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Request [RPG/Event] Request for a logo or banner for my Otaku Idol 2 Event
Disenchanted replied to Sandy's topic in Creative Works
[SIZE=1]Well I had a crack at it =p I sort of have a thing for labyrinths as it were, in ancient history and we learnt about the Minoans and the legend of the Minotaur and the labyrinth, but enough of my strange ramblings. There?s a greenish and a reddish version, as I changed the colours to make it look more... whatever. I?ve got avatars as well, but anywho. And sorry the banners aren't the full size, I tried to make them eye catching. But besides that Enjoy ^ ^[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/5258/labrinthsnadyaviik7.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/1769/avilabrunthsandy2qq7.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2616/labrinthbannersandynw0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/9844/labrithavuornagesandywe4.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/8739/avinesssandymf3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/7126/bannerlabrynthke9.png[/IMG] [SIZE=1] I really don't know how these are going to look, my monitor is really dark and that messes up colours in photoshop and whatnot. ^ ^;; [B][Edit] to sandy:[/B] Yeah I know. I just got excited lol. [/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Eden Bourne [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Star Sign: [/B] Virgo - Earth [B]Powers:/Night[/B] [I] September 10th [/I] Ever since she could remember Eden had been averse to flying. One day, due to the persistent nature of her grandfather, Eden was coaxed into taking a plane flight to see him. The ride was going smoothly, for the most part, and she felt fine. That was until they hit a violent spot of turbulence and the whole plane began to shake. The turbulence lasted for so long and was so violent that everyone on board believed they were going to die. Eden most of all, her heart beat went sky wards and she felt as if she was going to throw up because of the force of the shaking. The next thing she remembers was being woken up by a smiling flight attendant, telling her they were coming in to land. Whenever she felt fear, annoyance or anger from that day onwards she would cause things to shake. Objects, people, whole rooms, it was like she could cause earthquakes in whatever or whoever was making her upset. The more powerful her emotions the more violent the shaking would become. She got so annoyed at work at one point she caused a quake around her office building. The mos terrible thing is when she causes people to shake, they actually convulse more than shake, their bodies twisting with pain. Her powers are triggered by her thoughts and feelings, she would never express anger towards someone but she would think it, sometimes sending that person into an uncontrollable fit. Depending on the strength of her emotion or thought, not only a person or thing could be affected but a whole room or building. [B]Appearance:[/B] Eden [URL=http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/1668/edenvq9.png][here] [/URL] and[URL=http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/3805/eden4qk8.png] [here][/URL] [B]Personality: [/B] Eden is reserved; she keeps emotions such as anger, annoyance and fear bottled up inside her, rarely displaying them. She will just smile and move on, even if she has jus been insulted. She hates conflict and will back down in an argument just to keep the peace. She is easily intimidated and she hates this about herself, automatically retreating if she is threatened. Eden is easily frightened, which can be very troublesome, as things start to shake then. She believes in a naive concept that there is good in everyone, despite how they act. She is also very tenacious, never giving up on her goals or on people. Even if they seem completely lost. Eden hates violence and fighting, so much so that she will run almost anywhere to get away from it. She feels sick at the sight of blood, especially others and will run in the opposite direction attempting to hold down vomit.She is prone to out bursts of extreme annoyance and anger after she has suppressed those emotions for so long and can?t hold them in anymore, these are very rare though. She can get violent in this state, something she despises the thought of. [B]Biography:[/B] Eden spent most of her schooling years evading the bitchiness of the more favored girls. The boys were attracted to her; she had good looks and mostly kept to herself, which seemed to enhance this mystery all the males thought she had. Her parents were always overseas on political business. Eden?s upbringing was left in the hands of her only living grandparent. Her Grandfather from her fathers side. He was a gentle man, kind and always interested in hearing about her day. No matter how boring or horrible it was. His name was Doctor Robert Charles Bourne and he was the only real family she considered herself to have. When she wasn?t doing schoolwork she was sorting though his many books on Ancient societies. She adored the fact that he was an archeologist and hopped to be one like him someday. Her Grandfather was the only one who she put up with school for, not her parents and certainly not herself. The other females in her year were constantly picking fights with her; some of them were more aggressive than rabid dogs. Eventually she became fed up with the constant denying and debating and just gave in. The more they insulted, pushed, yelled and threatened the more she kept quiet. This practice went on for most of her later junior school days and well into senior years. Eden was eventually programmed with the default ability of retreat and acted wounded. She not only did this with the people at school but also with her ?parents?. Every time it was her birthday they would so graciously clear their busy diplomatic schedules and come visit her. She grew too loath her birthdays; they would always end up in a screaming match between her father mother and grandfather. If her grades were slipping even the slightest they would scream at the old man, they would never ever listen to his comments about her becoming an archeologist. Their daughter would go into politics and that was that. Eden totally ignored them and perused a carrier following in her grandfather?s footsteps. She was on her way to meet him in Africa overseeing a dig two days before her birthday when the plane started to shake from turbulence. That plane ride set in motion some disturbing events. Almost the most dramatic being her inadvertently destroying her grandfathers dig site. They eventually attributed the quake to unstable rock formation, but Eden knew better. Luckily no one was hurt, but the site was rendered completely useless. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Eden Goodspeed [B]Race:[/B] Vampire [B]Age: [/B] Approx 2000 [she could possibly be younger], but appears 30 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Class:[/B] Elder [B]Personality: [/B]Eden is a mistress of deception; she had to be in odder to survive as long as she has. She is generally uninterested in matters that concern humans, sometimes even vampires. She loves the thrill of battle and prides herself on her skills with weapons. Eden has a strange allure, she is beautiful, boyish and yet menacing at the same time. Eden commands respect from other vampires, even other elders, [B]if[/B] she knows she can manipulate them. If she can't then she plays the victim. She isn?t afraid of death, or any human that may come to hunt her. At her core Eden is a survivalist, extremely fickle, and will not hesitate to make alliances with others, even humans, in order to stay alive. In past desperate situations she has been known to cross-dress. That is not to say she wouldn?t do it now. Eden acts as though she is indifferent, and with a certain bravery. But she does however, take interest in other peoples matters, if they are important enough, while appearing uncaring. She can also be very, very, unforgiving. [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/9337/edenrg5.jpg] [Eden] [/URL] Eden's main attire is black and red dresses, she rarely deviates from those two colors. The dresses she wears can be anything from extremely revealing and obscure, to something that resembles a heavy, hooded cloak. Her shoes are either black military style boots, or high heals. Sometimes she may even wear a high healed boot, if the occasion calls for it. Her shoes, except for a small few, are all made out of reptile skin. If she isn't wearing a dress, which is rarely, then she will put on skimpy leather clothes, again usually made from reptile leather. She has many scars on her body from many battles, her most deep are from Sarin. Around her left leg is a tattoo of a menacing serpent, it coils its way up from her ankle, wraps around her leg and finishes on her upper thigh. The serpents scales are black, its eye almost glows a bright green. Around her neck a silver pendant hangs. Her ears are pierced only once, with studs that match her necklace. A large silver cuff covers her right wrist. Many ornate silver rings cover her fingers; all of them are set with black diamonds. She doesn?t care for their value at all. Eden will only wear her jewerly if she knows that for a period of time there will be no battles. One single serpent ring never ever leaves her right hand. [B]Weapon: [/B] [URL=http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/7792/curvedbladesmu8.png][Twin curved blades] [/URL] Her crescent blades were made long ago and are stained with dried blood; they also bare faded inscriptions in vampire text. The blades also look old and are pockmarked with various scratches and