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Everything posted by coolkam007
Gaming Thinking about the future of Final Fantasy
coolkam007 replied to Deadeye's topic in Noosphere
DVD-ROM discs can hold up to 18gigabytes!.. @_@ The basic capacity of a single-sided, single layer DVD-ROM disc is 4.7GB apposed to the ~650~800ish mb of the regular CD anyways, my point is that FF games could be a ton longer.. but frankly, i dont want to have 300+ hours on a game.. Unless! its REALLY FUN! -
*cough* i like my yuna.. .. shes been to every sphere on the grid.. and has most of her stats max. (255) with the exception of magic and fortune.. but the magic is way high on her ^_^ so it doesn't matter *doublecast ultima* 99,999 x2 *exit brag mode* but character wise, I like Auron :) hes smug, but not too cocky
am I the only one that doesn't want this to happen? ;_; ...
well the point with gogo is that when he mimics, if the person before him has gem box, he mimics both magics, for 1 mp, i think you dont need to have you whole party cast ultima.. you can cast it 4 times. a whole partys worth.. with only two characters.. then you can do whatever the crap you want with the other characters :) the best way to get economizers is from Brachosaurs. Dont bet your gem box.. if i remember correctly thats what allows you to cast two magics you only can get one gem box!
with magic box though, you can cast ultima 2x, and then have go go mimic it ^^
fight some dinosaurs (Brachosaur) until they drop some economizers ^^ i had one for each of my characters.. mind you this takes a long time, but its worth getting a few.. economizers make all spells cost 1MP! and you can steal ribbons from them but I must warn you of ultima..
i think you could probably get 7, 8, 9 and 10! for that much in the US..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tidus [/i] [B]That happened to me on the same spot. But that time i had it burnt(cowardly ashame of buying a burnt FF)And it kept doin that every time so i finally gave up. then the guilt got to me and i went and paid $109 dollars for it :) now im happy. [/B][/QUOTE] ... :eek: $109 for FF9?! ... .. you got ripped off man.. x_x
the only FF game.. i'v ever.. NOT liked, was FFMQ.. .. eh.. FF7 was alright.. but i dont see what all the hype is about.... it was fun, dont get me wrong, i liked it. I just think that sometimes people just say that FF7 is their favorite because other people do.. and about FF, its a title people.. @_@ it doesn't need to be taken literally.. you dont need to disect it.. but if i must.. [b]fan·ta·sy[/b] (fnt-s, -z) n. pl. fan·ta·sies 1. The creative imagination; unrestrained fancy. 2. Something, such as an invention, that is a creation of the fancy. 3. A capricious or fantastic idea; a conceit. 4. Fiction characterized by highly fanciful or supernatural elements. 5. An imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need. 6. An unrealistic or improbable supposition. and there you go.. Fantasy doesn't only mean.. medievil crap with dragons.. and by this discription.. every final fantasy is true to its name..
Sake is flamable.. as seen in one of his overdrives, where he drinks from the jug and spits on his sword, or in the tornado overdrive, when he throws the jug in, the tornado bursts into flames ^__^ plus.. sake is yummy ^^ thats why he carries it around
[size=6]SPOILER[/size] [size=1] well .. auron is kinda dead.. i'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.. o_0; it may have uh.. gotten hurty when yunalesca attacked him.. just a guess ..[/size] yesh, Seymours voice is cool.. but he got annoying after he doesn't die.. after the multiple times you kill him.. T__T
master T's are a bizzatch to capture... ~__~ *sigh*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]FFX is way too easy, 27 hours it took me to complete it when I first bought it, I had no help or a game guide The game lasted me 4/5 days As a FF I think this game is pathetic [/B][/QUOTE] no way in hell did you "complete" the game unless you've done all the sidequests (and frankly, the monster arena quest will ad 30-40 hours all buy its self) seph, you may have beat the game in 27 hours.. but you didn't "complete" it =P so stop raggin on X til you experiance all of the aspects of the game
might be a tactical game =o) hehehe.. that would be good..
I ended up just playing ff9 just for fun rather then the story.. lol .. o_0' the last endguy.. magically shows up out of nowhere.. probably one of the worst ff bosses ever.. but atleast the ending of the game was ok
eh.. i gave up getting tidus's final weapon so i did the next best thing and customized one ^_^ with damage limit break.. of course nemisis drops hp/damage limit break items..
Will [b]NOT[/b] be an online game, like I'v stated before, it will indeed be single player game. Its being directed by Sakaguchi, Yasumi Matsuno (director of: FFT, Vagrant Story) and Hiroyuki Ito (directed IX) >> oh, you probably already know this but 7, 8 AND 9 are being redone fo r PS2 (actually.. tis is old.. so im not too sure)
..i think i have about .. 60 or maybe 100 hours on X .. dahahahhaa... actually the real challenges in X are in the monster arena, if you think the game was too easy, do the monster arena side quest! *beats nemisis* ^____^ my party is more powerful then my magus sisters.. hehehe.. my yuna has been on every spot on the grid, and has 255 on all her stats (except luck) .. she has 99 sphere lvles now.. no reason to use.. too bad you cant give sphere lvls to other people..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZanimeFreak3 [/i] [B]great, i draw too. the weirdest thing about me is i start from the eyes. you can shade very well along with drawa the head to fit the body. cool job [/B][/QUOTE] thats not as crazy as you think.. ^^;; i start from the eyes too.. sometimes
is it jus tme.. or does it look like he painted the hair and eyes on in photoshop or something.. o.o;;' but the part of the drawing i can see, wowzas, very nice!
mm.. all my characters are about as stong as the magus sisters .. :D .. yes.. i am that crazy *beats Nemisis a few more times*
*points down* @_@ yea.. its the second out of the 4 peice i'm making.. you'll have to see.. later.. o.0;; when they are all done what its like... but yea.. critique all you want, please :) [url]http://strike9.com/file.aspx/path=/coolkam007/fullsize/runaway2.jpg[/url]
Ah, I'v been fidling with it for a couple days.. tweeking and adding.. and removing.. and adding more.. anyways, I was wondering what your opinion on it is, and where i should go with it.. Warning: Large Battleship Aproaching Warning: Large Battleship Aproaching .. X'D sorry.. um.. it was originally set for a 1024x768 format, but i had to shrink it to *640x480, and i had to turn quality down alot.. so fair with me.. you might need to use your imagination ^_^ 8edit: .. i wonder why the attch isn't working.. .. i might need to make it smaller... *tries* edit2: ah garbage, i think i need to upload it.. *tries* [url]http://strike9.com/file.aspx/path=/coolkam008/fullsize/reiv113.jpg[/url] too bad its too small to notice some of the effects.... .. -__-
Ah, interesting topic ^^ i think i'll play along.. Strongest Points: 1)... ... i can type.. ... pretty good at typing dots.. 2)... i like making stuff.. .. o.O 3)...... .. i guess i'm funny.. (looking) Weakest Points: 1)Horribly Weak (ugh.. *trys to take a drink*.. .. shouldn't have put so much water into the cup...) 2)Horribly Paranoid 3)Shy beyond.. normal shyness.. o.0 4)Lazy (so lazy.. i wont type lazy 3 times... whoops too late) 5)i have a bad memory 6)sometimes i forget about stuff.. 7)dont sleep enough.. 8)i have a bad memory
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]i'm afraid that dorothy's not the mole on the mole 2[/B][/QUOTE] .. :laugh: :laugh: :babble: ah.. last ep is tomarrow! i cant wait to find out who the mole is... O_O anywho.. me.. i'm a wuss.. i'm afrade of nearly everything.. and yes.. Huge spiders .. actually.. any spiders