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    like it matters.
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    I stack or empty barrels of wood.

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  1. I thik it could. And I agree, RP's do drop like flies. Try it out. Who knows it might just work. I believe you can do it! (thtat was somethink kidish to say :D )
  2. I'm going to make a new RPG. (People must think I make to many) That's because well nobody signs up! :mad: But anywho I was thinking that I could get more than one person to make a story. I don't have any ideas, so throw some at me. Then we'll make an RP. Hopefully I will soon be able to rest my fingers and finaly have an RPG that a lot of people would like. I'll think of something. Who knows maybe two heads (in this case ideas) is better than 1. If I think of a story i'll edit it into this thread.
  3. Has anyone made a mistake trying to make a food? But actually turn out good. I have. One time I made Chocolate Chip Cookies. It took me a long time to mix the batter. (because of hard butter) So I put it in the microwave. Anyways I made cookies that completly tasted like choclote chip chocolate cookies. Plus chocolate swirled inside theme. So that that just proves that some mistakes are good.
  4. he date is 30XX A.D. All wars ended and world peace was achieved. But how long will it last. A teenager named Jhonny Travis thinks that won't last. Jhonny was walking home. All was normal in his 11th grade life. HIs friends Tara Rose, and Zach Hilllsborogh, Was going home with him to have a good time. Jhonny and Zach were racing while Tara was chasing after them. " You two never give up. Your both rivals. Said Tara angrily. "Well thats what we do, our hormoans tell us to." Replied Jhonny. " Did you ever pay attention in health class. You guys are jusst stubborn." "Stop complaining girl!" Yelled Zach. "You jek!" Yelled Tara. When they arrived Jhonny turned on the TV. He turned to channel 7 news. "A message in the sky?" Said a reporter. "Even skeptics are believing. A sure sign that the apocylypse is her. Historians say the message tells us we only have 10 days left to live.". "hell no. Did they just say end of the world.?' Said Zach hyperventilating. "Yup." Said Tara calmly. " lets get supplies at the store for my fathers "Apocylypse Shelter". said Jhonny. "Well then get of your *** and go to wal*Mart." Yelled Zach. "Okay, Oay!" said Jhonny. "Tara I need a women's touch here." "SEXIST!!!!!" Yelled Tara. " Oreo's, franken berry, 25 gallons of milk and soda. Soup, beef, noodles, Playstation maga- Wait end of the world no playstation." "That will be 2000 dollors sir, would you like a UPS truck to bring it to you?" Said the cashier. "Ha ha ha!" Yelled Jhonny in her face." "Your taking this well." Said Tara sarcasticly. " Uh-hu, you'll thank me. You always will." Hey Zach we're back. "OMG OMG OMG! thats a lot a stuff." Said Zack. " Here's the receipt." Said Jhonny. "You're taking this well Jhonny." " That's what I said. Replied Tara like it was a deja vu episode. The last days left were great. Then the day arrived. Jhonny awoke and stepped outside. His fears were realized. THe land around him was baron with only the arms and legs of people that once stood. " Why did this happen?'' Jhonny asked himself. "Because of you." A voice said that was in an enigma. " Who the hell sid that?" Jhonny asked the voice. " Why it is but you." "me?" Jhonny reapeated. "Yep. And soon the people from Klaushia VIII, Vexrell, Hellisar 2 and Gakinji are coming for you. And the fedaration is gone as well. Its all because of you or is it me? Plus that girl Tara and that cocky fool Zack" " I'm dead wrong. Or