flecks. [B]Bio:[/B] [Will edit more] Eden no longer remembers where she was born; only that it was somewhere cold, dark and unforgiving. She remembers a feeling of drowning and still avoids water where she can, preferring to bathe in blood among other things. One thing may be true of Eden, in a personality full of deceit. She wasn?t always as wicked as she is now. A lot of things can happen in two thousand years. But she expects no sympathy from others; she certainly wouldn?t give it to them. All she remembers of her early years is going to parties with the rich and seducing men, sometimes women. She had a fortune from somewhere or someone and fortunes are meant to be spent. Eden did save some however and still lives on her fortune to this day; it has grown in value since those years. Eden spent her later years hunting humans for fun; it brought her no thrill whatsoever. Drinking human blood was necessary and there was plenty of it. When she was not hunting she was practicing fighting with various weapons, and being taught how to use them. Eden never liked guns and always thought of them as? unsportsmanlike. One has lot of time to spend doing nothing when one is immortal. Some days she spent painting works of art, some she spent with other vampires; this is when times were good. When times were not good Eden performed some hideous acts of evil, well evil depending on your point of view. She would tell you that it was necessary in order to survive, other vampires would agree. Humans however may not be so? ?Understanding?. Eden remembers many battles, some grand in scale others private. She has lost many lovers over the years, some to war, others she took the lives of herself. Eden has had repeated encounters with the Blade Sarin, she has left marks on him, and he has left them on her in return. He remains the only one to come close to taking her life, based on that fact alone, Sarin remains one of the few humans to earn her respect. Eden also knows she is being tracked by a human who hunts her for revenge, Allura a Blade like Sarin. Eden knows she helped in the killing of Allura?s family, she makes no apologies. She also knows that Allura will eventually find her, revenge is a strong ally. She looks forward to their inevitable meeting. Eden lives to survive as she has always done; hiding from the humans is becoming increasingly difficult and she forever looks for a way to end the hunting of her kind that doesn?t end in their extinction. [/SIZE]
Your Favourite Kind Of Alcohol [M for drug use, oooooh]
Disenchanted replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1]Bundy Rum is the best *drools* I like rum, any kind of rum really. I drink mostly Vodka however, straight or mixed with whatever. I recently turned 18 so I?ve been going proverbially crazy trying all these things. I have to say that I like Ouzo; I?m half Greek so go figure. It smells like licorice, made from aniseed. [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouzo ][B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Wiki link![/COLOR][/B][/URL] For those who don?t know what I?m talking about. I love Scotch whisky; Johnnie Walker is usually in our cupboard, black label at the moment (I don?t like the red, I agree with you DeadSeraphim that it can easily destroy a good coke). But yeah, I absolutely despise beer; I don?t think I will ever get used to the taste. I might drink wine, white or red but that?s rare. [/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]I calls it. Be back laters. ^ ^ Ok, Done & done, rushed it Blah. But anyways, I went along with the word thingy as well. [URL=http://img487.imageshack.us/img487/7746/ryuhattexg7.png][B][COLOR=SandyBrown]Love, ^ ^ awwww[/COLOR][/B][/URL] Next!! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Ivy Elizabeth Alexandra III [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Gender: [/B] Female, without a doubt [B]Character: [/B] The Royalty [B]Personality:[/B] Ivy has a very high opinion of herself; she is rude and at some times can be very crude towards others. Ivy will not hesitate to point out someone?s flaws to them; she can be quite loud but usually looks over everyone with a condescending smirk. Ivy likes to believe she has no fear, and this may very well be true. She doesn?t react to situations with emotions but instead with her intellect. Ivy has zero trust in people but can be quite the actress when push comes to shove. [B]Evil Side's Personality: [/B] Ivy?s other side takes her fearlessness and extends on it; she will do practically anything without fear of danger or anything else. Like her normal half her other half has a deep love for history ancient and modern but namely ancient methods of execution. She will go to great lengths to ensure she replicates the exact method as it was done in ancient times. She is not adverse to trying medieval methods either. In her eyes people that do wrong should be punished and shown the error of their ways, and be made and example of. If ivy is backed into a corner she will fight her way out kicking and screaming without fear. [B]Appearance: [/B] Her face is rather well defined and feminine, her eyes are a bright chilling blue, Ivy's hair falls down onto her shoulders, blonde and wavy with flecks of ginger. Her skin is very pale and her cheeks are constantly a rosy red colour. Ivy may well only be 20 but she takes great pride in the fact that she can make herself look a great deal older than she actually is. She usually wears long dresses, dark colors, decorated with ornate patterns or a simple black long skirt and white blouse with a red tie or scarf. Oddly, Ivy usually wears a pair of rather manly boots over feminine shoes. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] -Will edit soon- [B]Other Notes:[/B] Ivy has a deep love for history, ancient more than modern. She will spend days on end reading or researching hungry for more knowledge. Her interests lie predominantly with Egypt but she loves all areas. Ivy id descendant from a long line of royalty, her family is very wealthy but all she asks of them is her own private wing full of history and a few extra rooms for other activities. [COLOR=SandyBrown][B]-Promise ill get this finished soon Kalon-[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
RPG Project: True Destiny[RESURRECTION//] - [M-SLV]
Disenchanted replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1] The mechs before Axl just retreated; she just sat there under cover with a large group of civilians. [B]?Well that was?strange.? [/B] She slumped back into her chair and put her hands behind her head. [I][B]?Axl do you read?? [/B][/I] her static observer sounded rather pissed at her or [I]?perhaps at something else, but either way?[/I]... her thoughts were directed to Cassidy as his mech stumbled into view towards the pods. [I][B]?Axl!? [/B][/I] her observer shouted rather angrily. [B]?What!??[/B] She shouted back. [I][B]?Return to the pods.?[/B][/I] He grumbled and then cut communications, [I]?what?s up his ass? [/I] she thought. But she already knew the answer; she had directly disobeyed orders not to fire her cannon. It wasn?t finished yet not to mention she fired it recklessly close to a team mate when specifically ordered not to do so, actually specifically ordered not to charge the cannon in the first place. [B]?Boy I am going to be in for it??[/B] she griped her controls and began heading out from behind cover. [I]?Did that feel good??[/I] her spider-like friend questioned crawling out from behind one of her LCD screens, Axl just rolled her eyes and shook her head. [B]?Come back later when I?ve been thrown in the brig for disobeying orders.?[/B] She spoke dead pan. [I]?You don?t think others will come to your defence??[/I] Ra questioned as he scampered across the screens and into her keyboards. Axl didn?t reply and walked her mech back into her pod, the door slammed shut as its jet engines kicked in and she was whizzed back up to the station. Axl didn?t get out of the cockpit; she sat there waiting for the people to come to her. She typed furiously over her key boards bringing the mechs external cameras on line, her six LCD screens displayed a group of 3 people moving closer to her mech. In the centre of the group stood a rather gruff looking man flanked on either side buy two uniform officers. Axl used her most powerful camera usually reserved for sniping to zoom in on the man?s chest; his name tag was now displayed on her largest screen. [B]?Well, well, greetings Static Observer Second Lieutenant John Worth.? [/B] Axl shifted in her seat as they got closer, she exited her mech via its lift and stood leaning on one of its large claws waiting for the party to arrive. [B]?Axl I need you to follow me.?[/B] John spoke; he was rather tall with sharp blue eyes. The officers standing next to him remained emotionless, like statues. [B]?Lead the way.?[/B] Her observer didn?t say a word as Axl was taken past her team mates and walked to the base CO?s office and left out side. It reminded her of school when students were bad and asked to go see the principal, eventually she was called in and asked to sit down. [CENTER][B]+ + +[/B][/CENTER] [B]?Finally...? [/B] Axl breathed as she exited the CO?s office. Personnel gave her questioning looks as they walked past and whispered to each other. Axl rolled her eyed at them; they looked away as if they weren?t doing anything, not expecting that reaction from her. She sighed as she made her way back towards the primary hangar to her mech and the other pilots. Passing Trysten she gave an acknowledging look towards him. [B]?I saw that, what?s the problem??[/B] he motioned back down the hallway to where Axl had exited. [B]?That would be telling.? [/B] She smiled and kept walking back towards her Scorpion. [/SIZE] [CENTER][B]+ + +[/B][/CENTER] [B][SIZE=1]ooc: crap post blah. -_-;[/SIZE][/B] -
