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  1. i always go on what Hayao Myazaki had sed on the subject... that you should watch his films in your native language, that way your not missing out on the animation by trying to read subtitles... i have no time for puritan otaku who scream bloody murder at anyone who watches anime in the english dub... and vice versa, i have no time for anyone who sez you shouldn't watch it in japanese... watch it however you want, which ever way makes you enjoy it more... personally i like to watch it in english, and hardley ever in japanese. but thats just me...
  2. police man:- licence and registration please... cat:- i shware ocifor... i-ii havvn't had a drink today... >hic<
  3. i hate that saying... it's stupid... you can only act the way you are, you cant be somthing you're not... i concider myself to be a late bloomer (seriously late) in that i havn't experienced everything society dictates some one of my age should have... and you know what... i dont care... if you try and be like everyone else, when it truely doesn't make you happy, or you dont feal emotionally up to it, you're only gona make your life more stressfull, trying to be something you're not. and anyone who sez watching kids shows is not acting your age is a fool... :catgirl:
  4. hmmm... as with most australian otaku... the first serious anime i saw was neon genesis evengelion, when it was put on tv in 98 (yup, thats right... the whole series of evangelion, on free to air TV, unedited... twice no less...)... thats prolly the greatest thing aussie tv has going for it... channel SBS, which plays all the foreign stuff, including anime (ghost in the shell stand alone complex is on at the moment, and samarai champloo is on after that finishes... woot!)... needless to say eva got me hooked...
  5. well um yeah... g'day... this is pretty much my first post, on here anyways... (so yay for me! :catgirl: p.s. why doesn't this forum have an introduction thread?? :animesigh ) well i got elfen lied on a whim, only after seeing the trailor on ADV's website and also hearing about it from a mate of mine. it was one of the few anime series that i ordered from the states (g'day from australia), mainly cos i didn't want to wait forever to get the local release (the last volume of elfen lied doesn't come out til febuary here in australia, how sucky is that), i am glad i did, since after seeing it all, elfen lied has become my favourite anime series so far (it knocked eva off it's high horse finally). i do however get the impression that elfen lied is the first work of a fledgling director, since there are a few minor animation quirks that stand out. elfen lied (for anyone who hasn't seen it) can be best described as a story of love in spite of harsh adversity. where, despite the cruelty of a person's soul, that person can still be loved, even by those that they have hurt. it is a story of devotion in spite of malice, of hope in spite of cruelty. it is a refreshing tale, that encompasses unsympathetic carnage, with a beautifull story of humanity's spirit to overcome the harshness of reality and find peace amongst this turbulent world. all i can say to anyone thinking of watching this series is, please please please, watch past the first disc... the worst part of elfen lied, is that the first disc has none of the touching aspects i speak of in it, and the last episode on it is so morbid it isn't funny... and 9 times out of 10, people who give elfen lied a bad review, only watched the first disc and take everything on face value... even i didn't really like it that much after the first disc, but once i watched the second disc, and i saw the sadness that the characters portray (especially lucy) i stuck with it, and wasn't disapointed..
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