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Everything posted by Disenchanted

  1. [SIZE=1]I?m just proposing a question; I was thinking about posting a RP in the Adventure Inn when the question was raised in my mind, will it last? The answer to this question was, probably not. RP?s die around here quicker than flies, well what I?m proposing is a ?short? RP. For instance a role play that doesn?t go on for months and months, instead for example a RP that only goes for a few weeks or just one or two months, or perhaps even having an rp with a limited number of posts. My question is can a RP be short while still maintaining overall quality? I know there are a lot of factors to consider like who is in the rp, posting quality of those involved and what not but id like some feed back from fellow rpers out there. Thanks for your time.[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]This is a tad strange for me, I hardly ever stray outside the adventure square these days? Ahh I love this Keyblade Wielder!! *points to user title screaming* I love Vector art; it?s the simplicity of the shapes that grabs me. I especially love this piece it?s awesome considering it?s your fist (then again I don?t pretend to know anything about vector). I don?t know what it is about the alignment of the second ?rain? but it seems a little ?funny? to me? I too love the rain drops; the piece is beautifully done keyblade, the different sizes in the drops makes for a rather nice effect. *whishes she had paint/Photoshop ever so badly* Blue is one of my fave colors which is why I love it even more. Over all, wonderfull job. I love your other stuff as well; ?Happy Mothers Day? Is simply beautiful, I ADORE the background. I?m a big fan of your work. More vector please! XD In the words of sakurasuka, KW, you rock.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]*jaw drops open in shock* I'm stunned, thank you so much Ezekiel! it is pretty in big eroded letters, I bow to your skill! *worships your skill* Thanks again! *rounds around the room*[/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Hello everyone! I was wondering if one of you lovely peoples could make me a new banner and avi set using [URL=http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/2900/rangeness99907no.png][COLOR=DimGray][B][this][/B][/COLOR][/URL] picture. I just love this picture so much XD, the book is so awesome, anywho? I would like a grungy/dark set if possible, using blacks, grays and orangey-red like in his goggles. I?d like the text on the banner to say either ?Going to hell? Why not take someone with you.? Or the following words, in a small font, Rage, Revenge, Love and Death, you can use all of the words or only a few I don?t mind as long as Rage is one of them. Either or doesn?t really matter, whatever suits your design best. I?d like the avi to be the same picture or part of the same picture with the number 11 on it very small in one of the corners or one of the above words. The number isn?t necessary though, my user name doesn?t need to appear anywhere. Hope that wasn?t too confusing ^^; Many thanks in advance to anyone who gives it ago, I think this is one of my easier requests?or not ^^;;. Anyways thanks again! Illusion. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DimGray][B][Let me know if there is anything that needs changing Blaze, like if ive taken another mutants powers without knowing it or whatever, thanks][/B][/COLOR] [I]?Run!?[/I] her mind screamed, so she ran, her feat exploding through deep puddles as she navigated the battlefield. They had been perusing her for quite some time, their reason? To kill her. Dusk was at the age of 26, still young, her long straight black hair flowed behind her as she ran, her pale skin drenched in sweat reflected the moon light as she darted in between rubble. Dusk?s light gray eyes forever scanned her environment for an appropriate place to launch her attack from; this attack needed complete darkness to work most effectively. The dilapidated buildings and rubble filled streets reminded her of home, as strange as that thought sounded to her. Bullets zipped around her, slamming the ground under her feet. Time was running out, she needed to make distance between her and her pursuers and fast. She looked to the sky at the full moon, on any other night she would have found it beautiful; a smile crept across her red lips as thick storm clouds slowly moved across the sky. As the last of the clouds covered the moon the city was bathed in complete darkness except for a few streetlights flickering on and off, she didn?t need to find an appropriate place anymore. A ball of black energy formed around her right fist, small black lightening blots forked outwards from it at a constant rate, her grey eyes became totally white, gray and then turned completely black. She looked back towards her hunters with disgust; the same bolts of lighting that were being produced from ball in her fist now crackled from her eyes. Party time. Running in between dilapidated buildings, into a small alleyway Dusk found herself at a dead end. She spun on her heels to face her pursuers; the five black clad men took up defensive positions and blocked all escape routes. [B]?Well, well, who do we have here gentlemen??[/B] the man stepped forwards, studying the mutant who he had managed to force into making a vital mistake. A broken street light flickered on and off in the alleyway, sporadically illuminating the group as they faced each other. Dusk had returned her state to almost normal; her eyes were no longer black, she kept her right fist behind her back. One of the soldiers team mates stepped forwards handing him a technical device. Her picture appeared on its screen, other information began appearing, the man looked her up and down as he waited. She was dressed in a black combat uniform not that dissimilar from the ones they sported themselves, modifications had been made, her uniform fitted her physique more tightly than usual. The device peeped three times, signifying that it was finished. Then the man spoke, his voice was low and dangerous, he recited the information displayed to him. [B]??Dusk?, Mutant: 101101, Real name: Eliska, female, age 26, born in a small European town near the Czech Republic I?m not even going to attempt to pronounce. Long black straight hair, gray eyes, 5?6?, scar over left eye, half a right ear missing and another prominent scar on chin. Mutant powers? interesting, all the data says is she can manipulate the dark. Keep on your guard.?[/B] The soldiers all raised their weapons in her direction; Dusk tilted her head to the side with a questioning look. [B]?Her mutant powers emerged when she was 8; her parents were murdered in front of her by thieves. No living relatives exist. Well then I guess no one will mind if we dispose of you.? [/B] The man waved his hand forwards and the soldiers all chambered a round into their combat rifles. An evil smile spread across Dusk?s face, she hated these men, they hunted mutants and they would pay. The combat team got ready to fire, their fingers about to pull their triggers when Dusk leapt up into the air and hovered. Her eyes became black once again, this time both her hands were surrounded by black balls of lightening. [B]?Chew on this pricks!?[/B] she yelled as she unleashed her powers, the black balls hit together in the center of the group and exploded in a shower of lightening. Men went flying, some pulled their triggers as they fell taking out team mates in turn. The blast she unleashed wasn?t nearly powerful enough to hurt any of them seriously. The real damage was done in the confusion by their own team mates. Dusk flew over the dilapidated buildings to a spot far away, her trick had put quite some distance between her and her hunters. The sun would rise soon, when that happened she would have to seek shelter; she wasn?t nearly as strong in the day as she was a night, she was also susceptible to the suns rays, Dusk burnt quite easily. She crawled in between broken concrete slabs in a half fallen down building, she sun couldn?t reach her in there, the concrete was thick and made for a good makeshift hiding place. Thinking about her small victory over the combat squad made her smile, if she had had more time to charge her blast they would have been easily disposed of. If the damn street light wasn?t flickering on and off she could have taken them out one by one, no matter, tomorrow, they would get what they disserved. