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Everything posted by GUNmanZERO7

  1. Hey dude!! well lets strick up conversation on a subject.
  2. [QUOTE=Flame_Alchemist]For me it was probably the last boss on the first Xenosaga game, right after you fight Albedo (he has the best laugh ever) which is just unfair. I don't know how many times I tried before I actually beat it and when I did it was pure luck, I think I had about 150HP with Jr. when I did. I remember when I beat it I screamed joyously at the TV screen but I can't repeat what I said on the forum. But as far as optional bosses go the award has to go to Sephiroth on Kingdom Hearts, I still havn't beaten him to this day. I don't even get the chance to let One Winged Angel pick up before I'm killed, but that's just because I'm at a low level I suppose. He's a lot tougher than what he is on Final Fantasy VII anyway in my opinion.[/QUOTE] I agree with you on xenosaga Abedo is a freak. if you play the second game that clears up a lot about him but that boss was easy.
  3. Keyner went to the clothes shop to buy a coat, but it was not the normal hood. Instead he bought a tailcoat. Walking the streets he saw a man being attacked by a vampire. The man was a hunter. Hey fellas why not let me settle this? Kayner made his first sarcastic remark. Kayner took out his sword and killed the hunter, he sucked blood from a hunter, and to Kayner it was a delight. Thanks for the help but I don't need it. said the vampire. Wait a secend you killed Dayn. you must be Kayner. Yes I am , so then who are you? Dayn's brother. You have been transformed into a vampire! Yes I have. Hey I'm looking for someone named Adrian. Do you know where he is? No I don't but still I should kill you! Kayner wasn't surprised. dayn's brother latched his arm around Kayner's and took out a dagger. Keyner clasped the vampire's neck and wrung it. He also took out his sword and shoved it through the man's chest. Now what have we learned? Oh thats it never mess with a human turned vampire's sword. Kayner took the his neck and craked it as Kayner took out his sword. Yuck! Well this EX! hunter still has some blood with him. Later on Keyner saw a man who he recognised when he was looking down the sidewalk. Thats him thats Adrian.Keyner ran to the man. You!Hey Arian! He seemed to have someone with him a female. Finally I cought up to you. I need some help. I have just turned into a vampire and now I want to enslave humans already. I used to be a hunter but because of the full moon I was transformed. Adrian looked at Keyner with fulleyes. Fine then but kill 50 people that aren't vampires then see me. Make that 49 I just killed a hunter. Said Keyner.l 49 then I will meet you tommorow at the hotel. Oh thats where i'm staying. Even better. go to the presidential sweet I'll clear it out for you. Thanks! Arian left. keyner went to the hotel and entered the presidential sweet. He fell asleep tommorow he kills 49 humans.
  4. My charecter turns from hunter to vampire if thats okay you. Just wanted to know just in case. My cherecter is Kayner he is going to search for Adrian.
  5. Kayner went into the local bar and ordered a martini.What am I suposse to do about the transformation? He kept the question on his mind. Hey whats a human doing on my turf? Kayner knew who it was, it was a vampire in a trench coat. Don't mess with me. Kayner said in a pissed off voice. The vampire laughed, but before he could say anything Kayner clasped his neck and chocked him. I'm pissed off right now as you can see, I don't need to be angered by scum like you. Kayner bite the neck of the vampire sucking up nothing. He left the bar, he stared at the moon. He started to hear the voice of wht sounded like his father who is a vampire. You can become one of us don't worry about it just do it. Suddenly Kayner grew fangs and he ran off horrified. What has become of me. I am now a vampire, i'm my on prey! he droped his guns. He is now his own prey but he then decided that humans were just angered at vampires. He vowed to find someone. Kayner researched people that are vampires, he came to the name Adrian. I have got to find him it, seems he's living here in this exact area. He leaves and searches for this man.