[SIZE=1]Thanks so much Delta! I love it. ^ ^ Many thanks! *fangirly squeal* [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Octavia woke at a reasonable time; she never understood why the other members of SN felt they needed to wake so early,[I] 'some probably don?t even sleep' [/I]she thought. Getting out of bed she discarded her rather skimpy sleeping gear and walked to the bathroom. No one at SN had seen her apartment; it somewhat matched her exterior personality. Cold and dark. Her walls were completely bare; there wasn?t that much furniture either, she liked to call it 'ultra modern'. The colors in her home were mostly grays, deep reds and blacks. The floor in every part of her apartment was polished floor boards, if something wasn?t made of high quality wood then it was made of glass or metal for sure. Stepping into her glass tiled shower the water was turned way up and almost as far as the hot tap would allow. Octavia always had long showers; some going well over an hour, usually there was nothing better to do. Eventually stepping out of the hot water, Octavia collected her towel and made for her closet. Choosing to wear a tight, black, sleeveless leather top that showed most of her stomach with loose fitting leather pants and heavy black military style leather boots, metal capped of course. Grabbing her hooded leather trench coat she took a green apple from a bowl, her keys and helmet and made for the buildings elevator. Stepping into the elevator Octavia turned around to see one of the buildings security personnel running towards her waving his arms for her to hold the elevator. Naturally Octavia jammed her finger down on the ?door close? button. She waved to the guard with a broad smile on her face as the doors closed just as he reached them. Mathew was possible the most irritating person she had ever met. Yes, he was probably one of the best looking men she had ever seen and yes, he was probably one of the nicest people one could ever meet, but the sad man never gave up on trying to get her to go out with him. It was like he didn?t know the meaning of the word ?no?. She?d had just about enough of him and was ready to pistol whip him if he ever asked her anything again. Eventually reaching the garage, she whipped on her helmet and coat before straddling her bike and racing off down the street to SN HQ. [B][CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER][/B] Parking her bike Octavia took off her helmet and walked into the main office. A four legged; slobbering fur ball was at her feet in mere seconds, wagging its tail with its tongue hanging from the side of its moth. She backed away from it with a disgusted look on her face. Papers were scattered around the room, everything looked like a bomb had hit it. [B]?Get lost!?[/B] she yelled at the beast, pointing in the opposite direction from where she was standing. Eva burst into the room with Red and Virgil checking to see what all the yelling was about. [B]?What the hell is that??[/B] Octavia demeaned pointing at the slobbering mutt. [B]?It?s a Dog Logan.? [/B] Eva replied smiling, Octavia rolled her eyes. [B]?It?s disgusting, whose is it?? [/B] Eva shrugged and began picking up papers. [B]?Clyne found it, but Its Elliot?s now.?[/B] Octavia shook her head and began picking up papers with everyone else. It was obvious from her reaction that she despised dogs; she didn?t like animals at all for that matter. The thing kept annoying her but she chose to ignore it. After a while of picking up papers Jack walked into HQ. Octavia ignored what was being said for the most part, eventually she looked up and started listening. [B]"Wanna hold him" [/B] Eva said in a sweet tone. [B]"Don't push it" [/B] Jack replied taking a step back. Eva snubbed Jack at his response and hugged the dog; he walked over to everyone else and helped clean up the rest of the papers. Octavia Made a gun shape with her fingers and fired at the dog, it was staring at her over Eva?s shoulder and began barking at her in response. [B]?Lousy mutt!? [/B] Octavia yelled at it. Putting a bunch of papers down on a desk as Jack raised an eye brow at her. [B]?I take it your not a dog person?? [/B] She rolled her eyes at him and folded her arms. [B]?Jack, I?m not an anything person, period.?[/B] He playfully began poking her in the ribs before she slapped his hand away. [B]?I would have at least figured you liked cats.? [/B] She blew hair out of her face and placed a hand on her hip. [B]?Don?t even get me started on cats.?[/B] Jack shrugged and sat down. Octavia tapped her fingers on the desk in apparent boredom of their now uneventful situation. Without warning she turned on her heals and headed for the rear of SN. [B]?Where are you going??[/B] Jack called after her, she half turned around, keeping her ass in full view. [B]?Training, care to join me?? [/B] He shrugged and started to walk towards her, turning around she smiled inwardly to her self but kept a stern expression. [B][CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER][/B] Octavia and Jack had worked up quite a sweet when they decided to part for a quick break. Neither of them seemed to be out of breath but they were defiantly giving it all they had. Octavia threw Jack a bottle of water and he caught it one handed, ripping the lid off and taking a few gulps before throwing it back to her. Octavia found herself studying Jack momentarily before they resumed their spar. The two SN members circled one another like predatory sharks, studying each other carefully to see who would make the first move. Octavia lunged at Jack first, impatiently breaking the period of quiet anticipation. She came at him with a swift kick aimed squarely at his head; Jack ducked and blocked a punch at the same time. Octavia was aggressive and hated to loose; she always used a lot more kicks than punches when fighting which made her style slightly predictable. She was fast however and used that to her advantage. Using a little more emotion than she probably should have caused Octavia to over throw one of her punches giving Jack a window of opportunity to gain the upper hand. He came at her with a flurry of punches, each one connecting with their intended target causing Octavia to stumble backwards. She momentarily fell to her knees and tried to catch her breath before rolling away from Jack. A smile crossed his face as he mockingly raised an eye brow at her. [B]?Come on Octavia! You fight like a girl.?[/B] Jack taunted, a million daggers spewed from her eyes at his words. She didn?t say anything back, but rolled forwards instead and spun on her left leg sweeping Jacks legs out from under him. [B]?Look who?s talking.?[/B] she smirked sounding bitter.[/SIZE]
RPG Project: True Destiny[RESURRECTION//] - [M-SLV]
Disenchanted replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]Axl checked her multiple screens, her eyes darting from one to the other in a desperate attempt to get a grip on the situation. She did as Cassidy instructed and herded the civilians back towards the pods. Axl didn?t like leaving him there to fend fro himself but she didn?t really have a choice. If one of the raptors or worse yet one of the lions decided to go rouge and come after her the civilians would be in serious trouble. Axl didn?t even stop to think that her life could be in danger; the thought didn?t even cross her mind, the civilians lives came first, and then her team mates. Without civilians then her team mates came first allways. Slowly but surely she led the civilians through the smoke in the direction of the pods, once inside they would all be much, much easer to defend. The problem was getting there in once piece. The smoke began to clear slightly as Axl listened in on the radio chatter. [I][B]"Cassidy!"[/B][/I] Emi?s voice burst over the radio, urgency apparent in her tone. [I][B]"Emi, what?" [/B][/I] Cassidy replied gasping. [I][B]"Ajack's taking a nasty beating already, his hind leg is pretty busted."[/B][/I] Axl waited and listened further, hearing nothing she became concerned and began scanning the battle field with her long range sensors. Her attention was immediately drawn to that of Cassidy?s mech and another signature that appeared beside his, a raptor. Halting her mech and the civilians, Axl slowly spun her scorpion around in his direction. She told the civilians to stay calm and do exactly as she tells them. Obeying, they all walked away from the mech, but not far enough so that they couldn?t use her for cover if anything happened. Her fingers began to dance across her various bulky key boards, and her eyes whipped from screen to screen. Equations and calculations appeared on a screen to her right, while another displayed information on the planets weather conditions and various wind speeds. Axl breathed deeply before pushing various buttons and griping her controls firmly. The civilians out side became mesmerised as the giant arachnid sprayed its six legs out wide and released large clamps, securing it firmly to the ground. Its pincers shot open and jammed themselves into the ground as well, some of them gasped as its massive tail slowly bent over in on itself and hung over the cockpit, just like the real thing would when about to strike using its sting. [B]?Charging particle beam??