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray][B][forgive me for any errors, i was in a rush when i wrote this, i wont be posting for a while, ive in formed Sazabi. See you all later this week then ][/B][/COLOR] Dalanius stumbled back towards the Inn; he didn?t recall how long he had been gone. Half an hour, 1? 2? It didn?t really matter, not to him anyway. He had stumbled upon a bar during his walk and decided to pop in for a quick drink, one drink eventually led to a whole lot more. He knew he wasn?t being smart about things at all, he needed to keep a clear head with everything going on, but that just wasn?t happening. He rounded a corner that brought him in direct site of the inn where he knew everyone to still be, the sight was horrific. Dead bodies lay strewn about the place, out front lay three bodies he knew, Vincent, Kacela and Neko, no one else was in sight. He ran up to his comrades, Vincent and Neko laid next to each other and Kacela a small distance away. It was evident to him that Vincent had killed them both and them himself. The girls? wounds and his wound matched his swords. Dalanius ran over to Kacela and brushed hair out of her face, he looked back towards the Inn his mind began to race, one word occupying his head. Ceyla He hoped to god she was ok, she had to be, her brothers or friends or whoever they were would have made sure she was safe. Wouldn?t they? He ran back towards the Inn and burst inside, more dead bodies could be found throughout its halls and at the bar. Vincent must have done this he thought. But for what reason? He couldn?t answer that, it might have had something to do with his coming back from the dead and the like but he didn?t dwell on it. He had to find Ceyla. Dalanius called out her name as loud as he could as he ran though the halls, he didn?t get a reply. He overturned every section of the Inn over and over but he couldn?t find her, he couldn?t even find Hashi and Cellah, somewhat exhausted he stumbled back outside. Dalanius dragged his fallen friends? bodies over to Inn; he laid them next to each other so their bodies were at least undercover. The day had quickly turned into night and the night was again quickly turning into day, the sun was just begging to peak its face out over the built up houses. Dalanius sat out side next to their bodies with his head in his lap; he really didn?t know what to do. He walked back into the Inn and sat down at a table. [B]?I?m sorry? [/B] he said out loud. [B]?I lost both of them and now I?ve lost you??[/B] the sun had risen quickly it now illuminated the whole town; Dalanius didn?t care for its shine anymore. Where in the hell could she be, he didn?t want to deny the fact any longer, as much as it hurt him to admit it. He liked her, more than liked in fact, loved? quite possibly so. The question was did she feel the same way. Dalanius was torn between two women, the memory of a dead one and Ceyla. Despite what the other may have thought about him, the problems lay not with the memory of his parents. When they were killed he was but a boy. He accepted the fact a long time ago that there was nothing he could have done to save them. A large portion of his problems lay elsewhere. He had repressed them for so long, pushing the memories of their faces into the dark recesses of his mind; the battles and stress of this mission were bringing their faces once again to the surface. He heard noised suddenly come from out side the Inn, low voices and shuffled movement, Dalanius ran out side to find his three fallen comrades who were dead not long ago, now once again living. Vincent looked the same as he had before; the three were now in the company of an old man. Dalanius drew his sword and approached them, he had no idea what was going on anymore. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=1] [COLOR=DimGray][B][Oh dear, I hope I haven't gone to over board in length ^^; Sorry I got carried away, let us know if there is something that needs to be changed][/B][/COLOR] [B]Name:[/B] Jalin Talis [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Physical Description:[/B] Jalin features shoulder length, curly brown hair with deep blue eyes. She stands at approximately 5?9? with a slender build, her skin is quite pale. She bears a scar that runs over her left eye, it begins above her eye brow cutting it in half, runs over her eye lid and stops half way down her cheek. This scar is the only imperfection on her face and she despises it deeply. Jalin usually keeps her hair tied back in a pony tail and lets whatever hair that may escape fall into her eyes and around her face in ringlets. Her ears are pierced 4 times in each lobe with silver studs. She prefers comfort to protection when it comes to clothing. Jalin usually wears something light and easy to maneuver in. This usually encompasses a simple pair of dark brown pants held up with a brown belt for her pistols and various other items. She also wears a long sleeve cream top and a black vest with pockets for more items. Her feet are almost always covered with black boots that reach her knees. Around her neck a blue stone dangles held by a silver chain. On her wrists she keeps a communicator and a few simple bangles she bought from outer rim planets. Depending on the job she is hired for, Jalin may use a suit of the adaptable Echani Fiber armor, giving her protection while still allowing her a degree of flexibility. [B]Character Background: [/B] Jalin grew up on the streets of Nar Shaddaa; the moon was a perfect place to start a carrier in smuggling. From a small age Jalin found that she had to fend for herself, her mother was all ways working to make sure there was food on the table and her father was non-existent. She had been told by her mother that her ?father? was forever out in his cargo ship making runs for the Huts, eventually they faded from his eyes and he never came back. It was stories like those and personal experiences that taught Jalin to be weary of not only men but everyone she met. At the age of 15 her mother died of severe illness, neither of them possessed the credits to get a doctor to see Jalin?s mother and so she passed on. After her mother?s death Jalin was left all alone, she discovered however that her mother had been saving most all of her measly pay ever since Jalin was born. Clutched in her mother?s dead hand she found a note. [CENTER][I]?To my dear Jalin, When you finally read this, it terrifies me to say, that I will have passed on. In my bedroom, under my bed there is a box, in this box you will find many credits. My dear Jalin, they are for you, you can finally leave this place, I do not wish you to lead the same life I have. I dearly hope it is sufficient enough for you to survive at least for a little while. I love you my dear daughter, more than all the stars in the sky, I will be watching over you. Be safe. Love from Jili.?