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Everything posted by Sayuri-sama

  1. yay! thank you all so much for your support!!! even though i still got two years to go!!! its just one of my very best friends, shes practically my older sister, graduates this year, and i dont know what im going to do without her. not that i dont have any other friedns but she like a big part of my life and all. i know im so gonna cry on that last day of school...and trust me its hard for me to cry. next year will probably be sadder though but i must be strong and bear with it. being in high school now, its hard to think that theres life beyond that. i know i will never forget my friends and i'll still see them still but its not the same as seeing them every day and going to class with them and all. :animecry: WHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! but i must look to the bright side!:animesmil IM SURE I'LL BE ALRIGHT!!!!:cool:
  2. well today i was watching Azumanga daioh's last episode and i was thinking what's going to be like when i graduate? i couldnt stop crying and all but it really made me think. i still have two years left in high school and i was wondering about everyone else. is graduating a really big thing for you? i mean my middle school graduation really wasnt a big thing because everyone i graduated with went next door to the high school. but now its going to be really hard to part after being with everyone for like 7 years. i will be even harder for me because all my friends are a grade higher than me , which means they leave earlier..:animecry: whhaaaaaaaa!!!!! i hope im not alone!!!
  3. well actually even though you are having to deal with all that trash talk i think you should stay strong and never stop believing!(sorry if i spelled it wrong). i honestly cant stand t when other people try to bud in and try to ruin you relationship:animeangr [font=Verdana][size=1]i wish you the best of luck. may fortune always smile upon you.:catgirl: [/size][/font]
  4. yes actually i only watched like 15 minutes of the game but the NFC won. i was a good game though.i heard matt hasselbeck talking to a reporter and he said afeter seeing the steeler players with their families going out and all they didnt hate them so much. i wasa pretty good game.:animesmil
  5. actually for me i have that werid habit of "knowing things" . once when i was in 8th grade i was standing in line with my friend thinking about what we were buy at the vending machine. there were three people in front of me. so i said to her hey maybe i'll buy cheetos hot fries. next thing you know the guy 1st guy in line buy cheetos hot fries. i was like oh well coincidence. then i was thinkin maybe i should buy doritos salsa chipsinstead. my friend said ok i'll get some too. next thing you know the 2nd person in line buy doritos hot fries.said i was like okaaay never mind then. i said maybe i'll buy some m&ms and the third guy buys m&ms. i was like hOLY *******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i still dont know how that happened but now every time i go to the vending machines i seem i always know what people are going to buy!:animestun werid huh?
  6. omg!cholesterol! (, inside joke) i absolutely love FF7: AC. its so awsome!!!!! i especially love cloud and reno! i have been so hung over the movie ever since there was mention of its creation!! yea!! rock on AC!!!
  7. actually you do need to research your opponents strategy, stengths and weaknesses ao that you can preanticipate plays. so in a way it is a think at the moment and a think ahead game. its a little of both. GO STEELERS!:D
  8. [font=Verdana][size=2][size=1]actually i think its fun[/size] [size=1]when we end uo confusing each other. it makes things all the more interesting. although, being a girl , i am difficult to comprehend its really notthat hard! guys are actually quite simple to understand!!!*sighs*:animesigh he is such a heartbreaker...LMAO!!! [/size][/size][/font]
  9. actually i like chess but i find football more exciting . i rather play ches than watch it. watching it is so boring and uneventful. its better when you can really get insided their heads and know what they are planning. in football sometimes the player and coaches get mic'd up and you hear their plans and ETC, for the game. nothing compares to football! sorry! maybe baseball.....ima big marlin and red soxx fan too!:animesmil yea i kno im a trip.!:catgirl:
  10. Oh my gawd! yes! who would! those sexy antagonists!!! like in FF7: advent children i love the kajul guy. and in getbackers, akabane is awsome, i just love the four bad guys in saiyuki and also i like some of the bad guys in naruto cuz the look cool. ilike haku and etc.:p
  11. well i guess my idea would be spending a day with the love of my life. going out to dinner, going to bayside or some outdoor mall, and chatting. then after dinner we'd go to a park and watch fireworks (yes my imagination runs wild. when the heck do you see fireworks in florida in febuary). and the we'd go out for ice cream just before heading home, then it ends with a long sweet kiss ...*ahh sighs* if only it were so!:catgirl:
  12. well actually thats the beauty of the game. discussing tactics and planning it out. what i do infact like about rugby is the fact that its so violent. but i've never actually seen a game . yesh i live in the dtates. not to much of a big deal. i do wish to live in italy. but nonetheless i grew up with american football and as a steeler fan! so thats how it goes!:animesmil