is it you. Damn now i'm confused." Well me goodbye and remember. This was because of you 3." The voic edissapeared. " Darn it what was with me. That was all me." Jhonny said in a worried tone. "That's not true." "OH! TAra it's only you." "This is our fault not yours. Now lets go back to the cabin." As they went inside an explosion woke another fear in Jhonny's mind. " The Klaushias from Klaushia VIII." Yelled Jhonny. He ran of. "Zach wake up the Klashias are attaking and Jhonny went after them." "Damn1 get a gun and lets hightail it out a here." Yelled Zack. Meanwhile Jhonny was chasing after the aliens. Suddenly he blacked out. "What are you thinkisg John? GOing out like that. That guy was right it is your fault. Wake up from reality. You guys will die." Then suddenly like hope he awoke purified. A sword in hand. "Hey a sword. This coul be lucky." "There he is get him." "HUh? Oh you guys. Well then prepare to die." Like lightning he hacked and slashed. His sword trailing behind him with the army men behind him drafting. He shot at one dodged bullets and repeated. His body flaid like a chainmace. He must of coverd 10 yard with dead men from the Klaushias' army. "whoa I did that." Said Jhonny astonished. "You whped their butts Jhonny!" Said Zach. "Yoy bet!" Cheered Tara. Jhonny, Tara, and Zach knew their destinies were change... fo life. That there was the beginning. Jhonny, Tara and Zach are in the ship. THey are heading for space. " So where are we going?" Asked Zach. " Somewhere other than here. I'll check the data base." Replied Jhonny. " How bout' Tyras Lar?" Asked Tara. " Why? That planets desolit. No use. Well unless you want me to-" "Train, the monsters there are easy." " Sure then let me get the data for the planet." As Jhonny looed he stumbled on something strange. " Klausian Kode.?" Said Jhonny. " Great spellers." Said Tara sarcasticly. " Klaians are not who they say. That name is your false planetarian names. Or name of our race. We are actually the Purifiers. Our duty is to protect the Stratosphere data. Which holds our treu ambitions. This program is also knows as an Antiarchatect System. The earthern goverment installed it without knowing that that's a doomsday device. It will take 10 days to work. Then we will scope out the Blade of the Calamity. For if any human gets a hold of it...why...that would be desastrious. That will spell death for the universe. But in our hand we will use it to summon Jesonakis. Our lord in mortal flesh will devour the universe. But we will survive. SO remember our race is not the Klausians it's the Grafalshians. June 7th, 29xx." "Well thats why they're here." Said Jhonny. "well let's go then!!!" Yelled Zach. "Well we're here guys." "RUSTLE RUSTLE" "AHHHHH!!!!!!!! A monster! YElled Tara. It pounced at him. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3]BATTLE[/SIZE][/COLOR] MOVEMENT 1 Jhonny: 1050 HP Yowerhorn: 500 Hp 350 MP MP:200 Attack: Regular 50 Damage to enemy. Enemy magic: Fire thorn -25 MP 50 Damage. MOVEMENT 2 Jhonny: 1000 HP YH: 450 HP 350 MP 175 MP Attack (ability): Calamity Crush 100 Damage Eemy attack: MISS YH: 350 HP 175 MP Attack (ability): Hilt smash -70 MP Enemy attack: 100 damage MOVEMENT 3 J: 900 HP YH: 350 HP 280 MP 175 MP Attack: 160 Damage. E. attack (ability): HOrn gore. 100 Damage. MOVEMENT 4 J: 800 HP YH: 130 HP 280 MP 175 MP Attack: 160 Damage ENEMY DEFEATED!!!!! MONEY: 200-1200 ITEMS: potion, antidote, ether EXP: 1st battle bonus= +1000 = LEVEL UP! +2 Skill points [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3]BATTLE END[/SIZE][/COLOR] " Whew that was easy!" Said Jhonny. " We need weopons ourselves!" Yelled Zach. "WE will after a couple of battles. But for now let's eat.
