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[SIZE=1]Dawn was almost ecstatic that there were other people who were in the ?coma? with her. She had met two very nice girl who introduced herself as Bethany. She was from Salt Lake City, Utah. They had a very good conversation of where they were from and what not, then Bethany introduced her charming brother, Darren. [B]?Pleased to meet you. I?m Dawn.?[/B] Darren smiled and nodded his head slightly. A wave of silence came over the trio of chatters, but was soon broken by the ever anxious Dawn and her barrage of questions once more. [B]?I wonder when this ball is going to end, maybe they?ll tell what we are supposed to be doing here. I really wonder why we went into the coma in the first place!?[/B] The siblings watched her as she insisted to keep asking un-answerable questions at the time beings. Bethany looked around the ballroom, [B]?Well. I?m pretty sure that us find out why we?re here is inevitable. I mean, they just can?t leave us hanging right??[/B] ?[B]You?re right,? [/B] Darren added [B]?they wouldn?t round us up for no apparent reason.?[/B] Dawn nodded slowly as her eyes studied the other guests. There seemed to be one man, who she had overheard name?s Bellerophon, talking with a newer man who had just entered. Some of them seemed to be smiling and having fun, while others stood in the background staring into space. Dawn smiled at the two, [B]?So, would you like to go grab a tad of tea -- wait! I think that's the Supreme Chancellor walking in over there!"[/B] Bethany's expression to turned to that of confusion as she turned around asking, [B]"How do you know what he looks like?"[/B] Darren turned as well to try and catch a glimpse of the man responsible of their presence there. [B]"Because, there was a sculpture in my room of him!"[/B] The three quickly hushed as the man prepared himself to talk. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Dawn walked up to the white square that was placed next to the door, she lifted up her hand and waited a second before dropping it. [B]?What if this is some kind of trap? How do I know that this isn?t going to like, shoot out arrows or something..?[/B] She shook her head and loosened up her body. [B]?Ok Dawn, you?ve got to do this. You need to get to this little ball and see what this whole thing is about. C?mon Dawn..,?[/B] she lifted her hand and pushed the white square. When the voice started giving out the instructions she flinched. [B]?Please walk down the hallway...?[/B] Dawn giggled a little and listened intently to the woman?s voice that was giving out instructions on how to get to the ball. It sounded like she was there in the room, but Dawn couldn?t spot any speakers of any sort. [B]?Must be an intercom around here or something.?[/B] Dawn walked down the hallway and made her way into the corridor, she noticed that three figures were opening a door and into a grand room, she only caught a glimpse of it before the door closed behind them. There was more? Her instincts were correct, there had to be more. After all, Anne said she had other people to attend to didn?t she? This was starting to get very weird, was she one of these ?hybrids? that the letter was talking about. She had to! This is what all this stuff is about! Or was it? Dawn slowly entered the ballroom. It was marvelous! There were butlers running around with trays as if they were going to serve the Queen herself, it looked so exciting! The ?others? were talking amongst themselves, and some seemed to have been dancing. Dawn took a seat at a small round table that was beautifully covered with a pearl white table cloth. She leaned against the table and heaved a big sigh. [B]?I wish I was home...?[/B][/SIZE]--------- [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Sorry for the short post, I kind of had no internet access for a couple of days. If someone could interact with me, that would be just dandy.[/FONT]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Dawns eyes fluttered open, they immediately started to shift and look in every possible direction. This was definitely not her bedroom that she went to sleep in last night, where in hell was she? Dawn kicked off the silk red covers that she had been neatly tucked into. She threw her feet over the edge of the bed and propped herself upright. The room was gorgeous! It seemed as though she was in a room from some English castle, she had always loved them and visited them frequently. Statues, paintings, and floral arrangements were cleverly scattered across the room. Dawn walked up to a statue of a mans head, his head was slightly tilted to the left, as if to make him look more magnificent. Dawn ran her fingers across the small gold plaque on the edge of the column holding up the white stone head. Supreme Chancellor: Dominique Villette [B]?Fine looking man isn?t he??[/B] Dawn spun around almost knocking down the sculpture. There stood a short, rather rotund, woman dressed in a plain looking gray dress. The odd woman was smiling, eyes slightly closed and her arms crossed carrying a dress. Dawn proceeded to stare at the woman who had entered her room unannounced. [B]?I?m so very sorry! Did I frighten you? Well once again I do apologize. Come now! Get dressed, you mustn?t miss the ball!?[/B] Dawn lifted an eyebrow trying to process all the stuff that was going on through her mind, she had woken up in a random room, she had no idea where she was, and a fat woman had just barged into the room and nearly scared the hell out of her! [B]?Um,?