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Everything posted by Disenchanted

  1. [SIZE=1] Clicketh the pictures! [B]Paul Bettany[/B] [URL=http://img245.imageshack.us/my.php?image=matteee7po0.png][IMG]http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/580/matteee7po0.th.png[/IMG][/URL] He was awesome in The DaVinci Code, was he not? He is a very good actor and very sexy in my books. He plays a very good bad guy. *melts* [B]Joe Flanigan[/B] [URL=http://img180.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sgasmallnh4.png][IMG]http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/6078/sgasmallnh4.th.png[/IMG][/URL] I loved this man from before he was in Stargate Atlantis and I love him even more now, I adore the slightly unshaven look on men. XD [B]Ben Browder[/B] [URL=http://img245.imageshack.us/my.php?image=smallwm9.png][IMG]http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8370/smallwm9.th.png[/IMG][/URL] I feel in love with him when I first started to watch Farscape many, many moons ago; he?s got that sexy military type look about him XD. [B]Sean Bean[/B] [URL=http://img81.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sean2xb2.png][IMG]http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/4539/sean2xb2.th.png[/IMG][/URL] He is one of the best actors out there in my eyes; I don?t know what it is about him. I?ve seen him in a lot of movies and think he?s just awesome. [B]David Wenham[/B] [URL=http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=davidfi4.png][IMG]http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/1328/davidfi4.th.png[/IMG][/URL] He?s aussie! XD he was absolutely to die for in lord of the rings, I don?t know what it is with men and long hair, he can also be hilariously funny. [B]Ewan McGregor[/B] and [B]Hugh Laurie[/B] are also high on my list.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][B]"This... is all f**ked up." [/B] Lumine stated. [B]"At least we still have Black Hawk to talk to."[/B] Jonah said, trying to gather some hope from the situation. Jonah paced up and down the scene before him. Kyle was dead?that thought hit him hard for some reason. Without thinking he walked over to Kyle?s body and turned it over. A blank look was plastered across his face, blood stained his skin. The cause of death, a knife wound to the head?the crimson slayer would die the same way if Jonah had anything to do about it. [B] ?I swear he won?t get away with this?? [/B] Jonah removed Kyle?s weapons and handed them to Lumine. This was all one huge f**k up; Jonah looked back towards the Black Hawk while speaking to Lumine. [B]?Let?s go say hi.? [/B] Lumine nodded, the two men walked back towards the Hawk, anger was rising within Jonah with every step he took. He was angry that he had let the Slayer get away with everything, he was angry for not picking that Fang was Thorn, he was angry with Tessa for going off by her self, most off all he was angry at himself for letting things un fold the way they did. Now Kyle was dead and the only other ally he had was Lumine that was if he could be trusted in the first place. Striding hastily over to where the Hawk lay, Jonah grabbed the man by his collar and dragged him to a near by tree, un-sheathing his knife he brought the point up to the Hawks right eye and paused. The Hawk looked from Jonah?s glasses to the knife point and back again. Removing the knife from the Hawk?s sight, Jonah stabbed him through the shoulder, pinning him to the tree. He stepped back and watched the Black Hawk squirm, looking to Lumine he spoke. [B]?Would you like to do the honors??[/B] Lumine nodded and let fly a few good punches to the Hawks rib cage. Spitting out blood he eyed them both, Jonah let Lumine do all the talking, he heard occasional words like, location, Slayer, base and Tessa but that was all, his mind was elsewhere. Jonah could tell Lumine wasn?t getting anywhere fast with his guy. It was taking what little Jonah had left to restrain him self from brutally kicking the shit out of the Hawk. He wasn?t listening to what was being spoken between the two until he heard the words[B]?Bounties work both ways.?[/B] Jonah shot a look at Lumine before returning his gaze to the Hawk. [B]What?? [/B] [B]?You heard me; you think just because that you?re a bounty hunter that bounties can?t be put out on you?? [/B] Jonah pondered the thought for a moment. [B]?Is he saying what I think he is saying??[/B] Lumine questioned, Jonah shrugged. Blood was pouring from the Hawk?s mouth, he would die soon. It seemed as though Lumine and Jonah were a team now, weather either of them liked it or not. Jonah?s thoughts rapidly changed from one thing to another. He contemplated the money on the Slayers head and Thorns. He could disappear. Retire on a remote island beach somewhere with nothing in sight but sand, surf and a beautiful woman whom he loved. The more he thought about it the more appealing the thought became. The fact remained that he couldn?t do this job forever; he would either wind up dead or rotting in a cage somewhere which was just as good as dead. Jonah turned towards Lumine, he had had enough of this already, putting a hand up to his face he removed his reflective glasses; a look of shock briefly crossed Lumine?s face before he, almost shamefully, tried to hide it. Walking over to the Hawk, Jonah pushed his face up so close that the hawk could feel Jonahs breath on his face. Jonah made sure that he had the Hawk?s full attention. [B]?You will answer our questions or I will F**k you up so badly they?ll be peeling your entrails off the buildings for weeks.? [/B] [CENTER]+ + +[/CENTER] I thought that I should make things just a little bit more interesting. Let me