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Everything posted by Sayuri-sama
well since none of you figured out my riddle i'll just give you the answer. " what lives in captivity but dies in freedom?" its a secret....no really thats the answer. okay another one: try to find me if you can, you'll never guess where i am. i hide behind, in front as well, in your mind, i'll never tell. i am your mirror, but you cant see, when you gaze inside of me. i am part of you, though you dont know it, but only light can never show it. you have a guess, but only three, so what am i to thee? i got this one pretty quickly, but i dont know if you'll get so fast. :p
Anime Which series grabbed you from the start?
Sayuri-sama replied to Nekova's topic in Otaku Central
actually i must say i have been hook on fruits basket, saiyuki, tsubasa and xxx holic since they began! so awsome!!!! theres just no getting over it -
i like sango, kikyo and ayame, even though she was a temporary character. and think kikyo is awsome even though she totally needs to get over inu :catgirl:
okay right now im seriously bored so its time for a new thread! i want to know what you guys think about shows and or video games and their theme songs. right now im listenging to "simple and clean" from kingdom hearts and im thinking how awsome the song is for it. eeep! i love that song!:catgirl: do any of you out there hace shows or video games for which the songs suck or dont even match? aww man im such a horrible thread starter!!!:animedepr [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Slid over to the Music, Movies & TV forum ^~ -[B]Stuart[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
well when i was little i always wanted to be a sailor scout, like sailor jupiter from sailor moon.i would do my hair in pig tails or dance around like she did! i also would pretend to be a wolf when i got too bored....hey im an only child! gimme credit! i had nothing better to do! except chase chickens on our home made farm! my grandfather had so many chickens in the yard that it was practically a farm!:animeswea
well actually i love to cook!!! but im more into baking sweets and the lot!! but i can make pretty good pasta! i want to learn how to bake cakes too! soo cool!!!!:animesmil
d.ressurected the answer is draw a straight line through the equal signs. thats mean 5=5=5 canno equal 550. i dont understand the answer to the one aobut the forest. how is nose the answer?
d.ressurected im guessing peace??? or solitude? which is which? am i right?? amd wow!!! i am gonna have to spoil the riddle? sorry cant think of anymore clues..by now i probbly forgot the answer to my own riddle....:animedepr
well i think something cool to do but too expensive would be to just go up there and see her. that would certainly give her a surprize! not to mention a good idea for a movie!!! lol! or you could try sending her 11 roses on the day she returns and then go to her house with the 12th one!!! so kawaii!!!!
definitly the samurai. try putting a pirate up against the likes of mugen or jin. id like to see that!!! but dont get me wrong the ninjas are pretty close in lead for sneakiness! being such like the naruto ninjas!:animesmil
well i guess i luv the ota'boards because their just sooo fun! you can talk just about anything with just about anyone!!! its not only about anime its about everything else too! you can also get peoples honest opinion on everyday situations. no biased opinions because they dont know you so they arent affected by you problems and you can get honest suggestions or advice!!!:catgirl: go ota'boards!!!!
well guess i 1. tried to talk to him and 2. let my friend do my hair (that was the biggest mistake of my life.) see normally im very outgoing and yatta yatta but when it comes to guys i freak out. i get real shy and nervous. so was going to try and change and try and talk to him. but my friend insisted she do my hair. this turned out to be the stupids thing i ever did. shes not very good wit hair or make up. and since i look better with out anyof that i looked horrible. i guess you could call it natural beauty though i never see it. oh gawd . i didnt wat to take it off so she didnt feel bad, she was trying to help after all so i ended up feeling like an idito! word from the wise, never change you self for a guy!
umm..dude get with it. i dont think there are any mutes on the otakuboards. i mean how would they have heard about it in the first place if they cant exactly communicate too well........:animeswea
actually i do have several nicknames my self being: khi-chan, adri-san, adri-chan, khiyoni, kiki (go figure that one), kyo-chan and kamikaze. nicknames i ahve given to my friends adrew onii-chan (meaning big brother) stephanie:stephy natalie: natty-sama or nii-san (menaing big sister) andrea: andi the other andrea : big andrea maria: maruchan (like the ramen brand. this is because i know 2 marias) ariel: ari-kun jeanna: yoru-san or jeannie san juan:juan-san jessica:jessie-chan so as you can see i love giving people nicknames. hope you are amused:catgirl:
wow i cant believe no one has guessed my riddle yet! its so easy dont think about it as an object or thing. more along the lines of something you cant necessarily see.;) good luck!