[/B] Axl announced to command, various voices shot into her ears, all of them yelling. [B] -25% charged[/B], one of her screens flashed. Ignoring the voices she proceeded to charge the beam, -60%. Typing various calculations and compensating for windage she slightly adjusted her mechs tail. [I][B]?Axl! Axl! Logan! Do not fire the beam! It?s only in the development stages, it?s a prototype mech, we aren?t sure of how powerful it is yet, it isn?t even properly calibrated. You could take out Cassidy as well!? [/B] [/I] the voice belonged to her static observer. Axl?s eyes went dark and her face showed no sign of emotion. [B]95% charged. [/B] [B]?If I don?t he?s dead anyway.? [/B] Axl cut all communications momentarily with home base, one of her six screens showed Cassidy?s mech being attacked by one of the raptors; it was ripping his mechs outer skin to shreds, it was only a matter of seconds until it broke into the wiring. Settling a pair of translucent cross hairs over the raptor she checked everything one last time. [B]-Particle beam charged 100% [/B] flashed across her main screen. Axl took a large breath in before holding it, her finger hovering above the fire button. A scream suddenly burst into her helmet and she hesitated no longer. Settling the cross hairs over the raptor one last time Axl fired. A beam of white light shot out from the end of the mechs tail cannon, streaking across the battle field at tremendous speed. Axl?s heart skipped a beat when Cassidy?s mech strayed in the path if the beam but moved out of the way mere milliseconds before it would have hit leaving the raptor in the line of fire. The charged beam struck the raptor on its right side putting a large hole in its light armour and severely lessening its manoeuvrability but it still seemed to be able to function. It was thrown off Cassidy?s mech an onto the ground, giving Cassidy the break he needed to get back the upper hand. [B]?Cassidy do you read me??[/B] Axl waited but there was no reply. [B]?Cassidy?? [/B] Axl heard rustling over his channel. [I][B]?I?m here Axl, damn, thanks.?[/B] Cassidy?s voice came in huffs, Axl nodded in response. [/I] [B]?You owe me one Cassidy, now get off your butt and take that raptor out before it takes you.? [/B] Axl resumed herding the civilians back towards the pods, Cassidy still had a fight on his hands with the raptor, but at least it was off of him and weakened . There would be plenty of time for thank youse later. Herding the civilians was taking a lot longer than Axl thought it would. Eventually they all came to a large expanse of open land where the pods had landed. Axl?s eyes widened and her heart sank as two lion mechs with one raptor came into view. They were standing guard around the pods. Cleverly the aliens had deployed probably their strongest fighters to capture and defend the enemy?s only means of evacuation. There was no way she could take out three mechs by her self, sighing she broadcast over the radio, re-establishing her link with ANGEL wire. [B]?I have three enemy mechs in sight, two lion and one raptor; they have cut off my only means of getting to the pods, requesting assistance.?[/B] Sweat grew in beads on her forehead and her muscles ached from the heavy controls. Voices suddenly the silence was broken as voices shot into her ears probably telling her off for using the sniping capability of her mech but she chose to ignore them again and waited. + + + [B]Hope its ok that I came to your defence Demonchild, ^ ^ Let me know if something needs to be changed [/B] [/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]Greetings all! I?d love it if someone could make me an avi and banner set using this picture [URL=http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/1778/ohmfq6.png][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]here[/COLOR][/URL]. [I have no idea who he is ^ ^, another one of my random men pics] I?d like the theme to be an angry/dark one, anything that goes with the guy?s expression in the picture. I?m not really picky on the colors, black, reds, oranges, something fiery I spose. Whatever takes your fancy. For the text on the banner id like it to say ?Bitter oblivion? or ?Never again?, whatever fits your design. No text necessary on the avi. I thank anyone who takes this up in advance! -Eclipse [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B][COLOR=SandyBrown]EDIT: All finished, please let me know if anything needs fixing[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER]+++[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Tayla Lorlindal [B]Age:[/B] 45 [B]Appearance: [/B][URL=http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/6893/elfsw1.png] [B][COLOR=SandyBrown] [Tayla][/COLOR][/B][/URL] Tayla?s ears are not quite so large; they are more human like with a light point. Because of her mixed heritage Tayla only looks a few years younger than she actually is. She has a small physique and can be exceptionally quick, giving her an advantage over cumbersome foes. [B]Race:[/B] Half Elf -Half High Elf -Half Human [B]Alignment:[/B] True neutral [B]Profession:[/B] Healer// Mercenary Both have equal precedence over her life. [B]Weapon: [/B] [URL=http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m299/Build_an_army/bow.jpg]-Bow and arrows[/URL] [URL=http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m299/Build_an_army/daggar.jpg]-Five Small throwing daggers [/URL] Tayla also keeps with her at all times a bag of potions and other various herbal remedies, she uses a combination of Elven and human medicines to heal those that need it. [B]Deity:[/B] Marlethar?Rallos- God of Healing and to a much lesser extent Maroz?Zar- God of War. [B]Background:[/B] Tayla Lorlindal was born to a high elf by the name of Arlina Lorlindal and a human by the name of Talin Thor. She was an unwanted by-product of their love for one another. Both coming from very noble familles, such a union was unacceptable and made worse by a child. Arlina hid her pregnancy from her family and at the appropriate time had the child in secret. Doing nothing more for the child other than naming it they ordered it to be taken away. Her human father was a well known warrior and strategist and her mother a noble high elf. At the moment of her birth Tayla was taken from her parents by their wishes and abandoned near Edomfray. She was taken in by a young male half elf by the name of Marcus Orl?n, and so he acted as her father from then on, growing to love her dearly. His own wife had died of an incurable disease while pregnant with their first child, he prayed for the god Marlethar?Rallos to bless him with a companion and so received Tayla, the child he never had. Thanking the god he took her in and raised her as his own, teaching her all he knew of the art of healing. Tayla learnt many secrets as she grew, becoming quite proficient in healing others and treating their wounds, also learning of way to incapacitate and the vital points at which to strike enemies should she ever cross any. The warrior in her soul was just as dominant as the healer in her and so she became a mix of the two, in her spare time training with a bow and arrow while practising her healing skills. Marcus never approved of her interest in battle but let her be. Marcus in time became ill with same disease that had befallen his wife; try as she might Tayla could not save hi, from the sickness. Grief stricken that the only person in the world who had given a dam about her was dead, she closed down his place of healing and left. At the time not quite knowing what she was looking for, neither belonging with the elves or humans. Eventually Tayla?s skills caught the eye of a Mercenary simply named Falin; he saw the potential in her kills with a bow and also her skills as a healer. He employed her as a healer first and foremost, and so began her life as a mercenary, accompanying Falin and his men wherever they were needed and healing their wounds whenever they were hurt. Her skills with Elven and human techniques made for a powerful combination. Tayla grew tired of Falin over time and left him to find her own way, roaming the lands and healing those that would pay for her skills. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][B]Occ: no problems shadowofdeath ^ ^ Let me know if I need to change anything guys, sorry it?s not eventful.[/B] [COLOR=SlateGray][CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] Octavia disapprovingly clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth as she walked away from Jack, [I]?Hell, he is so damn hot but such a womanizer.?[/I] She thought, playing with the idea in her head. Octavia had heard him say that he was no such thing after she had accused him of being one. Jack simply retorted with [I][B]?I?m simply a connoisseur of the fine wine that is woman.? [/B][/I] Her reply was a roll of the eyes and a sharp [I][B]?whatever.? [/B] [/I] There wasn?t a night that went buy when she didn?t see him with some random chick, sometimes more than one. She thought about blowing Jack a taunting kiss as she left but refrained and kept walking. Fair is fair, there were times when she admired his ass. ?[B]Note to self, kiss Jack before you die.? [/B] She spoke out loud in a sarcastic tone, half giggling, to no one as she walked though the halls of SN. These days it seemed as though there were less and less protection missions going round. Everyone more or less wanted to solve their problems by killing them. But that was the way things were, naturally Octavia usually had a lot less to do than most so her time was mostly spent training. When things really got to her she would participate in an assignation but never in the actual act of killing, more in a role of protecting her team mates. She flipped a light switch as she walked into her office, she kicked off the floor as she sat down, sending her spinning in her chair. ?I?m so damn bored.? She sighed, leaning forwards, resting her elbows on the desk and her chin in her hands while swinging her chair from side to side. [B] [CENTER]~ ~ ~[/CENTER][/B] [I][B]?This is boring, what am I supposed to achieve by standing on one leg?? [/B] a younger Octavia sighed as she attempted to keep her balance. Beads of swear slowly trickled down her forehead, her eyes locked forwards in concentration. [B]?It teaches stamina Octavia, endurance, things that you?ll need when protecting others.? [/B] he was the only one who she would let call her that. [B]?If you say so.?