  5. I could really use a banner for my signature. It's for an RPG of mine. 10 Days Til Death [PG13-LSV] is the rpg. I'll copy the words of my charecters apearrence. So help me only if your up to it. I don't want to waste peoples time. But if you could help that would be great. Thanks. Here's jhonnies apearence. he is male. And please add the name of the RPG. (10 Days Til Death) [SIZE=3] appearence: Has a flat chin. his eyes are aqua. He has black hair and red highlights. His right cheek has a birthmark of the calamity. ( a serpant on the cross) his body has a heavy metal look. His hair is short.[/SIZE]
  6. Hey moderater you can close this thread now. I dont need it.
  7. Never Ending White Lights by The Grace. That song just came on tonight. It is kindof sad. I'll get the lyrics. Oh and Santuary by Utada hikaru. The one at the end of KH2 is better than the begginning one. Especially the chorus. NEVERENDING WHITE LIGHTS LYRICS "The Grace" In better days I've been known to listen I go to waste all my time is missing I'm mapping out my ending, it's never gonna happen now These things are condescending with everybody backing down You pray to stars that can help you get by And all at once you forget to try I'd go there if you let me, they're never gonna find me now My life is always empty and in and out of doubt You're not coming back for me, these things they will never be I'm so used to being wrong, so put me where I belong I'll get back to you, God knows I try, but I still lose And I get back to you, these days run by, but I still lose Angels say they can make you suffer They give and take like a vicious lover When all this loses meaning, You'll never want it back somehow Awake but still I'm dreaming And never waking up Alone...Where I'm not alone Oh I forgot my one and only favorite Limp Bizkit song. Behind Blue Eyes."Behind Blue Eyes" No one knows what it's like To be the bad man To be the sad man Behind blue eyes And no one knows What it's like to be hated To be fated to telling only lies [Chorus:] But my dreams they aren't as empty As my conscience seems to be I have hours, only lonely My love is vengeance That's never free No one knows what its like To feel these feelings Like i do, and i blame you! No one bites back as hard On their anger None of my pain and woe Can show through [Chorus] Discover l.i.m.p. say it [x4] No one knows what its like To be mistreated, to be defeated Behind blue eyes No one knows how to say That they're sorry and don't worry I'm not telling lies [Chorus] No one knows what its like To be the bad man, to be the sad man Behind blue eyes.
  8. he date is 30XX A.D. All wars ended and world peace was achieved. But how long will it last. A teenager named Jhonny Travis thinks that won't last. Jhonny was walking home. All was normal in his 11th grade life. HIs friends Tara Rose, and Zach Hilllsborogh, Was going home with him to have a good time. Jhonny and Zach were racing while Tara was chasing after them. " You two never give up. Your both rivals. Said Tara angrily. "Well thats what we do, our hormoans tell us to." Replied Jhonny. " Did you ever pay attention in health class. You guys are jusst stubborn." "Stop complaining girl!" Yelled Zach. "You jek!" Yelled Tara. When they arrived Jhonny turned on the TV. He turned to channel 7 news. "A message in the sky?" Said a reporter. "Even skeptics are believing. A sure sign that the apocylypse is her. Historians say the message tells us we only have 10 days left to live.". "hell no. Did they just say end of the world.?' Said Zach hyperventilating. "Yup." Said Tara calmly. " lets get supplies at the store for my fathers "Apocylypse Shelter". said Jhonny. "Well then get of your *** and go to wal*Mart." Yelled Zach. "Okay, Oay!" said Jhonny. "Tara I need a women's touch here." "SEXIST!!!!!" Yelled Tara. " Oreo's, franken berry, 25 gallons of milk and soda. Soup, beef, noodles, Playstation maga- Wait end of the world no playstation." "That will be 2000 dollors sir, would you like a UPS truck to bring it to you?" Said the cashier. "Ha ha ha!" Yelled Jhonny in her face." "Your taking this well." Said Tara sarcasticly. " Uh-hu, you'll