my sig kinda contadicts my sn. sayuri of the fallen snow, yet my signature is about fire. if you play with fire... (oh i learned that part well alright. i got burned yesterday with propane gas). the pic is from this clamp site called duklyon cafe.:catgirl: lol calmp rox!!!!
well yes she has ceased her plagerism. that and i think my talk (note: not agressive confrontation) with her has taught her a lesson. no further comment on the issue. if she does it again i will confront her about it again. thats all i have to say :animesigh
[size=2]in response to D. ressurected's riddles i guess you would be in 2nd place. i mean hello, you passed them , so wouldnt that meant that you took their place?[/size] [size=2]okay heres one: in captivity i live, but set me free and i'll die.[/size]
[size=2]well since im too lazy to read all the posts i'll tell you this.i think the best advice anyone can ever give you right now, as well as advice you can give youself, is listen to your heart. your head may be saying " no i dont like him" but your heart may be saying other wise.[/size] [size=2]just be true to yourself and try not to linger on it too much. you'll find things will turn out for the best. and no matter what never stop being you!:catgirl: [/size] [size=2]lol hope things work out for the best!:animesmil [/size]
first of all sara, i suggest you go back and reread my previous posts. i never said anything about yelling at her or being that rash.i just opened her eyes to the fact that we know what she is up to. and answer me just one question, do you think its is right for her to plagerize? anyways further on my case she seems to be acting as if nothing has happened and hasnt plagerized any further works. i believe she may have been doing that out of sheer jealousy. it wouldnt have been the first time it has happened. many people get envious of the way my friend and i draw, thus do things to screw us up or copy us. we are still friends, but im glad i was able to show her im no push over and that im smarter than to fall for something like that.
well ive known her for two years and i have been trying to find out why shes been doing this. i confronted her twice about it but i just cant seem to get it out of her. i have just recently found about 14 of "her" drawings on deviant art. what i mean is i found the originals by other people. everything on that site is copywritted. i cannot let this go by unnoticed. its sad that someone i looked up to turns out to be a fake. i've been played for a fool. she also lies about everything else about her life! i swear she spews lies 24/7! this is an insult to my intelligence.:animeangr And i know she isnt doing this to become my friend because i didnt know she could "draw" til about a year after i met her. all my friends know i am a very caring person, with my temper, but i really care about everyone. that can make me rather gullible and naiive at times:animeswea . i cannot believe shes been doing this. how shameful:animesigh
[size=1]well honestly she does act like noting happened and i pisses me off. the dad thing i cannot find the email of the girl whose drqawing she plagerized. i am currently searching for all the other plagerized artworks. and yes i do have art of my own. but i do not like to post it online for the obvious reason.[/size] [size=1]i am also trying to find out if everything on deviant art is copywritted. because if it is shes in for a nasty surprise.[/size] [size=1]to resply to the previous question and in accordance with other testimonies of people that have known her longer that i have, she has been lying to everyone her whole time spent here (she is constantly moving). i think that is very low.:animeangr [/size]
actaully Retribution, i never said she was plagerising my works. shes been going on Deviant art.com and printing other peoples drawings and trying to pass them off as her own. honestly if you erase the graphite off the drawing you see its all pixelated on the bottom
hey does anyone know when yasumi con 06 in FIU in miami florida will take place? ive been looking for that every where!! i wasnt able to go last year for weather issues but im dying i go this year!!!!:animesmil heh i wanna buy an authentic kimono!!!! and PAWKY!! ( more commonly known as pocky):p
well actually i did get to rad the first volume of the oh my goddess manga. honestly the book sux because the guy looks horrible but i do like the story line. i recently wanted to buy the anime but as of my lack of cash i couldnt -_-;