know if something needs changing anyone. =] [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B] Octavia Simms [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3662/octxn0.png][B][COLOR=DarkOrange] Octavia[/COLOR][/B][/URL] Many consider Octavia attractive but she merely waves them off as if their comments are absurd. Rarely does she ever tire her hair back, she prefers to let it drape gently over her shoulders and fall into her face. Her eyes are a light, almost powder blue colour, her skin is very pale and blemish free. Octavia owns not one pair of pants; her entire wardrobe consists of flowing elegant dresses, skirts and delicate tops. She is extremely feminine and chooses to wear colors like deep red, black, cream over colors such as bright pink and orange, and will pick plain over patterned. She is found in dresses more than in skirts, and usually with high heels or slightly decorated slip on shoes. Nothing she owns is tight fitting, save for a few ?going out? dresses; she likes the feel of the breeze on her skin. Octavia wears very little make-up, usually only putting on lipstick and eye shadow, nothing more. Her well defined figure has been known to catch the attention of both male and female alike. [B]Personality:[/B] Octavia is somewhat distant; she prefers to keep her opinions to herself as they are usually quite unfavorable. Many people do not expect harsh words to come from the mouth of such an elegant individual. Octavia feels she has no need to communicate all her feelings through words as her eyes sometimes speak for her. She will act pleasant towards people at times but this is usually quite the opposite of how she truly feels. She has a terrible habit of expecting the worst from someone. She finds most people that she meets are nothing more than actors, projecting an image of them that they wished they were. Octavia can easily tell when someone is lying, as it is an art that she has mastered well among other things. One minute Octavia may act pleasant and the next she may feel compelled to bight her companies head off, she is extremely impatient with people. Many consider her highly-strung but she just has a strange way of being brutally honest with people. Octavia love nothing more in the world than to just sit alone and daydream, it doesn?t matter where she is or what she is doing, she can always be found staring off into space imagining she is somewhere other than her location. Among day dreaming, Octavia loves high places. From building tops to airplanes, she loves the feeling of weightlessness; this could be attributed to her elemental control over air. Ever since she was a little girl, she had never liked the company of other human beings and did everything she could to avoid large gatherings and still does. [B]Short Biography:[/B] Octavia was born an only child to Elizabeth and Joseph Simms. Being an only child may have caused her to act the way she does but her parents didn?t help the matter any. Octavia?s father was a well known psychiatrist and her mother an accountant. She was given what she wanted when she wanted and no questions were asked. From an early age she found that she could manipulate others to do her will without much difficulty. Octavia was always given the best of everything but despite all the gifts she absolutely despised the attention. Her mother always seemed to be lurking around their large inner-city apartment of three stories, her father was scarcely seen. The only times he did appear were Christmas, anniversaries and birthdays. Octavia had always wondered what a psychiatrist could possibly do to warrant such long periods of time away. She never questioned her father and neither did her mother. Octavia knew what was going on behind the scenes even if her parents failed to acknowledge it. School life was boring for Octavia, her dislike of people led her to have few friends, the ones she did have she didn?t want. She was quite happy to sit alone and daydream. She came home one evening at the age of 15 to find her mother in bed with another man. After seeing the sight she immediately left the house, her mother hadn?t even noticed she came home, with all the noise they were making it was no wonder. When she retuned her mother acted as if nothing had happened, she saw no guilt or remorse on her mothers face. Night after night Octavia watched her parents living one big lie. Her parents acted as if they loved one another when they didn?t, she felt as if everyone around her was just acting. They would lie just to make themselves feel better when everything held no real meaning. Octavia found herself withdrawing from the people she knew, she became very impatient and no time in her life for ?fake people?. She found herself becoming more and more inclined to snap at anyone talking to her simply because what they were saying held no real substance. Talking about inane with her stupid friends was not her idea of a good time, among them she was the only one that actually aspired to be something instead of living off her parents wealth. Octavia suspected her father of the same folly as her mother. It was not until her 18th birthday that she found her father?s actions did hold meaning. She met Mosrael and many things became clear. Octavia found herself loving her powers, with oxygen nothing could live; she had the power to suffocate life with the blink of an eye and summon powerful gusts. Servitude under Mosrael didn?t seem such a horrible idea to her, it didn?t seem nearly as horrible as her father described it to be. [CENTER]+++ [/CENTER] Please let me know if something needs changing. [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Xra if you are out so am I, we're a "team". AGGH this was rushed something shocking, I have finals soon and alot of other stuff going on... Curses. Anywho... [URL=http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/7539/babylightmyfire2am3.png][COLOR=DarkOrange]Light my Fire. [/COLOR][/URL] [/SIZE][SIZE=1]{pun intended}[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Can I go next or is it [B]sakurasuka[/B]?