[/I][/CENTER] With those credits she was able to pay the rent, buy weapons and food provisions for herself for quite a few months. Jalin?s fate wad decided one night when she was returning home from the local shops, a man was being beaten up by some bullies working for the Huts. He had failed to pay some sort of bill and they were literally beating the credits out of him. Jalin despised the Huts; if it wasn?t for them she would still have a father and a family. She decided to intervene, using her pistols she took down the thugs by sheer luck, barely escaping with her life, she was badly wounded. Deciding to return the kind act the girl had displayed the man took her back to his ship and tented to her wounds, it turned out that this man would change her life forever. He was a well known smuggler on the planet at the time, going by the name of Kalan Credus. The smuggler took Jalin in as a hand around his ship at first. She did simple chores as she was barely 16, cleaning the ship, checking the cargo and stocks aboard, checking the crews rifles and pistols, occasionally she would do maintenance on the ships weapons and other systems. She became very familiar with weapons and how ships worked, as she aged Kalan taught her a whole lot more, about other planets and races, combat and piloting skills. Eventually she became his partner in crime, as fate would have it Kalan was killed on a job by competitors. Jalin was totally devastated; he had been the father to her that she never had and a best friend. Despite his death she continued on with the smuggling business, becoming even more determined than before. She only takes specialized jobs now, ones that require her to stretch her skills. These jobs are usually from rich and wealthy people or business firms wishing to obtain valuable or rare artifacts and or goods by unofficial means. Many valuable objects were left abandoned because of the Mandalorian and Jedi civil wars, most of the items she is commissioned to find and smuggle are of that nature. Sometimes she is commissioned to "aquire" things from other people, she doesn't like to use the word steal. Jalin likes to think of herself more as a Treasure hunter/hunter than a Smuggler, in her case they go hand in hand. In recent times Jalin has been hired by a weathly family to find a rare collection of 'items' from the planet of Ord Mantel. [B]Personality Profile: [/B] Jalin makes no attempt to hide the fact that she loves rare and valuable items; it is an obsession for her and has been ever since she was a small girl. She is cautious in any situation; the life of a smuggler has led her to not trust others easily and for good reason. There is a lot of uncertainty in her profession, one must keep their wits about them and that is exactly what she does. She has a terrible knack for getting her self into trouble on occasion, most of the time her keen intuition allows her to by pass most of it. Jalin will go out of her way to get an artifact or whatever the cargo may be for her employers. She can be very tenacious in relation to her job and other situations she may find herself in, she never gives up on finding an item or anything else she is commissioned to get. She has seen some pretty disturbing things in her time, this has led her to be a little reserved at times, then again most everyone has seen bisturbing things these days. [B]Profession:[/B] 'Acquirer of rare and valuable times'/smuggler [B]Specialist Skill: [/B] She possesses a rather handy ability to be stealthy when a situation calls for it; her slender physique makes it easy to creep about places un-noticed, in tune with her stealth Jalin has a keen sense about danger. [B]Preferred Weapon:[/B] Jalin prefers close combat to ranged. She possesses a vibrosword. The Vibrosword belonged to Kalin; he gave it to her before he died and she modified its design to suit her better. He always told her that it once belonged to a great and powerful warrior but she never believed his tails. She is currently teaching her self slowly to use two melee weapons in combat but her progress is very slow. She also keeps a simple blaster pistol by her side incase a situation may call for a ranged battle. [/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Dalanius had remained perfectly quiet during the latest events; the whole ?Vincent back from the dead thing? struck him as totally odd. [I]?How could someone do that??[/I] the thought kept re-playing over and over and over in his head. Vincent was Vincent, he died and came out the other end looking completely different, Dalanius was glad that Vincent was back but the way he did it stuck him as something un-natural. [I]?If Vincent could come back from the dead then perhaps??[/I] Ceyla?s voice once again stopped his train of thought dead in its tracks. [B]"Trust me, there's no better place to find information. Wait until late this evening. I know the best place to--"[/B] It was more the lack of her voice that stopped his thoughts. He looked up at Ceyla as she stopped talking. Her eyes lit up and her face became plastered with a smile. A blonde man with dark eyes and a handsome face walked towards the group. Ceyla ran up towards the man and threw her arms around his neck; he in turn swung her around and set her back on the floor. Ceyla was in fits of giggles when she attempted to speak. [B]"I have some catching up to do with Felix. I promise it won't take too long. Enjoy the city." [/B] She then left the group and went and sat away from every one else with this Felix person. [B]?Looks like Ceyla has a boyfriend?[/B] Vincent spoke first, breaking the confused silence of everyone else. Dalanius kept staring in the direction that Ceyla went and then looked around at his companions and sighed to himself. He walked over to the bar and brought back a glass of strong alcohol. Sitting back down he skulled the contents of the glass in one gulp and slammed it back down on the table. [B]?We?re going to have to watch your habits Dal?? [/B] Cellah spoke, everyone nodding in agreement. He looked up, momentarily locking eyes with Vincent. [B]?I?m not the one you should be watching? [/B] He swirled the few drops around that were left in the bottom of his glass; everyone began a convocation as to what relationship this Felix had with Ceyla. The discussion didn?t last long but the thought lingered in his mind a lot longer than he would have liked. [I]?Is he her brother? Perhaps not, do brothers twirl there sisters around like that?... boyfriend? Friend? Bahh what do I care? I don?t care? I don?t?[/I] the thoughts lingered. Dalanius found himself involuntarily speaking his thoughts out loud. [B]?I don?t care?[/B] he spoke, everyone turned to face him, his expression was one of confusion. [B]?You don?t care about what?? [/B] Kacela questioned. He shook his head as if to say it didn?t matter and then resumed swirling his glass, the confused look still on his face. After a few minutes he couldn?t take sitting there any more. He had to get up and move around, so he did, he stood and started to walk away from everyone. Vincent shouted back at him. [B]?Where do you think your going?? [/B] Dalanius half turned towards vincient as he spoke. [B]?I?m?. I?m going to go see if I cant get my throat split?[/B] and without another word he stepped outside and pulled up his hood.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]hey people, i was just wondering weather this rp is still going so i know to post or not, [for give me if i dont make sence im rather unwell, if thats an excuse] Any who, if it is then man i hope we can get vinicent back out of the neather realm or where ever he went O_o;[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] [B]Name: [/B] Reina [Rei] Alexander [B]Age: [/B] 38 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Alliance: [/B] Shadow [B]Hometown:[/B] Korkine [B]Weapon(s):[/B] Guns are her specialty; Rei wields two identical, elaborately decorated pistols. Her pistols [URL=http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/6060/bluegun5oo.png][rough example] [/URL] are constructed out of a blue metal with [Celtic like] silver designs covering the barrels and hand grips. She also carries around with her a sniper rifle in the same fashion as her pistols. [She rarely uses her rifle] For battles that require something a little more close range, she keeps a simple sword by her side as well as a few small throwing daggers. [B]Gift:[/B] Under extreme circumstances for example, in fits of rage or emotional distress, Rei has the ability to unleash bolts of lightening. These bots extend outwards from her finger tips and are deadly accurate; when Rei is concerned Lightening indeed strikes twice. When not under mental duress, Rei still retains the ability to be deadly accurate but with her pistols and rifle. When she releases lightening, her body unfortunately remains unprotected; as a result she becomes drained of physical energy and receives burns to her hands and arms due to the heat. [B]Biography:[/B] Rei was noted to have a keen eye ever since she was small, when fooling around with other children, she would always best them when accuracy came into play. She was 15 when she was given her first fire arm. A solider had watched how accurate she was and decided to take her in and train her. Opportunities such as those were rare and so Rei happily