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Everything posted by Esther

  1. [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]Hm. Okay, I'll give up the pursuit of happiness argument. Darren: I couldn't have said it better myself. But there's still a few things I have to say to Crimson...[/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Crimson Spider']I do not like everyone resorting to the "pursuit of happiness" statement as a first resort for everything, either. But the fact is, that is a point that I have to deal with. Similarly, others have to deal with the fact that you must accept when people criticize or disagree with you, and creating laws forcing them not to would be an exercise in hypocrisy. The particular bill regarding adoption agencies, that hasn't been proposed yet, but it has been brought to my attention by a few people. Something about not letting someone else deny the right to have a child because of the whole "pursuit of happiness" thing. Given that it falls along the very same logic that would allow same-sex marriages to be legalized, it is a step that I fear in the future.[/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Like I've said so many times before in this debate: this shouldn't be a vote, this shouldn't be a debate, this should be a given. Those of us in favor of same-sex marriage are not in favor of creating laws to limit your freedom of speech. We're in favor of [I]amending[/I] laws to ensure that every law-abiding citizen in this nation has the same rights as the law-abiding citizen next to them. Before this country can sit on a pedstal and proclaim our supposed tolerance to the rest of the world, we must practice what we preach. We cannot truthfully call ourselves the "home of the free" when we ourselves refuse to live by the very statement. [/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [quote name='Retribution'][FONT=Arial]So you applaud him to pick a "token" candidate, not to actually advance women's rights, but as a puppet candidate? [/FONT] [/quote] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1]I said that I applauded the [I]attempt[/I] to make a big splash on the political scene -- in which they succeeded -- not the actual choice. And thanks for clarifying your statement about the whole informed women thing.[/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=1][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][strike]As for me, I really don't know who I'm going to vote for in November anymore.[/strike] I really did have faith in my party to bring forth a candidate whom I'd feel comfortable voting for, and they did so with Senator McCain. Unfortunately though, Sarah Palin sort of soiled the ticket for me this year. After watching some of her interviews, and hearing her convey the idea that we should invade our ally, Pakistan, if it means "keeping the terrorists out", I just don't know that I can bring myself to vote someone like that into the White House, especially one who would be a heartbeat away from being our President. EDIT: I've come to the verdict that I [I]cannot[/I] vote for Sen. Obama. [/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='Retribution'][font=Arial] So you're right: woman [i]should[/i] be offended with the McCain campaign -- because they did assume women would be irrational and foolish. I also doubt any informed woman would vote for McCain-Palin, but the GOP thought otherwise. [/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE="1"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]That's a very large conclusion to come to. I don't take the choosing of Sarah Palin as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee offending at all. I actually applaud the McCain campaign for attempting to make a clever political move. What I do find offensive though is your statement that "informed, liberal" women would never vote for the McCain-Palin ticket; what about informed, conservative women? Are you saying informed, conservative are women less likely to change their vote than informed, liberal women? I really, really, REALLY beg to differ. The minute Obama stepped onto the scene, the far-left swarmed around him like flies around a light bulb and have been strongly steadfast ever since. It seemed to me that you were characterizing women such as myself as so stubborn and ignorant in terms of our political beliefs that we wouldn't so dare as to vote for someone who doesn't represent our political stances to the tee -- which is obviously an impossible feat. But please, correct me if I mis-understood.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [quote name='Crimson Spider'][/font][/size] Not quite. I have taken the Socratic Method to homosexuality, and these are the conclusions I have come to. Though it is annoying that everyone immediately takes the ad-hominem approach in these arguments.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]Well, what do you expect? It's a debate (like I've already stated numerous times, one that shouldn't even BE debated) on civil rights. Also, I am answering your points -- I'm just not making them all fancy and instead giving it to you raw. Second, you can claim to be taking any method you want towards this argument. In my eyes, you're just trying to dress something really ugly up in something really fancy and it's not going to work with me.