? [/B] Ivy raised an eye brow. [B]?Why would I do that??[/B] She questioned, clutching her lap top a little more tightly. [B]?Why my dear child, because of your gift??[/B] Ivy shook her head and started to walk past the figure. [B]?I have no idea what you are talking about.? [/B] [B]?Don?t play dumb with me girl!? [/B] The figure yelled at her. Ivy jumped, monetarily startled and found her computer slipping from her clutches. It hit the pavement with a loud plastic crack. Ivy looked up at the figure angrily, her fists clenched. She could have sworn it was smiling at her. [B]?You will come with me to see my master.? [/B] It hissed. Shadows seemed to teem from it, reaching out to her. Anger and fear welled in the pit of Ivy?s stomach, as she opened her hands small bolts of electricity crackled between her fingers. Not noticed by either person Ivy?s lap top began to float in mid air and move slowly towards her. [B]?I will do no such thing!? [/B] Electricity began to form in her hair; it popped as it formed between strands and connected with her clothing. With every passing moment the figures shadows grew closer and stronger. Ivy clapped her hands together in defence, as she did so a bolt of lightening passed from her into the mass of shadow. A loud [I]crack-boom[/I] resounded from the shadow a few seconds after the bolt hit. The air and objects around her became electrified as she let loose another bolt more powerful than the last. Another [I]crack-boom[/I] was heard a few seconds later. Ivy scooped up her floating lap top, not waiting to see if the figure was still there, and ran as fast as she was able. Several streets later she stopped to catch her breath, small bolts still crackling between her finger tips. [CENTER]- - - - -[/CENTER] Just to explain Ivy?s powers a little more [I know it?s sorta traditional in nature >
[SIZE=1]Hey I?d like to help out; I?ve really got nothing else to do. Boredom >< [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Red][B]Glad this is back up again! Hope what I have written is ok Sazabi. I was kinda waiting for something I could jump back in on. If you want any changes made no problems at all. [/B] [/COLOR] [CENTER]----[/CENTER] Eden frowned as she watched Kizan leave with Sarin; everything seemed to be becoming less and less in her favor. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]?I think its time to wake Dracula.?[/B][/COLOR] She spoke softly to herself. Turning on her heal, Eden walked back though the mansion and into the hall. She clicked her fingers at six men to follow her. The soldiers complied and fell in step behind her. Eden quickly walked to her room to gather her weapons and continued back down to the hall again. She turned to face the six men following her. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]?Do as I say, shut up and do not make a sound. Follow.? [/B] [/COLOR] The six men saluted her and she then turned around and headed for the west wing of the mansion. Eden pondered as she walked. She would have gladly fought Sarin as a blade, as a human, like she did so many times before. He was a match for her, and she was a match for him, their battles had been nothing short of spectacular, but now. Now Eden couldn?t help feel something, she couldn?t under stand the feeling. Was it sorrow? No, love? Most probably not, she felt something perhaps a sense of loss for the blade Sarin. Her thoughts were interrupted as she had found the door to the abandoned Painite mines. The door was a secret, she hoped, Eden knew the mines like the back of her hand. Somewhere buried deep within those mines was Dracula. [CENTER]----[/CENTER] Finally after what seemed like hours of walking Eden and her men found the door. It was carved out of the rock itself. Intricate designs were inscribed all over the door. Parts of it were poured with gold and adorned with the extremly rare blood red gem that was discovered in the mines long ago. The centre of the door was engraved with a symbol. The symbol may have just looked like a jumble of lines to most, but Eden saw it for what it was, a cleverly designed and ornate capital ?D?. Eden unsheathed a dagger as she ordered the soldiers to stand three either side of her. While gripping the dagger Eden rolled up her dress to above her thigh, much to the delight of the male vampires. Using the dagger she sliced her skin open and fished around for something. Eventually she pulled out a small heavily decorated and flat diamond shaped metal object. Eden walked toward the door and placed the object in the centre of the D. Using her hands she channeled some of her blood from her leg into a small hole in the centre of the diamond. A few seconds passed before a loud click was heard followed by many more clicks and pops as things on the door began to move and unlock. Eventually the door slid open and a dark void lay beyond. Eden beckoned for her followers to enter before her and each stand in a corner of the room. The tomb was highly decorated with carved pictures and Vampiric text. In the centre on a raise plat form laid an even more decorated coffin. Eden walked up the few stars to the raised platform and caressed the side of the stone box with her hand. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]?Soon.? [/B] [/COLOR] she whispered seemingly to nothing. Eden placed her hand on the centre of the coffin and pushed down, instantaneously a spike pierced her hand and many other spikes were thrust into the bodies of the vampire soldiers. Some grunted with pain but most stayed silent they knew that one day they would be sacrificed. Eden?s blood poured from her hand and into groves of the coffin. As if buy some unforeseen force the blood began to trace the grooves of the coffin and colour it red. The spike retracted from her hand and more pops and clicks could be heard this time emanating from the coffin. Eden stood back and kneeled before the right side of the coffin and waited. After the blood had been drained from the six men the stone lid of the coffin began to move. It opened into two pieces mechanically and a blood drenched hand suddenly gripped the side of the coffin. Eden stayed kneeling as the powerful figure sat up and then stood. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]?My Lord, Dracula.? [/B] [/COLOR] She spoke very respectfully; she dare not look up, Eden suddenly then felt a hand on her shoulder. [COLOR=Red][B]"Rise.?[/B] [/COLOR] The deep voice spoke. Eden compiled hesitantly, she felt the world closing in around her. Perhaps after all these years, maybe these days truly were her last. It was something she could not bare to dwell on.[/SIZE]
Sign Up Polemistis, Iroas, Oloi [PG-LV] [Sign[Ups]