accepted. She spent may years under his tutelage as a solider in training, eventually she grew enough in skill that she was allowed to go out on missions of her own. Rei spent 10 years in the service of Korkine, defending its boarders, escorting personnel and even acted as a mercenary for a short period of time. To this day she is still in the service of her city, acting with a few chosen others for missions that have a covert nature. [B]Personality: [/B] When it comes to her work she is very serious, Rei is very calm and likes to think things through. When she isn?t busy on a given mission she will tend to be very relaxed and laid back, she cherishes every moment of peace she can get. On occasions she can go a bit wild and bouncy, she will try to act friendly towards people but sometimes it just doesn?t work. [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/3852/rei0da.png]Portrait [1][/URL] and [URL=http://img164.imageshack.us/img164/1843/ninjachick4tq.png]body [2][/URL]. Rei stands 5?8? with a relatively muscular build, she has mid-shoulder length dark blue hair and bright green eyes. Her skin and general complexion are very pale, this is basically because she has never seen sun. Rei usually wears something similar to the picture. The only visible part of her is usually her head. Her hands and arms [a quarter of the way up] are covered in scars from burns. Over her armor and proactive leather clothing she wears a long back and red trench coat with a hood. On the back of the coat features a red eagle with its wings out stretched clutching a thunderbolt in its left talon. [B]Character Snippet: [/B] Rei walked into the dark room to be meet by a group of anxious eyes, heads of different sections of the military had gathered to eagerly await the news of their success or failure. One man, dressed in an almost over done coat with matching pants and top that went by the rank General, stepped forwards. Rei never liked him, he was fat, bald, pompous and ugly. [B]?Is it done??[/B] He constantly rocked backwards and forwards on the pads of his feat, his beady eyes darted around the room, he wasn?t entirely sure where to look. Rei sighed inwardly and threw a cloth bag down into the middle of the table; the bag was black and surprisingly heavy, it was tied up with a heavy rope. One of the other Generals present mustered up enough courage to pull the bag over to himself and begun undoing the elaborate set of knots that had been placed there so the precious contents wouldn?t spill out. There was an un-natural silence that had fell over the room, no one dared make a single sound, they were so transfixed on the bag and what lay inside it. The General finished un-doing the last knot in the rope and opened the bag. He was so repulsed by what lay inside that he gave out a involuntary cry of disgust and flung the bag away from himself. The contents of the bag rolled across the perfectly shined surface of the wooden table and came to rest in its center. A severed head now gazed upon everyone and everyone upon it, some of the men in the room looked away after the initial shock had worn off, others kept their eyes on it as an act of bravado. Rei stood exactly as she was with her men behind her, none of them showed any signs of emotion. When she was sure the men were satisfied she re-bagged the head and placed it back in the center of the table. The heads of each division had wanted the head of a rebel that was causing a lot of trouble, so that was exactly what she gave them. The fat man that had greeted Rei and her men nodded towards her and she left with her soldiers in tow, the rebel whose head now lay on the boardroom table, had been making trouble for the military for a number of years. The people were never told of such things, information like that was privy only to those who needed to know. What they didn?t need to know was that prior to his death, he had given Rei a letter. This letter told her of some strange things, once he had departed the letter to her, he simply knelt down and allowed her to cut off his head. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE] Originally posted by [B]Dodeca[/B] I have an unhealthy amount of free time tonight, since my parents'll be off somewhere, so I might aswell put it to use. I'm thinkin' I might end up colouring it... any idea of what colour scheme you'd want for it?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Hmm not really, colour him anything you want, something sinister and unusual. *thinks* black is a little obvious, umm reds? We could go totally wild and colour him green. [QUOTE] Originally posted by [B]Boo[/B] I'm not sure, but.. Asking colour schemes isn't quite necessary since it will be your own version of the cat. If there's no colours given, I think you can just colour it whatever way you want. =P Great idea, by the way. I'll try to join in atleast once. ;D[/QUOTE] Edit: Yeah! what Boo said! [sorry Boo!] [/COLOR]
  12. [CENTER][QUOTE] Originally Posted by [B]Lunox[/B] [COLOR=Gray]I've attatched two of my OCs, so anyone can pick. I couldn't pick. v_v Clothing wise, there are no rules. I'd be happy to see any changes so I can change my characters' outfits. Physical features wise, the guy has red hair. (Just a note: these drawings are old, so yes I do know the proportions are sort of off. x_x)[/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25488[/IMG][/QUOTE][/CENTER] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I love you for creating this thread Sara! I dont colour in my drawings often if at all i hope that?s ok with you Lunox i can have a go at colouring if you really want her coloured, when i get the drawing done you?ll have to forgive my style cause its very messy and i still have a few issues to work out. I'm assuming the character above is a girl? ^^; duh ! stupid me, she is wearing a skirt... -_-; [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [B][COLOR=Red]EDIT![/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1] ta da! I?ve finished my version lol. And in no time at all!! Pretty much? [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/4135/scan0022chick7el.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I changed her top and skirt, her right hand is gloved while her left hand isn?t. (thinking in terms as if you were standing behind said character). If your wondering about the bottom of the skirt its frayed behind her and in fount, I just added bits here and there, I think she looks more... punk now lol. She has a halter top as well and face tattoos. Her necklace is wrapped around her neck 2 or three times. Due to school this was exceedingly rushed! [notes she could do much better given she had more time!!] Forgive my proportions; I?m still working on that aspect! ^^; Gah! i neglected to give her arms any definition.... *sighs and slinks away* i was too buisy focusing on her costume... ^^;; [/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]To Draw!: my Evil cat!! well there are no rules here except for the fact that id like you to keep him with one eye.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Link is [URL=http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/9274/scan00230lj.jpg][B][COLOR=DarkOrange]here[/COLOR][/B][/URL] cause i dunno how to attach things yet.. for shame lol god this picture is sooo old...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=1][B][COLOR=SlateGray][I love you Gavin. Finally a star wars rp!! Ok ok shoot me or don?t, I?m trying my hand at Anakin. Oh dear, if I?ve stuffed up in any major way please tell me. I don?t think I did him any justice ? : ( *sigh* Strangely enough I know more about the Old Republic than any other era. Forgive me if I?ve stuffed up any dialect, my Huttese is a bit rusty. *Gasps and rips hair out*] [/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]?This is never going to work Threepio?