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[QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange] Originally Posted by [B]Ozymandius Jones [/B] [B]1) What day is your birthday?[/B] September 17, 1986 [B]2) What is your zodiac sign?[/B] Virgo [B]3) How does your zodiac sign describe your personality?[/B] [I][U]Positive Traits:[/U] modest, shy, meticulous, tidy, reliable, practical, diligent, analytical and intelligent [U]Negative Traits:[/U] fussy, hypercritical, harsh, conservative, overly-fastidious, overly-conventional, finicky, a perfectionist and a worrier[/I] [B]4) Does the description of your zodiac actually describe you? Why?[/B] To a degree. I've been yelled at for not being able to take compliments - I always go for the "...it was nothing, really," approach. But other than that - Shy? Meticulous? TIDY? Who is this - this is not me. [COLOR=Black]This is REALLY not me.[/COLOR]. Other sources include "nuturing", which fits, and also "hyperchrondiac," which also fits, but other than that the only acurate thing in the negatives is being a worrier. 5) [B]How does your zodiac sign PWN over the rest?[/B] It doesn't. We prefer the background. Didn't you read that? Gawsh. But then, without the background, everything else falls apart. :3[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]wow, the only other Virgo so far? unless I missed something? [Sits in the background with Ozy, if she doesn?t mind] [B]1) What day is your birthday?[/B] September 11, 1988 [B]2) What is your zodiac sign?[/B] Virgo. I?m also a dragon, Rrawwr! [Cough, splutter, blush, hides] [B]3) How does your zodiac sign describe your personality?[/B] see above [B]4) Does the description of your zodiac actually describe you? Why?[/B] I think it does, very well in fact. Like Ozy I?m really [B]NOT[/B] tidy at all or meticulous but I can be incredibly shy, especially when being introduced to people and the like. Siting and saying nothing is fine with me, it never used to be though. I?m not a hyperchrondiac, but I suppose nurturing fits sometimes. On to the negative traits, the only things that seem to fit are harsh, fussy, hypercritical and worrying. I?m only hypercritical in some areas. I worry a lot, to much in fact. I can be very harsh; I really don?t like that about me. Fussy? Why yes, in fact I have all ready previewed this post many times and spell checked it to get it the way I want it, [shakes head]. Yes sad, I know. I've probably missed a few things as well. [B]5)[/B] [B]How does your zodiac sign PWN over the rest?[/B] [creepy smile] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hello once more my fellow Gift and Cusens Just letting you know Vicky and everyone else that I?ll be away?again, for another week starting Monday. I really dislike the time after and before Christmas, sigh. Any who have fun all. When I get back I?m not going anywhere else so posting will hopefully be a lot more frequent from me. Thanks very much for looking after Eden peoples. Enough ranting. Bye! Hope I don't miss this fantabulious surprise Vicky :( [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Wheeee I fianlly get to post! no a very good one... but a post! yay. Scary Eden ooooO. --- Eden reluctantly parted with Brian; she really didn?t want to leave him after he was unconscious for so long but there was really nothing she could do about that. She felt somehow safer giving him her phone numbers incase something went wrong. Eden walked to the end of the street before hitching a ride in a passing cab. [B]?Where too love??[/B] The old cab driver questioned while looking at her through his rear view mirror. She was the prettiest person he had had in his cab all day. Eden paused for a long time before answering still looking back at the academy. [B]?Other side of town please, The Bourne Estate.? [/B] The cab driver raised his bushy gray-white eyebrows at her before pulling out into traffic, she must be one rich little lady. The ride went without a word from either, the cab driver seemed content with staring at her reflection in his mirror the whole way. Finally they arrived at some rather large gates and the ride was over. [B]?The fare is?$34.60 love.? [/B] The driver announced, Eden shoved a 50 in his face and mumbled something along the lines of keep the change. He smiled graciously at her and wished her a merry Christmas; she wished him the same before walking up to the gates and inserting a swipes card that opened a side door. Eden?s heart sank and all but disappeared when she saw whose car was parked at the large entrance steps of her grandfathers, and one day to be hers, estate. Her parents had shown up. [I]Typical[/I], she really should have seen it coming, it was Christmas and they would be bringing insanely expensive gifts she neither wanted nor needed. Eden could feel her blood begin to boil as she came closer to the entrance hallway. Her fists were clenched, teeth gritted and eyes narrow. With all that had happened to her and others with her over the past few days she really was in no mood to handle her parents. [I][B]?Pompous, good for nothing, stuck up, pricks??[/B][/I] she mumbled as she walked, her words increasing in severity. Perhaps some of Danni had rubbed off on her or something. The ground beneath her began to tremble as she walked through the entrance hall and into the study where her parents? voices were emanating from. There eyes lit up at the sight of their beloved child, she smiled at them even if it was only a fake smile. They continued to talk and talk from that point on while shoving gifts in her face. Eden ignored their pointless chat and only spoken to defend their attacks on her grandfather. Their comments began to get out of hand before Eden finally had enough and screamed at them. [B]?Would you just shut UP?? [/B] Eden?s parents and grandfather were left dumbfounded. [B]?I can?t believe you! You just waltz into our lives whenever it fits your schedules. You yell and scream at him for things that happened along time ago and expect him and me to just sit there and take it. I don?t think so, not anymore. I?ve grown up with your incessant and pointless bickering and I?m sick of it! And so is grandpapa! Sit down, shut up or get out! Oh and Merry Christmas you inconsiderate?? [/B] Eden then mumbled something, stamped her foot and let out a scream of frustration that caused some objects in the study to convulse and shatter completely. It was something new for her; she had never [I]shattered [/I] books before. But no one seemed to notice. Her parents and grandfather were left utterly speechless as they watched Eden storm away in the direction bedroom. They looked at each other in total astonishment. She had never, [I]ever[/I] acted in such away before. No one spoke for at least five minutes; Eden?s grandfather was the first to excuse himself. He had decided that five minutes should have been enough time for her to clam down, then perhaps she would open up to him. Eden smiled to herself as she sat on the end of her bed, yelling at them felt good, really damn good. She felt slightly guilty but otherwise fantastic. She didn?t want to be afraid anymore, not of people like Dani, of her powers or anything. Things were going to change right then and there. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lita?s mind wondered as she walked with the group, what was really the point of all this? It made her sick to think of everything that had happened. It made her so mad, horribly mad to think that so many people had wound up here, not of their own free will and then ended up dead. They ended up dead for really no reason she could think of. That weird and scary voice from before probably had something to do with it all but she couldn?t be sure. Lita stomped her foot on the ground and let out a half scream, half frustrated yell. [B]?Be quite girl, by Allah??