[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Love your piece btw White, Snakes On A Plane![/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]EDIT:[/B] Well here it is, from my most fave anime ever, Evangelion wheee... [URL=http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/4656/reiwormfj5.png][COLOR=DarkOrange][B][Born From Angels][/B][/COLOR][/URL] I tried to keep away from black...*shrugs* Batter up.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]1. [B]Powderfinger: [/B] Passenger 2. [B]Fightstar:[/B] Until Then 3. [B]Final Fantasy Advent Children Sound Track:[/B] Tifa?s Theme 4. [B]Powderfinger: [/B] D.A.F 5. [B]Everclear: [/B] Santa Monica 6. [B]Antiskeptic:[/B] Beautiful in White 7. [B]Collective Soul: [/B] Run 8. [B]Fightstar:[/B] Paint Your Target 9. [B]Fightstar:[/B] Waste A Moment 10. [B]Linkin Park: [/B] In the End 11. [B]Nickelback: [/B] How You Remind Me 12. [B]Bon Jovi: [/B] Blaze of Glory 13. [B]Citizen Cope: [/B] Bullet and a Target 14. [B]Diesel: [/B] Cryin Shame 15. [B]Massive Attack:[/B] Teardrop[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Well thoes are the songs that appeared, I'm in love with Fightstar at the moment, Powderfinger are high up on my list at the moment too, alot of people like AFI it seems. I dunno what my taste in music is, *shrugs*[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1] [B]?This is the third time this has happened?? [/B] Matthew fumbled about loudly in the darkness, the lights in this particular room had been rather faulty of late and he would have to tell someone about this? Eventually finding the light switch he annoyingly flipped it, when that didn?t work he flipped the switch on and off in quick succession, no luck. Cursing, he made his way around plies of documents and shelves, eventually finding the back wall after tripping over twice. Matthew used his hands as his eyes, feeling along the wall until his fingertips hit what he was looking for, the circuit breaker. His hand hovered over the switch as a chill ran strangely down his spine; flicking the breaker to ?on? he waited for the lights to get the message. The halogen lights flickered on lazily one after the other, starting at the door way. Eventually they made their way around to Matthew, turning around abruptly he let go of a loud and rather unmanly scream. The moment he turned around a figure had swung down from large pipes lining the ceiling, essentially giving him the fright of his life. Caitlin laughed uncontrollably for a few minutes while Matthew stood visibly annoyed. He should have known it was her. She hung from a thick red pipe, god knew what it was for, her legs were hooked over it allowing her to swing upside down. [B]?I want to suck your blood!? [/B] Caitlin raised her arms and wiggled her fingers; Matthew shook his head at her as a smile crept across his lips even though he was doing everything in his power to stop it. [B]?I don?t know how you...? [/B] She released her legs from the pipe and landed with a gymnast?s poise, a broad smile covering her face, she cut him off mid sentence. [B]?Just dropping in to say goodnight Matt.?[/B] She winked at him before turning to leave. Matthew was an old friend, all he basically did was filing work, but that didn't mean he was push over. [B]?Goodnight Cat.?[/B] Matthew shook his head as he watched her leave, how he loved to watch her leave... [CENTER]~? ??? ?~[/CENTER] Caitlin threw open the door to her dark abode, everything was bathed in green, she really didn?t feel any need to flip a light switch. Hearing scratching out side she opened a window while removing her heavy coat. Her cat arched its back and leant backwards stretching as it hopped inside; she ran her hand over its head and scratched its left ear, it began to purr loudly. Feeling something wet Caitlin was compelled to flip the light switch; her cat was covered in scratches, some bleeding slightly. Sighing she picked him up and cuddled him. [B]?What in the lord have you been up too hmm??[/B] He meowed at her loudly before hastily leaping from her arms as if he didn?t want to answer her question, she shook her head and pined a stray strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Quickly flipping the light back off, Caitlin began to remove her clothes ready for bed; each item was taken off with an unusual care and placed neatly on a chair. Flopping down onto the soft sheets Caitlin stared at the ceiling, her thoughts turned to the meeting that was supposed to have taken place earlier that night. [I]If something was wrong? [/I] Her eyes flicked to the digital alarm clock beside her bed. Everything bathed in green slowly faded into black. [B]"Sweet sleep..." [/B] [/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][B] EDIT: All done peoples, Bio is done, I edited the images, for some reason they turned out small, now there better O_o [CENTER]= = = =[/CENTER] Name:[/B] ?Havok? [I][last & 1st name unknown][/I] [B]Age:[/B] 38 [B]Class/ Job:[/B] Marksmen- [Captain in the Muchitsujo Army] [B]Weapon:[/B] [URL=http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/5894/awesomeguncc9.png][Twin pistols] [/URL] [URL=http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/686/assultrifleaz7.png][Assault