thank me. You always will." Hey Zach we're back. "OMG OMG OMG! thats a lot a stuff." Said Zack. " Here's the receipt." Said Jhonny. "You're taking this well Jhonny." " That's what I said. Replied Tara like it was a deja vu episode. The last days left were great. Then the day arrived. Jhonny awoke and stepped outside. His fears were realized. THe land around him was baron with only the arms and legs of people that once stood. " Why did this happen?'' Jhonny asked himself. "Because of you." A voice said that was in an enigma. " Who the hell sid that?" Jhonny asked the voice. " Why it is but you." "me?" Jhonny reapeated. "Yep. And soon the people from Klaushia VIII, Vexrell, Hellisar 2 and Gakinji are coming for you. And the fedaration is gone as well. Its all because of you or is it me? Plus that girl Tara and that cocky fool Zack" " I'm dead wrong. Or is it you. Damn now i'm confused." Well me goodbye and remember. This was because of you 3." The voic edissapeared. " Darn it what was with me. That was all me." Jhonny said in a worried tone. "That's not true." "OH! TAra it's only you." "This is our fault not yours. Now lets go back to the cabin." As they went inside an explosion woke another fear in Jhonny's mind. " The Klaushias from Klaushia VIII." Yelled Jhonny. He ran of. "Zach wake up the Klashias are attaking and Jhonny went after them." "Damn1 get a gun and lets hightail it out a here." Yelled Zack. Meanwhile Jhonny was chasing after the aliens. Suddenly he blacked out. "What are you thinkisg John? GOing out like that. That guy was right it is your fault. Wake up from reality. You guys will die." Then suddenly like hope he awoke purified. A sword in hand. "Hey a sword. This coul be lucky." "There he is get him." "HUh? Oh you guys. Well then prepare to die." Like lightning he hacked and slashed. His sword trailing behind him with the army men behind him drafting. He shot at one dodged bullets and repeated. His body flaid like a chainmace. He must of coverd 10 yard with dead men from the Klaushias' army. "whoa I did that." Said Jhonny astonished. "You whped their butts Jhonny!" Said Zach. "Yoy bet!" Cheered Tara. Jhonny, Tara, and Zach knew their destinies were change... fo life. Here we can discuss the RPG and stuff related to it. Plus any event. The link for the adventur inn thread will be here. Plus the underground link at the inn thread. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php.?p=733159#post733159]10 Days Til Death [PG13-LSV][/URL] 1st lesson: BATTLE. battles can be made anytime during an RPG. BUt only 3 levels can be added to your charecter. Per post (maximum postage is 3 times a day) All charecters start out with 1050 HP and 350 MP. Here's how it works... When going into battle announce it with BATTLE. The size must be 3 and the color must be red. Here's what it should look like: [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3] BATTLE [/SIZE] [/COLOR] First of all put in all capitals: MOVEMENT 1 or whichever turn the battles going. EXAMPLE: MOVEMENT 2, MOVEMENT 7 or MOVEMENT 50. I will list which enimies are on what planet before oficcial play. On planet Tyrus LAr these are the monsters. Yower horn, Jadeglobe, Rubix Cubed, and Crosslatch. Heres how a battle looks. MOVEMENT 1 Charecter name: 20HP Monster name: 108 HP 190 MP 20 MP Attack: (ability) (magic) (item) (regular) Hilt smash, flame cross, or Potion. How much damage Enemy attack: Same as obove Enemy defeated Money: how much money wone-total amount ( 30-130 ) Items: POtion, antidote, ether EXP: 200 ( maximum experience you can get per battle)-200/1000 (for the very first fight any charecter has they get a first battle bonus or =1 level [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3]BATTLE END[/SIZE][/COLOR] Thats the end of lesson 1. LESSON 2: Charecter status. Next up os to put the charecter status. Name: HP: MP: EXP: MONEY: ATK: you attack tells how much damage a regular attack does) T ATK: tells how much damage a technique does) And any other stuff that you see fit. (you must not make ridiculas info. LIke your atk is 5000000000 so dont lie or you will have your level reduced to 0 and all stats to 50.)
