once i had a dream that i was eating chicken with cool whip. n yesterday i made rice balls n the pot kinda overflowed so i dreamed i was cookin rice balls the pot over flowed n i spent forever cleaning the mess , but at the same time i had vision of me sitting in a park bench and talkin to a guy but i could only hear his voice. SO romantic! still lookin 4 a boyfriend so if my disembodied voice is out there ..HERE I AM!!!!!
i wish i had never seen code lyoko and dragonball. they are poor excuses for anime
[color=#ff6600]Please expand on your choices. Why are they poor excuses for anime? -Lore[/color]
i would love 2 b in cardcaptors 4 some reason.....its just so light hearted and also DNAngel and XXX holic! luv it!!! yuko always trying 2 rip ppl off!
i can totally identify with milfie (galaxy angel), fai(tsubasa even though imma a girl) , mei lin (cardcaptors) , towa (DNAngel), yuya (SDK), rin (furuba) and winry (FMA) , and any other hyper character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[COLOR=DarkRed]if u really wanna get good skin color buy a 50 pack of crayola color pencils n use the one called sand. thats all i know for color pencil art[/COLOR]
Red hair, Long hair , green eyes, and some who isnt a push over ya kno? someone who'll fight back!!! if theres anyone out there lyk dat!! PLZ!!! FIND ME!!!!! currently looking 4 a boyfriend!!!!! :p
well if you really want to drw hair i can be of assisstance to you. but you must be willing and committing. i dont teach slackers or wannabes,. if you are intested send me and email and i shall send u a sample of my art work.take advice from other to heart, things may end up badly for one who does not listen. i had the smae problem but if u dont honestly try and draw from the heart u will suck the rest of ur lyf. believe it.
p.s. if what i hear is true and you are badmouthing other peoples advice then you have no right to call yourself "sama" my dear miyuki.