  6. Kayner walks in the woods worried that some vampire would jumped out at him. But a vampire did so, one slash of Kayner's sword two blasts of his guns and the vampire was down. Kayner panicked when he saw blood on his sword. he tried to resist the urge, he cleaned his sword. With his tongue. I have got to lay off the blood,but he couldn't, every time he killed something his thurst for blood continued. Okay calm down he said. Ohh who cares anymore I'm an ex-hunter I can be free! He thought to himself he could become prey. I have comited sin by killing so many he will have to see what its like. I must not fight the urge! He walked away, going hunting for animals is what he should do he thought. Kayners thurs was quenched he had got the meat of 12 deer plus some blood as a drink. He wandered into a place called Millam. H has been here before but this time he has come here for a reason he can not understand. He sets himself down in a motel for a rest.
  7. [INDENT]Kayner and his partner are siting at a campfire. Dayn I'vemade a decicsion, i must kill you. Kayner tried not to startle Dayn but it was getting that time, full moon was drawing near. Okay my lord, besides I can see why you would. huh? Kayner never did understand Dayn's ways He was a renagade vampire but still he acted strange like the vampires Kaner hunted before. Kayner kills Dayn then puts out the fire, he leaves. As the moon started to show he thought to himself that he should quit the hunter buisness soon enough besides he was getting bloodthursty. Kayner stares at the moon his eyes lusting for blood, he goes back to the campsite and does the unthinkable. That next day he wakes up in a daze,he whips blood on his sword carries his guns and walks away. He goes back to the state to relieve himself of his accoupation. Ex-hunter, he is nothing but that now, he thinks he could suck the blood of another man in combat. He takes his hood and sells it for a new one. He tears the sleeves of and sets out to find colleugs that could help him.[/INDENT]
  8. Luther from Star Oceon till the end of time. He always hits hard in his last form but when you play the extras when you face him and Fayt he pack a punch. Yeah Sephiroth from KH is also hard but I beat both bossess.
  9. Its wpould be either Asuka from Evangelion or that bounty hunter from Cowboy Bebop. They are the prettiest ones i've seen
  10. Zukel is played by me.Here is his profile so you aren't clueless about him or his past Name:Zukel Mishanel Age:22 Gender:male Race:Human/Vampire Class:Everything exept Inoccent. Note:He bocomes all of the hired profesions because he will be asked to. Apperence: Young for his age. Handsome with smooth spickey hair. His weopon is a giant sword With a steel coating all red. He has fairly long teth.(because they aren't used yet) HE keeps himself clean but wears a strong cologne That women love. He is always stricken wth a happy mood on his face.His shirts have flames on them.His inner shirt is white. He wears button down shirts, with the collor up. he has one red eye and one blue eye. His hair is colored dirty blonde. Pants are pocketed with a zipper for him to have shorts. his shoes are sneakers. They have his favorite color on them...RED! Probobly bacause he's part vampire. Backround: likes to not let people now but everybody knows he grew up wealthy without his dad.He seems happy all the times, somewhat of a dunce he jokes to much and usually falls. His story will unfold durin RP. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- There he is Zukel Mishanel.
