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Everything posted by Sayuri-sama

  1. every day dude! i really want to fix the ending to the DNAngel show. the end was horrible! !!! my dark is gone!!!!! or id at least make a movie. also the sailor moon starS show needsa new ending. thats pretty much it until now! lol!!!:animesmil
  2. well i recently discovered that a friend of mine was plagerising her art work by printing other artists work from deviant art and simply tracing on the exact drawing with pencil to make it look real. i am very disappointed in her and since she is older i looked up to her. but now i just feel tricked and lied to. i have absolutly zero tolerence for plagerism so i confronted her about it. i sort of told her off about it.and i just got another lie thrown right back at me.i just wanted to know what you guys thought about it. was i right to confront her and tell her off about her lie as well as our friends? this isnt the first time she lies about something. and im begining to think her only art is the art of lying.:animedepr
  3. well you can be almost any character if you buy a chinese dress. just think of one. if you buy a cheap kimono you can be kaouru from kenshin, since her hair almost looks purple. thats all i got for now :animeswea heh guess im not too creative....:animecry: LOL! you can also cross dress as one of the saiyuki guys!!
  4. wel most of the time i sound like misao from kenshin and riku from FFX according to my friends but i can pull off risa (yuckk) from DNAngel occasionally:cool:
  5. mac. even though i own a windows time spent on my cousins mac proves it to be much worthier than my windows...>.< kay my turn...would you rather be stuck in a room fill with pink and hello kitty stuff all pink with no windows completely seasled for 48 hours straight OR lie impaled on a bed of needles that missed your vital points with leeches, rats and maggots tearing at you?
  6. well actually i think im turning japanese too!! LOL!! i can say several phrases and i can even curse you out! lol! even though i know quite a bit i do wish to further expand my "studies". lol!!! but that will have to wait for now i am am currently learning italian.:animesmil saya suka enkau sekali: i like you very much wo ai ni:i love you baka neko/ino: stupid cat/dog:catgirl: shigo kuni ot su: (like i'l tell you that one heh heh he...) gomen nasai :im sorry domo arigato: thank you very much hikari:light ketsuikiken:sword of blood this just a little childrens rhyme that translates to red rolled paper, blue rolled paper, yellow rolled paper aka maki ga me , ao maki ga me, ki maki ga me i shall think of more soon enough!!!!:animesmil
  7. well dang how could you possibly remember such a long dream???? i once heard you can sort of see glimpses of the future through dreams. hey maybe im just clinically insane....which i usually am. i normally will dream about people i know in my dreams....wow that sounded ironic:animestun
  8. everyday....though i wish the hot guy would ask me out. cuz even the nerdy one, who turn out to be not so nerdy are always taken!!! yea i got severe issues in getting a guy:animecry: ,. just to cry about it.......plus not like the hot guy i like will ever notice me. his group hates my friends. stupid treasons i guess :rolleyes:
  9. well actually last night i dreamed i was in clothes store which i totally despise. i was there with my mother and godmoth and a few friends. suddenly i ran into this kid i used yo like from school and he ran off. so i began to chase him and i ran into my mother. she said he tried to kill her with some naruto like ninja move. so i continued to chase him and demand and explanation and we ended up at his house.which happened to look like my old house.(?) furthermore he wouldnt say why he tried to kill her and beyond that i cant remember. but he was going to say something important but then i woke up. i guess it had something to do with my watching naruto and one piece last night. but still, even though i dont like him anymore i still have dreams of him.....the oddity:animesigh
  10. actually i really like the thin pack dvds a lot! i currently own the azumanga daioh and the sailor moon S thin packs! they are so convinient. being the fact that i have so much junk on my book shelf already. what sucks is that you dont get the reverse covers like on the regular dvds :animedepr lol! but they are great none the less:animesmil
  11. i just wat to say i love one piece! at first i thought it was kinda crappy but once i got more into the manga and saw the show i actually kinda like it! nami is my favorite character!! they way she is always stealing stuff!:p
  12. oh wow! i should try that!! but does that apply in florida? isnt that like another word for scholarship?:animestun
  13. well honestly i think life starts or stared when god created the world. now if you mean person then i guess when they are born, or rather when, they get destinies. i mean, you not really alive until you have somthing to live for:animesmil i live for food.....and guys,,,......and drawing.....okay thats enough! i live for chocolate alright! LOL!