Disenchanted replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
[INDENT][SIZE=1] [B]Name: [/B] Marcus Sorrel [B]Age: [/B] 27 [B]Nationality: [/B] British [B]Class:[/B] The Monk [B]Weapon: [/B][URL=http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/628/o645rw.png] [B][COLOR=Red][Mace-Walking Stick] [/COLOR] [/B] [/URL] Marcus uses his walking stick as his weapon. His walking stick isn?t in fact one at all, it is a wooden pole with a metal ball on one end and a blunt spike on the other. In battle Marcus uses the metal ball [which he would usually grip when walking] to knock out his opponents. The smaller blunt spike end is used for retrieving objects or pin point attacks. [B]Appearance: [/B] Marcus?s face is pockmarked with small scars and indents, his jaw is square and his brow is heavy. He does not care much for his looks and never has. He will keep himself tidy however; he keeps his black hair short and sometimes grows a small beard. He has a medium muscular build although this is not evident because of the loose fitting robes he wears. Underneath his long brown robes he will usually wear just a simple form of every day dress. A silver cross dangles from a chain that is tied around his waste. Depending on his mood Marcus may have his hood up or down. It is drawn over his head more often then it is down. Marcus walks with a slight limp and so supports himself using a walking stick given to him as a gift. His limp gives him the appearance that he is a frail old monk, he also hunches over on purpose. In actual fact his apparent frailty is nothing more than a ruse. Marcus is in fact actually quite fit and very healthy. His robes may change in colour from a dark brown to a black and sometimes on the rare occasion white. Marcus usually holds an expression of disinterest on his face. He has seen his fair share of things and events or people rarely excite him these days. Some people may get an occasional inquisitive eye brow raise from him. [B]Personality: [/B] Marcus is generally laid back and easy going. He seems uninterested in things on the whole. Despite any hard ships he may have endured he does not look bleakly upon the world. He does not automatically try and convert everyone he meets to his faith either. He believes that to be wrong, everyone has the right to believe what they want. Marcus leaves the preaching to others. He rarely gets emotional, believing many things are just not worth getting that worked up over. He has seen many things but still considers himself to be ignorant when it comes to most matters. Marcus loves nothing more than to sit and just do nothing but be left alone with his thoughts. He doesn?t mind company though and enjoys a good conversation or two. Marcus forgives other easily but he does not forget. If you cross him he will forgive you but his eyes will never leave you for as long as you are in his sight. Trust and loyalty are two things he holds in very high regard. He trusts quite easily but that degree of trust is dependant solely on the actions of person in question. Marcus can be tenacious at times, a trait he has tried hard to be rid of. [B]Combat Tactics: [/B] He refuses to kill in battle and prefers to just take his opponents out with a few well placed hits. His old and frail façade is lost in a fight and his true self emerges. Marcus uses agility in conjunction with his mace-like-weapon to dazzle and render his enemies unconscious. Whatever happens to his enemy after they fall unconscious however is none of his concern. [B]Special Skills: [/B] Marcus is skilled in the art of healing. He keeps various herbs with him that are capable of helping the body to heal much faster than naturally possible. He is careful when using his techniques because of many reasons but most are fear orientated. Marcus can also sew wounds, clean them, strap limbs and perform other basic duties. [B]Bio: [/B] Marcus grew up in a wealthy house hold. He was eldest son to Sir Sorrel of 4 children. Marcus? childhood and early adult years were spent mostly in study. He was taught how to fight by some of the best instructors known to the British court. He was dedicated to learning anything that someone was willing to teach him. He enjoyed horse riding the most. Marcus found he had a soft spot for the creatures and was quite talented at riding them. By the time he was 17 he had five horses in his possession, his most prised was a black stallion. Marcus felt that through the course of his life he had a certain obligation to protect his three younger sisters. If one of them got into trouble he would always take the blame regardless. Harriet was the youngest of his three sisters and had always been there for him. As much as he thought it horrible to say, she was his favourite. Harriet would always follow him around and bring him tea; she would even look after him when he was sick. They were the best of friends. One fateful day Marcus was returning home from a long mid morning horse ride, when he found his other two sisters out the front of their grand house crying. There had been an accident. Harriet was brushing one of his horses when it became spooked and struck her in the face with one of its hind legs. The resulting force of the blow sent her flying into the stable wall where she struck her head. She did not survive the accident. Harriet?s death was a pivotal event in Marcus? life. After she died the house hold became some how colder, hollow, a vital piece was lost. She was their sunshine and now she was gone. Marcus always blamed himself for the accident; he had never allowed her into the stables without himself present. Harriet never ever needed to prove anything to him, and that was what upset him the most. To escape his beloved sisters passing Marcus allowed himself to be carried off to civil war along with his father. The civil war lasted many years and Marcus was an adult by its end. It was during the final battle when his side suffered defeat that Marcus would truly come to value life. After defeat Marcus, his father and all those who were left alive were taken for execution by order of the king. Marcus found a reason to live while in prison awaiting his death. He would live life for his sister who was robbed from him and find some way to avenge his side?s losses. Marcus also found God in prison and vowed to devote the res of his life to religion once his goals were met. With the help of some others and his father Marcus escaped prison and ultimately execution. Despite all his strength he could not free his father before his execution date and so watched helplessly as he died. He later formed a small resistance of a few men who felt the same as he did about the current king. Any hopes of stating a rebellion or otherwise were quickly dashed when they were found out and their hideout raided. Most of the men that were following Marcus either died or were captured and sent to prison. Marcus considered that the last straw, he would do what he had promised the lord years ago and be done with killing. He became a monk and begun to life a life of relative seclusion, he had finally found some measure of peace. It was during a visit into town when Marcus heard men tell stories time and again of a great sword that could lay waste to entire armies. If such a weapon existed its evil could not be allowed to continue. -I apolagise if there are any mistakes, I'll fix them tomorrow. Hope this is ok DH [/SIZE][/INDENT] -