[/B] Dawn started, [B]?who are you? And, where am I??[/B] The woman?s eyes narrowed, she seemed to get irritated quickly. She place the clothes gently on top of the bed, and scurried toward the ornate night stand that sat next to the bed. She then picked up a cream coloured letter and turned toward Dawn. [B]?I suppose you didn?t take the time to read this letter did you now??[/B] Dawn nodded, her eyes focussed on the paper the woman had in her hands. She nodded her head hesitantly, still drowsy from her long sleep. The woman sighed and walked toward Dawn, who stepped back as she did so. [B]?Oh don?t be so ridiculous! To answer your first question, my name is Anne. And I just so happen to work here, I am to look after you and make sure you get to the ball along with the others.? [/B] [B]?Others? What others? Please, I really don?t understand this..?[/B] Dawn was cut off by the woman, now known as Anne, handing her the letter. Dawn retrieved the letter and opened it up. Her eyes quickly ran across the letters imprinted upon the paper, it was starting to make sense now. The man she had seen in the sculpture was the man who had written the letter she was reading. [B]?Um, so where am I??[/B] Anne sighed again, ?I don?t have all day. There are others to attend and I am pretty sure are already awake.? With that said, she walked over to the curtain and pulled a rope, parting the curtain into two pieces, and revealing the city of Paris2. Dawn walked slowly toward the large window, she placed a hand slowly on the glass. She wasn?t sure if that was going to fall out, this place was a fun house already. [B]?What the hell? Is that the Eiffel Tower? Why is it blocked off at the bottom like that? Why are there so many walls??[/B] Anne giggled, [B]?It?s probably different than what you might have remembered my dear. But you will learn in time. You will, I promise. Now, get into your dress and be ready. You have less than an hour to get ready and attend the ball. When you?re done, just click that white panel over there.?[/B] Anne gestured toward a white panel, just as she had said, next to the door. [B]?That?ll tell you where you need to go. Welcome to Paris2.?[/B] With a small smile, Anne walked out of the room and closed the door making an echo within the room. Dawn sighed and turned toward the window once more and looked down into the dim lighted city called Paris2. Then, she had remembered the needed to get ready for the ball. She made her way to wear the dress was placed. Her hand slowly traced the dress before she put it on. Standing before a mirror, Dawn studied herself in the new apparel. She forced a small smile, and ran her hand down her hip. [B]?This is so weird, it?s probably a dream. Perhaps a hallucination, yes that?s right. A hallucination. Tomorrow I will wake up, and go to the office. No more crying. Now, let?s see what this whole thing is about.?[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1]Nocturne walked down a sidewalk in the mutant island-nation known as Gensoha. The sidewalks were crowded, much like the ones in New York City, she slid in and out of people brushing shoulders with other mutants. -RING RING- The bell rang as Nocturne entered the door of a small store, it was empty. The clerk behind the desk looked up from examining an antique. He smiled, Nocturne smiled back. "[B]Ah Thalia! Come in, come in!"[/B] Nocturne smiled and removed her coat and placed it on the coat rack next to the door. She took a few steps into the store, her golden eyes wandering across the antique store and taking in all the valuable objects that were beautifully decorated around the dim lighted room. "[B]So what brings you to my store young one[/B]," the clerk asked as he polished a vase that stood upon a shelf behind him. He had four arms, so this was rather easy for him to do. Nocturne picked up a small frame which contained a picture of two women, it seemed to date back to the 1900's. Nocturne smiled, it was beautiful. "[B]Nothing really, just came by to say hello and see what new stuff you got in[/B]." She turned around to smile at the clerk. This was a lighter side to Nocturne, around other mutants she felt normal. She didn't feel out of place. As a child she was ridiculed because of her skin colour, three fingered hands, indigo fur, and prehensile tail. But her mother protected her, no matter where they were. She loved her mother.. [B]"James, do you ever feel that... that Genosha is becoming unstable?"[/B] The clerk, now known as James, stood stiff. For her knew what Thalia was talking about, he nodded slowly. "[B]I am afraid I do Thalia..[/B]." "[B]Ah, well bye James[/B]." "[B]Buh-bye Thalia[/B]." Thalia teleported away, she soon found herself perched on top of a mountain overlooking the nation that was built along the coast of an island. "[B]Genosha... my home[/B]."[/SIZE][/FONT] ------------------- [FONT=Comic Sans MS]OOC: I hope this ok Joko. :p [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]Mhm. Interesting. Well, most people think of me as a guy when the first meet me online, I really don't know why. But then I go into using smileys and stuff and they end up finding out I am a girl. I think that's another sterotype for girls on the forums across the Internet. If you use tons of smileys, people will start to think of you as a girly figure. Tee hee. XD But, I think most of you think I'm a girl, right? I mean my screen name (also my name) is in fact Grace. Unless... some of you find me manly. :animeangr [/SIZE] [/FONT]