  9. The date is 30XX A.D. All wars ended and world peace was achieved. But how long will it last. A teenager named Jhonny Travis thinks that won't last. Jhonny was walking home. All was normal in his 11th grade life. HIs friends Tara Rose, and Zach Hilllsborogh, Was going home with him to have a good time. Jhonny and Zach were racing while Tara was chasing after them. " You two never give up. Your both rivals. Said Tara angrily. "Well thats what we do, our hormoans tell us to." Replied Jhonny. " Did you ever pay attention in health class. You guys are jusst stubborn." "Stop complaining girl!" Yelled Zach. "You jek!" Yelled Tara. When they arrived Jhonny turned on the TV. He turned to channel 7 news. "A message in the sky?" Said a reporter. "Even skeptics are believing. A sure sign that the apocylypse is her. Historians say the message tells us we only have 10 days left to live.". "hell no. Did they just say end of the world.?' Said Zach hyperventilating. "Yup." Said Tara calmly. " lets get supplies at the store for my fathers "Apocylypse Shelter". said Jhonny. "Well then get of your *** and go to wal*Mart." Yelled Zach. "Okay, Oay!" said Jhonny. "Tara I need a women's touch here." "SEXIST!!!!!" Yelled Tara. " Oreo's, franken berry, 25 gallons of milk and soda. Soup, beef, noodles, Playstation maga- Wait end of the world no playstation." "That will be 2000 dollors sir, would you like a UPS truck to bring it to you?" Said the cashier. "Ha ha ha!" Yelled Jhonny in her face." "Your taking this well." Said Tara sarcasticly. " Uh-hu, you'll thank me. You always will." Hey Zach we're back. "OMG OMG OMG! thats a lot a stuff." Said Zack. " Here's the receipt." Said Jhonny. "You're taking this well Jhonny." " That's what I said. Replied Tara like it was a deja vu episode. The last days left were great. Then the day arrived. Jhonny awoke and stepped outside. His fears were realized. THe land around him was baron with only the arms and legs of people that once stood. " Why did this happen?'' Jhonny asked himself. "Because of you." A voice said that was in an enigma. " Who the hell sid that?" Jhonny asked the voice. " Why it is but you." "me?" Jhonny reapeated. "Yep. And soon the people from Klaushia VIII, Vexrell, Hellisar 2 and Gakinji are coming for you. And the fedaration is gone as well. Its all because of you or is it me? Plus that girl Tara and that cocky fool Zack" " I'm dead wrong. Or is it you. Damn now i'm confused." Well me goodbye and remember. This was because of you 3." The voic edissapeared. " Darn it what was with me. That was all me." Jhonny said in a worried tone. "That's not true." "OH! TAra it's only you." "This is [B]our[/B] fault not yours. Now lets go back to the cabin." As they went inside an explosion woke another fear in Jhonny's mind. " The Klaushias from Klaushia VIII." Yelled Jhonny. He ran of. "Zach wake up the Klashias are attaking and Jhonny went after them." "Damn1 get a gun and lets hightail it out a here." Yelled Zack. Meanwhile Jhonny was chasing after the aliens. Suddenly he blacked out. "What are you thinkisg John? GOing out like that. That guy was right it is your fault. Wake up from reality. You guys will die." Then suddenly like hope he awoke purified. A sword in hand. "Hey a sword. This coul be lucky." "There he is get him." "HUh? Oh you guys. Well then prepare to die." Like lightning he hacked and slashed. His sword trailing behind him with the army men behind him drafting. He shot at one dodged bullets and repeated. His body flaid like a chainmace. He must of coverd 10 yard with dead men from the Klaushias' army. "whoa I did that." Said Jhonny astonished. "You whped their butts Jhonny!" Said Zach. "Yoy bet!" Cheered Tara. Jhonny, Tara, and Zach knew their destinies were change... fo life. _________________________________________________ [FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3]Sign up Sheet[/SIZE][/FONT] Name of charecter: Age: Gender: Weopon: Appearence or Image: Story: Side: (Good or evil) Race: (human, demon, alien, god, and deity) LEvel of charecter at start:(only up to 5) Abilities: (Every 5-10 levels) Over ability: (think of it as a limit technique. ________________________________________________ Battle System. JUst go on with the story and add battle plus experience(only up to 200 exp per battle.) All charecter level up after 1000 exp. Tahts all there is. Sign ups will be over when I say so. Limit is 25 charecters. ________________________________________________ Nekosama101: You need your abilities and you over abilities. Unless you want us to find out ourselves. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=733170#post733170]10 Days Til Death: Underground[/URL]