[/B] Fargo laughed softly as he observed her training, Elliot was also there watching. [B]?Ok enough, I?ll leave you two too it. Play nice.? [/B] Octavia chuckled as he left. [B]?I?ll beat you this time Logan.?[/B] Elliot taunted, Octavia?s style was allot more disciplined than Elliot?s, his was street fighting, hers was methodical, it had form and style. She would teach him to be more quick and precise with his attacks and he would teach her other things in return. She had learnt a lot from him, and him from her. [B]?Like hell you will Elliot.? [/B] She batted back with a smile dropping a fighting stance, he took his own. Octavia rolled her head around cracking her neck before running at Elliot and letting fly with a swift kick directed at his head. He blocked but just barely, she was damn quick, hand to hand combat wasn?t even where her true talent lay, her best work came from her sword but she never got to use it much if at all. Elliot came at her with a volley of punches but Octavia back flipped and dodged them all but the last which clipped her chin. [B]?Ha!?[/B] Elliot yelled mockingly, she smiled back while blocking another of his punches, and returning a kick of her own to his gut. It connected and Elliot went sprawling backwards. She was on top of him in seconds with a knee to his throat. [B]?I win.? [/B] She smiled while getting off him and extended her hand; he grabbed it and let her haul him up. [B]?I?ll get you one day Missy.?[/B] Elliot knew how much that annoyed her; she shrugged it off while reaching for a towel. [B]?In your dreams, Elli, in your dreams.? [/B] [/I] [B][CENTER]~ ~ ~[/CENTER] [/B] [B]?Damn shame.? [/B] Octavia spoke out loud, red appeared in the door way with a curious look on her face. [B]?What??[/B] Red tilted her head to the side. [B]?Nothing, I?m out of here, this place is damn boring. See you tomorrow Red, night,? [/B] Octavia said as she got up and walked out of her office switching the light off after grabbing a long black hooded leather coat. [B]?Night.? [/B] Octavia stepped out into the cold night air, zipping up her coat and turning up the collar. Straddling her black [URL=http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/7442/bmwuqg2.png]BMW motorcycle [/URL] she put on her helmet, inserted the keys and sped off down the street. Eventually she reached her home, not that far from SN, but she took a few detours effectively taking her 2 hours to get home. Shoving her keys into the lock and kicking open the door Octavia jammed her finger down on her sound system. Loud metal pumped from the speakers, she owned the top floor of that particular apartment complex and no one ever seemed to mind her taste in muse, even if it was played so early in the morning. Closing the front door she removed her coat and walked out side thought a pair of large glass sliding doors. The rain was pelting down but Octavia didn?t care, she found the rain beautiful, she stood on the large balcony staring out at the awesome view of the city, lights flickering in the near distance and further away. Octavia sighed as she looked to the cloud covered sky, how she missed the stars. [B]?I hope tomorrow is more interesting.? [/B] She spoke to no one. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
RPG Project: True Destiny[RESURRECTION//] - [M-SLV]
Disenchanted replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1]As she entered the primary hangar Axl was totally bewildered at the site of the MechAnima?s, they were magnificent; she felt her heart beating just a little faster. [B]?Lieutenant Logan?? [/B] Axl stepped forward, her back straight and a stern expression set on her face. [B]?Here is your SOUL module...? [/B] Axl took a moment to study the completely black chip, when she turned it in the light it seemed to shine different colors. [B]?You are now able to pilot the Scorpion.? [/B] Professor Hastings concluded. Axl?s eyes widened at the words, the Scorpion? This couldn?t have been a coincidence, Axl didn?t believe in coincidences. She turned on her heal to the locker rooms and got her suit on. Carrying her helmet under her arm she walked out to greet her mech. The piloting suit felt smooth and almost elastic, Axl spotted her mech immediately. Its most notable features were the two massive clawed arms protruding outwards from the body of the mech, and the very large and long tail coming from the back end of the mech. The tail was currently poised as if it was a bout to strike, curled back over the main body of the mech. It had eight legs as the real arachnid would. Axl found herself wondering how difficult it was going to be to pilot so many moving limbs. She noted the large gun mounted to the tail where the stinging barb on the real thing would be and other guns mounted inside the large pincers that seemed as though they could be retracted. A strange module was attached to the mech. They looked like small boosters attached to each leg. If they were of any importance someone would let her know, she hoped. As she stepped under the massive gray structure she noticed the mech had six eyes instead of the normally designated two. [I]?This day is just full of surprises?? [/I] she muttered to herself as she stepped into the mech?s inbuilt lift. The lift came from the belly of the mech itself as it seemed to have no other way of entry. Axl put her helmet on as she pushed the button to retract the lift, an automatic gate closed to her side as the lift was brought back up inside the mech. Axl looked up as the black hole for the lift loomed closer, she looked down and saw she was quite a fair way off the ground. Swallowing loudly she found herself gripping the hand rails a little more tightly. Everything went dark and a loud metallic clunk resounded in her ears as the lift locked back into place, Axl found there was a short walk to the pilot seat, looking behind her the lift occupied a small space, it was as if the mech could double as transport for other pilots if anything ever happened. Shrugging to herself Axl sat down and strapped in. she inserted the SOUL module as she typed on a rather chunky keyboard. The mech hummed to life and lights popped on all around her, they were dim however. Her mind boggled at all the switches, keyboards and screens that were in the mech. The massive arachnid stood completely still. [I][B]?Lieutenant Logan.?[/B][/I] A deep raspy voice almost commanded through the comm System. [B]?Logan here?[/B] Axl replied [B][I]?Statistic observer, Second Lieutenant Worth? [/I] [/B] [B]?Call me Ax sir.?[/B] [I][B]?Call me John.? [/B] [/I] [B]?No problems.?[/B] [B][I]?You?ll be seeing a lot of controls in front of you Ax. Try not to worry about them too much right now.?[/I][/B] [B]?A lot of controls are you serious? I have no less than six LCD screens in front of me??[/B] [B][I]?Relax; just moved your mech into the capsule, you?ve got too many appendages for us to be using the strap lift.? [/I] [/B] [B]?Roger.? [/B] Axl placed her hands on the controls and mech inched forwards, each leg following the other, just like the real thing. [I][B]?Ax you?re going to have to be a lot more violent with those controls, he?s a heavy mech and need you to give those commands a good whack.? [/B][/I] Axl nodded and pushed down harder on the controls, the mech moved more quickly and seemed to be more responsive. She maneuvered the mech into the capsule and the door shut with a boom. She positioned the mech inside so that its tail came over its head and its legs and claws were neatly tucked beneath it. [B]?Permission to launch?? [/B] [B][I]?Granted? [/I] [/B] Axl could hear the metallic clunking and hissing as her capsule was released and began falling to earth, she looked over her systems while she fell, she began to recognize some of them. So far only one of her screens was responding. [I]?One for each eye??[/I] she pondered. Axl could feel the pitching and rolling of the capsule as the rocket engines guided her down. The ride went without a hitch and as her pod landed the doors gently opened. Light didn?t flood the cockpit, it still stayed dark surprisingly. Each one of her screens sprang to life, displaying the terrain in different ways, telling her different things. One screen caught her attention and her heart almost skipped a beat.[U][I][B]-Initiating systems, underground sensors operational, initiating EMM, targeting, communications, check OK.[/B] [/I] [/U] Axl starred at the various screens all these systems at once? a board smile crossed her face as she brought the mech outside and over to the others waiting. [B]?Axl reporting? [/B] she spoke happily. [I][B]?You?re in a good mood.?[/B] [/I] Cassidy replied. [B]?Eager I guess.?[/B] Music floated into her mech from Emi?s, her smile widened; Axl had always liked Emi?s style of music. It was different from what she listen to, and a nice change. [I]?You seem happy.? [/I] Axl leant back and sighed. [I]?For once Ra I think I am happy.?[/I] She replied. Axl flexed her finger and stretched her arms, piloting the mech was hard work, the controls were heavy. She typed on the various key boards and information floated across her screens. She was support after all and proud of it.[/SIZE] -
RPG Project: True Destiny[RESURRECTION//] - [M-SLV]