[SIZE=1]Hey guys. I just want to inform you all that I am leaving to Singapore this Friday. I might be there for a week or two, depending on how long the fair is, I really don't know. There will be a 50/50 chance that I will have internet access in my hotel room. So if I don't make it in time, please don't kill me off, I'll be here! Thanks. - Grace[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I'm really excited I made it into your RPG James! I didn't think I was going to make it, but I did! Yay me! Well, I just was wondering if there is going to be a lot of combat scenes in this RPG. Since a major concept within the RPG is the battle between Hybrid and human, I was assuming that there was going to be a large deal ammount of fighting and battling. I just want to know so I can be prepared. - Grace[/SIZE]
[QUOTE] Ok I'm probably going to get someone yelling at me about this, but I don't think I will ever date out of my race (My brother is the complete opposite- he won't date white girls because 'they whine too much ) I don't know what it is. I usually attribute it to the fact that I don't know if I could deal with people staring at me or accusing me of trying to be (fill in the race here) or maybe the bad experiance I had with a guy out of my race I kind of dated in high school.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]I know exactly what you mean CHW. But, I have dated outside my race on numerous occasions, because when I look at someone their race usually doesn't come to mind first. If I dated, say for instance, a Latino/Hispanic guy it would look somewhat different. Not neccessarily odd or weird, but different. But I don't understand that concept considering the fact that some Filipino's date within the Latino race and it doesn't look uncommon. But if I went out with a white guy, it's a whole different story. It seems that everywhere you go now a days a Asian girl can be found with a Caucasian guy rather than an Asian guy. So, it would look "normal". And I really don't like that. I think that no matter what race dates with what race, they should be seen as a COUPLE. "Inter-racial" is kind of out dated for me[/SIZE].
[SIZE=1]I'm sure you have all heard of the "Teacher of the Year" awards and what not. Where a student writes in about his/her teacher in order to give that teacher the trophy and title of "Teacher of the Year". Well, yesterday on the news a teacher in my area recieved the trophy, and the news team was there to capture the whole 'reaction' I guess. So the teacher was ecstatic, the class cheered for her, and the girl who wrote in read her letter. And that wasn't all! The news reporter said this: "And little Mary ( I forget her name ) won't walk off empty handed for her efforts! She recieves a [B]$20 gift certificate to Wal-Mart[/B]." I almost died on the floor laughing. And the funniest part was that the girl was excited about her prize.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just remembered another one. Supposably there is a woman who has 27 orgasms a day. Then, it turned out she had an orgasm everytime she sneezed or laughed out loud. It kind of sounded odd, imagine her during allergy season hmm?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]A blue figure crouched on top of a cliff, her two arms balancing in between her knees. The cool breeze seemed to caress her face, she closed her eyes and let the breeze relax her. Down below was a city, her goal, wreak havoc on the city. She didn?t know exactly why she had to do this, but she felt she HAD to. [B]-BAMF-[/B] Nocturne materialized in an alley, somewhere in the shopping district of the city. A man walked into the alley, a perfect target. Without hesitation, Nocturne pounced literally, INTO the man. The man was now possessed by Nocturne. ?What a whimp.? Nocturne dusted off her body and loosened herself up. As Nocturne exited the alley, she spotted exactly where she could plan her attack. The local gas station. She quickly searched her new body for a lighter, and luckily found on. Nocturne looked both ways before crossing the street, and jogged toward the gas station. She then quickly picked up a pump, places a few dollars in, and started pouring gas all over the gas station, the cars, pumps, ceiling, everything. A gas station attendant ran up to Nocturne. ?Excuse me sir, but I?m afraid you can?t do that.? Nocturne?s host?s eyes turned a dark yellow, then she emerged from the body letting it fall to the floor with a loud THUNK. ?Well why not?? The gas attendant stumbled backwards slowly. ?Gah!? Nocturne let out a demonic laugh, but was cut off with the sirens of police cars. ?Mutant! Put your hands in the air now!? Thalia Darkholme, a 20 year old evil mutant, turned around to face her foes. Her mother was the one who had taught her to fight and use her powers for evil, young Thalia was taught to destroy anyone who stood in her way and goals. Mutant or not. It wasn?t long until her mother, Mystique, revealed that she was part of the mutant terrorist group, The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. ?No.? -[B]BAMF[/B]- Nocturne appeared behind a police officer and hit him in the back of his neck, making him fall to the ground unconscious A series of [B]-BAMFS[/B]- went on as Nocturne reigned terror on the police unit. By the time she was done, Nocturne saw a unit of SWAT arrived. Then in what seemed a heart beat, a piece of metal from the gas station removed itself from it?s place and whacked the SWAT down to the floor. Nocturne turned around to see who or what was doing this. [B]?Welcome to the Brotherhood, Darkholme.? [/B] [/SIZE]