[/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Crimson Spider'] Well, you have done a good job of re-stating their views and enforcing them, but very little to actually argue this view. Here is the big question: Why don't homosexuals just ignore my opinion and go on to live their lives in private? Why is it that they have to take someone that doesn't agree with them, and then dedicate their lives towards limiting the rights of this person? The argument for the pursuit of happiness assumes that I am going to be happy with homosexuals taking the sacred institute of marriage and defiling it to just mean that two people lust for each other. I would not. Therefore, same-sex marriages are denying me of my right towards the pursuit of happiness when they change marriage. You need a much better reason to change marriage than just throwing in "Pursuit of Happiness". It is an institution with a legal function, and one that takes up the taxpayer's dollars. You can't vote yourself generous bonuses from the treasury only because it would make you feel better.[/quote] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]No, what the argument for the pursuit of happiness does assume is that you are infringing upon their right to be happy. By being a hinderance on what they want to do with their personal lives you're creating a road block in their pursuit of happiness. PPerhaps if people with the same views as you would stop taking to the voting booths and voting against the civil rights of homosexuals; they just might be able to do what they want with their lives and then ignore you. Did African-Americans during the Civil Rights Movement just sit there and ignore their ignorant, racist oppresors? Thank God they didn't! And not until all their "undeniable rights" as citizens of this country are granted, many people like myself along with people of the LGBT community will continue to promote true freedom and equality for ALL Americans. I find your statement that allowing same-sex marriages would "defile marriage to mean that two people lust for each other". People (straight and gay) who choose to marry each other do so out of love, not just lust. I married my husband because I was in love with him, found him attractive, and felt connected to him. I'm sure that many same-sex couples who get married have the same reasons. Do you consider my marriage to be a defilement of the "true meaning of marriate" or whatever you want to call it?[/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Crimson Spider']Gay Pride Parades, various novels, and persistent court appeals throw the issue in the face of the public, and these are done only because several individuals have, heaven forbid, voiced their distaste for homosexuals. That is what I was referring to. That whole story about the shorts is an unneeded tangent. Anyway, the rights that they limit are things such as my freedom of speech against them, my right to retain the objective definition of marriage, my right to have my child adopted by a straight couple, and eventually my right to place laws to control the public from otherwise bad choices. Those are the ones that are being argued against currently.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]I think it's so annoying when people use the First Amendment as their first back-up for everything. Honestly, freedom of speech has been distorted from it's true meaning so it can support someone's ability to spread hate/hateful speech and not be punished for it; such is true in your case. If you really wanted your child to be adopted by a straight couple then you could use an agency that allows couples giving their child away to choose another couple to serve as the adoptive parents. No one is going to force you to give your child to a gay couple.. which I really don't see what the problem there is...[/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Crimson Spider']Yes, they do. Otherwise, you wouldn't be arguing with me on this issue. Your friends represent the human side of the homosexual argument, which is the case that you are arguing for (interracial references, pursuit of happiness, freedom of public expression).[/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]Okay, I see how they can effect my actions. However, I think I'd still fight for the giving of rights to homosexuals even if I didn't have any gay friends. I still fail to comprehend how they effect my health?[/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Crimson Spider']Anyway, I will make friends with whomever I happen to make friends with. If this person is being influenced by a bad culture, a bad peer, drugs, or some other influence/problem, then under the given condition that I am their friend, I will help them with this problem. You can't expect me to just throw my hands up and say "Your not my friend anymore!" to someone I had known for years because he decided to come out of the closet some day.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]You can't "help" gay people to cease being gay. It's already been proven; so let that one go already. As for the whole friend thing, I would hope that friend would be able to help you better understand what they're all about.[/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Crimson Spider']I would rather keep them in a foster home, because I am very skeptical that two Lesbian Mothers could provide a loving, warm home that can raise the child adequately.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]Are you that oblivious to the thousands of children who have been raised by two parents of the same-sex to go on and lead healthy lifestyles? [/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms]Saying that the opposing party would have attacked Palin anyway is like saying the sky is blue. Everyone gets heat, and I hope by "left-wing taking heads" you weren't including me.[/font] [font=trebuchet ms] I don't speak for the MSM, what did you expect? As an educated viewer the best you can do it be the change you want to see and influence others around you to do the same. But I laugh at the idea of Palin being a Democrat.[/font][/QUOTE] No, I wasn't referring to you when speaking of left-wing talking heads. Also, I wasn't talking about Palin being a Democrat; instead I was speaking about her daughter.