[SIZE=1][B]?Minerva, concentrate on stopping their hack!? [/B] [B]?Yeah, yeah I?m working on it?? [/B] Minerva mumbled back. Her attention completely taken up by the screen in front of her. [B]?Knights finish off the remaining attackers then focus all attention on the command vessel.?[/B] Alex tried to keep her voice as emotionless as possible. She had to get her priorities straight, everything seemed just as important as everything else. Minerva and the science ship needed to be protected just as much as the enemy needed to be neutralised. Alex let off a burst from her rifle at an enemy mech out of frustration. The rounds connected with the mechs torso and strafed upwards into the cock-pit. The mech exploded in ball of fire and debris. Alex rubbed her eyes in her few seconds break before she heard loud shouting burst across the open com channel. [B]?Knights! We got two kamikazes!?[/B] Fort almost screamed. Alex snapped her head up to look at her HUD. Sure enough she could see two rogue enemy mechs hurtling forwards hoping to break their line. Even with Fort?s forewarning nothing could be done to stop them. They rushed passed Mari and headed straight for the science vessel. As soon as they reached the damaged ship they situated themselves either side of it and initiated their self destruct sequence within milliseconds. Alex watched in a kind of detached slow motion as the two enemy mechs instantaneously exploded. The force of their twin blasts shredding the research ship to pieces in-between them. The resulting explosion was much, much larger then she anticipated it to be. Then Alex remembered the volatile metal-substance the ship was carrying. She felt sick to her stomach when she saw that Mari and Aibou looked as though they would be swallowed by the rapidly expanding fire ball. Seconds later the explosion engulfed Mari?s position. [B]?Mari do you copy, Mari!??[/B] Alex waited along with the other nights for some sort of sign from her. [I]?Answer, damn it, answer.? [/I] Alex repeated it in her head like a mantra. It seemed like hours had gone by when a voice finally picked up the call. [B]?I?m here guys.? [/B] ?[I]Thank god? [/I] Alex thought. Cheers and sighs of relief erupted over her speakers. Leon must have gotten her out, he was the only one fast enough, she quietly praised Altair?s speed. The smile on her face was quickly washed away however; no less than five scientists and a pilot were killed on the research ship. Alex?s eyes grew dark as she looked at the large enemy vessel on her HUD. [B]?Knights, the enemy just took six of our own. Destroy all attack?? [/B] Minerva suddenly burst up over the com. [B]?They are opening a window!? [/B] the group watched in awe as the massive ship slowly moved into a glowing white gateway. Within seconds the massive structure was gone and the gate closed. It only took them a few minutes to finish off the remaining enemy fighters. [B]?They retreated, the baster?? [/B] [B]?Enough.?[/B] Alex interjected the statement; she wasn?t quite sure who it came from. She looked around her position; debris from the battle was everywhere. Alex let out a sigh, releasing her anger when her long range com channel came back into action. [B]??ghts do you read. Knights come in. Knights please respond.? [/B] The voice was none other than that of the General himself. [B]?We read you Crusade Seven. All knights present and accounted for.?[/B] Alex reported back. She could hear shouts of triumph in the background form the Opp C. [B]?We thought we had lost you there for a while. Sit rep?? [/B] [B]?We?ll brief you on our way home Crusade. We?re out of here guys. Let?s go home.? [/B] Alex moved her engines to full and boosters to max; she waited until everyone had made a start before leaving. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]ooc: [/B] New chapter soon guys. When we get back to the crusade you can post some sort of landing procedure if you wish. Check your mech for damage, help give it a bit of a fix up if need be. File a mission report and go have some fun.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][CENTER][IMG]http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/6514/crusadeyf2.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=3][CENTER]Chapter 1 Encounter[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][I]?The time to stop a revolution is at the beginning, not the end.?[/I] [B]Adlai E. Stevenson[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER]--------------------------[/CENTER] [B]?Opp C, Bromin reporting, lowering inertial dampeners.? [/B] The young male?s voice echoed throughout the Crusades Mission Operations Center. [B]?Affirmative, Captain Bromin.? [/B] A techy replied over his head set while logging the Captains changes. Opp C, as it was called by most, never slept. It was a hive of activity; its responsibility was to monitor the pilot?s vital signs and performance as well as record mission status and the condition of the mechs. A job that proved to be difficult at times. When there wasn?t a mission to monitor; reports had to be made and filed, computers kept up to date and virus free. People were always rushing about and it was virtually impossible to speak to one another directly because of the sheer volume of noise, but everyone seemed to manage. One was usually taken aback by the sight of the Opp C when seeing it for the first time. A somewhat eerie blue light was permanently cast over everything from the amount of display screens and equipment. Various colored lights danced around as buttons were pushed and switches flipped. The most impressive thing about the Opp C however was the massive viewing window situated at its far end. The screen of reinforced glass was as thick as 10 meters and absolutely massive. It gave everyone a fantastic view of deep space while flashing various amounts of information. The window had an overwhelming ability to make you feel extremely inadequate in the grand scheme of things. Suddenly every person in the Opp C simultaneously stopped what they were doing and snapped to attention, which was a rare but awesome sight. Their cause for paying respects was the appearance of the Crusade?s General. General Hank T. Stansfield [five stars] was not an imposing figure; he stood at only 5? 