[QUOTE](What did the hostess do?)[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Well, she kind of gave us a weird look. And sat the other lady down first, as to not cause any commotion or scene in the front of a restaurant. I was just really pissed off, I wasn't going to fight with some woman.. And as I read my opening post I just found myself to sound hypocritical (sp). In Singapore, we strive for racial equality. Yeah, right. Some idiotic people thought "Well, I don't think there will be as much Chinese people living here." What a STUPID statement. But anyways.. Chinese does make up the majority of Singapore. And Malaysians following close behind. The two races, didn't neccesarily get along at first. At one time, it was so bad, race riots broke out across the island and even in Malaysia. And my grandmother was part of them I guess. She thought that because we were Chinese, that we ruled the whole Eastern Asia continent. Which is kind of ironic because Chinese people can be found on any Eastern Asian country..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I did do a search before I started this thread, and recently theres been a thread about inter-racial couples. But I just thought I would bring up this subject again because of a personal experience I had encountered just today. I have just arrived in America for the first time in a long time, and I went out with my friend, Leah. Leah is a girl I met through my job, she's African American. It was her idea to go to Chili's for a "[B]Welcome to America[/B]" celebration. I agreed, thought it would be nice to spend the night out with a friend, [I]right[/I]? The dining area was almost, if not completely, empty. Leah and I were waiting to be seated, and a woman walked in behind us, she was Caucasian. Then, the hostess came and smiled at [U]all three of us[/U]. The woman standing behind us literally broke through me and Leah, and presented herself to the hostess. The words she said will never leave my mind: "[B]I believe I should be seated first[/B]." I was disgusted! How could she?! And Leah was just calm, I didn't understand. Later we talked at the table, and I asked Leah how she was so collective. " Grace, you come from a country where you're the majority. You aren't used to that kind of thing, but in America.. the tables are turned. Some people will look down on you because you aren't white,[B] it's just the way it is[/B]." It was true, in China and Singapore, the majority is obviously Chinese. With the exception of Singapore, it's very diverse in Asian culture. But I still was so shocked, I had witnessed racism toward me for the first time. I just, couldn't understand. I would like to hear [B]your[/B] stories of racism. Do you think racism will ever stop? Do [I]YOU[/I] have a racial prejudice, if so explain. Have you ever been attacked because of your race? It would be nice to have a CIVILIZED online conversation. If you would like to debate, just keep it down a knotch..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]First off, great RPG idea James. I knew a while ago we had a conversation about you making a new RPG. I'm so excited that you decided to follow through with it! Yay James! Ok now lets get down to business: My question is kind of simple, how long have our characters been in the coma status? I want to edit my sign up so it's almost flawless, so I can get in. lol Well that's my question. Thanks in advance.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Dawn White [B]Age[/B]: 24. [B]Gender[/B]: Female.. [B]Place of Origin[/B]: Northern London, United Kingdom [B]Known History[/B]: Dawn was born into an ordinary British family. Her mother was Arab, and her father was Caucasian. They lived in a relatively medium sized house, Dawn loved her house. Her friends were always over on the weekends when school let out. She just lived a normal life, she went on to graduate her secondary schooling with decent grades. During her free time, Dawn enjoyed walking downtown to vist the local antique book store. She found documents on ancient people very intesting, and in some odd way, she thought she was connected to them in a way. Little did she know she was.. Dawn went on to college to study medicine, she graduated at the age of 20. Back then, you were able to find Dawn working at a small hospital in London. I guess you can say Dawn was leading a pretty successful life. She then managed to buy and maintain a small house in the outskirts of the city. At the age of 22, Dawn started to date a young man by the name of Michael Bitingly. Dawn thought the whole world revolved around this man, they were in love. Nothing was able to tear them apart. Then something had happened, and Michael strangely disappeared, never to be found. Depression got the best of young Dawn, she spent most of her days staying in her bed crying, not eating, nor leaving the house. There were also countless nights where Dawn woke up and went to open the door and peer around the cold night landscape, in hopes that her dear Michael would be there. One night, Dawn went to bed. And didn't wake up, she was in a coma. Her parents thought it was because of her depressed state, professionals thought the same. She didn't wake up for a long time... Until now.... [B]Personality[/B]: Dawn is one of those ?so what? kind of people. She is always thinking of what is going on in the future, never about the