  11. [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2]Its the new generation of evil and there's a new generation of saviors to protect the world. In this new age of the world (2666 A.D) the world has started to decay from war. Nobody loved the land when the war started. evil demons have erupted from an underwater valcano and declared wor on the humans saying they are inferior. Humans call these demons the demonious. People fear this demonic race because of their powers of dark. But people's fears get the best of them. One day a murder of the US president held the world by storm.Leaving them vulnerable without there leader to make decisions. the world now resembles a wasteland of carnage and scrap metal. all humans are dead in this year, and now the demons have come to a new host, a new planet they can feed on. A planet called Zudeskayyama. This planet has a race of human vampires, regular vampires, and humans. The demonious have turned them against each other to gain control. The demonious were destroyed by all of the races. Yet they are still turned on each other. hunters hunt down vampires and kill them for their countries leaders vampires have killed the humans to gain control of them. The planet is all peace except for the vampires and hunters. but an evil force is secretly trying to turn all of them against one onother. Who will be able to stop them nobody knows. Stardate 2756 A.D. Zukel Name woke up one morning to a crash. It was his brother on his scooter in the house. Zukel is 17 and his brothers 24. They are vampire humans, their life span is usually between 0 to 600 while normal vampires are usually 0 to 1000. Zukel runs outside to meet with his college buddies. Man he says as he looks at the sky. I wonder what will become of me after college? Still it won't matter now. But Zukel doesn't know whats in store for him. He goes back to college, normally this is not a weird day but in a few days things will get strange.[/INDENT] NOTE:The idea is that Zukel and some others have to dig deeper into the past about the demonious and the war. They also try to end the war. They will have to fight monsters along the way, as well as People from all races and the demonious. Action, Adventure, love, and past problems will arise during the story. This is only part of their Quest There will be one more of the story(Destruction of the last Generation 2:)[/SIZE][/COLOR] Hers an intro of calsses of people. Humans:usually are low in power rate but some have ecceptions. Come in Innocent,hunters,bounty huntersand,magic users ,. humans are able to use magic thanks to Zall stones, zall stones are mgical runes found an mass produced by humans. Human/Vampires:mid leval power rates. They come in innocent,hunters,magic users,and biters (People that use their teeth as weopons) Magic sources are themselves or zall stones. Fight on eather side depending on beliefs. Vampires:high level power rates.They come in innocent,human hunters,Biters, and magic users. Magic source is themselves. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=SlateGray]Sign-Ups. CHARECTER NEEDS (requirements) Name: Age: Gender: Race: Class: Aperence: Back round: NOTE:If any quenstions PM me. Note 2: state wether he joins Zukels side or not ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR]
  12. Who loves Neon Genesis Evangelion? I think its an awesome an ime plus its an older anime. The music is good and so is the action. So its not all that great but its sweet nontheless.
  13. Name:kayner Ruzefeld (prenounced Kay-ner Ruze-e-feld.) Age:25 Gender:male Race:Human Class:Hunter Weapon: A black and red Sword. He uses it fast and in a good manner. He also has 2 guns located in his hood, the guns are attached to his hood's hood. He can use his sword and ! gun or no sword and both guns.H keeps his blade clean and his guns shiny. He uses his guns also as the swords attachment, that way he can shoot as well as hack and slash. Apperance:Tan skinned with a scar through his left eye. He's about 5'11" his hood is black and sleevles. His mouth is covered by his hood.He has bite marks from vampires. Besides that he is very handsom and good with the fact that womon have more choises now that they can vote. His pants are black and his shorts are too, his boots have spickes on them. Backround:He grew up with vampires until one day he found out he wasn't one of them.He was almost kiled by one, since that day he has hated them and vowed to kill them. Every full moon he gets very cranky and rude. He was oned biten by a vampire and did not become one of them, so when he's angry his bite is better than his bark.literly.He hunts vampires for money rewards.He has alwaysed wanted to fight vampires because he enjoys it. Weirdly he has a vampire partner who wants to become a human and a hunter. he has killed 50 vampires only but is still increasing his kill rate. He has deadly accuracy, speed, and strength. geting in the way of his goals will have devastating results. Over alll he is polite and happy.
  14. [IMG]Here's one of mine if it will show[IMG]Okay Guess its not showing.
