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Everything posted by Sayuri-sama

  1. well my signature say a lot about my horrid cuban temper. heh heh heh...mess with me i'll whoop ur rear end! lol!!!:D
  2. posted by D.ressurected How many of each type of animal did Moses take on the Ark? two i suppose
  3. actually one pretty interesting disease you should check our if your that into it is gangren. that thing can have some pretty nasty effects.
  4. i suppose my gorgeous soft, straight hair, n maybe my charisma.....ooo now i sound conceited :animedepr
  5. well if i were to believe all that "normal" people tell me and conclude about how i act then it seems that i am clinically insane as well. most of the time insanity is applied to people just because they are different.
  6. actually i do believe anything is possible , so therefore i do believe that dragons could have existed. theres a lot of evidence that they did. if you look at it many other countries have the dragon in some some point in their history. how is it that so many different, isolated countries all came up with the same concept of the dragon? i for one do believe in them, although i also think that the human imagination has exaggerated their concept a little too much, such as the whole breathing fire thingy.also if you look at the great wall of china from above it is the spinal cord of a dragon. lol!! i luv dragons!!!:animesmil
  7. actually every week (alright this may sound werid as hell) we have a day , which is tuesday. we have a special saying on tuesday.... Rape is a crime but not on tuesdays. so on tuesdays everyone pretends to rape each other. lol! yea werid as hell i told ya!:animesmil
  8. okay im going on a long shot here is it their bones?u know they creak and all that.... posted by D.ressurected Walk on the living, they don't even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble. What are they?
  9. well actually i dont really like discussing my religion because of the different views and some people may not exactly agree with me but im christian. im not exactly a maniac in religion but i know where i stand and what my values are :catgirl:
  10. oh i see. okay nevermind......:animesigh
  11. spaghetti, pizza and anything italian!!!! and of course tons of sweets!!!! and chocolate...oh no i have too many to tell :animestun
  12. ummm/// WTF is an [b]onmyouji. still dunno what that is[/b]
  13. posted by D.ressurected Forward and forward I go, never looking back. My limit no one knows, more of me do they lack. Like a river I do flow, and an eagle I fly. Now can you guess, what am I? the answer is time
  14. Originally Posted by [b]D. Resurrected[/b] [i]great job.ok heres another one enjoy everyone [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] You can find us in darkness but never in light. We are present in daytime but absent at night. In the deepest of shadows, We hide in plain sight. What am I? hehehe try to get this one hehehe [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/sdsmiley.gif[/img][/i] actually the letter D sounds like a resonable answer but i think its shadows..fits pretty well dontcha think?:D
  15. a trip to pittsburg!!! ahh i've always wanted to go there!!!! and also an ipod! yea a got a loooooong list !!!!:animeswea
  16. shinmaru i must tell you that i think you are being totally selfish in you formation of this topic. i am, for one, completly against child labor. why should little children in countries like china and turkey and etc. have to work their behinds off just so we can look nice and have nice things. doesnt anybody ever think about them? dont you think they want to look nice and trendy and what not? child labor is totallly cruel. if you talking about child labor in sweat factories that is. it is very unjust.
  17. well personally id love to go to japan but not as an exchange student. you'll get horrible homesickness. im also a sophmore soon to be a junior. i say dont complicate yourself just yet....trust me and i know complicated. my school supposively has a senior project but instead you can just do 6 community service hours instead. buona fortuna. the choice is up to you!:animesmil
  18. oh no!!! I MUST AGREE THE CHICKENS ARE COMING FOR US!!!! HEEEELLLLLPPPP!!!! SOMEBODY CONTACT KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN... QUICK!!!!!!:animestun :animestun :animestun :animestun !!!!!!
  19. well i guess that makes me an extrovert. im hyper n full of energy! i just love to hang with people!!! lol!!! yea so i guess thats how the river flows n the cookie crumnles! mmm..cookie....:animesmil
  20. i would love the hottest guy in the world to fall in love with me!!:animesmil ! nah okay thats just over the top for me! LOL! j/k:animeswea well if could search for anything in the world i would search for my twin i guess. you know how they say everyone has an exact look alike in the world. that would be quite interesting! lol!:p
  21. welll i always wanted to cross dress as guy but im way to hyper and peppy or what ever you call it. actually once there was this girl ( i think it was girl) at the super market and i could have sworn it was a guy. she/he was even talll and lanky like a guy!! scary....
  22. actually last week and this week i've been taking my FCAT and NRT examinations. yea how lame....especially since they determine whether i pass to 11th grade or not. lol!:animeswea glad to know im not alone!!!
  23. i think its best when u just say wahts in your heart. i did that once and i just got it thrown back at me but :animeblus ...yes. also i think its sweet when the guys sing you a song or write you a poem!!! soo kawaiiii!!!!!!!!!!:animesmil
  24. NO WAY!!! hes horrible!! hes cause no-end grief to our nation!!!
  25. well honestly im not a political person but i think this war is ridiculous. it is the hugest waste of time and it is causing us time,money and effort. hundreds of innocent lives are lost each day. we wouldnt be in any of this mess if werent for mister bushy-bush. he created this huge ordeal, so he better get us out.:animeangr
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