[/B] Maya snapped, Lita face went red when she realized what she had done. Anything could be waiting for them ahead and she had just let them know where they all were, or at least where she was. [B]?What?s the matter?? [/B] Joachim asked, resiting his sword on his shoulder. [B]?I want to go home, right now, no more walking and fighting monsters!? [/B] Lita sobbed. [B]?We all want to go home.? [/B] Fang replied, Lita nodded in agreement although still visibly upset. She couldn?t shake the thought that really no one was going to get out of here. Not her, not Fang, not this Maya person not any one of them. It really made her depressed; she never thought that she would die this early in her life. [B]?Fang??[/B] Janet questioned randomly. [B]?Yes?? [/B] The little girl replied seeming to look at her surrounding suspiciously, as if at any moment something was going to burst through a wall at her. [B]?How old are you?? [/B] Janet was curious, they all were actually, that a girl so small as her could have ended up getting this far. [B]?I'm 12!? [/B] everyone seemed generally surprised, Fang looked a lot younger than 12, she was almost in her ?teens? and they were all calling her little girl. Fang just kept walking along looking at everything. Joachim walked up beside Lita and nudged her; she nudged him back sort of angrily. She was still upset, not as bad but still. [B]?Relax, well at least try and calm down a bit, ok??[/B] Lita nodded, he was right. If she didn?t calm down and get clear headed then she would end up dead like so many of the others. Lita looked up at the arch as she walked. It was the way out and they were almost there. [B]?So close??[/B] she whispered.she whispered, Maya who was ahead of the group motioned for everyone to stop. ?What is it?!? Janet demanded, a worried look washed across everyone?s face. Maya mumbled something none of them could hear. [B]?I don?t know, but everyone be careful.? [/B] Lita looked at Joachim who then looked at Fang; Fang looked at Janet who just shrugged and kept walking.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][I]"Both sexes have a deep interest in history, a feature recognized by astrological authorities for at least two hundred years." [/I] I found that on the net regarding Virgos, How weird is it that I made my character with an interest in history!? :O But any way... Sorry about this guys but I?m going to be away, again, for another week. Starting Friday. Sorry everyone! That I keep running off and everything. O_o I?ll be back on the 22nd, I hope.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]ooc: sorry about the rather un-eventfull-ness[/B] --- Eden stayed close to Eddie and Dorian as she walked, she didn?t completely trust them yet but she trusted them more than anyone else. The exhibits to her were utterly fascinating, probably because of her grandfather and her education. As the group of five casually walked about the place gawking at different things, Eden felt a shiver run down her spine as she was walking. Looking behind her she saw absolutely no one; Dorian tapped her on the shoulder which made her almost jump out of her skin. [B]?Relax, what?s wrong??[/B] Eden apologetically looked at Dorian as if she had just smacked him in the face. [B]?Nothing, nothing at all?? [/B] She waved him off and kept walking but still close to him at the same time. Dorian kept his eyes on her behind his sunglasses for a few minutes before looking back to the exhibits. Eden was smiling on the out side but on the inside she was completely freaking out. What if Dani showed up, or other people from the jail? This was an exhibit about Zodiacs; if they were all connected surely they would show up. Wouldn?t they? Eden tried her very best to quell every bad thing that was running through her head. If she didn?t calm down then the whole building would get the good news and everyone in it. She took a deep breath as she kept walking with the others. She really, really, really, really didn?t want to see Dani again, ever; the man completely scared the living daylights out of her. But something told her he would probably be popping up again, hopefully just not on her door step. Eden really wanted to believe that there was a hint of niceness in him but she seriously doubted it. Her train of thought was cut off by a loud and gleeful shriek. [B]?Wow! Cool! Look at that!? [/B] Cat exclaimed as the group turned a corner, in the center of the wide walkway was a pedestal encased in glass and cordoned off by ropes. On top of the pedestal stood a large statue, the statue looked to be constructed completely out of gold or something resembling it. Cat happily read the description out from underneath the object. [I][B]??Statue of Pisces, usually represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, this statue was at first believed to be representational of the sign Gemini. Upon closer inspection the two females in the statue are completely identical and mirror images of one another. Please observe that the females in the statue appear to have scales carved into their skin and untamable seaweed like hair. This statue was found in seas off Greece, believed to be the site of the mythical city of Atlantis.?? [/B][/I] Brian, Eddie, Dorian and Eden all leant in closer to inspect the statue that?s was supposedly depicting the zodiac sign Pisces. Eddie spoke something in Spanish before saying something in English. [B]?It looks like you Cat, no??[/B] Cat squealed with delight at Eddie?s comment. Eden and Dorian leant in closer, both eyeing the statue as if it had done something suspicious. [B]?It does sort of look like her, a bit, I guess??[/B] Dorian trailed off but Cat was dancing around too much to hear. Eden looked at Dorian side on as he was studying the statue. [B]?What??[/B] He questioned without looking away from it. [B]?Nothing!? [/B] Eden protested abruptly turning away from him and pretending to study other objects around them. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Question! ^ ^ What is in-between the characters left and the arch? Just open ground with the arch then the labyrinth behind the arch? I just wanted to get things right before I made a post. [B]Edit: [/B] Thanks for clearing that up Sandy! Man did I get confused. O_o [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Id go back to new kingdom ancient Egypt, I?d like to see if the history books actually got it right. And to see all the wonderful architecture, also the pharaohs that ruled that period. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lita rose from her grave for the second time in the Labyrinth. She climbed from her grave and looked around confused at what had just actually happened. She quickly dashed from the Nexus into a near by passage way, her heart beating loudly inside her head. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-lifecard.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-lita.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]?Didn?t I just?? [/B] Lita didn?t have any time to think further on the subject, for as she turned a door way appeared right in front of her and she had no choice but to step through. The hedge lined passage way left her behind and she found herself standing in a field of beautiful flowers. [B]?This is different??[/B] she spoke to no one as she looked around, the field felt calm. Certainly not as threatening as everywhere else she had been. Lita felt compelled to walk amongst the flowers, she actually felt herself smiling. Had she actually found the way out of this awful place? Lita walked and walked, feeling quite relived and happy with herself. That was until she saw two figures running towards her through the field of flowers. [CENTER]-----------[/CENTER] Maya and Fang saw another figure coming towards them in the distance. Maya felt no threat from the presence but Fang was frightened that it may be another monster. As they got closer they realized that the figure wasn?t a monster but another person. Fang stood by Maya?s side as they meet. [B]?Come with us quickly, there is a Minotaur not far behind us. We must move as far away as possible.?