  13. where am i you ask? im still wondering that...lost in the depths of my mind maybe? lol!! j/k . im in homestead florida. a sophmore in high school and currently looking for a boyfriedn! LMAO!!!!;)
  14. [font=Verdana][size=2]first of all the posing with the trohphy was was something they have to do before the super bowls. this is just the first year they actually release the photos to public before the game is over. as for the steelers being a bandwagon team, i think you are just being a sorry loser. dont be a sore loser and just admit your team lost. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]all this post game trash talking i keep getting is ridiculous!!! people saying the game was fixed? what the hell is their problem! the seahawks were the ones dropping passes and their quarter back got sacked 3 times!!! i also agree that it was a great way for the bus to end his career!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: :catgirl: :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :p :p :p :p ;) ;) ;) [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]GO STEELERS![/size][/font]
  15. hey according to your topic you needed some names so here are some good , but really werid one 1) ketsuyorukage 2) kisuikiken (literally means sword of blood) 3) Mikishi 4) Khiyoni (my surname) hope this helped:catgirl:
  16. well personally that whole thing sounds bizzare to me. there is no science to love so just keep it simple. and if its energy you need come to me!! im like a hyperactive enery drink...or something..........-:animeswea
  17. OMG!! i just saw the steelers v. seahwaks game and we kicked so much *****!!!!!!! go pittsburg!!!! thats our fifth championship!!!! i am so stoked!!! thank you all for your support!!!!!!!!!!now imma go crazy ordering merchandise straight from pittsburg!!!!! plus the bus anounced his retirement last night so im glad he got that final game and first championship!:animesmil :D :D :D :D :D :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil much joy!
  18. well i'd say furuba has got to be the best anime/manga out there!!! it totally rocks!!!! [spoiler]especially the whole haru/rin story. i think its kind of sad that they cant be together , but i also think its brave of rin to protect haru like that![/spoiler] im a yer of the horse so i should know!!!:D [color=darkblue][size=1][b]In the future when you're talking about important plot points that someone else who is reading the series may not have gotten to yet, please use spoiler tags, thanks. -Lady K[/color][/size][/b]
  19. actually about the 4th inuyasha movie all i know is that its called fire on mystic island and its supposed to be released in america when they finish releasing the TV series here, translated of course. by the way inuyasha has 7 seasons and we are like in season 5 or 6 so its going to be a while before it comes out :animedepr yea i know that sux
  20. [font=Verdana][size=2]well i would say fruits basket has become pretty popular in the past year or so. also tsubasa, samurai champloo and saiyuki!!! they are so totally awsome!:animesmil [/size][/font]
  21. ya kno in japan the girls give the guys chocolate that had to be stictly home made! and exactly one month later , march 4, the guy had to give a retun gift to the girl. if he didnt it was a huge sign of disrespect. but firnds also gave each other chocolate or whatever!:animesmil
  22. yay! im glad so many people have replied ! honestly i didnt expect such a turn out! only two days to superbowl and im totally physched!!!! (or however you spell it) personally i dont like the seahawks! STEELERS ALL THE WAY!! if you look at all season the seahawks have had an easy schedule to p[lay. they played poor opponents that anyone could beat. also if you watch the reruns of the panthers-seahawks game you can see carolina practically gave them the game. they missed easy blocks and left hole in the defensice line. seattle isnt too tough an opponent. to tell you the truth they are kind of whimpy and soft.:p :beer: w00t! partay!!!
  23. well actually i do agree with you. and although i usually act as if i was clinically insane:animestun and on the such and such drug you posted i am still a physcotic (sorry if its misspelled) football fanatic!!!:p and i really truly enjoy those hilarious superbowl commercials!! W00T!!! GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!! :animesmil
  24. yayayyayaya!! im so happy there sre so many people out there rooting for pittsburg!!! i just keep getting al this trash talk in my high school about the steelers and all!! so happy to have fellow fanatics!! as for ziggy stardust, if you dont like football then dont reply to a string about it. yayay!!! and dude whos a st.louis fan i like them too they are cool! is all good! i tooo like the rams!!!!! GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!:catgirl:
  25. well i live in florida. we have officially two seasons: summer and not summer. it gets so damn hot and sticky in the summer! its terrible!> and when it does get "cold" u jus wanna die because your not used to it. and the hurricanes are horrendous!!! we get like 20 bad one in like 5 months!
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