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Everything posted by Esther

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]I don't know why I am posting here, the thread seems that it was more of an announcement for a spam posting contest. There are multiple anime that have a lot of blood shed and killing if that is your area of interest. Some of them are Elfen Lied Ichi the Killer Wolf's Rain Those are the ones I used to watch, but the killing kind of got to me. Check those out, they might become your favorites.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I really doubt that the hair style of a character is actually a factor of their strength. There are a few coincedence's that you guys have noticed, but it doesn't really add up to each other. Having long/crazy hair has just been a factor of fashion for the past couple of years or so. The anime artists just wanted to implement some fashion into their characters, or maybe a distinctive look. Not to show that because the character has hair that is 10 inches long means they have the strength of 10,000 dragons.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Now, I do mean for this thread to be for mature discussion. If you cannot handle the information that I am about to feed you I suggest that you click "Back" on your button menu. I also would like to mention how I got this information from the Wikipedia. Please do not say you disagree with me. You are disagreeing with the people who wrote the articles for this Wikipedia article, do not PM me outraged. Thank you. Today I was going through the Wikipedia and came across "Teletubbies" a once popular British T.V show that included 5 "aliens" that live in a world of their own, it consists of a large rolling grass landscape and a little dome which they eat and sleep in. The creatures are called "Tinky-Winky" "Dipsy" "Laa-Laa" and "Po". Now, most recently the T.V show was considered "not suitable for young audiences", why? It was considered to have phsycadellic features which relate to drugs and homosexuality. The main reason is the "Tinky-Winky" character. The creature is a male, but his item of choice is a magic bag (a purse) which he carries around on his arm. At first it was ok, until in one episode he tried on a tutu and a skirt and danced around with the other two female characters. He was then considered a homosexual. This is when parents started getting antsy about the whole thing. Then they realized that the characters did not speak proper English. They were found to be either talking in jiberish or Cantonese. Yes, Cantonese. But it doesn't stop here, a Po doll was reportedly saying "Fatty Fatty" "Fa**** Fa****" and "Fai Dee Fai Dee (Faster, faster)" I myself have heard these little phrases from the red toy, it is quite disturbing. In one episode a character is crushed by a gigantic E, symbolysing ectasy. As well as the characters living in a phsycadellic enviorment and sometimes getting "zoned out". What do you think about the Teletubby controversy? Is this all fake? Or do you think somehow the Teletubby company is trying to actually implement these messages? Please discuss.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]I really like Japanese music, no matter the artist or genre. But I guess I shall name my favorite's. Orange Range - Any song of theirs is incredibly fun to listen to. I usually like to bop my head up and down listening to the lyrics. I think they woud be considered R&B, I don't really know. But they are pretty good, so they get brownie points. Utada Hiraku - (Exodus `04, Easy Breezy, Tokyo Nights) Utada has managed to become a superstar singer both in Japanese and English. The lyrics to most of her songs are very powerful and tell a story. Utada Hiraku can be heard on the opening theme to "Kingdom Hearts" for the PlayStation 2. That's it really. I don't have that many favorites in Japanese, I really like Thai music too. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I am so definately sorry Avenged but I think this whole story of you being a modern day super hero is a hoax. I mean c'mon. Someone that has been carrying around two loaded pistols, saves the day for "geeks", and instigates fights, and lives in a crime infested area can just become a normal kid. I have one word to end this whole thing. NONSENSE.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Im not braggin im just saying if they got heat i go heat so i can defend my self if nessesary. And i dont challenge when I see it I say why dont you pick on someone your own size they usally say "ok im sorry" or "you want some too" Then they get their *** beat most of the time.[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Um I am guessing that "heat" is a gun. I am note very familiar with slang words, sorry if I got the term wrong. Actually you just bragged right now. *blinks* You said that "they" get their behinds kicked. Well, I don't really see yourself to be admitting that you have lost a fight. You keep saying that you beat everyone else, making it seem that you never loose. I just find that being full of yourself. Excuse me if I am becoming a little to hot tempered, I do not intend to make you mad or anything. OH whoah. Hold on there! I was just about to press Sumbit Reply but I have another comment.