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Everything posted by GUNmanZERO7
I have Aol and when I searched for otakuboards a site in the list was Otakuboards Clone. Its weird on the discription it had a otakuboards nickname with clone at the end. What is this by chance?
Hell this ones the best (I think) Burning Gundam from G gundam he is the best but the Dark Gundom from the series the one from the last episodes. He is freakin sweet! Gundam seed is awesome. Ya I agree with everyone about gundams from Gundam seed.
Sweet all of you can help and my specialty is fantasy.
Have you ever looked at the sky and think wow. I do a lot. I've been thinking that if gods real who created god and who created him and so on. Most of my friends agree with me on that. I know this is from SO3 but what if we were created by a video game disigner and that life is a game. Anyone think those same things?
Here's two. Poor people have it. Rich people need it. It's greater than god but eviler than satan what is it? And. The next sentence is true, the last sentence is false. Try and guess them both.
Gaming What game charater are you most like?
GUNmanZERO7 replied to kittybloomes's topic in Noosphere
I could be like many people but here's two for now. Fayt Leingod from SO3. I kind of have a sense for justice and I get angry easily. (Like when Fayts around Cliff) And kind of Like Albel Nox. I mean he is stuborn never gives up being a jerk. Hates everybody and everything. He shoots dragons from the ground. Like me when i'm angry and my mother says I just don't give a crap about anyone. Believe me it's true And I like to be violent. :D :o :mad: :angry2: :cussing: :devil: :flaming: :love2: -
Hello. I need someone to help me create an RPG. I've made quite a few. But I have never been able to get enough people to start one. So could some one please help me create the great RPG that I need? If anyone could please post that you'll help. thanks I apreciate it. :bawl:
The year 3000. A war between 2 sides wage. Earth go against the people that moved to inhabit Mars in the year 2800. Squarnoti Metxi pilots a unit in the giant mecha war. The stingray. Sting type. Unit XA-666. [B]~WARNING, WARNING PERIMETER BREACH IN SECTOR 12~[/B] [COLOR=Red]Squar: Damn there it goes again. this is the second time today! James (room mate):Shut up this is probobly just a drill. Like yesterday. :animesigh Squar:Well lets go.[/COLOR] [B]~THIS IS NOT A DRILL I REPEAT TJIS IS NOT A DRILL UNITS 660-668 REPORT TO BRIDGE SECTER 6~[/B] [COLOR=Red]Squar: (enters mecha) Ready Chopp. GNL Chopp: Thats General Copp you dimwit. remember the restraints for the oversoul are shot. Don't let * E.S.E.N.S.A get out. *ESENSA stands for Eternal, System for, External, Nado, Selnet, Awareness. Nado is a type of creature that eats giant organisms for sheer bloodshed. Selnet is Dekmarinion for Hellish. Squar: On my way out. (looks around) General we got a code crimson here. GNL Chopp: Hell no!! it can't be. Squar: Ya code crimson. We have An ESENSA leak. to be cont...[/COLOR] PT 2 [B]~WARNING, WARNING ESENSA LEAK. STAY CALM AND GO TO YOUR MECHA'S FOR BATTLE.ALL OVERSOUL RESTRAINTS ARE DEACTIVATED TO HELP BOOST POWER AND PROTECTION.~[/B] [COLOR=Red]GNL Chopp: (thinking) great my plan is worked out. LIke a game of chess. You got to think before you act.[/COLOR] ~warning ESENSA leak in the units arm and head compartment.~ Squar: Damn my system is leaking to. [SIZE=1]~Oversoul retored.~[/SIZE] Thank god. [COLOR=Red]GRRALLLL. Squar: God no. ~System failure...a...all.comp.uter.mainf.r.aim shutt.....ing.........down~ Squar: NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!! S1: unit XA-666 is eating the other units. It's its' horrible. Dr. REzukimari: GNL how could this happen? GNL Chopp: Ha ha ha!!! THis is perfect. the test is going well. DR.:YOu bastard! This was a test? GNL: Yes isn't it great! He will be able to fend off the 13 devils. the perfect prototype. Dr.:PROTOTYPE!! Thats not true, no prototype has ESENSA. That must mean. GNL: yes it means that the prototype is modeled off of devil 00. It also means everyone at VENTRICLE will keep their mouth shut. Everyone:Yes General! Squar:Stop this machine im only 18 I can't pilot a non prototype Macha especially the king that eats other units. GNL:YOu could hear us! And besides that is what you were going to do anyway. This whole job was your idea and your's alone. to be cont...[/COLOR]
How much does it cost for adobephotoshop 7.0. I need it to work on manga. If anybody knows please tell me. I need it for my new manga you know The last Edo. It will help me pretty good. I got the monster book of manga and it has a section about that. I did try a picture with my regular paint for my computer. Didn't work so well even though I got good ratings from my friends. Thanx.