6? and looked as though he had never quite left puberty. Despite his strange looks the general commanded respect wherever he went. A proud looking lieutenant strode towards the general with a stern expression and snapped into a salute. [B]?General Sir!?[/B] [B]?Good morning everyone, as you were. Lieutenant, call the Knights in from training.? [/B] The soldier snapped another salute before speaking into his head set; there was a quite hush around the Opp C, the Knights were rarely brought in from training. [CENTER]--------------------------[/CENTER] [B]?Ouch!? [/B] Alex spoke over the open com channel; her comment was met with quiet chuckles. They had been training for a good 4 hours now, up at the crack of simulated dawn and going at each other hard. Leon and Fort had just begun fight one another and sparks were already flying. Leon had dodged a kick from Fort and struck back with a brutal punch to Equinox?s chest. The punch connected and sent Fort reeling, he recovered quickly however and was about to give Leon something back in return when a vid feed appeared on their HUD?s [heads up display]. The face before them was General Stansfield?s; he saluted them and waited until they returned the gesture before continuing. [B]?Apologies for interrupting your training ladies and gentlemen but we have a situation. Six minutes ago at 0900 hours we received a hail for assistance from one of our scientific research ships. They reported sighting another vessel before we lost their channel. You are ordered to investigate immediately and provide any help they require, the coordinates are being uploaded into your nav as we speak. Keep me posted.? [/B] The video cut to black and the pilots were left momentarily speechless. James was the first to break the silence. [B]?Do we have an ETA on the last known location of the ship??[/B] [B]?Estimated time of arrival is 15 minutes, 10 if we punch it.?[/B] Minerva replied, typing could be heard in the background as she spoke. [B]?Saddle up guys, Boosters all the way.?[/B] Mari ordered. Everyone set their boosters to maximum and in a split second the group of eight was gone. [CENTER]--------------------------[/CENTER] When the team arrived they were all rendered silent at the sight that lay before them. An alien vessel loomed large over their heads; the scientific ship they had been sent to search for looked horribly insignificant in comparison. The Knight Mechs looked as though they might have stood more of a chance against the ship. [B]?Min, please tell me you can get a scan on that ship?? [/B] Alex spoke as she stared up at the structure slightly unnerved, try as she might their guys were just not responding to her hails. [B]?That?s a neg Lexy; I can?t get a fix on her. Something is blocking our? oh this is not good." [/B] The sound of Minerva?s voice made Alex feel very uncomfortable. [B]?Minerva??[/B] Alex used Min?s first name when things started to get serious. [B]?They are jamming our long range comms. Their code is like nothing I?ve seen before??[/B] Min?s voice trailed off and was drowned out by her typing. [B]?Look.? [/B] Kari cut though the conversation drawing everyone?s attention to the alien ship. The massive structure spun large protrusions on their axes and pointed them in the direction of the scientific research ship. At that moment a worried and panicked voice burst across their emergency channel. [B]?Knights?! Is that you? Thank god it is you. We thought you?d never come. We were down on the planet and returning home when this thing came out of nowhere and cut off our communications??[/B] at that moment the alien ship fired and screams burst forth as a small explosion erupted from the side of the small vessel. It accelerated away in a vain attempt to save itself and begun dodging the enemy fire. [B]?Knights, scatter!?[/B] Dr. Turghun reflexively yelled as the alien guns were turned towards them. [CENTER]--------------------------[/CENTER] [B]ooc:[/B] Oooh, drama! You can fight in groups or solo, whatever you please. Have fun and kick some alien butt! XD [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] So on to the accepted list, but before that I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all who took the time to sign up. I really wish I could have accepted everyone >< you all provided [I]excellent[/I] characters, so without further a due and in no particular order. [B]Sakura:[/B] Captain Mari Takeuchi, Pilot of the Elemental [Aibou] [B]Albert Flasher:[/B] Captain Kari Paakkolanvaara, Pilot of the Defensive module [Hirvi] [B]BKstyles:[/B] Captain Leon Bromin, Pilot of the Agility [Altair] [B]Redemption: [/B] Captain Menerva Neith, Pilot of the Recognisance module [QUESTA] [B]Ezekiel:[/B] Captain Fortescue Camdon, Pilot of the Stealth module [Equinox] [B]DeathKight:[/B] Captain Dr. Turghun Almas, Pilot of the Support module [Khan] [B]Gavin:[/B] Captain James Kilburn, Pilot of the Power module [Paladin] [B]Eclipse:[/B] Captain Alexandra Menai, Pilot of the Adaptable module [Ares] Ok everyone look for a thread in the adventure square some time later today or early tomorrow. Thanks once again for your support. -Eclipse ^ ^[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]The accepted list will be posted by tomorrow night at the very latest. Don?t fret, ^ ^ [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]occ: short I know I''m sorry but mission acomplished Capt'n. Hope everyhting is ok with you Darren, let me know if it isn't.[/B] [B]"Hey, Eden. It's Brian. What are you up to tonight?" [/B] Eden shifted uncomfortably on the hard wooden bench she had sat herself on. What would she be up to tonight? Not much, her house had apparently contracted some sort of horrible bug infestation and she wasn?t allowed in untill they were all exterminated. [B]?I don?t know, my house has some sort of infestation and they won?t let me in.? [/B] Eden sighed as she leant back into the seat. [B]?Oh, I?m sorry.?[/B] Brian said, unsure what to say about her house. Eden shrugged as she watched men scurry about with various pieces of equipment. [B]?Don?t be sorry, it is not your fault, where are you??