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [quote name='Avenged666fold']And i dont challenge when I see it I say why dont you pick on someone your own size they usally say "ok im sorry" or "you want some too"[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Now, did you not just say earlier that you INSTIGATE the fights? Now you are saying that you ASK for the fight? Those are two completely different things. Which one is it?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [quote=Avenged666fold]Responding to that whole shot or stabbed thing i carry 2 loaded pistols everywhere I go, and im not afraid to use them(I live in bmore high crime rate). I dont pick on the geeks and the defenseless. iIpick on the people who pick on the geeks and the defenseless. The geeks are kool I only pick fights with people who talk to much. Geeks is not an insult its a compliment[/quote] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]... Ok I am just going to address this whole post because I find it just.. odd. At first you asked if you were a bad guy because you liked picking fights. Now you only like picking fights with people that pick on "geeks"? I find it quite confusing. As Dragon Warrior called you "SOme sort of 'Robin Hood'", I really doubt that you actually go out looking for people who pick on others. Also, are you trying to say if someone talks a lot you are going to go up to them and challenge them to a fight? Because that's a natural quirk, and I don't think that's a trait that you should fight some about.. It simply just doesn't make any sense... And the whole thing of your carrying around two guns is kind of funny. Because you live in a "bmore high crime reated" neighbourhood doesn't mean you have to prove it by saying you carry around two loaded pistols everywhere you go. Once again another odd moment.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. Esther


    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Heh. There was more to it than just gays, lesbians, and transvestites. The movie itself was a story of a group of people that live through the oridnary day of a New Yorker. The song that they sang in the beginning of the movie (Seasons Of Love) actually tells the whole entire story... They ask how can you measure a year, and they find out that it's love. Through the move the cast comes across obstacles in their life. Confronting HIV/AID's is one of the biggest. The movie did take a turn that was surprising which was stated above. It was a absolutely brilliant film, I would watch it over and over again. Oh and I was wondering, was the cast in the movie the cast from the actualy play from Broadway?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I am going to have to agree to the two people who posted before me. Instigating and picking fights where not needed are two traits of being a bully. People like you are always looking for an adrenaline rush. I am not saying that this is bad or anything, but go ride a roller coaster or something. Being a bully can put you in a lot of bad situations. My answer is yes, you are a bad guy. Well, if you had ADD that could be a whole different story. But I doubt you have ADD, so I am going to stick with my answer.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=1]Yea, there has to be a lot of color to it. Possibly on the cover, people won't pick it up if it just has plain boring stuff on it. You might want to use various colors, all splashed on it. Then maybe a picture to go right in the middle, I know I would definately pick it up and see what it's all about. Oh! There should be a section where readers can send in their own story to be published in. That would be fun! Most magazines use gossip, but I don't know if that would be such a good idea to implement in it just yet. As the magazine progresses gradually add new sections. I think that's all to my suggestions. Good luck.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. Esther

    The Gorillaz

    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Consider me evil but I havn't listened to a whole Gorillaz track. But I ought to let you guys no something that your probably missed.... The Gorillaz made a debut at the virtual hotel gamed entitled "Habbo Hotel". They made their own character and went around at organized times to host events like trivia and all that jazz. It was actually really exciting, since I worked for Habbo, so we decided to do it again. The next time with Ashley Simpson. But anyways... Habbo Hotel gave out prizes such as free CD's, signed t-shirts, etc. Very exciting.