Disenchanted replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Sorry this isn?t brilliant or anything, I?m just playing catch up. [/COLOR] [CENTER][B]+ + +[/B][/CENTER] Axl looked around at the party and had a realization; she could no longer see any of her friends. Snuffing a laugh to herself she flicked a strand of hair behind her ear. [B]?Typical?? [/B] [I][B]?That you should be all alone??[/B] [/I] Axl immediately spun around on her stool so see who had made the comment but there appeared to be no one. [B]?Go away?? [/B] she whispered sternly. Standing, Axl skulled what was left of her drink and made her way out of the hangar. She was one of the last to leave. Axl was never one for sleep, sleep was just another thing she had to do in order to function properly, and like other things one could get used to not having it. She looked over her shoulder back towards the sleeping quarters and kept walking. Stations like these always had viewing platforms, she would always go somewhere similar when she needed to relax or think. Eventually finding one of many platforms she entered, seeing that no one was using it. The view was spectacular, Axl smiled to herself as she put one of the head phones in her ear of her mp3 player. Music streamed into her ear, bass thumping, piano, guitar, how she loved piano. Axl drifted in and out of sleep, mesmerized by the scenery and hypnotized by the music in moments of . [I]? ?.so many of them scarred, some visible, others invisible, some so deep they are only remembered in times of silence?yet? I wonder, have any tasted death? You have, you know what lies beyond. Tell me, if any of them asked, would you honestly be able to tell them the truth?"[/I] [B]?I wish you would just leave me alone.? [/B] [B]?I?m sorry; I didn?t realize this viewing platform was taken.? [/B] Axl was instantaneously snapped from her dreaming. A figure stood in the entrance to the platform, dark and tall. [B]?It?s not, come in, I was just leaving.?[/B] Axl took one last look at the view before turning to leave the stranger to his own devices. As she reached the entrance that was also the only exit he put a hand to her shoulder, effectively stopping her from leaving. [B]?You don?t have to go, I usually come here when I can?t sleep, it seems as though someone else has also found my hiding place.? [/B] Axl stepped backwards allowing the man to enter, effectively he was the most frightening person she had ever stood next to. There was nothing wrong with his appearance however; it seemed to be his very presence. The stranger was wearing all black; she could see no markings on him of any kind to identify him as an officer or member of the base for that matter. His hair was shoulder length and wavy, dark brown with obvious flecks of natural blonde. His eyes were a piercing bright green, almost yellow to a point. His face was well defined and a well looked after goatee grew from his chin. It was impossible to tell his age, he could have been anything from 18 to 30. He stood motionless, looking out at the view, not making a sound. Axl stood staring at him, also unmoving and unwilling to break the silence they shared. Thoughts ran though her head in rapid succession. [I]?Is this guy special forces or something? ?No, black operations? ?Commander? ...a figment of my strange Imagina??[/I] [B]?What?s your job here??[/B] His voice, it sounded strangely familiar yet totally alien. Axl hesitated before answering. [B]?I?m a mech pilot, just transferred here with a group of others, newly graduated.? [/B] The man smiled and nodded, he turned and stared at her with those eyes. [B]?Then you haven?t seen the true horrors of what war can bring, mass blood shed, experienced death??[/B] [B]?Death is the one thing I am quite familiar with.? [/B] He tiled his head at her with a questioning look. Axl stared back at the man. He took a long step closer to her, their faces almost touching, the man moved closer to her, as if he was about to? [B] "ALL PERSONEL TO BATTLE STATIONS! NEW MECH PILOTS TO THE STRATEGY ROOM IMMEDIATELY! I REPEAT, ALL PERSONEL ?" [/B] Axl turned towards the doorway, [I]?god how long was I lying there for?? [/I] her mind screamed. She ran from the room leaving the stranger. [B]?That was the weirdest thing ever??[/B] she puffed as she ran, dodging people left and right, Axl made her way quickly back to her room and changed clothes as fast as she could. Axl wiped her face with a towel before checking her appearance quickly in a mirror and running out of her room. There were even more people in the hall ways then there were before, she had to avoid bodies left right and center and almost knocked three people over. Finally reaching the strategy room Axl quickly sat down and caught her breath, she smiled as she took a seat next to Fheng Lei. [/SIZE] -
RPG Project: True Destiny[RESURRECTION//] - [M-SLV]
Disenchanted replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[INDENT][COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][B]?Are you not going to attend the party?? [/B] the dark voice resounded throughout the room, its origin unknown. [B]?I am not fond of large crowds.?[/B] A female voice responded. [I][B]?Your not fond of a[/B] large amount [B]of people or is it that your just [/B] not [B]fond of people??[/B] [/I] [B]?I?m not in the mood for another psychoanalysing session.? [/B] [I][B]"Is that what you think when we talk? I?m merely looking out for your well being, sitting in the dark and contemplating the universe can be unhealthy if done too much, and let me say Ax that in your case it is extremely unhealthy.?[/B][/I] [B]?Fine, I?ll go, for no other reason than too ease your conscious.?[/B] The voice spoke no more, a black glistening scorpion as large as the ceiling crawled down from the ceiling and onto one of the walls. Axl undressed and stood naked in front of her closet scanning over an outfit to wear, everything she owned was either black or a deep, deep maroon colour. She didn?t deny or attempt to hide the fact that she loved gothic clothing. Axl decided on a simple short black dress with a slow slung back and shoe string straps, she wore heavy black military style boots on her feet, but since she had worn them hundreds of times before they didn?t seem heavy to her. She had no jewellery on besides a simple black collar around her neck. She decided that she would refrain from wearing anything too outrageous for her first night out at a new base, and step things up gradually to avoid giving the officers heart attacks. The dress was chosen for a special reason, its low slung back allowed her to reveal her most prised possession besides her sanity, intricate black tribal tattoos. The tattoos were a right of passage; she was now considered an adult where she came from. Her ancestry dated back to new kingdom Egypt. Over time the tattoos were developed as a way of identifying the adults from the children. Her people became separated, roaming the desert and developing in their own unique way. She had been talking to Clyne for ages about the ceremony and how she thought she would not get them. But she did, on the same night as draduation, and it could not have made her more proud. The higher ups were notified of special things such as her tattoos so she wouldn?t get in trouble or worse expelled. She wore absolutely no make up; the rings under her eyes were dark enough as it is. Checking her appearance was satisfactory she closed her door and followed the sound of thumping music. Bushing the door to the hangar open she was hit with a wave of heat and music, bodies were intertwined on the dance floor, others simply standing and bobbing their heads. Axl cringed as she walked over towards the bar and sat down going completely unnoticed. [B] ?Vodka on the rocks?[/B] Axl spoke to the bar tender, he nodded but with a tilt of his head, as if her order was some how a little strange to him. She sat at the bar for a while, some of her friends passing her, either not acknowledging her or just simply not noticing her without strange clothes. Suddenly though all the noise she heard another females voice. [B]"Hey Ax, since when'd you come in?"[/B] it was Clyne, Axl smiled to herself. [B]?I say about a good 20 minutes ago.? [/B] Turning around Axl sat herself so that her back was no longer towards the party. [B]?Hey you got them!?[/B] She exclaimed, pointing to Axl?s back, Axl just smiled, a genuine smile full of pride and happiness. Clyne hugged her friend and congratulated her on the achievement. The two talked for a while, mainly about the boy whom Clyne had been dancing with and some of the other good looking males. Laughing Axl pointed to a figure approaching them. [B]?Here comes trouble?[/B] Clyne spoke in a joking manner while elbowing Axl in the ribs. I hope he doesn?t ask for a dance, Axl thought. It wasn?t that she couldn?t dance, rather that this type of dancing wasn?t her forte, at all. [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] [COLOR=SandyBrown]occ: sorry for the lack of plot development, just trying to catch up to the story.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT] -
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]#3 A get together for graphic hobos. [B]The OtakuBoards graphic worm?[/B] God I despise riddles *Takes a stab in the dark* [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
RPG Project: True Destiny[RESURRECTION//] - [M-SLV]
