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  1. i want to search anime with this genre.... -Action,fantasy,comedy,ecchi,shounen and school life -like mahou sensei negima..:catgirl:
  2. Well,i don't remember,but the first anime i watched are dragon ball..i think then sensei negima..until i watch fate/stay night..but i'm getting more interested to anime after i finished watching the last episode of fate/stay night..:)
  3. I think saber is best servant,her noble phantasm is very good...but I didn't like it's ending...too sad...bummer..:( ------- I cant find my thread...so I'll post a new one... is there episode 25 or season 2? [COLOR="DarkRed"][size=1]When creating a new thread, try to use the Official Thread Directory to see if it hasn't already been created. ~Ikillion[/size][/COLOR]
  4. oh...i also loved this game..so i have a question to ask... there are many chapter in this game....and when will my child help me in my farm....ohh.. :animesmil
  5. colour?my favourite colour is...Blue....yeah because it's like ocean....full of emotion..don,t you think so too...ilovekyonkichi...HAHAHAHA....can i be friends with you...
  6. hm..when will this game comeout...i wait and wait....i hope square enix will make this one is better than last one.....PEACE :animesmil
  7. the hardest boss is in the Suikoden III game....it took me a week to defeat this damm boss..because there are 5 crystal to take care first...well i want to say it's very hard..... :D :animeangr
  8. hallo....how to defeat saruin....he always kill me with the hit all attacks and my characthers get controlled by him....please....help me..... :D :rolleyes:
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