[/B] Eden stood from her bench and began to walk down the street towards a large multi-story car park leaving the bike parked where it was. Brian took a fair while before he answered Eden, as if he was contemplating every possible out come to do with answering her question. [B]?I?m about five blocks from the Hilton.?[/B] Eden put her hand over the mobiles speaker as she thanked the staff for locating her car keys before moving out. [B]?Stay where you are, I?ll pick you up and then we can figure out some course of action. Agreed??[/B] Eden found her car and unlocked the doors manually. Getting in she immediately keyed the ignition and turned up the heat on the air-conditioning. [B]?Sure.? [/B] Brian?s agreeing sounded somewhat reluctant. The pair discussed exactly where they would meet before Eden finally left the car park. Her car was a small, inconspicuous and compact silver Ford, relatively new and only 2 door. [B]?OK see you soon, goodbye Brian.? [/B] [B]?Bye.?[/B] He half mumbled. Eden hung up and made her way towards the Hilton. She had no idea whatsoever what Brian and herself were going to do after she picked him up. Her stomach growled loudly as realised that she was very hungry. [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]:O Thank you very much for your interest everyone! It is my pleasure to announce the sign-ups are now [B][COLOR=Red]officially closed[/COLOR][/B]! I?m giving those who haven?t finished *pokes you* until Saturday to do so; selections will be posted later that day/night. Hopefully we can kick things off on Sunday. Thanks again everyone! -Eclipse [B]Edit: [/B] I?ve got one late sign up rolling in then things can get under way. Thanks everyone for your patience. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]Eden could hear the footsteps of her Grandfather as the sit on the end of her bed. It wasn?t really her bed, or her room, it was just a place that was kept for her incase she ever wanted to move in. Eden had no intention of ever moving in, not now anyway. Her grandfather politely knocked on the thick wooden door before opening it slightly. [B]?Eden? Are you ok??[/B] His voice sounded generally concerned, she blew a puff of air out her nose before nodding. [B]?I?m fine. I hope I didn?t scare them too much.? [/B] The old man chuckled nervously before walking across the room to her; he placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. Truth be told he was frightened of his granddaughter, she had completely shredded one of his books. He had known about her powers but she was never able to control them like this before. [B]?They are all right; I had Geoffrey bring them down some tea.?[/B] Eden nodded; their exchanged went more or less like this every time her parents were involved. Eden had no idea how her Papa could possibly still love his son. [B]?I?m sick of this Papa.? [/B] Her grandfather tilted his head to the side questioningly as if to say [I]?what?[/I]? [B]?I?m sick of being a freak; it is what I am, is it not? How many other people do you know that can cause earthquakes or books to shatter? None I?m betting.? [/B] Eden purposefully caused the room to shake just prove her point. Her grandfather stood her up and gave her a big hug. [B]?You are special Eden, never forget that.? [/B] With those words he exited the room. Eden walked to the large windowsill and looked out over the grand estate. She had absolutely adored growing up there, the large gardens and ponds had served for hours of imaginative entertainment. She loved nothing more than to get up early and go horse riding through the woods towards the back of the estate. Her thoughts suddenly turned to others who didn?t have the luck she had growing up. Eden never presumed to understand what Dani or Charles or others may have gone through but maybe she might just have gotten an inkling as to why they were the way they were. Eden suddenly turned on her heel and exited the room; she walked hastily towards the east of the large house and entered an elevator. Her finger automatically landed upon the button marked B3, which stood for basement 3. Within moments she was headed for a vehicle, luckily enough her grandfather kept a rather nice collection of cars, motorbikes and boats. She headed for a brand new blood red Ducati 109 something or other; she never paid much attention, got changed and fired up the engine. Eden may have been frightened of other people and what they could do to her but one thing she was never frightened of was learning. Eden popped her red and black helmet on before taking off on the bike; she had to climb 3 levels via a winding ramp before she reached outside. Eden didn?t really care where she was going, maybe she would go and find Brian or Dorian or even Eddie to see how he was doing. She didn?t really care much; she just needed to get away from everything that was holding her back. Eden automatically headed for her apartment in the city, she had not been there since Dani had arrived on her door step, she would start there and give Brian a call. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Thank you everyone for your interest so far! [/SIZE] [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]-Name: [/B] Alexandra [Alex/Lexy] Menai [B]-Age: [/B] 24 [B]-Gender: [/B] Female [B]-Nationality: [/B] Australian/Chinese [B]-Rank: [/B] Captain [B]-Appearance: [/B][URL=http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/005/d/c/Lili_by_xyle.jpg] [B][COLOR=Red][Alex] [I]off duty[/I] [/COLOR] [/B] [/URL] [URL=http://xyle.deviantart.com/]Credit [COLOR=Red]Xyle @ deviant art[/COLOR][/URL] Off duty Alex sometimes wears a long white trench coat she was given as a present [URL=http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/735/gyu2ug2.png][seen here][/URL], underneath she can usually be seen wearing a tight fitting white tank stop with baggy black pants held up by a back belt and black combat boots. She never takes her dog tags off, believing it bad luck to do so. The only piece of jewelry she wears is a silver ring on her right hand. Despite having an excellent figure Alex rarely shows it off. [B]-Personality: [/B] Alex is a proud individual; she is fiercely loyal to the military and her fellow comrades. She will do almost anything to preserve the reputation of her friends and the Seventh Crusade. Alex cares little for the opinions of others who are not close to her. Her carefree attitude and tendency to disobey orders because she thinks she knows better has gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion. Alex believes with a passion that [B]no matter what [/B] [I] ?no man should be left behind? [/I]. In battle Alex will act without thinking much of the consequences. She will do whatever it takes to ensure the success of their mission; she believes that strongly in it. She