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    I know Inyuasha, Miroku (Hate em), Sango, Kagome, Shippou (Hate em), and Kirara, She bit me! >:(
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  1. "I'm still wondering about that big zoid we saw, how bout you Furio?" Furio gave out a rather loud growl "I remember it from somewhere, I just can't put my finger on it..." Kunai thought a moment "Hmm... I can't seem to remember, but something's telling me to go to the desert ruins..." Furio gave a panicing snarl "what is it?" Furio seemed alarmed of something "The ruins? dangerous? Nothing's to dangerous for me!" Furio sighed in a angry way "Stop being so paranoid... To the ruins!" He got in the cockpit and rode of into the desert, towards the ruins. ooc: I can't remember really, it was in one of the Zoid shows, w/ a teen boy and a teen girl linked to a past and tht has a shield liger, im referring to the big T-Rex at the end of the season. As they arrived at the ruins, Kunai spotted something... a Figure, with a rope and a straw hat. [I]Bandits.[/I] Thought Kunai. "Furio, keep your eyes peeled for bandits" Furio furiously waved his head to see any bandits, he let out a bark that probobly meant 'Clear'. "Furio, watch my back, im going to check it out" He jumped out of the cockpit, walked over to the ruins writing... [I]Key Mano Sorano Kanr Sho'nay[/I]. Kunai read these words but stumbled, as he realized he could read them! "Hmm? Thee who used Death, shall be death..." He repeated those words for a while, Death... Death... !!!!! It occured to him! DEATH SAURER, the demonic zoid that almost destroyed everything! Shall BE death!? that could be worse, the guy who piloted it! DIDN'T DIE!!! "Oh My God!" Furio paniced as he said that. "The-The Death Saurer is coming back pal... hes coming back... To Be Continued... And More! ooc: and if possible, may I be the enemy? and my guy?
  2. My new title "Fire mage" is the simplest things in the damn world, Im a mage... tht uses fire...
  3. The best gift in my life was love... Holy crap no! The best gift in my life was my new Nintendo DS w/ Nintendogs Chihuahua and friends XD
  4. Owner: What the Hell!? What happened to my cat!? Apparently he was shot in the back of the head with a pistol while it was eatting it's kibbles and bits... That was the smurfs new plan, death to all cats
  5. "Where did he go? He shouldn't have gone far... !" Lorna said in her Black Gun Sniper "Gotcha!" Kunai said "Where, How?..." Lorna Pondered "Camo, everyone knows Beserk Furys have those!" Kunai replied "I guess not everyone..." Lorna admitted "Take this!" Kunai, blasted the gun sniper off the cliff, which gave it critical damage at the fall... "Lousy, you left your guard down... It shouldn't be so easy to beat a Gun Sniper... After all, My town was obliterated by them..." he was angry, he shot an ion beam at a nearby mountain and blew it to pieces. "I could've caught up with those gun snipers! I could've blown them to pieces... But i was held back! Held back by my own father!" After, Kunai calmed down he left the battlefield, as with the ruins of Lorna's Zoid, blown back into screws and bolts... He was at the hanger, fixing up his Zoid "Hey!" One of the workers said in astonishment "What?" Kunai growled "There's not a scratch on there!" "So?" Kunai angrily replied... "But didn't you just go into battle?" "yes..." Kunai said "And dominated the competition" The worker shrugged and went back to work. "Today, in local news. A forgotten Gun Sniper was left in a battlefield blown to pieces. The engineers said 'We've never seen damage like this, done to a Zoid before, but we will continue to fix it' Also, a injured pilot was INSIDE the Zoid at the time it was in ruins... This is what she had to say... 'He put up a good fight, I'm not mad at him for not holding back... He has alot of spirit' In other news . . ." Kunai smirked as he drank his coffee... Then spits it out "You call this coffee!?" Kunai was bored on his way back to the Hanger, He wanted to get into another fight... "up an d ready!" one of the workers said in joy "perfect..." Kunai said as he payed them. "now to take this baby on another 'Test Run' hehehe..." Kunai activated his Zoid... But at that moment Furio gave out a exhausted growl... "What do you mean you're tired!? I thought zoids couldn't get tired!" Furio gave out another grunt in rebuttle "Oh fine, let's just atleast get to my house..." Furio barked in agreement, as they walked home they saw a strange looking military zoid. It was a enormous, black with red outlines, Tyrannosaures zoid that had an exhaust vent as big as Furio "Huh?" Kunai Pondred upon the enormous zoid.
  6. Prolly my fave FF char is Montblanc, the moogle from FFTA :D [IMG]http://nirvanag.com/bff/img/ffta/montblanc.jpg[/IMG] Not Because hes cute Not because hes cuddely AND DEFFINANLY NOT CUS HES FUZZY Because hes the first moogle in FF history to actually wield swords, staffs, guns, and Instruments, and also to KICK *** WITH EM
  7. :animenose DUH, why don't I look at my AVATAR! :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil
  8. Has anyone heard of Yankovic? He is a guy you makes songs from other songs... Such as the [URL=http://www.imagestorepro.com/ebay_song.html]Ebay song[/URL]
  9. Kenshin: Holy ****! What are you doing with my Sword!? Koaru: Doing what I should've done a LOOONG time ago... Kenshin: And... what might that be? Koaru: *Smiles evily*
  10. I heard its sorta like a hook, but some say its a slick box... which one is it!?!?!?
  11. Well, one of my problems are: Im trying to beat Fire Bowser in Lethal Lava Land on the DS, but its almost impossible (I did beat him once, but then my game died cus of lack of power) :animecry: My life is all a fender bender... lol :animestun :animesmil
  12. My title is from Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, Its a Red Mage and a Soldier = Red Knight!
  13. I usually whack my head on the wall and count every time my mom yells at me until she gets fed up and sends me to my room lol :p :p :p
  14. Before I Answer this, I would like to know if any1 is under 11 years of age, because i don't wanna explain something mature to under aged kids...
  15. If i had a Weapon, it would be a Black Greatsword with red outlines, and i would call it the [B]"[COLOR=Red]Blade of Supernova[/COLOR]"[/B], and i Would like a Samurai blade thats white and made of marble, i'd call it [B]"[COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Moon's Ray[/COLOR]"[/B]
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