[/B] Maya grabbed Lita by the hand before she could say or think a word and the three females began to run. [B]?A what is behind us??[/B] Lita spoke in between breaths, looking behind her as she ran with Fang and Maya. [B]?A Minotaur, a fearsome beast of legend, it almost claimed this child?s life.?[/B] Maya gestured towards Fang. Fang looked increasingly worried that the beast would show up again, Lita just looked even more confused that before. The three continued running until they almost collapsed from the effort. Lita fell into the flowers exhausted, as Fang and Maya did the same beside her. [B]?Do you think it has gone?? [/B] Fang questioned. Maya tried to look as reassuring as possible. [B]?If we keep moving child then I believe we have a chance of escape? [/B] Fang looked angry as she crossed her arms and pouted. [B]?You didn?t answer my question lady.?[/B] Maya was about to open her mouth to speak when the ground began to shake. The three females huddled close together, looking in all directions for a sign to what was causing the quakes. An answer soon appeared in the form of another, or the same Minotaur. Fang desperately looked the creature up and down, it had a burnt eye, it was the same creature. [B]?But how did it follow us and get here so quick?!?[/B] She shrieked. Maya moved the child behind her in some sort of vein move to protect her. Lita just stood and stared and the massive beast, paralyzed with fear, Maya had to grab Lita by the shoulders and jerk her backwards to break her trance. [B]?We have to do something!? [/B] Fang spoke in a half cry. Maya?s head was filled with muddled voices she couldn?t understand and questions that needed to be answered. Like why didn?t she feel the beast?s arrival like before? It appeared so suddenly, and how? She tried to conjure another storm like the last but she felt too exhausted the words wouldn?t form on the tip of her tongue. [I]?Curse you fates!? [/I] her mind screamed. Maya?s through process was interrupted by soothing sound coming from her left. It took her a long time to register that it was Lita who was the one singing. The woman?s singing felt immediately calming to her, Fang seemed soothed by the music also. [B]?The monster! Look!?[/B] Fang pointed to the Minotaur, who had begun to un-naturally sway in time with Lita?s singing. As Lita sang she gestured for Maya and Fang to begin to retreat, they followed her command and began to walk backwards away from the beast but still facing it. Lita had started to sing because she felt extremely nervous and very frightened, she had no idea it would have that effect on the beast. As Maya and Fang began to retreat so too did Lita. The beast began to sway even more as she continued to sing and it looked as through it would fall asleep any minute. Lita smiled in triumph as the beat swayed one last time and hit the ground with a loud thud and a shower of flower petals. Lita stopped singing and ran to catch up with Fang and Maya who were still moving backwards away from the monster. Lita?s smile rapidly began to fade when she saw Fang trip backwards and begin to fall. Everything was slow motion to Lita as Fang fell her wrist collided with a rock sending a loud shriek of pain out of the girl?s mouth. Maya cringed at the girls scream as the Minotaur woke with a start from its magical slumber. Its one good eye popped open and it began to charge, very angrily, towards the thing it suspected made the noise that woke it. Fang screamed once more as she saw the beast charge directly for her. It seemed that the creature could move fast if it really wanted too. Maya screamed as she thrust herself in front of the child. She would not stand by and watch another die! Instead of collecting Fang as it originally wanted, the beast collected Maya instead, rolling over with her firmly in its jaws. Maya couldn?t help but scream from the pain. Beast and woman disappeared from Lita and Fangs view as they were both suddenly engulfed in lightening, wind and heavy rain. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-deathcard.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-maya.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lita did the only thing she could think of doing at the time, which was to grab the little girl while she had the chance and get the hell out of there. She snatched up fang and turned only to be met with another doorway. Fang and Lita had no choice but to tumble through. They landed on the ground with a thud, they had not noticed yet, but Lita and Fang were surrounded by sand. --- *Crys*, I really didn't want to do that. :([/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Sorry about my lack of posting guys. Many thanks to Veritas and only1specialed for mentioning Eden here and there, much appreciated guys. Lame post from me but at least its something. --- [B]?Shall we go?? [/B] Dorian proposed to Eden and Eddie. The two men began to walk off before Eden stopped them. [B]?Before we go I have a question.? [/B] She then paused as if asking for their permission to speak. [B]?Well?? [/B] Dorian asked. [B]?Yesterday at the bar, you mentioned something. A commercial, what exactly did it say?? [/B] Eden cocked her head to one side in a questioning manner and fixed up her shoulder slung bag. Eddie looked at Dorian and he appeared to look back, although it was difficult to tell because of his dark glasses. Dorian chose to answer the question. [B]?It said, among other things that ?the stars themselves have granted several chosen ones unlimited power! Come to the Harlem Academy to learn more about these secret, gifted humans! From burning objects to the touch, breathing deadly gases and enforces dark images into ones mind.? ?[/B] Dorian recited the lines from the radio advertisement as if he had just heard them. Eden contemplated what she had just heard and stood in silence. [B]?So, no one thought that this could possibly be a trap of some sorts??[/B] Eden heard Eddie mumbles something in another language as she looked to Dorian who slowly shook his head. [B]?Proceed with caution??[/B] Dorian questioned. Both Eden and Eddie nodded in agreement. The trio began to walk off when Eden stopped them once again. [B]?I guess before we go?I should tell you my ?powers?.?[/B] Eden seemed to dislike using the word powers and felt reluctant in sharing them with anyone. Counting her grandfather, these two would be the only people she. She suspected that Danni and some others may have found out her powers just by observing her. Eddie and Dorian seemed quite interested when she said she would tell them her gift. Eden took them out of site before putting her bag to one side and crouching down. [B]?Usually it?s quite difficult for me to do this on command but, if I try hard enough I think I can??[/B] Eden placed one hand down on the concrete ground and it immediately began to tremble. She concentrated harder and the near by walls and ground began to shake more violently and even crack, they would feel the ground move beneath them. Eden stoped her self before she did too much damage and retrieved her bag. [B]?So that?s it I guess, I can cause earthquakes and not just in the ground but I guess I?ll have to save that for another time. Shall we?? [/B] Eden walked back out into plain sight with Eddie and Dorian in tow. Both were looking at one another and at the back of Eden in surprise. Eden actuallt felt some sort of strange trust bewteen herself, Eddie and Dorian, she wasn't afraid of them, a thought which actually made her smile. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Owl [Owl was never given a proper name as his parents only ever referred to him as ?that one?] [B]Species:[/B] Forest owl [B]Colouring: [/B] Owl has a mottled mixture of black, brown, dark brown and light brown feathers. His eyes are yellow. [B]Disposition:[/B] Owl isn?t wise, contrary to how most Owls are perceived by others. He is actually quite naïve and often makes ridiculous assumptions.Owl will usually need things explained to him more than once. [B]Anything else:[/B] Owl has very bad eye site, he often misses branches when trying to land and usually ends up falling several feet before managing to save himself. He will often mistake animals for other animals and engage in conversation with them which usually ends up confusing both parties. He has been known to flight straight into trees without warning, due to his poor eye sight. He is most active at night. He sometimes keeps others awake with his hooting. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Maya and Keene ventured deeper and deeper into the cave, the temperature became increasingly colder as they walked onwards. Keene?s mind was still on what had happened with Leon minutes ago. He couldn?t understand how Maya could just move on so quickly from something like that. He found himself griping her arm a little more tightly as they descended. After they left the area bearing Leon?s dead body they had discovered a large and long stair case that had been cut into the very floor of the cave itself. Torches lined the walls of the chunkily cut staircase as it went down and down and down. Looking down it, it was impossible to see the bottom, if there was one. The stairs themselves looked very hastily cut, they were far from perfectly formed stairs; if they weren?t careful they would trip and break something. The stairs became more and more slippery as they walked down them, at one stage Maya and Keene had to cling to one another to prevent slipping over and tumbling several meters. The stair case seemed never ending, that was until Keene spotted a bright white light, signaling the end of the stair case. [B]?Finally!?[/B] Keene squealed and began to race down the steps, sure that he would see outside again. He desperately wanted to get out of the cave. He couldn?t take his mind off everything that had happened. Maya however just let Keene race down the steps, she could feel something again, whatever was waiting for them at the bottom it wasn?t good. She felt deeply saddened by the death of Leon; he had given his life to save theirs and she didn?t want to waste the second chance he had given her. As she walked down the steps calmly she could see the outline of Keene?s body standing still as a statue. As she reached the bottom her heart sank. Before Maya and Keene lay a large underground lake, on the left side of the lake was a huge rocky water fall, its noise was almost deafening. On the right was a black tunnel burrowed into the rock face where some water escaped into. The lake was large; it looked to be [I]at least [/I] four Olympic swimming pools big, possibly bigger. Large torches lit the area and cast a creepy yellow light over the scene. On the other side of the lake Maya was sure she could see the exit, just in view was another rock stair case but this one went up. Her spirits picked up slightly. She went and stood over next to Keene who looked rather dejected, they were both standing on a log rock ledge the water was no more than two meters away. She put a hand on his shoulder and gave it her all to give him a reassuring smile. [B]?Don?t worry, we will get across, I?m sure that staircase leads up and out. I know it. We can do it.? [/B] She looked into his eyes to give the boy some sort of hope; he looked rather unsure but gave her a nod anyway. [B]?But how will we get across??[/B] He didn?t like the idea of swimming and from the look on Maya?s face neither did she. Maya walked to the edge of their rock platform and peered into the water, all she saw was her own reflection. The water was so still and calm it held the properties of a mirror. The water was so dark however she couldn?t tell how deep it was, she refused to swim in it. Right then as Maya was back away from the waters edge the platform started to tremble, a line of bubbles appeared in the water breaking its stillness. Out of the mass of bubbles rose small stone pillars. Large enough to fit one person but not two, they made a line from one side of the lake to the other, like stepping stones. Maya felt uneasy, this seemed a bit too easy, she knew something was bound to go wrong. Keene rushed forwards and began to skip across the stones, seeing nothing but a way out, it was almost as if he flew across them. Maya yelled out to him to come back and that they should stick together but it was too late and Keene had already reached half way. Maya had no choice but to run across the stones after him. As she got closer to the center of the large underground lake her feelings grew stronger. [B]?Keene! Go now! Run to the other side!? [/B] She screamed at him but he either ignored her or couldn?t hear her over the loud roar of the now closer raging waterfall. Maya screamed at him again but it had no effect. What happened next took Maya completely off guard. She looked to the dark water below her and swore she could see a shape just beneath its surface. Her eyes grew wider as the shape headed straight for Keene. It glided through the water like a scythe with unnatural grace. Maya screamed and screamed to him to go faster but it was already too late. Only 5 stones away from the other side a massive black serpent launched itself out of the murky water and straight at Keene. He didn?t even have time to turn and look as the creature engulfed the boy in its massive jaws. Maya cried out a horrendous [B]?NOOOOOO!? [/B] as Keene disappeared into the creature?s mouth and was gone in an instant back into the water. Maya summoned all her strength to dash to the other side and onto the stone platform, well away from the edge. She retreated to just inside the stone staircase as the water erupted again. The massive leviathan leapt up out of the water and hit the rocky waterfall with a heavy resounding thud, before Maya?s eyes the creature was turning into stone. Its thrashing however was causing is petrified parts to shatter. She couldn?t understand what forces had caused the beast to turn into stone. The creature screamed out a horrible shrill shriek as it became fully petrified and sank into the water. Maya sat and stared at the waterfall as a few tears fell down her cheeks; she looked away from the water disgusted and peered up the staircase. This staircase was no where near as long as the last one, she could see the light of day up ahead. Reluctantly she headed for the surface, Maya cursing herself for not being able to save Keene. Surely there was something she could have done for him! If only she had not allowed him to cross then perhaps he would still be alive. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-deathcard.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Labyrinth/labyrinth-keene.png[/IMG][/CENTER] --- Gah!!! rushed it :([/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I think this is an awesome idea, being a beginner with Photoshop myself. It was you guys who made me want to create graphics in the first place. So thank you [B]very much [/B]for these tutorials. But down to business I?d like to request a tutorial on using the pen tool.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I?m just letting you guys know that ill be gone for a week starting Monday. So basically from the 27th of nov to the 2nd dec. Some things have come up and I have to scoot. Sorry about this guys. Please keep my character safe yeah? Just mention her here and there, or whatever. I'll try and post before I have to go. Thanks guys. