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Everything posted by luzkage

  1. read into existentialism. maybe you shall find the answer. I dunno, meaning of life is whatever you make it to be. I just try to live it as I want. Try not to contemplate too much. You'll go insane and miss out on all the fun. ^_^
  2. Anyone? Artist? Song? I've been listening to Gackt for a while and have to admit he sings like a monster lolz. It's no wonder he's all the rage in Japan. Doomseday...one of my favorites, I recommend.
  3. Yu Yu Hakusho triggered my addiction. Can't blame it, can't love it. xD
  4. It's not a known fact but it's a trend that I've noticed in many situations while watching anime. Does the length of a character's hair represent their strenght/power? This applies only to male characters of course. I've noticed in several animes the characters have longer hair: -Alucard from Hellsing in the beg. of the anime/manga -DBZ, enough said...they need to trim it. - Minamino Suichi when he changes to Youko Kurama of Yu Yu Hakusho - yusuke of Yu Yu Hakusho -Sephiroth of FF VII (it's not anime, bite me =P) -Kenshin of Rouronin Kenshin (sp) -Edward Eric of Fullmetal Alchemist - D of Vampire HUnter D But could be possible that it's only for the look? It's certain that Genji of Getbackers and Naruto of...yea, are strong but they have short hair. It's interesting to look at but tell me what you think. I'd like to know.
  5. The anime is addictive, starting with a fast opening theme "Asterisk" by Orange Range and ending with Rie Fu's sentimental "Life is Like a Boat". Right away the anime exceeds my expectation in terms of music. the plot itself has a great start and picks up almost immediately. Ichigo and Rukia contradicts the cliches of anime in that Ichigo isn't an orphan, has not suffered a bad past and Rukia isn't your stereotypical damsel in distress. The anime has an awesome start....
  6. Japanese modern, Chinese modern. I also listen to Western music lolz. GreenDay, NFG,My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, just to name a few. Then there's trance and techno...
  7. Gorgeous book, heart breaking movie. I especially loved the detail and care emphasized in the clothing of the geishas. Absolutely breath-taking. Had I the chance to touch one of the costumes I would dare not, least I taint its beauty and perfection. lolz. The main character had a heavy accent which is a minor setback but I stil loved the movie.
  8. Worse and most abhorred movie: Kung-Pow. It was a pathetic, pointless movie with a half-baked plot and no character development. Music? what music? There was none, that I noticed. It was NOT a parody of Chinese kung fu movies but rather an cinematic insult which disgusted me to no end. Second: Freddy VS Jason. Those two used to be the most feared serial killers. The movie killed them. the plot was weak and near pointless. Characters die and there's no change in them. Random murders here and there and I guess they said, "we have a movie" and decided to earn a few bucks off the public. The West has lost their touch with horror flims with the excessive gore and violence. This movie is a disgrace compared to the classics or even recent movies (Texas Chainsaw Massacre). A real horro film attacks the psyche suspense and shock not the stomach with nausea.