would not hesitate to give her life for her friends, the Crusade or her home. A mentality some say her father also shared. Alex is a bit awkward around guys, especially around ones she likes; a lack of men in her life may have been he cause. Alex holds a deep hatred for people who think she has gotten where she is today off her grandfathers/fathers reputations and positions. She will not hesitate to correct anything these people say; sometimes these corrections may not be verbal but a simple swift punch in the face. [B]-Chosen ?Knight? module/description: [/B] [B]Adaptable-[/B] [I]dubbed [/I] [COLOR=Red] ?Ares? [/COLOR] [B]Appearance: [/B] [COLOR=Red][URL=http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/9611/wheeeerm1.png][1][/URL] [URL=http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/6845/corewg3.png][2][/URL] [URL=http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/2387/blackext2.png][3][/URL][/COLOR] [3 shows Ares in black colour scheme with its rifle] The appearance of Ares may change depending on the equipment needed for each mission. Ares has two main weapons, a large beam rifle and a large sword for melee combat. So far Alex has not used the sword in combat although she has been trained to wield it. The Adaptable module was designed to be a mech capable of being changed to suit many different environments and situations. The cost of producing one unit was already much too high to begin putting the module into full production. It also became very time-consuming keeping the module at a high level of maintenance due to the many, many parts that could be taken from the mech and replaced. The module was already three quarters built before it was handed over to the Crusade VII for use in the ?Knight? project. [B]-Berserk mode: [/B] [B] [COLOR=Red] Blind Rage [/COLOR] [/B] In situations of dire need Alex?s mech can unleash a deadly energy beam. This attack can only be focused on one target. Her mech summons all of its remanning power and focuses the energy through its sword/rifle. The weapon gathers the energy and releases it in one massive burst. The beam has incredible explosive power. Afterwards Alex and her mech are left drained of most of their energy; if the beam is powerful enough it can render Alex physically blind for a short period of time. If her sword or rifle are incapable of acting as a focus for the burst the beam is channelled though the mechs hands. [B]-Special ability: [/B] Alex is telekinetic; she can move inanimate objects with her mind. The largest/heaviest object she has been able to move so far is a metal chair. To move an object takes a certain degree of mental concentration which she is working on but doesn?t fully possess yet. She can draw small objects to herself quickly but the larger/heavier the object the slower it moves and the harder it is to lift. [B]-Weapon: [/B] [URL=http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/8060/laserpistoldz5.png][B][COLOR=Red]2X [Laser] Assault pistols [/COLOR] [/B] [/URL] Alex?s pistols are of an older design and are out dated in construction by more recent models but are still powerful weapons. Each pistol holds a clip of 100 energy bursts; the guns have been modified to keep up with modern standards and are capable of piercing combat amour. The pistols can be set to single shot, three round bursts or full automatic. The pistols can also be modified to shoot traditional ?old fashioned? bullets but Alex has found no use for this mode yet. Her pistols can also be equipped with attachments such as silencers and scopes. [B]-Bio: [/B] Alex Jayne Menai was practically born into the military. Her great grandfather originally began the tradition and each male afterwards joined the military, Alex was the first female. It was not her original plan to join but being an only child and the last in line, she felt she had to. She knew very little of her parents except that her father was an ace Raven pilot and is still considered MIA [Missing In Action]. After her fathers dissaperance and her mothers death soon after Alex was left in the care of her grandfather at age 5. Alexandra?s grandfather was not much of a family man; she showed very little affection towards Alex and practically none to anyone else. Alex was more or less raised by her teachers at military boarding school on Crusade IV. Alex kept to herself for most of her schooling and achieved excellent grades. Although some teaches did make remarks about her not being able to efficiently communicate with some of the males in her classes. After graduation Alexandra was promoted and shipped directly for service on the unfinished Crusade VII. Like all of the personnel aboard the Crusade at the time she was forced into endure people building the ship around her. Alex predominantly flew security patrols around Crusade VII along with many other pilots in ?Ravens?. Well funded saboteurs were a problem at the time who believed that the Crusade should not have been put into production. Alex met a few of her now very close friends while flying a Raven. When Crusade VII became more operational she was recruited into advanced pilot training where she first got a glimpse of the experimental ?Knights?. After flying various high risk missions and successfully completing her advanced pilot and combat training, Alex was nominated to become part of the ?Knight? program along with seven other individuals. [B]-Notes: [/B] Alex?s grandfather is the five star general in command of Crusade IV. He bares the same name as her but in masculine form. -Alex discovered her telekinetic abilities at age 15 -She was sent to military boarding school at age 5 -Alex loves to play tricks on people using her telekinetic abilities; one of her favorites is to dangle an object someone wants/needs in mid air just out of their reach. She also likes to frighten people by making an object hover right behind them, so it?s right in their face when they turn around. -Added some stuff ^ ^ [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[INDENT][SIZE=4]Crusade VII[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]The Hangar[/SIZE] [COLOR=Red][B]Main thread[/B][/COLOR][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=763368#post763368] [link][/URL] [COLOR=Red][B]Sign ups[/B][/COLOR] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=56180][link][/URL] [SIZE=1][B]The Arks [/B] [I][In order of construction][/I] [B]The Ark Americas The Ark Asia The Ark Europe The Ark Oceania The Ark Africa The Ark Antarctica[/B] Each Ark is home to peoples that once inhabited the countries within their respective continent. Ark?s are like floating worlds, these massive constructions are home