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About Heimdall

  • Birthday 05/28/1991

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  • Biography
    Anime Fanatic
  • Occupation
    Student "duh..."

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  1. Somehow Im afraid I can understand what you are trying to say in a way. And if i was to choose between Inu-Yasha or Naruto, i would have to go for Naruto. Inu-Yasha disappointed me deeply, i hated that anime. But i still root for Sasuke. And i guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion i cant do anything about that. *smiles*
  2. This is Azumanga-TWIST! Welcome. Story: All the students in Ms. Yukari's class are about to celebrate New Years Eve in Yukari's class. But their problem is that they got snowed in and they are running out of time to come up with a way to celebrate New Years. How the story goes is entirely up to you and your wacky ideas. Sign Up: Name: Age: Personality: Apperiance: Biography/Background Info:
  3. Personally my personal favorite is Sasuke, hes so kawaii!
  4. Well to be perfectly honest my first anime i ever saw was Pokemon. I fell in love with it, then i found out that my older next door neighbor had lots of anime on her hands, so one day she had to babysit me and i went to her house and was digging through her stuff and had so much fun while i was at it. But thats how i feel in love with anime....
  5. Probably most definatly with me it would be Miroku from Inu-Yasha! Such a PERVERT! I would HATE to be left on an island with HIM!!! He disgusts me. *smiles*
  6. Name: Heimdall Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Rather Cold at times, Distant, Vengeful, Smart, and Calculating, and sometimes Violent. Apperence: [img]http://img15.imgspot.com/u/05/363/20/1086846354mdallFinal1135993419.jpeg[/img] Biography: Once a powerful Norse God of light who had the ability to control birds and humans minds. But was cast down by God and was forced to live on Earth in the form of a child! However even in this form, he is limited with his magic... I look forward to this roleplay i know we are gonna have fun!
  7. Definetly Naruto. With Inu-Yasha he always does the same thing over and over again, a demon comes something happens to Kagome and Inu-Yasha ends up saving her. But Naruto has a fresh new start, something different. So Im rooting for Naruto. *thumbs up*
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