  9. I'd like to see interviews with manga artists or anime creators about romantic pairings of their characters. Lolz, that's just me. More importantly, how about background information to obscure characters such as D from Vampire HUnter D through the answers of the interview. Inspirations and motivations of the creators ought to be considered as well. ^_^
  10. Ouch. I hate it when people say that. I doubt it's unusual to act more or less mature than one's birthcertifcate dictates. Besides, it's only a measurement, like weight and height. Right? =]
  11. I will not specify my age. =P But age's only a number. Yes, I go to school. Oh big secret. My friends claim I have a mentality of a 8 year old but i think it's fostered by my denial of my own intelligence. Ah, c'est la vie. oh gosh, I can only imagine the irony of reading my previous posts and comparing it to my age. I tend to sound older than I am, so sorweee =T
  12. ...you sound like a Transcendentalist. Too bad the fad's out- archaic but quaint. I'd figure what the heck I'd want from life first. What do you want to change? And are all things changeABLE? I'm a realist and have to say that as a single being it's difficult to change something in the world on a scale that affects everyone. Here's the contradiction, I believe it can be done depending on what you plan to change. World hunger? I doubt it...but I always had that hope. Hope that children in Africa would not die of Hunger and parasites feeding off them. But I've decided that change starts off at a small scale. You want change? Change your life according to your desires first. I wouldn't worry to much about the world yet if I couldn't take care of myself, as selfish as it sounds- if you can't help yourself, you can't help others.One will become a burden perhaps. Do what you can, I guess is what I'm trying to say lolz. :animesigh
  13. I dled the movie Bloodlust, thinking it would be similar to Hellsing the anime. Hahah...how wrong I was. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust is an well-thought out movie with gorgeous and rich artwork. The character detail is laudable. The plot, although simple at first comes with an unexpected twist, more than satisfactory. Character development is one of the shortcomings of the movie. Especially focusing on Leila and D. Leila's background info is divulged in one short scene. Her past is blatantly revealed creates a torrent of info for the audience to digest. Not the greatest approach. D is not developed as well in that little can be shown through his actions and even less from his speech...he doesn't talk a lot. Maybe 10 lines out of the entire movie, all of which are short sentences. Additionally, his beauty and sexuality is suppressed. I'm not saying this becase I'm infautated with him, truth be told I am not. in the novel as well as the cover, he is portrayed as a tall, dark, handsome, courageous, galannt, dark knight whom saves the day and that is not entirely expressed in the movie which is disappointing. He might be the Gothic hero but that should be left for another time to discuss. Perhaps I should start threat. Overall, I reccommend the movie. It's beautiful, even if it is a horro film. :animesmil
  14. I could watch Miyazaki's "Castle in the Sky" for quite a while. It's more than just a child's film after all. Hm, I don't think I can watch a series of anime over and over and on to eternity. i would subconsciously memorize all the lines and scenes due to constant repetition and as a result grow weary of it. :animenose I could never do that! I love anime too much to grow weary of it!!!
  15. definitely. The females in anime are often portrayed with bodies that are anatomically incorrect- barbies if you will. Most of the females will more often than not have playboy figures, unless it's a specific character trait (eg: Lina Inverse of Slayers) I think the inaccurate portrayal of women in anime parrallels that of today's models. How many women do we know actually look like the ones in Dior or Gucci ads? In reality women don't look like the models in [I]Vogue[/I] or like [B]Hevn[/B] from Getbackers. Anime is not a realistic in the portrayal of either genders be it male or female. Do guys usually look like Camui Gackt the Japanese sensation or Hiei from yu yu Hakusho? It's not necessarily a bad or good thing that anime is presenting the characters with beautiful faces and perfect bodies. It's more of what society wants to see, sadly. Not all animes are like that though, the majority are. :animeswea
  16. Definitely Naruto, even though it lacks the element of romance. It does have magic, action ,adventure, heroes, villians etc. After seeing Inuyasha to the last anime episode, I was tragically disappointed with the ending. Maybe the producers got tired of making the episodes...I'm not sure but the ending just pissed me off. The romance was not concluded and Naraku remained at large. It's a good anime but I have to say Naruto.
  17. Probably Miroku from Inuyasha. The dude is such a leech. >.
  18. I'd have to say Kakashi even though he's old and reads graphic novels. :animesmil He's suffered a lot to become a Sensei, lost a lot of people and still manages to live life optimistically. He's never brooding unlike Sasuke and I've never seen him down. Kakashi's one of those rare characters with a contradictory quality. He's able to give a genuine smile while saying something of unfathomable depth. "Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the road of life today" :animesmil and rubs it off like nothing.... Itachi is another candidate even thoug he's anything but an upbeat character. The dude is so hardcore and has skills like a monster.l It's scary to that such a character exists. :animeblus
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