present . In school, if Dawn had gotten in some sort of trouble she would say, ?So, how is this gonna affect me in 2 years?? Dawn?s logic was always somewhat annoying, but a completely understandable one at that. Also because of this attitude toward life, her parents used to think that she was going to be some sort of club hopper, and were dumbfounded with her decision to go to college and study web design. Dawn?s number one pet peeve is redundance. [B]Appearance[/B]: Dawn?s dressing style can be best described as bohemian. This style of dressing is that of loose clothing that makes the person wearing it feel more free and comfortable. And anyone knowing Dawn knows that feeling free is what Dawn yearns for so much. A beautiful almond coloured skin is another trait that Dawn carries. It blends in perfectly with her dark black shoulder length hair. Everything about Dawn seems Arab, but one feature sets everything else apart. Her blue eyes. Her eyes are probably the most awe-striking feature of her body. [B]Animal Genes[/B]: European Rabbit - Oryctolagus cuniculus [B]Hybrid Abilities[/B]: 1. Enhanced Jumping Ability - Dawn?s two feet are more powerful than most of her companions, Dawn pushes down and then lets her instincts do the rest. She jumps and runs at high speeds, sometimes only seen as a brown blur. 2. Aggressive Use of Feet - Dawn jumps in mid-air, and uses her feet to kick the opponent in the chest. Usually sending him/her into the ground. 3. Enhanced Alertness - Dawn?s senses are more acute and aware when she is by herself in an easily spotted state. Slight movement is all she needs to spot out a potential enemy.[/SIZE]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]Mhm. Well, this has been happening to me lately. I live in an apartment building, almost all of my neighbours are cheery, nice, polite, etc. But there is this on woman who just lives to get on my last nerves, I'll call her Cherry for now. Well, when I moved into the apartment, Cherry lived 1 door down the hallway. When I was moving in, I told the movers to put some of the furniture in the hallway while I went to grab some lunch and return quickly. Bad move. As I am getting out of my car and stepping onto the kerb, I hear some sort of yelling on the 3rd floor (my floor). I quickly ran up the stairs to see what all the ruckus was. Turned out that Cherry didn't like the fact that a 2 lb stool was in front of her door - please note that this was the only peice of furniture near the vincinity of the entrance area to her apartment- and she was taking it out on the movers. I asked her why she was yelling to the top of her lungs, and she said that the stool was a SAFTEY hazard. "I can trip over that stool, and fly down into the parking lot!" . Also take note that the hallway is 5 feet long, and the only way she can "fly" from her doorway and into the parking lot is if she was an aeroplane. I ignored her for the remainder of that day, and we didn't talk for a couple of weeks. That was until yesterday. Cherry decides it's ok to use my small trash bin outside my door for her poddles poop bags, loose hair from combs, and other random dog neccesities. When I confronted her about the fact, she starts to yell at me again! All I wanted her to do was use her own trash can!! "Well since the trash can was near my door, I thought it was mine to use!" Mhm, sure. This has obviously been a dispute about space, and I will not have to see Ms. Cherry as long as I live. I'll be moving to Santa Monica to start a new job there. Hopefully, Ms. Cherry isn't there to greet me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]I'm going to live up the tradition of what this thread was started for: sharing what my religion is. Not geting into a heated debate... I am a Christian. I do believe in Jesus Christ, and I choose NOT to go to church on every single Sunday of my free time. And there are a few reasons for those of you who are die-hard Christians. The first reason why I do not attend church is mainly because I am way too busy to go. I simply do not have the free time to go and worship. Sorry if I have offended any of you by saying this. I also think that by believing in God is the only thing you need. I choose to read the Bible, and prayer at home. I don't find this as a sin, as there is no part anywhere saying that I must attend church or I will go to Hell, or something outrageous like that. But so far that is what I believe in. Thanks for reading.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[CENTER][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Grace [B]AKA[/B]: Butterfly [B]Age[/B]: 22 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Appearance[/B]: [Search for a picture.] [B]Personality[/B]: I guess you can call her ?weird? in a sense. Butterfly seems to have the intelligence of a 10 year old girl, its not anything mentally wrong with her, but she just acts that way. No one ever knew why. Butterfly is the playful type as well, go figure. Laughing and prancing around is what she lives for, it would never be the day you will see her down in the dumps, or doing something actually productive. This personality is also how she received her nickname. When in combat, Butterfly is usually seen prancing around with her bladed fans. And then suddenly, she?ll jerk to the side and slash her opponent. This style of fighting earned her the alias ?Butterfly?. [B]Biography[/B]: Journal Entry 12/9/?? Dear Journal, I found these awesome fan thingies. They are super sharp! The seller guy