  6. [quote name='Crimson Spider'] #1: From my disapproval of their actions, they have chosen to declare me the criminal element in their lives. They see me as the enemy towards their freedom from justifying their actions, as if all things in their lives would have been peachy and perfect had I not soiled it with my opinion. And so, they continue to oppose me by opposing all of the things that they stand for. This action is not dissimilar from a child hating his/her parents because the parents refused to give that child candy. [/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]You sort of remind me of the people who oppose inter-racial marriages. You're trying to cover up your intolerance by using all this complicated logic and sweeping your real bigoted-ness under the rug. The logic you state here doesn't make any sense. Of course you're the enemy towards their freedom. Of course homosexuals unfortunately face discrimination and probably will for a very long time but by people like you advocating their oppression you're also advocating against their pursuit of happiness which, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, is an inalienable right of man.[/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Crimson Spider']Their opposition to me goes much further than just disagreeing. They want to go as far as to limit my rights in favor of theirs, and have the public opinion hate me as well. As if their own opinion just isn't enough, they MUST have others agree with them and then despise me. This is when their actions cease being behind closest at all. Their actions are pulled out, and then thrown in the face of the public for all to see.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]I don't think that by allowing two men to marry my rights would suddenly mean nothing. I'd actually be even more greatful of them now that all of my fellow citizens enjoy the same rights. What do you mean "thrown in the face of the public for all to see"? Isn't that what straight people do these days anyways? There's no stopping it. It'd still happen even though people don't want it to. Suppose I totally despised of people wearing shorts. Would that stop someone with shorts on from walking down the same sidewalk as I? No. You don't like to see two men kissing. Is it going to stop them from kissing? No. Why should YOUR personal beliefs stop people from doing what they want? It doesn't make any sense.[/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Crimson Spider']This one is unrelated to the above two. People's actions aren't strictly isolated and arbitrary. What is done affects who someone is, and who someone is affects what is done. With that said, homosexual behaviors and relationships have effects on people's attitudes, actions, and health. My friends and my acquaintances have a direct effect on me through their health, their state of mind, and their actions, whether they are hidden behind closed doors or not. Like any decent person, I show concern for my fellow man, and I will not turn a blind eye to their actions.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]Um, what? I have 2 gay friends and they do not effect my attitudes, actions or health at all. There are 3 people who make me extremely content on the face of this planet: my husband, my mom, and my gay best friend! If it really bothers you that bad and effects your health like you claim (which I laughed out loud at btw) then don't have gay friends.[/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Crimson Spider']The primary function of marriage in society is ... and steady upbringing of children[/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]What if two lesbian mothers can provide a loving, warm home in a great neighborhood? Would you rather the child stay in an orphanage or unstable and moving from foster to foster home?[/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] You're kidding, right? Sarah Palin made Biden look like a fool? Neither of them looked like a fool, but if anything [B]Sarah Palin needs to learn how to answer questions rather than dodge them and recite speeches on things she wants to talk about.[/B] And wow, don't bring "snob" and "elitism" into this.[B] I don't care that she went to a bunch of community colleges, and her family has some private issues to handle.[/B] She happens to be an extreme right-wing politician who supports ideas that a lot of people don't like. If there was any relation between elitism and being against Palin, it'd be that young, educated people tend to be liberal and liberals tend to dislike Palin. [/font][/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]It wouldn't matter if she "learned" how to answer questions instead of "dodging them" -- she was still going to get heat. Even if she did well, which she did, the left-wing talking heads were going to over-analyze her and use it against her. If she did bad they were going to take it and run with it until the election is over. Second: how about you tell that to the MSM? I'm so sick and tired of being constantly reminded of her daughter's private matters. Honestly, why were her and her unborn child brought in to be used against her mother's stance on abstinence anyways? Just because her mother is in favor of something doesn't obligate her to think the same way. For all we know she could be a Democrat. I don't see CNN covering those YouTube videos of the children singing praise to Obama either. As for the debate, I think Sarah did an okay job. All I can say is that I'm thankful that they got Biden to not give an hour-long answer to every question. So kudos to Biden's advisors.