Rifle] [/URL] [URL=http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/8906/bmwag9.png][Motorbike] [/URL] [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/8624/hacokai9.png] [B][Havok] [/B][/URL][URL=http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/8004/havokwelz7.png][B][Havok.1][/B][/URL] Havok?s hair is void black, his skin is pale but his most unusual feature is his deep orange eyes; they look almost as if they are on fire. He has a scar running from above his left eye, down across his eye lid, ending at his cheek. Havok usually wears a long black trench coat (sometimes brown); underneath he wears a light long sleeve white cotton shirt, (sometimes unbuttoned if his coat is). He wears black or brown pants with black heavy combat boots. His twin pistols are worn holstered on his hips and his rifle is usually slung across his chest or back. Around his neck he wears a chain, hanging from which is a ring, the origin of which is only known to him. [B]Skills:[/B] Havok specializes in firearms; he is able to wield any fire arm with ease, his personal preference being two modified hand guns and a rifle for the long shots. His most well developed skill is accuracy, being able to hit targets with his weapons while in flight. His eyes have an unusual ability to zoom in on things, like a bird. This furthers his level of accuracy when using his weapons and not. He also has considerable skill with riding his motorbike, being able to perform insane stunts using his large wings. [B]Genetic Variation:[/B] Havok has gained a pair of magnificent black feathered wings. His wing span is very long, longer than it needs to be to sustain flight. In the sun his pitch black feathers shine with a deep purple. His wings allow him to take flight instantly. Long distances are not a problem as his large wing span allows him to easily glide on the smallest of wind currents and fight against the strongest. When not in flight he simply keeps his wings folded behind him. [B]Personality:[/B] Havok?s soul is filed with sadness from what Helena has done, he loves her so dearly and deeply that his sorrow manifests its self as physical pain. He is a very quiet man and doesn?t smile much if at all; he can be quite serious and doesn?t easily see the humor in situations. Havok loves nothing more than to sit and contemplate life but his thoughts always end up drifting to Helena. Havok?s attitude of late has turned rather nihilistic but he tries not to show it too much. Occasionally he may have a small fit where he will seem ?happy? but it?s usually nothing more than an attempt to regain the personality he once had. [B]Motivation:[/B] Havok travels to stop Helena because he loves her so deeply that he can?t stand to watch her suffer the way she does, it brings him great pain to know what she is going though and not being able to help. [B]Biography: [/B] Havok was born into a long line of high ranking military men. At the proper age he felt it his duty and honor to serve in the military like all his ancestors before him. It didn?t take Havok long to find his calling, he was a natural with a gun. Successfully, and easily, completing his marksmanship, Havok was quickly dispensed to the fighting, wherever that happened to be. It was during a very difficult conflict, against some rebels, that he was awarded with an operational nickname that he would eventually use to replace his name completely. Ordered to one of the highest points on the battle field, he literally wreaked ?havoc? on the enemy. It was during his time in the military that Havok became familiar with a lady scientist and her plans to build a machine capable of inter dimensional travel. Havok was given the chance to choose any detail he wished because of his services to the army. Surprising everyone who knew him, he opted to be assigned to protection duties; Havok was fatefully sent to keep watch on the very lab that Helena was working out of. Havok was fed up with causing death after death, battle no longer gave him the rush it once did, he was given the rank captain and could have had his pick of any squad to command but chose a different path. It was during this time that Havok became familiar with Helena?s work and what she was trying to achieve. Every moment he spent with her he became more and more addicted to her presence. Even though he thought it utterly insane that she was trying to build such an outrageous machine he supported her anyway, he fell in love. Eventually Helena became accustom to his presence, and liked having him around, he would spend more time with her than he would on guard duty. Eventually, because of one moment of deeper understanding between the two, they became lovers. Havok became utterly devoted to her but changes in the military quickly saw him back on the front lines. It was during this time away from here that she changed, Havok learned of the nuclear device headed for her lab and raced back to try and save her. He was too late, as the bomb hit and a blinding flash engulfed his vehicle he didn?t feel death as he had expected, but an impossible pain coming from his back. It was so utterly intense he screamed out in agony, it was as if something was trying to rip out of him from the inside. Two bulges appeared from his back, tearing their way from the outside a pair of massive black wings burst forth in a spray of feathers and blood. [/SIZE]
  9. [IMG]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/8056/omgsnakesvh5.png[/IMG]
