Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum so bear with me. I already got in trouble for posting an intro thread in the lounge :animeshy: . I read the rules and I've also searched for "bleach" because I'm afraid of getting in trouble again and I'm not sure what a "double post" is either. So I didnt find what I was looking for in my search, so I think this is an "original" post???
Sorry if I'm not making any sense. I'm new to all this forum stuff.
Well, my friend showed me some Bleach shows, and I absolutely LOVE them! I'm at his house probably once every week for our "bleach dates". I dont know where he gets them, and I want to find out. He's such a busy guy that sometimes we have to wait until he's not so busy to watch them. But I want to watch them NOW! hehee! Can I buy these Bleach shows somewhere? Or do you download them or something???
His versions are wide screen, and they look pretty good on his TV. They sort of look like computer videos. like they sort of have squares sometimes when things move really fast (Sorry if that didn't make sense. but I cant describe it). I think he plays them from his computer too. I never really paid attention. I'm not sure?
If anyone can figure out what I'm saying and help me, I would love you. You probably think I'm such a nerd for being so clueless, but I'm not that clueless at everything ;) Thanks!