said that they are used for fighting, isn?t that cool? I wanna learn how to fight with them, how to kill with them! I will be one of the best killers in ******! So I need to teach myself. . . I should start tonight! Yea, I?ll start tonight. I probably won?t talk to you for a while, please don?t get mad at me, k? Journal Entry 1/1/?? Dear Journal, I am super sorry! I totally forgot about you! I knew I was, but that?s not why I am apologizing. I have been teaching myself how to fight with these fans! It?s so amazing journal! I twirl around with them, and they make this whizzing sound. Whoooosh, whooosh. Like that. So I have been practicing really hard, it?s been so fun too! I will be deadly soon enough. Watch me, I will. I found in the Yellow Book an ad for a martial arts studio. Maybe I should go check it out. Bye journal! Journal Entry 1/3/?? Dear Journal, They were mean to me. They told me that little girls cannot learn how to fight professionally. They kicked me out of the ******* place! I am soooooo mad! I don?t even know WHAT I am going to do. But I know I am going to get my revenge. My sweet tasting revenge. They thought I was stupid, and girly. Watch, tonight when they have to class, I am going to teach them what I can do. They think they are so superior to me! Well they aren?t! And I will make sure they know who Grace is! ~Later That Day~ The bell above the door at the martial arts studio rang. Everyone turned to look at who the late arrival was. ? Ah, young ma-. Wait, who are you?? Grace stood in the doorway, the wind was swinging the door back, and making the bell ring continuously. She held her two fans on each side of her. She was a mess, her hair was tangled up, yet it fell perfectly down her face. A step in, the tenseness and anticipation within the studio grew stronger. ?I said, who are you!?? Grace slowly rose her head. It was quiet for about 2 whole minutes, everyone seemed to have there eyes on Grace. Then in a heart beat, Grace lifted her right fan up, shifted her weight to her right leg, and slashed at the man standing next to her. He fell to the ground, blood flowing from his neck. The other students stumbled backwards. Grace smiled, she ran around the studio prancing around takes a swing at anyone who was in arm span of her. ?Hahaha!? A laugh sounding like that of a little girl was the only thing that filled the air of the studio. Every slash ending in a moan and someone falling to the ground. Grace stopped in the middle of 13 bodies, 4 dead. Grace looked around as she saw the live men squirming and groaning. She looked down, in what seemed to be shame. A woman walked into the studio, and awkwardly stepped over a lifeless body. ?Hmm. Nice fighting style. . .? ?I didn?t want to kill them really! I just wanted to show them that I wasn?t weak, I just wanted to -? The Girl cut her off. ?I know what you mean. Why don?t you take a walk with me, we seem to share something in common. Revenge.? At first Grace gave the Girl a curious look. She wasn?t entirely sure to go with the odd character who hadn?t introduced herself. ?Just come, Butterfly.? ?Butter. . . fly?? ?Yes. Your new name will be Butterfly.? [B]Weapon[/B](s): Two (2) bladed fans. A small dagger if the fans are somehow confiscated. [B]Alliance[/B]: Black Vipers[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
[CENTER][SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Grace Lee [B]Age[/B]: 20 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Appearance[/B]: [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/frlgemtr/frlgemtr025.png[/IMG] [B]Personality[/B]: Grace is usually very bubbly and not afraid to speak her mind. But she usually has a hard time making friends, due to her personality. A lot of people see her in the wrong prospective, an annoying girl that talks 100 MPH. So Grace spends most of her time alone or with her boyfriend Stephen. She thinks that her boyfriend is the only one that accepts her for who she is, someone that doesn't tell her to hush or calm down. But when it comes to battling, Grace can become very serious and determined. She will fight with everything she has, battling is what she was created to do. [B]History[/B]: A brief overview of your characters past. [B][CENTER]Gym Information[/CENTER][/B] [B]Gym Location[/B]: Cerulean City [B]Badge Name[/B]: Crystalline Badge [B]Pokémon Type[/B]: Water [B]Pokémon List[/B]: [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs053.gif[/IMG] [B]Gyrados[/B] [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs056.gif[/IMG] [B]Azumarril[/B] [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs144.gif[/IMG] [B]Starmie[/B] [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs249.gif[/IMG] [B]Poliwrath[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=1]I'll edit this later, we already discussed it online[/SIZE]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Mhm. I really do have to say, as much as it hurts me, sex does sell. Sadly enough women love to use their bodies in suggestive ways, I don't know why but it just is that way. Being sexy is number one in a woman's agenda, sorry to those it isn't. But women love looking good. Image, image, image my friend. Now, I don't like watching sex for pleasure. But it isn't monstrocious that I like to watch a Korean romance movie is it? That probably has sex in it, but I don't think its because the woman wants to run around having sex multiple times in a time period of two hours. Pornography is just, I don't know, it's just there. I am not sure where it originated from or who got the idea to video tape sex but it has been around for a while. My views on pornagraphy are like that of a couple of others, I think it's awkward. Of course I would be surprised if I scrolled down and saw a woman's breast being exposed in a picture. But as DeadSeraphim said, we are human beings. If it was a very attractive male, well it wouldn't be all that disturbing. I'm not implying that I like to look at nude males on the internet, but still. It's the human being nature to be attracted to someone that well is attractive. Bottom line, porn is porn. It's there, people like it, it sells.