I made a new manga here's the story. [FONT=Century Gothic][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Red][SIZE=2] During the Edo period of japan 25 samurai were teleported to midevil Europe. Sakoora the beloved princess is one of the 5 precursors. (samurai who protect Tokyo.)She can heal witth cherry blossoms or sakura. Dante, an american gothic from the future. (2006) Falls from the sky to the kingdom of mana. (where the story takes place) He gains the power of BLK magic. Secretly collects neopets. The main charecter well one of them Baadokai Deltokden Aremasuda is a sarcastic wanderer. Ex precurser of the precurser 6. Has a gift that grows with him as he wanders. He is much like loogen from Samurai Champloo. (the sarcastic guy) His brother Madamousai Xangdonji Aremasuda. Who is good but hates his brother. Is an Ex Ronin joins in on the battle for midevil Europe. And the future of the Edo period. Thats what I have so far. If you think of samurai champloo and ruroni kenshin its a story of traveling and manslaying. If anybody knows anything about the Edo period or midevil Europe please PM me or post here with your feedback[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR]
5000 years ago an immortal being named GanhiGumo (Gah-nee-Gooo-mo) Destroyed earths crops and wildlife. But an Immortal of pure light named Zunaymagoreu (Zoo-nay-Ma-gore-ooh) put GahniGumo to an endless sleep in his own dark realm. His curse faded away. He was reincarnated in human form. His parents named hin Nirvanosus (Ner-van-o-sis). 10 years later a half demon was born from the same woman. His name was Kazemaru (Kaw-ze-mar-oo). 5 years later Their power awaked. Nirvanosus forgot his live. He became GanhiGumo. But he did not have the powers of his god-like of his former self. Kazemaru gained powers of dark. He changed his name to Senjizako (Sen-g-za-koo) He found a sword and trained with it. When he became 30 years old he turned back to 18 and his power grew stronger, and his sword turned into a legendary blade know as Ryuzanza (re-u-zaon-za). But Senjizaku did not know of his sword. He left his family to search for himself (and to train more). He then found an old man near death, so like an honorable man would do he saved the old man's life. The old man saw his sword and said to Senjizako "So GahniGumo has awakened at last.That sworrd must mean he's alive." The old man told Senjizako that the sword was from the divine warrier who once challenged GahniGumo to battle but lost. His soul turned dark he became part of GanhiGumo. But whenever awakened a true hero turns back his body and becomes the weilder of the sword named Ryuzanza. The old man knew dark and light magic, so he joined Senjizako. Senjizako must go on an adventure to destroy GahniGumo. But GahniGUmo also changed his name. He named himself a simple name...Chaos. At that same time the memories of Nirvanosus Conjoined to create two halves of one whole person. _____________________________________________ CLASSES: Warrier, sage light, dark or both, Ninja and archer. Plus you can be full demon, half demon' or human. Includded with class. Warrior: Sword, Spear, Chinease sword or blade, Axe, grieves ( a shoe with a blade) and katana. Sage: Staff, bow with magic arrows. Ninja:Kunai, Shuriken, and hand to hand. Archer:Bow and arrow, Crossbow, and long bow. ____________________________________________ * SIGN UP REQUIRMENTS* Name: Age: Gender: Hero or villian: Class, and weopon description: Appereance or an image: Backround: (OPTIONAL) Extra information: ____________________________________________ Note:Need someone to be Chaos. I will be Senjizaku. Your charecter hasa storyline thats different from someone elses. My charecter is usable to anyone in the RPG.
I'm only 12 and ive got my own compony well alchemis102 actually started it. I just help him on it. Plus as you probobly know i've posted crap about my manga. Does living in america actually still make it manga. :sweat:
[quote name='Ramen_Mido]^^Karowu is [spoiler] the last angel who is first Shinjis friend but betrays him and tries to activate Adam[/spoiler'].[/quote] Is he the one with the glasses and camera who drasticly wants to pilot an Eva? Who is adam? ------ I dont care but tell me what happens after unit 01's awaerning Just the next episode or to. I might not be able to watch it. [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][INDENT]GUNmanZERO7, please do not double post. There is an edit button at the bottom of each of your posts. Use this button if you have something more you wish to say. -r2[/INDENT][/COLOR][/INDENT]
Who's karowu? [spoiler]THe Episode when Shinji quit but went back was both sweet and gruesome. The true Evangelion is cool. Hell, it eats angels for crying out loud. And I think the Evas are angels. EvANGELion.[/spoiler] RahXephon pales in comparison with Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is a good show but the classic Evangelion series is better.
people who hate the show must be nuts. The episode when Shinji is at the spring with the penguin, Asuka,and Misato is super funny.