  15. On a distant planet in another galaxy Vampires, Warewolves, Demons, and Monsters run a muck. Zeldoor feels darkness touch his mind. He looks around himself only to find his hands in blood. He saw a horror movie the night before. But this was no movie inflicted dream, it was his mind telling him what was soon to be. Zeldoor lives on the continent that is free from Demons. Yet monsters have ravished the land. A neverending war between the 2 races have been around for centuries. He is dreaming of his true future he is not any ordinary human, he is the only one who knows that he's a Demonic human with vamperic powers. He looks around and picks up his Sword as he picks it up a Sillouette of himself apears. As the Demon charges he awakes. He has always wanted to make a difference in the war ravished planet, but how? He goes downstairs and see his parents watching a romance flick. He then decides to take his wooden sword an play with his friends. He tells his parnts of his leave. He has always thought of going on the adventure even if it means he has to leave his loving family. He meets his friend Kaminshem who has with him his girlfriend Juletry. Then it happens the 3 see it, the alarms of an attack, the sirens roar. He then knows his beloved city is being attacked. He hopes his father will not die in this battle. But before he sees the battle the 3 are teleported off somewhwere. He awakens to the sound of a roar. He then sees it...HIS SILLOUETTE! His sword transforms into a weopon of steel. He fights the dark shadow, only to find it has disappeared. He then sees his dead friends. His hands covered in blood.H knows that his powers have awakened, and that now his dream is his reality. He thienks of his thoughts about making a difference in this world. He walks away unknowing of his fate. ___________________________________________________ Charecters are needed in this format Name: Gender: Age: Hero or Villian: Weopon: Class: Human, vampire, werewolf,demon, ETC. Backround. Image (optianal): ___________________________________________________ Those are the requirements needed for a charecter.
  16. A UFO flew by my house once about 35 yards above the house. A ran to the bathroom door and tell my mom what I saw. She actualy believed me.
  17. Can enybody make up a horror story? I can think of a few stories but I'm asking anyway.
  18. Neon Genesis Evangelion, Inuyasha,Fullmetal Alchemist,and Naruto. Those are my favorite anime of all time. :D [color=#ff6600]When replying to a "favorites" thread, be sure to give the reasoning behind your answers. Lists just don't cut it. Thanks. -Lore[/color]
  19. Here the only version that isn't the comics true story. So this is the same thing but different ftom my Manga. Deltokden awakens in aweird world after he goes through the portal. Del: AHHHH I,m up. Man what a nightmare I dreamt I was in my underwear at a world championship football game. But why was I a cheerleader? Where am I? Oww my ass! WHAT!!!!!! a sword was lodged in my bum. Why my bum? whats that say on it? Bloodshadow. what a weird name well what the heck is it doing in my room? Wait a minute a draft, but my room has no windows. When did i get grass put in. an a tree, a sign and a Giant squirrel. AHHHHHH! a giant squirrel! Squirrel: Ya haven't ever seen a five foot squirrel? Del:No never. Squirrel:well look at you humans ya got those weird things on ya. Del:Ya thats my... wait a minute where am I? Squirrel:You's in Bloma ZetZon world capital. Del:Ze wha? Squirrel:ZETZON!!!!!!!!! Del:thanks for the spit! Squirrel:Freak. TO be Cont. Sorry its short. I will make the next longer. Del: Well wonder why 'm here. RUSSLE RUSSLE Del:Who's there? whoever you are I have a sword!! (thinking) wish mommy was here. what am I saying I have no mom, I'm seventeen, andiI have a spellbook and this bloodshadow. Come on out! SLICEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Del:AWW hell. I'm a gonner. ???:Del!!!!!!!!!!! Del:Graden!!! Graden:Better believe it. like my weapon? Del:its sweet. You found shuriken, where? Graden:Those guys should know. Del:Graden who are those men. Graden:They said there enforcers of...Anubis. Enforcer: halt! you are under arrest. DEl:Not if I have a say in it! Hyaazaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slice sling!! Del:Time to use this book! JA'CT!!!!! Enforcer: men attack!!!! Enforcers: yes sir. Graden: Double Shuriken combine! Hyaaa! WHHOOOOOOSH! SLICE! Enforcer 1: Augghhhh! Enforcer 2: yahhhhh!!! Enforcer: My Me... Splat! Del:Take that moron!!! eww blood get it off