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Esther replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]orbindo, you are totally getting off subject here. On top of that you disobeyed the rules and double posted, I really do suggest you delete one of those two posts, or spams. And to set the record straight Buddah's name was Siddartha Guatama. And you can't just shut down a thread in call it a day and decide to resume the whole thing on a later date. You three have just taken the thread that CHW has created and twisted it into something of your own. It really makes me upset since the idea was a good one, and the beginning of the debate was really fun. It is a bummer you guys had to spoil it. I think that this thread has served its purpose. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/FONT] -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Esther replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote=Dale_Valley]the way, i would like to remind every one that this thread is meant for MATURE posting. so if you could, plez try to keep down on the sacasim and extrem critisism. also, i would like to add that some of my last post is meant for a christian point of view. and i would also like to point out that in some states, homosexuality has been outlawed. for instance my Texas. im not sure which others have.[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Exactly. So if you cannot handle the critic that you are going to receive, you should have never posted here in the first place. People are only trying to get their point across, they doesn't have to edit everything because you can't handle it.'[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Chabichou']I believe that homosexuality is simply a preference, just like how some people like coffee and others don't, just like how some like broccili and others don't. But some preferences are not good (like alcohol for instance), so people should avoid them.[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I agree with renayiiq, you shouldn't compare homosexuality to a vegetable or a drink. That just is not right.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] -
Your MATURE opinions on homosexuality
Esther replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Mhm. Now is time for a debate, I can show off my great debating skills that I learned in high school and some just comes from my own personality. But anyways this post really made me want to jump in. I am going to just quote the whole message first then quote it bit by bit as I go on.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [quote=orbindo]This thread doesnt seem like its heading in the controversial direction. (time for me to wreck the place) I am a hardcore Christian(bet some of you just groaned), so i can honestly say that outlawing same sex marriages is a smart move. It is in the bible. Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities that were full of gays and lesbians. Guess what happened to them, both obliterated (or so it says). Eh, but i know that there are different beliefs and religions out there, not trying to insult anyone or anything like that, just sayin what i believe. and its funny to say that government and church should be separated when it was on the morals of the Catholic faith that this country was built on in the first place. Same as trying to take God out of the pledge. One quick thing tho. There is no possible way for someone to be BORN a gay or a lesbian. Its been proven scientifically to be imposible. so dont believe that for an instant. I heard some guy try to use that dodge and looked it up. and i really dont think it hinders the ability to be a parent or adoption (truthful thought), but that doesnt mean i think its ok (personal beliefs). NOW its a controversy.[/quote] [quote name='orbindo']so i can honestly say that outlawing same sex marriages is a smart move. [/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Um. Just because its in writing, doesn't mean that everyone has to actually go ahead and do it. I am pretty sure that there are hundreds or thousands of gay's and lesbian's that are Christian. Yea, on to the next part.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='orbindo']and its funny to say that government and church should be separated when it was on the morals of the Catholic faith that this country was built on in the first place. Same as trying to take God out of the pledge.[/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]It's not funny. Government and the Church are two completely different things. You don't see politicians going around saying, "Well, since I am a Catholic I say.." they barely use religion in the Government anymore. America is so diverse that they can easily offend another politician, thus start a big spark and something bad bound to happen. So I agree with seperating the two, there is too much friction between them.