How many episodes are there exactly? Fuhrer is one msn i would have thought to be a humunculas. On one of the shamon king games some enemys are humonculas. I personaly think EE (Equvelent exchange) is truth outside of alchemy. Alchemy is awesome if you know whats its like.
Keyner did his part the next day with time to spare so he decided to get an alias. Hmmmm? Thought Keyner. How bout Lugra...no...Zayner. Yah Zyaner. :rolleyes: He then saw 5 of his family members. His two brothers, mother, his older sister,and his childer sister(about 12) Guys!! Keyner! his mother yelled. Its Zayner now just then a hunter pounced on him. But his family had a rule all for one. He jumped away as his family attacked. Sorry guys I gotta go meat Adrian. I'll see ya in a bit. He got to Adrian and Adrian came to him and said...Come with me you nust join me and the others. Gotta find Ana first. Kayner recognized th name. But first I promised my family a visit. Wait. yelled Adrian. Whats your last name? Ruzefeld. Ahh ruzefeld he was a traitor. I know said Kayner solemnly I know.
Tell more!!! Its a good story. name the organazation H.PA.D (hipad) (He-ped)
It's true look at his chest. NOTHING!!
Name: Osirus Venture Age:18 Gender:male Class:Warrior Hero or villian:Hero Backround: Always kept his power secret, he was born with the curse of destruction on his back. He had so much to live for until he killed his parents. Well they didn't die he somehow bended reality and transfered them into a world of data. He created a new home and deleted the data on the computer which the data was his parents. he helled the power to use all of the horrid genes for in the moternety word he came in contact with the other children. Alexa is his only friend. She is a rich unpopular girl from NYC. She holds the interlocking gene which she's unaware of. Osirus or Syrus for short always wanted to save the earth, well he has the chance to save it and all the other planets there are. He has given a name to the collection of genes, the name's Hypereon (Hy-er-a-on). Alexa has bought a spaceship whis is on the planet the 2 are headed for. In the past he went back to the hospital in order to get blood test. He read his records and was pissed off he then created (he had to see it) spickes that killed everybody in the building. He shut down all computers. Bended reality around him and atom by atom desroyed the building the same hapenned when he got to school one day. His virus made him a free man, even though he had killed those people.
Universal date 10000 A.D Space colony Omega crashed on the planet mars. It was a miracle that everyone survived but a virus launched to earth. Five newborns each born in the same place the same exact time and date were infected. Now the 5 have supernatural abilaties. Anihalation, interlocking, creation, transformation, and element are the 5 genes. Lucifer the evil master of the universe was with born element,the gene to bend elements or even reality. 4 children must leave earth to destroy him but they must also face a fact they could spell destruction of every and all things in and out of the universe. Lucifer resides deep in the galaxy founded in 4666 named the Zelgon galaxy. Osirus Venturewas set off in search of the 3 others needed to destroy Lucifer. He has brought Alexa, his best friend who without knowing has the interlocking gene. 1 week left until deporture He had a DNA test that proved something was wrong. he had a vision that told him what he had to do. ''Alexa we must go and stop this evil dude from doing whatever it is he's doing.'' "but can you really do that!' said Alexa. "whats there to lose Alexa I mean its the year 10018 for crying out loud. everybody thought we wouldn't live this long but we did. So lets do this, plus it could be fun!' "But what if we died! then what!" Yelled Alexa. "LET'S GO !! Pack up!". They left for planet Relizedfer. ________________________________________________________ [COLOR=Blue]Classes: Hunter:bow and arrow AKA archer. warrior:sword , halberd, Axe, and 2 hander. Monk or priest:Magic black or white, staff healer, and sutras. those are the classes that there are.[/COLOR]________________________________________________________ [COLOR=Green]Sign-up requirements Charecter name: Age: Gender: Class: Hero Heroien or villian: Backrround. (optanal)image:[/COLOR]______________________________________________ Note:If by any chance you have Questions PM me.
How do you feel when it comes to the oppsite or same sex
GUNmanZERO7 replied to a topic in General Discussion
Girls, a man's hardest case to crack. Who knows what there thinking. I'm a dud when it comes to girls myself. We SHOULD understand each other. Whats the fun in that though, it's better to leave the opposite sex solving the other one it's more challenging that way. Besides some women think us guys are as smart as a stump. Us guys might think the same, girls are as equal as men maybe greater who knows. -
[quote name='alchemist102']dont forget about you legs dude you make them to far no way to far apart! just saying not trying to get you mad.[/quote] Just forgot that time but i'm not mad.
Need help on girl charecters. The last one that I made (that was good) had one lopsided boob. I can't get down the face, the rest is easy.
Anime If you could be any anime character, who would you be?
GUNmanZERO7 replied to Shadow Blade's topic in Otaku Central
Usuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho, or Heie or Kurama. Who knows but maybe edward elric.