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]I'm going to be lazy as well and bypass reading all the arguments as I feel they're too far in for me to jump in. Anyways, I'm going to throw in my two cents here. I personally believe that homosexuality is in no way immoral/wrong. I'm pretty sure that homosexuals are born being just that: homosexuals. Although there are some people who choose to engage in same-sex relationships voluntarily, but that's a whole other topic. What I fail to comprehend is why people would want to regulate what others do in their bedroom. No one's telling anyone to go out and watch gay people have sex or attend their weddings; so why is there a problem? For all I know, two men right now can be celebrating the night away after getting married right here in California. Is it effecting me? No. Why should I even CARE? It really, really, REALLY disgusts me that we have to VOTE on whether or not to give two people who truly love each other the right-of-way to marry each other. And I'm going to admit right now: I used to be against same-sex marriage -- until I realized how stupid I was for thinking that way in the first place. Being married is such a beautiful (for the most people, lol) experience one can ever have. It's not acceptable that we deny our fellow Americans the right to express their love for one another through the bond of marriage. What is this, the 1950's? This is not a matter of "Well my religion says..". This is a civil rights matter. Sure our nation may have been founded on Judeo-Christian values, but that was almost 300 years ago. Since then our country has undeniably gone through dramatic change. We can no longer run this nation based on one religious group's views when we represent hundreds of different religious and non-religious views. It just doesn't work that way anymore.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="1"]Heehee, so much love; it makes me happy. I first and foremost love God for giving me life and happiness. The past few years have been extremely great. And thanks to Him, when things seemed to get rough, I didn't go and jump off a bridge. (I'm not going super Christian fundamentalist on you guys.) I love my husband. So far he's brought nothing but pure ecstasy into my life. I'm extremely excited to spend the rest of my life with him and start a family with him as well. I can tell it's going to be great. I love my parents just for being there. Without the witty remarks on almost everything from my father, or the reassuring maternal advice from my mother; I'd be a completely mess. My puppy Coco Chanel (hehe). She's just so adorable and lights up my day, every day! Those are just the immediate things I could think of off the top of my head. This post made me feel so warm inside![/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I've just always loved the name Esther; I wish my parents had chosen that name for me instead of Grace. Grace is nice too, though.[/FONT]
  11. [SIZE="1"][I]Wow, it's been a while.[/I][/SIZE] [quote name='Gelgoog Pilot'] After those attacks we let people be pigeon holed and persecuted for their religion and ethnicity. We pushed the blame on others instead of who it belongs to.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]That statement right there sort of confuses me. Are you implying that people who've discriminated against Muslim Americans post-9/11 should instead focus their negativity on the terrorists? Or are you saying that we, the American people, are to blame for the attacks? The latter is the vibe I got from your post, Geloog. No one is to be blamed for the 9/11 attacks besides the terrorists themselves and the organization they operate under. Not Muslims as a whole. Not the American people. Not the Bush administration (I'm sorry, I'm a firm believer that 9/11 was an [U][B]outside[/B][/U] job). However, I do agree with you that we must take some responsibility for what our government does. Like you said, we did elect the President. But not EVERYONE voted for Bush, so not EVERYONE should be blamed for what the government does or doesn't do. Like Chibi said, if you don't like the way the government is being run, it's your job to go out in November and vote. :][/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"]Mhm. I haven't been around a very long time, but it does seem like its been ages since I've been on here! I don't think I was favoured by many because of my conservative views that I had.. but hey, someone had to be on the other side of the argument right? xD I do still lurk around the Boards once in a blue moon. When everyone lays their heads to sleep at night, I run around all by myself. Hehe.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [SIZE=1]Oi, I am so sorry but I'm not going to be able to post for a while -- I'm going to Arizona and California for quite a bit to visit family and such. I'm really sorry that I won't be able to post; its up to you if you want my character out of the game or not.[/SIZE]
  14. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Sorry for the crappy quality, I really wanted to post before I got left behind.[/SIZE][/FONT] ~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=DarkOrchid][B][SIZE=1]After Wendy left the room leaving her by herself, Cecille decided it would be best to get ready for the dinner. She stood in the middle of the room and looked around for the closet. [B]?Ah! There it is.?[/B] Cecille opened the closet to find that all of her belongings were already hanged up. With a slight gasp of pleasure, she grabbed a red oriental-esque looking dress and walked over to place it on top of her bed. Returning to the closet she looked for her matching heels and purse. After finding them Cecille took her things into the bathroom to dress, shutting the door behind her. A few minutes later, Cecille emerged in an all red formal outfit and a new set of make up applied. Gold dragons sewn into the dress raced and wrapped around her body, slightly glittering in the room?s light. Cecille ran her hands down her sides patting down the dress before picking up her purse inserting a few personal accessories and exited the room into the vast darkly-lit hallway. Cecille turned around closing the door and stood for a few moments looking both ways of the hallway. Hearing some conversation to one side of the hallway she walked in direction of the voices. The hallway seemed like it would never end; stopping halfway Cecille looked up at a painting that was illuminated by a lamp directly underneath it shining its light onto it. [B]?That?s really pretty.. I wonder how much it?s worth.? [/B] Cecille studied it for a few minutes before a voice jolted her out of her focus. [B]?Excuse me Miss. Harrison, but it?s best if you made your way to the dining hall. The dinner will begin shortly, and you cannot miss it.?[/B] A tall man clad in tuxedo and black tie who seemingly appeared out of now where stood next to Cecille looking down at her with emotionless face. [B]?Oh! Okay, I was on my way there..?