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Eden walked down the relatively disserted streets in silence, the only sound she could hear or was aware of, was the sound of her own shoes striking the pavement. Seeing her grandfather and telling him everything that had happened didn?t help her much, she was wandering the streets in town and desperately needed a drink. Not even bothering to look up she entered a bar, walked in side and sat down. It only struck her after a few minutes of sitting that most of the lights in the bar were out. Eden looked up to see a man in the doorway, she had passed him entering the bar but was so entranced in her own little world that she neglected to even see him. He was clutching a something, but seemed to be in pain. She looked around the bar and realized that some people from the jail the other night were here. Eden began to feel nervous but then her eyes fell on someone she recognized more than the others. [B]?Dorian? [/B] she mumbled. Well maybe she would get to say that ?thank you? after all. A cold shiver ran down her spine when her eyes fell upon a woman that she had seen in the jail. She looked as though she was about to leave but something had caught her attention for some reason. Eden lightly tapped one foot on the floor while her eyes rested back on Dorian. She felt afraid to go talk to him, he looked like he was there having a drink with someone else anyway. The man in the doorway hadn?t grabbed his attention like it did everyone else?s. --- -Gah! Sorry for the lameness I just wanted to get some interaction with other characters going. I?m allowed to post right? Like this chapter just isn?t for Charlie boy and Danni? Gosh its too hot to think here. -_-[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Callisto rolled over in his hole, he could hear voices and they ranged in tone from older to younger. He became quite confused by this, had he fallen asleep at school again? It was bright, which meant morning. Maybe those voices he could hear were students and other teachers. Cursing himself for working late yet again Callisto opened his eyes. He came face to face with a dirt wall; a pink earthworm was wriggling around in a small hole, desperate to get out of the bright sunlight. Callisto gently plucked the worm from its hole and buried it in the floor of his pit. He stood up now quite confused that somehow his office at school had turned into a deep pit in the ground. He clambered up the side of the pit rather hastily; perhaps this was just another one of his student?s jokes? Callisto stretched his arm over the lip of his hole and felt around; his hand came into contact with someone?s ankle. Whoever they were, they were female, he realized this after the loud shriek of surprise that came from the person. Hoisting himself out of the rectangular hole, Callisto stretched and scratched the back of his head in an apologetic manor with a wide friendly grin on his face. [B]?I?m sorry about that.?[/B] He said, looking at his victim. She was very young and small. She looked afraid, to tell the truth terrified. He bent down to her eye level and gave her a big smile which seemed to ease her a bit. He probably thought he was a zombie or something. [B]?My name is Callisto, what?s yours?? [/B] He gave her another big smile, which earned him one back from the little girl. She seemed to recover quite quickly from shock. She looked just as confused as he was. [B]?My name is Mary sir.?[/B] She gave him a slight curtsy. He gauged her age somewhere between 8 and 10. Looking around at the others that were also gathered, she looked to be the youngest so far. [B]?Pleased to meet you Mary??[/B] At that point Callisto?s eyes rested on his hole and the stone in front of it. [I]?Callisto Obertelli? [/I] was engraved on it, he looked across to young Mary?s hole and she had her name also engraved into a stone in front of her grave. Everyone seemed to have these grave stones in front of their holes. [B]?Graves? My, how odd.?[/B] He said out loud, walking around the side of his grave to inspect the stone. Another thing caught his attention at that point. A stone in the middle of the graves, he walked over to it and examined it. It was engraved with a star and the word Nexus. It was then that he noticed the others also standing near the stone and smiled at them. [I]?Nexus? [/I] in biology that was a special area of the cellular membrane that helps cells to communicate or adhere but, in this case it probably meant a connected group or simply a connection. [B]?A connected group?? [/B] He spoke, thinking out loud. Callisto then looked at the others gathered and deduced that must be the case. Hey were all connected somehow, maybe. The other people at the stone looked at him as he walked away. He walked back over to Mary and sat down next to his grave. This place was strange; he defiantly wasn?t at school anymore. Was he dead? Maybe this was heaven or hell; the graves were a creepy touch maybe he really was dead. He looked up at the sky; it was very cold and had an un-natural feel to it. ?I could be still asleep? he thought. But this felt very different to a dream, it felt real. Another person stirred in their hole to his right. He peered over the edge to see what the person who occupied the grave looked like. They seemed slightly shocked to see a man looking down at them with a wide grin on his face. --- -hope I got that crack about biology right. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Eden looked up to the doorway of her grand office as she heard footsteps approaching. She signed one last document before putting her pen to rest and flexing her fingers which all popped and cracked as she curled them inwards. [B]"Milady sent for me?"[/B] Krishna stood in the doorway, bowing her head but still sliming. Eden stood and smiled back, warmly greeting her. She had a lot of time for Krishna, she considered the young vampire family and thought of her as a sister. [B]?Krishna, when you have time, I?d like you to investigate the area where the spies almost gained access. I need you to lay some traps you know we cannot afford humans snooping around at this point in time?? [/B] Eden trailed off in apparent thought and walked towards her large office window. Krishna knew there was something wrong when Eden acted like this; she was one of a few vampires who dare ask her about it. [B]?Milady, is there something wrong??[/B] Eden turned towards her and smiled and pained smile. [B]?Nothing can?t be fixed by a nice hot bath. I have had my maids send you down a rather nice selection; they have given me more than I need, as usual. Please, have fun my dear. Oh and do inform me when Kizan decides to come back ?home?. I?m sure that I?ll have to tend to his every need. Please also see if Lilith has decided to sneak out again. She will have to be punished if we find her messing about... ? [/B] Eden then walked towards Krishna and took her hand and smiled before walking out of her office. Krishna was worried about Eden somewhat but she would have to ask for a proper explanation when she was in a better mood. For now, she would do as the lady had asked. But she definitely wasn?t acting her self. [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] Eden went to her chambers and stood, staring out a very large window. It had begun to rain and no word had come of Kizan returning. [B]?Reckless? [/B] she spoke out loud; she was trying to conceal his existence and he was flaunting it. It wasn?t as if she would ever challenge him, no one would. He was far superior to all of them and could wipe them all out with a mere click of his fingers. The thought depressed Eden greatly. She had lived so long on this earth and had never before felt so helpless. [B]?How could they possibly understand?? [/B] She muttered as she walked from her bedroom into another room. This room, held her dinner. A gorgeously handsome young man was chained to an ornate chair. His head hung low, in defeat, his long curly dark hair fell in front of his face. His arms were pinned behind his back to the chair and his legs were shackled to the floor. Eden walked over to him; she placed her hand under his chin and lifted his head up. She was momentarily taken back by how utterly beautiful this man was, she bent down to his eye level. He had deep blue eyes, full of defiance yet he wasn?t struggling, he had resigned himself to his fate. His face was obscured buy his hair. She sensed something about him, he wasn?t afraid. It was almost as if he wished for death. [B]?What is your name??