[/B] Anakin brushed his bowl cut, brown-blonde hair from his blue eyes. His brow furrowed as he sat in the cockpit staring at the controls, there was something that he was missing. This was the 4th time that he had attempted to start his pod racer that day, frankly things were going no where fast. [B]?Patience master Ani, I?m quite sure that you will have it running in no time? [/B] Threepio made and effort to hide the skepticism in his voice modulator, it had not been that long ago that Ani had crashed Watto?s Pod at the races. He didn?t finish the race, but mostly saved the pod from total destruction, mostly. Threepio waddled inside as he heard Shmi call for him from the house, Anakin stayed where he was and pondered some more. Threepio was much like his pod racer; make from salvaged parts, his robot was prone to breaking down and still somewhat lacked the ability to walk properly, he wasn?t totally finished. Sand was always a big problem; it invaded his circuits at every moment, they just didn?t have the money to buy proper coverings. C-3P0 and his racer would be properly completed, eventually. He poked buttons and flicked switches on his racer as he thought; it wasn?t that long ago that he had dreamt something he truly hoped, one day would come true. Ani saw himself older, as a Jedi, he returned to Tatooine and freed every slave from their masters? clutches. He despised using the term ?Slave? and was prone to lashing out at anyone who called him such. As far as he was concerned he was a person and should be referred to as one. But the matter of fact remained, he was a slave and as far as he could see, there was no way out of it. The morning suns glare beat down on his neck, he had grown up in the sweltering heat but even so, sometimes it proved a bit much. Ani was interrupted by the calls of his mother, he loved her so dearly and shuddered to think what he would do if he found himself without her. [B]?Ani, Ani!? You will be late again if you don?t get moving?[/B] [I]Opps[/I] he thought, if he was late again Watto would not be happy and he?d be forced to work late and without food, something which he deeply despised doing, life working for the Toydarian was difficult. Ani jumped from the cockpit of the pod and raced inside so fast, that it would have seemed he left a lingering cloud of dust in his wake. Collecting all that he needed and snatching fruit from the table for good measure, he rushed up to Shmi who was busy cooking. His mother was a woman who had had life difficult and it showed on her face. Some of her previous owners were kind, others were cruel, Watto allowed her very few personal possessions. [B]?Mum I gotta go, bye!?[/B] He tugged on her sleeve as he spoke, she looked down at him and a smile passed her lips. She nodded and kissed the top of his head, Ani groaned as if to say, [I]?do you have to do to that?? [/I] and was out the door in a flash. It wouldn?t take long to reach Watto?s shop; he had a long way to run but could make it if he tried hard enough. Eventually Ani made it there, Watto?s voice chimed in from the back of the junk shop ready to greet a new customer. [B]"Hi chuba da nago?"[/B] [B]?Soong je? [/B] Anakin replied, he hoped that Watto didn?t notice the time; he was late, if only by a few minutes. Ani approached the rear of the store as Watto appeared from out side. The Toydarian?s blue wings beat faster than the eye could follow, he few over to the counter and sat behind it, his creamy colored gut becoming even more prominent than before. The way that he talked it was fitting that his pot belly be filled with gas. [B]"Fweepa niaga.? [/B] He spoke angrily, if he did indeed notice the time Ani would bare the consequences later, [I]Life will get better one day [/I] he told himself, walking out side he retrieved what he need to start cleaning, he looked up to the clear blue sky and imagined the stars that would appear at night and the planets they belonged too. [B]?Someday, I?ll be the first one to see?em all?[/B] he muttered.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Dalanius looked sky wards as four harpies lunged at them traveling up the mountain. He drew his sword and took up the rear of the group. In no time the girls had taken care of the harpies. He shook his head as Cellah stumbled around drunk; a smile forced the sides of his lips upwards. [B]"I need something to shoot!?[/B] Cellah shouted stumbling around, Dalanius stifled a laugh, for some reason the sight of her drunk was humorous. The now somewhat similar shriek of Harpies returned as 2 more arrived on the scene. There presence was known now, and it would be no use just sitting there. [B]?We need to move?[/B] stated Kacela. [B]"Lets go then!"[/B]Cellah shouted. The four headed closer and closer to the wooden fortress. [B]"When we get to the top, i will stay behind at the entrance to guard our rear while you three save Hashi"[/B] Dalanius didn't expect them to agree with his plan, whatever the general consensus was he would follow. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Teris was the last to exit the tunnel, she stood looking out at the battle field. Everyone had already run into the fray, slashing at soldiers bodies left and right. She watched for a few seconds in a dazed state as her team mates darted in and out of enemies. Before jumping into battle she watched how the soldiers fought, when she was satisfied she too jumped into battle. Ferrin sprinted for the line of enemy soldiers; the metallic tang of spilt blood was a lot more apparent to her than it would be to others. She un-hooked her weapon as she ran. Extending the wire she attached a short sword to the end of it and began to swing the blade in a circular motion as she ran. When a victim was in her sights she leapt up into the air and let go of the wire. It flew through the air with a certain grace and wrapped its self around the solders neck only once, the sword resting behind the man?s back, holding the wire in place. With a quick tug the sharp wire cut through the man?s weak amour and flesh almost severing his head. He dropped to the ground dead, Teris walked over him picking up her weapon as she went past, ready for another victim. There was so much metal on the battle field and Teris loved it, if worse came to worse she would be in no short supply of materials to work with. She smiled to her self as she swung her blade, cutting into flesh and severed limbs with her wire. One particular warrior singled her out from the rest of the attackers; Teris had a special death in mind for him. He charged at her yelling, weapon held above his head with both hands. Teris stood and watched as he charged towards her, she would have to time this move just right in order for it to work, she looked behind her and made sure that a tree was the correct distance away. The warrior kept charging and Teris stood ready, when he was in range she struck. Moving quickly she jumped high into the air back flipping over the warrior, at the same time she threw her blade around his body at neck level, this action brought the wire around his neck and flung it back towards her in the same motion. Hitting the ground she jumped back over and up into the tree behind her, while wrapping the sire around its self to make sure it would hold. If anyone were to look at the scene it would seem truly odd, the warrior struggling to free his neck from the wire while the demon stood atop a tree branch holding on to it. He tried in vain to cut himself free but only succeeded in blunting his sword and tightening the grip of the wire. Teris smiled to her self as she jumped down from the tree branch, causing the solider to be lifted up into the air, and there he hung 5 feet off the ground and quickly choked to death. [I]?Pity.? [/I] she thought while jumping back into the battle once more, Teris was careful not to stray to far from her team mates, she kept them all in her sight as best she could. Her metallic eyes glinted in the sun as she ran, [I]?Things may be easy at the moment but battles have been known to change quickly?[/I] she reminded her self. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][B]?Please, would you like to buy something?? [/B] Teris looked down at the small, hunched over woman. She looked a lot older than she actually was, her clothes were torn and she was a tad dirty, it was obvious the woman didn?t have a lot of money. Putting on her most convincing smile, Teris bent down to the woman and asked to see what she had. [B]?I have this fine necklace, it is said that it once belonged to a fierce warrior who?s soul belonged to the great lakes, and this bracelet it once belonged to a female who?s hair was as yellow as the??