[/B] Cecille turned around and proceeded walking towards the dining room. Turning slightly, she noticed that the servant had disappeared; almost as fast as he had appeared. ?Oh my gosh, that is so weird..? Shaking her head Cecille came to two large doors, with a gold plaque to the right reading ?DINING ROOM?. Cecille opened one of the doors and stepped inside to a very fancy looking dining room, with a large ornate dining table in the middle decorated with candles, flower arrangements, and silver ware. Cecille looked around to see that some others had already had taken their seats, she smiled kindly saying ?Good evening? aloud. About two people looked over and flashed a smile or nod of gratitude. Cecille hadn?t socialized with anyone yet, so she didn?t know whom to sit next to. With a glance over the attendees faces Cecille noticed that her two young room mates were seated next to each other. Cecille walked over and smiled at the two who seem to have been having a conversation. [B]?I hope you don?t mind if I sit here!?[/B] Without waiting for an answer Cecille pulled out a chair and sat down next to Wendy, who smiled weakly. Cecille nodded her head while putting her purse on the table waiting for the event to commence. [B]?This place is starting to make me curious..? [/B] [/SIZE] [/B][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1]I'm so sorry I haven't been able to post lately. I've been damn busy with work, I'll post ASAP though![/SIZE]
  16. [B][CENTER][COLOR=Pink][SIZE=1]?Excuse me Miss. Harrison, but your transportation has arrived.? A young male butler stood next to the multi-millionaire as she was laying face down on an extended chair basking in the warm Arizona sun. Slung over one arm he had Cecille?s clothes and was holding a silver tray with a single glass of champagne placed in the middle. Cecille slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position and grabbed the glass by the stem and took a sip. ?Mm, thank you Bradley. You can leave my clothes right there, and off with you for the day.? Cecille stood up while taking another sip from her wine, as the butler bowed slightly and quickly scurried out of the pool area and into the mansion. * * * * * * After about an hour and a half Cecille walked out into the pavement in front of her and her mothers mansion. Click, click, click. Cecille?s high heels made an echoing sound as she made her way to the limo. The chauffeur opened the door for the 23-year old, she stepped inside of the car while taking off her sunglasses and placing them into her purse. The chauffeur entered the car and looked at her through his rear view mirror, ?Where to,? he asked. Cecille?s eyes darted up to the mirror to make eye contact with him and answered ?Sky Harbor Airport.? Before she finished her sentence he had hit the accelerator and they were off. Cecille watched the desert scenery roll by on the way to the airport. ?I wonder what this place is going to be like, and this ?Master of Games? is really confusing. I just hope they have a good pool..? Cecille?s mind was filled with thoughts about the fortune, Dante Lui?ci and what was going to happen at the mansion. The limo rolled up into the airport and Cecille opened her door and grabbed her luggage as it was laid onto the concrete. The chauffeur tipped his hat saying, ?I hope you enjoy your vacation Miss. Harrison.? Cecille nodded and smiled warmly before walking into the airport and later on boarding the flight bound for Australia. * * * * * * Hours later Cecille arrived at the entrance of the mansion, to her surprise there were other individuals already milling about the gates. ?Other people..?? The man driving the car opened the door for her and said monotonously, ?You are not to enter until Sir Dante has made his appearance. Feel free to mingle with the other contestants.? ?Contestants?? Cecille looked at the man quizzically but he did not answer. She stepped out of the car and looked at the others who seemed to be standing in an awkward silence. Taking off her sunglasses she smiled and said aloud: ?Is anyone here from the Southwest US?? [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER] [/B]
  17. [COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1][I]Before signing up I went and read the last two (?) installments. And boy am I excited to get this started! I hope Cecille is up to your standards. [/I] [B]Name[/B]: Cecille Harrison [B]Age[/B]: 23 [B]Sex[/B]: Female [B]Location[/B]: Scottsdale, Arizona [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p202/SALPALS/KawaiiLilGirl.jpg]Cecille[/URL] [B]Personality[/B]: Cecille having grown up in a very prestigious and rich area of Arizona, she has been raised to carry herself higher than the average person. Her parents taught her at a very young age that no one else in the world was better than her ? she was the most perfect little girl in the universe, and she believed every little word of it. Growing up, Cecille has developed a ?blonde air head? reputation but not many people know the true Cecille. Underneath all the make up, designer clothes, and jewelery lies a girl who is struggling to find her identity and the real person whom has been hiding for so many years. Always being there for her friends Cecille does not like to see other people upset, she?ll do anything she can to cheer someone up. Constantly hugging everybody, Cecille?s warm personality tends to get her into both good terms and bad. Most people are not very accepting of Cecille?s touchy feely actions when they first meet her but after a while, they usually get used to it along with her signature quote: ?Oh. My. GOSH!? There?s no changing Cecille, she?s just who she is. [B]Bio[/B]: Cecille Harrison was born in Seoul, Korea to a native mother and successful businessman who just so happens to be the CEO of Harrison Electronics, the biggest international electronic distributor in the world. Cecille?s parents moved her back to her fathers hometown of Scottsdale, Arizona where she started schooling at a private school at the age of 5. Junior High was probably the two years that molded Cecille into what she pretty much is today. During this time Cecille became a cheerleader, and started to go to school dances, having boyfriends, and partying all before she was 