[/B] the man jumped at the sudden sound of Eden?s voice, it was smooth and light. He at first didn?t want to answer but felt he had too. [B]?M-my name is Xavier Milady.? [/B] She circled around him, slowly, like a shark. Eden caught a glimpse of his face and her expression changed from one of hunger to sorrow. [B]?Leave. My men will not attack you.? [/B] She pointed towards the exit, his bindings dropping off as if by magic. Xavier stood and walked three paces before turning towards the vampreess. Eden looked away from him and pointed to the exit but he did not leave. [B]?Why do you spare me?? [/B] He asked, his voice was raspy and had a strange coldness. She became more aware of a slight scent of betrayal. [B]?Leave before I change my mind boy.?[/B] She refused to look him in the face. [B]?No.? [/B] he stated. Eden snapped her head up to look at him, he walked towards her. His eyes changed from defiance to pleading. Her eye colour was slowly changing from a crystal green to a deep blood red; her fangs also slowly grew longer. ?I have nothing to go back too; I sought your scouts out on purpose?? [B]?You have a strange method of suicide boy.? [/B] Eden?s eyes had now completely changed to red; her fangs protruded from her top lip and hung over her bottom lip. [B]?I did what I had to do.? [/B] Eden?s face became awash with pain, this boy looked so much like him. A love that had been lost for a long time, he has also spoken those words to her, many years ago. She walked closer to the human until her face was as close enough to be able to feel his warm breath on her face. [B]?Why do you torment me??[/B] He looked at her with confusion, she suddenly changed her tone of voice blocking out old memories. [B]?If it is revenge you want I can give it to you and much more.? [/B] The human looked at her as if she had just read his thoughts, how did she know he wanted revenge? How did she know? It didn?t matter however, tonight what was left of the man he once was would die. Xavier took one step closer to Eden and tilted his head to one side. Try as she might to resist she couldn?t any longer. Her eyes changed from red to a luminescent blue as she held Xavier like one would a lover and sunk her fangs into his neck. He squirmed under her grasps for a few seconds before relaxing completely, letting her feed. Xavier began to feel extremely light headed and fell to his knees. Eden picked him up and carried him into her bed room, laying him down on the silk sheets. It would be morning soon and he would awaken the next night, nothing like the man he once was. She lay next to him, and watched him sleep. If there was no news of Kizan soon then she would be prepared to go out and look for the damned thing herself. Sun or no sun. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I sort of went happy crazy with this. Please forgive me for having the banners text-less. Try as I might I just couldn?t get any fonts to work, but decided to post these anyway. Let me know if you would like anything changed, if you want to use one that is. I got lazy and attached the files instead. ^ ^; Hope they are ok, and the like...*dies* [B]Set 1[/B] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25922&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25923&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25926&stc=1[/IMG] [B]Set 2[/B] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25925&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25924&stc=1[/IMG][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]When Eden stepped outside from the police station she breathed a great sigh of relief. Hopefully she would be able to get back to her house, explain everything to her grandfather and get out of town for a few days. She needed a holiday, badly; all the strange occurrences had caused her stress levels to go straight through the roof. She had stayed completely silent during her encounter with the ?others? like her self. Eden had come to the conclusion that Dani wasn?t a very nice person; he scared the living daylights out of her. She hoped that he wouldn?t come knocking on her door again. The thought had never crossed her mind that there were others like her, with these ?gifts?. Some of them she wouldn?t even call gifts. Eden realised that she was just standing on the sidewalk; she so she began to walk back towards her house. It was a fair way but she would grab a taxi, but first she was going to put as much distance between her and these people. [B]?Must get home, must get home.? [/B] She muttered out loud, like a mantra. Anyone paying any notice to her would have thought she was mad. Eden felt as though she would have liked to thank the Dorian person from earlier but thought it best not to go back. She walked with her head down, staring at the pavement, when she decided to look up she realised that she was already in town. Eden looked a crossed the road to see someone peg a stick at someone else which hit them in the face. She realised that the person who threw the stick was Dani, Eden?s eyes went wide as she side stepped into a small alley. Perhaps if she went through some shops he wouldn?t see her and he wouldn?t ask anything, maybe she was just over reacting and he would leave her alone. Probably not likely. Eden grabbed her mobile and dialled her grandfather?s numerus she walked through the various shops to try and get out the other side. He always took forever to answer the phone. [B]?Pa? It?s me?[/B] her voice sounded apologetic. [B]?My god Eden where have you been, I was getting worried. Are you all right?? [/B] his voice was full of concern. [B]?I?m all right Pa, I?ll be over soon. I?ll explain everything don?t worry. Also, I need your help. Something?s up? [/B] [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] occ: ahh gosh sorry for the crap post. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Avail Rose [B]Age:[/B] 30 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race: [/B] Human [B]Alliance:[/B] Second Order [B]Description:[URL=http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/2393/rose2uz0.png][Avail][/URL][/B] Avail has an athletic build and is rather muscly, but not to the point of looking overtly masculine. She likes to wear bright and colourful clothing that doesn?t necessarily match. Avail will put on anything from a skirt or a dress to long pants and a tank stop, depending on her mood. When around others of importance or in certain situations (such as hunting vampires) she will wear all black clothing, a simple combination of a black pair of leather pants and long sleeve jacket. Her hair colour switches between an unnatural burgundy/purple colour and black. [B]Weapons: [URL=http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/9392/hookswaordsmm7.png][Two hooked swords][/URL] [/B] Avail?s swords are not just used for fighting but also, climbing, among other things. The swords are either strapped to her back or hung at her sides from her waste. One blade bares an inscription in vampiric text, meaning ?day? the other ?night?. One may come to the conclusion that she stole the weapons from a vampire or took them from a defeated one, but that has neither been confirmed nor denied. [B][URL=http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/508/902za6.png][One Hand Gun] [/URL] [/B] Avail keeps the projectile weapon only as a means of fighting unruly vampires and sometimes unruly people. She would rather use her swords in combat, she will shove the weapon in someone?s face if she needs to intimidate them or extract information. Avail has rarely had to use her gun and really only has it with her as a failsafe. [B]Specialist Skills: [/B] Avail had an aptitude for jumping when she was young, constantly winning first places at athletic meets. She also had a love for rock climbing. Her kills in theses areas enhanced her stamina and jumping ability. She is able to go long periods of time without sleep but must eat a lot to keep up her strength, much to her dislike. Avail can jump further than the average human and her climbing abilities are [I]almost[/I] second to none. Her enhanced stamina is especially useful in battle. Many vampires have underestimated her because of her small size and looks. She may not be overly strong or quick but she can last in battle, wearing her opponent down then striking. Stamina is also useful in escaping from things that wish to hunt her down, vampire or other. [B]Personality:[/B] Avail is always smiling; it is rare to not see a smile on her face, but sometimes it can become annoying to people. She is a very cheerful person, even in serious and mournful situations, preferring to see a brighter side to whatever is going on. Sometimes she can act like a complete ditz and be very clumsy but when things get serious so does she. She is very protective of the people close to her and those at the second order. Something has to be very wrong to wipe the smile from her face, even when she is sad she manages to put on joyful emotions. She loves to flirt with men but doesn?t get the chance very often. She can be boisterous sometimes to a point when others may yell at her to [B]?sit down and shut up.?[/B] [B]Short Bio: [/B] Avail grew up in a household devoid of religion. Her parents were Atheists and would constantly tell her and her siblings that there was no god. She would **** with her two younger brothers on a hill over looking the church every time there was a gathering. They would sit and listen to what was said and sung, they would never tell their parents of their outings. It never became clear to Avail why her parents acted in such a way until she was much older. On the 30th of November, a date which she would never forget, her town was attacked by vampires. Perhaps it was the fact that they were a small rural village and had no defences, or the town had many young adults. Whatever it was, they attacked and sunk their fangs into whatever and whoever they could find. That night Avail hastily took her younger brothers to their cellar hidden on their large property. Many events occurred that night and when asked she refuses to speak of them. After the town was attacked Avail took her younger brothers into the city they were now homeless and orphans. Avail took many different jobs over a period of time simply to keep food in their stomachs. She worked 3 jobs to but her little brothers into school and barely had time to sleep. She knew it had to stop and sought out some other means of keeping her family together. She offered herself as a bounty hunter to the rich and powerful, killing vampires when hired to. It was dangerous but it gave her free time and a lot more money. Avail had to force herself most days to smile; she had to look happy simply for her brothers? sakes. She had no training in killing vampires at all but utilised her abilities in order to get the job done, despite almost constant injuries. After some time she found herself working for the second order. Avail became more interested in saving humans than killing vampires, but she has never hesitated to ram a stake through one of them. [B]Notes:[/B]Avail shows no outward signs of hating vampires, she will go to great lengths to preserve the idea she accepts them. Deep down however she despises them, hates them with every fibre of her being and wants them exterminated. Edit: All done, changed some stuff. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Eden was putting the final brush stroke on a painting that had taken her no less than 100 years to complete. As her thin brush put the final black line underneath the rearing horse?s eye, the heavy set door to her painting wing burst open. Two vampire soldiers, their chests heaving, stood to attention. Eden waved her hand, a gesture for them to be at ease. [B]?Milady, our perimeter guards caught two human spies, your presence is requested in the hall.? [/B] Nodding Eden turned back to her painting, admiring it once more before she left. Chores such as deciding what to do with spies were extremely boring. She had lost count long ago of exactly how many men, women and children she had sent to their deaths. Eden followed the soldiers to the hall, where the two male humans they had caught were shackled to the floor. She sat in a large chair, which of course, had the best view of the medium sized hall, which was usually used to accommodate a large group of guests. She sat cross-legged in the chair, her black dress riding very far up her thighs. The two soldiers stood either side of her and willed themselves not to look; two more male vampires stood either side of the shackled men. [B]?So, you caught these men Versas??[/B] one of the perimeter guards stepped forwards and bowed, taking one knee. [B]?I did milady. Torqin and I found them at the outer most boundary, they were attempting to break through un-noticed.? [/B] Eden nodded slowly as she observed the two spies, what was most un-usual was the fact that she could sense no fear from them. Tilting her head she leaned forwards and started into the eyes of the captured men. [B]?You are not scared?? [/B] she questioned, her voice booming around the hall. [B]?Speak, before I get board with you and give you to my women.? [/B] [B]?We, are not scared, we will go to heaven. You will forever burn in fires of hell you abomination.? [/B] Eden tilted her head again; a smile crept across her painted black lips. [B]?Was that supposed to scare me? Gentlemen if you are not afraid now, you will be.? [/B] She snapped her head back up and looked at Versas and Torqin. [B]?Men, you found them?go, have some fun.? [/B] The two perimeter guards? faces lit up with anticipation and delight as they took the now screaming spies away. Eden turned towards her two messengers and dismissed them. The man who had first called for her presence turned to her as he was about to walk away. [B]?Lady, were you really going to give those spies to your women?? [/B] Eden laughed as she walked past him. [B]?Indeed Baron, they haven?t had any excitement for a long time. Perhaps you would go visit them? While you are there, Send for Krishna?