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Hmm, I find labels degrading. For quite a few reasons. [list] [*]First of they are a way of putting someone down. It doesn't really matter if your a rich "prep" or a "geek" they are going to break you down no matter what group you fall under. [*]Second, when you are in a group you automatically can't make any friends outside of that group. I experienced this in high school, some 'ganster' might come along and find that this 'prep' is kind of cool. They can become friends, but then the group from which they hail exiles them for having friends that are not the same. [*]If your in a certain group another person might come on to you differently, or make a suggestion that is simply a sterotype. On example is, A kid walks up to a goth and says "Do you worship the devil?" That right there can spark a fight. There are several other sterotypes that I can go on about, but I rather nor. [/list] There. I have proven my point, I hope that a lot of you can understand this concept. But feel free to go against it if that is what your instict tells you. I wouldn't be upset, it is your opinion. And according to the rules your are entitled to it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]*chuckles* I might be a new member, but I found this really funny even though I didn't know who anyone was. The concept was really creative, two OtakuBoard's members running around and meeting other random members. I am really excited for the next installment of your story. I also did a little background check on you. Your other stories are also very good, so I will be reading this a lot. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=SlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1][B]Name[/B]: Noelle/ Pandora [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL=http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y239/IceQueen12/sg24.jpg]Click[/URL] I might add a description as well later on. [B]Weapon[/B]: Claymore [B]Personality[/B]: Pandora is a very perky and excitable person. Most of the time Pandora is found talking and smiling, she loves to be around people especially her friends. But her personality does have some downfalls to it. Pandora comes in conflict with a lot of drama. Sometimes it makes her go under a lot of stress, therefor she can be down in the dumps. But not for long, she usually cheers up and tells her friends that she is all better. But usually, that's a lie. [B]Powers[/B]: Pandora can release plasma energy from her body. Some restrictions do apply though. First off, Pandora cannot shoot these blasts multple times a time period. Usually they are down to 5 blasts every 10 minutes. The energy blasts are formed inside her body when her body's chemicals form together to make a explosion effect. [B]Bio[/B]: Noelle was born into an average family that lived in a small town just outside Central City. Like her parents, she traveled into the city to attend her schooling.When Noelle was a child her parents would call her "Pandora" because of sudden yelps she would make when she was uncomfortable. The name stook with her for the remainder of her life. The nickname was barely used, due to the fact that she never gave out her nickname until recently. Noelle found her friends just recently, she thought that her problems were easier to let out with them instead of her family. Noelle always day dreamed of what the Council of Eight was like, and even wondered if she could be one herself [Sorry, its not the best but I have been terribly busy lately. I can surely make it up to you in the actual RP.] [B]Writing Sample[/B]: Noelle walked down a road humming to herself. She looked around to see her colorful city.Noelle and her family lived right outside of the main city. Some of the houses looked as if they were made out of shells, while others just looked like small wooden cabins. Noelle smiled to herself, this was her home. Two males intercepted her. Noelle stumbled backwards a tad and then look at the two men standing in front of her. "What do you guys want?" Without answering one male launched his arm and hooked it around Noelle's. The other man peirced his hand through the air in an attempt to hit Noelle's face. Noelle lifted up her left leg into the air and swung it to the left knocking the man's arm to the side. His yell rendered the space around them. The other man holding on to her threw her to the ground, she pushed with all her weight and flipped upwards. "Please, leave me alone!" These words were not enough to keep these mysterious men away from her. Her last chance was to fight. Noelle sent a punch towards one man's face. His face made a crunching sound as he moaned and stepped backwards. She then kicked backwards getting the other man in the stomach. Jumping into the air she kicked him again, this time aiming toward his chest. She connected with him and sent him to the floor. By this time the other man was getting up and ramming into her back. Noelle held both her hands out, she tried her best to stop him by holding his shoulders but he was a larger force than she was. They both fell to the floor, Noelle being the first one up. She kicked him in the side as he was getting up. Noelle felt something when she kicked, possibly his ribs. The man got up and ran away, as did the other. Noelle then collapsed to the floor clasping her chest and gasping for air. Those men were out for something, but she was never sure what. [/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
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