Disenchanted replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Axl watched as Artek walked across the stage and her thoughts wandered, she was broken out of her dream like state by Rusti and Emi. Smiling Axl shook her head at Rusti and Emi; they had begun to take bets on how long it would take for the announcer?s toupee to fall of, [I]typical [/I] she thought. Turning towards Clyne, Axl nudged her friend lightly with her elbow. [B]?Would you like me to place a bet for you??[/B] Axl whispered; facing forwards trying to make it look like that the two weren?t talking. [B]?Not this time Ax.? [/B] Axl smiled and watched as her friends were called out one by one, Clyne and Axl usually made it a point to sit next to one another, they were good friends. Axl was mostly good friends with everyone but always seemed to be a little too serious some times. Emerald however always seemed to get a laugh out of her. [B]?I now introduce to you our fifth cadet to graduate this day, Lieutenant Axl Logan? [/B] [B]?Here we go?? [/B] Axl whispered sarcastically to Clyne. She hated ceremonies and fanfare, she especially hated attention, she was reserved and need a good hard push to show emotions sometimes. [B]?Cadet Logan has excelled in the not often chosen field of long range-heavy fire and support. She has shown remarkable skill in ambushing techniques, causing major review of some battle tactics. Her sniping skills are unlike anything we have seen at the academy before. She has surprised us all time and again with her unorthodox and completely new underground battle strategies, and will be receiving a special first time award for her contributions. Congratulations Lieutenant Logan.? [/B] The audience and her friends applauded. [B]?It is now with great pleasure that I extended an invitation for you to join ANGEL wire. Will you accept? ? [/B] [B]?I will.? [/B] Bowing, Axl accepted her papers and walked off stage, her cheeks red from embarrassment. Rusti poked her in the ribs intent on finding out why she seemed flustered. [B]?Why the red face?? [/B] Rusti?s poking just served to make her blush even more, Axl stepped back so she was out of reach. [B]?I don?t like large crowds? you know that.? [/B] Rusti nodded. [B]?Yeah, we should have figured, you like to hide underground.? [/B] Emi blurted out, Axl just ignored the comment. The one thing she had mountains of was patience, Axl had to have patience in her chosen field, and one couldn?t rush sniping or long range heavy fire for that matter. One especially couldn?t rush an ambush; you had to sit there, without making a sound, maybe for days on end, waiting for just the right moment. Living underground wouldn?t be all that bad she thought. Axl was prone to day dreaming, it was in actual fact how most of her ideas came to her. [I][B]?Congrats.?[/B] [/I] Axl knew that voice, she could pick that voice out from a crowd of thousands of people. The Sandy-brown arachnid jumped down from the stage and scampered over to Axl. The arachnid wasn?t typically a sandy- brown colour, he was usually pitch black. His voice was the most unique voice she had ever heard, dark, raspy cold and yet incredibly intelligent and caring, when Axl was concerned, at the same time. The scorpion was in actually fact many, many times large than a normal one at the present time, she had discovered he could change his size at will. [I][B]?I told you not to talk to me in public Rashid.?[/B] [/I] Axl whispered under her breath so that no one around her could hear, the talking of the announcer and the clapping of the crowd as her friends were called up masked her speaking somewhat. [I][B]?I am sorry Axl but I felt I needed to break our agreement in order to express my admiration. I must admit I am proud of you.? [/B] [/I] [I][B]?Thank you Ra.? [/B][/I] A small smile crossed her lips. [I][B]?You are quite welcome.?[/B][/I] All though the ceremony Rashid had been tormenting the announcer, pulling his toupee off and doing things with it that would be considered very inappropriate, he had a very dark sense of humour. Axl had been ignoring him for the most part; of course, she was the only one that could see his antics. As another one of the pilots exited the stage Rashid disappeared. He did that sometimes, without warning, he?d just leave. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]I was waiting for someone to post news of this. He will be missed by me as well, when I lived in Queensland my family and I went to his wildlife park, awesome place and Steve Irwin was an awesome guy. The news reported something along the lines of him dying of a heart seizure due to the stingray stabbing him; my friends and I didn?t believe the teacher who told us. I allways loved watching his shows. He was one of the best ambassadors we could have had. :( [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
Art [OBWT] Round 2: Eclipse & Xra VS Kitty
Disenchanted replied to Ellerby's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Congratulations Kitty! Congrats to Xra as well for a good round. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkGreen][INDENT][SIZE=1] [B][COLOR=SandyBrown]EDIT: I'm all done!! Hope this is ok, please let me know if anything needs to be changed.[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Octavia Logan [B]Nickname:[/B] Logan [people just refer to her by her last name.] [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/4647/wheedy4.png] Octavia [/URL] Octavia likes to wear tight fitting clothes, usually black or dark colours, she wears military style boots. Her hair is pitch black and is rarely tied back; her eyes are a light brown colour with flecks of green. Her skin is pale and has no blemishes whatsoever, she has a slight Asian apperance allthough she doesn't know what side of her family it comes from. [B]Weapon: [/B] [URL=http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/8792/902sd7.png]Twin Beretta 92?s[/URL] [URL=http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/8826/untitledak2.png]Black Katana [/URL] [B]Years as a Sinister Nation member: [/B] 7 [B]Specialty: [/B] Protection//Retrievals [B]Personality: [/B] Octavia makes sarcastic remarks so often it?s hard to distinguish when she actually being serious. Most people perceive her to be somewhat bitter and crude when in actual fact this is far from the truth. For the post part she pushes people away, not wishing to become too close to them. She only has a few close friends who understand her personality. Octavia is passionate about her job and despite how she may appear sometimes she is fiercely loyal to those around her. She tends to follow the rules but loves the kick she gets out of breaking them; Octavia has a tendency to get herself into trouble, usually because people misinterpret what she says. Octavia has a deep need to protect life, she doesn?t like killing and will refrain from doing so unless she sees no other option. In battle she will prefer to use techniques that incapacitate rather than harm. Octavia enjoys seeing peoples reactions to her comments, but sometimes she can push it a bit to far. [B]Background:[/B] Octavia has never known the meaning of family; she was orphaned at the age of 2 and doesn?t remember a thing about her parents. She spent most of her adolescent years at the orphanage, she watched for years and years as children came and went, each time she was over looked. No family ever came and chose her to be their daughter. Every time she made a friend they would be removed from her life shortly after, a young husband and wife who could not have cihildren of their own would always choose someone she knew. Octavia always suspected the nurse in charge of the orphanage told couples not to choose her for some reason, she couldn?t see why, was she somehow not good enough? It was because of this constant flow of people moving in and out of her life that she taught herself not to become too attached to anything, especially people, in her eyes they would inevitably be erased from her life, so what was the point? Octavia?s life in the orphanage wasn?t particularly a happy one, older children would always pick on her for some reason or another, she never understood why. Eventually the teasing got worse and the other children would beat her, the nurse in charge simply turned a blind eye to all that went on. Even the younger children had it in for her it seemed. At the age of 15 she had finally had enough of always playing defence, this time she would fight back and they would never ever bother her again. Sure enough the same children came up to Octavia to deal their almost ritualistic beatings. Octavia acted hurt to begin with and then sprung her surprise on the 5 children, she beat them with her fists and legs, letting fly with powerful kicks. She had been training for a while, in secret and unleashed all of her rage upon them. Her rage over never being picked, her constantly disappearing friends, the nurse who never seemed to give a dam, her parents for abandoning her, god for forgetting her and these children for making her life almost unbearable. In an instant the rage was gone ad the children lay unconscious around her. After the incident Octavia was isolated from the other children, none of them ever spoke to her again, the new children would be warned by the others to stay away. The nurse didn?t report her to the police, in fact she didn?t say a word, and the five children were all chosen by families soon after the incident. Alone she continued to train; her room overlooked a hall that was used 3 nights a week for Thai style kickboxing, she copied their techniques, leaning quickly. Eventually Octavia was the oldest child at the orphanage, at the age of 18 she was told she could leave, or stay and take a job there, she chose the first option and left. Leaving may have proven to be the wrong choice for her. At the age of 19 Octavia was asked to join a gang in association with Methais Corbin, she accepted with a smile on her face, she had caught the gang?s interest when she saved a few of their members from police. This completely random occurrence would change the course of her life forever. Her skills with kickboxing quickly became known among the members and she was taught to use all kinds of different weapons, her heart choosing to specialise in using a Katana. Octavia found that killing didn?t come all that naturally to her, instead she