14. Around the school hallways Cecille was known as being ?cold hearted *****? and ironically, for that very reason every girl wanted to be her. But soon, Cecille would undergo a dramatic personality change. After she had gone so far as to make a girl move out of school boundaries to escape the humiliation Cecille caused her, Cecille decided that it was best to change her ways. She remained with her friends, but had become a nicer person wishing never to make someone undergo the same pain that girl did. But, as you can suspect, no one can change that easily and remain that way for long. Cecille may have a bubbly and cute exterior ? but she will do anything to get her hands on fame and fortune. Shortly after her 18th birthday, Cecille?s grandfather and founder of Harrison Electronics passed away. Because he had left no will, the fortune of $12B was up for grabs ? and every member of the Harrison family believed to be the rightful owner including Cecille. When she had learned that all Harrison family members were to gather at the family mansion in Salt Lake City, Utah she quickly packed her belongings and got on the first flight. Upon arriving, all family members were expected to mingle and enjoy the beautiful scenery Utah had to offer. Obviously, it soon became apparent that this wasn?t the case. Cecille couldn?t stand knowing that the fortune could be falling into someone else hands, she knew she had to take drastic measures. A few days later, 18 of the 20 visitors were found dead in their rooms each with a case of potassium cyanide poisoning. The two survivors, Cecille and her mother, were awarded the fortune due to circumstances that no other Harrison family members were alive to claim it. Now 23, Cecille Harrison is pampered and doted upon every single minute of her life. While living the life of a socialite, Cecille receive an e-mail to go and visit a mysterious mansion and possibly leaving with a large sum of money. She happily replies yes, and without telling anyone where she is headed she anxiously awaits arriving at Dante Lui?cis mansion. [B]Greatest Desire[/B]: Money, fame, beauty [B]Greatest Fear[/B]: Rejection, being poor, being alone[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='Darren']It's not going to be exactly like the book is it? What twists do you have in mind, if any? And are you going to allow only one to survive or will it be like the book in the sense that two will possibly escape?[/quote] [SIZE=1]No, it will not be exactly like the book. If anything, it will be the complete opposite. But of course, there will be some similarities between the two as it being that this RP is based off of the manga/film/novel. I was hoping that there will only be one survivor, but there might be a twist in the end where more then one escape? You never know. =] Twists? Of course there will be twists! But I can't tell you them, or they wouldn't be twists now would they? [/SIZE] [quote name='Gavin']Jamie has a very good point, despite looking to be a lot of fun, the problem with Battle Royale type RPGs is their limiting nature. People will find themselves struggling to keep themselves alive, while at the same time not slowing the RPG to a stand-still. That said I'm definitely going to sign up, and I hope this will turn out to be great.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Mhm, I was actually thinking the same exact thing when I was deciding whether or not to make the RP. I wasn't really sure if there would be enough time for different things except killing to take place. I was hoping, if the players co-operate, that there will actually be more of a plot line that unfolds itself rather than killing 24/7. We'll just have to see how it goes. And thank you for those of you going to sign up, I hope it goes well. [/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Welcome to the Underground thread for my new RP Battle Royale! Here you're going to find some information that you'll find GREATLY useful in the game. So without further adieu, here it is! [FONT=Georgia][B][CENTER]Survival Kits[/CENTER][/B] Each character has been provided with a "Survival Kit". In this kit, you will find a weapon, map, food, and water. At the beginning of the game, I will PM you your weapon and map. Remember, you won't always get lucky with a weapon! You might get lucky -- or you might not. You have to be creative with what you get. If you kill another player, you are able to take that persons weapon. [I]Yukiko reaches into her bag and pulls out a IMI Micro Uzi sub-machine gun and gasps. "I got lucky!" [/I] [/FONT] [FONT=Georgia][CENTER][B]Killing/Dying[/B][/CENTER] I will be deciding who is going to die and who survives. NPCs should be killed off first, and then the actual players (you guys) can start fighting each other. When fighting one another, leave the battle at a point where either one of you can die. I will then PM the person who dies so they can create their own "death post". How will I decide who dies? I will be looking in the following areas to see who did the best: [list] [*]Good Technique [*]Realistc [*]Post Quality [/list] [/FONT] [B][CENTER]NPCs[/CENTER][/B] [FONT=Georgia]NPCs will be able to be killed at anytime. There will be 21 boys and 21 girls (including you) in the game. You are also able to take their weapon for yourself[/FONT].[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]More information will be posted soon, so sit tight![/SIZE]