me!!!! :animecry: Graden: uuugh good job dude. Del:(sniffle) thanks. To be cont in EPS 3 EPS 3 Campfire story (The dramatic part of the fanfic.) [PG-L] lets just talk about Deltokdens past. His parents died when he was ten. A man in a weird armored suit killed his parents in front of him. He now lives in his mansion...Alone. He does not seem changed after this experience though, and tries to act calm, cool, and collected. now back to the current story. Del and Graden light a fire on their first day in ZetZon. Graden:Why ya so gloomy? Probobly because ya haven't seen Zara in 4 hours. Del:Graden shut up now. Graden:just kidding. So why are you sad. Del:This sword reminds me of my parents...and my first love. Graden:oooooooo awwwwwwww Del:SHUT THE HELL UP! Graden:OKAY OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Del:This sword remindes me of how it happened. And those men do also. My parents were killed by...one of them. I act happy all the time to get the memory away but I'm crap oughta luck. My first love was Leann Zudaray. She and I were as tight as 0 size pants on a 500 pound dog. She was the one girl who listened to me, besides Zara. Graden: Ya I remember you were so nervouse around her once ya peed yourself. Fish head cassserole. Del: Yuck! i'll take the beans. Graden: No not beans anything but beans!!!!!!! :animecry: Del:Graden that was you that day. Anyway Me and leann loved eachother more than atraining weels love bikes. Until that fatal day at school... It was the fishsticks man the fishticks. They killed her. Sounds funny but its true. I cried all nigt for the next year. Graden:Whats that have to do with swords? Del:Oh I meant that horror flick we saw. .but when I think about her I sulk. RRRRRIIIIIPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Graden:Need air need air. Del:oh thats not that UGGGGHHHHHH bad. The two fainted from the fumes. But it wasn't the beans. EPS4 Captured ???:Wake the hell up!!!! Del:Wha? Oh wheres Graden.! Graden:Check under you. Deltokden got off of Graden and walked to the man who woke him up. Del:Who are you ???:Dess Guardongo from planet Hellderander Del:2 Questions. 1.Why are you here in this world and not on your home planet,and 2.Did you capture us? Dess:To help Anubis kill some of ZetZon's beasts to get their spirits and yes, i did capture you. But besides the point Sshut yer mouth! Del:Okay then. Graden:Can I talk? Dess:NO!Now come with me. The 3 go to a stadium like room where the see Zara. Who is Deltokdens secret love. Del:Zara! Zara:Del!Save me! Del:On my way! Dess: Shadow blade!!!! Dess's sword misses deltokden but a black mist captured Him. Del:Crap! Who the hell do you think you are? Dess:I think my name is Dess Guardongo. Now draw your sword! Del:UHHHHHHHHHH What!!! TO BE CONT in EPS 5 Bllodshadow the transformation. Dess: Draw your sword! Del:Can't I don't have pen or paper. Dess: you know what I mean! Del:Okay then. now there! Dess:Ehem!! Get in your stance. The two get in their stance. They are prepared to fight. Dess:You are ignorent for excepting my challenge. HYAA! Dess swing diagnolly but misses, he then hits Deltokden during the second strike. Dess:Too easy! The boy is weak and knows nothing of his sword. Wait where is he anyway? Del:check above you! Del gives Dess a direct hit Dess knocks him foreword and gives Del a Direct hit as well. Del counters and brings the sword up and flips as he slashes Dess with his sword. Dess grabs Del and slams him into the ground. Del gets out hits Dess and pushes him several yards away. Dess gets up with a happy smirk on his face. Dess:What fun! you are skillful after all. Del: I don't know how to fight, the sword just acted on its own. I just moved my feet and thought It was me. Dess: (thinking) That could only mean one thing but lets see if he has the other thing. Del: Okay now time to read a new spell...This one. Ummmm Raza'ct! A claw comes from the ground and slashes Dess with its nails. Dess; (thinking) Yes he is the weilder of the Bloodshadow! Then that means I must kill him once and for all. Fine kid time to get revenge on you. Shadow blade sakuyanmay!! A spiral of demonic energy flows at Deltokden. Del:Damn i'm dead. Wait this sword.! The sword glows an then transforms his whole arm into armor. He blocks back Dess's powerful attack back at him. Dess: AUGGH!!!! Anubis transport me back to HQ. Del:I think we haven't seen the last of him. A couple Dozen Enforcers surround them zara out of her chaccles brings out two daggers and readies for battle. TO BE CONT IN EPS 6 Another villian pops up.