to billions of people. Each Ark has its own unique look inside depending on who built it. Each country was worked hard to retain their national identities. Humans have done their best to live life as it was on Earth, growing flowers and grass. Building sports stadiums, schools, high schools and colleges. The peoples of Earth have taken the up most care in preserving their traditions and religions, despite all that has happened life goes on. Crime is still present and criminals are punished more harshly than before, there are still poor and rich people and those that live somewhere in between. [CENTER]----------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]The Crusades[/B] [I][In order of construction][/I] [B]Crusade I Crusade II Crusade III Crusade IV Crusade V Crusade VI[/B] [I]Crusade VII[/I] Each Ark has a corresponding Crusade under its command, an exception to this being the seventh. The seventh Crusade is commanded by a governing body of 6 generals, each one representing the different Arks. Crusade VII has a crew of peoples from all different nationalities that come from all 6 of the Arks. It should be noted that at any time the actual command duties of all 7 Crusades may be taken over by the governing body of generals [only during a time when all six of the Arks are threatened]. During a time when one or more Arks are threatened their own respective Crusade defends them, they may call for aid from another Ark. Each Crusade has a large force of fighter craft, the most popular among these are the [URL=http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/1538/ravengw9.png]?Ravens?[/URL]. Ravens are in essence state of the art fighter jets designed especially for space combat. They also function in atmosphere. Many other ships exist including large bombers, smaller reconnaissance ships, drop ships for troops ect. [B]Note:[/B] Each Country still possesses their own special forces, Navy SEALS and Marines for America, SAS for Australia and Great Brittan ect ect if you wanted to make up your own elite force let me know beforehand seeing as we all live in space now. [B]Note:[/B] So far no intelligent life has be found, worlds have been discovered with their own established eco systems with evolved animals but nothing capable of communicating with humans on a sophisticated level. [CENTER]----------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]The Seventh Crusade [/B] [URL=http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/5410/battleshipssdthynashioj7.png]Click for picture[/URL] Credit [URL=http://kyrus86.deviantart.com/][COLOR=Red]Kyrus86 @ Deviantart[/COLOR][/URL] Battle Ship Crusade VII is currently exploring deep space; far from the support of the main fleet. It must tactically combat any imposing force, diminish all environmental threats and scout for a new Earth. The soldiers serving aboard the Seventh Crusade are of the highest military and academic standard, without them the mission would be a complete failure. The battle ship contains most of the comforts of home. It is equipped, among others things, with a complete hospital wing, state of the art medical equipment as well as sophisticated scientific laboratories. The battle ships main weapons and defense capabilities are 100% operational, however much of the interior of the ship remains partially completed. Other parts of the ship remain at construction status such as secondary cargo bays, recreational areas and a number of minor maintenance facilities. Much controversy has surrounded the Battle Ship such as the on going issue of weather or not she should have been sent into service unfinished. Among some of humanities finest doctors, scientists and engineers, the 7th Crusade is home to some of the military?s finest soldiers and pilots. An elite group of individuals permanently calls the Seventh Crusade home, these men and women are the first line of defense against any and all threats. It is there job to ensure the safety of the massive battle ship and all those who serve upon her and most importantly the continuation of their main mission. Each individual of this elite group pilots a specially designed mechanical armored suit called a ?Knight?. Together with these massive machines the elite pilots of the Seventh Crusade work together to combat any problem. [CENTER]----------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]I?m very open to suggestions from you all regarding the story line, do not hesitate to make suggestions or tell me about things you would like to see changed. This is as much your rp as it is mine. Thanks for your intrest, -Eclipse [/B] [/SIZE][/INDENT]
[IMG]http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/6514/crusadeyf2.png[/IMG] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Black][SIZE=2] [B]Past[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=2]3056[/SIZE][/B] Earth. To most people this planet is nothing more than a distant memory, meaningless. Children learn of the once proud planet through mere holograms and history lessons. Planet Earths demise was brought about by its own inhabitance. Man. It was inevitable that their ignorance and egos would blind them to the truth. Pollution, global warming, for years and years people spoke of problems like these trying to effect change but achieving nothing. Eventually, the earth could no longer live with the cancer infecting its every fiber. Earth, our grand planet, our home, failed. It became a barren wasteland, no longer able to support even the most basic forms of life. Fortunately, or unfortunately, mankind foresaw its own extinction. They looked to their grand machines for help, taking to the skies, journeying beyond the reaches of their own galaxy in search of a new home. [B][SIZE=2]Present [/SIZE] [/B] [B][SIZE=2]3206 AF [/SIZE] [/B] [B][150 years After Earth][/B] Humans currently occupy exceedingly large ships, affectionately calling these space-worthy vessels ?Arks?, named so after the bible story of Noah. Arks exist solely to house Earths massive and continually growing population. Six are currently fully operational, one for each former continent of the world. The first to be built was the Ark Americas, followed in quick succession by Asia, Europe, Oceania, Africa and Antarctica [A joint project between all nations]. Each Ark is unique internally despite their outward appearances. The Sixth Ark holds a special significance. Named after the uninhabited region of Antarctica, it is used as a massive joint research facility, predominantly presided over by the joint military. The Ark Antarctica is owned by no nation and is home to people of many different nationalities. It houses many scientific