  10. [SIZE=1] No kill shots?damn it. Jonah decided to strike up a quick conversation with Lumine as they scaled the building, following Tessa?s instructions. [B]?You know?Lumine; I still don?t understand why you and the misses are fighting?? [/B] Lumine shot a glance at Jonah, if looks could kill Jonah would have been dead. [B]?It?s none of your business.?[/B] He half growled. [B]??yeah, well it is my business when it interferes with my job and increases the probably of me getting shot or dead or getting shot dead...?[/B] Lumine rolled his eyes. [B]?No kill shots, pfft.?[/B] [B]?Are you ever serious??[/B] Lumine shot a glance in his direction; it was like that of a father telling his child off for being immature, Jonah nodded in response. [B]?When the occasion calls for it.?[/B] Lumine gave a sigh. [B]?One last question before we move into position Jonah.?[/B] [B]?Shoot.?[/B] [B]?What?s with the glasses?? [/B] Jonah shot Lumine a very disturbing smile. [B]?Wins me an argument, each and every time.?[/B] Lumine looked at Jonah as if he was from another planet; Jonah voiced his reply in such a way that it sounded as if it explained everything. No further words were exchanged between the two as they got into position. They chose a spot well concealed that had an excellent view of the ?playing field?. Jonah hoped to god that Tessa knew what she was doing. If she thought that she could get the Hawk to talk, she probably had another thing coming. He wasn?t stupid and certainly wouldn?t give up information if threatened with physical violence. The two climbed up the side of the building and back down the other. Their cover came in the form of a cluster of trees on the opposite side of a near by road. Jonah leant his back up against a tree trunk with his hands behind his head, he was concealed in thick shrubs, and Lumine was crouched beside him. Their only source of cover if they needed it was a long abandoned guard booth. Jonah could never figure out how on earth they could stay inside one of those claustrophobic things all day long. It wasn?t a very good position but it was the best they had. Now all that was left to do was wait for Tessa and the Black Hawk to do their tango. Lumine chambered a round, Jonah followed suite before leaning back again. There was really no point in getting worked up over anything. When the Hawk was in his sites then it would be game face on. [/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]I claimeth the next spot. You inspired me Katana. Gawd its hard to get a post in edge ways in this thread. >< Edit: Heres mine [URL=http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/6895/perfectdarkzerokm6.png] [B][Are you afraid of the Dark?][/B][/URL] Next person [B]go![/B] [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][QUOTE][SIZE=1]Originally Posted by [B]Ezekiel[/B] I'm pretty sure the time limit is up now. Anyone going to have a go at my character? Let's keep this thread alive. T_T[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I spose I shall take a stab at it, Exam stress, I need to relax a bit. >< Hope you like it... [IMG]http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/3521/scan0004ls0.jpg[/IMG] My Chararacter: I Give you, a [URL=http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/6136/scan0013lu4.jpg][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Water Dragon[/COLOR][/B][/URL] He's not a person [obviously], but you could make him one for something different or whatever... Have fun.[/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE][SIZE=1]Quote: Originally Posted by [B]Sara[/B] Basically, everyone loses [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][B]And therein lay the meaning of life. [/B] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][QUOTE][SIZE=1]Quote: Originally Posted by [B]Retribution[/B] Won't we lose as soon as someone posts in here, thus bumping the thread back into plain sight? That's totally cheating. Maybe I should just stop coming to the Lounge so I can win.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][SIZE=1]Quote: Originally Posted by [B]shy[/B] Five OtakuDollars to the person who can come up with the snarkiest response to this. Go![/SIZE] [/QUOTE] [B]Is it not that the game is not not un-winnable?[/B] [/SIZE]
  14. [B][SIZE=1]Me too O_o I?m so going to get owned. >< [/SIZE][/B]
  15. [SIZE=1]XD thanks for the reply sis! And all the wonderful tips!11 Well here is my second go. I took a shot at making some of my own brushes, the "cloudy sky" like background was a texture that I tried to create but accidentally turned it into a brush >< I tried to go for the ?Top gun feel? with the playing cards and all. I adore Yukikaze, Major fan girlyness. [/SIZE] [IMG]http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/3095/fightthisallaginbq0.png[/IMG] [SIZE=1][B]comments? please? *puppy dog eyes*[/B][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][B]Amanda:[/B] Gender: Feminine Created in the 17th century by the playwright Colley Cibber, who based it on Latin amanda meaning "lovable". "worthy of being loved" [Variant of Miranda] [B]Jayne:[/B] Gender: Feminine Origin: Hindu Meaning: Victorious [B]Crockett:[/B]Occupational name that describes someone carrying a shepherd's crook. Or a ?Crooked person? otherwise done I've something illegal. oooh! My first name annoys me; it?s easy to make fun of. Not mentioning any names Random! I like my last name, although people tend to nick name me "Davy", especially adults, which sorta irritates me, depending on my mood. -_-; I'm a loveable victorious shepherd that doesn't uphold the law. Whee! O_o colourful...