  10. Nomad Tical Word scramble: gfyn atliedo Hint. Video game charecter from a famous RPG.
  11. Here's my new Fanfic. The name just burst in my brain. CHAPTER 1: Hezaku and Gaaraku Radoos: (enters a forbbiddin area) Hello anybody here. ???: No not at all. Radoos: Who the hell said that? ???: I did... are you ready...to...Die! Radoos: No don't you da-AUGGGGGHHHHHHH. 2 HOURS LATER. ???: Sir, Radoos is dead. One of Wrapnaggun's men. Junakui: You don't need to call me sir ya know! Anyways, Hezaku retriev his body. Hezaku: Yes sir or mam ur Junakui. (he exits the room. he runs into a man. who is the main charecter.) Sorry Gaaraku. Hey I need your hel retrieving Radoos' body. He's at The haunted mansion, one of Wrapnaggun's goons. Gaaraku: Okay I'll go. I always look forword to poking a dead guy! ( He grabs a giant 2 handed sword. Plus he sling on his back an AK-47. They get to the mansion for a surprise.) Hey Hezaku I don't see Radoos' body anwher. Hezaku: Me to. the energy scanner only sees a room of energy. But that's not normal. I'll go check it out. Gaaraku: Don't do that. Because that energy has moved, I sense it. ???: Another guy to chomp down. Hezaku+Gaaraku: Whadja say? Nothing. Unless. That idiot of Wrapnaggun. Kudai: MY name is Kudai. Gaaraku: Well well its an ittsy bitsy spider. Kudai. JERK PREPARE TO DIE!!!! Gaaraku: Sorry My life expectancy is 85 years old. I've only lived 20! (he takes out his sword and swings it at Kudai. Kudai jumps and spits at Gaaraku.Gaaraku dodges.He then jumped back and shot Kudai. Kudai died.)He can't be Wrapaggun's flunkie. This guys a spider not a human. That leaves a few question. Huh? He wasn't the energy source. I still feel that energy. Hezaku: The scanner senses in the same room. Wonder what it is. Huh the energy faded. Freaky. Well let's get back to the base. ________________________________________________ Wrapnaggun is the evil people. Those guys will be covered in chapter 3.
  12. Name: Axzednakai Tribe: Al Bhed Age:19 Apearrence: Black haired red eyed teen from Home. Wears silver leg and arm plates for protection.. sword has tubes that rap around his arma. Has a scar on his left cheek. About 5 and a half feet tall. Personality: Loves fighting for the greater good. Quiet and reliable. Hates losing and loves eating. He will do anything for money. He is good at hitting things for he was a blitzball player. Story: Axzednakai was sent to exile by his tribe. He secretly joined the humans but his calling was engineering. Weopon:
  13. [quote name='silver_blade']Will Michael Jackson be an actual enemy within the RP? I think it would be hilarious if he was. Also, do you sign up as an original character or can you play as one of the KH characters (only in parody)?[/quote] It can be an origanal made up charecter or already from the series. And yes M J is a villion within the RP.
  14. [QUOTE=silver_blade][SPOILER]Alleged Child Molestation Charges Super-Attack![/SPOILER] Teach you ABC 123. You know, Michael Jackson does have his own video game with moonwalking where he saves little children. Seriously, though, I would love to see Riku hit on Sora. KH deserves a parody. Although, you might want to be careful about what you do with Disney characters. I can see the mouse in a suit suing over it. It has a good shot at being a great role play. I would now like to suggest that all the villains be stars in desperate need of being made fun of. There are a lot of them.[/QUOTE] Correct you are! I was just thinking about that. I want to add Tom Cruise, Kobe Briant, and Angelina Jole.
  15. Sephiroth was easy for me and so was Org XIII. When they play the Sephiroth song what do they say? The only thing I can Make out is "Sephiroth".
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