[/B] Teris had heard enough, the lady no doubt had told that same story to everyone who passed her in hopes of a sale. She was feeling in a rather generous mood, luckily enough for the woman. [B]?Ok, I will take them?? [/B] Teris dug into her pocket for money, a wide grin spread across the woman?s face as Teris handed her money over and she revived the jewelry in return. The woman could not thank her enough as she bowed and walked quickly down the street, over to three children who were waiting for their mother. [I]?At least?.they?ll eat for one more night?? [/I] she thought as she walked away gazing at the probably worthless stuff she had bought, at least she sensed the metal was actual silver. [B]?Perhaps she had not been lying after all?? [/B] Teris muttered to her self. Her brown coat was done all the way up; it was a habit of hers to hide what she could of her body. Jagged pieces of metal sticking out of someone?s flesh, was not something people were accustom to seeing everyday, she always thought. Her hands were about the only thing besides her head that she kept uncovered, in public anyway. She walked along the port, slowly making her way towards the main gate where she was told to meet with everyone else. As she approached the point, she could see that some warriors had already arrived. A blonde solider it seemed, another female and two other men. One of which was handcuffed. As she got closer she recognized the hand cuffed man as the one known as the Blade. [I]?A criminal,?[/I] she thought, [I]?interesting."[/I] Teris walked through the group assembled to the yellow haired man she assumed to be the commanding officer. [B]?Ferrin, reporting for this mission.?[/B] She spoke matter of fact; the man explained to her the team arrangements. Delta, would be led by Aaron Tellis; it appeared that the blade, Vincent would be on the team also. After the formal greetings Teris stood off to the side, behind Tellis and watched the clouds go by until everyone else arrived.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [B][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]ooc:Gah! names confuse me! let me know if ive stuffed up somewhere.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]ic: Dalanius attempted to be... sensative and break the silence the two warriors were sharing while hunting for food. [B]"Kacela...Vincent will be alright. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would-"[/B] [B]"Save it," [/B] Kacela said savagely to Dalanius cutting him off in mid sentence. [B]"He's human, and humans die. That's that. There's nothing anyone can do."[/B] Dalanius watched as Kacela picked up her kill, he could tell she was thinking something, but was unsure as to what that was; he guessed it was something to do with Vincent. A familar anger nagged at him. [I]?There?s nothing anyone can do?? [/I] he thought. [I]?Bunch of lies, your only saying that to make yourself feel better and block out the pain, it doesn?t work?? [/I] Spotting something out of the corner of his eye, Dalanius unsheathed a dagger he had picked up while slaughtering orcs and flung it away from his body without looking. The dagger flew through the air, pierced the breast of an unfortunate bird and then lodged in a tree. Dalanius walked over to the creature, which was still alive, it was squirming t break free. Dalanius stood there, staring at the creatures struggle for survival, blood dripped down the blade. The bird in desperation began squawking for aid, its cry?s got louder as its pain increased. In the depths of his mind a woman screamed hideously, his trance was broken as his hands clasped the bird?s neck and broke it. Removing the animal from the tree along with his dagger, Dalanius walked past Kacela who was staring at him with an odd look, a look of disgust mixed with confusion. He stopped at if he was going to explain his actions but just looked to the sky and kept walking. Some minutes later he reached their camp and lay the animals down that he had slain, soon after Kacela emerged. Ceyla saw the food they had and a smile spread across her face. [B]?Good, I?m starving?[/B] she was hoping they would return soon. Cellah nodded in agreement and examined what they had brought back. [B]?We should get a fire started?[/B] Kacela stated with a sideways glance to Dalanius. He looked away, and in a low voice spoke. [B]?I?m not hungry?? [/B] With those words he gathered his equipment and headed to the near by stream. [B]?What?s wrong with him??[/B] Cellah asked Questioningly. Ceyla went to go after him but Kacela stopped her. [B]?Don?t worry about him he?s probably just stressed and not used to all these women,"[/B]Kacela tried to sound light hearted. [B]"We are all tired lets eat something and try to get some rest, were not that far off the mountain range and hopefully we will find your Hashi there Cellah.?[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1] [COLOR=SlateGray][B][EDIT: Sory about before lionheart? all fixed. Let us know if theres anything else that needs fixin] [/B] [/COLOR] [B]Name: [/B] Teris Ferrin [B]Gender: [/B] Female [B]Age: [/B] 35 [B]Race: [/B] Demon [Ferric Demon-Demon capable of manipulating metal] [B]Position: [/B] Part time mercenary was once a solider for a very short time. [B]Personality: [/B] Dreamy and quiet, if there is a window to be looked out of she will be there; staring out of it. She appears somewhat cold and un-caring at times, despite many attempts by her to be rid of the trait. Ferrin prefers to be left alone with her thoughts. She will cooperate with anyone, regardless of what she thinks of their character. People will never be to sure what she thinks of them unless she speaks it out right. She does not trust easily. [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL= http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/6173/ferris9rm.png]+Teris+[/URL] Her eyes are not a colour but appear as if they are actually metallic silver, almost liquid mercury in appearance but her pupils are still visible. Her hair is shoulder length and completely white, she usually wears it pulled back in a short ponytail with bits of hair overhanging that aren?t long enough to be pulled back. Parts of her body are raised and it appears as if she has metal grafted to the out side of her skin. This metal appears on her limbs, covering the outer side of her hands, arms and legs. The growths of metal are haphazard and appear as if they have grown from within her naturally [like crocodile or alligator skin but silver metal]. These growths of metal are not present on her face, neck, the back of her legs or on her palms. She usually wears a long brown hooded coat done up half way. Underneath this she wears loose fitting brown pants with Dark crimson boots, done up with straps, that reach to just below her knees. Ferrin wears a cream tight-ish fitting shirt. A black bet with pouches attached is present on her pants. Her ears are pierced twice, she also wears 3 silver rings and a silver pendant with an orange stone attached. [B]Weapon:[/B] Ferrin uses her magic to attack in battle; she channels this through her weapon. She uses A Long strand of sharp wire with a small blade attached to the end, attachments can vary depending on the situation (anything from an axe to a grappling hook). The wire can easily cut though flesh with the right amount of applied pressure. On the other hand it can be used to reel things in, such as victims or be swung from. The length of the wire can vary. It?s hard to use the weapon effectively due to the difficulty in controlling it, so Ferrin uses it more as an aid than anything else and tends to rely on her ability to manipulate metallic objects.