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Everything posted by Putz

  1. i'd bring the entire young female cast from Love Hina... what i'd do... maybe have a picnic...or something like that...
  2. if u think about it... the hair thing is a trademark of anything that follows the style of Akira Toriyama. this aspect is even apparent on Draqon Quest Series but traditionally anime heroes are created to show some kind of independence from the normal world so having the long hair would be more symbolic of being a renegade to the uptight and trimmed strucure around them... Bobobo-Bo-Bobobo plays on this fact on a satiracle level by centering on the hair itself as the argument... furthermore it provides another theme that seems coherant through action series... through indenpendence comes true power... [this is all IMO so take it with a grain of salt]
  3. Putz


    man i hope bleach never comes to america... that way we'll never here a poorly dubbed ichigo, rukia, kon... *shudders at the thought* even with naruto... ppl had such high hopes for it... and now look erm... listen to it.... ... but heh... i'm new... don't mind me... anyways i've caught myself up to 62 ... as well as the manga [wish i hadn't really] but on with the spoilers...ok i take it back just checked up with bleach7.com and turns out there is a new chapter... so uh yeah... i'm gonna hold off on the rest of this post while i go read 210...
  4. first please do not take offense for asking this... are these traditional art pieces or digital art pieces? if traditional... undoubtedly amazing... the detail you have put in with the images through mere pieces of snipped paper... you are a genius and have a delicate hand with scissors.... the charcol piece must have taken you a long time... it also must have been fairly huge in order u to maintain the texture the denim on the piece... if digital... for the cutout filter pieces... it's not unwholy original for photo manipulation... but maybe u could ad several other filters [if you are dealing with photoshop] to but a more artistic twange to the images... especially to the last piece... it was blatantly obvious where it was and how it was done... maybe palete knife fiter?
  5. [QUOTE=Retribution] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v294/mechinfinity/girl1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v294/mechinfinity/girl2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v294/mechinfinity/girl3.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/QUOTE] i say the text position of 3 with the graphic style of two... the white blank area on three disrupts your the sakura image... maybe if u cut it off a couple pixles before and after reaching sakura with some feathering it would look better... oh well did u draw the girl yourself or did u grab from a source... it's an awesome pic and an excelent banner style nonetheless... i
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