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Everything posted by alchemist102

  1. my favorite chericter is sesshomeru to hes ausum
  2. thanks! would walden books have her work
  3. dont forget about you legs dude you make them to far no way to far apart! just saying not trying to get you mad.
  4. i love inuyasha but why dose it have to be on so late!
  5. where can i get a book on takeshi romiko's works so i can learn to draw like her?
  6. ive always wanted to draw like the creator of inuyasha and full metal alchemist any advice on them? oh and Takeshi obata he draws for Hikaru no go. [color=darkblue][size=1][b]Please use the Edit button to add something else to your post rather than double-posting in the future, thanks. -Lady K[/color][/size][/b]
  7. ive been imitating Katy Coope much shes pritty good in most ways she draws upside down pointed egg shape heads for the eyes she also draws her eyes like backwards j's is that a good place to start from.
  8. Ive been drawing a certian style and i just bought a new how to draw manga its a way different style any advice how to get used to a new style
  9. flcl is it supposed to make sence :animenose
  10. i need some backround help i cant draw them at all any advice.
  11. well ive got sumtin wats going to happen is each persons going to be vaporised into a world with no name well at least they dont know its name each one of them is put in a different place Karhama meets a littel boy like man named KimashiHis race is called a jin-jin they were the leaders of that whole world they are all of different elements fire,water,earth,blood,death,and mist the only jin-jin whos masterd all elemants is the Elder hes 210 years old and knows of the proficy3 people from a far away place will come and save the land from the evil that controls it. well anyway he brings her to a jin-jin village. wial janasu was vaporised his DNA was messed up and replaced with a strand of jin-jin DNA so hes now part jin-jin and human the elements he's abel to use is blood and death, rickonis was placed in a huge forest he walks for hours until he finds a ravien not a steep one but he timbls down the ravine and falls into a deep deep whole where Janasu was placed the two meet and start to fight because Rickonis made fun of his size. back in the village kimashi took karhama to the elder where he told her of the proficy when they here a huge BANG! and a shake comes to the ground kimashi and karhama go to chek what happend and see the boys lieing on the ground banged up thats the first issue wat you think
  12. I like it ive added sum stuff to myn like when my main chericters were vaporised into this world Janasus dna got messed up so in the world hes a jin-jin instead of a human and the jin-jin have differnet abilitys his are blood and death thus his best move is blood solm but the only way to perform the move is co cut something away from his body. he dosent know his mystic strength untill the next manga comes out Training with elder it will be good. My friend on here gunman sumtin and i are going to start are oun bussiness Manga INK. were going to print out copies of both our mangas and give them out at school.
  13. no ones said anything about my manga idea :animecry: plz give me sum feed back My manga is about 3 people frome different time periods Riconis the axe man from england in 1428 Janasu a swordsman from japan in 2005 and Karhama a magician from anchent china
  14. full metal alchemist i love it
  15. my manga is called Blood Solm its about 3 people Janasu Rickonis and Karhama they are all from a different point in timeJanasu is a swordsman with evil powers,Rickonis uses a battel axe, and Karhama has a magic book the controls oneof the jin-jins named Kimashi these 3 ppl have to save a world that has no name its inhabited with ppl called jin-jins and monsters. they get vaporised to this world. Rickonis is vaporised into Woods, Janasu is vaporised into a huge ravine, and Karhama is vaporised with Kimashi to a jin-jin village. once rickonis gets out of the woods he runs through a field and falls into the ravien he meets janasu and the start to fight thinking its unsafe thats my first issue
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