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='orbindo']There is no possible way for someone to be BORN a gay or a lesbian. Its been proven scientifically to be imposible. so dont believe that for an instant. I heard some guy try to use that dodge and looked it up.[/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]Can you prove that statement please? I would like to see the site where this false information was uprooted. Of course someone can be gay, how do you think they are gay in the first place? Just because when someone is a baby they can't be attracted right away doesn't mean they can't be gay. It makes no sense that its impossible. Ask a gay person how long they have been gay, and I can guarantee that most of the people you ask they will answer "Ever since I remember."[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [quote name='orbindo']and i really dont think it hinders the ability to be a parent or adoption (truthful thought), but that doesnt mean i think its ok (personal beliefs).[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Take a second and think about the sentence you just made. It makes completely no sense. If your against gays, but you think that they are allowed to adopt? Let me give you a situation. You have a child and you are deciding to give up your child. The adoption agency finds the perfect couple who are looking to adopt. When you meet the couple they are lesbians. What do you do? You give your child up even though you do not like them because of their sexual orientation? Think about it really.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]You are very right. I do fail to believe any of the sentences (or what they appear to be, fragments) above. We all know this excuse, we all have been online far too long to believe the "it was my (insert family member here) who did that, not me." trick. It's just way to old, for future refernece don't do it again. There are some pin points that I know for sure it was not your cousin. [list] [*]First off, you and your so called cousin type the same exact way. You both have the same exact typos and your sentence structure is just the same exact way. That is why it was you. [*]As I already stated you lost the debate that was going on here, so you went with that age old lie that your family member posted it. It just angers me to know that you swooped low enough to the point where you have to make up a situation just because things didn't go your way. [/list] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Mhm. I got the responses I thought I would get. And I agree with most of you, but the one that I can really think is true is the post made by Goddess.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [quote=Goddess]Hm. It seems that for a long time, specifically in the year Generic stated, there was a lot of controversy and talk about all children's programs. Teletubbies, Blues Clue's, Barney, etc. Now, I have 2 nieces, and they absolutely loved Blue's Clues and Teletubbies. I didn't mind Blue's Clues; I actually enjoyed it, and hated the people who tried to peg that show for being anything more than a children's program. Teletubbies on the other hand frightened me. There is just something about them that freaked me out. It wasn't only because of that feeling that I didn't like this show for my nieces; it was because the program just wasn't as educational and helpful to a child's mind developement as Blue's Clues or Barney. The baby gibberish doesn't help a child speak much better. And its a proven fact that if you talk to your child [at toddler age] on a normal, adult level, that your child has a better chance at speaking properly. Talking all baby-like doesn't do anything for their speech development.....Anyhow, the whole controversy around Teletubies could be true. It could be some producer who couldn't make it with a certain idea, got pissed off, and decided to get back at people. It's been true for so many movies, television productions, and most definitely in music. Controversy or not, Teletubbies was not a good show for children; be it because of the sex, drugs and horrible messages, or lack of proper child development.[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I read this post and I agreed with it 100 %. It was I was going to write earlier today. I had been thinking that maybe the producer's implemented these materials and situations into the Teletubby show to secretly attack people that he/she might not have gotten along with during the whole entire process. There are many possiblities though, as most people in this thread have brought up, that can relate to these awkward Teletubbies. I was very interested to read all of your comments. But there is still time to discuss, so don't stop now.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Mhm. "Act you age!" is a way of telling someone that they are acting either clumsy or childish when those traits are not usually found in their nature. Usually the person who uses the phrase is trying to make you stop doing whatever your doing. I don't think that having a certain interest, such as Pokemon, is not something you have to grow out of. It's simply something that you enjoy very much, whether its playing the cards or watching the anime, or even playing the game. You don't have to stop doing a hobby just because someone tells you to act your age and stop. That is just not right.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]