[URL=http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/5365/tetsugen7oj.png][Tetsugen] doggy example[/URL] [B]Abilities/magic: [/B] Ferrin has the ability to manipulate metal, whether that purpose is to construct a weapon, shield or something else. Her body can act as a kind of magnet, drawing metallic objects to her when she wishes or when needed. [B]Bio: [/B] Teris belongs to a rare breed of demon noted for their peculiar ability to manipulate metal. She grew up in a secluded part of Fujin, her people were a simple one, and very much liked to keep to themselves. Her race was predominantly centered on the art of making weaponry, due to their natural affinity with metallic objects. All the Demons of her race could manipulate metallic objects but some, unnaturally, had more talent than others. These Demons were taken and trained to use their ability on a much wider scale. Teris was one of these Demons. Something else that was natural for her was her eye, skin and hair colour. The eye colour silver is a rare trait among her people; to them she is considered an albino also because of her pale skin and white hair. From a child she was trained to be a warrior, as per the tradition of her people with strong magic. At age 20 she decided to leave the safety and isolation of the community for the out side world. This was something seldom done and she was almost forbidden to do so at one point. None the less she left and explored the wider world for approximately four years. After which she joined the Fujin army. Unknown to her, Demons were not generally accepted among society. She left the army and was picked up my a mercenary group, she worked with them on and off for a number of years and continues to do so. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Dalanius rode with Kacela seated in front of him; he found himself thinking that he was now in a reversed position to previous events. Although the split in the group wasn?t intentional, Dalanius found him himself in the company of three women, he found this somewhat on an awkward prospect. Thinking about the past events his thoughts turned to Vincent and Neko; he hoped that they would escape the castle ok and that Vince's wounds werent to life threatening. Dalanius hated the fact that he had to leave them, his code taught him that no one was to be left behind. He listened as Ceyla spoke [B]"We need to decide what to do next. Cellah, I think you should lead. We saw your friend at the castle, so he might not be far away. And if he is, you'll know better than any of us how to find him. Where do we go first?"[/B] [B]"ME?!" [/B] Cellah said she sounded somewhat shocked then calmed herself [B]"If I was someone who kidnapped Hashi I would need to move him somewhere with a lot of mountains so he would have a hard time flying and be easy to catch if he got away and there is probably a nest of other harpies within earshot because harpies attack any intruder harpies and there not as nice as Hashi so that would be the best spot."[/B] [B]?I propose the Micandor Mountain range as a possible location, the range isn?t that far from here, if we head back to the city and then west we should arrive there in no time.? [/B] Kacela spoke. [B]?That?s our destination then? Cellah replied[/B] Dalanius just stayed silent during the exchange, he looked about the path weary for any enemy that may randomly show its self. He realized that he had somewhat reverted back to his old self, and so quickly, he sighed inwardly to himself looking to the left at the mountains in the near distance. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1] It had been a long journey, but Kale had finally made it into the Kingdom of Kaenia's. She was sure that her presence would not go un-noticed by whatever forces the great Lady had up her sleeve. Kale was not entirely sure how she would be greeted, The Lady would either execute her on sight, ask her to leave or perhaps have some other use for her. She was hoping that it was the last of the three possible outcomes. Kale had felt increasingly disturbed among the followers of the White Fire Kingdom, a half cast Skhad was not something they welcomed with open arms. Especially one that had a gift for manipulating the earth, strangely enough as she had entered the kingdom, a heavy rain fell upon the land. This was a sign that someone or something had been teleported near to her location. Rather than traverse mountains and rivers to reach Kaenia?s lands kale had just manipulated the earth and then returned it to its previous state, a missing mountain or river was likely to cause concern for someone or rouse suspicion. While traveling Kale had been careful to avoid sighting a full blooded Skhad she knew to be in the service of Kaenia, rumors of this Skhad were few at best but still warranted her to use extreme caution. Kale looked up to the sky as she walked; the clouds were thick and gray, heavy rain poured down pelting against the hood of her cloak. If anyone found themselves looking at Kale head on they wouldn?t know that she was Skhad, she would have the appearance of a young woman, her brown hair had proven to be deceiving to some people in the past. The weather would seem rather depressing to most people, she on the other hand loved the rain and the sound it made when falling and hitting the ground or an object on the way down. She assumed that along the line somewhere, someone or something would come to greet her on behalf of Kaenia, Kale hoped that, that something wasn?t a monster. She had not come into contact with any patrols yet but Kale was sure some sort of defense was in place. Kale was an un-invited guest in this place, and some times uninvited guests aren?t greeted to kindly, she was just going to have to wait and see. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][B]occ: Gah! Sorry I haven?t posted sooner Asim, I?ve been having school troubles. [/B] [/COLOR] Ic:[B] ?Do you love me?? [/B] the mans face was projected in her mind as clear as crystal; his well cut features, his glistening blue eyes and irresistible smile. [B]?Do the planets turn?? [/B] She smiled back at him, suddenly a gunshot rang through the air, O?Neill looked down to her hands, they were smothered in blood, her own blood. Like a hard slap in the face reality hit her, she found her self on the floor instead of her bed, jumping to her feet and looking around quickly, one word popped into her head, ?Kain?. She gave him a look that directed at anyone else would have most likely killed them. [I]?You bastard, if you weren?t my friend id kill you? [/I] she thought. [B]"Good morning princess." [/B] She cringed when he spoke, O?Neill despised him calling her that. Kain?s jokes were the only one?s she tolerated; no one else in the universe could get away with what he did. [B]"We'll be landing in about ten minutes. Get dressed and get ready, Kasumi is a tough place. Remember last time."[/B] O?Neill was still death staring him as he exited the room. Tough place indeed, if you weren?t stinking rich that is. She changed and existed the ship, O?Neill had been asleep for almost the entire trip, it would have been the best she had in a while if Kain hadn?t had thrown her out of bed. Ten minutes later the ship landed and she saw Kain exit in a flash, typical of him, she would bet more than a million dollars that he was headed for a bar. O?Neill dressed her self and before exiting spoke a few words to the pilot. [B]?If you receive any communications from anyone at all have them patched through to me and Kain immediately, oh and don?t touch anything in my room? [/B] The pilot gave her a look of, [B]?As if I would?[/B], he was used to her by now. O?Neill stepped down from the ship and breathed deep the somewhat familiar air of Kasumi and let out a sigh. Last time Kain and herself were here things didn?t go quite so well, thankfully Kain managed to successfully avoid the authorities all while carrying her wounded self on his back. As much as he annoyed her sometimes and though she would never ever admit it O?Neill wouldn?t change Kain as her partner for anyone else. Finally leaving the docking area O?Neill made her way around town, there was no shortage of water on Kasumi, they derived what water they needed from the heavy mist. Walking along un-noticed by the pompous rich folk of the planet concerned only for themselves, she waited out side a bar for Kain. After few hours or so he exited, smiling to himself. [B]?Well well, what has the great Kain accomplished this time??[/B] She raised an eyebrow at him as he walked up to her. [B]?Just liberating men from their money??