  14. hey thank you all for you support!!! lol !!!! im sure my graduation will be both sad and funny!!! funny in the sense that when i get really nervous i start laughing hysterically!!:animecry: :animesmil wow odd combo eh? thanks for the advice tsukineko!!!! i will try to stay in contact with my friends even though they leave early! *sobs uncontrolably*:animecry: . plus...heh heh heh they can never get rid of me !!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!:o heh okay physco moment done~!!!
  15. weeeelllllll i have many things i like to do now that you ask!!! i like to draw, eat, chase guys, eat, sing, listen to music occasionally, be annoying, be cute, talk, talk to myself, eat, draw some more, watch football, eat some more, chase guys , whoops did i already mention that???:animeswea heh heh heh!!! so now you know and welcome to the forum! :animesmil
  16. well in the case that you do know her a little bit well, have you tried expressing your feelings to her through music or art?? there is this guy in my art class that sings to girl next to him, and when ever he does it all of us girls in the table simply droool!!! trust me girls love it when you can sing or play an instrument!!!!:animeshy::animesmil
  17. wow i honestly didnt expect so many replies to this topic!!! actually i also wanted to ask whats a college graduation like?? to tell you guys the truth ive never heard of one before. its not everyday you hear yea im going to my collge graduation!!!lol!!! most intresting.....:animeshy:
  18. hey did you know the word Vroom ( as in vroooooooooooomm vroooooooooommmm) was added to the american dictionary along with duh LOL! hard to believe huh!:animeswea
  19. well i know it sounds boring but i would like to have aflower shop or a bakery! its just so fun!! i really like plants and i love to cook, so this would be so great for me! also its kinda relaxing. with my insane lifestly it would be nice to have a cute little shop to run !!!!:p
  20. dude also you are talking about someone you vaguely know. i think you need to get over it! i swear! i chased every guy i feel for i would be wanted all over the country!!!:rolleyes: trust me , you'll find another! :p okay dude honestly i think you need to get over her. this is just someone you vaguely know! i mean seriously if i chased every guy i ever fell for i would be wanted all over the country!!:rolleyes: just get over it! you find someone else...;) [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: Please remember it is against the rules of the site to double post. I have combined your double post to conform to this rule. If you need to add something to a thread directly after you have already posted, use the edit button to add the information. Also remember that on the OB we have a high quality of posting. Using proper capitalization will make your posts easier to read. If you have questions about the rules or posting quality please feel free to PM myself of any of the other moderators. Thanks! -Panda[/COLOR]
  21. not to sound stupid or anything whats fafsa?
  22. did you know if you closely at the back of the penny you can see abraham lincoln sitting in between the pillars? also dogs can hear a toilwt flush up to 30 miles away!:catgirl:
  23. i have a random fact. butterflys taste with their feet and bees have 5 eyes,....or was it noses? also onc e long ago in england chocolate was banned because it was considered dangerous:animesmil lol!1 id die if chocolate was banned!!!:flush:
  24. you know also if you think about it they may not really even hate him. they may just feel that by dating this dude they are losing their baby-girl. i know the same issue with a guy friend of mine that his mother is WAY too attached to both her sons and hates his girlfriend because of that. just keep thinking " i know i'll be alright" im im sure things will turn out okay!:p
  25. you think your luck with girls is bad???? you should see my luck with guys!! i swear dont even let me go there!!! dude if you dont go searching for love , love will find you. trust me im still waiting!! love must ahve gotten lost.....
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