facilities as well as being responsible for keeping the animals, large and small, which once occupied earth alive and well. It remains the Ark-Fleet?s only truly neutral vessel and so is used not only for science but political matters. Exceedingly large and cumbersome machines floating through space are venerable to any number of things. A side fleet of purely combat orientated ships exist to protect and preserve the Arks. They are humanities only line of defense against any and all threats. Six battle ships were constructed; one for each Ark and a seventh is almost finished. These large but agile battle ships were named Crusades and numbered in the order they were built. The Seventh Crusade [Crusade VII], although technically not at full operational status is the most revered of all the battle ships. It succeeded where others had failed even though it wasn?t ready. Crusade VII has been charged with a most important mission. It is mankind?s hope. It spearheads the search for a new home, a new Earth. Mankind has spent 150 years traveling the depths of space and has seen many disappointments, its people grow restless. Peace is a fragile thing and crime is becoming more of a problem. Disputes are becoming more frequent among nations, neighbors and friends. Little do the people know that each week their leaders threaten one another with war, if a planet is not found soon then there will be little hope for anyone or anything. [CENTER]----------------------------------------[/CENTER] You will be playing as one of the elite soldiers who pilot the ?knights?. Our characters will have to survive the harshness of space, any enemies they encounter as well as each other. [Which may prove more difficult than the last two] -_~ All while trying to find a new home for humanity. I?ll be putting up an underground thread soon for any questions you may have, I?m not averse to PM either. Have fun and happy creating! I?ll be posting my sign up as soon as there are a few present. The RP will be conducted in an open chapter style. As soon as one main point is achieved we will move onto the next, everyone will be able to participate in each chapter. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=56181][B]UNDERGROUND THREAD -HERE-[/B][/URL] [COLOR=Red]Please read the underground thread for important additional background information before moving on. [/COLOR] [CENTER]----------------------------------------[/CENTER] [SIZE=2][U][B]Character creation[/B][/U][/SIZE] [U][B]'Knight? modules[/B][/U] Here I have [B]very briefly [/B] described each module [mech] you can choose from and some of its weapons, in the rp you are responsible for what your mech is capable of and the other weapons is possesses ect. Each mech has a weakness and they work best as a team. If someone has already taken the mech you wanted don?t worry, apply for it anyway. If you have any questions at all don?t be afraid to ask. [B]Stealth[/B] A ?silent mech?, sneaky and capable of cloaking its self visually, it doesn?t show up on radar, good for setting traps and ambushes [B]Power[/B] This mech possess powerful medium to short range weapons capable of causing large amounts of damage but it quickly over heats [B]Agility[/B] A light and nimble mech capable of pulling off sophisticated acrobatic movements, very fast in space and on land [B]Defense[/B] A heavy mech, slow but with high defensive capabilities and long range weapons, can generate a large energy shield but it eats a large amount of power [B]Support[/B] A technological marvel that can actively repair its allies in and out of battle, possesses weapons similar to ?old fashion? mines and grenades [PM me if you want to pilot this module] [B]Reconnaissance[/B] An information gathering mech, it can cripple enemy radar and hack computer systems, it can generate an EMP to take out enemy computer/detection systems [Electro Magnetic Pulse] [B]Adaptable[/B] [B][RESERVED] [/B] [I]by my character[/I] A mech with a well rounded defense and attack, different weapons and equipment can be attached to this mech depending on the situation at hand [B]Elemental[/B] This mech is capable of attacking with two elements, electricity and fire, it hasn?t been up graded to handle more as of yet [CENTER]----------------------------------------[/CENTER] [B]Character creation[/B] [I]-Nothing tricky, just your standard sign up sheet.[/I] [B]-Sign up-[/B] [B]-Name: [/B] [anything you like] [B]-Age: [/B] [between 17-30] [B]-Gender:[/B] [Male/Female simple] [B]-Nationality:[/B] [B]-Rank: [/B] [don?t worry we are all captains ^ ^] [B]-Appearance:[/B] [What you look like off duty, we all wear the same uniform, written discription or picture] [B]Clicky> [/B] [URL=http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/433/mensuniformcopycopy1vz8.png][I]Male uniform[/I][/URL], [URL=http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/8976/femaleuniform1jk6.png][I]Female uniform[/I][/URL] [B]-Personality: [/B] [Please keep this varied] [B]-Chosen ?Knight? module/description: [/B] [choose whatever ?Knight? module takes your fancy, your mech can look like whatever you want it too. It will develop with your character as the rp goes on. Each mech is supposed to look different and suit is pilot. If you can?t find a picture just give a description. You can give it a name if you wish] [B]-Berserk mode:[/B] [This is your ?knights? special move, think of it something like an overdrive/limit break from the final fantasy games just for an example. When your character and mech get pushed to their limits your mech will be able to execute a special move, describe it here, it shouldn?t be overly powerful. It should be in some way linked to your chosen ?knight? module. You will gain different ones as your character and mech develop.] [B]-Special ability: [/B] [Our characters won?t be piloting their mechs all the time; this is a special ability your character possesses. It can be tied to your mech if you wish or something else. I leave that up to you. Example, more speed than the average human, enhanced eye site, mild forms of pyrokinesis and telekinesis ect.] [B]-Weapons:[/B] [What your character fights with when not in their mech, this can be whatever you want, a whip, laser rifle, sword, gauntlets. Be creative.] [B]-Bio/Snippet:[/B] [[B]brief[/B] bio or snippet, whatever your most comfortable with, you can do both if your feel that up to it. Should be at least 3 good paragraphs.] [B]-Notes:[/B] [Anything else you deem necessary!] [B]NOTE:[/B] [I]Everyone will know each other before hand; but you can put down how you met certain people if you wish. [/I] Don?t be afraid to PM me with any questions, -Eclipse [/COLOR][/SIZE]