[/B] O?Neill shook her head, she knew what that meant. They needed not worry about arousing the authorities suspicions, necessary precautions had been taken care of, no one would recognize them. [B]?We?re due at the meeting point in 30 minutes? [/B] Kain nodded and the two assassins took off to the point where they would be making the charming Capt. Strange?s acquaintance. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][B]ooc: let us know if you want anything changed Takuya regarding the creatures I made up as warriors of Selestiae.[/B][/COLOR] ic:[B]?Oh ?m-my?Gods?[/B] Kay stammered as she looked towards the gaping hole in the wall that, just previously, burst and showered them with rocks. Her jaw fell open as if her body had no control over it any more. There standing in the newly created doorway was the single most hideous thing Kay had ever seen. Standing facing Kay, Quincy and Leo was a creature none of them could have ever imagined. It stood hunched, almost 6 feet tall, its eyes glowed a hideous yellowy brown. Large fangs protruded from the upper jaw of the beast, its lower hung in a snarl. It possessed huge claws, hair hung from its body in matted clumps that Kay was sure she saw blood flecked over the beast. It resembled something of a dog but more deformed and gruesome. [B]?The Devourers of Selestiae? [/B] Kay muttered, Quincy and Leo pried their eyes away from the creatures to look at her. [B]?I shall explain later, be ready, we will not be leaving here without a fight??[/B] She unhooked her Axe from her back and swung it around her and assumed a fighting stance, Quincy and Leo followed her lead and did the same. Kay had only ever heard of The Devourers in hushed whispers, they were nothing but pure myth, until now. They were more terrifying in person than anyone could describe. They stood in the doorway for a few seconds that felt like an eternity, before launching them selves in the air from their powerful legs up and over the three. Kay counted 5 as they whizzed past, three more took their place and begun to advance on Leo, Quincy and Kay. [B]?If we fight as a team we will have a better chance?[/B] they both nodded still in a state of both shock and awe at the creatures sudden apperance. The three Devourers launched them self at Leo, he took his bladed rod and swung it in defense. Quincy and Kay both launched into the battle to help defend Leo. Quincy drew his double daggers. One thing was evident; these hounds of Selestiae would not go down easily. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I think Sazabi meant as in?like a bad guy your character needs to defeat or something else that goes with your plot to help people, like something more personal. Unless you mean like have your plot to help people run throughout the entire rp. Anyways, just trying to help. If we didn?t have to have one then I?m more than happy to let Dalanius just tag along with everyone but I do have a little something up my sleeve. It would evolve Dalanius sort of going nuts and being bent on the idea of revenge, which would be totally out of character for him being a knight and strongly believing in honor for he would consider revenge dishonorable. I?ll have to think about it some more I spose but that?s my idea. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Dalanius ran out of the castle with the princess over one shoulder and dragging the screaming Kacela behind him. The ground was shaking considerably when they reached outside, [B]?come on Vincent I know you can get out of there?somehow?.[/B] He begin making his way back down the castle entrance when he stopped dead in his tracks. Kacela was still screaming[B] ?Let me go!? [/B] but Dalanius wouldn?t loosen his grip on her. There was a dragon terrorizing the place where the group now held up. [B]?Oh shit? [/B] Dalanius sighed, Kacela was still determined to get away from him and back in the castle to Vincent, the princess however was unconscious no doubt from all the excitement. In desperation Kacela twisted his arm, he cringed spun her around and grabbed her by the shoulders and looked directly into her eyes. [B]?Look ?missy! Vincent will be fine; right now I need you to focus on helping us get rid of this dragon, if we don?t then we all die and you rushing back in side to save him will mean nothing cause you?ll have to fight that ten ton fire breathing bag of scales by yourself!?[/B] Kacela stopped trying to get away and just stood there with tears in her eyes. [B]?I know how it feels? believe me I do, so are you going to help or not??[/B] Whatever her answer, Dalanius was going to be rushing down the rest of the way to help Cellah and Ceyla fight the new development, dragons were royal pains in the butt. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]As soon as they had arrived at the castle Dalanius went quiet, everyone rushed inside while he lingered at the entrance. He looked back towards the forest they had just traveled through with an odd deep stare and sighed intensely before going inside. He watched everything unfold between Neko, Vincent, Ceyla, Cellah and Kacela but from a different level of the castle. Dalanius was mildly surprised that no one noticed his absence, he had suffered no major wounds what so ever, only a few superficial nicks and cuts covered his arms as well as some bruises. He had momentarily broken away from the group because he felt that someone needed to guard their rear ends. Sure enough he was right; he had been on one of the upper levels of the castle for no more than 10 to 15 minutes before some lingering orcs came charging for the others who were out in the open. Most of his new friends were wounded in a bad way, Dalanius took it upon him self to take out the creatures before they reached the lower level. He hid quietly in an alcove behind a statue with his broad sword drawn ready; thankfully there were only three at the moment, but he was sure more would follow. When the orcs where a desirable distance away Dalanius jumped out from his hiding place and immediately sliced through the orcs head that was closest to him. The other two drew their swords quickly and came swinging down on Dalanius, he side stepped them while drawing a small dagger from a sheath on one of the orcs. He jammed the dagger into its eye and it fell, blood gushing, to the ground. The third and last orc had much more time to think than the other two, obviously possessing a lot more brain power it quickly blocked Dalanius? attack. He was thrust backwards in surprise, the orc snarled at him through a set of mangled teeth. Dalanius narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brow; he came at the orc with a series of well placed and powerful attacks all of which were easily blocked. This time it was the orcs turn, it relentlessly swung at Dalanius driving him back the way it had came with every blow. He didn?t understand where all its power came from, surly if he had allowed the orcs to pass his friends would be in serious danger. The two fought, exchanging blows, the orc had driven Dalanius into some sort of hall, it appeared totally abandoned. The orc sent a blow flying at Dalanius, so strong that it sent him soaring into a table causing it to break in two as he hit it. Slowly he rose to his feet, anger welling inside of him that a simple minded creature could best him. He charged at the creature catching it off guard, he rammed his sword into the orcs armpit with all his might sending it crashing to the ground. Dalanius was somewhat exhausted but he had to take care of the rest of the orcs, and so any that he found in his path he slaughtered. Oddly enough he couldn?t find the princess anywhere within the upper levels of the castle. Walking back to the balcony, Dalanius saw that Kacela was by Vincent?s side and everyone else had left. He waited a while before venturing down to the lower level, he could sense the two had feelings for each other and deserved to be alone for at least a little while. The fact that he had not found the princess was bothering him, [I]perhaps she is hidden somewhere I?m not thinking[/I]?A thought popped into his head and Dalanius found himself running at top speed for Zylon?s quarters, which was no doubt, somewhere in the higher levels of the castle.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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