[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Guess who's got photoshop XD My [B]very first[/B] anything ^^ banner if you will. Now I know that it?s really nothing compared to what other people here are capable of, like Delta, Ezekiel, jigglyness and KW to name an oh so few [I adore all of your graphics]. But I?m proud of it? Comments? Be nice...I still dont know what I'm doing yet ^^; [/SIZE] [IMG]http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/3167/banner4cl4.png[/IMG] [spoiler] [SIZE=1]Photoshop virgin *giggles*[/SIZE][/spoiler]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Name: [/B] [/COLOR] Caitlin (Cat) Hurst [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Gender:[/B] [/COLOR] Female [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Age:[/B][/COLOR] 50 [or 12 as she was born on a leap year, looks about 20] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Race:[/B][/COLOR] Enhanced Human [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Alliance:[/B][/COLOR] Lowendove Brotherhood [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Physical Description:[/B] [/COLOR] [URL=http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/559/ckwv1.png][B]Caitlin[/B][/URL] The long black coat is usual attire for her, she will rarely take it off, its unknown why. Some times she may be found wearing a variety of long sleeve shirts and high-necked jumpers. Everything she owns covers her body from the neck down, including her arms, the only part of her that's usually visible is her face. Cat wears brown or black leather pants or a specially made stretchy material; it makes it easier for her to pull off acrobatic maneuvers in. On each hand she wears thick leather glove; each knuckle is plaited with a small silver spike. She can usually be found wearing large combat boots but this changes when in battle and she can be found wearing a strange lighter variation of a boot that reaches to just below her knees. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Weapons:[/B] [/COLOR] [URL=http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/9969/beretta90twouh5.png ][B]Twin Beretta 90-TWO?s[/B][/URL]: The guns can hold normal ammunition and a silver bullet variation developed by the brotherhood. [URL=http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/7/catslawspv6.png ][B]Claws [normal][/B][/URL]: [URL=http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/9808/modifiedcl8.png][B][modification][/B][/URL]: Cat?s main weapon, she will only use her guns if she is forced to. The claws are held, one in each hand and used as a slashing/stabbing weapon, they are silver plaited. The caws can be modified; the middle two blades may be removed making for a two-pronged claw, instead of four. Cat uses a sword but not in battle, the samurai sword [see pic of Cat] is merely a form of discipline she uses to center herself. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Abilities: [/B][/COLOR] Cat possesses enhanced eyesight. [URL=http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/869/nightvisionae0.png ][B]Night Vision:[/B][/URL] Her vampire enhanced genes allow her to see perfectly in the dark. Intense light may harm her eyes if she suddenly looks at while using this vision. [URL=http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e70/Illusion87/thermal.jpg][B]Thermal Vision:[/B][/URL] Cat can see the heat signatures of her victims and anyone else in the vicinity, provided they are warm blooded. This is sometimes unreliable as her enemies may be able to mask themselves. [B]Fear:[/B] Cat has a third vision but can only use it under extreme circumstances, when she is hurt very badly. Using this vision Cat can see peoples ?fear?, to her they leave a trail of chemicals that appear as a purple ?haze?. She can follow this haze to its source or use it to evade her enemy. In some cases she may not be seeing 'fear' at all but another chemical emitted by the body. She also possesses [B]enhanced reflexes[/B], allowing her to pull off impressive acrobatic-like maneuvers in and out of the battlefield. Unlike most of her enhanced brethren, she does not possess the ability to regenerate her wounds. Caitlin heals at a normal human rate. She doesn?t possess any strength enhancement either, instead relying on her acrobatic skills and reflexes. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Personality: [/B] [/COLOR] Cat is a fun loving person, at times she can be very mischievous and she tends to get away with a lot of things that anyone else would get into a large amount of trouble for. She likes to play jokes on people but doesn?t do it too often. Cat doesn?t have a large attention span when not concentrating on her true purpose and will day dream an awful lot. Anything that?s anything can and will take her attention, this bad habit has lead her to develop a tendency of paying a somewhat crazy attention to detail. Usually she is a kind person and will do anything for her friends and allies alike. Cat has large amounts of fun charming men; this may appear strange considering she doesn?t show off her body and leaves everything to the imagination. She has an unusually happy personality taking into account her past and what she does for the brotherhood. In battle Cat?s personality changes dramatically, she becomes very cold and ruthless, willing to do anything to complete her objective. She prefers stealth tactics and will not converse much; she will only talk if it?s absolutely necessary. When in this frame of mind, Cat becomes very, very focused and fills her subconscious with ways to dispose of her enemy. She has taught herself to block out all emotions, allowing her to become a merciless killer. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Biography:[/B][/COLOR] Caitlin was born in 1956 to wealthy British aristocrats in London, England. She lived quite happily for a while, riding rare horses purchased by her father for her as soon as she was able. Being an only child caused her parents and family to buy her many rare and beautiful things, they called her their ?little miracle? as her mother had had many miscarriages before Caitlin was born and almost died in child birth. One evening, on Caitlin?s 8th birthday, her father returned home with a horrified look on his face and without her mother. She would never forget the site of him was he walked though their large double doors. His clothes were torn, hair ruffled and completely missing in some places, deep gashes covered his stomach and face, blood was all over him. She didn?t see much of her father after that night for weeks, doctors came in and out of his quarters and she was forbidden to see him during that time. One night he finally called for her to see him; the man she saw wasn?t her father. He looked completely different, hollow somehow. He told her that her mother had been killed by some horrible beasts and those beasts had almost taken his life. He embraced her, it was almost like hugging a skeleton, and he told her that he had to leave, take vengeance for the loss of his wife and her mother. And so her father disappeared, she never saw him again. Caitlin was thrust into a position of power at the household, but not for long. Men appeared at her beloved house one night. Strange men. They told a now 10 year old Caitlin of what her father really went off to do, they told her of the Brotherhood and that it was his last wish for her to follow in his foot steps if he didn?t succeed in bringing the monsters to justice. Caitlin was taken at the age of 10 by the Brotherhood and trained extensively in a rare and strange acrobatic form of fighting. At the age of 16 in 1972, some believed a little too young, Caitlin was put forwards as a candidate for genetic experimentations on humans. She was one of the youngest candidates, an experiment in herself some might say, to see the effects on a much younger human. Her experimentation didn?t go quite to plan as others did. Caitlin received no genetic enhancements to her body other than increased reflexes. Her eyes seemed to be the only thing that had changed significantly. A few years later she was sent to work with other super-soldiers, becoming part of a ?death squad? for two years. After their leader fled and hid away the squad was disbanded until further notice. Caitlin or Cat as she would have herself called, became a silent assassin for the Brotherhood, her missions were predominantly solo ones. Occasionally the Brotherhood would assign her to protect its members, like a bodyguard. She is being sent on more and more of these protection missions as time goes on. Deep down Cat's only motivation is to find the monster that tore her faimly appart and bring it to justice.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]I?ll be here for ages using all these different sets ^_^ Thanks very much to everyone who made me one. I have to agree that the guy is quite the looker. (Hence the request). I think for the time being I?ll go with Ezekiel?s (I hope you still luffers me sis) and use the other wonderful sets later. XD Thanks again. Hugs for all. [/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Hello all, I?m after an avi and banner set using this picture [URL=http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/259/omgsle3.png][B][COLOR=RoyalBlue] here[/COLOR][/B][/URL]. [I have no idea where it?s from I just like the picture ^^] I?d like the colors to be Dark blues, blues, grays and blacks or whatever goes with what you?ve got in mind. I?d like the txt on the banner to say either ?a Fool for Life? or ?Out of Luck?. I?d like the avi to be the same picture or part of, no txt needed. Other than that, I leave everything else up to your creativity. Have fun ^_^ and thanks in advance to any one who gives this ago. -Eclipse[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Renyr Armorel [B]Age: [/B] 30 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Malroy [B]Occupation:[/B] Blacksmith [B]Position:[/B] Solider [B]Weapon:[/B] A simple [URL=http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/271/swordssic8.png]longsword[/URL], the blade has no distinct markings other than a small ?R? calved into the base of the hilt. Renyr also carries 3 small throwing daggers of a similar look to his sword. [B]Appearance: [/B][URL=http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/945/gate77dd5.png] [B]Renyr[/B][/URL] He can usually be found wearing the gray sleeveless tank top in the picture with a pair of black baggy pants with a thick black leather belt. He wears large black combat boots, sometimes he can be found wearing a long, hooded brown leather coat. He can only be found wearing the coat at night or late afternoon, or in cold conditions. Around both wrists he wears [URL=http://www.leather.com/images/gloves/gauntlet1_leather_motorcycle_biker_gloves_(250).jpg]black leather gauntlets[/URL], these are for supporting his wrists when he is doing his job or fighting. [B]Personality:[/B] Renyr is generally kind and levelheaded but at times he can be sullen and a little quick to anger. He can be very impatient when it comes to decisions of any nature and sometimes runs headlong into a situation before thinking about what he?s done. Renyr can be very impatient with people as well, sometimes snapping at them and saying inappropriate things, apologies usually follow. Renyr is well known among the lower ranking troops for being very tenacious in battle. Once he has locked onto a target he will peruse it until he has destroyed it. From normally being kind in his usual dealings, Renyr becomes cold and unforgiving in battle. He will do anything to protect his allies and friends, even if he doesn?t like them or they don?t like him. [B]Excerpt of Character:[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?You?re late, again.? [/B] Renyr didn?t look