  20. [B][SIZE=1]July 14, 2006[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=1][FONT=Times New Roman][I]Letter To The Dictator of The Republic of Greater East Asia:[/I] [CENTER][B]Dear Great Dictator,[/B] I am writing to you in regards to the BR Act that was concluded in 2003 after two participants of the game escaped alive. We were coming to a time of peace, the unemployment rate was lowered, and the students seemed calm and under control. But all things must come to an end, am I correct? The students have been throwing riots all over the country and are posing a threat to the adults, and thus the BR Act should be re-enforced. I believe that this would only be best for our great country. Don?t you agree? I?ll be awaiting your answer. ? [B]Daisuke Fujimoto, Minister of Education.[/B] Dear Minister, [I]Start the selection process.[/I] - [B]The Great Dictator[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] ~~~ [QUOTE=The Dictionary of The Republic of Greater East Asia] BR Act: 1. a program in which fifty third year students are randomly chosen to participate in a survival competition where all students must die until there is one winner left 2. A law passed to keep the uprising students under control 3. A game used for military research[/QUOTE] ~~~ [COLOR=Purple][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Battle Royale is a novel/manga/film that has built up much controversy over the years. In all three versions, a 9th Grade class is randomly chosen to participate in a ?game? where they must kill their friends and classmates until there is one lone survivor. Each player is provided with a weapon, map, food, and water at the beginning of the game. Also, each participant has a metal collar strapped around their necks and if for any reason someone chooses not to play the game, or tries to take it off, the collar will detonate within seconds.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]This RP is simple and really doesn?t require that much explanation. You and the other players (including some NPC?s) will be acting as students from Third Year Class C, Kurosawa Junior High School. The rules are simple; kill each other until only one of you survives. All the information regarding the game can be found in the Underground. This thread is strictly for sign ups, questions can also be asked in the Underground as well.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1]Sign Up Form: Name: (Japanese) Age: 15-16 Appearance: (You don?t need to describe clothing, everyone will be in a school uniform.) Personality: Pre-Program: (A brief biography)[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
  21. [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Hehe.. X-Mas, my favorite time of year! The music and everyone running around outside just makes you wanna go out there and start spending some money! I call it the "Christmas high". But anyways here are some things that I want for Christmas from my parents and friends ( if I do not receive them before Christmas day itself ): - [B]A brand new Sidekick 3[/B]. I've actually been pondering whether or not to go out and buy this myself, I absolutely [B]NEED[/B] this phone. I mean it does everything you can possibly ask for! I'd be more than happy to throw away my Razr for a Sidekick 3. - [B]A new laptop[/B]. I don't care for any kind as long as its small in size that I can carry with myself to the cafe and such without it having to be a workout. - [B]Paint job for my car[/B]. I don't know if this is an actual Christmas present but.. I just want to change the color of my car. Perhaps my parents can send some money to get it done? - [B]New clothes.[/B] And they have to be fashionable, no Wal-Mart specials. And that's about it. First three can run pretty expensive.. but hey! It's Christmas, you can't be cheap.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='Aaryanna']But how do you know if guiding the youth into a LDS member lifestyle is what?s truly best for them? You?ve made the general assumption that if a youth doesn?t want that lifestyle then they are goofing around too much.[/quote] [SIZE=1]No, I think you mis-read my statement. What I'm trying to say is that most of the teen population today usually doesn't want to be involved with religious events or go to church in general and just want to go out and hang around, and in some cases just make a mockery. So a lot of the older generation just never takes the time to actually LISTEN to what a teenager has to say, therefore their questions aren't taken seriously.[/SIZE] [quote name='Aaryanna']Oh and by the way, other than my mom I don?t consider these people or the leaders of the church my ?overseer? so to speak. [/quote] [SIZE=1]I apologize.[/SIZE] [quote name='Aaryanna']My question was if my father was paying tithing on the money he makes, then why was my mom also paying tithing on the same money? You see my parents are divorced and she gets child support for me.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Well is that her sole income? Or does she have a side job of some sort?[/SIZE] [quote name='Aaryanna']I asked that if we were really an equal opportunity religion, then why can?t women have the priesthood or hold positions like the guys do in church? I?m sure you can imagine the uproar that created. They kept arguing that it was equal and I kept telling them that equal means just that! Equal! It wouldn?t have bothered me so much if they could just admit that it?s pretty much a male dominated religion. But instead I was given a lecture about being disrespectful.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Well, America is supposably the best country in the world where everyone is equal and you can get a job no matter what. But still, have you ever seen a woman/colored president? Of course not, but that doesn't make you want to stop being American does it?[/SIZE] [quote name='Aaryanna']I have friends who do that, (one because her husband has back problems) and even though they do a good job of taking care of their kids, people in the ward are rude to them as if their father is a bad person.[/quote] [SIZE=1]This is probably because of the "rude peoples" upbringing as a child. Their father was probably out working while their mother was at home tending to them and their siblings, and they were taught to do the same. So obviously the fact that the man was at home probably alienated them, and in some odd way got them upset. [/SIZE] [quote name='Aaryanna']Anyway, I wanted to know how Adam and Eve were supposedly responsible for the entire human race. After all if there were only two humans to start with, I would have imagined that there would have been all sorts of genetic inbreeding and other issues.[/quote] [SIZE=1]This is why science and religious theory can never come together. If you ever take any sort of scientific theory and put it along with religion, especially Christianity and the story of Adam and Eve well.. it gets really ugly and it comes out making no sense. So if you don't believe in the story of Adam and Eve, then so be it. Also, do you have any sort of messenger? I would like to talk to you, I guess "live" whatever you want to call it. ^_^[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]1. What religion are you CURRENTLY following? If you don't have one, then why? I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, as I have been since the age of 8 ( like most members ). 