  20. Lake of blood is about 3 teenagers. Deltokden (Del) age 18, Graden age 17, and Zara 17 and 3/4ths. Each one of them are seperatly brought to another world called ZetZon. (prenounced Zet zone by its inhabitance. AKA ZetZonians) Graden is brought by an evil immortal human Anubis. Zara is teleported by a mysterious force thats not mentioned in the comic. And Deltokden by a mysterius spellbook created by the god Zet. Zet is ledgened to be the creator of Zon, hence named ZetZon. The first volume is only about Deltokden finding his sword and useing his spellbook. he only knows ja'ct a spell that makes a night black hand fly from the ground and hit an enemy. Thats the first comic the 2nd one has Graden join in with his shuriken. EDIT: I made part two part of a whole chapter instead, the order is 1. Zetzon,2. Graden, 3. Moonlit Kiss,4. Wanna die?, and 5. Love Rivalry. That is Chapter 1 Arrivval. Graden was not brought by Anubis but by Deltokden's clone made by Ra the real villian. Graden is also an alien. Anubis and his partner Dess Gwordongo are the two villians in Zetzon. Anubis is also Ra's best friend, They're both immortal. Ra wants Anubis to kill Zetzonian monsters and get their souls. With these souls Ra can posses his own men, Enforcers in lamens terms. Anubis finds out about a prophesy that 3 heroes will liberate a world from a great got of death. Graden finds this out at a village. First the 2 find Zara captured by Anubis's Enforcers. deltokden evolves his sword (briefly). And in this part Zara and Deltokden share a kiss (make out kiss). In part 4 Wanna Die the 3 have to kill a powerful Enforcer. In part 5. Deltokden and Graden fight over who loves Zara more. Anyway later on The 3 fight Dess Gwordongo, who is touched in the head. (they fight him 5 more times). Then its on to Anubis who has a gigantic sword. After that battle a huge outbreak of Enforcers attack then a guy with claws leads Del and the other the heck out of the crazy world. The Deltokden imposter who is an Enforcer tries to infect the world with a virus. Doesn'y work though. Later after a couple of fights with Dess and other annoying villians they meet Ra. Ra hates humans. Ra being immortal and all gave the Egyptions the god ideas.After this fight you'ed think there'ed be peace...WRONG! Zek who is the most evil of all villions tries to kill the group. Zek is searching for the wing of light he has the wing of darkness but he needs the other one to destroy the universe. Deltokden unleashes the virus I talked about earlier and kill all and everthing on earth thus they must find the wing of light to wish everything back to normal. And destroy Zek. there's th whole kitten kaboodle. Me and Alchemist102 are gong to join our mangas togethrer (Blood Solm and Lake of blood). Hope you like this idea snd me feedback. [color=darkblue][size=1][b]Please use the Edit button located at the bottom right-hand corner of your post to add something to your posts, as double-posting is not allowed on OB, thanks. -Lady K[/color][/size][/b] Edit: Sofar I have a few pages. I've come up with supporting stoies to go with the Manga need more charecters on the hero side. Can anybody think of someone like 2 more people. [color=darkblue][size=1][b]Again, [i]please use the Edit button to add to your post. [u]Double-posting is usually not allowed.[/u][/i] -Lady K[/color][/size][/b]
  21. I think of a name then just make charecters and add a story to it. I think of mangas quickly. Like my Lake of blood, it took about ten minetes to think of it. I had 3 charecters thought of in 5 minutes and a story in a half hour.
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