up at his wife as she spoke, he couldn?t bare it. [B]?Sorry?? [/B] was all that he could force out of his mouth. His home life had been rocky lately, for the pas few months actually. It was only that afternoon that Renyr had been told by a friend, his wife was committing adultery. Renyr confronted the man, after some persuading with a red hot iron poker he had confessed everything. He slowly walked across the room and into their main bedroom, he looked at their bed and then looked away disgusted. Renyr packed a few things, not much, and walked back out into the main room of their small house. The look on his face was of a man utterly dejected. Looking up at him, his wife must have put two and two together. She was a beautiful woman, one that any man dreams of having loved him. Without speaking a word her brilliant green eyes pleaded with him to stay, he searched them for any signs of remorse but found none. [B]?Ren I?m sorry??[/B] He stopped in the doorway, his figure silhouetted by the moon light that streamed in through the open doorway. Renyr looked up towards the sky; a full moon was perched high, surrounded by stars. The occasional cloud floated across the vast expanse. Try as he might, he couldn?t forgive her. [B]?Don?t expect me to forgive you.?[/B] He whispered. She began sobbing as he stepped out into the cold night, wrapping himself up in his long coat and pulling up the hood. [CENTER][B]= = = = [/B] [/CENTER] It had been no more than two or three hours before Renyr had some unexpected visitors at his foundry. Three figures cloaked stood before Renyr, imposing, they had a strange air about them. The figure in the middle was the first to speak; he couldn?t see their faces, obscured in shadow from the moon light. [B]?Are you Armorial? Blacksmith??[/B] Renyr nodded, the man?s voice was low and cold. If he wasn?t in such a nihilistic mood Renyr may have been scared. [B]?We have a proposition for you?? [/B] = = = = Edit: All finished, I couldn't really think of anything exciting to write for the excerpt.[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Went to hospital, apologies for not posting. And sorry its short, writers block, -_-; [CENTER]= = =[/CENTER] Jonah left Tessa and Lumine and headed up to where Kyle and Fang were. They were already returning fire on the Black Hawk although it didn?t seem like any of their bullets were hitting him. This is nuts? they were sitting ducks out here and did any one teach them not to take cover next to things that can explode. Jonah shook his head and drew his twin pistols. The Black Hawk was just playing games with them?well maybe not Lumine. Jonah looked at his pistols as he returned fire while moving from cover to cover, his eyes slipped down and caught a glimpse of his knife? he hadn?t even had a chance to use it yet. He looked back towards the car and spotted Tessa and Lumine, he didn?t really know Lumine or any one else for that matter but he hoped he?d be ok, they needed the extra guns. Coming up along side Fang, Jonah let off a few rounds in the Hawks direction. [B]?How?s Lumine??[/B] Fang asked, Jonah shrugged. [B]?Alive.? [/B] she nodded. [B]?That was a pleasant drive in the country.?[/B] Jonah loosed a few more rounds off in the Hawks direction. [B]?What are you talking about??[/B] Jonah waved her off as if the comment was random and meaningless, they needed to do something soon and sitting there wasn?t doing them any good.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Unpredictable: You must teach me how to draw like that in ms paint master! *bows down to jigglyness* I like it epically because you?ve drawn it yourself. Lord knows how many times I?ve attempted to do the same and failed miserably. How did you get the coloring so... Not paint looking? I love it, it?s awesome. The Otaku worm: I want that piece on my wall right now. It?s awesome! The brushes the colors, everything about it. You have to look at it for a good long time just see everything that?s there; I?m still finding little things I didn?t notice before. Across the distance: Only little problem I got with this one is the txt, maybe a different colour or in a different spot cause it?s a little difficult to read. But other than that it?s very good. Orlando ^_^[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]*hugs random* I luff you XD *shoots jigglyness* :animesigh :animeangr All is forgiven! *hugs* Shall we all get one thing straight right now? All of these were done in MS paint. I don?t posses any fancy wancy programs like a lot of people around here that?s why I take pride in what I?ve done so far. Oh and jigglyness no offence taken. ^_^ They don?t appear pixilated because I save the images as either a bitmap or a PNG file. This seems to eliminate much of the pixilation. A reason why I don?t use fancy fonts in my banners is because they seem to want to make the picture go pixilated as well. If my pictures have alot of space in them its to minimize all possible pixilation that may occur. But any way... -_-;; Seems like no one wants to believe me. But all comments are very much appreciated. Thanks guys. *hugs* [/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Greetings all ^_^ I've been stuffing about with paint allot more recently when I?m relaxing and usually find my self experimenting with pictures and what not. Below are some banner's I've made. Comments and feed back welcome, I'll post some drawings and other things as I get time to do them. If you wanna use any of the banners below PM me first, I'll make an Avi if you want one. Enjoy ^^[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Made for the release of X-Men 3 The last Stand, I
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