[/B] she was still laughing has she walked ahead of him towards her chambers. Baron was of course referring to Eden?s force of female vampires, some of these women were her maids, and others did errands and chores for her. Some were even highly trained assassins. When spies or other trespassers/betrayers were found they were usually sent to Eden?s women. They were more cruel then the male vampires, sexually assaulting the humans that were caught, drinking their blood, whatever they felt like doing, they did. Being sent to Eden?s women was considered a fate worse then death by many a vampire and human. Eden reached her chambers but decided to make a detour to her office; there she would wait for Krishna, she had many things to ask of her. Traps needed to be placed around the mansion and Krishna was perfect for the job. Eden signed various documents on her desk and put them to one side. The spies had managed to get to the outer most boundaries which at that point in time was unacceptable. She needed to take very precaution to make sure that Kizan was kept hidden. But finding spies wasn?t a rare occurrence; the perimeter guards would torture the men for information before every drop of blood was sucked from their bodies. Any information would be relayed to her, if it was useful, perhaps they would strike it lucky and they would uncover the location of the guild. That was mostly wishful thinking on her part. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]She is terrified of it actually, well because she doesn't understand it. Some pressing issues came up and time ran away from me, I was going to post soon actually, if I can bear to tare myself away from the horse racing on TV and chemistry study. Edit:Yay most of us are in jail! [B]Question: Are we all in one big cell?[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] Thank god lol. I gave you an idea! Hurray! I?m useful; I'm having a wonderful time. But yes, If Dani does use his powers then there defiantly shall be some rocking and rolling going on. =p I only said the letter thing as a random example but I think it could work to add some mystery and what not. O_o Just spouting out random ideas here but if there was some sort of more powerful Evil force behind the letters, I dont think they should be some ancient evil society of monks. Or maybe they should but modern I don?t know. Millionaires are always interested in this sort of thing. lol. I?ll stop rambling now. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I?m all up for the villain idea thing. I?m scared to break up the fight that seems to be brewing between Dani and our mystery guest. Lol Would there be any major reason for the boys to swap sides? I mean other than their personality that is [cause thats a given]. Like another letter thing or something?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Eden got up at her usual 5am. She spent almost two hours in the shower, a long time even for her. Stepping out she wrapped a towel around herself, dripping water all over the carpet she stood for ages attempting to choose an outfit. She was going to visit her grandfather at the regional museum, he was setting up a new exhibit but like always he wanted her opinion on everything first. She wanted to look nice for her grandfather, he would always call her his ?little Egyptian princess? even though she was only a quarter Egyptian and you couldn?t even tell. Eden eventually decided on a pair of jeans, brown leather jacket with a cream t-shirt and a loosely knitted chocolate brown scarf. Tying her hair back she walked to the front door to retrieve the morning paper to read over breakfast. When Eden opened the door she was met with the rather frightening and unexpected sight of a gothic looking man falling into her doorway. [B]?Ello!?[/B] the man smiled at her while lying on his back. Eden jumped back as the house shook, ever so slightly. [B]?Err, Hello? [/B] she replied rather cautiously while staring down at him. [B]?I sleep in your doorstep, hope you don?t mind.?[/B] A grin was still firmly planted on his face, Eden thought it rather odd that a man dressed the way he was, should be smiling. [B]?Not at all...? [/B] She was still rather lost for words. The man stood up from his position and extended his hand; Eden took it and returned the handshake. The gothic man looked around her to the left and right, trying to get a glimpse into her house. It was rather deceiving from the outside, but inside her house was beautiful. It was filled with artifacts, books, papers and antique furniture. Her house looked like a museum in its self, it practically was. Eden jumped when the man?s stomach grumbled. He looked down at it and shrugged, still oddly smiling. [B]?You? err, hungry??[/B] She asked, looking him up and down, she thought him not too bad looking. Besides the strange dress sense he seemed to have. He nodded in response. [B]?I?m Dani? [/B] [B]?A pleasure, I?m Eden?[/B] She spoke with an ever so slight British accent. [B]?So, got any food??[/B] he raised an eye brow, questioningly. [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] Eden watched as this gothic Dani person woofed down his breakfast. Eden had taken him to a café not far from the Museum. She let him order whatever he wanted, which happened to be allot of different things. She watched him in the same way one watches the running of the bulls. Everything is exciting enough and almost humorous but frightening at the same time, no one wants to be trampled or impaled by sharp horns. It was kind of the same way with this fellow. Eden would have never ever usually bought a stranger breakfast, especially one who had been sleeping on her door step all night but there seemed to be something almost intriguing about this guy. [B]?Are you gonna eat that??[/B] Dani said, pointing at her plate with his fork, looking up at her. Momentarily breaking her trance. [B]?Help yourself.? [/B] Eden pushed the plate towards him and took a sip of her black coffee. The pair were being met with rather strange stares by the other people in the café. Without warning a waitress in the café dropped a tray of tea cups that went crashing to the ground. Eden almost went through the roof. Luckily people gasped at the broken cups when Eden accidentally caused the table to shudder. Dani looked up at her with a tilted head and a furrowed brow. [B]?What was that?? [/B] He questioned, Eden shook her head. [B]?You finished?? [/B] He nodded. [B]?Good, let?s go then.?[/B] Eden paid at the register and quickly pushed Dani outside. It was beginning to lightly rain as a lone fork of lightening arched across the sky. Eden stamping her foot on the ground in protest because of the rain caused a little bit more of a shockwave then it should have. Cursing herself because of it she looked across at the not-so-strange-anymore Dani. [B]?What??[/B] He asked, rather forcefully. [B]?Nothing. Hope you enjoyed breakfast? [/B] Eden began to walk away when Dani ran to catch up with her. [B]?Thanks, you know for ...? [/B] She waved his comment away like it meant nothing and smiled, a fake one, but still a smile none the less. [B]?So what do you do?? [/B] he asked. [B]?I, err. I?m an archeologist-in-training, specializing in New Kingdom Egypt. Why?? [/B] She said, trying to look Dani in the eyes. Her response was half true, she also worked part-time at an office as a secretary to help pay some bills. [B]?No reason. You just seem like a nerd.? [/B] Eden blew a short puff of air out her nose in a rare smirking gesture. The hot air turned to steam as it connected with the cold air outside. [B]?Well, Mr. Goth. What do you do?? [/B] she asked, a bit frightened by him and by what he would say in response. He probably knew she was frightened. The smirk was nothing more than an act of bravado, at least that?s what she thought afterwards, while cursing herself for her comment. [B]?Err?[/B] he said, half mocking her while trying to find the words to described what exactly it was that he did. Eden couldn?t figure this guy out. She wasn?t sure weather he hated her or what was going on, she was pretty sure that he was merely acting nice to her, she did buy him breakfast afterall. She looked at her watch and realized she was going to be late. [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] [B]ooc: hope this is ok Vicky I was stuck for something to start off on ^ ^;; I?m rather tired lol[/B][/SIZE]