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    I am a cool, awesome person. That's all you need to know

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  1. [COLOR=DimGray]I love eyesheild 21, and I was wondering who else does. I did a poll in the anime lounge about favorite characters. I created a cool Eyeshield 21 quiz. If you wanna try it, go to Quizilla.com and search "Which Deimon football player are you?"][/COLOR]
  2. I'd wanna have Ed Elric with me, cause he could turn the island into a jet, or something
  3. I personaly like the manga better, too. And Hiruma is a great character. He's probably my second favorite. Then Kurita, Then Cerberus
  4. I'd be an Ice-type alchemist.........with an ipod! [color=#ff6600][size=1]Please expand on your choice. Perhaps give your reasons for choosing it, describe what you look like, or theorise what you would do as this character. What you have right now isn't enough information for this kind of thread. -Lore[/color][/size]
  5. It would suck to have Hiruma with me (or Cerberus)
  6. W'zup? I was just wondering if there is any one out there who likes Eye Shield 21. If so, what's ur favorite character? I personaly think Shin is cool. ]YA-HA!!!!!!!
  7. I love Full Metal Alchemist!!! I mean, just look at my name.
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