2. Why do you follow that religion? Parents, personal reasons, etc? Well, I guess I would have to give kudos to my great-great-great-great-great (and so on for how many generations..) grand parents. They were the ones who joined Joseph Smith, on my fathers side at least, when he "popped" out of the woods. They're the cause of who I am now, and I thank them for that. But I choose to continue following my faith mostly because of personal reasons. I really love the feeling of knowning that I am always walking hand-in-hand with Him, and I will never be alone regardless of where I am and who I'm with. It's just a really great feeling to walk into a Church meeting, and recieve the sacrament and just feel.. refreshed. I also expect my future family to be as devout as I am.. 3. Do you ever feel that people often criticize you because of these beliefs? My answer is simple, yes. I grew up in Arizona, and at the time there weren't as many Mormons as there are now. So when someone would bring up the subject of Mormonism, it was usually to say negative things. I usually found myself defending my religion all the time, sometimes my friends would back me up hehe. Also, when I lived in Singapore for work it was.. awkward. Almost no one knew what a Mormon was, usually people would ask "Who is Mormon?" or "Isn't Mormon a place?". But, I guess it wasn't their fault.. there just isn't a large Mormon population there. 4. This one may spark a little bit of arguing: Do you believe that your religion is the one true religion? If so provide evidence. I wouldn't exactly say that we are the one true religion, but simply we have a little bit more knoweledge than other religions. I feel that most Mormons are comfortable within the religion, rather than the next person in another religion. The fact that we have more than one testimony of Jesus Christ is lone evidence. [quote name='Aaryanna'] And that would be because my parents and people around me were expecting me to. And it bothered me that my questions were brushed off as if I lacked faith, instead them taking them seriously.[/quote] Honey, we want the best for our youth. We want to guide them into a better LDS member lifestyle, but today's generation seems to goof around way too much. Perhaps that's why you're overseer's didn't take your questions as serious as they should have? And if you don't mind me asking, which questions were these exactly? [quote name='HedonismBot']I believe that the point of what you believe in is, in the end, to be happy.[/quote] Wow, I've come across an athiest whose goal isn't to prove me wrong.. hmm. [quote name='Veritas']I personally don't believe it is possible to have one "true religion". In my oppinion one religion isn't going to be right for everyone in the world, although it may be right for certain people. And if that religion can keep them spiritually satisfied and happy, then by all means go for it. I personally think there is just one god and he has many faces. It's kinda like parenting, a parent can't act the same way for every kid because they are all different, they like different things, and get motivated in different ways.[/quote] I'm sort of confused, if you don't believe there is a one true religion then do you not believe in a Heaven or Hell? Or any sort of life beyond death? If you believe that God has many faces, then are we all going to the same place when we die?[/SIZE]
  24. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Hey fellow Otaku's. It's Esther here, with yet another stimulating religion-based discussion! Yahoo! Hehe. With the constant flow of new OtakuBoards members, there will be new people thus new beliefs. A thread like this is going to be popping up all the time, and I just thought I'd be the host this time around. So, maybe this can be organized with a couple discussion questions hmm?: [B]1. What religion are you CURRENTLY following? If you don't have one, then why?[/B] [B]2. Why do you follow that religion? Parents, personal reasons, etc?[/B] [B]3. Do you ever feel that people often critisize you because of these beliefs?[/B] [B]4. This one may spark a little bit of arguing: Do you believe that your religion is the [I]one true religion?[/I] If so provide evidence.[/B] ** [B]I have to get going somewhere, so I'll post back to this when I get back. Hope y'all have fun with this now![/B] **[/SIZE][/FONT]
  25. [SIZE=1]We've all been hearing it on the news, Kim Jong-il is up to no good, [I]again[/I]. Supposably the dictator has been testing nuclear bombs somewhere in the East Asian region, in reaction, American, Japanese (and to most peoples surprise) Chinese, and Russian leaders have been coming together to discuss what to do with the so called "North Korean threat". This isn't the first time, there have been countless other times when North Korea has said to fire "test" nuclear bombs. Once, they even sent one over the country of Japan as to make a threat. I'm actually quite surprised no one has started thread, I would think it would make a good discussion here. So here's the topic: [B]What should we do to get rid of the North Korean threat?[/B] In my opinion I think that the United States should take its focus off Iraq, which I might add is not posing a threat as of now, and put its mind toward the Asian region. If we don't act fast North Korea will definately use their weapons and attack the States, we are spending too much time trying to go into a nation that is at a point of no return when we should be dealing with a nuclear crisis on the rise. North Korea is no joke, Kim is a [B]DANGEROUS[/B] dictator and hould be dealt with [B]NOW[/B]. The United States should pull half (if not all) of its troops out of Iraq and have them prepare for some sort of war with North Korea. Even though time is crucial, I think that the American military should give the active troops a rest while sending fresh ones to keep an eye on North Korea. So what do you think, how should we deal with North Korea? Or do you think that North Korea isn't a threat at all..?[/SIZE]
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