focused more on protecting individuals or groups and retrieving items or people. One night, at the age of 19 Octavia was asked to carry out an assassination; her targets were two individuals, one male and one female. Of course she strongly objected, she wanted to use her skills to save life and not to take it away unless absolutely necessary, unfortunately she had no way out. She went to carry out what she had been ordered to do, across the other side of town she waited in the shadows until her targets appeared, the couple looked middle aged, obviously husband and wife it seemed. Waiting, she checked for any sign of third party movement, there was none and so she struck. The woman and man were dead within moments, quickly fleeing the scene; it was during her journey back home that she was approached by a strange man. He told her, her parents were dead, he was unable to save them and we was sorry, he asked her to join his agency and she accepted, he had been watching her for some time, his name was Nicholas Fargo. Seven years later she hasn?t changed and Nicholas is dead, he was like a brother to her, every day she vows to find his killers and her parents no matter the cost. [/SIZE] [/INDENT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][URL=http://www.personaldna.com/report.php?k=aTDQAytAmjMOBfa-GA-DBAAE-c338&u=13c3c0e7ff1f][B]Reserved Inventor[/B][/URL] I guess this sound like me, some areas are deadly accurate, I'm a little weirded out about the trust in other although. O_o 0 Trust in others. I find that a little strange... 100 Agency. 90 Masculinity. Wow I'm so manly. 0 Femininity. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]Name:[/B] Eyal [B]Gender: [/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Eyal is somewhat reserved but he can be quite emotional if he is pushed far enough. He has an iron will and will not easily back down from a situation. Eyal has a strong sense of duty and honour; he is fiercely loyal to his companions and to heaven. He knows that the battle against hell must be won, but it will be a long and difficult road. He is severely protective of his companions and humans alike and is known to be quite stubborn. Eyal may come across as cold to others who don?t know him well or who don?t try and get to know him. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/7908/angel00white0ob.png][B]Eyal[/B][/URL] features shoulder length, wavy blonde-light brown hair; he always appears un-shaven. He stands tall and powerful with large defined muscles. His eyes are bright, almost luminous, sky blue colour. Large pure white wings extend outwards from Eyal?s back, but they are usually kept folded behind him out of view. He wears white and gold blessed [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/fb7058df.jpg][B]armor[/B][/URL], the armor is decorated with elaborate gold and white designs, and it has seen many battles and been though difficult training and so appears old but never the less it is still strong, it has the appearance of roman gladiatorial armor. Eyal wears white boots that match his armor. [B]Side: [/B] Heaven [B]Aspect:[/B] Strength [B]Weapons:[/B] [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/e385dae8.jpg][B]Large uniquely engraved sword. [/B] [/URL] The inscriptions on the sword glow a bright white under certain circumstances. [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/d3a5122c.jpg][B]Twin blades [/B] [/URL] [/INDENT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]I can?t actually believe that someone would be dull enough to post on the internet that they stole a phone and then get caught for it; this is the best thing I?ve seen in ages. You guys just made my day. It's times like these you?re proud to be part of OB. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]DeathKnight[/B][COLOR=Red] [I]We could start our own OtakuBoards task force just wtfpwning crime. I nominate John for Captain. Call ourselves the Super Otaku Force.[/I][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Damn I wish I could have joined, can I nominate to be the [B]Super Otaku Force?s official media correspondence?[/B] Eagerly waiting news of that follow up phone call. XP In all seriousness, why take something in the first place? Regardless of whether you like the person or not it?s still their property and not yours. You should have turned it in the very moment you found it and saved yourself all this trouble...but then again if it wasnt for you we wouldn't have a Super Otaku Force now would we? So I guess we all have something to thank you for [B]DaSilva[/B]. [/SIZE]
Sign Up Project: True Destiny[RESURRECTION//] - [M-SLV]
Disenchanted replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkGreen][INDENT][SIZE=1]A nurse quickly ran over to a near by wall and pushed a large blue button signaling a serious medical emergency, medical personnel hastily filed into the room from all directions. [B]?What happened?!?[/B] the doctor in charge shot questions at the nurse who had pushed the button, an obvious sense of urgency in his voice. [B]?S-She came in complaining of a severe headache sir, I-I simply gave her a light sedative to help combat the pain, she was due for a scheduled run in one of the training modules and didn?t want to postpone it s-sir??[/B] the nurse was extremely nervous and stumbling over her words, the doctor shot a glance at her, she was clearly new and very inexperienced. [B]?The Cadet here is violently allergic to the standard type of painkillers we use, if you had followed proper procedures you would have found that out and given her an alternative.? [/B] The doctor?s words may have sounded very harsh and condescending to those present but it was an important lesson she had to lean. If the nurse had looked up the cadets file and asked her the proper questions this could have been avoided. The computer screen displaying the cadet?s vitals flashed and beeped numerous times in quick succession, clearly indicating something was very wrong. Medical staff passed needles and instruments backwards and forwards in an attempt to stabilize the cadet. The computer?s beeping suddenly became very rapid and then drawn together into one long continuous [B]?eeeeeeeee?[/B]. Every display became motionless. [B]?Hand me the adrenaline, now!? [/B] [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] [I]An endless sea of sand dunes lay before the motionless figure. The sun, perched high in the completely cloudless blue sky, burnt everything with its rays. The heat was almost unbearable. The figure took one step forwards looking as though they were ready to collapse at any moment. Behind them in the distance lay a burning MechAnima, wreckage lay strewn about, smoke billowed from the destroyed machine. Blood dripped down the face of the pilot, pain shot throughout their body with every step. They attempted to climb a sand dune but their footing was lost and they tumbled down, landing in a heap at the bottom. The pilot lay there for a long time, un-moving, summoning the strength to get up and move forwards. If they stayed there, they would die. Willing her self to get up, the pilot stumbled to her feet, the wreck was no longer visible and the desert seemed never ending. If the heat did not claim her life then hunger or loss of blood would. The situation seemed hopeless. For what seemed like hours the pilot walked before the heat finally claimed her, with her last ounce of strength she fell into the shadow of a large dune. There would be no rescue. Suddenly, like some strange dream, the ground began to shake, grains of sand danced as the vibrations became stronger. A mound grew in front of the pilot, increasing in size with every passing second, it grew enormous. Just when she thought she would be totally enveloped, the mound stoped growing and a large black claw burst forth from the sand. The claw was followed by another, then a head, legs and a barbed tail followed. A giant scorpion now stood before her. She raised her head in disbelief, no part of her body would move, she had neither the strength nor will to even think about running away. The scorpion extended one of its massive claws and scooped up the pilots blood stained body. She laid there in the creatures claws, staring into its massive black eyes. The scorpion lifted its tail and made ready to strike, its stinger pointing forwards, surely this was the end. With lighting fast speed it struck the pilot in the chest causing her whole body to jolt with a searing pain, it struck her again and again, each time more violent than the last. [B]?Wake up.? [/B] [/I] [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] [B]?Cadet? Cadet? Can you hear me?? [/B] The cadet?s bright green eyes popped open, she hesitantly brought a hand up to her face and ran it thought her pitch black shoulder length hair. [B]?Can you state your information for me??[/B] [B]?Axl Logan. Cadet. Id number #010110. Age 21. Speciality ground combat.?[/B] Axl let go of a heavy sigh, she had no idea what had happened, last things she knew she had been siting in a medical chair waiting on some pain killers so she could get on with her training. Axl looked up at the doctor between her fingers through her long fringe. [B]?It?s ok Axl you were accidentally given the wrong medication and had a severe allergic reaction. We were able to stabilise you, I?m strongly recommending you postpone your training for today and stay here for observation.?[/B] [B]?Talk about one heck of a morning??[/B] [/SIZE][/INDENT] [SIZE=1][CENTER]+++[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]ooc:[/B] Let me know if something needs changing, picture [URL=http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/4577/chickinbkackaz5.png]here[/URL] of what Axl looks like. [/SIZE][/COLOR]